Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 22, 1917, p. 3

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wedding and birthday presents h lis hl7 silviwro iwiry ckiu mi i untia kniv jk ami sooi widilni k iu blaltkiaou 1 icchulij lhiuul pton hynds onxahio itljc jkran tfrcc jjrrss tliuilsdw mwi mill k 1 1017 brief local items nyne victory chilli i ii for uia ndilon id i ory i vo tl uondn cbntmn fiui tuesday buy vlrrr 11 tjnionoonrmn ill fin- drrt bwu in jfood 11 tlirootl in i holy a vict r 11 1 vn 14 ti mccopts1 loflruiun- preflpiil thi soldioni fjivo their llvos you only load your money buy n victory bond to day tho dolt tory of turnijm has loco slow or tha put woek th prico lios dieppea osvarnl caut hon hcijjh uuthrio wjll 1m opposed in booth welllnglou by lomo canpingbam boclslml houses ra ab premium again in town thsro ii rarely one avallablo or rwnb or isasa tho i o i t will sew far tho sol diara st mrs w v colllora on monday norember 2ulh 1917 tba open waather this month ha on shied armors ip thin fjoetloo to jrot thou- nbwsof local import social and personal sods of acres of fall plowing dot j t bashill who lofc actoo ono month ago to go into business in ersnt- ford boa discontinued business there tho toronto- us mi icon comes t high way through this county will bo formally open d to tho publio on saturday premier hoarbt will officiate mr john b mackorixiosliulodstigk tor who wos h truck by th oaroplsno anil j ufpolo institute of the province for ossays roodcrod unconscious ah ooargmtowa task i oaboattoo worda each written on tlia weak is all right again f following tpic canada victory bonds tho provincial paper company boa sso how they bolp 1 tho bujor 2 coo flromdnsatinual atsombly nov 30 mr rn i ilio actoo tifo unpads will ik i t their i i 1 udny annual ball and aoppor wi i u ly v t 30uijtuo bcnsjlick a orchestra ofuuolplj will furnish tho muaia fcoffentoon chjcfcona khiod by a hlnk lait hkturday ihlht soino aliltnnl nup posed to liavo itocn a rolnk ot inu liio lion liouso of mrs j 1 hcsrraw wlfft of 1 to flcarrow who u with tho loiui llatta hon ln1 nlaml and liiimi arvnnuwii boiin and ehlckona thla i all i or nck and tlw iov 1 oonuidorablo to 1 cr how thoy do it in guolph for broakinf inu tho club houao at tho irornowoixl daoitanum on hunday after noii and wlln uf artjrlaa tiimn younp hoya under tb io of aiioon years appealed holoro mfgisualo wau tn his pritatooflieo thta montlc jd fur hung found tfullty woto ordprod to iw pajikoj by tho police mercury a hiuidd dollart tor iiollon tho vjeiory lon oanaaa uirourjhout liua county i tnakin flno irogrea tho amoont ubacrilod up to tuosday aro jud jibo coo tito auhscriplionn bavo couio aa fbllowa actoo and tisorcotowu ditnct sni400 ilurunirtoo diatnet j105 j00 oakttllo diatrtct 33200 milton dialnctsc5700 tho blblo tho word of god at tho wookly mooting of tho i pworth loauoon ttieaday oyoato dr t jray co a highly intorosuofj and comrirehi aivoaddroaaon tho biblo a briof ourvoy of tho ochpturoo from loooua to itovohv uon u made drv qray otonda for tho biblo nrujiljo wbolo biblo aa tho word of jod ho ompbamiiod its aplondid lilera- turo its helpful counsel its entrancing pinions of tho bfo of chria oa oarth its paalnxn prophesies epuueo and aboto all tho fact that the immortality of man is pro too hoyoad any possiblo donbu a oar dial vote of thanks was tendered uto dr for his palpfel looturo prizo essay on victory bonda canadas victory loan commlttoo for tho 1rofinco of ontario an do a neon tbab it arranjed to haa prixsg awarded in orory continuation school ilighscliool and col tb ooorgotown eire brigajoa cbequo tor sfhoo fa recognition of tbsir servioos at the rscont flro at tho psjxir mtlla st josephs church lias ooptribatad 1 jsaio for tho canadian catholic chaplains oternosj fond and the fund to supply recreation tents for tho soldiora it looks as 1 pool oounty will old fashioned tint and tory elaction altar all giartora and potcb are tho represent atives of tholr rcapocttvo parti oo next bonday ts to bo ootochurch sunday ab thomathodisb church hrary member and ad boron t and friend of the cbarch has boon tnvitod to attend thoro will bo apocial sermons after two weeks of aplsndld warm sua shiny indian summer wcalher a blanket of now oorowrsd narorowtth a white mantis on taesday morn in j a few hours of mild weather caused it to raiilb iionia o urofaky who was at ono urns a merchant in acton in tho store now oocu piotl by john simkiolo is a candidate for tho house of commons and is opposing ex mayor uocksa in west toronto the guolph papers apeak highly of tho musical program mo provided by tho misses mason of acton ab tho anniversary eofcer- tajnmenb in paislsy memorial methodist churchy rev mr avisos was also pros- ant four kirls and two men members of the baboa of tho wood company who played hero a week ago were stranded in now hambunr they gob a tft to qoelpb on monday w and rsquaiteilchicf itandall to aosiab themto get hack to their notnod la toronto 1iltlo mua marjory garden ejmod daogbter of rosvo ilyods marched alone mill and willow streets with the boy scouts band playing bar woo buglo to boat tho baud at tho reception to our two re to rood soldiers last it nday eight 8ha was doiog her bit in welcomlne unehouse aaad faxajityoctr bub about five oclock straw was being iaied ab tho bero of mr john henderson fifth line and mr ii end croon and mary tho little six yoarctd daughter went oub to see the won finish lbs work tho last bale had been msdo and uttie mary who was always full of life and f uo rau around tho stack her brother tommy who is in bis tooth year was coming in tho other direction with a forkful of straw neither child saw tho other aud tba poor bttlo tot ran against the fork ojid one of the unea pierced tho brain over tho oyo doath rasulled in a few ininutu mr and mrs henderson ore dutracled over tho sad otenti tho funoral whicli was largely altooded took rises saturday afternoon after a short servios at the homo the paid i a school upda aud tho too tubers of the sunday hcliool marched to tho church followed by tho remains of their bttlo schoolmate lie v il r cameron spoke tory sp propria to words and one of the pupils sang very sweetly tho chili rem a friend is janus after praise and nrajer the remains wore laid in their but resting place and a a rig of otorgroon whs drop ped on the casket by acli uf he school children a beautiful display of cera tributes from tho women a mlanooary soeioty the public tkbuol tlio booday school and mnuy frienda bort silent yet eloquniit uutimony of tho luvo at all for tho dear iltuo ono amotifsioods probeot from a distance ware mra a tuokor boaverton mrs j a iieudoroii itcaiup ion mr and mrs j rkolt mtaa maud hondorsou mr and mrs w barrotb mr and mrs a kickaty mr an 1 mm a barretb miaa 11 llitidaaj mra aud mjo h uondorsou mrs h ruioa mivea ixiro uiy and mamie llnrrott oil of loronto miss m bliaw kitchener mlsa m hupo afthlo uev llf blair i 1 uf uuolplt will deliver a looturo on bo ienpturo a teachings on rsanls mifsions iu the sixth lino church on tuosday evoning november 27tb ut eiht o clock tho oudd is fortunate in securing this ablo apeakor who will dollver a lecture similar to tlio ouo iven to acton 1 hi a short tinw ago an allwintkus job bltf moiioy tor a live man htoajy work or aparo time your choioe solhng our luarajiteod nuraory htock 23 yaars repu tation bacli of our trees outilt free your money eauh wook writo ab oooe bhown uhotuuwcompany lto nlllllliltmli browns nurborios wslland o onto no ada 3 the allies thsprues for oach school will bo t first pnie a largo silver modal second pruts a smaller silver ipdl third price a bronxs modal three grand pro vincial pnsas will bo awarded ai fallows first price a 950 canada victory bood aooood prixe a 25 war savings certifl cat third prixa a 010 war savings cer tlflcstjb found bottlo whialcoycost 31860 according to tho story ho told tlio court mike hickastopo an austrian while out taking a ooustltationa on sunday after noon sat down beside a bark pilo on tho tannery premises to light a chtarotta when ho got tho cigarette gng ho notio ed a bottlo sticking in the bark stack further investigation nhowed that tho bot tle was half full of whiskey nick aa trope appropnatod tho bottlo and was nob long in getting outside tho con tents in an hour or so ho was hilarttiajly drunk and though bo alleged ho osald not apeak eag lish be was able to swear glibly in anglo saxon constable hsid was notified and arrested tho man and lodged him in the cells on monday forenoon ho came bo- for il 7 moore j i and ileero hynds told bis story through an interpreter and was fined slo00 and boats under tho pro visions of the ontario temperance act his iutostigation of tho contents of tho bottlo cost him 1860 military notes lance corp a- w largo liss returned to the convalescent hospiud at whitby ssrgl swackhamor of hsmiltou pte david smith of toronto and sergt coles of st caxharines were homo oasbort leave this week pto frod williams loft on saturday to isib his aistox mrs cock barn wy sod otto mich ho will return so the soldiers con valesceabsoopttsj torenso this weak scrgc fred cartex artillery nophow of mr sam carter m fc rqucjlib waaidl ed in action on november 8th ho loaves a wife who was mian bertha diamond rock wood and a baby boy bomb oodno harrop of milton son of r samuel uarrop of parkhill farm was killed in action on october 28th ho was a bright young man and had boen two years with tho canadian troops ialr corp reginald goo too was homo from toronto for tho weekend ito kraak gun too hi brother has also onlist- od la tho royal flying corps ho has boon in calgary for ssvoral yoars iho john mckinnoo son of mrs john mckiunon main slroot has joss rsoovor from his second wound in an knliah boa pital and rot n rood to tho treqdioa for tho third ume pte- i to bort danbar grandnon of mr robert dillon who raoootly oulistod at exhibition camp toronto was homo on his first lcavo thik week bobby didnt alb to bo conscripted uo is not yob nineteen years of ago died at no 3 casualty 8 la m on franca on jjo ember 1st of guiisliot vvoiuiib c a p philip falknor only son of c l fsjknsr h a 2s70 tlilrd ave west vancouver ik c and youngoat nsphow o miss mooro wilbur hlroot acton nasbaqawlya uetliul uulno sunday hcliool abkaatcb bull will hold their christinas outortaiu uumtou wodnosday lulh deoomliur kov and mrs loo i hteonuii return od to iho parsouaio on uatuiday after hcndiiig a week with frloiuls in toruuui and brauiptou tho auiiiversory outortammoit and fowf eupjxw at ebencwr church will bo loli on friday evening 30th novouibur prior to tlio anniversary ou iusiday 2nd locoinbir rev dr cliown will givo ina addreaa on tho war and tlio lot iu ouartouof rrsmp tw will siujf dr ohown will iroch tho anniversary sormou9 on sunday 2nd dooombor mr and mrs daulol barbcroo attended tho funeral u tho late up wllliainuleato who was klllsd by tlio aecoplaiiaatcoorjro town but thuiodsy isually dont try tho chick on buainooa yuur norvoscan teoduro tlio nuiso of cackling when tlio wife is tlio boas it because tho family m teds ooo uomoumesi busln as picks up nut mom often jb waits i b picked up a ikmikkoepsr out of a job u naturally a xoao si ao aooownb upfcojitn mr uuiiiilm nl li ha boon tuitin fnn i a i i t ti i uinng uis wook mr charlo a tl maul of loronto wnr with rolslivoa horoover sunday mr h j hhortill of markdale ban itoeu opendnik a fow days at alia eld homo at ilalllnafad mls iua maoliomon sjienb sunday nb the homo rr hnr i mthnr ru mici hor son uowur avo mr i jennie uatll c of toronto ha ihqu oiktii in i tho tk ab vti buns f mr i maltlov- mr amen maui n ai hero from alton on saturday ilh muuior and u0 juki mason roturnod homo with him mr w i auten editor pf uie champion milton aud county clark left last wook fur the north on a tnuoso hunting trip mr william nickolj detroit mich ar- nvad in town on iriday to vult bia sister mrs llonrj colo who died on monday mr john a hondornon of winulpoj pont a coujdoof days this wssk witli his fathur hon d henderson and other fnonda mr and mrs william williams and miu annio mccutchoon at ton led the funaral of of tho uto mrs richard hamilton at erin on monday misi nellie willinrns csse from aurora oo 1riday tn moot her brother private irod williams who had ub arrlvod from the front last friday obrtoary mm fatd o madooox sad indeed was tba death of mrs fred o miul dock which occurred hut sunday the first of october mr and mrs maddoak and their two llttto girlies arrived in acton from rodvors saak mr moudock o haltihjvbon poor for sonao time and his physician advised him to come eojit- the change lias proven iteneficial to hjm mrs modjlock was enjoying irnod health when they cams but two or throo woeks ago aho was found to ba afihetod witli dialetoa wbtoh mslo rapid progroia she wenb to tho oflnoral hcjjiital hamilton on tuos day of last wook for treatmsnl several daya during tho wook itnprovomontn were indicated in her cao but dsatli carno very suddenly shortly after ono o clock on sun day jnst after tho doctor liadexaouood hor and rsto soma bopo for horrocavery hor widowed mother arrived from winnipeg m saturday oveniog mrs mastdock was the hut surviving child of the late walter porter and wan bom in gualph 27 years ago in 1002 tho family removed to winn ipeg botwoan nine and ten yoarn ago tlio deceased was married to bar sorrowing fa ot land and thoy hvs liod d very happy life together two dear little daughters gwendolyn who la eight and dons six are left without their mothers loving care mrs maddork was a hvdy of cheerful du position and wii greatly belpvod by all who knew her she was a member of tho method la t church much nympaihy is felt here for tho bereft family tha funeral was botd on tuatday aftoraooo and tho remains wore laid to resb in tho family plot at iiairviow cemetery rov it s c lara ba u d oqiriatod mia httmr corjs a lisppy horns was groatly oaddoood on monday evening whoa mfs hsury colo passed away mrs colo had boen in poor health for some time she had saflorod from sot oral strokes of appoploxy and had boon m a cubical condition for several woeks mm colo was tbsj mother of a iargofamiiy and they bavo brought credit to tho homo bio wu a danghtor of tho lata johu nlckell of tlio fourth lino es- q nosing and was joined ip wedlock with bor aorrowiug bujband in 1bs0 tho nowly momod pair settled at tho boy hoods homo of tho groom an i lioro thoy have prospered tlio fine fana homo and rroundingt giving manifest ovidsnco twononiand seven daughters biassed the homo 411 survive but ono son who died in infanoy aud tho sen and daughters wore all at their moth or a bedbida when oho jiaaeod away they aro john who is accounts nh for tha uray carnage co chatham bertha a nursing stater at tho soldiers convaloscouthoapitalab whitby ethel who has occupied a good position in detroit for several years sadie a nursoat western hospital toronto elva in a commercial office in toronto itota who has a good buainosa osition iu montreal and maud and mlome at homo mra colo hat beou an onsrgetio worker she i hold in higboat tutoors from her early girlhood she has boen a member of knox church actsn the funeral was held yeourday aftorooon at two oclock pov j a wilson b a officiated muh rk nxan himiuro thoro was laid to rest iu kim cemotary i monday tho remains of one who far many years was an ostoomod resident of actoo in the person of mrs richard hamilton she died ab tho horns of her daughter mrs c u walker in woattor- ontov oo saturday altera prolonged illness mrs hamilton was s daughter tho lato thomas mccutchoou of hriu sho o ctnn a bndo botwoeo fifty awl sixty years ago hor husband tho lato richard hamilton who died at lrin elht years ago wai a contriuuir bore kor years ho did all tlio building at tho tanneries for bearduiora oo ho built tha bouso on balrviaw avenue uow owned by mr itobert stary awl tho brick house ab tho coruw of main and luvor streets now owned by mr j u ltood ami occupied both of thutu- ihirty yuars ago or so tho family ronioved to lrin tholr only child mrs walker survives mrs hamil ton was a woman of vury due character au oanioit christian worker aud a klud and helpful ixilghbor iho funeral was bold from tho disciplua church lrlu rov mr munroo olqciutiug r noble can ida victory bonds at 5j per cent ire the btt and haf- c t invt tmtnt 111 the world buy your hli ire in viltory buy victory bondo j l warren -thtlbrrlowb- cto nbws topics op the week vi fmsdy lfollniil in 111 let hi win nl from ar ntliia n auk rlc in 1 hip uu iiunk hy a it niariiio mid ivo of tjwt nuw worn klllid iliifb cjiutubora for ninny yearn m c it car inniiictnr wim umlrd by n triln fit nlni am i alln win if ihnmtl lati iiiinnlir of tin coiiyiioni for i ul linron tinii bn ippnlntiid to tho si unto all utrjkrj on atmrlrhi oovnrn 1111 nf work unr ordr d dliirontln m 1 by llm i idirntliui of ijidor llou j d haw 11 into mliiliiur or murine and heticritn vnti uwiiro in in cblof juotlco of jm uruuiiwlrk lr 1 dwnrd komp wu iiomiualod for tin coinmnm by itinportari of tho union govorniiu ut in iuit to ron to r w ilro w wllkfniion was olrnally honored tiavhil complolod jio yearn nn a ni tun tor of st an tlrnwn mimonlc lodt n toronto mm william cu avor an oldorly lady was utruclt and initantly killed by tb drupotlcr of mi noroplnoo which wan rjnlnj from tho round at toorrutown llollovlllo chy counril dfcldod to bill nbout 2c urn a of land and rlvo tt to albnrt collor conditio that bulldlncn cii tliil not lonn than 300 000 bo crwclnd riio jovi rnon nt n plm to control pnrklniv iioulkii nrovldro for control of profits ind unnrnpri itloii of li df tlin prnfltn over 7 pr tout ot c il- tnl and all over 15 por cont of tlio proutn montrual military uiutrlct icadu tho dominion in total roj lutrutlons up to and lncludlnt monday and quoihjc dliitrict utandu iiconil then clinrlottotown toronto and london toronto ntnndii hli hint in ruporta for uurvlcu with caljary and vancouvor nucond and third tuuttmiac on at pluim wiru formula tod to co in hot tho ulliin inunacu in tho uiihtd fatal u thu ci rmanj filutl utturly to n- tnuu thu iaaucliuiidaclo poaltioruj from tin cnnadlnnn a l bonnycanilo of wlnnipog boa b n nppulntod county court judge for diuphlu man john wood ww fnt illy ahot wbllo in a buifcy with his wiru and child on a road nnar actlnollto dr it m mitch 11 of woyburn rui bom roolt ctt d spooxcr of tho sue kali bownn lx i iniatnre pnuldout wlliim will mcot tho railroad rt pnsiontauvi n next wook to d lac una thu tbrtatonod otrlko prof william julius mlcklo a noted authority on bmln and norvouo dlnordrrs died at allundojo igod oovunty i tx unyox h c iforkt n rdltor of tho gram u hnntlnol un i nominatod an union govornmi nt cundldato in west toronto tho woatako of infantry in october wan 3 048 whfln ttio number of ro erultu wan t7g0 only c3h of whom wor obtained in canada returning onictr a wir of 3ar- nla baa appointed an i 1 ctlon clerk mra t v nlubi i prtidont of tho local council or women a nipn mutativn mtictlug of perth country f irintra af itratford doridod to oranlxi coruniltt i of flftlon fann urn in oach townublp to lilltlatu plana for inrrnajilni hoi production strouir uppoals ro x liu mndo to tho govurntnont by rtprcuontatlvo bunlnfi miiu for adiqunto military protection for tho liuudrvd million dollam worth of rjfn bolonlnc to tbtj imihirfal gov rnmnrit in tho olo- vatorn ut i ort william and port ar thur friday nikht airplanes woro w1djks by thu french ilyoro a ruvalutlon in reported to havo hnjkun out in ecuador john w 1 outer dtaa of tho am- orlcan diplomatic corpu in dead thu trial tf tho nnwaprint manu- farturnri was boiun in now york city donald macloan ban been olectod huuru leader of tho opposition by tho conaorvatlvua of saakotchowan in tiding o 05 corn to laku tho eol dlcru voict ovencas havo boon ap pointod ind votlot nay cornmonco nost rucday antonio i abrluno aa eldurly mi reliant at w hand was aliot and oi rioni ly woundi d by two robbcix compjti lotj who ntcn d bla utoro lliu hujitovlllo local tribunal mcml re had a lively utrueclc with a you u t farmwr whom thoy rofmwd to djoiudt ind hud to rail in tho chief of polity boforo ho win ovor- povorud dr ivodorlck torranco of tbo do pxrtmnnt of arrlcnlturo who han chario uf thotfuw olt oranriarino section bjya thil oloomarbarluo will probably bo on nalii on tho lnt of do ceiiilx r and tho be it ridii uhould coll for about qftcon cuntu icia than tho beit i rado of butter 1alo jeloff an auiitrian unil nicola btotorr a polo were badly b ateri and robbed or about 2100 whlolj with 1 070 mom thuy woru carrying about tbum bavin- with drawn it from tbo bank fturlm thu vlctc location i form of con siultiv m mon it k c wjii nom lib ml uuloulat in lark mr ii i nut ml ui dalu dr charloj she ird wnu nominal d nn thu conn rvntivo unionint in south toronto del ftlyu tuwurt wan fullod and find on by a inan tiuiuttid jf noli hi utol i furj i leollnt vvuo luo dnx r braxll uiin aljn d tin bill ituvjihi for reprl iifjln t utrmuny hlvu hundred lanark county r conscript ono of uioso bltxvy bluo suits and save 33s3 thursday i place on s tic 15 only suits of vickcrmenb genuine tll wool guaranlcccj qolorb in navy blue cloth your order tak en for any one suit made to your measure for 3850 tbii ih the greatest value m the trade r e nelson l fix eons outitttieh oualiih ontaerto 13 worth protecting a good article vi worthy of a rich strong dchcioua tea hire wortli putting into a scaled package freah and good a clienp cainmon tea la hnrdly wortlt talcing care of and fa usually bod in bulk red roaejanlwnyo oold m the ocnlcd packtmc which leccpa it cood- good packagc rcd rose is to keep i wkm farmom paraded nt porth and dmw tip a rciolutloii to oond to hon t a crorar mhilntir of aj rlculturo pro- tcbtlnji qinlnit non oxomption of fnrmc rfl w v onruir aotlnf commlih rloiinr on tlm hlfh out or living iitutri hat buttor anil t 1 pi aro bolng linjurtlflnbly irriimupu d nnd uhould bo plan d on thci 11 arkot lowurldg ijiu prlcvn bj tho bntu offudpi duncan morrl- non or irlih idwartl county court win dlirovnrid in tho hay of qujnto clort to t liarf yi ut rilay mornlnc it in prciiitnid tbnt unnbbi to nlctip ho went for a wnlk and uccldnrrlally fell orf tho plr thn rannll in cnvommiint boa placitd un t uibari o on thn nhlpmont of iron and nltil from canada navo in tun ptiontl raum in which 11- ctnam may in irint by tho cun toniii dopartnu nt thlu action lo duo to th rtt nhorlai o of thooo com- modltlon for mtinltlonn iihlp bulld- lui aud oilior opt ratlonu tho c rn 1 linn mihmlttod a bill to thi nnl 1 i uliamtnt author ieiul tho 1 xpuli ion fro in denmark of any und irahl or it nr ovnn thnnn roiilllnr country for morn than wo y n tho law fn aliuttl tt iipki and otht r nbji ctlon ablo p rnonn but nuy ulno ho invok fl follow 1 11 j thu nni w tian droco- dont to n ilnr il n ronuurooro of i nniarl 1 od 1 uppllc lord coviriy r dldniit of tho british air u d now biiuj form- ed into a mini try huu rultnid as a rtnult of ion northrllfti u lottor fntimntlnr lb it tbo promtor dealrcu n chanr vf count owdruy in hlo letter to thn promlrr tondorlnr hill realjrnatlon prtitcatod i alnat ro- celvlm tlirouj b iird northelf ffon letter to tho prtin llm flrct intimation that tbi pn ml di nlrd a chanco in tho war mlnlntry monday brltiub forrea uinod furthor uuc cc81cs in fast africi j aurjrhto itodln tho illuntrloun ftcdcu cculplor la dead tho oormanu ire carrying on a policy of bluff in tbo matter of rood nuppllca ontario aubscrlbed g0 000 000 in tho onit week of thu victory loan cam pa 1 n controller thoman 1 outer wn nominatod by conai rvatlvn unlonluts in ivnt york rov dr gcoryo llruco nranlu r of fat andrew o collojo toronto dlod auddcnly aid q ort o rainndon wnu noinln utod to oppou mr kdmund itrtutol in centre toronto tho troopn on tho roumanian front aro buoy propurlnj for another win tor la tho tronahoa police began tholr cimpaln in toronto to round up dencrturn under tho military serrlco art rov dr gilbert wllnon announced his intention to leavu iii b park proobyterlan church toronto for chicago lancocorporal j hui hoj tuod it lo alleged aa thu rctiult of a blow from another in ma to of tho baou hon pital toronto wm honry monitor of the on tarla mutual life lutiurance co now thu mutual ufo ot uuada from its orlanlzatlon till 1kd7 died at hlu homo in kltcbonur in hi 1 nighty fourth year iho report of tho ileiulnnioq com uiliulon on tho inveiitltatlon by w f 0 connor cojt ot llvlnj commin- nionpr into pack in r companies is out and uhown thm tho davlui co in 191 mado bo por cent on ita capi tal tho jury at kliif nton anulxca found in favor of sitilur mary boall for z 000 damagen j20 000 ugalniit arcbbliijiop spratt the lpb copa corporation of tho diocoao mary froncla nocijj ami lho slauini of charity of thu ilmmu of provi- deuci aud j 000 alalnot dr duqiol 1 uulun hbo uuiil tor j20 000 ajiofi- inj utli nipt ut abduction and at plac- iiu her in un aayluiu ulao aaaault and peruecutlou war madl thlfll rich fork iacbt ru t ighty per oonf i lrollt on bu011 oiiawa nov 0 that tho prollin uiadi by thu william davioa coiupuiiy llmlti 1 and jdatthown ulaclvull limited uioru particular ly hi 1 furuur vvt ro exceptionally blch durjnj thu wai period mid yiold ed an uxtruordln try rulurn upon the cupltal iuvt nd lu thu mout import ant ulatumeiit luudu in tbo report of the comiuidoii nppointod to inveotl- iuto furlt r tlu btiiilne jti of thoao two couipaliliiu lho co mill 1 iilou which cotitiluttid of 0 r lluudiruti u c chairman uud mubjni a ii itrodlu und j 1 clurkuon has tmidu a uiiunlihoun ru port to hon i w crotburu minlii lur of labor thlu report after li itil under ruvl w by 11 nub rommlt too or thn cat iu t of which hon n w itoholl pruldont of the privy council i11 chairman tiuu ho 11 nimh public in ltu utirety im id utully it la puiuted out that owltik- to th action takou hy thu uovi riiuiunl re cimuy it will ui liupujibli in th fu turo for packing cumpanl to 1111k u oxcoiuivo protltii under th 1 toruiu uf thu order- in council 1 a kem in fu turo can roakit by way of profit a maximum of 11 por cunt only ibty can retain 7 pr cunt char and 01m half of tholr earnings 011 thu mom y jitrotod between 7 uud 16 pur cunt above i por cent ujj iirulru utu coollutfllod prohtu itiad- uccorlluj to tho ru port of tho tomuibiilon run an hlkh as ult hty poi cent 011 the itujuuy in vi 11 till ibis profit w mudo by thu wullam davlci coiupmy durlit thu year 1 u 10 tjcdru maude ilf i onpux nuv u major lon- crul l ruili rii it 1 muudu toiiimund lot the llrltl ii forces in modi 110- tamlu uceoidlui to ihu dally whll in tlek kllj1 by rail 1 ilaritiid nov ji william uuihn of iii city iu 1 at the cun 1 ul iloiiuuii iu jlurjy iui the ru lilt of lujurit 1 ived in u 0 foot ill frjiu u liu 11 at the 0 1 it uhoju oliildren cry for fletchers 10 a s jcjajbiq shipping farries c mullin wrvoloaolo commlaalon morchanta itockwood aff d aotom xc tn the turnip busi ness at acton as usual and will continue per manciitly highest cash prices paid for any quantity oi good quality turnips delivered at acton sta- i 6e sign post j off fashion js of value m of fair price winter wt iribh f men vvonw n id luidr points with th in r of prei 1 in to tin midon- sj aid tor tevt rv w ek 1 u vv not in your wr ckly nt w pnper i ibnut macdonald high gride merchandise ihce iteinj to day an immense gathering of womens coats the- materials will give a full btrons wear hard wearthe lining are good the woman who wants real wear from her coat and has but a limited sum to pay for it will go far before finding better coats than these at mac- donalds indevcn sometimr an in- tt rhnmg for extra warmth koomy pockets too for thrusting cold hands into shaws businks school toronto prepare for every known canadian commercial diploma or certificate none too high for our srado of work prco catalogue ntcrony time w h shnvy prci p mcintosh prln head ofiiccs yongo and ocrrard hta toronto all the now fashiodrepresentcd in modes and j materials prices 15 to 05 new furs for the winter the comorehenstvedisplay of fashionable new j fur peltries at macdonalds merits the inspection of every womaa who is contemplating the purchasing of new furs for this winter the new cape shoulder stoles the- latest designs in muffs and the new dark gray brown and other fashionable tints all of fash ions latest fur ideas are not to be excelled macdonald dlplay of pur conl lnclndo many luxurious and rmnrtly fajiioncd model noma of tho wwd coats featuring fur collani in tlionow rdiouldor cajo cffecli prices ai in all linrsiof personal wearables and houmiuroishinfjs at macdonald a tho lowest compatible with ffood quality 1 d e macdonald bros limited guelphs leadin and largest store wymlham macdoncdl and cardcn sta ouhlph ont msyssccssssssass capital ilhbisitvb funds and undivided piiofrrs tnjxo 7ebod the merchants bank op canada sir ii montajroo albin c v o president d c macarow general manager wo nro paying uio highest cash price fur live poultry r rubinoff acton creamery save and served buy victory bonds victory bonds save soldiers h tve you saved your soldier buy yourshare in victory buyfvictory bonds i 1 t atents promptly secure aih hm1 llrb 1u bmit taz uaiuqh ma1u0k 30 unlroraly avajmontltual i acl on branch l b shorey manager buy a victory war bond complete service to for owners everywhere courteous attention to your needs wherever you mav- travel is something you appreciate and being- a ford owner you can get it you aro always among friends there are more than 700 ford dealer service stations through out canada these are always within easy reach of ford owners i for gasoline oil tires repairs accessories expert advice or motor adjustments tho cost of ford servico is as remarkably low as tho cost of tho car itself nineteen of tho most called for parts cost only fi40 just compare this witli the cost of bpare parts for othsr cars and you will realuo the advantage of owning a ford yj ff runabout a5 23t we universal car scdnk jk o a uped on2i 479 493 770 970 l a coxe dealer acton 3i

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