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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 22, 1917, p. 4

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ffili retail rcc tc5 tiillfuila 1 mill u wmixnmmttutjs day by day 1 haard a co at ooiin aoiuy say ilaar nob uiy yeauirday into tomorrow nor lead thui week wiui lftt wik n load of sorrow tilt all thy i urdons a thoy nor to wo4ht tll nreseo j l by ono step and uien wwuior teko thy way ue day ty day lto day i y day why art tliou hooding inward the back ward way t ono aumulb mid anouior thou ahalt why step at ovary round the epaco ooonll tho pest mistake if tlwu must aul remember watch not tho ashes of the dying omlier kindle thy hope put all thy fears away live day by day julia llama in atlantic amntimn itatttii ap the first piah03 in our day very low rosidoneee oonteli k organs hot nearly erery good residence contains a piano in your great grand fathers day it wu ut tho other way around the organ u a thousand years elder than tho piano for whilo a sautfactory church organ wu in as as early aa tho year sco it was nob until 1700 thab tho first piano wu built- at that timo an italian namod bartolommoo cristotori mado a pianoforte he had boon a builder of harps chord and ha recognized tho limitation cf that in strnmaal tho strings wore picked by a quill and no graduation of sound was pos sible crutoforis invention of tho ham mar action mado poaaible tho modem piano which nowjholdaflrjtplacoamocgall mtuleal instruments ono of his early pianos to 11111 preserved in florence and another bin the metropolitan museum in now york city pain in shoulders pfllb in head lives botbebed heel miao a- windsor pcterboro ont vmtea i have been nick for about four years with paina m my bead and pains in my flhouldcra which i always thought wero caused by working outmdo in tho sun on tho form people told mo that it wan my liver bothering me ao i bought three vials of milburns loxnlivrr pdla and found that they were doing mo good i continued taking them until now i am well and strong i am very thank ful to you far my recovery milburnu laxnlivcr piua are a epeciflo for all troubles arming from a morbid stato of tho liver bo keep it active by tho use of these easyacting ncnrrriuting litilo pills milburns lain liver pills aro 25c a vial at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by tho t mllbum ox limited toronto ont a there in plearfujdtit every otago in tho use of sll plight in the washing for tho work in greatly lightened in tho iron ingfor tho clothes have ouchafrcsh ewcet air of newness in tho wearing for tho clothes havo inherited the exqui site purity of sunlight itbelf and aro oloan indeed a j5j300 i ihs purity of sunlight soap jlll in luttmnim u umramra wunwumtuttumintis a wish fob kveby dat moodajr i uh far aajrar tott oo errand of loro to to taoaday i wiab or a tfiouo toloa with tooo bolhaofd and tow wednesday i wlah far willing hnd loras dation 11 to do thandsy z wuh far opoa u wtm word to luton to t tndj 1 wioh for a smiling fo a brigbtoor of homo to be sottirdky i wish for q 070 7 1 ooda beaaty all to i wiab for a tbat may to otbera ly impart sanday for a traoqoil hoarb lay i tho child hoar children cry for fletchers castori a ibttifloaforitaoifir thomas eo- lectno oil needa no tastimonial of its power other than itaalf wheeror trice it for coughs or colds for cut or contoaiona tor sprain or bams for pains in the limbs or body well know that the medicine prernsitself and needs no guarantee this hows why this oil is fn general use children ory for fletchers c a many mothers htt reason to hlon mother graves worm erterminator be- ause it baa relisted the littlo aoos of auf fering and made them healthy v worms howbter generated are f oond in the digestive tracts whore they tab up dis- turbanom detnmenlal to the health of the child there can be no comfort for the little ones until th hurtful itftrudera have boon expelled no better preparation for this purpose can bo had than millar worm 1owders they will immediately destroy the worms and carreexthe conditions that wore favorable to their existence the prsrea it hoatedy since asthma existed there has boon ao lack of much h remedies bub thoy havo preved short lived and worthless ths evergrowing reputation of dr j d kail eggs asthsu remedy has given it a place in ths qald of medlcioo which no other can approach t has never boss pushed by sensational method bub has simply gone on effecting relief and making new coo verts fidelity in small thlnfc u the base of every greab achievement us isyoocg who has health aatl ho u rich who owes nothing whether the corn be of old or now growth 1 most yield bo hauowayc corn cure the simplesb and best curs over offered to the public without purpose no hfogoft f j with out ideals no hfo rises to its opportunity having to do today what shoals have been done yesterday t what stakes the task of some of us so everlastingly hard it isnt the chickens in the road thab cause all the automobile wrecks it is us nally the chickens la the car an automobile woars out faster than the taortgmge that paid for it dont try the chicken business if your nerves cant endure tho noise of cackling when tho wife la the boss it lm usually because tho family needs una sometimes business picks up but more often it waits to be picked up a bookkeeper out of a job ui naturally a man f no account castor i a for infanta and children n use forover3t years suffered with mmm cough c0sl8i0t sleep at iight tno constant h cough that f v to yoa in spito of overyhtung you havo done to relieve it is a aouroo of danger tho longer the cough stays tho msts serious mgpaoo it la to your health it la easy to check a cough at tho out set with dr wood a norway pine syrup if you havo let it run though it takes a while longer to euro but dr wood norway pine syrup will cure it even then after other remedies havo faded mr j henry ijuvdry south river burgeois nh writes- l received suca krcal bentfit from dr woods norway pino syrup that i cannot help cxnreasing my thankn i suffered with a baekine cough for over a month and could not sleep at tught i used many kinds of remedies but they didnt do mo any good untd i used dr woods and found great relief right from the start i only used two bottles and was com pletely cured i will never bo without it as long as i live there are a number of substitutes o tho market for dr woodo norway pin syrup bo when you ask for it see that it is put up in a yellow wrapper three pina treca the trado mark pnoo 25c and coe and that i t ik ara tho name tho t mil- burn io limited toronto oat dizzy and fain spells are warnings of heart troufcjg that should bo heeded thorn uxhz at wttkcmmihooolllttj spells and all gone sinking eensatlona which come over como pcoplo from tuns to tuna aro warnings that must not go tun turd rd tticy indicate an extremely weakened coodltioo of tho heart p a disordered state of ths bcrrpa those who aro wioo wul start taking milburns heart and nervo pills before their case oecomca hopeless they hav no equal for strengthening tho heart and invteorotixls tho nerves mrs emi brooks upper oageton n b writes all last tufiomrr ao4 winter i bad diixy and weak spalls he and fainting and blind spciis a friend re mdburns jxeart and nerve pills to me i had only taken two boxes when i found great re lief i highly recommend them to s9 who suffer from heart trouble n mdburns heart and nervo pfllfl are coe per box at nil dealers of mailed direct on rrccintof pnoo bythat mh bum co limited torohto out seasou shooan an english militant crusader entered in her campaign work a dairy barn where a young man was milking a cow with a snsrt aha asked how is it that you arent afi the front young man 1 tnaam answered r milker there aint no milk as that end children ory for fletchers castoria always bears tho signature of hear the crash of tue tumduno bbeweiues brewery moralily is oh tho liicreaao war prohiuuoo tailed boor by hairs broadtli hardly unit lwuitjm tho vreal daub i oiupoworod to ruhibit tlo maim faaturo and sale if iu hja judgmuiit uocuoa ity roqairos this acuoti h pl of tills tho oraah of falling boor muitim is hoard in iucrcaslug froiinaucy thoro u a rossoolrolill iuon prohll u for it will bophservod that m t of thoao wreckod broworiea re located in irol ihiuon alattut or soon to bo 1 ruliiliillus states thoro is ono fouliiro i f uto itutloii tbt brings intotim autmauuon to iha 1 ruin 1 1 tjoaists it is tho uuro uuu th aluiuat always aoooipjuuilcji tn ni diwtli announcing tho cloab g of tbo tnjtnry to tho ofteeb that ths tiruwory it boiuj otm- vsttod inu a ci om ui umiiufaclure i io legitimate aiul useful luu mulikr ihu dootjvely answers the ploa t f u o lnjuur lij to roots fur romiienaatiou tho wmw brewer for avkt rorerdi u o duair of nine breweries for tlio pot m joui jiuor can issue many n man lias leen pattol til a wck so much that it uu tuuuxl hin niotli opportunity it is raid ku ckn f ul oino a pesattiiltt knocks all tgjlmo htstboudlk mrs uasonq colored washerwoman vi art ha was oomplalniiyr of her husbanda health why is he sick martha f asked mrs slaseu ilea voy poly mam poly saswsrsd ths woman uo got the exclamatory rheum time you mean iaflsmnrtory msrths said tlis iatroo- j-rl- vn to cry ouu yea ittsem replied martha with oouvtcuuu mats what it ia klo hollers a remedy for buuoaa ifssjaohs to thoso subject bo bulioos headache parme lees vegetable pills ara rscbmmenaed as tbo way to speedy relief taken according to directions they will aubaue irtegnlarltfea of the atom sch and ao act upon the nsrvoa and blood waaseln thab the pains in the bead will oeaaa there are few who are not at sosae time subject to bilueasoes and familiar with its sltsodsst evjl vb none need suftsr with these plusathasgl woman avoids operation medicine whicli mode sux- scona work ynnecesary asurta n y for two years i was fueling ill and took all kinds of tonifip i wan let joy news topics op the week ui bnl hay marine liiiiurniit o i n irod on tho ort nt jjikn nlcnincrn tho wultod t intrn i rushliu ovory nnnlblnnco to tho itallwnn 1 lio partlrujarn and ti rms of tho victory loan wi iu aniiuunn tl oront rtjfornm for riuaiiy wain hnntiuncod in ii rlli hr 1 nlxirj or hon j i ii ton lmt lxi n ap pointed clilot junllco of now ii rutin wick york liberals drcltl to eupiort james llallantyno tho ijiikir candl dntn mr 3- t wood or thn tjiobo odl to rial stair dlud at his homo in to ronto flonoral vorkkannky tho it use ian war minister wni uuated from tils position hon wtn pusolny has boon tap pointed ijeutenant govcrnnr pf now brunswick japan anfttho united ettos reach an rxroemont regardlnr china and rorardlnr jopans part in tho war mine deborah ilonlntoll wan in stantly killed by a trtln ntrlklnp- in automobllo on a crooinc at bcllo- vlllo a cnargo that toronto la aelflnh and graaplnr wan mado at tho raoet- lnr of tho york pionoer and ills torical boclcly prominent farmorn in conforonco with the food controller promlaod to do nil in their power to increase the production of hoes in tho next fow montlul lfout- col m f mnlr has roolrn od tho command of tho 2th urant dragoons after thirty six yearn con noctlon and is succeeded by lieut colonel w k mulr tho military hospitals commis sion la to orect immediately at ion- don a convalescent homo for rctnrn od soldiers with throe hundred bods and capacity for expansion to air hundred or moro as required claims for exemption olnco tho iantio of tho proclamation of tbo mili tary sorvleo act now number 188 733 and reports for oorvico total ib 333 toronto calgary and van couvor stand at tho top in tbo latter tinjilhday austria grows moro hopoful of an early poacu an important sinn fein arrest was mado in now york in two dors tho london yllo a and y w c a ralaod mor than t 000 tbo american delegation to the alliod war conforonco arrived in eng land sir adam beck charged hon wal lace nesbltt with breach of faith on tho supply of power david crolgbtoo assistant receiv er general and formor newspaper man died in his 76th year tho flnsnco minister announces that victory loan bonds of any de nomination may p relitorcd wcat toronto liberals nominated louis gurofsky for tho commons as a supporter of lourkr tbo government hnn granted ox eruption on certain uraio to studonto in tho medical vctcrlnaryjand do o lai faculties at lovol university mont real j cnpt matron annlo liartloy from brentford of no 4 toronto unlvor- alty hoapltal unit liau been invested with tho qrdor of hu itoyal iuxj cross for nor work at sal on lea philip pparnall ani hlo pon por- clval agoil rcopectlv ly fifty and twenty su vio rnm from tholr homo near plcton iu hlr6 with apples were found suffocated by gas immigration into wcntcrn canada for the past ten months was moro than doublo tbat in the camu period of last year and more than treblo that in tho oral ten months of 1315 tho throo and dvo yearold boys of mrs joseph forbes whoso husband was recently reported seriously wounded in franc worp found drowned in a proapectoro plf jcar their homo mudav ifoavy gun duels wrro reported o tho ifrrnsb frqflt a oerroan plunger was sunk pv an american frolrhter tho arcorlcan dolotates tq bfl allied wftr conforepcp arrived jn london v the good effects of prohlbitidfr wore shown at the nunual metlng of tho toronto crccho six ottawa res taurantk coper wore charged with celling beef and bacon nt moro than one meal tho free rato policy on brooding cattlo and shcop is working out well for farninro both laat apd west twenty two times as much timber has boon destroyed by flro in british columbia as has boon cut by lumber men the bulk freight tonnage on the croat lake a la to bo mobllliod greatly improving tjcspateb it is ex pecttd dr a it locke mado the practical proposal to the annual meeting of the toronto girls florae of furnishing a story teller la the city the dominion revenue for seven mnajha ending with october was nearly f sqo 000 ahead of tbat for the corresponding period last year tho food control or has ordered the jmmtdlafw uale at the kot prlfff vatlable of ti foo ftf spanish onions which ivoro ppofjlnij in otov ogo at toronto a now rovolutlou took place in russia luruaiiky was deposed and the now govorument will mako an fuimodlnto oftor to socure a just and democratic pi ito strthi nry draytun tbo now power cooiuluilor orclt rud all power sorupanus jo woru hulr plants at full copaciy tt roliuvu the power shoitago iiapriiontalivtui of now york flfls avoid grippe and pneumonia and makes rich blood to uvert rheumatic tendencies send a bottle of scotts to a relative or fnend in the icrvice th o lxntuc twuutotiui 17 ingworsorytryd lhsdchlllsmvb would ache i soldiers strength every enlisted man would stand up stronger and resist much sickness if ho could have the benefits of scotts emulsion becauso it forbfics the lungs and throat create atrength to jsthtagus wnr always tired i could not walk straight becauso of tho tiain in rnyback and i had pains to rny stom ach i want to a doctor and he said i must go under an operation but i did not go 1 read in the paper about lydu c plnkhamfl vegetable com pound and told my husband obput it i said i know nothing will help mo bat i will try tills i found myself improv- lugr from tho very first bottle andin two weeks timo i was able to sit down end cat a hearty breakfast with my hus- band which i had not dono for two years 1 am now in the heat of hoevlth and did not havo tho operauon mrs john a korxsa uxi rtushlng avenue astoria ny r lvary one dreads tho hurgwona knife jle somounna bat many times doctors say they aro nocussary whop they am not letter ejtor lotter comes to the plnkham lsjsbratory tolling how operations were advised and wuru not performed or if performed did no good but lydukifnkhame vegetabloconi iwindwsa used said good heal th followed if yoa want wlvioo write ui xydlsw 12 imnkham mrxllcluo co fffln1nuaj jj jommm escapes in war until ar nuta which wlu be th irr4tui mlniclfj of ell it will always ih tin inhibition l round qf mlrscj ca llow tun o bullet puncture a man a emit ih hind cud before or pierce h ik t uud auck and be gravely intn ni of boiu without wounding him vitil wbut uiytcrlumi channel does this tiuimiu bod contnlu which leads a t ullci ijcitirouojy around the heart a uulr ljejtli from the seat of life yet uiir runuld ui phenouienon vouclv t fur bj m re tluiu one wrpjy fiurgeoax liiiu lino buret thunderously bctweou the vry lcin f soldiers and left uicm illl notdttim tiliclla of two inches lo lliiuklrr i sio pusscij through hrga jiid urtns riitlivtit shattering tho hnno r burotliig at fhp jpiscl slfhoujjti tin it ii i p ui tu bu htsrajly by ropm t r out ti a merciful perfyruiuiiceu in iuii n history of the escapes in war uouid ihi wild trading even niter a cuurae of miindiiiu111 ft biijp oo h would itiy lcipcr wnu fedhig tha pythons betcral llrp rabbits were tossed into tike colo uxid cru lminotuatcly nnd lrdlly jmlsid 6y uio rriuloa jho trutclhij rabbits althuiijb neeuiiug ty sluioat as lurt0 as the viiulies were swallowed wholo ouu after another the hastly sight pruuiptld tho echo- larly lookluu iniiu to uxilului uruw souil all uttper iho i ucjicr tuiuoj a glauco of scorn tiiou thu prt feasor cs end ytkid a i row soiuo toy if youd ee all that llv stock i guess aro nortirfng ions nf thn flncitt laks i rlc flnli which ar i run hid acrotin lhn borilrr ilouliln tint former iirlc im tin oftni 1 h llnln rinnn at many or thu largur fl il ini points harimnay tho odv rnnit nt it ilrasli has cloned tho loirunr of hlo janalro more important prokrctin in pales tine has been mode by the urltish troopo tho fonik r premier of flout h aus trslla is coinlnk to canada for tho conscription rainpnlgn a strert cir ran away in tho king street subway toronlo causing fatal injuries to tho driver of a- waiion dr ii 1 ilrlght of athens was suddenly taken fatally iii though at- tondlnc to patlonta as usual tours- day nlrhl itobort oprontall was caught while reaching over shaftlni at the brlgb ion rannlnp factory and whirled around o hlo death tho itoeonstiuctlon and dovelop- mnot committee of tho cabinet de cided to appoint subeommlttoes on labor problems and immigration col onisation a committee appointed by tho food controller la preparing a re- pert and rocommondatlons on fhe solo of coreala in pekagos of loss than twenty pounds a tank nnd a captured german oubmarlno will by permission of the ilrltuh government bo brought to montreal to participate in the victory loan domonatrauana a bubcomm i una of the cabinet has been dealing with the question of profits allowable to packers and will it is expected announce its de cision in tho form of an ordor-ln- councll in a day or tw the canadian banks are arrang ing to mako advances o small in vestors in victory loan londs up to 00 per cent of tholr euhecripuon at tho samo rate of in tores t as tha bonds tbomsalvcs bear j graham a doll financial comp troller of tho department or ball wayo has boon appointed govern ment director of tho canadian north ern railway hoard succeeding sena tor h a nichordson resigned monday all american bakorics wilt placed under llconso today aid joseph gibbons was offered the labor nomination in south york mooier president of the paris court of appeals has boon dis missed cadet david edmond from near wlnnffcec was klllod while flying near richmond hill tablets to tho memory of lionta malono and gooch wore unvollod at st pauls church tbo plans of tho sinn fclners wero revealed in documents publish ed in now york tho lutheran churches in kltch- enor colobratod the four hundredth anniversary of tbo reformation throo men perished in st clair river aa a result of an overloaded rowboat springing a leak and eapel ing freeman noxon for inoto fbr fifty years a resident of ingeraou and a veteran manufacturer died at his homo in his 87th yoar tho number of convicts in cana dian penltonuaiios at the close of last fiscal year was 207 as com pared with 3 118 a year previous 04 per cent or the paroled priaonera mado good lt l u blggxr aon of w h biggar vlcoprcsldent of tho grand trunk itailway company has been woundod although ho is only nine teen years of ago lieut blgcar has boon in tho army two years hon t 3 sprouio m d former speaker of tho houso of commons and till a fow yearn ago grand mas ter of tho loyal ornngo aasoclauon of urltish america died nt bta homo in markdale in bin 76th yoar tho dominion government has do- cldod to lsuo a wookly report re garding bo prorrcaa or tho wmr and mr n u nichols of montreal has been appointed to the offlco di rector of publlo information tuusdajy tho kruncu premier or hla retoni to pafln from lloly hpoho optimisti cally a canadian airman second lloat johnoon was klllod at fort worth tolas lord northellito and lord reading axrlvod in lnland from tho united states tho details of tho voluntary ro- uons system for great britain wore anuounced a conferoncu v as hold to dutctv mlno the bent way to round up tho dqlldquuntn under tho military sor vleo act w r grose of polurboro nnd john henry of myorsvlllo wore drowned in rico lake by tho over turning of a gasoline launch mrs r l mcintosh of sturgoon falls while driving a motor car to north day was ludduuly taken hi stopped thu car and dlud tho toronto central conuurvatlvia passed a resolution recommending that ono of tho toronto main be of fered to a liberal unionist thu victory loan campalbn was ushorod in by noisy demonstrations all over the dominion tho first day a rosponao was vury fine john a w es law ay uuperintendont of car ferries at wloduor lived to hlfl hotf birthday according 19 his jjlfoug lltqlro thouhlj pe purfurud a paralytla utrovo olfcln fttolto fibo a p mouachroq of toronto salos manager for thu canada bond corporation was klllod la jjn auto accident noar ilarrto whllu acuug as an orsanlxur for tho victory loan john brunt u dvecuudant of the trvat indian chief dlod at his home in bulluvllle ut the slgo of cc ho had boon n muiubor for nioru than forty yvars uf mohawk druiuu lodbu jljot hofore his regular hour of enure j tr midny evonink at ohapteau itov a tl iapploijatn 14 bis congregation an many other cluxeus to moot the- aovurnor-gon- toi ut thu dtatluti and lutroduoed t s lxceiluucy to the largo crowd to whch thu duke made an appreciative uddrouj on his hrut birthday as sv caasdiso ciuxun rjawaiian muaic has a fascination that growx laistcn to the strange sobbing plaintiveneaa of voices the all- buthurjian notes of the hawaiian guitar and the rhythmic throbbing of the ukalele in these re c o r d s and you will feel the weird enchantment of night in the south sea lalnndo alcuia oe toouiuhwilwcgaapai uxwaoau medley tiumhmuucmp uaurtajravhaircwktaer sodoosu- ataala rauitkjwwuawaa10cta on the beach at waicixc hcjao lwisa awl fiuk fjktucldut iiapx 1lsj31chula ciux hau lmim sad fnak sphgiit capital 7jooqjooo naoiivis onua and undivided pnoffixe vsoa the merchants op canada sir h montague allan c v o president bank lurul muiiucr having purchased the livery and goodwill ef tho business from mr a- uccann i celtcit wilh conftdenco tho patronage of the public comfortable ngn supplied at reasonable rates- special arlvntiod to supplying conveyances far weldings an 1 funerals motor cam funnelled wlien ro- quired boo sheets all bainr acton l e atkinson onl vabbsanananaaoqddirb savo and serve buy victory hofids victory bonds save soldicn have you saved your boldief buy your blitrc in victory buy victory bond grain i chopp a u s well done and i quickly at only 5 cents a 3 per bag harris co limileci bockwood i i uauoudouuu muaaihoa was troubled with u9diesti0i could keep nothing on stomach jndlgeation is one of tiiu w orst forms of ftjimaeh trouble 1 bu dlututul ha pjmmt and you have a raw dubliilatcd feeling in h r jt la not nocossary for you to 1m troubled with indigestion if you utu only ac i on branch l b shorey manager rurdoclcblood llillcro whiiji will regu late the sloiusch so that you nuiy cat what you wuh without any ill uftor effcela mrs wm c smith manhville out wrius i canu t npeak too highly uf burdock blood hitters t is worth its weight in gol 1 i was tnmbtod with lo- dtgcelion si id was 00 bad i ooull not krxp aiimhing on my nlnuiii h a frii nd adt i il uii t try b it u wl 1 h i did anil i novir f it 1 tier hi my hfo hunhx k hi mm hitti m him hr n uiivnu- cartuml hv ilin i mllhunicu limited toronto fmt for over ho yrnra you dp not uxikxiuuiut when you buy it wliui you need boots shoes at any time buy i rom w williams ontario satisfactory footwear fvis9ii

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