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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 18, 1917, p. 2

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writ afarrluesaiid duaranowet orcwl tmttuio lollwiita imum i irilasa utnlum o i6uito u row 11 crd ton aii4 lie pav llo itrm far poutam t bonn jbltm v at ht ilild 17 tomnjtton hqoar lon ion w c i aland on fjunaay botemcr jlrd 1017 toliout and mn trod j i nson neo mia to losrson of ac lon daugl tor norma lauicio hassacaweya school fair splendid exhibition at brookviup at wljlch school pupils toot much interest harmed waujch ha ho- at tl o ci arch of tbo ascenslo ftontrul on wednesday 10th october 1017 hnjrb ci oaur wallao boo of hug li wallace v acton to oil to mary only daughter omr qoorgo f hanson montreal in memohiam dratft in loving memory of john donny i who died oo october 12th 1010 dear is the spot wt era our dear loved ono 1 laid bwoet la lho momory that nover shall fade food are tl o 1 open that again w6 shall moot kneeling tojjotl cr at jeeua foov llnfl jbhk ixh1t ad jtawily be 2uf on 3fm ms tntmsday october ib 1017 editorial notes tits roduaitiof of tho king procu motion calling up class odo under tho mlllury bervioo ant wl ich appears in this and all other newspapers in canada this week brings canada to tho serious boil dom of eo forcing tho selective draft cheerful and ready compliance with tho condition of tho call a a duty upon all canadians affected in thla uniting time of national character our man at tho front have nobly upheld canada fair name spreading far and wtdo now impres sions of their virility tho young moo la class ono aro of tho samo breed aa tho men at the front that thoy will exhibit ai true a loyalty and ai high a mom of re pooaibiuby as canada army oversoaa there li erery reason to expect tbo national honor require adoqnato rtanforeor roent for oar men at tho front and the selective dralt is tho fairest quickest way to oecuro lb dtaiors tho military organlratlon our domlnloo maintains overseas canada keep up a ooaflldorablo establishment at homo coast defences haro to ho looked after at halifax bydnoy quebec l john and esq oi mas lb again f has tho duty of guarding at homo internment camps railway bridges oto requiring a largo number of men besides hospitals and camps in addition to this then is in homo waters tho canadian naval service which siooo wax began has absorbed 0300 canadians as officers and men with ita as- j soc services all under dlrecs canadian control although far removed from tho ooatral scat of war canada is under tho necessity of keeping up a boalthy military onraolxatlon at homo bocauv this s a world war and in ita many ramiflcations may raias its horrid head from any point of tho compass the first guarantee of effl clout activity at the front is efficient organ ixation and perfect ardor at homo coulttiiujrom past em jr ii and under ansa darragb no 3 dorothy ifcsarund no 1 btalla ebdey no 3 annio i mot no a warrmo ilr iii to hr iv cella itslly no c laura locker no 4 ftitdrod fletcher no 4 tlva taylor no jr ii ts jr iii janes moftt no 4 v blrlno no 0 vara wilson no 5 evolyn iarragh no 3 cookie kdith dredge no 7 mary darby no o ruby elaley no 1 anna allison no 3 margarot mcmillan no t dread vlma wilson no 7 mlnnio sayers no 7 tea 1 bculta mary darby no tt mo drrd norrub no marjori elaioy no- edna pritton no 7 usasio mcorogor no 8 layer cako t mildred norrtab no 4 winnie bayers na 7 btsiu eziy no 3 ileulo ucoregor no 8 lucy elliot no 3 fudge t mary darby no 0 uyrtut richardson no 4 oathshoo moffiodraa no 3 edith jiorrbh na 4 evelyn dar ragh no 3 campbell floor mill spacial i gladys elsloy no 3 isabel laing no 4 siwino apron agues robin na t o alo laugblln no 0 myrtle blaoklock no 3 mary darby na 0 lotuo mclood na x faco cloth besaio kiogsbory na 0 annie lamb no 4 dolls drooa t lucy farcboo na 2 hslsn elliott na 0 work btur sulla elstsy na 3 mivtjal taanrava wall rack rachel mahoo na 2 homo derloo i lottio mclood na 3 faxm dovioo i andrew inglia no 3 lmsroox heavy colt i jabn wajlaoe na 7 qoef cattle john simpson na 8- dairy cw john rlchardacn na 4 bert lamb na 3 aodrsw inglis na 3 spriogiamb i reg wilson na 0 emeus wilson na 0 arthur diamond no b cokturin sewing lottio moleod na 0 agnes robin no 1 flora moffat na 4 velma wilsoo na 7 driving hoys grant campbeo na 3 chsrlio weir na 1 jack wheolihao na 1 driving girls i thelrna lamb na 3 margurst drittoo na 7 horseback hoys grant campbell no 3 robert andorsoo na 4 jack wheel ban no 1 horseback girls hudrod fletcher na the bnittj of a natior a few years ago lb wildest dream of the moot aptbasiaatia optimist wom have soeto d nothing short of lonaoy if it prodiotad reffnlar uiaatreprioea 91 00 76c coo lor any piotnra show put that 1 tho seals set for the birth of a nation i w griffiths matsira spectacle doming to the town hall acton oo uonday 22nd inst what i mora people clamour for tickets and seem qui to sauagsd ibab this mightiest spectacle is worth much more than tho pnoo charged the birth of a natloo has mado soch phenomonal recorda tn london now york chicago bcateo montreal and toronto that it tarely has conspicuous merit the newspapers haro printed columns or land tory dotloe such as have never beiora been giveq to any porformnnoe on the stage or otherwise the toronto daily news of september slsc says the birth of e nation la simple truth and without qualification the moss stupendous spoo- taclo thenlod of ssan has conceivffd lb is too limes bigger than the biggest c reus is has many time more tense drama lo so- tloo than ben hot is shows as no other mod lam of exrjreesion can show the fierce heats of war political ambition and revoego tho thetno is the fortunes of the btoos- mansof tho korth and theoamorons fthe south daring the american civil war sod the more terrible aftermath of the period of reconstruction thomas dlxoos novel the clansmen is the basis of the story from the beginning the film battle scene appear in vigor in numbers in conception they are nothing abort of amas- ing some itumpses of tho deviltries of war appear and the whole thing hi eo earnest that one oonnec believe that it is only a pageant it unfold in 18000 foot nf fllna the thrfllins romaac of the war be tween the state and the reconstruction of the southland borne idea of ita magnl tode may be jud from the fact that 18000 actors and 3000 horse took part and that tho staging of this great outdoor drama cost half a million dollars l read this is where you will find the fatnou3 borsahno wolihauacn and kinp line of hits which for btyle and quality at the price jtnow no equal wr carry the complete line derbies alpines also the new bruh liniili prices s2j50 to 500 famishing jroodi of ovcry description this is lho place whero ypq will find tho largest display of the best quality and at tho most reasonable prices soo our now pan gloves r ie nelson udrl a outfittbn quelph ontario beautiful new furs from the richest to the inexpensive tlehx itbbretisimnts dnr sobaliat dftarrl xtf before yon buy even a childs ncclcpcce r t fee theoo three vital points children cry for fle oasto ria first tlist the fur is trno to nemo not so inferior production- with a high sounding title unc donald fun are just what tbey bectn gl condthat the k arrt ccrcfully put uelt ao i url llcatly tnauhetl vta o t that our fur are v ni if a j well ro isure joufodf on 1hin tliul tho qunllli flj hitmifn ich tl at joti vvlll got tl fftff rtvteo from it ffo o nnititte 6 ir i ir lifvtfir a visit to our pur section will show you whata what in fur for the present and coming ccaoon youuvill enjoy ceinj them and you will be glad your burn dmu fvom marv domlcis eviify tntir you wo it thonik the name style and value trvico ia offered by dl other dlpirtrrteiils of this bir sfore whether in peroonal apparel for men women ind children onm fdrnfbhw mgo lor the home cnuncii flttovicaa 11 00 n tl u phmt r oil u ul jonl tin tumi 1 oltid i uoit in h wttbi ik ip r imi ip u uim ti f- tliutaday tn a j uhx ie llvwaio t ul mx ueimb ah tray or omwr 1m 1 iuim uolt ttmr o s rtwt jai nlktta ftltkr pay n f os limited g gdelphs leadin0 aivd largest st0rb l m wyndhflin macdonaell and cstdea stretu guelph oat i lsllillllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwliilliliiiiiiiiinilinillillliiiiiiiiiiiiiii baluhafai cutada has a liberal conservative irov ornmenb now in fact an- well as in name tho now union government is a farllung stride in the effort of our country to effect tvely do her fatl quota in w nning the work wo have now gorornmoob repre senting the country tho whole country and with a mandate from the country to oonsol idate and conserve all interest and re sources- for a definite and distinct aim politics political influence and party in tereats have at last been shoved to the background and the undivided attention of our ropreoentaxlves in parliament will now no expected to be given to the momentous ni4ttflrjiftranaectlng thn jmalncea nf lho m tscxllameqoa union jack elmer chlaholm no 0 mary job na 7 edna boll na 7 austin diwdgo na 7 orel stewart na 7 ideal ktichon plan mary mcfhedrao na 3 lottio mcleod no 3 catharine mcphedran no 3 lucy elliot na 3 idoel bank barn stablo grant oamp bellna 3 colin dunkie no 3 anniversary ocrrioe wore held in the freabjterian church last sunday bev b f cameron of georgetown conducted the services both morning and evening miss hawkins of toronto assisted the choir and tn be evening she sang two solee miss lillian campbell of toronto visit- ed her parental homo over the weekend miss myra vauatter of toronto spent a coupl of weeks at tha old home hers miss lualla nlcaell of limehouse is pending a few days with mica joan bos- zal country and advancing thointorertaof our military neeessiue wibhoot any coosldsr- auoo of party supporters and their profits and prefennqnt canada hss ettred upon a new era tbeatrong penonnel of tho union government is a splendid assur ance that thore wjl to a rigorous and in telugonb handling of tho many sidod prab leme of tho war and of the countrys public issueo db andebs0n is chosen as conservative nomtnoo for tho house of commons at the conservative convention at mil toe on tuesday dr andezson of hilton was given the nomlnauoo max a smith borlisgtoo and j a wluougbby goorgotown received liberal sopport dr nixon would not accept a nomina tion under any condition mil1taby notes gakada and tho unltl buteo will prob ably bo able to provi le for the allies re quirements cf cereal other than wheat during the next twelve month tho ai lied peoples themsotve have boon econo mizing with wboat and wheat floor as lord nonhcllfto said in montreal there no soch thing an wmto bread in the old conn try from tha kings tahle down ward other oereals are being used 1 ut they can pot bo oacd alone for bread tho allios must add them to wheat flour to mako the war bread now in universal use in furopoan countries the allies matt have a wheats hoar basis for their war loaf unless tho people of canada and the uoilod state are willing to substitute other ceream for part of the wheat flour which thoy normally consume thry will ha denying evon war bread to many thousand of people sub stitution of at lcu ono pannl of other oereals for one oun 1 of wheat flour wook ly perporboh would savo a vary largo quantity of wheat for export it would still be far abort of meeting t o nonnal oodnum ion rrqu rn nont of lho allien 1 ut lb would avn tt e fltutioit nassagaweya ids ngitrm jte innny popple lent think t at tha miltn i tlamn warda ishoul 1 nab two or tlreo amalvur nltniods from ac loo when hro won t oal a score of milton nport 1 qojjdk over the mouutain from bpcjsl faatouni to ami lioilnllo o same djy ao nami ti n ftlocu unta 0fbqbio oi twtr motorcars oull latotro voaled several surpniig bega pi game aod uot all of it shot in ojton eoason ollhor measrs smith m nolli an 1 1 is brou or w j nclufl uusift have uugh mr john o connor 10 000 1 50 acre aim in traroort noaroumtlr mr frank f bayars will shortly reinovo with his family to toro to an ictn alo of bin hot m ol 1 eftrcl will bo bold on weifnoday altar i k 24lh lust tl s removal of thl ogtiniable fa nlly from naasagsaeya is regretted by all crews0ns c0bnebs the farmers are 1 nay attei ding thresh logs and taking tip their root 1 utatoos are ao excollent crop this year toronto pooplo nurtly a the luck tu- hlud klca ssur w tolnaan tinti fo h purchased mr rliulib u nollu farm tht la the third property pur- checttn this neifcdhat forooto parties mr john jgjoloan dallluafad vifitd at mr juhu buriisidee last week mr edrcosoreoelvear notice on satur day that hia son pte rose had been wound od in action in franca pte angus to large who has been oversea since the spring of 1016 has been invalided homo and will probably reach acton in a fow djvyp lieut j g kennedy son of mr i kennedy georgetown was severely woun i ded by gunshot in shouldrrsod neck he is now in hospital in france capt wm toenney r v s son of w it- krnnoy j p is now in pajeulee and exprcu nhortly to reach joruanlem with the british forces now in tho far ot a letter from bugler bobby stewart on monday from witlsy camp said that pte kipling puffer who went overseas with tbo 234th batt is now in france and is a bomb throwor lis at j a mocksy ol the royal flying corps son of mr j uackay oakvills has been reported killed in action hi brother 4pt d u maekay was killed in november 1015 a third son is over as with tho flying corps a letter from mrs the alger toronto says i we w alger who was wounded some time a and spent several months lo e gbah boapilals la bock at the front in france i co charles brother of mr algnr ha boon aerloualy wounded at ths front pie joe fry a lion haro was given a royal rocopt on last friday oo bl return 1 omo fromtl o troncbes ho was mob by uiogio i liand an i i undrodsui cltiaaas who nr r od lira lo 1 u i orao i aro dr a- w n xi a m p 1 tn a splandld add row wolcotnrd tho returned aoldlor hand 1 mnt tl omas manh recoivrd a louor on monday from 1 or t rolbor lte gorg groei who is lu tl o duct oaa of oonoaugbt uotiul at talow i b bio greo waa fitttad i y tl a uma aboil a a tooted 1 to fred wrlgl u itb rouiarkabls that both of ll oe bravo boy oul tod torether j n aotoo havo bcon touther in tle andju oompany oioiism aod in tho treoohap and m all their experiences this la tlieir i first sorlous casualty toronto han buys farm in eramosa mr frederick wolf of toronto has purchased 110 acre in kramosa township belonging to mr r h wansborooxb sale was made by j a willoaghby georgetown not enough children ever receive the proper balance ox food to sufficiently nourish both body and brain during tho growing period this is shown in so many pale faces lean bodies frequent colds and lack of ambiuon all snch children need scotta emul sion and need it now it posseuea in concentrated form tho very food elcs mentstoennchthelrblood it changes weakness to strength it makes them 6turdyjmd strong aoau a bowwc tomato cwx 25 lr2tb49 a w43u q paj canada nic8 itfriuthpatwt a uu u i t tl iflrtiutxi rtx a jumi jm t ao it i away kuull y return u wt ut 11 ml tafca u pj ftnra h0ue ajjd bdios sws rmrr nar m tlpon lrttw idtm ur itmr cma u n v kolthwufdil 1 njrr xul linlim a oiassoenaiuoa tvjuaailuliim- bm hoche wtited to- danoiaan ctveny tx imi o3n litre it george the fifth by the grace of god of the umiedkmgam of great britain and ireland and of the british domnasons be yond the seas king defender of the faith emperor of feufiau to all to whom these pres shall come or whom the same may in anywise concern greeting a proclamation calling out the men comprised in class 1 as described by the military service act 1917 6t6ttjujz the deputy aatmsttr of justkej dr ll plant optoxbtms t ah d taniatt an tx o imrmmto oo georgetown ontario will bo in actoo at mr a t browns ltug sloro on friday of each week for tbo examination testing- and prescribing ojjlasscs hours from a jo to 630 p m waul vour home comfortably heated 3 ft is ipto- vided hr oar lihiti act of canada ke- vtscd statntes of canad190g eboptcr 41 section 9 that oarouvtaixjrqeocralof ca ads la council may place oat mqltia of frs or any part thereof on active service any- j where ia canada and also be yond c for tho defrnm thereof at any timo when it pppf dviaable so to do by reason otfcincrgency a trv atvtrrat3 that part of onr mnitla of canada known ana vv ctcs m thocanadlan ezpedlboiiary force la now engaged in active service overseas for the defence and security of f the preservation of our km rare said of human liberty and jt is necessary owing to the of tha war to provide re- enforccincnts far oar said expeditionary force la m to those whose frtfimatioo or cfronnstaaccn bore permitted them tohohn teert arirv wftjtiorj fey reason of fl ibjo namber of men who ij3u w octcaa j a3xemi i ajrfcoltnral and indus trial pcrsujts in our do of c in order to join our bkpeds- tlonary force as volunteers and by reason of the necessity of mala- talaltia under these conditions the f prodo or ourpat of agri culture and industry in onr said dominion we have determined by and with tho advice and consent of our senate end house of com mon of canada that it is expedient to secure the men so required not by ballot as provided by oar said mitftia act but by aelcctie draft such rccnforcemcot under the provisions of the mffitssy service act 1917 hereinafter referred to aottaxxceed one htsodrcd and whereas s2y523 cana hoiden in tbo 7th and 8th years of onr rden and known mi the hultary service act x917 that errery one of oar male subjects who comes within one of the dosses described and intended by tb said acthad be liable to bo called out on active service in oo can expeditionary forca for the defence of canada either within or beyond canada auhhat his sendee ebon be for the duration of the present war and r after the oacsdasjoo of the war anrl w7ifrrijc the men bo wre naovr the provisions of anu actcas the aid lasti moirircd act liable to bo fthd out are comnriaed in 11 a wv tjotirvmo mateover irennetect ia oncj bv tfie onj ifi hoiden in r 7th and stfa or cue rrfje in known- as the war tfmv rtlerlm act tha certai pera thcrchy disq from voting th t f ttt try ts l pfln wy myjwif rrf ligpl age tnr t rw m 1 1 pi fjoca mfrif trrd n senrice z wuacaa serwce axx that appitmhrnv urfejssnptwsx from ser fr be fr by our v t- cdhumilav baujecc co appeal as tn tbw aaid act pnavuicrf oxui haf any rn by a stobji to rest jimm vplnnla cwibnt tlxjor amwmr full map it uloartbiiltimlkaiaammmulai u aanaid u fovfoarfsip jwasa ut aurtim an i i a seppocstioa tor iriupficn firmi accvicc ia n ihn ao lfg as f appcatioa oc any n in tslcro- with 1 pt and the currency of any t gpgntbtxi him be deemed to be on leave of nbracc wtthnnt pay n t indsnl nx ts askac descdhed and whereas aervicoos aforesaid tho c and n 1 f krf dr now therefore know ye oiu comprblng the men in oar tnd mhitaxy service ad ltt onx hereinbefore defined or deacribed as to toe aaid doaw brinmumc am active service tn our canadian xpcdxdocry fcnat far t ff of f- other within or beyond canada as we may ins case command or direction af oar lubtsxy forces hcrcacer- trfrr ec direct and we do hereby e cccar3androqu3rgnrf man who is a member of the said doss cct cr b tne lath darjr of november r p fm- n m p- fyjy tor military se onleos opjicgatson cr tas jf t it bave been made by him or by sncabcr pecaca eaitled tn scy oxk hss behalf wherein oar laving subject members of the asu class sxsr especlally charged not to fa3 aince not only do their kjyafty oadt allegiance require and impose the omieitmn of csxefjjt assd faopficik obedience to these oar strict commands and m but e over lest our loving subjects should be inaraat of the cneaefjm which will ensue if they fail to report vathca the tae luxated aa a aid we do hereby forewarn and admonnb i that any c thecoctea off eevdiu ifrh r auitiaini3- iy 00nrtoi3lrruuan will u ild tn u -t- dxxqiamiivim banny 3mr ocranan anr ax 30 olook jx m ttauto liamxitat at iutr ctmirilkiii mifr ui lulip 1 apadal iimiituinl to gar ui joeml itnirovonmola mwtacl tax 1 ami iiir n ii joannsnir is3- jsuubtgtl- cucdl blow 6t overholc of the acton machine shop are special 1st of experience in installing- hot water iikatinq systeklb they ore prepared to give figures for any hot water system you may prefer cithef in town or country they are expert steam pit tens and will overhaul and repair any steam or water pipes which are out of eider have you heating system inspected now before cold weather sets in come in and have a talk over beatinff mat era anyhow blow overholt 0 aoo on lanttctaro cuesagu with its jine gramlatioifr- b bel for all preferring n qwt tfjymimmmii athuuio suor henneries timltmslowowa pears for clear white delicately flavored jweeerved pears use lantic sugar fwessw uneobrmj 1 comprised in she classes of which class 1 is 1 tbo said act defined to coosut af ahoar mole subjects ordinarily or at any time since the 4tb day of august 1914 resident in canada who have attained the age of twenty years who were born not earlier than the year 18s3 and were on the 6th day of july 1917 nsmsxricd or are widowers bat have no chilo and wbo arc not within any of the following esntmerated rxceptxonvr 1 members ofcarrcgtuiufcercservw or atfslus by oar army act x members of oar military forces raised by theocynmrntaof any of oar other cvxninions or by oar qovenunent of india 3- men serving in oar royal navy or hj our royal marines or fas our naval service of ca and memhss of our carted tan expeditionary force 4 men wbaf have since august 4th 1014 served in our military or naval forces or in those of oar allies in smy the tie of actual war nd have been benourably d therefrom r 0l clergy including members of any recoaused order of an exchi- sivcly religions character and ministers of all religions drnornlna tions ezlsrinc in canada at the date of the pewainc of oar sejd military service act d those persons exemcted from mlntary eervio by order bt council ot augaet 13th 1 b73 and by order id ccwscilcx decern ber othi 1803 i and whereas 3zzzg5z canada in council amy from thna to time by proclamation call out on active service as aforesaid asiy clas of men tb said act dewcrlbetlv and that h men within the aim so called out shall from the date of such proclamation be deemed to be ec441n enlisted hi the niuiutry aervice of canada and subject to military law save as in the said act ptherwise provided 1 and that the man eo called out shall report and shall bo placed on active service la the canadian kspedltionary force as may be act out in such proclamation or in regulations but that tbey shall until so placed on active service be deemed to bo on leave of absence without pay i anrl whrrrnn lc provided by the sold act that at ana w nereas m baftw dau to be nawi by prpcuroauon on opp caay be mads by or in respect of any man in the doss to be colled out to on of our local tribunal established in the manner provided by tha said act m the province la which such man ordinarily reaidca for a oartifloatt of tosmptloa from aervice upon any of the ftatowtag arammcarwauptiant- a that it is expedient la the national utrrest that ul sua ahwuljj instead of being employed in military service be tngaatd in olntf work in which he is hawtuauy engaged 6 that it 1 expedient in the a instead of being cmpl work in which bo w special qualifications o that it ts expedient in the national interest that instead of bdng employed in military service he should continue to be educated or trained for any work for which ha tf than beinf educated or trained d that scdous barusadp would eneoc if the man were placed on active aervice owing o hi exceptioaal nnsaiciaj of busmsms obligations or dorncstia position i 1u health or infirmity co tpatbeconackqtkxsuvcdectatotben acrvise and is prcalbstsd ft wini 1 client in the national latarset thai the man ihouldi g employed in mill tary service be wnamftd u atf 1 be wishes to be engsgsd and for wwth lis haa hereby called out and who without rcaaooabte r- caua ta re aa aforesaid shall thereby comnv t on nyy for whsda be ahau bet liable on summary convictioki to tmwtriwff- fa any wr net exceeding five years witb hard labour and be aboil ncvexthefeasw fit we trrrtiir- rtrtnpttrtlfnsrttrrr force and we do hereby proclaim xl announce that fee the gre co of our subjects c have dwecfed that pcescxtbed forma for reporting for aervice and for appbcauoa for j from ecrr- ice may at any rime on or before the savl 10th day of nowenxber 1917 bo obtained at any post office in our deaajakn of f sssd that repo for service and qp for cxemptksa from service if obtained at any of oar said post offices and prepcrty cnxnted absq bo forwarded by our postmaatcr at the post office from wd tbr sacne axe obtained to their proper dqrinariona sa by onr rcabstsana sm acrlbedfree of po or any other charge and we do farther inform and notify oar lowhwg wabjecca thsst local tribunals have been ratahllshcd in convcnknt- tbroogboot rn- p nf rnam far tk bearing nfptaatfa sft tm from aervice upon any of the s ground as hcrcsnbcre act oat that these our local tribunals so 1 itililnlxd vnu to att hk s discharge of their duties on the 8th day of november 1917 and that they wiu continue to sit from day to day th aa may be peccssry or convenient at such time and place as shall be doty norifledv antd all applications far crem prion from service abaq boon been heard and dlipoaed of olao that men belonging to the dees hereby celled out who have not previously to the said ftth day of november 1917 reported for service or forwarded appucatsqswi lor exemption through any of our post offices as aforesaid may make applications in person fb exemption from aervice to any of onr swsd tribunal on the 8th 9th or 10th day of november 1917 and we do hereby moreover notify and inform oar loviasf sobjecht who are within the doss hereby colled out that i oat or before the 10th day of november 1917 tbey report tnexuschree for military aervice or lf on or before that day appucatian for exemption from aervice be mode by them or 00 their behalf tbey will not bo lecrusred to report for duty or bo placed upon octlvo ervlcsaa afcrcaakj until m day not earlier than the loth day of december 1917 which w4uj by our regwcrar for thq province la which tbey reported or appaodj be notified to them in writing by regiatcred post at their nspectiva addresses aa given in their reports for service or appllcatlona for ex caption from aervice or at ouch substituted addresses as they may have respe ojgnlflcdt to our aaid registrar and we do hereby inform forewarn and admonish the men belonging to the hots hereby called out that if any of them ahau without just and sufficient eauscj sail to report for duty at tho time and place required by notice m writing so posted or shall fall to report for duty as otherwise by isw required he shall bo subject to the procedure pains and penal tics by law prescribed as against military deserters of all of which our loving subjects and all other whom these present may concern are hereby required to take notice re strict ebtdlence to and t with oil these ear coenrnsno dlrsctioo and requirements and g themselves ocoordingsy in testimony whereof ets fif eat and tha qreac beol of canada to be hereunto affixed wit- messi our right trusty and slight entirely beloved coualn and counsellor victor chrivtisnwuuain duke of devonshire mara uses of hardngton karl of devonshire earl of burungtaty baron cavendish of hardwieke baron cavendish of kdghley knight rfcnir meet noble order of the garter one of our most honourable privy council a knlgbt grand cross of our most phtiaguubed order of baint michael and saint george knight croud cross of our royal victorian order governorgeneral and nptmv of our dominion of canada at our oowiurdcnt house in our city of ottawa this twelfth day of october in the year of our lord one thousand nine hundred and scventccni and in the eighth yea of ourrdgn fjy command atjctioksaue a3 aatiatsrmtt r ft rtous3iirioej goods- theonduraigticd lnu been been natmct cuby inuusrr aanma ta jdl by puhlli wli uu ut h ru ion en iauyem mill lut cuu 1 vau- ingnivayn an tkraaracraaeii d at ann a uncit minn t ju folluw n c aail lining mom suite cxh a- ux 1 enmrs e paxinr uu u s ocilnum i u with dreaucri luunj ca l uir h u i hoard c kalchcn mphoard tr r ix- t h inllicnf tadlu luumli u t ux owe titoua pipe3 tiiw lini3i lnu i fnictnrea dour ciitac wr 1 ng jtni kjaulenuiainvc ruck iiij ciiair n c callcnck r wnuhiur natlirc tvcrii otiajtxhltiai luxso- ret- p3tl r 3aul laercanica 0tberaccti1ntuo nnmi n u mennun c largn- hoi t- ui crotl vumli terms casee to kcmc ojjrpv printeir una solil the- pnmisei ui j- 0xclqulljrx aim turnip shipping farries st mullm boacwqoouidaczok are in the turnip bam ness at acton as usual and will continue pei raanentlj highcbt cash prices paid lor an quantit of good quaht turnips delivered at acton sta ion notice prcuat price 1 for electric light lamps i i i from so doing by the t dxui day of july 1917 v pw aoing oy un tenets and articles of faith ta effect aa the- sixth day of july 1917 of any organised religious hinitrwl l a n and that if any of the grounds of such sppikotjon be esuhulwd n certlncate of exemption aboil bo granted to suebmsm ijndwsoobsiyotgwn tungitcu 15 and to watt 33t tungsten 40 watt 4c tunnten 6a watt 45 ct nttro gas nl vd 60 watt alio hydroelectric irons each 350 h ma b btalnod at k rppvic hyndb nl u bo u electric light bill h d 5 nbw wonderland i widav octobkh 10 witb anita amt thfc gild puilippa batundat qotobltn oo kunni lih helen holme m i lkor j pu kith chrtio chaplin tuboday ootodktl u i i i10i0 14 ux llbott wl fno ucjomi tioa or uv dcv with jajna moitison 0 r l gregory adastl tlutbt- abajhli

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