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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 6, 1917, p. 2

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be cfim jrrr r5 tuuitimay dllimhikrt 1117 editorial hotes ihoui tab uatlflcutioa a iirotiibiuoii amomlinout oonnututlon wllliiii t y by loadorain that count thauaand doloflilon roprcioiilniif ovflry btato are b waahhiatot thii wook or uo national w c t tj invention i to i lit to of uo bod oral it i hourly ooo mattkoj now look an if tho united btatoa may jo in fur a unlu t of xjlitioal paruos undor ivcudotit wilixm a roorj animation of congress with n coalition cab- lust or union government ij doomed donir ablo in many quarters in unlor that uiq country may tlo liar fair ijiiira in wnmiiie the war it in fold that notmictjommcji nlmuld b expended in jeruitiiig party differ onoca wbero thoro in ait iosuq of 10 much mare importance in tho forefront jttaluosnd all canada liaio ctono matf nlflcontly lotlio rroafa over iuuvnpuon of tbo victory loan tlioiiniftuiro ffinanco asked for sico000000 and ho ban received oiror 350000000 in widespread aubacrt- iloaa to tho boadn ontario haa takan ranch mora than onolialf of uigiasuo whilo moat of lh other provinces havo mado a fin shewing in proportion to thoir popula tion there is orldcmco tbnb tbo wall to do farmers har contributed notably to tho sneeeaa of tho flotation wbtta wucooarnera oterywhar have done bollar in jiroporuon to their moan than moat of their wealthy nslfthbars tm gcraunmrr baa paasoclaa order in rjouodl adding an iacroam of 85 a month to tb separation allowanco which ia given tothowlvo and ether dependents of sol dim on service thossparation allowance will brat tcr bo j23 a month which will h paid to wlvos to widowed mothers and to msiher whsro tho soldier was uio only and to children of widowed aol diers this increase s a roeojrniuon of tb higher eostof living and baa boon nrjred by the great war vctarana aaaociauon and dtizma generally of tbo dominion will appreciate the action of the government in making tho increase ujrfok ooywuiwxht ia tho issno before tbo- lacton of canada today by the lection of a union oorornmeot party dif larooooa will bo larrcly eubdood unul tho war is won tho iniqaitona and cootly paronsystcmwfllbeprtcted 8tro man who hay won thair prestige and leader ship in both the old parties will onito u aggreoaivaly adraneo tho countrys boat latere and support oar brate men wbe bvt gone orersoaa to fljrht valiantly for tbo cause of freedom and democracy soma oay tho union gottmment is not a dew gwrexonieat j that partixaoahip etil crisis becaue sir robert borden ia ab its baad tho prime minister it is tmo in oonaorraure bnti thii cnuld not bo avoided when the leader of the literal pahy waa wnalterably opposed to the policy on which tho new union government ii forrood tbo libenda called to tho new ministry aro fatmrepreaontautomen thoy do not anffer by oompanaon with thoir conaerra ooooacnos or with any of tho men who are oppoeinfr them sir robert borden at milton mcitlnff3 at town ilajl and prlpxcaa thoitor with llboralunlonlst chnirmon 1 hinnobt uadkstnohq addresses iiod uio town 1111 and uio lrlnoaaa tho tor at milton worn callod iifto coaamia- nioii lajjl tuunalay nftomoon to acoammo- doto bundrcdn ol hnltoa county electora who fauioiod to hoar htr i to hart ilorden boui audiloiiuma oro crowded to caiaclty and tlis inmn minuter who apoko twice wao uivait an cnthuslmtio rooopiioitoa both qooajuaiul hir itolrt ilordon njioko to men and wamoii many j tlinm iiliorala who by tho camea attontiou liwy pavo him and tlmir applaujm domonntratod thati thoy approriato uio priounebn of tho uano uiay aro bcintf callod upon to di0r od aza dolormined to aupprt union government in itfl aupiiort of canadas men at thojronu mir kohcrt wlio boko in tho interaat of ir ik jc anderson waa acoampanied to miltnn by iuurt mckay k o of toroo to mr mckay ia a well knowq liberal who ban froui uio beginning of tbo war freely kiveiv bu aervloea in oncoaraging recruiting iloaddreaaod hlmaolf particu larly to launor iiiborala and attocuvaly mot fioam of tho objocuona the laoriorltoa havo roiaed to union governmaot tlio mooting in uio town ilau waa pro ded ovor by mayor ii f earl mayor of uilton and a prominent liberal while ch l warden of ifalton anothfr iuhoral hod tho choir at tho theater meet ing the schools boll of hohob tho following ia tho achool report far noramber i high school department faint iii cukia i tloy brown margncritobtew- arti ouvo mowafa ethel starkman clan iii annie snyder mabel robin eon violet smith georgo andereao stella molam harold kennedy anoio martin foom u claaa i jack waldio jowls uowat clara lantz elaio stewart batty lowria laqji mcdonald dnft wilson laena campbell edna johostooe claxs ii beeaio woodhau florone robertson gladys huffman isabel elliott uoyd konnoy chun hi ray affnow kail glbbona lawronco qibbena fonu i claw i mai bell jomootalman agnes debbie wiuie stewart willie kahry claaa ii vida andoraoo lacy edwards iluel mcdonald charlie anderson w h sunraitt principal p z bakes asautant- cnattt lettkh ph0m ohio mr c t booro writes or uio eftocts of tho war ovortjioroandfluidr intorcsunff hnttora dear friead enclond gad cheqno for faaa vutns for another year there are very few aoplo mentioned in uio papor uiat i know now ssnppoao vary few of uio old faniillos aro ullin acton hot josh uio same i liko to road the homo paper and keep posted on uio profrraao of uio old town well wo aro getunp a tasto of war xirjnq expense has rone np abonb 300 and the scarcity of angar is being severely felt wo cannot buy mora than a coajde of pounds ai m tlmo and aomoumao not uiat- i bappooed by rood lock to ret potatoes ab 1 00 per boabel and wobavoagoodeapply nf other uilnra canned and in uio cellar baa 4fc ls mighty aard en thoue who havent gob is a abortajra of coal is bothering pooplo abon hero and all over tho state bat many oso natural gas bo w will riot offer in oar bamee there aro thousands of cars loaded with coal on tho tracks but no anginas to move utetn that was somo drive tho british forces made through the german uoos the other day od they aoom to bo going atrong yet i in also glad to soo thai the italians are bold log their unas now and the longer they aro held uio bter caanc theyll han to go strong again i look for uio iuihua 10 drivo tho germans back soon i tel yon i and the rest of the canadians bare of which tboro aro sovoral aro saigacy proud of uio way oar boys are gghung they aro some ecrapponi for oartoin and ssexn to have the hans scared bo death of the tho united butee s getting into of troops into franc bub it is tlmo it should nao been done long ago wo aro all wall here floronoo is down in montgomery ala with her h who is with the soldiers in tho c department there aro about co00o trained men there who belong to uio guard w swot two companies from here and about 75 were college boys one of the fxaternauae hero has 64 in the different branches so la has cat our a t body hero this year about 25 out we still have about 800 the big majority now are girls lot to all tho folk i am getting pretty haomsick to sesyoa all sgain in tho old homo town sincerely ol t moon athens ohio november 20th id 17 n -new- wra lamlsborough una opened a meat lltialnea oil hla own account in the hriclc rloro opposite tbo bank of nova scotia llo will kcp a tull supply of freeh tuitl cured ttlomtm oauaaxea lloaul cheeea coolaq warn all of tho bcrt quahtleo prompt delivery made hnvmjf bccnvconnoctrxl with the meat businer3 in acton for twenty uircc years i can axhiro oil cus tomer eaujactor rviqp a trud order solicited pbanoin your order call number 4a whlandsborougii uuland nalnqt aotoh out n money saved is money made this 13 get ready week at this ntorc and while we are preparing for the display of merchandise for the christmas trade we direct your attention to the following extra ood values a grand showing of chin lies and cretonnes that arc very popular for knitting hags work bags draperies cuahions etc at 25 s0 35 and 50c per yard cushion cords all shade special at 25c j apron ginghams in blue and white brown and white checks fajh 36 in wide extra heavy weight worth to day 35c yard special at 25c our special downy flannelette pore white twill flannelette very soft and no dressing it is 27 in wide and extra good wearing ask to see it special at 22c pore linen towelling jnst 5 pieces in stock of this pare linen towelling 17 in wide in the natural shade with red border special at 2qc yard larjfc suc work aprons or overalls made good quality prints in light colors only kxtra good value at 75c each a large assortment of wool sets caps scarfs wool mitteti3 booties pall overs etc irish uncn and swiss handkerchiefs call early and look over our hand kerchiefs you will be pleased with them such values never were shown before the extra good ones are 1015 20 and 25c lines ladies hand bags- 125 and 150 special at s 100 children cry fob fletchers casxori a breakfast t00ds rolled oats oatmeal roll ed wheat graham flour cracked wheat wfceatlets and corn meal pot barley and white beans stock foods rolled and chopped oats oilcake glutton meal bran and shorts we pay highest market price for all kinds of grain i j l wabren btulnaxupr i tblbpuonb pawl te3 op sailors in need seamen work for horo pittance and when torpodoed leavo thoir families desutato many dependeute of crews of ships fr psdoodio tho bruah mereontllo marino and naval serrlc aro in dire rtoceaaity there l do pattiouo fund or pension sys tem oorwing their cases dospito the fact thai this class of the community ia the one upon wniehw depend most withoaa seaore to man our ships uio trade of tho empire would cease and our ahoros be open f to invasion up to the present comijaraurely iituo relief work has been dono for th1 claaa in ry but the situation ig being rapidly improved by the formation of sow branches rf the natylawgro throughout uo dom- ialsa under his excellency uio dnko f dtonahire who is vicepreeulonti of ue navy league of groat britain a sailors day will bo held on december 8th wbo a general appeal wiu bo mado far funds to carry assistance to many faml im whoa bead is on the high soaa or who fa many eases has given np hu life defend lag the empires shores tho funds so raised will bo administered by the havy league and a proporuon will be derated to canadian sailor who in in creasing ombors are going into tbo nay and mercantile marine and who an a class are about tho pooreab paid in uio world the need is orgeat and uio leagao is hop ing for a generous response public school department forjsrn book ho iv frances hurab 108 esther starkman 108 sahra nelson 1e2 total 200 ju iv ross moeroy 144 marguerite ityder 143 laura scott and mari mowat 142 total joo- m z bekmtt teacher tiiiiubook sn uj goorgo jiggina 388 denald kennedy 383 mario lanu 35l total 510 ja ill earl cooper 000 myrtle byder 031 r usmll boas total c20 j m mclwjd teacher sbjohd book ba n madeune masaleo 300 dora lambert 201 arlio white and sydney smith 252 total 320 jn n tbolma gamhls 111 halon ooxo 100 cmma little and olive cooper ita total 00 if h fleut teacher finar book 8b i joaiis mastera 252 ednamcrga son 237 annia dunn and francis wilds 227 jn i john glbbona 78 adelaido horab 205 hazel james 203 total 310 d fourrxb teacher blacksmithsdifpiculties today to horee owner the writer wishes to- say a few kind words to owners of hones bo has been old a few time by lemons whom he thinks peak very plainly aad withojt roaaonaslo oonalderauon that blacksmiths ore getting vary tndepondeob and are aob as ready to oblige the pubda who palronlu uiem as they shoold be let it to andoratood that blacksmluia oannfrgt help today we aro only human and can ooly do no much work fo ach day and when we try m gu beyond a fair days work we aurely will nut butt very long tbo records fe uio pmvuico uf ontario show that uio old blaok aro rapidly passing away othara coming up iu yoaru are closing their shops becauua uiuy cminot handle heavy work any lungor luoti uio yoonger class have enlbtoti in laro uum bers and others liavo goun to uio munition factories where uiay can got tuurb gruat pay but moat uufortimato of all thuro are no young men takitir up tho black smithing trad becausu uioy all any and y rigbuy it is too hard uijrl my mouve in writing thin letter a uils at urns uio patron nf tho lihu kwniui may have to return homo witlmut having lis work done and come ogiuii uaxl dny vdipu there la bat one man iu tho ah j winch in generally tho caao thoao ilays wo hupo oar friends and patron will not thluk too hard of us wlion we aro doink our vury lcib to keep up wiui tho work ami servo ail mi saxisfaotorily as poaaiblo sincerely trokung uieas romarka will lo m kindly taken as they are intended ly fee writer lam very truly n v mtluu acton december 3rd 1u17 blaokaui it piumary department fahioa puimkb olutao albert hall max starkman rose bitstow flim belvia gamble margaroagroa- doll dorothy gardiner ciass a charlie bilmkilo eddlo glb bona harold wllgnst olia b anitariloao teacher johioftpjukaat oiitn c clarence anderson m1t1d lambert tom elliott clam b willlo wsterhouae and jim noble george cook franklin oook one a dono bnstow doris lanta lulie tylor and stewart malcolm bxteasi eixiot teacher hew winhipeq teains traval between eastern and wstem canada is alwaya hety in the winter months particularly daring december with its holiday season to moot the require ments of tho public therefore a spacul daily borneo between toronto and wlnnl peg la announced by tho canadian north eni railway i westbound dec 3rd to jan 2nd 1018 only j eestbound dec 1st to jancth10i8ouly thbresiter regular tci- wookly service will bo resumed a through tourist sloeplng oar will also bo operated dally between toronto and calgary as part f uio above special service and oeooeouon wiu be mado with regular dally trains be tween winnipeg and edmonton service between toronto and vancouver remain trl weekly leaving toronto monday wednesdays and fridays as at present for further particulars soo local time tablo folders or apply to local agent a t brown r specials from the mens department mens penman underwear good heavy weight shirts and drawers special si 85 each mens flannelette nljut jowns made good quality flannelette in gray pink and bine stripes special at 3150 mens mocbo gloves in grays and brown shades all size3 special at 200 per pair alens heavy work mitts special at 75 85 and sic0 mens cashmere socks all pare cash mere wool in black only sizes io io 12 and ii special at 50 and co per pair mill street wbbbll iron cash wd belx stob l acton loooooooooooo 66 lend us a hand mate 99 we are deepsea sailor folk we are the men who sail and fight his majestys battieshrpa we are the men who go down to the sea in merchant ships we combat storm and wave icefloe shipwreck and submarine thaf the empire may not receive its death blow on die high seas we do this far little wage we do it without a thought of our own safety nor can we provide for our loved ones if the hungry sea swallow us or the whining shell blast us into the beyond and there is none else to look after them will you hep us on sailors day december 8th through tho daughters of etnpire j lr acton creamery f t bui no your ciojam to uh highest cream ivita liut week kobt alwn 40 wiu mtculloiigh wuaropnyinx the hty licit cash t price or llvo poultry t rublnoff i acton creamery 1 mmiuiiuiini the strong right ann of cjvilrxatsosi is the vncoatjocxamn saoar of tho british mary and mercaiilile lalaiixte hts history and atncvcmenja mro too elcrioaa to need cnlogy your ob- fcfiptioxxs arc asked to assist the sack and wounded also the tlcpendcoes of tho nifnrgflntip sallpr who rccerre no pensions or patriotic allowance a tbo hfomopd to the body so tbo value to the empire ss the frictrnrrttvi mnrinc from yokohama and iion kotr bombay vancoaycr naplcsj port sakl halifax and archangel these sailor men and their ships aro the allied lines ci v to destroy them is to cot tho jngulgr vein ol oar war its a carious thing in ottr hsatary nec throagh tsvery stage that this strange breed ot hihspritd haxdhandcd farsafihtcd cautions canning silent british sailorshirvc been a rock oo vrhicn oar enemies have been uroken they smsshed the armada they foiled the dutch they defeated napoleon they defy the sl murdering gcrmari stsbtnarinc today last year s70o00o was collected and sent overseas for the british sailors relief fund this year the navy league has been entrusted with the raising of funds to provide for the dependents of seaman who have lost their lives their wage is pitifully inadequate to their mighty taslc entirely so when it comes to caring for their nensionlcss dependents the daughters of the empire will take tour siibscriptioii on december sth for the relief of canadian and british tauarm had their dependent for sauarm home inttxtxtte and hospital in canada and through out the empire alt who appreciate the magnificent ufork of the navy and the mercantile marine are asked to cantribate o that these bratie fellouts antheir families may not become destitute when shlpatrccje or the perils of the seas tureak loss upon them if the canoasser doesnt reach yoadoat fail ufith your gift- be fair be generous be quick objects of the navy league of cwnnrlft ontaeio bkancu ftttksfcait wkatw hawy laajaa of tho nw league ai canada u the canadian btaach at tho ny lcatfua ol tho imuah empire and u so aaocitua ut vuluuluy uiomhcj jockmmi to carry out the olwioil ubccl s- 1 a thueoushly oriratucej odufauoual campaign a by loctuscs b 0 tho circulation ol uljaalms fc uf pliuutf iswlw ku pubuc 2 tu wm fuuda tot tho rebel uj biuah and canadian sailova aij thetr ih pendent fix sailoia hutuca laulvt j homtjja io ril aoxl thiuuuhofltl ihj ljiiiii 3 tu encouibiro ulutacc naval bndc o boy a ami jruuuu icu iu whtth they lu icccivo piaaucal aud thcofctii uktitmjicu n -c- cuaoahip to unjiud thcu lit errka iu uui mcvcantiw uaioc h ivajl bo a un4aucotal uuicipl oi tho laafuo thai ku ohrocta tuciuhciahiti luatlatjo luenl and fckduft shall ha abaolulcly unt ounce tod th and iioa from all lity ixiliuu aud rota bycjy oqiimllnui ooiimmltnl wall ljty puliuoa rvtrooa thei liccuoikiu tho duka uhidikum oi dcvuualuic k c 6ii cul i john j uud k c mc cvo licutcuatucuvciihii of oulatwj hjs6uj luuk ubo ltt cucoiuujuic acuuhujitibjx if tii i jbvii bi you mall font hacriptl t t of tl ootajjo lirasich mi tba nawy lofm el cj q williams 34 loar luwi c4h cttxll wt torottn- jlcli aiucrtiifmitita j fflje iltrlhniiit tlmrrli arion ir 11 it la itoiclt a ii u iutor c11uiicii fillt vlciifj 111 ll vv uwpu miiil j 1 u ri k nihiit tnaalr i i i tuurslar ii l m 1 ijm unnlli c a ukucotau ioh all 00l1 rinti lost aifiauiitillil i 1 rmr uii1aid u1 v litl 1 ti i tu a kmro- ui yiolr ii 1r rlm nltlnl wp rji i jii i riotliiy iiroun housekkkikr wanted a lou1lti jt1 int sassa jv jialil an it l i u tlluf 1 y iiaiiitat touoii sm uiiwllllaia ooj furnished room uant1ci one rurulahfl ro m 1 y ujhi luool board aililrnairillo la d new jionderland fhiday dkccmc 11 7 the girl who dictnot care ivin prtxlactmn witli an all ttar cast oatuhday nicnhinino wasted ycipi n mutual lias- tcipicco tuesday dcckd3dier u kpinodo i of tho voico on tbo wire and tho cwiiji or fate a faacmatinc romance of 8trjo oik their heartaches and joys- r l grcgoiry d dominion elections union government a union mass meeting ot tho electors of acton and vicinity wdl bo held in tho town hall acton on tacsday evening december ilth at eight o clucl tho meeting will be addressed by it o bert mokay icc liberal unionist of toronto dfi anderson union candida to and others ladies especially invited kvorrbodv wolearno god save the kino dominion election liberal iass meeting a mass meeting of tho eloctars ot acton and vicinity will lie held in tho town hall act on on monda eve d mher 10 at cixht oclock tho meeting will bo addressed by w d gregory the liberal cuudiiito itthahdino ico of toronto and other ladies especially invited rvorytxmly weloothq god save the king olhsarino auction sale lfarm ktjk and lirrllosujnts tliownderolrnuuuircooiod lubtruouoaa ta sell by 1uhlio auction or jcatm uricuduituujth on lot jl cu 6 naunjooj a ua tlluluioay duoiemuuh 13 iol7 ttq following hoitaijj l jimuiul huraa k eats a lady can drivo him an i lo u ml hiwao i krey hurao bhim it l i all haruaaa latly can drive him i oil nm 1 year got by 1orchimo horae cattl l 1 vl oow a y- duo la april 1 llurk and wur w iwvrm duo in may i 1 roi ow l i may i 1 hniuiu heiror duo tlmo uf wl i lu luifor duo iu february 1 ww fi juhjh 1st 1 black cow 3 vitain lumiw 4 atoata rtahtff 2 joarn 1 holfum rtmn j- yuan 3 calvas ilalng 1 yoar fowi c w il u itooks aud javaa 2 nwvuiii iluifu turkey houa aud 2 pul hloia 4 uvau imllbmin vh iwcmn hood drill 11 hoc tfioi na- now ltiiiuj liak harrow oaarly uaw dourui lwr llarniw uaarly now ixw rim jl lurum jiluw uuaily iiaw doaciuk hculllor oi aa now 1 aingla jilow vonly no jl i laud roller 1 waou i wadn ikji hay hi d otock raok 1icm i rc itcrlhruaow duolajao 3 younn yorkuhiro numa 1 yauug bof tjcilmssiu aud uiulor caah ovar tbabanmuut lu luoittha nwlil ui tumlah iug aiiiinivoil joititi unlet u ior oouu jr animal oft for caali fcat uiw aud fowl caah ulnj letch auction

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