Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 18, 1917, p. 4

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bc 3thut 3rrc tyvcsi 11hhih1 lhlrim 1117 slll py tjmi fib icar lorn it ithw ii l lotltoimfiim h l uni i t 1 i i ttlini tltomiij hnll kill i i iii i loj shout i i- tti i m j i i hiilw1hii i nt l j r hiupi il 1 11 u up i3 uto tiiiswaggln stick ihcoo cuto littlo h uuckn that offleeni in ui id ru aio carry in oji the etrcot orn il o muiw if military in uioir apcoraiirc til htllo eftltn nomotltnon nob moro lhan a ixil nd a- hh ltwc a tnoro augi wilivo o clhcmmaay uian of nui- cuhno pwdj jcr tho hw agger illicit an nearly an us rigin con bo tmcol wmq from joyuod vrhcta in ilaya tl piping peace llio htiljitto cry tight dresiuiy uniform mado it almost i in poult lo for him totliihwo of lin hands when walking alxiut off duty ami it apparently ijccamo tiocmi ory for him u have nomothi k to carry and twirl in inuiui the private noldlar cimmi kvrojyjor htick an well a the officer thoy aro mconruoua with khajii hut pub a tiglil rod tuulo on man and a ray littlo pill bos on tho ido of hla hood and tho auck bocomca logical enough- how ovor swagger nucltn oro not corned in tho tronebca poovuh polo reatlea4 and aicltly chil- dron ono their condition to wormn moth en uravoa worm lx terminator will relievo thorn aadronloro health lifebuoy for the counterattack all day long hes hocn standing tho attqolca of dirt dust grime germs ond microbes now for tho counterattack lifebuoy lo tho front 1 ita rich crcanrylathcribrokinr shampoo and bath or for bocks shirta handkerchiefs etc makes short work of tho enemy health soap is more than soap finest of all oonpg though it is oebuoyhas splendid antiseptic and germicidal power as well ita mission is to clean ond purify send your soldier a packago ot lifebuoy hell appreciate it lever brothers limited toxtoltto children ory for fletchers casto r i a dickies deductioh a teacher oakod her chutu to wnto on essay on london sho woa surprised to read tho following oae attempt the poqplo of london ore noted for their otapidity tho young author was oakod bow ho got thai idea please mlas was tho reply it bays in tho text book tho population of london la very dense there b no help for tho case or o man who cant got a servant my fort a an ia maid soul tho young nuuj who had jajit becomo eogagpd to on heir tho reputation of being a good follow never helped a man at a bank a kin la a thing of no uso to ono but much priced by t o- tubm about is fa1h play yoaaro making uptttat protcripuon as i would remarked tho ntrangcr who had dropped in dump in a littlo of this and a pinch of that whafc do you moan t are you a drug ffiatr no7 then why do you tll mo how to run my aubinesit oh im tho manager of tho ball team i notice you in tho bloachora occasionally andlajr mo unsolicited advice svere heafjachet caused by sl0gc1sh lives evbcn the liver becomea pluggi tad inactive tho bowcla becomo conalipftted tho todguc becomes coated the brcaui bad tho ptomnrh mil orid th e headaches heartburn floating apocia before the eyes water hrah btltmtnnff and all kinds of iirtx troubles muhuma laxatavtx pilu will stima- lftio alupbwh jivcf clean tho foul ooaicd tottjuc bwcctcn tho bout uto and bamah tho diaagrceablo hrdfbfa mrs a sbublcry ilahjax n a wntefl i toko pleasure in writing yoo eonctnunj the fjreat value i have re- ctrd by usmp milburn laxalivra tiua for a aluggiab u ex when my iivu cot bod i would barn aevrre headaches but after using ft couple of iiali of your pills i have not been botlcrrd any mrrv milliurna laxz l lt pills are 25c a vial nt r 1 d t r railrtl durct o- tccrjpt of t tc y nj r milburn co limited loranto odu afxeajipace pertly woman puahing bar way futo a police lotion 1 oooyoo have arretted a ma wboo mind t a blank officer yfp have madam portly woman then plcoao bring him out oo that i may have a took at bim my henry didnt come home lt niht and that a fairly good docripuon of bim children ory for fletchers casxo r i a corns and varta disappear whoo uuuii with ilollowoya corn cure without louvlng tho largoat ajca havo ouly huloou ounooa of brain tho lowest j men lutu thirty nioo thore is tumiy a joung man who i nl lo to tut into a furtuuu tlut oaimut orvo no thore ore tai 1 to lo fifty thuuii mu cloa in an elophaiil a trunk would waken up in distress thrro la nothing uiat linngn with tt uch finr of inptimuikdiath aa to woto up n tlu n glit with tho heart iiounding and thuiiipnur lluj unrrtain and ir regular hinxt action caunoo ih griatcat dbtrcaa of botli mind nnd lody milbornfl heart and nuvo pilhj atrenflthen and mvigurnto uio in art eo that it beats strong and njular and tono up uio nrxoua yotcm oo that tho causa ot eo much anxiety brcoiatj a thing of tho pant mr archio uraumont ldgottn ijmd- injr n p wrilca iiav utn bothmxl with my heart and nrrvm for about sue yrara caivkxl byovi nvtirk nnd worry my heart was so bad i wtttild wltu up several thiws during tlm night in pnat dmtrttbj and my iirart thiuupiiig alout year ago i took three boxes of md- bttrns lilort and n rvi 1illa and thoy helped mo a gixat deal milbums llcart mid ntrvc pillri mm 60c per box at nil ilnler or niiiltxl direel on reeejpt of itrnt by llio 1 mil- burn co luuiuxl 1 uruutu out news topics op the week ui 1 is11 i eti rlioro loitiiitti hnvu milted for n lioird or onrilljillnn a llritl iti rxxl tnltiilou hui arrlvod in tlm united e lutrn imiil northrllft i ilil tho jorinan mi ha uro hui ulnj auk rlcan tratin portn ir hun vat n will ho uunlnliid by tin now boad or tho chlnroo ilo- publlc tho nownnrlnt intitiiry boforo corny mlmiloiifir irlnf lo wan r named at ottawa two uto 1 flnhnry cruiiujrd worn lauiirbod at collliu wood for tho naval scrvjro dnpartmont oollcctoni in tho two day campaign for 18000 for tho hamilton y u o a obtained j7d39 in ono day a dominion wldo campaign to ralno 300000 for mothodint mis sions will bo inauguratod on october mm leilectei if was sick foq rsofltus you nhould never neglect a cold how ever hiiriii if you do not treat it h timo it will in nil nonnibility develop into bronrbitiii pnrumoma aiithma or eomc oilier in noiu tliront or lung trouble on tlu firt a gn of a cold or cough it is advuiiblb to curt it at once and not let it run on for an unlcjinito period i or tli in put a t thrro is nothing to cju j dr mood ii norway pino syrup a ruiady tlwt hau boon univerually ual by uiouaandj for over twcntyflvo you do not cjpcninint when you buy il mrs w g patmit hmiths rolls ont wntai i um troubled with la- grtppi i rtuikht rold nnd neglect it and uusiackfur livual monuia i took thrco bottlivi of lr woodo norway ii n hynip nnd ikforu i flntnhcrl tho lait oiu i wa1 ntimly cured i would not liac any otlur cough mcdicino m tho house it alo cured my baliy who won very oiclt with bninr illi hho had tho doc tor thrco tunii iintl hit rconunended ir wood u i highly rocommend it to uioi who nnd a quick euro sco that you gtt dr woods norway pine byrup whin you oak for it do not aceipt a iiubsiitutt it in put up in a i ii iw wrij r tlireo pine trecj uio nnd 50c manu- irnco- lb in wio to provont disordor many causes iimul to dunrdont of tho olomach and fow are froo from thorn at tho firot tnaoi f dotation that tho ntomach and liver oro not ior forming utoir function a course of larmoloon vogotablo pills nhould bo triod and ib will bo found that tho digoativo organs will upoodily rosurno healthy action laxatives kjj acdativos aro no blouded in theao pills that no other preparation could o bo ofttiotivo as thoy castor for infants and children in use for over 30 years always bears the signature of u tho wifo boater is supposed to liavo drank of llio olixer of life porfoctly white cats if thoy have bluo oyes aro nearly alway deaf tho solid nutriment in an egg equals ono uilrd its weight trudouiffk 1 focturtd only by t limited loranto ont long standing asthma many havo huuurcd so long from authmaond have triod so many w crtllf i remodios uioy think that tboro ti no real lialp for theiu thoy ehould ruail tho in t tern received by tho jnanufacturupiol dr j i kollogga aslh desporato as tloir own lvon in long neglected coses this preparation brings prompt help a man who doom b know anything is pretty sure to tell lb the drat chance he gets gad to go to bed kidneys so bad could not stand straight women uhould not despair even d tiny aro troubled with oovero paina in the uido or back and not abtb to attend to their household duties tho kidneys of course aro to hlamo nino tunes out of ten but they con bo eroinplly and ncrrnanrntly mado healthy y tho use of doons jodnoy pilk itnj hm jnnaen patldogsaet wntca ll jbjfrrttto rccom- inend doans kidney pills to anyone having weak hidnoyu aa they have been a great help to me a month ago my kidiuyu wlro oo bad that i hod oovero pamn in my sidea and bock and it was impoiwihlo for nic to otand ntroighl i tliin lot so tad i liad to go to bed and wan tliat way for a week wo sent for ooinu ioanti kulnly iilb and i liavo taken juit about ono box nnd now i am able to bo up and do my own work i am certainly grateful for tho good they havo done me to ensure- gctung doans ilney fills when you nik for them see that thoy aro put up in an oblong grey box with our trade mark of a maplo leaf on tho lobci ivieo 0e jicr lox nt olf dealers or mailed direct on n c ipt ofpneo by the t milburn co limited toronto ont for forty years lydia e pinkhams vegetable compound has been womans most reliable medicine here is more proof to women who are suffering from some form of womans special ills and have a constant fear of breaking down the three following letters ought to bnng hope north crandon wli when i wna 10 yooro old i got murrkd and at 18 yoara i gavu birth to twuu iiml it lufl in witli very xoor huillb i could not walk uorotjs thu uoor without havuig to uit down to ruit and it was hard for uio to koop about and do my work i wont to a doctor and ho told niu i had a duiplaoluuntand ulcxra and would havo u liuo uii oiwrutlou llila frlghtonod uio tto muui unit i dul not know whut to do uavinp liiuml of lydia u pjnkhauri vtkuuiblo compomid i uioiiklit i would kivo it a trial und il imulo mu aa wul uj uvur i cannot ay cnoiiitu in favor of tho tlukhaou rruodul lira mayam aauiuir north cnuuiou wia testimony from ohlnhoma lawton okli m i upm to talai lydia e rinlthom vop tublo ouuixjuiid i iumtd to lw pood for nofjunu i tired tuy and had hoadaclici much of uio timu and vni lrrcyailar i took ltapun lcxiru mitlltuo iliild was bom and it did mo a wondlrful amount of kood at that umo i uuvur fad to rtxoimncnd lydia lil llnumma vjtctabh compound ui allmg womon ijcuiumj it iiaa dono bo much lor uio mra a l mgcahtnnd coo iiao bl lawtoivooia from a grateful massachusetts woman itoxbury maua i vua uulvuriii from mtlani- luatioii and won oxauilnod by a physlciuii who found utat my troublo waa oaiuetl by a tlbiplacunu nt my hvmpumu wuru buirlnj down um v baikaclu ami hhnrklsli hvor i triod uonral kli dd of mctu i mo un i ww uukbd u try lydia t llnkhaius vtjliulo compound it luu curul mo and lam phtlii d to bu in my umal ood liualui by iauiit it ttnd iitlily ncnmqwnd it mm b m oatioois 1 uaiils llirk itoxlittry miihh if you want hrhxlaj ajvico writei u lydia 11 ilnuiiam modloluo jo conlldoutiiil lyrin aliuia yonr lottnr will boopomxj reoilsuul riuui wcrotl bvawomiuiand brlu tn strict oonlulonoe olifl n tno mont impnrlint flnan clnl confirenr t iir it id in iho do minion took plan i i oil awn between lord itoading l nt rortlirhfto and othor ninmltoni r f th dritluh ulnalon and canadian mlii itnrn and bankers imonhv of ail rln uurprlno aa- 1 by tho italian warded tho d nttneka in tho w oro repulsod by 14 tho coal oltuatlon in declared hot ter in canada than a year aro tho ntoppago of ah i pin un a from tho united suuoabolah bollovod only toiupprary tho ilrockvlllo mayor and council havo accepted tho mlrdntorlal ao- iioclatlonu invitation to attend a monthly lntorceiuiory oorvlco jn con auction with tho war chatham mochanlcn tho hoard of trado and city counril will ank tho food controller in havo tho embargo on ultorarfcjrj iu importation ro- movt d durliil uio war tho ottawa aehool troublo in to eo back into the courts in a roforonco to thu appt utile division to dot er mine tbo validity of tho leglslatloa panned at tbo laiit uemilou of tho logiulaturo tiiuk4iay heavy auiitrl ui ittacka wero re- pubted by com ml i udorna a troops tho rrcubytorlan coiilbo at mont real haa complutud fifty yoara of work ono lirltluh flyer rtcontly di- purnud a company of coo carman troopa tun months havo boon gained la tho manufacture or american do 0 troy orn tho ftrot clanji of rocrultu under tho military sorvicp art will bu cail- od up on haturday october 13 caytaln hugh aird non of sir john and lady alrd la reportod mlaulnf by tno hoyol naval air ser vice it la polnlod out that tranaporta tion aad other charges will lncreaao tbo price of ontario qiih at othor polntu hon robt ro era ex minister of public works huu been offcrod nom ination by tho conuorvativeo of north winnipeg tho province baa ordorod a nurvoy of woato landn with a view tr- on- couraglnr lnvcstoru to take up ahocp arnl cattlu ranchlnr mr ciiarlua c itallantyne a promlnont bunlncau man of montreal has boon appointed minister of pub lic workn and won uworn in at ot tawa tho canadian pacific hallway co and ita telegraphers have nj rood to accept tho award of thu board of conciliation aa to increases of waj en former kin constantino of greoco isauod from hla retire mont yesterday annouueu a gift of 1000 franca to the jouinh rufueocd from tho salonlca lire claroncft i do lol t holglan consul of montreaj hun warned canadian oxportcra of the oporitlon in canada of gorman iucutu who aru no n ding rublx r to qormany via holland tho canadian patriotic fund ex- ocutlvo lutlmatou tho need of tho fund for 1318 at 12 000000 up to tho ond of september tboro had boon paid in altogether n 000 i moav prohibition carried la quoboo city by 2 200 majority a heavy nxtlllory battle on tho iuta front wan reported by tho ituaauina lieut oon srauta nald tho dor- man air attacks against london would prove a turrlblo boomerang about iso younj id ian do m from ponnaylvanla arrivod at tho military training ryimp at tilaxarnon i lako a report of tho highways jj ranch ohowo that 28000000 has boon apont upon good roadu in tho lout ton yearn in ontario tory catholics will wait upon tho goyernjnont to protect against tho appointment of a bod catholic to tho vacant llcenuo lnjpoctorshlp according to tho data of tho mo- thodlat mission board forty per cont of tho papulation in tho west orn provlnco1 are hod english tho anglican synod of the ec clesiastical provinco of canada do- cldod by a voto of 34 to 4 to ask tho oon oral synod to authority tho uao of pray era for tbo dead dr michael clark m i of hod door alta- thanks mr v il lalor m p for hla off or of a neat if bo gots a convolution nomination but doc tinea to bo a candida to in haldl mnnd tho oboorvor dally and weekly itoform and thu cauadlau week ly conservauvo of sarnla have been merged into ono ndupendent dally and wookly paper tho cana dian obuorvar truatoo houston attacked tho pro- poaal lo bold an investigation into tho building diipaxtmant of tho board of lducatlou claiming that then nhould bo un inquiry into tho whole educational uyutom tho indiana of ontario iu grand council at cbeiiiong near potor- boro votld down by a lurao major ltv a prupuual to usk ojtomdtlon xoai drafting under tho military survlco act but thoy also la a digni fied way mado an urgout domand for the tranchlao as a right withheld and afl won by nervioo in wax battlltpay pelorboro made a request for a ton of tlsh ninatoi halo or maine donlod that copirmo woi politically divided iho peruonnol of keronolcya cooll tiou ablnut wua- unofficially an- uohlllctl 1 ho tolul of war appropriations of tho united mutes to dato oxcoeda j i oao ooo ooo major jem rul h c mowbdrn is to ho taken into mir hubert burdena 1 uulon cubinut as minister or militia license inspector 1 d mdoallum of ljrst former m p p tor uaol lambtou dlod suddenly ut mount clumonn mich ihu win tho- war leloctoial absoo- lotion of weatmount ht henri ha been formed tosupport a candidate iu tho eloction throatonlng luttera rocclvod by matthovr pord a farmoi la uaat korah towuahlp lod to tho arrcut of a neighbors wife tt l ilrackin liberal tandldato lu weill kent and a ii mtcon m i t mado atartllut ullaatlgufl at a i mooting lu chatham hallway powur and miding do i votopmunt planned in okauakoa and illmilkamooa valloys ll c tavolvos an outlay of moro than ifloooqqo lnur hundred and twenty two porolod men from canadian ponltsp- tlarios havo volunteered for ovorweaj oorvlco and havo done oicodtloaally well iho dominions rowonuo for the alz months ending with septmner was 1j7477004 almost 14 mil- lions moro than for th samo period hut vox a onri naultu wero elucl captain w a john itodinood i 1 o kunalni trooi dlltoront uolntii front htronr german cliampagnn rnrmon tho tronch hov trovor h davjcs was induct ad aa pastor at tho metropolitan church toronto london ratopnyem votod on hatur day by a rpajorltyor 1170 to havo a civic coal yard ijout general currio wlaltod tho canadian ofncor training bchool at uczhlll lnfjaqd louis turraol a iyonch deputy was arrcti ted on a chargo of com merce with tlio enemy aumaoriadua orjjinjiattoilln to bo created throur bout canada to cam- palf ii for j ico 000 000 for tho vic tory ihn i tho government haa paaood an order in council temporarily taking over tho nlovatom at port william and port arthur word ruachi d the city that cade d a swavw turn of judffo swoyao of i ludfljy bad boin killed whllo llyii rn i amp borden dr i b drake of london for btoril yearn hoiiii nurgeon in tho huipllil iniia r h phyblcinn dfod mdd nly at hln homo a now achoirfo to dam tho sl law rence hui beou ootfioiug aulotly and i conipiny it lu said will apply for ntluirity wlttiin thu next two wooka i ivo percons one a woman woro lrownud when tbo bar go athonn co il laden broko in two and foun der d in a galo twenty flvo muoa from bouthainptnn in lako huron a short tlmu a u returned aoldiars honorably dlaclurpcd and who woro cupoyod in tho civil oorvlco in to- ro ito rcooivou notlco to report for medical examination under tho mili tary sorvlco act secretary law of tho great war veterans wired hon al etolglwja for further information in regard to this and recolvod tho reply that returned cold lorn honor ably discharged who havo been in franco will not bo subject to tho provisions of tho military sorvlco acl this ruling it lo understood applies to returned sold lore in all parts of canada tui4day tho ru anion cabinet crisis hi over italys wheat crop lo reported short tho iuioalan railway atruto has boon only partly ertectiro tbo austrian base was badly dam aged by tui italian surprise attack el ova torn at tlyi head of tho resumed operations under director l h boyd it fa probablo that tno use of gmta tor alcoholic beverages will bo pro hibited in canada ecuador will not officially rocotro tho gorman minis tor to porn if ho trios to go thoro howard putnam blackamith of philupsvlllo nosr brockvluo wan found dead in a pasture hold albert scambrook merchant of potrolca whllo apparently in tho boat of health dropped dead on tho btroot th rough mistaken idontlty an amorlcan war veoool qrod upon an italian submarine killing ano officer and ono pallor thos martin whllo ushinn near hla homo at washburn on tho ri- doaai canal fell in preaumaiuy ultt fit and waa drowno- jiog been appoint ed superintendent of tho goodutic survey of canada tuecitdinr tho ivadr w i k n tho canadian rruignier lrto a graham hi reported broken iu two and probably a total lusu at south bay off manltouun island laku huron in sundays calu thu crow lo bolfovod oafc the headauartra of military dis trict no 2 moved from carup bor den lo tho old technical school on callor elrit t toronto and tho drst ilolaehuiont lofl tuiip jtocdau on ihr rek to thu clty ichiri camp baa r cevi n in i it l 2 j louru cfiilldrebb ry for fletchers tho kind yfltf jinvo alwayn bohrdit and which haa been ia u30 for over thirty ycaru baa boxuo the denature of kind haa been made under hla per- conal cupcrvislou cinoo ita infancy allrror no one to dccclvo you in thia all counterfcita imltatlana and juctascood are but expcrimentii that trillo with and endaneer tho health of infanta and cuhircn epcrlcrico again ejcperirnerit what is castors a coctoria is a bannlcwi cabstituto for cactnr on pareeorlc drops and soothinn symp it io pleasant it contaido n op t mnrphln ti nthrr nnreotle rmbctancc ito c o lo ito puirantcc for moro than thirty ycaro it haa been in constant uso for tho relief of conctipatlon flatulency wind colic and diarrhoea allaying fcverishnecq arising therefrom and by rxeulotinr the stomach nnd bowcla nidfl tho aedmilation of food rivihr healthy and untriml olceijw the chiidteao panacea- the mothexn friend daeswuune always years the klncs you havo always bought oapital ct7jooyooo nebehvb fund3 and undivided pnopnh voojoo the merchants bank of canada sir ii monuikuo allan c v o president d c m sen row general manager look to the future times may dioage and wotl becomo les3 plentiful for you with advanced years and you will havo no cuch help anywhere aa your nice littlo fow 1 und rex 1 dollam caved in coma sound canadian bank defflo how wim only ona dollsv moko a hobby of il sco how far behind you can icavo vounlia and hard times abovo all thmgs do not look backward m your run to tho harbor of comfort 333 branches 111 canada iarrncrs bmuncss cohcitcd action branch l b shorey manager l5s6s6ssss6ss55sss5sci hmiffl k alll fl 1 u allf livings fame to d ay i wl iiavi prl si itvini tiat in pkl si kvinr ill a us riiliomaiol comcoitlj gilaprs ci i lhy cki i n pippi us wiiitk im ivi inf onion potatoi s cahbam lvlrytliint jn nl i irl sl gko i ki1 s j r livingstone urooarlos and provlflloaa acton ont liuit1sd hour national for p stry ner val and kinds choic for bread rolled oats oatmeal and grab am flour timothy seed wp pay the highest mirket price for all kinds of grain j l warhen hanaflb telepuonb mo 4fl increos your earnlnffpowcp yoocrnl clirl blraeu torpnto omtkrio hu lalelv imbii niiej in all million t from jotoflooa oiodui and otliora up io s30co nnt ajintinj it pt ttl upior trlrt lo writs tor ctlqo0 lulu uf uml w j elliott pvln collbsllbl records cebo bcol os mnaic on tbo best of records for sale by c c speight acton enincii cine of a ford and drive ry it just oncol ahu your fruml to lt you pilot hu car on on open atrotch youll liko it and will imj unnjjl how iaily tho ird u luuadlod and driven t ifyou havq novor folt uio thrill of drivmir ir own car thiru u bomo- thlnff eopd 111 atoru for you it u vauy dilln nt irom jut ridinir oeins a ijasotingor and cjpecially to if you dnvo a i ord younrboya giru women and oven trrandfjtlicr- tlioujind i of tliem oro dnvine vord cara und enjoyinjr it a i ord tuni and blurt in trail c with exceptional eaao und aniootiinii whllo on country roacu und huu ita utrenffth und power ahow to advantat buy n tord ond you will want to bu bchuid tho wheel coaaumtly runabout 475 touring 495 coupclet g95 the universal car sov 890 f y 0 ii ixrv ont ha coxc dealer acton hcton and bvs liki having purchjjcd iholivccy and ootlwill if iho lluhie from mr a ucluim i wlictt uiih cohridunce the iiatronajjo t tho pnblic comfortable riga 1 upplicl ut reasonable ratc specul nrtlnliod ti t upilyin convevaiicca for ucddinci and fnuertl motor car fuintidicd wliru re quire us mbttxi all tltalnr- 1 l e atkinson acton ont ndnnnnaaauaor grain ii chopping s 11 n n well done and y quickly at only j 5 cents per bag harris co limited uockwood oaaunuuuuuuuu wbeu you ted boots shoes at any time s 11uv f0m w williams 1 acton ontario lamuu i k satisfactory footwear k1asonai1i li ihii l i

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