Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 1, 1917, p. 3

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v wedding and birthday presents ho nfvci 1847 iwiicyculflu rd1 chin knivr iurl 1 and sjtociia wedding king uauillaqq fclcehrjeq icujuied news of local impout frco drinkublos for soldiers tl oaufiu w c t i 1 oeo hynds omtamo ilje jkcaix zcc fkess r tho i 1 i all 1 ut t thursday novlubklt 1 101 brief local items its no -taxo- a iuo on saturday ii j jou rrm god or your victory war bond hsliowaoti partici ro nuito numer ous list nto it ig uaplu ijtjli quartctto concert in tho town ball t 1 night y- rani rumti inurli mom euuly now than fa july and augut evory canadian who can invest 50 or 100 in tho victory loan should do so lnn village council voted 00000 to th british rod own fund last week sacramental cervices will bo bold 10 the methodist church next huaday mora log bev mr largo was at wellaod on sanday supplying tlio jiulpit of itar mr avisnn there wom had squaw winter but in dln hammer mem ory thy end timid about making an appearance if you can l fro to tho front help th oorornmont aapport our boya who aro thorn by subscribing r victory bon at tho mcotinp of the junior i o ij e last week mrs rev c ii e smith presented tho chapter with a hoantiful flag chief ltwion 11 after tbo bnyi amaa tbo lock of knox church stablo from which nevcre chickoea have bono stolen second hand hiotcs and heater large lock of dry goods and winter clothing at bargain price l stark man tore acton mr ooo agnew end miss hazel were k hamilton hut neck alteoilii g tbo wed didgof mra agnowsi iter miw alice boeooby if you havo lot your poet offico koy enquire at u10 poet office for it a noro bar ol keys havo boon rota mod there by fl adorn la aoouplo of wcekn margin 00 may aabstitnte butter 00 tbo fnwdun bill of fire it cost will bo about half tho price of butter tbo potato buyer aro no finding applies coming in very slowly tho far mer aro bold 1 op for higher price th yield la aaid to have boon rcry abnndaqt in thia section george nolle nanaagawey hs sent tho itnzx pnnui a rather unique potato oompxiiing eleven potatoon to cluster all growing together mr il h wanoborough of crewsoes comer purchned tho brick residence of mr ferguson lake avenue monday bo ecu red immediate possession and ia now moving in s j staafter lis oponed a hah otoro on main street oaxt to coopora tailor hop ho received both government e and iko fish every day and alwaj ha good aoruaent a citizen of brampton waa fined 200 in the toronto police co orb on monday the police found bottle of whukay 00 satarthty nlghbjn a aotomobilo in which th man and three other had travoliad from brampton the man fined lairtwi the bottl a hli nd spent bondy ia th ooop hi companion camo home nd ried tho duugh to pay th expanse f oliver an 1 i id unuaed tmikou ale 4 aid of fond to provide iretr cocoa 1dm ondo to and coffco for tho imihiicro in tlie runt iiu trenched tho elodlcal board slttinga hero a military mftjio il iml 1 la u r tfjwo hall imio 1111 b i ty awlmnturday mmjur lr ucutunn jjl dr rtvcrholt anil or jray acum coiuwmod the iloaid a largo nuuiliar of yum tntia txtok odan tago of tho ipportunity to be oiamtuod iwro womans institute tomorrow tim itagnlar mnnudjr mooting of tho women intitota will do hold in tlio council chamber 00 nday alloraoan no 2od at three oclock a good pro- granimo od rvport f thtf yoara work wjll bo given and plan for coming wprk di- cuaood tho udlon of acton am all in vi tod to attend tribute to tho lato samuel laird at ha funeral of u14 lato hamual laird laat ii rialay f tornooo io st- alban a church tho icector itov c h ii smith m a paid a high tribute to his memory ho re ferred to tlio fact of mr laird a active oobrta daring tho ata hi iling of tlio church and ui orocuoo of iho sacrod odifico aloo that lie waa for many yorn church war den ilocauso of thia and of his atorliog character ho aaid his memory will al bo hold 10 high oitoem in acton qoorgtitown paper duls flro the no- polp mill at crtjra papjr mills cjoorgotuwn now ownod by tho pro vincial paper mill waa oomjiletoty doa lroyod by firoo tueoday morning tho ftra atartod in the second story about a ra th origin of uie ore u unknown the loss ill h lioavy liotli tlio town and tho mill urn comiaiir4 did pliiidid tee in kaing tho kurnunding utl iiiik of uu mill iniwitv irciarli na uto al ready boing mado i it rvtuiuling sent down for trial recent audit uf tho tiooka of tho acton tanning company ahowod i oat c winter ban who had boon financial clerk alnco 1019 waa abort in bt accounts to a coo luderablo mount ii waa bronght bofor if v uooro j p for preliminary hearing 00 mouda after noon lvidenco an to the- dftfalcntioow wm adduced and ho waa miil to mtlton for trial before tho judge tho unfortunate clerk atated thai tbo money had boon uaod in speculating miscellaneous shower to ml mann on toeaday evening mm bmg cooper wellington street gave a miaoollonoous shower for miss boasie mnn about twenty jrtrl friends wttondod each girl bronght baaatifnl praaeot lanch wu aexred in tho dining room which waa decor ated with fern and american leauty rose qaspended above the table waq a white ailk parasol with atreamera of white silk nbhoo attached to each coroero too table mua boiumo thankv their much appreciated pronuptial gift bow milton citizens got coaj employee of p l roberteoo monufac taring co being ont of coal and unable to get it here one of them frank da via waa social and personal 1 from tor umt liorua ilmwn aa hoi ov r hunda mlvi imio a m aj lmno fr in orotiln or tlio week one dr komifvillu or hmiloybury vwited at the linmo farm this week mum d irouiy kohvoo has been home from thorelil u10 lest week mini margaret ilaiioett waa homo from toronto far the mouiodiab anniversary him nalho kpeight of ijannlnp 1 nit brother and iater and other friends in b liero mr hilkl thu and mr wallace matueon irf vmiuxl ot mr fcyfo homorvillos mr willuim hornby of wawanoaa mao wka w town ranawing frierxlahipa denngho week bergh uoorgo hynda la d filling a roapoiuiiblo pooiuon as nhall inspector in munition factory in ounlph i to and mra avleon and children wore thogueotoof mr and mr iuid william eon during their atay in town mr and mm frank bayom and family liavo removed to woat torooto and aro ro- sidtng at 101 quebec avenue mian 111a macilloraoii of toronto spent tho weekend at uo homo of her brother itoht macphoraon i lower acnne mr w q jonen flf toronto who ao ompnlel mr r j moore to tlio meuio diftt anniversary was a guest a moere- croft hon w d willoughbv tbo newly ap pointed senator for saskatchewan ia brothorof mr j a willou of george town mr w l kmilb of mooot foreat and mifacoln of ilrantford kponding a fow days at tho ilectory with mra c h h smith mrs adam stewart and mr- cha- w mnn of kitch ml mm huhrrt srnitli of t roi to tliurwlay with frinndu licrn mr cliarlca s monro who wu m painfully burned at vardmore 0 a tannery a couplo of weekn ago ia gradu ally recovering from tho to junes roceivod bnutaby hotes pto j l kenney a 8 c was borne from tho exhibition camp on four days laare pu samool fryer of the 3rd division no 3 co b h f has been promoted and ia now corporl acahlegram from no scqeoeralhoi pita england stb laoco corporal fred l wright baa much improved will aead farther inform tl on pte u heary of eaquoeiog 1 reported to bo prisoner of war while pt b c earkraff of 0kvillo is among the uat of then killed in cuoo lanoe corp j j jenniega who is now in trance became the father of a bouncing bby boy last tliursday mm jennings u residing on bower avenue lieut job p domville late command ing afbcer of tio lgilb uaul they reached camp in england and whoso communioo thou oapirorfhaa culun oi to canada rev t ii 11 bolt hi moihodtatmlu later at often baa two son at the front one went with urn first conungent and the other is a mctalior of the uuya flyiug corp pte j applaford of th 7uui luttalioo and pte joe fry of tha ljflui attuon have boon invalided homo from the front eaquoamg townalilp council will tender them reception and proeect each with a gold watch on 0uadd at the beadin0 gate it ia a fine thing to guard oar bams against alien aoidiera of whose purpose we are all aware dutituelao very impor tant to guard them agsjaet other- juldioe foe that creep in under the disguise of friendly entertain to plunder am de stroy the cherished ideals the lofty fctand aids uie clear viewo that have given the heme its character if you will famlllaruo your oung people with tbo best roadiag they will not be likely to crave what is inferior and damor- aliiiog the youth s ouuiauloo is a pew erf a i influence in awakening a toto fg what is beat in road i 11 f it ia on guard at the read tug gate i nothing cheap aauan or hateful tac ita challenge ilotneith or does tho crabbed and dull and austere cheery idealism is the companions oqupt- reigu pubitou uaru- at your reading gate i the companion is 92- x a yea if yon do nob know it by all tnoana send for earn pie oopien giving forecaot of what the neat volume wiu bring our offsr included for c2 5 l the youth a companion 62 issues of 101 b 2 all the remaining issues of 1017 3 the com pan km homo calendar for 1818 the youth h companion common wealth at lioatoo mass x to bottalo where he had littio troablo baying five carloads completing the deal one day hot being a dealer he had to pay tho retail price th coal ia hero now ana is being delivered at 10 00 ton cov enng ell charge tha local dealerr hare been unable to get coal 00 their contract bat there eem to be nothing to prevent citizens combining for shipment if they are willing to py buffalo retail prices c qolotnato an absurd bomor a rtdiealaun report which has been dis turbance housewives otct since they began canning and preaarring fruit for winter sopply has t lew been giveo the quietus by the focm controller back in august the rumor was freely carrat to tbo effect that government inspector were to bo sent to householders cellars nd all canned fruit over fifty jars were to be confiscated last week food controller huns at oluws stated that these rumors were nnauthonxed and advised that any pcreeosmcuqueradieg a a eh inspectors should be mb 0000 tamed ever to the police cpd collision at hilton saturday ovening about a mile oast of milton tho west bound c p r train duo hero at 0 15 ran into the rear of a freight train which had stopped and was about to ester the switch the caboose and anoiier car were taleeoopod took fire and burned ap a steel car wa derailed the engioo of jtbe passenger traio wa damaged conductor harris waa in the caboose with his seventeen year old son whom he was bringing borne from toronto hospital seeing a rftliti in evitable mr harris jumped with hu sick eon in his arms botn the hoys legs were broken and the fathers head was cut cmunplon why your local paper profits you it py to read the pus piiksa hooauae it contains important notice of events that the public ge are interested iu and which you might not hear anything ahout until tbay were past aaido from uie new thero are always matter of importenoo ia tho advertising ool a mn a man assigns j you may h creditor end the legal notice tails you when and to whom to make your your claim animals stray from their owners and an ad tells you where to re cover tham thus tha chain of usef ulneea oon unues link by link as a medium of coin manicati it is valuable and convenient like to those who have announcements to toavo and t who ere interested m hearing them and it is above all oheap cheaper then oqm paper and postage- epa poot withonbtho uca paper it will save yon ita price over nd over again an aoro piano landed ii ore aeropuoo clii in charge or flight lieut mckenoa of the koyel fly lag corps alighted in the field of mr fred cleave third line opposite the bead of mil street on sunday afternoon at 30 oclock lieut mrkonu wa to meet fellow member of the flying corp bub missed him andgotinto unknown territory us had been flying for several hours wa chilled through and fsund his gaaoliuo was runaing- low he bad missed his mid day meal and mr 1l n brown invited him to his homo for dinner the plan was ab it resting plo for sbout two hours soddur ing that time waa vijitod by hundreds of citixen motor care and burse vohiolea lined ia roads with sightseer to many thia was the grab viewt rest of an aero plane uebweeo fgur and uvo oclock after taking 04 tan gallon of gasoline the giant bird shook her wings and soared aloft and sped away toward toronto fobtieth wedding annlvebsaby intorestlnff at tho homo of mr and mrs joel w losllo erin there was a happy social gathering at tho homo of mr and mm joel w leellr first hue erin on wednesday evening 24lh octolicr the fortieth snnivertary of their wedding about thirty relatives end friends assemb led from hamilton aotoo bhiloh beckwood and uqt vicinity to celebrate the ovent with tham among them were all the barvlving members of the former leslie household vtx tho hoot mr george leal 10 mrs robert johnstoo ac too and mrs j stewart hamilton after a bountcou wedding repast games were encaged in and thia was followed hy a moat intoreetiug hour or so in the draw log room mr charles stewart of hmjl ton proaldnd mr and mrs lelio were prosenled with two handsome easy chairs upholstered in leather on behalf of mr lcoli and himself mr leslie nvo ox pre ooef4hcnrthqvod ttia splendid gift ho recalled many pleaalng remfniscenooa of the pant forty year congratulatory pooches were made by m omits william and george leslie of shiloh k ii wanshrouph a onfficr c stewart and others all of whom opoko of their pleasant aaaociations with the bride and groom of forty yearn ago good wishes were oilored for many additional years of hapiuness together the spoeches were interspersed with eoloe duetts and instrumental musta by mrs il h wanabrougb mr j e iear en mr s onffin end misses elv and beatnoe poaren th happy proceed logs were concluded with bloat be the tie that binds and the nation anthem ggqg cost per cup believe that a cup of cood ricli about a fiftli of a cent but r030 consists chiefly of assam strongest tcaa in the world yicldo 250 cups to the pound of and airioite obrtuary aft new snr in the death of mr a id row hr 1 on taeeday ono of tho earliest nativ lm resuleotn of uiia jiart of lsquebing jiauod away mr scott wan in his eighty fifth year and waa potacsaed of vtll iito faculies ail able to bo ettout uplil very ehortly bsforo bin ilralh ho liad received liia nocond b glit an 1 could read withuut spectacle until tho end lrceaod wi the 1 of tho into andr scott anil hu rorn lot m oitlo ilntd lino whun iut oarolil i in filr movftl to lot 3 tlef mlh line ui d horo ue roaliltd all the lllil ii a uxlol farmsr ml invarial ly had uood crofia and his i faraiauiad and inly surroundings woro iwayn admired ho an a good roan a good neighbor and enjoyed tho esteem of ovary one irom his sarly manhood he was a member of knox church awl his for tho ministry of his church was manifested when hli lasthorn eon was namod for re jamoo w ran who waa a later boro at that time mr scott was married in iras to barura marshall daughuroftho isto wmum marshall of limoliouae four sons and throe dsngh bora blessed the homo of whom the follow ing with their mother survive mrs alex lawaon milton william graham emma louise and jamoa ra who reside at the homestead tho funeral will be held on friday afternoon at 2 o clock to falrviow cemetery aoton hon heljubt fob chief lawson spnt by his brothorlnlaw e h jordan of tho b el c from franco tho following is from a letter sent from tho front in franca oa october oth to chief la son dear jack i am sending you by parcel poii a german stool helmet and a german water bottle i packod them carefully and think they will reach you safely if frit doenn t get them with sob the water bottle will serve jordoo op his fishing trips end scouting expedition the helmet you can show your friend they wore picked up on a noted ridge on the front hoe i get some toronto papers but x mlas the old reliable clube would be glad to get a copy occasionally i cannot help but oxjro3 my feelings of pride and enthusiasm whon i bosx of con porshiug and his u 8 regulars landing in franco ilia jieopls of france have wsl coined them with genuine boapitalliy and admiration these are dark days for the french citi boos for miles op and down the lines there la nob grain of food for a inhabl teat the germans in their retreat have destroyed e very th jog even when there waa no fcongsrablo military advantage in doing ib evan schools ch arches cemeteries with their beautiful and costly monu men ta have boon sw away by the nuns in their passion for destruction the women of frnc are supporting their ooantry by working tho farms the entire ablebodied male population is ea gaged in the war lb has beeu uft to tha women to food franco j have read of the bountiful harvesb ontario u blessed with and i ass well pleased 1 love to all e h j change in timetable lambton guolph division toronto suburban railway effective on h0vembkb 1st cars leave west toronto for guolph d lntonnedltioiuu at 7 30 ro 1 30 end 015 p m v iuturuing loeto guolph 7 10 tn 1 and fi40 p mr daily except sunday sunday bohldule loavo west toronto 015 a- m 3 l m u 15 am ioq pm ueorgetowunnly returning leave guolph 0 20 a m 10 m licop m ir pm georgetown only m k oowak k o mahlon k cowan k o ex m p tho eminent lawyer who diod in toronto on monday spent some time in acton wson a student at lew ho wan a clerk in tho offico of mowat a maoloan bsmsters then in the town hall mr cowan was a young man thonond had many friend in crbws0ns c0bners the first snowfall of the season occurred on tuesday tho rain of tho peat fa w days baainterioted with the taking in of the root crop everyone would be pleased to have some bright sunshiny weather again mrs roy wansborongh toronto visited beraister mr w a murray last week mrs j haw and mr wilbert haw knslchbq11 visited ab mr j a gamble on so nday mr and mrs j crewson and children goelsth and mr robinson burlington visited friends here on hoods y m ra wm peavoy and miss hazel ever ton visited at mr d crippa last week pte scarh0w wbite3 aqa1h has boon in hospital at branuhott camp far somo weeks the following interesting letter from pto p scarrow written ab brsmshott camp oa october 11th will be read with inter est 1 dear friend i am writing to thank you for the coplo of fnxi pkeej which i am receiving regu larly and which wo are pine sod to receive they keep ua in touch with borne and friend the boys appreoiato your kind nest quite a much aa i do and the papor i eagerly passed froaf one to the other an til ib goes th round i then peeb my copies to the boya who are not with u and ib provides them with an equal amoune of pleasure there is still no news of us being sent over to france but tha boy are receiving rather hard tndaiag for their work but are proving themselves equal to lb route marchins u now tho order of tho day and a rooont march of 00 miles tho boya of the 104th ahowed up woll having tho least number of any battalion fall out and th men who did fall oat were dearly all so diers who havo been drafted into the lgith during some recent gold tactics they also shewed up well i eta pleased to say that th boya keep fairly wall although the writer haun fortunately been sick to the hospital for several weeks i am now some hotter i received two bexoa of socks from the aoton woman institute which were much appreciated by all who received them 1 am also desired ou behalf of the married men to thank you personally for year kind ly latere end assistance in trying to oo- oor an increase in the patriotic allowance to twr wives and children tho writer baa beoen elected president of the men a bible chue conducted by the chaplain in the english church hul the clses is growing in numbers ovary week i have some missionary money to send as soou as i got oub ot the boo pi lai i hope you and your are in good health greet lugs to ail fiuui pncia reaeera i am dear lr your sincerely pr j p suaujiow f si irli r u esbflsbsv slslsst asf bwbwsp 3asf a 1 tjmk mf fik 1a k33ixii4td b sbs amsial sbwi 8hbwb 3 the highest authorities in the land say caindnn i ts 1 people must t conoin- ize economy however docs not con d t of lioardinl money but of spending 3 wncly sliould every canadian cca c t spend tin country would be in a fitate je5 of pauperism the bame lutliontic 1 say kccb busine s goinj by keeping 3 money in circulation by denying ourselves of sonic luxunc and spending unht si- j tatingly for the ncccsuuies in this way only can wo truly practise patriotic economy no other bijj utore within such a bhorc distance can offer you the same z opportunities as macdonaldi to practice true wliolesomti economy in meeting e3 i your daily needs for personal weir or for home furnihhingb e 3 of chief interest to jyomen now 1 our magmfilcnt showing of new fall and 3 winter coats it is arat ahoctnblaije ex special valucsut 1500 in tweeds j i plushes ciiinchill is etc an extra ipcciil yriluc in black pfush at 2500 the whole price scale ranging up to 8500 nomattcr what your choice may be vou j 3 are sure to find in this collection just the model to please you at a satisfying price j some good style and value service in all other wearables for wojnen and for i men an well and also in furnishings for the home v 3 j- 5 s3 j bi ep macdoiaald bros us m ghelphs leading and largest st0be wyndham macaonnell and cardcn streets guelph ont liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii tom uabks tom marks with bis drainaticand vando- ville co npany ud ruuo band will appsar in tho town hall acton ono night only saturday nooinlor 3rd rcentlog uie throe act- omody drama bringing up father and oijjit vauilovlllo act price 32 and 0 cento seats ou aalo at brown a drug store an all winters job bijr money lor a ho man steady work or puro umo your choice soiling our guarantied nursery stock 22 years re pa tation back of our trees outfit free yourmonoy each woek write at once brown brothers company ltd nuusehthiim browns nuraerioa wetland co ontario i jellies have high food value mojco aa many as you can itict vofl bo wortn a great deal to you next winter x antic sugar furb and uncolorod make clear rtnltrloaa aparklina yrllics the pnrity and itne granulation makes success easy j 1020 lodl00u cartons ftacka jjg ash your grocer for lanticsugar sx3rskom 555v mens caps tco tho lfttit styles in eng bnb hlinpei correct goodie pritca ifilooto 00 nlw fall shirts iliiudaomo btnpej tho very latest dwlgus sls togtfso nlw rallhats another ulilpnicnt to baud of now fail lit y lea seo thom men u tilfivcs underwear uum coats unilrellai hosiery ncckilarfj aud elegant nock wear r e nelson mbna ootfitxbjh quoipii ontario class one provide the one hundred ttioitsand men it will be greatly to the advantage of canada d the enure quota o 100000 men to bo raised under the military service act can be secured from the first class that is from tho taea betsroea tho ftge of 20 and 34 who were unmarried or widowers without di on j 1h17 nditimot seliewsdcat tor the following reasons it 1 ad that between tlio ages of 20 and 34 the averago man u at the height of his physical strength and is most adaptable- to the change of condition from cmhan life tbo military oervico of unmarried men and widower without children would occasion leas distress than that of most 6 hern since they ore largely without dependents also it would entail less ttial burden for canada through separation allowances etc authorities esumote thaf after all proper exemptions have been allowed f should be ablo to produce finmllmfiral 1 funcla f f r- mn ty ar pfi tb inn prrwer of the country will dot be severo members of class one will be well advised to present th erase vo for examination immediately to tho medical board in their district upon examination a to their physical fitr they will be pla in one of tbo following categories category a if fit for servlco in oversea chtmg unit category b d fit for service overseas in army medical corp forestry bslielwa ate category c d fit for service in canada only category e if unfjt for military service of any nature if not plced in category a the applicant will know that bo ts not liable or immedlitio service but will go to the post office end send in a claim for exemption with his medical certificate oluclurd when be will re ccrve in due course e certificate of exemption until those in hi medical category are ttminaucd or service where man who is placed in category a feels that exemption sliould bo allowa d an application form can jo secured from the postmaster this form when filled in will bo forwarded b v the postmaster to tbo registrar district and the applicant will be informed by mad as to tbo time end place for the c d j bi application by the exemption board lisuai bi the mdiloizf service council for particulars solephon jot 77 can lieut mckenn la an axjiarioucod airman dian noruiarn kjug and toronto street nwhulcripuooroivdatbuofno and ba mad oror a thouiand flight m 0170 r j tonight in the town hail acton at 8 00 oolock the concert which was postponed by maple leaf quartet admission reserved seats msc general 25o complete service to ford owners everjrwhere courteous attention to your needs wheuever you may- travel ia something you appreciate and being a ford owner you can got it you are always among friends there aro njore than 700 ford dealer service stations through- out canada these are always within easy reach of ford owners 1 for gasoline oil tires repairs accessories expert advice or tootor adjustments the cost of ford service is as remarkably low aa the cost of tho car itself nineteen of the moat called for parts coat only 540 just compare thia with tho cost of spare parts for other cars and you will realize the advantage of owning a jord raoabout 475 touring 495 coupclet mtf umversal car sedan k a wrd xnx h a coxe dealer acton

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