Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 20, 1917, p. 3

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ifihwn r- r santa claus headquarters presents f or evefmnd xmas a wonderful rolo t i watcher jow rllt ry fancy chum and cut mai silver wnrr hooka hililcn ion dull xniliiuid noivyfanl uml cliililrini i siri no then ton yon i mil irtmont news of local import hmployoos children a chris tmu ijiq annual clirlitinai tv i an i tr taioinont prnil toil for tlio rhil ireni f ii o in pi or oca of metire iloai lm iro api m lho acton tannine oo ail lulu ij j d town hall thli mfori hid nml ftf tin l elwavaaa onjo in omnt mil k ooiil j looked forwaid to ly o li idioa thaothorwlsowou van dyko mr bratitc kohhmu flop rintoiwlr- it m i methodist hui rhmil l if f jluli aotor iynls scijc jarrnit jti 3rss tliullsuav dlucmuilljo 1017 lful 1 blilep local items merry christm i shop carlj the noxt foyr days tho longen day of llto year tomorrow tho milder woathor thia wotsk helped tho eoaj alluntion two eolltl wooka of torn vroathor la decerdher already the merry tnuio of tho sleigh boll is ery agreoahlo again chriflltoai will nurcly havo ptonty of now and good aljltiing the stores in town aro in very ray drew with chriatma jrrjoda the schools cloto to morrow afternoon for the chnatmaa holidays good morning i unto yo renewed your fnu pbxto subscription a whjco christmas with fajrly rood sleighing is now pretty well ansa red df j a moniven of acton baa been appelated aa associate coroner for hsuon therell bo many happy christmas boineootninjrs hutotuor homos will have bed hearts the e rortoo li terary society a arrang ing for ft re- no ion of its members oo now tu3i nigho i daring lbo cold aoap but wee the a irp heating gjatcm of milton town hall was freson up please bo nnro that your fobs pnxsa label tella tbab your sahecnption u paid to an advanced data tarnips havo beoo coming in freely gala this week tho prion of 0c per beubeloi qfty pannds ntill prorsils a ear of olock ahfppod by messrs holmes rao drorars but week oonb tbn 3800 to purcham from tho farmarn municipal nomlnationa will bo hald on llooday dcombcr31flb and tho election on monday jannary 7th tho latent dates poaaiblo to hold tham the annnal at homo of tho teachers od atadeata of acton uigb school will bo held lo the tawa hall tomorrow ovoolng 21 inat at eipbt oclock rot j c wilson b a vu at wa tod preaching anniversary ocrvtcce but sunday rov robert a londy of waltoo dolirorcd very acceptable aortnooa la knox chnrch two cars of coal hare reached iowp darioo tbo week from the number of dtfxana and datiforjuriga cam pod in the atailea yard it may bo judged that many mm are not over atockod yob hun lay flcrn m i to a lioildy p ill fur iti loodllij luui dr hatiry ulyb mjui fidy lii most of tluun atuclirnll n i j i to irctciiiiul and dr vnnujlo ntncng chilitaiaa story will bo tm by sic 1 j mooro ix a of toronto tho uarviro will ita ono of very njiocial lulorolt in tho scliool portordros winln hydro arbitration an arbitration of in ru uian iiiml nn ortaoc cuvannf fiiro tlan linariiiy wiia reooatljoormldctntl ly 1 ii fetter of xjondon uu artiilralar apjiointod under the atatutaof the ontario gorararaonb to lioar uydro uocttxc arbllrationa some conaidarabu umo ago tho hydro buflb a power line nrallelinj tlio present line through the county ef ilalton and took poocetioa of a strip of land about fifty feet in width off the front ef all tbo farou fac ingtiia eon lb aide of tho roadway batwoan tbo first and oooond cooconalons south of duada htroel homo of tho formem ed with tho hydro while athrva cluroad the offer made by tho hydro coram ins too wan not by any moans equal to the damogo their property was rraodnfnjj and oloctod to haye their caaee contested the case of iorter llrothara is the flrat one to be beard in that injitanoo the hydro electrio ofjarod porter brothera 2009 tar t iama done to tho farm and wero allowing them two driveways croaa tbo atrip of land loading on to their property tho award of the arbitrator wbifh baa juab beeo tak en up allows 1orter drotbare 3400 00 and the costa of the arbitration and pro vides for aix driveways across the land ox proprtated e h cleaver earlington appeared for porter brothera and oeorgo 8 kerr of hamilton w w pope and e a hugill of toronto apfeared for tbo hydro electric union government en dorsed 50 majority every provided but quebec and pnnco edward island voted largely for unionists west almosftclean sweep social and peijs0nal ntthfi veek t i ho rli- idoraul ijninn morn y l j n urgcr irvj nl urui wtu tw f a- j loaml folio i u f nyirj hcomii now kuiwic oiilario manitoba buskatcliowsti allwrt ilntiih coluti ly 1 u bu 12 mm 1 rrxl w iivoiim with relatival i l turmiio m n nora kntiny of coelpb sjient tb wck oud at ik r liunio berr mr ior mciuin vijitert trvzdi ii turooto uid liudy lajlwoek mr v r hmytli ulmidfdniuok spent monday jritji frnjfl in tuwiu hit edgar luui of hl jorge iprnu tlio week with rioflil in tbo old liomm mra ivi i h hinth rtnd miti m in aponk tbo to id with friend in toion ta mlti iteaumoitl of oioi uet of mi lyiroakom ivillinms wa the hly forthoweok- fro lotul 1 k 03 tho tel hot ho mil no doubt iucreato tbo majority by a numlxir of aeata sir ftolwct iionlcntuosdayiaauedasuto- monl aipr63ainie his kauafacuon with tbo roaultof tlio rnoral nlccuon nod thanklag both couaervativcs and liberals fur tlioli eftortson behalf of tlm uoum aorornmont it fa as follows tbo people of canada have full re alized and upland idly fulfilled their djuy the union government will tjave a major ity of ab least 60 in llio new parliament the result of the noldiera voto u not yot known but lb may increase tho majority to enty or mora it was not a portiian viotory la any bonso if patty liniw ere to be taken it is a triutnj u a much fur liberals as for con sorvativea tho splendid elsmenta of the liberal jtarty wbo worked no strenuously and with such magnificent results in every province mcoib ono ore to bo congratulated equally witli tho conservauvea equally coo was the spirit of the conservatives wbe rsgardlcas of party afflliatlens sap- ported and elected union liberal candl dates io many ridings letter fh0m 0veskas ftc michael kaloy writes iaturostlng letter and sohda chrlstmu wuhd3 to homo folks th following jotter from pte m- 1 kaisy written on novomber 25th in wit- ley gamp was received hub friday by his friend mr wm mtwo john street deer friond i am having a good time smd like england fine i was up to boonie ftirh on a eovendays leave sod oer teialy saw some groat eights i m going to try to get to ireland ab christmas but believe me tiiore is no place like deer old alloa that j have seen yet i suppose you bear of all the raids we havo over hero i paw the raid ab folk etooe la may it certainly was some sight ivu in crow bora on ho machine run bat was called bae it to die famous lsitb battalion it was lucky for me that x was for n number ef the boys who ware with me have boon killed since they went to the front- i emw joe kentidy a m smith fred williams and sergt coxo i hear gun oer smith is going borne on a tkree months lee vs the acton boys are all fa tho same pl so it is not no lonesome we havo ocbogroftb talks ab nlbt of tbo fallui at boco we boaeatimos gob the georgetown boys into oat hub and enjoy a time togoth a you know h george and george cook ere in franco 1 seo by the fuxs paxaa tltfts sergt cook ex poets well be home by ohrlsuoas i think ho is a little bit out bub i believe myself the war is nearer an eaul than most pooplo think lb is floe to aeo the whole division of aix teea battallooaoul ou a route marcli fif teen to twenty mildss with full pecks haw is eonscripuuii coming along in aotoa i i auppoao yon are not thinking of siloing op r wishing you oil from the bottom of my hosrb a merry merry christmas sincerely your pte m i kajjct no 6c3270 i cooijmtiy lmth uatujlon wltley camp bnrrey england cuubcuill tber sleighing has greatly improrcd dur- n the week and is now oialloiit the heirs of tlio raker ontate reeidenb la bids locality have boon untitled toatteod meeting iu toronto this weok it will be fine thing whin tlml lug fortuno oomce- late the hand of ibnjo wliutionoatly be eve they era rig tful linra mr clinton hwiikhauier will bom a sake of eurplun nteck on tbo hlij january wlq tea has some due block to uibihioo of hobticultdhal s0cy pb0dable fifty hombera nocossary and a can vass now in progress to soo uro that hombor a tooetinp of a number of citixoos inter eeted in the organ iratloo of a horticultural society for acton was hold in tho town hall on monday evening the interest mini fasted waa deemed to bo sufficient to warrant steps being token to proceed with the kecaring members for such a desirable soaoty mr g h brown was appointed chair man of tbo mooting and mr lftwrcnco vthlums secretary mr wluiam white who had written to mr j lockle wilson supori a tendon b of horticultural societies for ontario for date gave interesting information relative to the proeoedioga necessary for tho orgaaire- tlon of a eocjeby and tho benefits to be de rived by the membership the first stopis to secure the eignataroo to a petition of st least qfty persons who ore willing to b paid up members on receiptor this petition tho department will send instructions to call a mooting for organisation on a date beowoen the bth and mth january tbo government grant for the first year of ft horticultural society is et the rate of one dollar for each paid a p member oo the first of july said grant not to exceed j75 the officers shall bo a president first end eocood vtoopreejdeou and nob more than niuo directors and secretary troaa i urnr the benefits to be don vod from e hortl i cultural society ore the holding of motl logs for discussion and lectures on the theory and practice of improved horticul tore j holding exhibitions and awarding premiums far the production ef vegetables plants flowers fruits trees and shrubd the distribution pf send plants bulbs flowers shrubs and trees in waycalculatod to create an interest in horticulture the circulation of horticultural periodicals encouraging the improvement of homo and pablic grounds by tho plantiog of trees and flowers and by promoting outdoor art and public duty by ofariog pritee for essays on borticultorsl subjects ly im porting and otberwub procuring and di tribatlng seeds plants shrubs bnlhe and trees of nev and valuable kinds there should he do difficulty in securing the names of fifty members for a society iu acton messrs g h brown w white l williams and b h ltowia are making the canvasa this wees a second meounjr will be held oo wed noadajevontmgflsui iosl to further mat ters relative to tho proposed new society winter tanm krom jam t yooro and charles hlraata toronto ontxrio i olnu will pr4a tn t ioa iu of sonooss fnl gm lurr a tilrh staodard u alwava malulliiai liars wrl for our catalogue ixeau daiuand lor our indents w j elliott prln susaannnanaannni sj ohn d rockefeller travelled froranbook kcepcra a tool to 36 broadway nover before was tho demand fof thoroughly qualified help no great as today winter terra fftaita jsuidjuy j urd iqin nt the gdelph business college j ouelph ohtahio it l- important that you start at tho bcfiiuniuc of tho term l hooc1c prop principal obitdary thotv wm iiul muclt uottoil ban on muotiy pnuy wall bkuilloa to mm robmot ntliiail with nujori ty utiuonorr tbo most loojilo ro tlo vaioa ugy gutxt working ma okoiujb iuiuiku on ol tlio eiddct dbstha uutt ha oo oumd unovg oltlun for img tlmj u- oooto brbor who iod oual aucml hoplu1 00 wojodjr u h wml ij tn ml tlmo rem tmhtroohl u jul lor uult opml j ou hm 4ll 7 tho oponuou w uxt polkou um lalddicjon uo 1m hat tbn ho duhth homo lly itt tm u don 01o wu ad llj im urn wimi u arth blmt h ln acm t 1870 w 17th 1u0 0 z aioci u mr iwhor lor jo um rilj vmuo obi dm 10 dm l u j j- niu d j bho do lj lod h llwo umu lm u h i u ll slomlo i l d ho sh 81 t- to 11 o ko hor hj ho u nd oi koolt a ju7 4o000onsli pruos given sway with wallaoot calendar tli in yunr cot artic biers mr willlnm 1lai k returned lant woek his fmll trip through ibu finco of uulo mr bred andorroii of actori was a vliitor 4ii ihn city for uto weksnd guolph herald mr frank flamtjo wji at georgetown on saturday attending tlio funeral of the hvto mr tompkins mr ad mrfl p 1 lublnson of kam loops ii c nre vhillng tlieir ilaughtcr mra ooore mciuin mlaa jennie wbiosy or mandoeald hail guelpb 1a sponding a couple of weeksholl daya at barioroo bsra miss maggie kennedy daughter of the lata goorge kennedy georgetown dlodjjf cancer at her homo there on hslnrdn- mr robert wallace who is npudlng the winter in wingbam en mo to town on monday to voto for union government 1 the gualph public library la closed and will remain closed until tho coal situa tion is greatly improved guolpli herald muilouioand maiter elmer jounatoo robumod bomo on monday after speeding a couple of weeks with friend a ab hamil ton city clerk t james mooro ef ouolph and mr j m moore of the uorsld georgetown spent saturday with their mother mrs t t moore yountr street fine furnishings for fastidious fellows ob wallaces guelpb fand taste j3ccaii t chiefly conmsta of tlic assam teaa or northern india the strongest and richest in the world less red rose i3 required in the tea pot where four or five spoonfuls of ordinary tea are required just use three of red rose red rose tastea better kept good by the sealed patkage mm xmas fish special fresh lake sap herring 7 for 25c fresh plounderu fresh smelts fresh rod ben salmon fresh b c pink salmon fresh halibut steaks preab cod steaks freafi cod wholo fiah gov fresh haddock gov fresh sea herring all kinds of salt pickled smoked odd cored tiah in stock ciysters choice long island native oysters always fjesh prompt dejlvery every day s j stadffek pish dealiir acton pu0md40 alvayuopeit miutary htftes pte itemunld gunion of lle it j 0 was home from toronto over flanday tlifl draft to which pto itobert uunlar belonged st toronto for overscan on sat urday many pretty christmas cards from tho hoys at the front and in r upland are toing received by the friends at homo jut now major a- o t bpardmore wrote a eard to hid flics prtrju from u10 front in francs on the 21th nosniber sayiug i am quite well word was rocoivtd i t week from pto thoa bannott thnt ho waa aolbciently re covered from bis wound to return to franco on the 25th novomber for act iro servico again a bran tablet erected to tho memory of the late lieut edwin t lenllo by tlio guild and sunday school of knox church georgetown was unveiled at the morning service last sunday alfred g marshall of limohouse wbo spent s couple of years in the office of w h storey it son and then removed to detroit has retnrnod to canada and on list ed ho is now in khaki in camp at lon don- slightly worn nightly made rightly pnceil rdialttly mens niht- uhlrti and pyjammas at wallace a ouolph save buy yours to-day- hubatkh coats tho gooh kind from 84so to 91 200 woollbn box mens heavy woollen box special nt 50c undeiiweaji in two piece and combina tious from 75c to 800 youll mvo rood money by sccunnf all yoti require nt pres ent prieen as woollen goods prlcci nfo coaridg higher ow mjr to tho present war condi tions r e nelson mena outjrrmn quolpli ontario uftutle wish all their custo mers a very happy christmas and to join with yoa in hoping fora bright andpeace bringing new year geo wallace tjfc clothier 30 wyndhnm si guelph wishes his numerous friends among the read ers of the free press the compliments of the season a merry christ mas and a happy new year to all od mother olilrl od u upj ttldod new meat shop wril lands borough haa opened u meat uuaioess ou bin own uciuuut in the brick store ototiitogio llaak of nova bcotia ho wjll kep ft lull buppfyof iraattb mms oureml mecai aauaajrp tleeu cheeem cookmt haan all of tho beit qualities prompt delivery made wo havo a clioico dutpluy if chnouiias meats and iowl wo iccialty of handling chnatliiaj fowl wm landsb0r0ugu mm and ssain at adtom ont d j l warren iiiiiiiiiiimiii canadian british short term government bonds yielding 6 to y why not make your savings tarn y in stead of 3 j r sii0rt1ll t a ilalton county representative neav president the canadian bond house temple building toronto i u 1 1 n n 1 1 h tt 1 1 it 1 i i i 1 1 1 1 1 i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i fancy groceries fruits and confectionery l- ook over this assortment of christmas goods we have the largest ahd best assortment in town ah fresh this week candy we have over a ton of candy this christmas and to assure quick sale we have priced them specially low special xmas mixture creams maple creams 30c lb 30c lb 40c lb patterkrisp reg 35c lb 400 lbs cocoanut and peanut taffy reg jgc for 38c lb nuts brazil wtlnutt filberts almonds muted 2sc per lb frilit 25 cai we guarantee them swectand jucy special rrul lces for christmas at 10c 50c coc 75c per doz california gra malaga grapes bancy layer raisins b c applet 30c and 40c per do7 special price by the box groceries we m the grocery line our stock is always u1ucc1ica hh and complete your order will be carefully filled and appreciated see our windows for displays russells mill street acton on t lllllllllllllllllllllllllllljillllllllllinilllllllllllllinillllllllllllllllllli this store of wonderful christ- g h mas service will meet all if s the hurry calls for s mas s tm t n the fw day speedy di patch and that are left with pltaidid sat- glaus will find m- isfaction santa thzirc hifj departments very trcimrt morcb of ubtful and accctjtabc ift tiling i here are bounties of appro priate and practical ifis for all for young or old men or women holdierb or civilians boys or girls abundances of christmas plenty that will make it a very easy matter to select gifty for everybody all that pertains to a good christmas bervicc to best christmas bervicc youll find here fine mer chandise intelligenlatttention broad variety of selection and most attrac tive prices the christmas trip to gnclph to macdonalds its certainly worth while i1d emacdonald bros limited g guelphs leading and largest store h wyndham macdonnell and canlcn stn ouelph ont pioil appeal juide gives muling on exemption of faraaef mr justice duff the final court of appeal de clares it is essential that there shall be no diminution in agricultural prcduction published by authority of director of pablic information ottawa hon mr justice duff gave judgment on december 6th in the first test case brought before him as central appeal judge the final court of appeal for the exemp tion of a farmer the appeal was made by w h rown- tree in respect of his son w- j rowntree from the decision of local tribunal ontario no 421 which refused a claim for exemption the eon was stated to be an experienced farm band who had been working on the farm continuously for the past seven years and ever since leaving school he lives and works with bis father who owns a farm of 150 acres near weston ontario with the exception of a younger brother he is the only male help of the father on the form the father is a man of advanced years in granting the man exemption until he ceases to be employed in agricultural labor lllr justice duff said the military service act does not fjeal with the subject of the exemption of persons engaged in the agri cultural industry and the question which it is my duty to decide is whether the applicant being and having been a above mentioned habitually and effectively en gaged in agriculture and in labor essential to the carry ing on of agricultural production ought to be exempted under the provisions of the military service act these two propositions are indisputable 1 in order that the military power of the allies may be adequately sustained it is essential that in this country and under the present conditions there should be no diminution in agricultural production 2 the supply of competent labor available for the purpose of agricultural production is not abundant but actually is deficient the proper conclusion appears to be that the ap plicant a competent person who had been habitually and effectively engaged in labor essential to- such pro duction ought not to be withdrawn from it i itis perhaps unnecessary to say that such exemp- tions arc not granted as concessions on account of per sonal hardship less as a favor to a class the sole ground of them is that the national interest is the better served by keeping these men at home the supreme necessity upon the existence of which as iu preamble shows this policy of the military service act ia found ed that leads the state to take men by compulsion and put them in the fighting line requires thnt men ahall be kept at home who are engaged in work essential to en able the state to maintain the full efficiency of the com batant forces and whose places cannot be taken by others not within the class called out oflatua dec 8 1 917 do your xmas shopping now

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