Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 25, 1917, p. 2

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nirtlia iurrurrn nr ninn laiuijm arltiii on tiiolny j1m op to lr 1017 hamuol mint i hu with caf hat at oartwnirht mnn on bun lay 7tlioctnlrr 1017 llourt jamr hay norm f li tts if liu hay fonnorly if aruw in 1 i 47ih jrar chaise awi mulorl l wit tor into on wvrtl ort iw 17tli 1ui7 william ii rnlnn ho of tho late ilobcrt cralnc forinorl ol arlon tiiuiuday octoiiul 3 1017 editorial notes a luuiibeufs llnf loutied at otuwi that lenona canylctcd of making notliuoua utuintooon aro liablo to a fioo of 5 000 or b tarm offlvo yeara in tlio pcnitcnuar or both undar uio defonco of canada act it wm undar uila act uiaa a foreign horn fodifdal wumontqncvtlto two yoani in tho kingaun toniurauary after coliricuon n toronto recently nations at war ro- qqlrs torao noch act aa this ono in order to protect tho law abiding oloroonta of tho country tram uio roijrn of torror which habitnolly follows open wditlouaproppm da apart altogether from tho military qoastiod concerned canada ha cfficlonb legialatito protection acainsb ouch diaardor and official hero orouotorminod that should occasion ariao lb will bo onforcod withoot qultocation a soldirn s spundid letter j to i rlwln i id ry mini write in- toiuutil paitlculuriof vi it whlloon lcttvo ihu fll lf imlr wo wook from 1 fi i if in u i porrj mnn by mi in allien im rfir ib my i m v i i of aujmi l llli ui lih hill 1 i hatopl iiuiiilii trmip 4rpt 11th 1017 vnnr intormtiiii- lnrtr ol ntir 1 16 l tmtoranodt tho dominion than is a tory manifest fooling in faror of tho union gororomcut wbodo primary pnrpoao la an noonood to win tho war in many ridintw throagbontcanadawin tho wo candidate ars baiog chooon by both political parties jointly and will bo oloetd by acclamation in mtcrml of tho ecaoties adjoining bur own this coarao la belnp soriontly coaaidor- od whyahoald not tho pahtlcal parties of hal ton coonty get together and docido to drop politics during tho war and unit pon ooo man on tho countys rfiproaontauro in tho hooao of ccmmooa either mr grejforr or dr anderson would mako a oaofnl and satisfactory momber of parlia ment noilbur of them has boon a hldo- boond party mao in the past sarrondarinff tho right to think and act for himself if oar electors will unite on onoof those aomln ees the countys beat intenntn will le wall conserved andoue pooplo will tnatpe the ainal turmoil andnoseemly blctcrringnofan election and party stnfo will not bo ao tthior oovebkmehts flatf0hbt a comprehensive and generally ac- cp table programmo the bow- union government has outlined its very broad platform and pledges itself to administer pablicaffiura and effeebrflf orma on the fallowing basis proriae necessary retnforoementa for oar army by means of tho military sarrieo acl civil service reform to bo extend od to ooteida berrioo and appointments to public errice by morib alona extension of iranchlm to women adequate taxation of war profits an increased income tax gooperative management of all railway systems in canada thoenooqragcmonb of shipbuilding m tho establishment of national steamship 11 oes on both oceans and tho groat lakoa redaction of expenditure avoidance of waste and oncourogemant of thrift vigorous immigration and colonization with inereaaed agricultural production ssaotlv care of and- asslstanoo to ro- frarned and demebuized soldiers adjqtial pension a ffbctlrd measures to prevent oxcoauvd proflts provaotioo ef coeabinat tons for tho in crease of prices encouragement of cooperation among farms to diminish the cost of pradactlon and marketing and consequent reduction of oost of living to conjatner development and conservation of the resooroea of canada adequate consideration of tho needs of the working people so as to assure to them through conditions of employment tnl labia riandarda ofjivipfr improved understanding between the ean and west two pormanflnji committees xx the cab- sines one to prosecute tho war and tho other to study postwar problems splendiayork op eed cross the activities or tho ladlos of acton elder and junior the work of the ladies of acton who are active in rod cross needs is highly com mandiblo the noble hands of tho elderly ladies the intermediates and tho juniors are aooompllahlag much in supplying com forts for oar soldiers in the tranches in ike hospitals and in the military camps since ut report the following have been sot orenaeaa by tho wnlor ited cross 405 pairs hand knit tocka 20chriattnaa parcels containing christ ma cake cooktoa imjcka soap handkerohufs chawing gurrf choooiau 2 dread nf gown 422 pyjama suits 1 quul 40 nmall hospital pillows 12 coca fort cape 7 tba intermediate iwl cnws irlr hat 220 atnbulanoo cape 0 pairs socks 30 comfort hags fully quipped the junior hod croen uu1h hha am sent forwartl genoroiiti contnt uliunn o ujoir wk the cjtmaii of thu in iui f tin homo lukl croat ha rcauluxl in uio contnl uuui of about 9220 for proxout activities iio llot lljllvl it i ik imiilhn in rvaiv itocnuul hnnld nirklxtn adilrohi and i had a vitlt with nruiml icrryman in vil loy cami itvit weou i hail my pann i teu daya ui blighty and will give yo 1 a oi nfidotits of my tni i noiil eight days in cjlonyow tlio dn f my tvrrlval i mot a wm of my rcgimont- 1 scroantmojor and ojxiiit a vory pleas t um with him wo vlnitod and room od on tho bonny bankn of the clilo and had ten with a friend of his in old ki put- tic k tlnn friend wan 000 of the head ojicinocrn in john urowiis ship yardn near ilttj the next two clays i aailed on uia clyde and visited all point of inter tlio following day i d olive rod a loiter uiat my it h m gavo mo whop i wi leaving on my porta i naw tho gantlonu at ins hualnoas place he was oogaged ui til 4 45 ptrii hub introduced me to a friend who took me to uio municipal batldings of glasgow ho in turn introduced mo to the lort provoab and i was thawn all uirough tho buildingn aa one of tlio groat canadian heroes of vi ray ridge of april 0 1c i sat in theitoyal clialm etc then i visited tho art museum which proved vary interesting at 4 40 i returned to the gentleman re ferred to and found him to be william gerdon eeq ho took mo home with him for tea during our conversation he asked mo where i came from in canada and if i knew a place called goolph and whether i had ever hoard of a gentleman in that vicinity by the dame of john gordon who had a daughter named bella and whoso farm homo was known as gordon hall ho is a nephew of tho lato mr jno gordon when lb tnmpd out thab i knew his rela uvea in canada so well ho aim ply could nob do onoagh far me my time there yoa may he snro was moat onjoynhle well i visited the points of interest in and around tho city and had a trip to loch lemond and to invrmnud via balloch i was at braces cavo rob roys cavo and other places iaeturnod to london and went out to witley camp and spent a couple of days there and had a good time with cousin perry wataon eraoat ferryman was in tho hospital and i only saw him a few mlu tites 1 saw molvln sopor and a number of other acton boys yoa may bo ouro wo had 00 mo groat old timo chats which i en joyed thus onded my ten days in blighty and i am back at the front again remomhor roe to all acton friends it is getting rather noisy hero where 1 am now and i must close i am in good health and hope you all are at borne your loving kophow edwth chatty lettebfr0m sot george written in tho trenches in franco four wooks ago somewhere in france sept 27th 1017 dear mr moore since my iait letter george cook and i have seen what the trenches really are i might say i am writing this letter in the trenches and george cook la sittiogoutaide of his funk hole on the right- he is just going to havo luncheon md tho menu for todays dinner says 1 bully beef and hard tack bully jjccfiflnt too had but oh the tack woctinot1rad rrab ttiulugtouienta-of- thts eccalled biscuit bub we believe they contain cemeob and flour after eating 000 of them we always oxamlne oar teeth to make sore wo havent f wall owed any in mlatakofor tack well this life is oartalaly a great one as far aa iaoonvcnlonoea are concerned but etiu others have gono through it and 1 guess i can do tho same bin co wo havo boon in tho trenches tho weather baa boon real jjood so this bright ons us up fifty per oonl lanb night george and i roceivod seven and eight tetters respectively and yon can guoaa wo ware certainly happy hoys to get them nows from home is one of our greatest uoeda and only those who havo boea here can tll you what letter are to thq boys in the trenches most of this unit are b c boys so you can und era land we read a lob about b c george and i aro tho only two actoo boys n this outfit and we are always talking and wondering whats doing in tho homo town wo have not heard here yet whothor conscription is iu funo in canada but ho llo ve mo the boys are oertalnly needed to finish this thing wo aro all anxious to be at homo this christinas and if things progress as favor ably aa at present i think well bo homo i forgot to tell you thab jam was ia eluded in todays menu i see george cook oponlng a tin now tickler v i leas i hope you aro in tljo leat of health oqatttrwell itara and jmiflyhig tlio life and conclu to with my beat wlshosmn which gcorgo cook julusma i ani ourn alneuroly bxki iu gkouxie addruaa no uu3j7a 1lc h george acfl fiilli dn canadians m llllf franco canadas victohy war- loan cvory man itnd woman in thdbomln- inn may shnro in it don thlsutiihrointv them ins man in thin patt 1 f the who reprciftiila to our inf thlnltinir retty j nod avcrago of hun on ntuo whonovor tho prnnrhur u fil- h urrl ilbllveri a ory hot n nniri nni tit mtnuj aporlftl bin 1 of am tlim in 11 gnln colhul nnlto on i fjixvt nmun 1 to tlm vcitrv to im tlio preachor what n ii 10 ii roioti it ra ti n lie kii homo nntl rocaln it to h hrothor and thny tll nvortlio pinnta and tho coilo tlm wirmoii hit tholiardrul but tills particular man novor noc1 when fiomiim lilui him ilorly noxt month tho biggest puhlio campaign over put on in canada will bo opened to got subscriptions for lho fourth canadian war loan tlio victory lnao tlio tiling pooploln tlili district mufx boar lu mind la that tho appeals are directed to oneh and every one ef tho in- it is not merely tho woll of mon and wotnrn wbc aro being ankod to invoriu it in every txxiy tlio little sermons which will bo preaehod in tho advertising should nob be taken an hi tiki to tho well todo poop only fvory man and woman should watch for thono odvortiscmontn and start 1 ow to gather up tlio necessary money i buy either a fifty or a hnndrod or a gin i udrcd or a thousand dollar bond in the united states there wore about 4 auhicrlbers to tho first american loan out of every 100 persona they only received 3 interenb in canada for tlio last war loantlioro wore only altout 41000 subscribers or say 4 in evory 700 yet ia canada tho interest was much higher on die victory bonds they will probably be isnuod to yield about 01 tbe flrsb thing anyone ahould do in our opinion is to got rid of tho idea thai thero ts any sacrifico involved ia investing in this loan it is true that the pa trio uo spirit la appealed to and it is equally truo that a great and gonorpus response is expected on that ground bub tho new war loan ia a ntrajghtaway business pro position safe profitable and convoaionu every man and ovory woman with as ranch as fifty dollars to spare should own one of those new bonds and not only that bub should help to show others tlio worth of thoeo bonds by recommending them overy where the readers of this paper are among tho most thriity prosperous and public spirited in tho dominion when tho rnbecrlptions to tho victory loan are edded up from tho tarioui district and qiibdt3tricts wo expect thorn to show that this part of tho groat dominion baa been true to its trad 1 lions and josb to its oppor to ni ties shaws business schools toronto prepare for every knows canadian commercial diploma or certificate noco too high fer our grado of work 1rco catalogue enter any time w h shaw prcj p mcintosh prin head offices yongo and gcrmrd sts toronto fish fish special for friday sea jlerring 3 for idc frcah caught lake trout steak fresh caught lalo trout fresh sea salmon steaks finnan had die kippers a pair fresh haddock headier and dressed fresh haddock dressed fresh cod steak fresh cod boiling piece s j stauffer f18u objulhr acton is 15 15 is 15 wiles we are serving tea and coffee chocolate to mato soup and light refresh- inents audi as sandwiches pie and cake pot of tea and rpll ioc h wiles d d k t hows this t wo offer one hundred dollorn i word for any caie uf catarrh uutt can nut bo i eared by halts uaurrh cure halls onurrh cure luu immih ukon b catarrh aafforsra fur tlie post thirty qyo years and has become known as the inoit paluble remedy for oatarrh hall cat arrh cure acts uirough the ulood on tho uuooua aurfaoos eiimjllog tlio loi4onfnm tbabtnod anlhrllbg tlia disoonod or after you have taken halls caiarrb cave for a shprt time you will see a great improvement in yoar ganaral kaalth hiert taking halls oatarrlijr alonoeand yvt rid of oatarrb band for teetiinonlala free t j cheney a co toledo ohio im by all drucitlm capltal authorized tt000000 capital paid up 1300000 surplus woaooo thrift vt0 earn a hluo and to spend a little less x was tho advice of robert louis steven son thrift i a virtue that u easily acquired and deadedly profitable you will be aston- 4ihed o find bow quietly your saving will ftcounuloto vitli the interest added one dollar will tart a wviogi account for you at the bank of hamilton 0orjrtowa liravnoh w n mahsy mansup nnggs dc0bg ui an allwintensjob big money lor a live man 0 toady work or spare time your cholco selling our guaranteed nuraory htock 2ti jrmra ropu lotion back of onrtreo outfit free your money eaovweok write tit onco bltownbrothkitacomiany ltd nuilikhtubm browna nurseries welland co ontario 1 nroortinr itook tlroiight in proo mt si 1 ixal roiroi llo of the oi tnrln d parimonti f akrlmiuurn h co- iiktiling wl ti lho if i jral lo alartln hur rnll in rftrrjli f oittho plan roreiitly an n itinrrd 1 y which important freight ron riilo it o ly on cniloid ililii0iui of fmiinla raltln u nheep on 1 alno on stork nro and feeder cattln lo eouutry polntn ontario 1 roodrrn will lo iwrlicularly in tnnxvird ui tholico i rriht loliry mclud ni in th ministers nil mi csmoiit under ll it kihry feinalo calllo iindrr two jfarn of k and owefl throo jcurn or yotingor may u nhipped from any cnnadiati itock jnnl i to local polnta wilhuut the payment i y lho parchamir of freight charges on anino tho diitrict itrooritatlvo will bo glad to furnuh any further lufortnalion do nirod and aunisl for morn in nrrnnging for cooperative shiptnonui if denired tho aniiounoement in our olvertialng column give furtlier pirticulara mseemikz s i box stoves for wood and coal heaters all kinds blankets all kinds wool socks good makes of pants and overalls fine wool sweaters splendid assortment of dry goods we boy live poultry for cash jilstarkmanj old tea loobcs allrht old tea and fresh tea poor tea and good tea all look alike no wonder a woman qften gets a bulk tea she doesnt like red rose tea in the dealetl package ia nltvnyn freali always cood nlwaya wortli the pnee on tlie label kept good by the sealed package mm rdi afjhrrli jruri13 ffiljt miliarjikl c hiiirl attcn 111 ir i a i cl- 11 a ii 11 iantor ci u ijih itll v1ci u ii h 7 ho antllvi iiiaiiy fiev ii w avison m a b d a j m fllll rwrii i llllclll ii ii mill l i ij moore ii a g the novel the new the staple j of tllls b fur hui of ours is and always has been to maintain t strict reliability of merchandise and to satiify the customers of this store to satisfy the customers in search of the strictly new and novel in fur 2 lashionsand to satisfy the customers who dlsire to get several seasons wear and j who thus will want more conservative modes thus we present the novel the new and the staple styles in tars in a bir variety selling them daily to people who know the store and have learned lo rely upon its reliability selling them too at the lowest prices at which such furs are sold at retail anywhere i a railway ticket to guelph will be well worth while when it comes to choosing 5 a set of furs for it will bring within your rlach macdonald quality macdonald style and macdonald moderation of price womens fashion department childrens wear department mens and 3 boys clothing departments house furnishing and wallpaper departments all 3 offer you the same style and value service iqfos limited quelphs leading and largest st0be wyruihom macdonnell and cardcn streets guelph ont g why canada needs oney jp to date tbe war hascost canada about 700000000 canada baa spent in canada over 400000tioq on her own account canada has spent in canada on behalf of great britain over 300000000 what canada spends for great britain is really loaned to great britain and will be repaid or credited to canada later on p- i great britain needs so much ready rash to finance her own expenditures at home for herself and for our allies that she must buy on credit from canada and from every otlier country where she can get credit of course great britains credit is so good that other countries in order to get her trade are quite as willing to give her credit as we are in canada canada wants to help great britain not only because canada wants britains trade but because we ore canada and she is great britain both members of the same great empire kin of our kin our mother land for canada it is both a filial and patriotic duty to supply great britains war needs and remember her needs are our needs also it is in canadas selfinterest to supply tliose needs and thus keep open a market for our products now britain needs our wheat our cheese cattle hogs and many manufac tured articles canada also needs many of these things between the two it amounts to more than a million dollars a day in cash and the producers must be paid in cash neither canada t nor great britain cduld go to a canadian farmer and buy bis wheat or his cattle on credit the farmer and all other producers might be ever so willing to give tlicir country credit but they could not do it because tliey have to pay cash for wages for rent materials etc tliey must be paid ia cash or its equivalent so canida says to great britain i will lend you the money o that you can pay cash to canadas producers for what you want i will borrow tliio money from our own people just i u borrow money from your people i will alo linoi from the people of canada money to p ly caji for all the pro duct that can ula a- well u great britain needs ill ci id a that is cm id is practical patriotic part in helping to wm the war without this credit the canadian pro ducer could not sell to great britain and without thee canadian products the war would be prolonged so it is necessary for canada to give to great britain the credit in order that canadas own producers who net a n market wdl havi one and in order tint great britain which needs the products to win the war will iict them now how does canada get the money by wliii h both canada and bntamcan pay cash for canada products by bonowiug it from tlie people of canada through the sale of canadas victory bonds to ik offered ui november that ic why cauud ij victory bonds art offered to the people to raic iiiouey to help to brush the war cm ula urn t keep her shoulder to the vvluel ev n though it bi u chariot of fire imd uu w iy fur canada to keep hex bhouldci to the wheel i- by buying canadas victory bonds next week thb space will tell why cujuuli miitj i by ddllng canada vlctury lltimli xjaad by oaamlab victory uciuuitu u dooptmtion with tba wbiwu of lliiai of tba dominion ut cu- 330 ii m i 1 1 i m i i uniiijh n mm ii i m ui 1mu tliumlay 11 l in lttr umui a wklcomp iroh all m0nky found fo ii 1 ii aoton ioa him ti n j jlr t tt o kit 1 f ulcfjaomof ileifjoh ahtjtay stlla i i to 11 o inrriilira of jmoa fkiotl trlijtm 1 trlr a oy arx rilr or ownnr uiy rial n allor iliij upwuf an i j rotlnit i roixirtr 1v3 vir liau hcxtt h0u8k wanted to puncllaqe a nouir in b rolulltlnn will u odbtq r will i inaao atato i riro hcu ikomujh n j tc aua nlflrom tloio vmv litlbhoaca acton ont h j mzfl the court of revision fon oemicnt pavumknta notioc la liorrt y ritdii that a iltunff of uia oonrtof loaluu vlll hv helttiu um ooon- cll chamboron biomday 2qth ogrodcfl 1017 uttjoo clock ii m tor lho hearing of any ooruilajuts glrnt tba kntpoaad fmalalaaaaaniridfil to cover tba local niirotometila octootod on 1 aat arthur urook victoria and ulfila humu a j alaoknoioh 109 municipal cleta n new wonderland i fhiday octodkll co hypocrisy hssjkk a fox photoplay batunday octodiin c7 a mutual feature tuesday octodicn 30 nptnndu 16 f lilierty and tho kid with r ilhtn walker co mind womanhood or tho glory of i nation r l gregory a grandirunkf highlands of ontario canada the home of the red dxusr atid thif mootsb open suasons d12ur novtmlcr ibt to november 15th inclusive moose november 1 t to november ith mclti ivl lu rooio of tho northern ditncti ol onturjo in chiding timngarni iliu open ueson is from novcmlnr mt to novttrhcr jotb incluiivo in tbatparf of lho pro ontario lying north of tho canadian govemnlent railway trom thu quebtc to tiio manitoba boundary thu open ucasoa formooao la from octobor 10 to novoraber 30 wnto for copy of playgrounds tho ilaunli of risli nnd gamo fjiviugramo laws hunting regulations etc to c is homing uuion btatioo toronto onl h s holmes agent acton phono no 13 xhttr crc mcry is paying 45 cts for butter fat bhino youk chuam to us illclimt crcniu tcalj lait weak wm uecullourli 31 11 ncu 35 x naylni r tlvo vm ultri rubinoff acton creamery mmixw want vbur home comfortably heated blow ovcrholt ttmalton mar til mr shop nro upeclal 1 i ui oximririko in iiisullliiir hot wa11 u iiuuni sybllub i hey urw prciarnl lo jivo jkuren for iiuy hot wutor nyulutii ou my prefer ultliui in tuwii or country t hoy ar lx rt stc mi i ilium and will lvurlutil mi 1 iwjuur utiy tc tut or wuter lic 1 whkh uju uut u order ilwo ydin hfiilui njitoin inspected ow bcfuio tolil wtfithor ctyiu mm in uud h wu u talk over hcatink umtlcni imybovv blow ovrholt main mtraot

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