Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 29, 1917, p. 2

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and mm will h win of mr i all of acton j ln t f tlo i mr uley hunoll died smyth in ntuvwfftwojra a iloculnyfith notomlor 10w jowj h suiyui aod 32 yearn smith at i vein 1 ohio on haurday jsth n r ir umtn 1dwm son tho into ci rlo si li uy nn 1 ij ana 8m of klrfiow i lart aruin aired 41 yoi fuic xton 3frw rajs thukhday novimnilto 1017 editorial nojes tan purrium nov of nogar and tlie rnee are ining e lonely watched ly tho sood coatrelier office ilcim liao bon taken to chock wh bortlii jf to provenb u adraaoo in retail prioc an i la nocuro an eqaitftblo at portionmonfcuf sur pho ah a rturalt of oooporalfon between ths ood controller and tho foderal depart ment of agriculture tbo farm era through oat tho dominion havo been informed of tho necessity of incroaninff tho prod a ebon of bogii in canada and camiiaigtia have boootiauiicliod ovor province umlorllia provincial department of agriculture emrmr cltijum in probably ready to occojii tho abstracb princplo tliat tlio practice of thrift and economy wiui tlio objoct of oocumnlatinrj tho wherewithal for pur eaaslajr war bon n i pood for his com pat riots but not all of u loo op lied that principle to our peruana affair to the ox tent that la dcjiirab o fvb un each conoid er coqbcionioutjy bow wo may detotosufu cleab at our income or nvihrrs to tho por- chaso of victory war kondt for the help of oar country and tho support of oar soldiers amir itouso or commons nomination lsat wbok dr an lorwn tho unionist can did to mado complimentary reforenco to tho retidnjj member lion dark header eon who had represented tbo county for dearly thirty yearn nometjnrr unique and nnasaalia tho political history of canada ho aid mr grofjory tlio lanricr candi date followed and hu opening remarks al so referred in complimentary terms to air henderson whoeo pteatbervleos ho thought s hare been rocogtiltcd by the got qromoot by appointing him a senator so that ho coald still represent the ooonty at 6uw tnmuhalswonkanoot over last ltlingon honflny to near appli cants for kxcmpuotr tlio luit regular aitllnp of uio acton trll u i to 1 tar n j ilpoota f r exemption un lor tl o mil tary sari loo act van bold on i nuj tlo f ltowlig decisions wtra wdulo sinco la l wednesday 2 lab i oat t claou a lxxmirxa kemtnor walter john fanner oeorg- i labor john alvln farmer erin want david j rodorlck farmer erin meltnujje william charles farmar oillman ilonry oore farmer glso ilutler william farmer acton smith lirodorirk itoberteoo farmer lnn ciaai a lxntrnox disallowsc dmhan joseph teamster glenwlluams day arthur jordoo carpenter nerval ritchie ianlal victor ftbjppinff dark ac tod olaod alezandar kennedy farmer acton after january icth ttlb viusna ii c i e tlxxurmo uiul their clans are called bcott thomas henry farmer barno- iog uullin william curence crpeotr ilonwilliamo smilh goorgo albert munition fworken glenwilliama wjjdfi prod gtoo qnlahar ac too lforrlngton cory carl georgetown thompson itichard laborer george town btnitb george mowat machines perator acton varoy darenoe muallan georgetown campbell john farmer goorgetown mcartbur lawrence farmer acton man a john lawaoa farmer acton tub nnsoemly exhibition of intoleranoe by tho mob at kitchener last saturday olght when sir robert dordon premier of canada wan not permitted to adilreaa til electors shown tcry the doceoaity of a union gotornmanttoaabdao tb kind of spirit ki canada un fort on atoly thia la the natural fruit of the laxity of the lato coremmenl in taking prompt tod forceful action at tho beginning of the war to stomp oat the mditioan spirit whcb wui rsry manifest in that miction of ontor- o tho irony of fnto modo tlio premier himself tho subject of lawless dtixeno of kitohoaer titjuularo thousands of retail msrchoiito throughout canada especially in tho small or towns and villagee who woald rbully shbacribe or aabscribe more for victory poada if it wero not for the amount of money they are carrying oa their books and the oncortaiot as to when much of it will bo paid if ovoryono during tho uob week of tho campaign would make an ebbrt to pay his bill to tho local merchant the latur wonia bo glad to increase bis victory xtfan subscription pair otinm demand lb and so doon nelf intereat for only by a boary otot bnbncriptian of tbo victwy bond issuo can uio prosperity of canada a population be assured r roiirairjiqiujchprimnminiaterhaa handod out tho following statement it is the intention of tho got eminent that uio orrico of a member or mombars- of any family daring- tho present war nhall bo tokea folly into account in considering uio zompuon of ouier members of uio same family from compulsory nowco act tho instrucuons of tho military sarvico council to tho tribunals oro along this hoe and la o000 any tril anal or appellate tribunal hoold fall to act accordingly the minuur of mlliua and defence under the powers ested in him will dinchargo frfmn military orrlco members o any family to wbnm xexnpuon lias looii improperly refused pte j l chipps dome aoaih was in dussia early tn tho war but lately scrvod in franco pte j l- crip pa whoeo mother brother and alator rcoido here bat who has made lulome at voncoaver far a number of years writes the fkxk pass from qoeboo on tho 10th inst pte crippo spent i umo in russia in uio early month of tbo war where bo was engaged in railway con etacuon during the past year ho bai been fa franca with a construction bat talion quoboc not 10 lb 1017 dear mr moore i take this moans of lotting my frionda and relauvcs at acton know of my return so far from this awful war and to exprom my grautndo that i ht boon spared uio fate of many m who haro boon at tho front i s be glad to roach tho end of my journey whero i shall moot my own door ones in oar own home which appeals tome now more f ally than ever before i think vancouver and british columbia will seem brighter than otfr aad yoa know i always bad a goad word for oar great and growing aty with all its advantages and tho nataralreaoarooa of its sarronndlngs i would luo to tell yoa something of my expononoos in uio army bat i coald not ask yoa for space to repeat the tory which other ooldiers havo told in uio fmxa pkltsa so often i might say that when s boy i asod to pray that oomo day i might ooo soma of this great world away from heme sorroandingm my prayers haro surely boon answered during tho past two or throe years to a largo extent 1 trust tho time is not far away whan this awfal war will bo at an end and tharo will bo peace ooce more kind regards to all old frionda and a merry christmas to yoa ail houybara woot j j cairn vano oarer b c the ljkthw cainpali n iy vn i i ian est in tbb county 1 ubl c tncotn uro ku hold uiroujjhout uio riding- m 1 thpfn torts t in uio com ng olocti n t rowing lor uo moot port the ol i party hues are aa cloariy monilcst al uiuul dr apdonon uiocomoriativo ui jon it catl i lalo i n oeising tho support f tho conservative wlthery utuo dollortiou mr jro tho laurlor lilwrnl nntnlnoe ii roportixl as fooling a grow m co 1 lonco on tbo nuries of his candldttturo s r itolwrt dor leu tbo premier u 1 ulod to jau in milton t lay in behalf or dr aiiduraon mil mr orru ory has had 1 hatiloy do wart k v m p p epeaking in i is interests i sovcraj puooo cqevvsons c0ners uooora moalj ii e uro in tils i eight or hood uiis woyk qulablui yp tbo uaoua throahidfcs here mr fred cloao 1 u 1 a i icitud jlr 11 murray farn mi u l mn cleavo will bo conlully wola i u h1 u uiir uolghborhood mr u 1 mr- mu ray d mum jeasie will roliru ui u well oar ii ei real from farm lifiw mm w a murray ao itul w ool iul friootlsin torouto atgullph nlxt wuk tlio wluurl air pons 1w 1 mil ou this date maoan it li a i ou iui tlo start of au iiuinat mi nalu of 1 jatlu1 or a talking machmu at ulul 1 lf tl lit otlz inal pricot hi l mw ml utn will 1m rotlucud i k 1 1 4i uu u ub la gueljh ktw llrun 1 hi v jual bo uio luatollka ho cordulln ft 1 i oir rl always load to u ai u ny patriotism ut i poling tisvd a 1 in hood only unco in w id uitf loal in br nit u o llh many a msti wlio unaru a n 1 all 1 tit 0b1tiiary james edwik sierra tho sadnowi came to mrs o a smith the widowed mother of the sudden death at cleveland ohio of her oocood son james edwin on saturday death oomo trader ratberdutrasalngcadiuons mrs smith who ts in poor health bod goao to aeorjria to spond the winter with bar sister tharo the home flab at cleveland had been closed and mr smith was living- in ooo of uio hotels lie was a prominent mason and the brethren of that society took charge of uio remains and superintended uio fnnaral james edwin smith was born la acton and spent his boyhood days harm whoo a younc man ho wont to toledo ohio whoro be learned the lithographing business far a quarter of a century he was outfaced in tbb business at toledo and cleveland mr smith who was acoompanisd by mrs smith spent a moath or bo with bis mother bare a couple of years ago much sym pathy will be felt for his bereaved wife and his mother hare who in her ibnolineoo ftol this great sorrow nry keenly indeed interment was mado at toledo gnath auyrw iu tho death of mis orsoo aguew be loved daughter of mr and mrs john j agnow of this district tharo has passed ui lifooworlosung a young g who for years lias co tho sympathy ad ii iratiou and reapect of friends and neigh bors because of her patience lu oqliouoo and uio woataoes of fier disposition ainuug iter companions abo was a ganaral favorite and loved by all although a suf fercr for yearn olio bore tho expression of on a who bad caught the redaction of the tlum tbo light that never was on sas land laat winter she wsot through a severe bub successful operation and to all appearances was making souod progteos toward partoct health suddenly lllntss cam there was a two wooks battle for uie victory tlcu trusunff in uio dlrins o is alio passed from death unto llfs in bor twoutiotb yoor stie loavoe to mourn bur loos ulovlig father and inolbsr out brother llolxirt and a aistofr mrs cscil jackson tho funeral u bsld on batur day lho servloo ling conducted by llsv d ii lukgs aesialod byltov it m uonus lutortnout was mado iu rivers ids com tery hortuoy man sur graos wtuho ramomberod osa woogirlio in actoa hor birthplace whom everybody loved and especially hor gratidporouu mr and mrs itobort anew tbo friends here sym pa unto deeply wiui mr and mrs ag no wand fauiily iu tlio loss or uiis door ous from uio family oirclo social and pebsohal mrs p bayers tioitod friends in toronto last week miss lsttls a moors was boms from toronto svsr sunday mrs joseph itolraoo irultod frionis in toronto soveral days lost week miss pearl moore of gaelph visited acton friends during the weak mr ernest brawn spent a con pie of days last week with friends in toronto mr and mrs j 8 deacon at toronto loft last week for st petersburg fl rida mr it d warron of toronto visited his brother mr jamas l- wsrron this week mrs harold davis of mitchell visited at the homo of ber parents during the week mr jos skinner of peterborough visib- d bis sister mrs m mclean knox ave last week mr king cooper is moving his family ts goorgstown acton regrets losing this estimable family mrs w l wordon u spending a few weeks- with her father at grand valley who has been ill mrs f a mclean watford u spending a few weeks at uio homo of bar father mr wm johnstons mrs mokenzio and babe of vermillion alts ore the guests of mrs mokeoxies sister mrs m milean mrs w t stoae and ber son pte william blone of the exhibition camp toronto visited ab mr j l warrens lost weak mtss mao williams of sault sto marie who has spent the pasb throe jnonuis at uio homo of ber grandparents returned homo on taosday messrs h p moore j p and bergt w j gould ware in toronto oo monday evening to boar er president roosevelt bio victory loan address in uio armories mr and mrs j u toacoak announce uio enggttinenb of their only daughter esths lois to mr molvin hllborn of gait uio morriogt to toko place qnlsuy in mil ton this week mrs a t hillyard of rostbom soak wife of berg hillyard is spending a few weeks at lho borne of her father mr gil bort croomoro she has just returned from a trip to halifax new winnipeg trains travel between eastern and western oaaada is always heavy in uio wintsr months particularly daring december with its holiday season to meob the requira- mento of tho public thereforo a special doily sertioo between toronto and wlonl peg u announced by tho canadian north railway ftostboaad deo 3rd to jan sad 1018 only j eostbound deo 1st to jon sthld18 only thereafter regular trt weekly oervloe will bo rosamod a through tourist bleeping oar will also bo operated dally botwooa toronto and calgary as part of uio abovo special scrrios and osnnocuon will bo mado with regular doily trains bo twooa winnipeg and edmonton borvioo between toronto and vancouver remains tri weekly learinft toronto mondays wednesday and fridays as sb present for farther particulars seo local timo tablo foldors or spplj to local affanb a t brown 223 i1allinafad mr oliver illtta ha i a nuccossful sale of farm stock nti 1 im 1cm on in nnd bounehold fernjtiue last wcdiieailay mr llilto in ten is i oii c tot mrs htrj 1 do tuulqi 1 a ino to terra cotta and will spend tlo winter wiui her daughler mrs ii bar lb mr d hilts norval apcutbunday wiui dalllnafad meads mr and mrs j ma don id of george town wero tho gnootdof mr and mrs j lindsay tho hoof ring will hold uiolr annual oyster sui per on fri lay night mrs j lam of grand volley is spend intra few days with ber sister mrs o thompson the womans institute bald a i tod cross concert in uio ball en friday nlgbb a pleasing feature was ad address on rod cross work byjurs dr monlan of ac too jmxkmfcjt al edwards co bakers acton having purchased the statham bakery business whioh has been conducted sinco hay fast by mr w woodcock we will conduct it on the old satisfactory lines whioh made the sta tham business so popular for the thirty years they were in business in aoton the many customers will be served regularly with wholesome whiteand brown bread and buns and very shortly an attractive line of cakes will be added the statham record of past years will be maln- tainei your orders will bo appreciated m ednards co church st acton shaws business school toronto preparo for every known caoadlaa commercial diploma or certificate none too high for oar grade of work free catolofno entcrany time w h shaw preo p mcintosh prin head offices yoofo and gcrmrd sts toronto winter term from jan b lyiott torohto ohtritlo 1 olnti wit prld to li lao lut of tnl sradutm a hlsti itoilrd u mlauunml hre writ for oor ctoco ktmn dioaod for oar tudmiu w j bujtott prtn is coming j e livihgstone hoa mjtlcl patcd yotir needs and has well assorted sttxk of cholco fruits spices nuts raisins mincemeat confectionery canned goods groceries and provisions fresh and curod moats 0 all orders promptly ulled j r livingstone oroairlm rod rvortrusloxui aotoh o ladles and chlidfens underwear buy your winter supply now aa tho mills have jaot advmed uo that no more repciti tin la we have tombohs make all sizca in stock ladies vesta and drawers it 40c coc 75c and slgocach girb vesta and drawers at stic to xi 00 each grey military flannel tit mens shirts tins mk of flannel is very hard to e any price we have in stock i limited quantity 28 to 29 in wide extra good value at 50c yq grey all wool flannel at coc and r7jc grey union flannel at 40c and 45c trvblte saxony fladnelette bou months ago the wholesale price for e lines of white flannelette is more todav tlnn wn nrr- olrr these special at 10c 20c 22c and 25c yd more today tlnn wo are asking retail best quality full weight scotch fingering yarn in light and dark eray qnarter poond 45c while heather yarn in black and white 18 kcin 2 for 35c shetland floss yarn all shades m stock pccial at 13c 2 for 25c flannelette blankets best qmlity extra lar i whitaor gray pink or bine borders special at 5250 pair r 41fln amirrliinii 1 13 ffiljr itctliouiut clnirrli dpn rr rr rr iaiioic u a uiiutor ciiiiitcti rinvtci ts kduoationai antfl vltllalty i1m tlo i f 1 1 1 lojoolu motl g ftaot ij hu i n ii ueiu1 i miiit tumir 11 1 1 t 1 ui t thursur i 1 i iyor ucili a wclcome koh all hay iriss mu sale j a i li i iu dluslxiuss ash huteb at a daltqain sauuri nimpiovo1t 1ip ail lllfur s1js in t r to will ald fotl bls uu for sjloo im bliiuiooia comway 8 mcleai mill street wm oeu fob oaou wn r- ran atton wmmewsaan mmmmmmmbmmmmmmgm special december service between toronto and winnipeg daily wr sihrnmrl dec 3rd to jan 2arl eatilwand dec lit tpjan5lfa note trvweekly service will bo resumed thereafter kegulah sekvice bfttween winnipcs and rdmoiiloii edmonton andvanconrcr daiuy tbi weekly canadian northern mers like toronto paly stents jem i promptly secl wbe clock strikes the hour of necessity for greater production loo acroo elbcruealnf twp acton 2 concoaolons bi ucrea workable llalaiioo pasture uud liusli uuiull ortlmttl bo clay loam brick liouc 10 rooms opriug- water i well bunk bam 66 54 barn no 3 54 ib driving hrmse un aluuo rdundatlou liay loft bebool i milo church threo miles lrlo 5 50000 terms nrrunrod loo acres aoton i i 2 mlua crtn 1vt ooacronworkullo framo lionso q rooms franto imitu driv loy olictl cliurch 5 minutes walk prfcofji 000 ioo acros at compbeue cross cwribuocouoy i ino karm kino uuildin whito btitk liouno ti rooms finest houso in the countv hot water boatluir bonk barn irood subline irico ooo mason uomostood ioo acres stxeotavtllo a miles all workable t oxroa oaburd lranto uouo iiaiiic bara 66x48 bchool half mile irico ftio fsoo prloe reduced to 4 800 for quick sale to wind up estate curty bonustead 160 acrv 3t fri hollso rooms liank laru aclcm maiiion ft majflon llii ui iismty ao juon111lal j grorgttown a whloughby ontak10 jrxo they like it because it is a real up- totheminute newspaper and they like it even more because it helps them to make money by giving them the market quotations while prices are still hot you get the live stock grain and produce market reports from toronto montreal buffalo chicago and winni peg from twelve hours to one full duy ahead of your re ceiving t same quotations m the next morning a papero and you know how often you have said to yourself if i had known earlier just how the market was going i coold have made money in addition to its splendid market service the toronto daily star gives you the moat comprehensive war and general news service obtainable through any daily paper in canada 1 then too there are pages to interest the women and the children and a good comic cartoon series intact the toronto daily star is just audi j newspaper aa a farmer who is interested m the world news likes to read ard he eventually comes to regard it as the msep- aryfcle companion of his leisure hours subscribe for it today we guarantee that you will thoroughly enjoy it send your subscription direct to thia office or through the pub lisher of your local newspuper the price direct u s3 00 a year in advance or together with the acton kituir pklss ooayur ilouskkkkpur wanted notice of kegifjtratioii of by law motiogu llbroljr b ut 4 ituw m t l j ii municipality of u o vflluro of an ou o f t klith day s ma yubr 1017 prori ii rr it u diw uirm m u 10a 1 f i tllm p posa or tinll ln or li ln u vlllar 0 aoton and ii at ucl i y law r tha rnttlstry otlc of u o iuut ol llalkon oo the tlilrtenu 0f w 131t ast motion to quaali irtsuiuu uum er ao4 part thcrvof muat l ada w m mootha ajur thaflrmt pot ileal t of uiia noo and can no be mao ti ciultu datadlbu ltui d of cintkj 13 r j- w a j ucltlnnof clark fish fish special friday and saturday frcab cnuglit sa hirnng j for ioc freih halibut sitak 1 jo fresh red sea salmon steak 30 fresh u c pink salmon stcal 25 fresh cod vrholoflsli is cod stcak3 17 finnan hndtlto 7 golden clcoc 33 kipwrfla pair is hicah cnuklit white pish 2 fillet of kaddio 2 bonelem smoked di by hcrnnk2tt s j stauffer pisirdlallr acton phone 40 btereod msln ol next co cooper open ovary mornlnfir xbo to 0 euid svsry ovoalnff ttt3j0o d new wonderland i rniday hovbuoen ri fires of i with farnum conscienct i baturday rjcctn1bi1 1 medicine bend with daxioff helen holmca tuesday decdwher 4 rpioodo a of tho voice on tbo wire and thonlncty and nino with william cournoy r l gregory d tilrvir4ri t ryi bkino your ciuiam to us highest criu it- t lau wccl i robe allen 4oj i alien 3s woarupjjim tbo hi bca coih 4 price fur liyo i uultry r rubinoff i acton creamery auction sale liakm siook lmpib- 1 mknth etc 1 la u ud cm nd bu boou luatruoled by waltb1i r evam3 to sail 1 y utj catlou auction abtot is 0ll coil l oi tuuuoav uuo4 al 1 u ulocl bluurii tlio fullawinf 1 cattl j lutlwiu uuw m fresli oolf at toot iduil a a uolfora gratia roflb oalfamool 1 duiliaiu txiir l duet froah 1 in jn y h fao dnr- bui dua to fronbo 1 u muj milkiu woll tlroy hoifur tluu lo fraiwi tliuo uf j0o 1 3 urado lioutuum fi mh chitm at i ol 2 ratio hulaumun l u u j y j uok iwifur duo lo frckon mac jj riol quiin oow mllkl ij ull yountj oalml h au hdutf 3 vpu mxliirs 0 atoora iiaiui j ym j boifom ris k yrs i tn calves hooa two j uo lauw tl sown dao to farrow loby jo o 10 y m rauvurlb ow due march iu s1i1u u u tor oo b i uro bred 1iicoauir imv lu ilia 1 ii- ountar ram loiub holuil sou 5001 drivim mar iui umlmy nw iu ui l iiiachioo i up re 1 tr o r ui it ai j 1 uuo cow uult aab 0 t at ok ikalub wilson 1 rruniar cream aaitarati r 1 oarly fiow 1 levoriior pulley f it asiuiauu- n iky iilow ourer now 1xw1 a nuuur if wull liro1 1 ly kiioutli luck ihcivli tlislo 1000 buo uatn jo0 bun u d lurloy u t un tif aoedl wsa ii rms ul nl j pu nuoia utlln d4u 1 1 i

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