Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 25, 1917, p. 4

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ht doi jrrc mss 1 i11juia of 71 oh i u j a hailulnglit with olfs plutno thnt iiiku and nla iii every broa uio eoalli wind bcjhio bright doldaurod n f oinuinl fair shakos out hoc cold iijion din air when sn minor days rolniol oer from oub proud ammans oiatooua nlcji thla harbmror fnrot forth to lluo in qaldn and noorllanda and highways what m mliitig rooa aro in juno to autumn ooldonrod ikjou beoooios aflie wltlt all her flaw perchance bocauso wo ioto lior so this bnmhlo lower bar brightness land to show tho dying year has frinndo and though tho summer bloom isoar beauty for ua is still in store holan m richsnlsoo adits 0panihal3ahddidd3 a ohosp litem ton years a cat liroa fifteen yoors a lion llros twenty years a cornel lire forty yean a boar lira twenty years a dog lire fodrtoon years a squirrel hves eight years a canary frill ii to six years a craw will also iito air years an oz llros twenty fire year a gulooapig 11 mo seron years a horse lives twenty fire years a swan will lire twenty ore years a whale urea throe hundred years a tortoise will live one hundred years an alephanj urea four hundred yean a parroti liroa ooo hundred and twenty- fire years theyre cleaner fresher- when washed with sunlight soap i find it cleans the clothes more thoroughly and with less work than ordinary soaps it doesnt hurt tho clothes and i must say my hands never feel tho worse for it either i really do not find it hard to look after tho wash myself because sunlight soap docs so much of the work for mo needed a sahplb ealr ouflac i wish to sue a young- man fpr talcing two kinoo at whb umrnob luji i puoe damage t lawyor kibmo mjr dor udy ro tmrloosly quoted i or i coald jodgo betsor their vslao u yoa gro mo p madam theres nothing but truth in this ladys remarks sunlight soap is made so well and so honestly that our guarantee of 5000 that it contains no impurity hat never been challenged all grocers sell sunlight soap lever brothers limited toronto 10 children cry for fletchers castor a the meanest man in tho world is the man who dont want to see the ether fellow prosper moss of the socallod thoatricalstara ore rocket ersry rock we hurl at a good man fs torn from tho foundation of oar own repa- only a poor lore letter caa be spoiled by weak spelling tbt honeymoon is on the waao when hobby quits taking wins orerywhere he 3 pain in shoulders pair 1r head liio bothebeb bee mian a windsor frtcrbora out- writes i have beta sack for about four yearn with pains la ray head aad pains m my shoulders which i ahrm- iholaatwgra e hy i la tho sua on tho farm ptooplo told toe that it was my irrar bothering me so i bought threo tuj d milbuma laxa- liver pius and found that they were doing ma good x continued taking them until now i am well and strang i am very thank ful to you for my recovery lglbams lxaliver pills axe a for all troubles arising from at norbid state of the liver so keep it ctivo by the- use of these easyactina wohntating little pills milbarris laxalaver puis are 25c at rial at all dealers or mailed direct cut rebcipt of price by the t mllbnrn gov limited toronto out how to live 100 yeaes 1 eight hoars of sleep orary nigbb 2 sleep on your right side x keep your bedroom window open a hare a mat at your bedroom door fi kee p your bed away from tho wall c no cold both a the morning bub a bath atttho temperature of the body 7 exercise before breakfast 8 eat little meat and bo sure that lb is well conked 0 drink no muk this applies to adults only 10 eatplenty of fat to feed the cells which destroy disease germs 11 a read intoxicants which destroy the cells thai combat r 12 allow no pes animals in your living rooms for they carry disease germs 13 lire in the country if you can 14 watch the three i drinking wat er damp and drains 15 bare a change of occupation 18 take frequent and short rscatians 17 limit your ambitions 18 keep your temper tax lots ddwbh young wife rm oiroid that dinner will bo late dear yoflaxuwjrnovs that darling j toaag wife why inrderedsoao mao- lirptwhtmi it cacao thb morning i had to send it back far erery atom wmjsrapcy wiso mothers who knew tho rirtoes of mother orares worm ejtermlnator al ways hare it at hand because tprotoota raise children cry for f rrrueijc c a thihq3 whoh titmouse is a bird catgut is a sheepgutv sealing wax bos no wax blind worms hare eyes and can see bice paper is nob nude of rieo or the nos plant kid gleres are not made of kid german ailrer is not stlrer nor of ger man manefactaro it baring been mode in china for ceotarieo whenhollownys corn cure is applied to acorn or wart t kills the roots and the callosity comae out witho at injury to the flesh a remarkable statement mrssheidon spent 1 900 for treatment without bene fit finally made wai by lydia e pinknama veg etable compound englerwood i1l while going through the change of lifo i baftcrcd iwith headaches ncr- isncaa floahca of it and i trultcrod much i did not i know what i was idoiiig ot times i jspent 1900 ondoc- i and not one did any good one a lady called ot house and naid had been as oleic woo atone time lydia e pink- iiam ve ouiiipuubfl lam year business is to mnko your buafneas better children ory for fletchers castoria when a man gote arguing with bis coo bcianos yea msy e sure his appetites are baay hope is s pneumatic uro that is freqnent- ly punctured the girl who is ambitious to makn naare for barself q boom mans the old bachelor says a girl after a mans own heart h usually after somo other fel lows many a man has boon- sold get his prjoe suffered hacking cough coblbiot sleep at right the constant hacking cough inr tiryl to you in spite of everything you harp done to relieve it u o source of danger the longer the cough stays tho mora aenous me it is to your health it is easy to chc n tolgb at the oqt- setwithjj wood i norway pine syrup if you have let it run though it fakce while longer to euro but dr wooda norway jmn byrup will euro it even then after other remedies haro failed mr j henry landry bouth hits burgeoia nj3 writes l received audi ktcat benefit from dr woods norway e syrup that i cannot help expressing i buffered with a hoeki cr wejiboitookitnnd now i am just as well as i ever was i cannot understand why women donjt see bow much pain and buffering they would escape by taking your medicine i cannot pnuso it enough for it saved ray lifo and kept mo from tho insane hospital mrs e sheldon 6657 s hoisted st englewood iil phyaidons undoubtedly did their best battled with this case steadily and could do no more bat often tho most scientific treatment uaurnoased by tho medicinal propcrtie of the good old fashioned roots and herbs contained in lydia e pinkhama vegetable compoani if any complication crista it pays to wrtt the lydia e plnlc- nam medicine co lynn mnsa- t or bpociaj froo advicxu it virtue cannot bo doacribed no ono con explain the subtlo power thsb ir thotnav bolcctrto oil poaaosoa tho ongln- atar wasbimmilf aurpnsod by tho wondor fulqa all tins that his compound poaseaacd that ho was uio benafactorof humanily is nhowo by uo myrnulm that rio in pmiws nl ihi wonderful oil so famdur u 01 cry oao with it that it ii pruvi at a hnuxiti ld medieioe orerywhere news topics oe the week widniiay tim ituimlan railway ntrlko was rnportad to bo eottlod inmrh aviators on tlio went front mndn 47 nigltts in two dayn arrontlna in not dinyond to nny brenk in n rolatlonfl with oornmny prnmlor knronnliy announced tho rompanlllon of tho now provisional covornraont itor jnnwa iilnnoy or iarry bound was elected modorator of tho prenhytorian aynod of toronto and klnirfijnn ur michael ui tho oonnnn pian- eellor replied la the itelchalnk main commit too to charges concomlng tho poaco propaganda the prooocutlon of tho toronto word soron nbattolm on tho charge of maintain nb n rorqrrjqn nuisaneo won bflgnn iu iho crtmlnnl besaiona tbo food and vogotnblo commit- too la taking steps to insuro equal distribution and proper o torn go of tbo potnio crop op an to avoid waato tho flint draft of man will bo call ed out it is otatod not boforo de cern bor l eo aa to placo all man on a basis of abnolute equality claims for oxomptlon aot girlnn any advan tage during olgtit months post 49179 mon onllated in tho canadian hxpodl- tionary forn bat tho wastago waa 01804 in september tho not ipsa won 7402 and in tho intter half of tho month it wan 2089 tho union government rtogoua- tlono aro polnr n hut norao ques tions tiro still unaottlnd and no do- clnlon has yot leon arrived at on tho ontranon of loading ubofaln into tho cabinet thoufih sir robert uordon ncamn disponed to moot the liberals fairly tihikhday ilrant county council granted 37000 to tho urltlnb lied cross tho amorlcan coal embargo against canada has boen lifted lawycrn wl hava no otanding la appealn boforo tho ixomptlon tri bunals dr michaoils mndo anothor reply in tlio itolchatar on tho poaco pro paganda arranromontij won made to haro tho itusaian army and navy mon toko- part in uio elections a serious hydro fjhortairo ifl ro- colrlng tbo attention of tbo ontario tlydrooloctric commiasion tho harro toklo iiank tuesday night in river st clair after collid ing with tbo drodgo homer uoro otartllne rovolations wcro made in connection with tho pro-gor- cnon administrations in athona tho presbyterian synod of toron to and kingston rosoired upon groat- or cooporation with the methodiota james p mcewnn of windoor sixtyeight yearn oj ago court crlor for eaoox county for more th forty years and a mason more than half a century la dead israel martin twontyono years old was almost instantly klllod whon ho fell from a traction engino noar torbotillo woolwich township bolng calicnt between a wheel and tho tool box hugh warren a widolyknown farmer near crampton north dor chester was stricken with apoplexy while plowing and expired at onoe though apparently in hto usual good health whon beginning tho days work 1 charloa winters and douglas houghton of hcapolor road wore in stantly killed and thno otbor men worn injured when a o t r paa- aonger train struck tho automobile i which thgy were on their way trom uoit td uockluu jir rrotittrr tntyil lporro told the fnnnoro f onjut jlrilnln of tlut world nwrtho in foodiituffn a furthir nilvuiirn lit tlio retail lrlin of moon wim foroiihuilowed at the oowiriinir nt inquiry 4 dr mb hat 1 llmlu whi nominated unlu for tho month iortli scat at a i oiidorvnllvo 1 onxunlloi mr aoinllhin jnrvln was lrctcd nreuldont for canndu of tho llrltlsh l ml 1 or icn hilloru hocuty rho 240th unl ctoili hattallonfl ii ive bi n iiki d uiidir 11 col c ij icthtiloybltlit o c 24dth now ilruntiwlrb in to l military jjlntrlet no 7 nrpinto from nav jcolla and prince edward island itrnntford y m c a waa c i oared of dom in tlirio days campaign for j4co0o tho objective being panoed by ovor c000 an ordfr of repatriation haji been laourd for mayor a u kirk pa trick of toronto tnkon prisoner at tho battle of st jiillon sir thomas white xtlnibter of rinanco appealed to tlio roprooont tlrun of tho fraternal insuranco 00- cioulb to support tho coming war loan dills of credit aro to bo ftirnftohod for the prorlolon of npoclal appli ances for returned soldiers npocing such in addition to tholr ponalons any balance remaining to bo paid thom uvea dizzy and faint spells an warnings ot heart troubla that should be heeded o those feelings of weakness those ditty pells and all gone sinlung eenaatlons which como over somo people from tirnh to tuna aro warning that must not go unheeded they indicate an extremely weakened condition of the heart and a disordered stato of tho nerves those who are wise wiu start ttvig my thanks i suiicrca with a haeiiing lly qjs by acoeptlne i vsh for over a month and could not 1 mhurns heart and nerve pilia before i 1t at night i ustd many kinds of their case acoomea hopeless they have i i no equal for atnnglhening tho heart and invigorating tho ncrvea who didnt house ssksc v ii -o- r fakhor wiionha a man bore when ho can say kay my was troubled with indktion gould keep nothing on stomach indigcelion ts one of tlio worst forms of totnach trouble 1 ho eumiach lccotm upset and you 4 a raw dolulitatcd feeling in it it is not nweasary or you to be troubled with indices uoo if you wilt only use that old and wi uknuwu remedy burdock blood hitters which will rrgul hvto tho stomach oo tiiat you may eat what you wioh without any ill after effects mrs wm c ftniitli marstmllfl ont writes i cannot epak uto higldy of burdock blood uiltcm it la worth its weight in gold i was troubled with in- djgjdotiod d wiut po bad i could not keep anytlung on my sumiarti a friend advised mo to try 11 ii b wjil h i did and i novcr f it klli r in my life bqrdock blood hiu nt juui ixcn manu- facturrd bv hie 1 milimrnco unuted toronto ont for tnvr h trnrs you do not experiment uhiai pu buy it remedies but they uicint do me any good until i iutmi dr woods and found great relief right from the start i only used two bottles and was cocn- july pletclv cured i will never be without it as long as i live there are a number of substitutes on the market for dr woods norway pine syrup so when you oak for it ecouiat u is put up tn a yellow wrapjr three pine trees the trade mark pneo 25c and 60c and that it ixars lliu nime tho t md- burn co limitod ioxuiito oat mrs emd brooks upper gsgetown n b wntee all last summer ana winter i had dixsy and weak spells headaches and fainting and blind spells a friend irtwommendcd milbuma jicart and nerve pills to me i had only takentwo boxes when 1 found great re lief i highly rfmmend then to q who nuflcr from heart trouble milburns hi art and nwvo pills aro 60c per box at nil dealera or mailed direct ou reniptof pnoo by tim t mu- buro co limited toronto oat ixxtesicmxsexxxxxxmi capital i1ob1ive bvnd9 amd undivided profits the merchants of canada 7000000 bank hir u montaguo allnn c v o president look to the future times may change- and work bomo lo plenriful for oi ndvancod years and you will have no otich helitni nlco little few hundred dollum havcd in some stuiud nsrlo how with only how lar cij irrywllcre as jour lcunudiun uauk poll mlr liubbi f it icc 1 tuiica auvc all d u n leuve iluuolu mid ii things do not look backward myrmrrun tu th harbor f comfort 335 branches in cunodsu parmers bimlueas nolicited ac on branch l b shorey manager friday manitoba trades haro obtained in creases of wages great britain has rouubaltlonod four swedish steamers tho revolt in ii una ian turkestan has been completely quelled tho sinn telnora aro working bard to prevent union li ireland premier sir robert borden an nounced tho formation of a union government the local tribunals in now bruns wick and prince edward island aro announced that rural ouglblca in ussox county are not coming up for medical exam ination is tho complaint of major stan bury last week are french and four i til ian ships wore sunk by teuton submarines tho quebec houaowivea leacuo has rapidly attained to a membership of ten thousand and has accom plished mnny useful things rov ii b coumans tho now homo mission superintendent of tho baptist church made an appeal to motbors to give their sons to tho work iood controller hanna says tho sugar ahortaga is so serious that tho- manufactura of candles confection ery and jam may havotu bo pro hibited tho big logo battlo between the hydroelectric power commission and tho electrical development com pany waa opoood boforo a cominls slon of judgos tho saskatchewan advisory coun ell asks the food controller to oxlt- clso his powors to prevent discrim ination against co-operative- whole salers and retailors mayor church as president of tho ontario municipal ultctric annota tion sont u tultgtam tp sir robert bordou protesting against a dam on tho st lawrence illvor that canadians pay 14g1920 more for biittur in a year than if the duty worn taken off american butter la the otnttuitnt of mr fortlor blm- uolf a umkor ho uays the price is qo hich because canadian doalors bm0 it on high price in the united state and add tho duty hatuhday there was a bad storm cm lako ontario ionftinna lust by thoitusalans in the rilu region wore recaptured sir william tlraham chief justice of nova scotia died suddenly af upoploxy a large number of oerman subma- rines wt re ricntrvvod 1 tho month of heptumttri buron uoiuii foimer russian en- voy at washington has pabllshod m luutr mxiil nuack aathma overcemo tbo triumpti oer aatlima lias assuredly come dr j i kellogg atbm remedy lion piovod the moat posltiyo idomior tlio victim of aathnia tin attacks ha over known lattern n coivod rem tttouanda lto have triad il farm a testimonial liioh lea on no rt for doubt that hro in a real raiuedy 1 it to day from your dealer castoria for infants end children in useforovor30year always bears the ejgnaruro many a key u utctws ia allowed to rum in tho lock onauth of die land bkirlaoo of ihololx is oooualo4 by the russian empire theres no substitutes fur ooutiuuity m advertuing filonday eleven brothers lost tholr whon a xeppolln was destroyed british troops scored another uc- cesn in gorman east africa rtedoric yiliorn the war eorrn- spondont in ill at modiclno hat hon charles b a wart has boon naked to fdrm a now camnot in al berta hon c j doborty began a cam paign to get to tho colors nil ollglhlo canadians in tho united states it is stated hy tho london nowa- papors that tho british government will soon commenco aid reprisals tbo oloction is now bellovod lifco- ly to be arranged for either tho first or tho second woek in docomber of tho first 300 mon who took oat papora undor tbo military serrlco act 2b0 applied for exemption the institution of a national fish day la to bo colobratod by banquets in montreal quebec and sher- brooko fuel controller magrath is fram ing regulations to limit profits on coal by brokers wholesalers and ro- tclloro tho last of tho flvo columns start ed on tho trek from camp borden ind tho first rosebud thornhill sat urday afternoon mrs h l williams residing near leamington woo electrocuted by touching a foneo wire upon which a power ji no had been blown down it is stated that no moro examin ations aro now to bo mqde by medi cal boards of men who come volun tarily but only of those who aro sent by tho registrars an ordurincouncil has boon pass ed authorizing tho payment by tho dominion of twothuds of transpor tation charges on flsh from british columbia to points in tho threo pralrlo provinces tho union administration as a member of which mr f n carvcjj was nworn in saturday will likely bo completed by premier ooo h mur ray and also tbo inclusion of a labor representative food controller hanna hna raised tho embargo upon tho salo of canned vogotablea which boo boon offectiro in- stimulating tbo onsumptlon of fresh vegetables and increasing tbo supply of canned goods f c dunker of kitchonor was in stantly killed by bio automobile overturning in a ditch whon ho took ono hand from tbo steering wheel to take a bunch of grapos out ot a bas ket ho had just bought at clarkson tuesday an italian steamer with greek offi cials was torpedoed and sunk mataharj tho dutch dancer was executed in franco for espionage tho nowagroomont between groat britain and holland was niudo nub ile heavy austrian attacks on tho julian front were repulsed by tho italians mary karnoy aged four of to ronto was fatally burned wbllo play ing with matches serious trouble has been caused by bootloggers oobing liquor to roturn- od soldiers at halifax the naral dopirtmont la cpnsider- ing paying tho transportation charges on atlantic flsh to tho central prov inces canada is to hare ac a special un- toy at washington a high commis sioner and hon j d ilaxon it la reported is to bo tho choice iris the throcycarold daughter of w 8 jones of parry 3ound is missing since saturday morning and is feared to htttjiboon plckpdup hy a band of gypsies tho mpjxva ifihotfprltfl associa tion discussed a motion to ask for tho rem oral of tho censors ban upon tho fiddlers in canada but the tnotlon failed by ono voto to carry j j mornor of zurich was nomin ated by south huron conservatives for reeloctlon to the commons ho stated ho was prepared to support the now union qovornmant in its continuation of sir robert bordens war poucy hepry forbes who had becu dis charged as medically unfit bo fore tho lcsth battalion wont oversoao of tor training with thom oltbt months woo eloctrocutod at a sault sto mario stool plant he leaves a bride of aixtoon days ss2sseszzs smmamstitmmpnjmi iidbfl granoitirunstsffi imlitfteodiybi umtukji 1 ctecrf aforcsand botcootita jltx tor infants and chlldron mothers know that genuine gastona always or it tliajfl for over thirty years castoria is tho ideal sugar for all green or ripr iri jelly himetl const rvea or biuifily pr m rvetl in light byn y 11 1l0 tit licioufl tk nnd nt prtiiivc addition j reserving lecanso of us the graxmlsuon 10 so a4i to your avinter nupplu atlaimcsocon noineiuxs 4 livings t one f wi iiavl ir1iuvim iiachijs iltrsirvint iiaks kipi tomato ics concord graril ciliry checn prfrnns wiiiti pickling onions potatoes caudagi evhrytiiing in nicepriish grociriis j r livingstone ciroorato and provlatcma acton oht r noble flour national for pastry nor- tval and kings choice for bread- rolled oats oatmeal and graham flour timothy seed wc pay the highest market price for all kinds of grain j lwarhen banaqv telephone ho 40 inereoao youi earnings poxre elliott tones and charua fbta toromto ontrrio tloa latlvleiiaakklfafllpaaiuonsatrrom sjoto slsoa monui ana olbera op to s3c03 inrinnom it it 10 fnt aaperior ualn- log writ for ctiono linur oar lima mt j blxiottprtn kctqn xjx very and bvs ling uavinp purchased ihe livery and roh1wii1 of the business from mr a mccann i solicit with canfidenoe tho patronage of the public comfortable ngn supplied at reasonable ratcu special artetajod to bnpplyinr convcanccs for weddings and funcnila motor cars furnished when re- croired dub otbarra all tilaim llusic that just lifts you carries you along music that leaves you breathless and longing for more thats a co lumbia record for the dance i to any one of thesc recorda and youll want to do something mom than listen youll want to get np and dance asaib i the murray wauf foret pwobii 1 cmu- on the magazine fomro s i pnoco luoi assi4 w2s a 5810 i dabes in the wood forae piuai ou4 1 j j love me at twiugitt foxtrot priai oh joe with your fiddle and youb bow you stole my heabt away on step pnoca ciul evelyn on step pnoco ewl a tnlvticiit by tlic 13u tdcijhonc co uf cuiiudu to improve pahtyjjni scryice isoopevcltloll each aubscrlber should cooperato to better tho service on hid line tho practices suggested below have been found to greatly improve partyhno service 1 bcforocalllngflndoutwbothcr tho lino la tn use if it la hung up your receiver promptly 2 emergencies wu arise if a partylino subscriber desires to make an emcrfiency call tho persons using it should glvo up tho lino temporarily 3 do not allow children or others to listen or interrupt your neighbors conversation when tlio lino is in use 1 make your culls us brief na possible short talks will keep tho line open and make the stvlco of most valuo to every one 6 answer promptly when flou hear your ring the bell telephone co of canada when you need boots shoes at auy time buy thom w williams acton ontario iamous ou satisfactory footwear kuasonadlii fluce u

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