Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 27, 1917, p. 2

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urn inllm tic fill mmrl ii i ir in loc qonn mcilii llios r unvin una to mr unit mn jiimu il mel liornoii on y ln iluy lu iiiimt 19th 1017 q luiij liter- llilcn chrljtlrm ollanl at omn town n huujjay tlitdiih r 1l0t iji7 to mr flint mm jtio i- or ml nj i nt hank of ilnrnlllon jluwi r iuik a nun lac h ian john a marhied ham km w at l mi mid ttrrnt mitlmill it jiurrl hamilton f onf on r hi h turns ua licut by ulv martin j will- jl a jnoiio linked nt wutrioun to mm iharjottoal j llnwn f mutfut qilj attmx 3tct prrbu tlfuiuiia utumi1lks7 1017 thc new year icr urn fourth iho now if ir will tho nmlhoin w ir i uinfirnly in pid tiy i year jicf tlm hnoc oiiil liloo 1 ih oar in nurcmjtlon m nlmrtdlnvlth i un i r im it in ii hint tho cnmlur nd of tho terrible 1 and that itlori mmctlmo oun and luittlnr ptacd wi rtdrlnr tho twolvo inonunj of 10ib bo conuummiaoil tlio jear junt ajouloi has ixin moinonloim and has brourht much tor which i rutituda la due tlicro a tho hountoun hurvciit ono of the licit tho fvmrira of canada havo ovi r j arncrod our people havo iwcn ilnirn rloai r toirothor than has boon thorjliio for many yearn this lean been idj niilly mintfcilttd in tho formation and cndoruatlon of tho union oovininiiiiit with tho ounilati to use and roniitaft tho rcoourcco a tho country in a litrunj and united effort to do caniulaii full oharo wlnnjnjx tho war one or tho inrt actn o tho union qpveniiucjit in intro- duclnff lawn for tho irohlhltloii of th importation mnnuf icturlntf and nut of intoxicating liquors amply juuu- flea tho irixotincnt of tlin power with hi ich tho ixtoilt hit i nt run till thent 7hq new year wlil oo tho introduc tion of- further in role m an urea cal culated to remtjy rxintlni ulusca may tho year which 1j rotn to jjrcot ua bo duo memorable jn tho annals of our pountry an tho fcato year if peace can bo ucctircd on rlchtooua principles and may joyotiil prosperity come to all homes editorial notes it la concrally hoped that tho mem- bcrs of tho council and board of edu cation will bo oloctod tlilo yoar by t acclamation our cltlzonn havo juat been through one election campajcn and another lu not desirable tho bunfnea of both tho council and of tho trustee hoard liaa procccdca dlir- lnc tho year without any friction amonj tho itcrsonnul of theso bodies and there liavo been no complain ta rcbpectlnrr their admlnuitratlon of tlie dnticn which it hai betn ttioir proc- atlvo to jierforro in tho memberuhlp of tho board of 1 ducatlon uomo worthj cltl n lntrrrtittd in tho pro per education of tlio rijliij jrenlratlon dhould lio chosen to uuccctd truiteo johtiutono who haj retired tho nom lnatlon mnune will bo held next monday at noon the men scnool at dome annual function wa pf exceptional mont nd cnjoyablfl throuohout pnoqrammc well prepared th annual at ilom irtvon by th tonrheru and otui3onl of th acton illfrti school wan up to all pravloua recordu for nttondanco and morll of thlit moot onjoyablo oitalr tho liall waa mi i lab ly decorated for th oo- caalon and the cordial welcome bx- tondod by tlio reeontjlon committee cayn one tlio foollnff of nood fellow- nlilp tliat hnn mnrltod thin annual khthcrlna of tho pop i in and expupllo f ttilg mont worthy uiatltutlon this attondanro of tho parenta tho jpllu oxpupun and truateea and tholr wlvcn waa fully up to tho lurual otandard and tho pro cram mo furnuh- ed bythn pnplln ahovrod exceptional ability and plenty of train ins prin cipal and mm s to wart and mhu dakar certainly doocrvo much pralaa for tho qucrcaafu culmination lof thla oyont- mr olon wruy of stratford a for- mnr ntudont acted an chairman and the programme in hin handa conalat- injt of cliorunexi by tho entire ochopl dlalokucn recltatlona and tableaux wan mout nucccnfully carried out and wau conpllmontary to both teach ora and echolaru initiative the choruoca nh o wml oo mo excejlont younff volcen in thla xuiiombiy of yountr people who are ntortlnir out on llfoa journey tho recltatlona by mlnaoo annie marl in and ltetty lowrlo allowed very flno talent fo two budding elocutlonlets tho dlalocuea and a aketch from tho uldnummor nlshta efrcam ono of bhakoupcarji playo were well oxo- cutcd by tho partlclpanto while the rcadtna the echool paper by mian olive moffat guyo an lnafsht into the daraea of interest at tho ochool and aa uioroushly onjoyod the p tenon tatjon of dlplomon by principal stewart waa a feature of ercnt intercut to all present and thla chool denorvca much credit for the turning out of no many younar people with their cortiflcatea of cfflcjency the nchoolo koll of honor waa alao read at thin juncture and waa a lerurthy one and h la doubtful if any laatltu- tlon of ltd alxo can fflve ouch a enow inn of youns men sent to nerve their country in ihla time of need tho presentation of a tableau joan of arc waa moot appropriate and cloned thla part of tho programme tlpo promenades followed tho pro gramme nnd were thoroughly enjoyed by all and a dainty lunch wu nerved at tho intermission tho muslo for tho promenades was furnished by a num ber of tho puplu and thoro la certainly no lack of musical talent in the classes now at ton dine tho hlffh school tho function closod with the elnp- 1ns of auld lans byno and god save tho klnff and all left reporun it aa crcat a success as mruox ntwo of thc day an tnurottino cpttomo of the cvents of tlio wk n csnaua ylniitr by tin e 1 runu i nuili tiiuiu1day th antrn oheaaa factory near druckville waa burtiod to tho crounil tho moinborn of tho hamilton city council arn in favor of tlio ouciicn tlon that all mo inborn bo returned by acclamation this year i military authorities havo broif asked to entahllnh a military tionpllal 200 bods in roklna the tdrkeyn at wlnshatn yentorday ousht 32 coiiln a pound seoao about 23 oenta and otua- fowl iij pvoportlun urantfonl city troaaurer ban clven wornina ttiat tho tax rata for 1h1b would bo 274 mllla tho hljfhcnt on tho duke and duchona of devon shire havo none to halifax to vlntt tho hospitals and aid tho sufferers tho mraford city council han de cided to petition tlio ontario govern ment to give authority to municipal tics to fix all market fcoa quolph mlle producers decided to raise the prlco of milk at tho farm from per hundred poundi to 2 co from january j 101 to may 1d1k uonft kong hnn ticnt j50 000 and driuah oulana 25 000 for tho relief of halifax auffercra the wjnddor police havo started a roundup of allon cncmlcn who huvo not recntored an ample uupply of binder l lno for canadian requlrcmonta next year at roaaonahlo prices has been cmjred ojt the result of an aerecment rrr rhtl botween tho united btalca iood ad ministration and tho mexican nlanl btowero of yucatan i km u a i u1i ovlw arjny ht ainii mr tin aulxivtlonu 1ft merry chrlntnuui 111 tlm 1 iinlflirvi 1 inn i oikvlllo 4iultltjil mirtftnw ao by u rtinj uutit onjtli llalvftl lothty imich to mi fortm j lho villa i of atiruo nir ami uwly nicupid ileatrurtloi by tire mrn alnoa iiu lu i ywui fatally in jured by a train whlla aojiiliii nil wsy trui ua nr ir nipuiuc a chrlntnmu ue miitcrtalnnirnt markid tho opeiilni tho now iym- naulum at ht muryii out another nhlplond of tho canadian woiimlril ttrrivrd at an annrltan tort tho dent from a utrtnt car mujuli nt knoxvilk vu total oljl toon lrcnldcnt wlli cm di funded mr ili bort honvir urulti it mln treatment bj tho uucar piiiln rn luoroiia c inijialin lu in p r n ui4oitrn tho nuhitl- it pays to hop at this st0j india tlon of ttoojl fo ol i i fuol on wednesday jan 2nd yourjioiibl rejutrr at ono of shawn biiinesa school i tomutu and enjoy tho beat poisihlo trainuic fo a jood htirlneu position 1rn catn1ka cxplilim connel nil j write wj ii miaw prcsdtnl sahtaand the kiddies throe hundred and thirty children of beard morva employees given generous christina treat tho action of the union ci crn- ment in taking tepa for tho enact ment of prohibition of tho monufac ture import itlon anil nalo of liquor in canada has bttn received with verj pontrl commendation lrcmler hearnt- wont tlio government warm confrratulatlonn and void i am euro your prohibiten legislation will ma terially usidnt in conn ntratinir t w stmntrth of the nitlon for tlio btrucirlo in which we are n gaffed llev dr robert johnston or montreal doclar d tho action to ho tlio mojt precious tift tho gov ernment could bcntoiv speaking for the methodist church hov t albert uoorv d d cxpreaoed heartiest kratltudc and uald it will help canada to do her part in tho wot and hrlnj many blciiulnm to can adian liomra f cry province in tho jjomlnlou la rcprci entcd in tho concratulitlouj nlnady fonvarded to tho union government on tho action taken a resident of liobcajlcon who died roceplly hlis a worthy examplo to all publtcoiilrltrd citizens who tlcalro to become immortalized and at tho same time ednfer lxntlnff boncllt ujioh the community u hero they may ha o spent tlnlr llfitimr tho wlli of mr rtobcrt orr provliicj that tho annual income from a bouul of j10 000 bo applied from jur to iar to oomo de partment of public intcrcat in tho municipality l or example one year it la to be devoted tt tho public lib rary another year to ochoolo as d ffcholarahlp fimd tho next icar to a trco plantlntr fupd other jtarn to ac quiring a p irk pud no on mr on evidently hud iood mi u und ilobcay eon la to bo ccinonlulitd on ita i iueat inntuncca like thl i uro morth rtcoruinc fi tho benefit of nonio other places which mu ijciiciii from tlio public yiilclt of rich rt ildeitta who havo money to deoto for tho public weal merry time at town hall tho annual chrtstmaa treat riven to all tho children of tho employoes of mcaars beardmore ca and tho acton tanning company took place last thursday at tho town hall both afternoon and evening there were re lays of children accompanied by tholr parents flocklnc to tho ocono of tho fcativltlen tho town hall wan decked in holi day attire tho platform wan sracod with a beautiful christmas tree elec trically illuminated tho tables were also tastefully decorated with car lands of chrlatmaa ffroenery and crack era mr nell mcdonald made a tianta claus of liberal proportltjns and bo- towed elftn conorously each child won presented with a woollen sweater coat with toquo and mlttonn to match a bag of nuts and candy accompanied these elftn und aa each chjld left the hall for homo on orange and a banana was added to tho utora after tho distribution of tho pro- ucnts tea waa served and tho llttla folks were liberally nerved with sand wiches cakes ico cream and milk or lemonade tho twentythroo children of nlrlo soldiers overncaa who had been cmploycea at tho tanneries were treated tho some on if their fathers wcro utill at work hero and they woro 0lvcn flrat place at tho tables during- tho afternoon and ovenlnjt mlsa may wlldffust rendered pumbra of popular aim on tho piano in addition to tho splendid corps of workero arranged by tho firm mr a boardmorc and mrs tomuicn deardmore and mr william camoron of toronto mr and mre p bmltb of ilracebridce and mr and mrs- john clarke were preaont one added their reapectivo quotaa in making tho event pane off happily for tho children and younjff folks canada lu on tho wuy to tho total prohibition of iho nianururturc im portation anil sale of nil lutoxicatlni hllkf tliiiuii uuujie government h takluit j rompt umlj erfcctlve mea- aurca to curt ul ita ull and ua waa to an onlcrln council hu bcun paused by tho aovcruinuiit pruhl biting tho future iinporuliuu into tho dominion from uny tountry hitioier all in toxlcatlufi liquor i xnpting for muli- clnal or euc runic ntul puri ouu j ho ordrr includm whlnklcji wiuw etc and will pirucuiirly aftuct i m porta- tl90 of mcuteh and jrjah wliluklcu champa t nt ot 1 m unlir 1ms a double purpo id hut it lu ihiiiirncd i as u uui towuid total j rohlbltlon in tlio dominion lhu mcotid puij c tho order lfi to jcovetit unt eikindlng of monci for ottr than utatntlul pur- pooca outnldu iho doiiiliiliui ah tho people of ontario will i usually n preciuto tho ontlt prohlblttiiff iho jr into unj innvlnco a h m prohibited churchill alilpn whero ltu i tho itochotr out that pot itoi cents per bu in 1 ireland are fed icxprem cummi i to the co i mlil crlcati rannera who e that pcituth3 niitnt would hvem thiit u if canullim fiitin bellif th it tu nil prlco iiiinaiiill in 1 atltl liljtlu r luf t t i liunrtili t tho j ut il i i it 1 lirc m pulntn me nulling at ku in 1 iili tnd und tn o p tlio poot- tluaa clrcuiiuitan of thoue am id rlatn lho mj o hiiililr it y jarjo number bli tbi the homo of mr prod denny had a narrow cecolo from destruction by tiro laot irlday afternoon tho wt- i hen roof wan found to be on flro and mr denny was in toronto mrs denny with commendlbla presence of mind telephoned all tho neighbors on tho party lino in that dutrlcl thay promptly responded and tho fire was cxtlnutilahed being confined to tho 1 lichen while their looa la consider able mr and mrs denny oro very thankful they did not loso their home liotwceii ono and two oclock on haturday the homo of mr wealoy warno on the fourth lino waa dlaccv- i red to bo on flro by neighbors who wcro returning from a ochool enter tainment at no 8 tho flro had mado such progress that mr and mrs warm and their lltllo child barely eutaped in their night clothes the houun wmi log on but wan very comfortable and was turnbthad with very good furniture all of which wan dcutroyod the loss of their homo tholr furnishings and their clothing la a serious ono in mid winter thefb v au u small insurance on tho furni ture but none on tho house tor tlio preuont mr und mrs warno oro stay ing with his mother on tho same line mr william kerr who was for nueh u long tlmo in the hospital after tho amputation of hie leg two years ago in having trouble with tho limb ogalo ho will require to return to the hos pital for further treatment ituy and mr win mcdonald aro tloum gueotn at tho old homo for- chrlsununtlda tho artutll skill and prcsugo of mm mary kher hamilton a nloco or mrs christopher swackhuwicr la cer tainly coming into high prominence i ho vuneouvcr world of lost week nuju it 1 wfth joy ono can welcome to vancouver such an exhibitor of pictures as la now on view at ley- laiiis art gallery and uie joy in en- haneed by tho fact that mr mary lutur hamilton is hero with her won- tieifui pictures mrs itltcr hamilton la a truo canadian und wan born at liwswater utin has atudlod in italy d vlttnna iurlu i ly utlll ty lib d ii ut l1kg father like oon when i was about tie gtioi m pohan all h ichti if u i fh- ann j chlcujo itclnro lion of pniatchi jrico to uk or veilt fully eluve the now crop r fed to hvo ntocic bay them at coi a bunlnl murly all the imnrnso rrop would bo onnumod making a gruir teavlur in wheat an i 1 other f lii on whlult tits government is oconotnlslug the company says cuteen re- conslduied no day re i n t ir cit tuning boalery tt utle i went into fathers library llp looked moovor and tio more looked to niaro dlaguated ho bo- i im eoinimny of lt pel waiatcoat and t only tho ndui om tlmlr pn dent per h tg will pro illllon bushol- of anti rtting or being u no flnal b out y t louhiunen could look ukr a foolf jut than an old family servant oomo into the room 0rbie ha said ou look lust as your rather did at your ago yes x said father ww juat telling mo about u- f1uxjay calgary needs coal wo mo than over in its history and bus appealed for the release of cam for fuol transporta tion purposes the november catch of sea flab canada in double in value that of the month last year dr hhocknovo a sydnoy n 0 jcwtoh physician committed nulcldo in despondency over the ilajlfax dlo- anter ordara havo been received at ooaat guard itatlons on xako huron and at tiioso on tho o tli or lakes to closo for tho 1017 ncaiion december 31 tho civic puel contro of drantford will bo opened on monday next citi zens must have a card from tho city bureau before any local coal dealer will sell them coal the central dumfries rurmern club has undertaken to clrculato pctltlnnu nix roadn in tho township to oeo how mtihy farmers would bo willing to use hydro power saturday throo hundred children of overseas and returned men wcro entertained big chrlatmaa entertainment at bault ste marie wellington county han altogether expended during tho year ho 8gg 2s on good roads seven austrlnnn in windsor ono of whom goto 18 a day for working on munitions wero fined 25 and coatu for falling to register both tho a t r and c p r havo decided to cut off passenger tralna during tho winter in western on tario col charles low who commanded tho 148th battalion overaoaa han been ordered to egypt to organise a special branch of tlio imperial war work mothers wives and widows of win nipeg uoldlora liavo received checks from jg to 113 from tho clthfona as a chrlstraas recognition monday so far 028 men havo dbsn nocurcd under tlio military scrvico act ii montreal montreal womcnftcommittoo of th union government aunoclatlon hoa decided to continue its work i olltlcal organ lis tlon demoralization of tho printing ink nduatry of tho united states i belu threatened jy tho embargo on tho shipment of carbon black opening prices- id brockville for turkeyswero from 42 cents to 45 cento per pound but before saturdays mar ket closed they dropped to 10 oentu a pound orders for 17000 000 yards of khaki cloth to bo manufactured from janu ary to april next aro now being al located amongnt woollon mahufnetur lng districts in tho united kingdom entailing a loan estimated at 2 go 000 tho large terminal elevator of tho northern elovator company in pl bonlfaco winnipeg containing 80- 000 bushels of grain was completely deotroyod by flro i it la probablu that th6 stnetford council will bo eloctoa by acclama tion every laurtcrjto in manitoba ex cept dr moltoy lost ha deposit in tho election tho embargo on ffraln phlumonta at calgary enjo to tlio coal situation has boon lifted lho annual rpoit of tho chatham hydroeioctric system shown a largo lncrooso in conuumptlon of power during tlio lost year tho assistant puel controller lias wired tho mayor of calgary that everything poaslblo la being done to rellovo tlio fuel ehortago col e j chambers chief press censor for canada has issued a mes- boko thanking tho press and other institutions fur their assistance in hla work tho montreal gazette docs not take aorlausly tho propoeal to no para to quebec from confederation it eayo tho proposal lu tlo product of a nar row mind milk is being sold at chatliam at eight cants per quart us a result of a cooperative plan of distribution or ganized by tho workingtnenn board of trade tuesday tho king call to prayer la hcartlly approved by leading toronto church men und business men mayor church and controller cam eron are the only candidates for tho mayoralty of toronto for 101b messages cunttnuo to pour in con gratulating tho government on enact ing prohibition prohibition of importation of 11 y u or waa atrlctly unforced yontcrdaj ut wlndaor ijrantfurd cltlsonu had a cotnmunltv chrlatinas tree aald to bottho art in tho province of ontario hon itlahard turner member of the jucbeo eetlhtlve pouucll father of major a on oral il e w turner lo dead tbu total identinod dead ut halifax now number au4 and unhlontlxlod bod ies recovered 30l tho total number of killed lo catlmatod at 1 c00 the norlouuly injured at j 000 aid tho pro perty loss ut 40 000 000 premier burden sent a chrlatmaa greeting to all the canadian o id lorn ovrrueaa dirocilng ii to gvnvral tur ner und gcnerul currlo and tho duke of devonshire received ono from the soldiers in lvunco dent by auncral llnlg out of tl o first call under tho mili tary servleo act in british columbia tburo urw now 2 047 men in class a dy for tlio cull thla numbor of lit men ll la thought will bo doubted all tho work of th itcguttrur lu tii vin huudrod men called to tho color under tho lliut diuft uf tho military borvlco art will bo iiuurtorod in brunlford ulimtii immediately wjdnl1uav j hfty per cent of tlio troops in trulnlng ut toronto wore given christ i man leave 1 chriatman wua uppruprlutnly oltorr ved in the liuipituut and other inatl tutlona of ontario a party of war vtrrwiui wcro loy ally eutertulnod by mr il c co at s is coming j r livingstone boo auticl pntcd jour nccdi and has a well ussortcd clock of cliolco pruitb spicks nuts raisins mincemeat confectionery nnei goods ii provision i oroccnci ai and cured mc all ordera piomptly filled j r livingstone qrooertea and provlalonsj acton ont the management of this store and its staff unite in extending- every good wish for a happy and prosperous new year to our patrons everywhere u -new- wm landsuorough hat opened a mu it itunlucu on hi i own account lu tho brick iitoro opxmlto tlio h ink of nova ticotli ho vill keep a full au pl of freah and cured meats gausaqoa head cheese cooked ham nil of the bcjl qualltlci ivompt di livery niudo we havo a cholco dlui lay of seosoniblr miala unil i owl ve iniiko u spoclalty of liandllng all klpdu of fowl phono in your order call number 45 wm landsborough mill arid main gt d wtch for otur memnnt sale vjel bell foh oaqll ue sell fob gw acton il ju iu d youll find it here leather handkerchief caaca ami tlo and collar caaca 9100 to 3300 umbrollaii a flno- pure tdlk cover ii bun j jijiidu with sllitr trlmuihu fapeclal nt 5 0o- ailk neck imarfu in all tho leading otyho j5q to 5 kbu neck scirfa w2 to j300 men a duo colored shirts all tho beit chrlimnu iomlu la5 to 7jd0 menu hon io coitn ikith holes und onadlut gowiuj 000 to iooa uraceis ann ltauda onrtorn all in fancy boxes 25o to j200 holi ibool hohieity for men and wuuiuii allk and halo pullman uppers wlh leather cuue 2 00 1uro lltiuiuh indkeixhlefa in individual hoxeu at csc sweater co uu ttio lkhi kind 1 rem tiq in 12a v apodal lino of 1 micy silk lloaei for nun jij26 per pr inltblllcd llucn handkcr- uhlifa hjtf ilncen in box flawi to yjoa wool situ of cap and sonrfa llio vlry iiuwiot gooda at 12jq0 to 4 0a individual smrfj ind ivquea 60c to sao0 moiia pyjuinm a vi ri lino runco from 2 00 to 13 00 collars ctirfn curt lint hhlrt hui lu i li cupn con huiiuera und all tli correi t goodu i mm i untd glove i prrnl dvntu h t or y u all prlc fls to b3 0a the minor of the worlds happenings ru and the ftnoat rnntfo of mnn a nc1w ye h ntcr vvkah in tr trucliafram 35c to 2 so r e nelson ndxt pott olfigo because it mirrors the news of the world in which i live and am interested whether it be an epochmarkin event like the sinking of the lusitania or but the story of a local happening i know i shall litid it described pictured or commented upon fully and sanely in my paper whether it be the current sport or the latest theological discussion i know 1 shjlt find its importance fully recognized m my paper whether it be a politicul discussion of a government measure or a searching analv sis of some sociological problem 1 know i shall find the matter sanely treated m my paper whether it be just the bedtime stones for the kiddies or the fashion news uviu new york paris and london for ui wile the star to each of them is my paper whether it be a witty paragraph it the problems in bringing up father uk- whole family enjoy the humour of m paper xeemoe te news ami special features exdlas- iveto the toronto daily star tmn uietf wn olr a mtotfjia qut- rmujlmit i-urrmukin- ajr uib tabihuaa ui nly cxlior mui oillr in ur in uniojn tin uff li- h tx u rtui i ullj 1 a xu ik i luw moi nnlpcf r m tltrf imj uul j 1 including tjwttm s t uf tt4lally m mil tor aiirt i xulw iipw l uk i i v to u l uk 11 ill vllitf a kj rrutu ut y jvo a utu mill i l4 cvnmlliu w as mn atbnliniiuuifl ije iltrtljobis ciurtjadon r 0 c laiiac u a q o pator chunch ochvicco m ii v hay if tl jlil tho nw iiu pin ul ii hi idn h h ilpoclal rvlr 1jiiitjn pi turs tho other ian m hi viwi lyk wijjw fliit tuirtdiiy k hill i worth inguo jhurnday i m iv iy r montlna a welcome for all a child l liod ul ilikl pound wbii1 win i rurr illlmm oki km may be loot a black wolf murr with cord be- twc n wfmdlinll u uon and lot 30 rrnnil urn pin i r will l rewarded by loavliiir at i bli imiih 1 orilca watch loot in actun on wtdihduy 19th dec ember a ay iittti jiwil nuital watch with ullvtr rlmln itn tcr will bo rri- wnrdnd by iravlim with allan q c umitil ialo ave acton 2b-1- aqcnto wantco local itaiitlm ntutivea lu bflll nneat line of mjjvrtljlnc alndam and nov elties jn canada men or women iwinlo or part tlmo i lowal commia- alon cltajttov ovjity co 67 quren vcml toroi to 2fl notice tho hsluitj ulmtrict women a in- atituto wju orguntz a iranch east of acton ii laiujaliic township sonao- tlmo in j una try fottca of dais of oreanlzailn uim a y jlavilu ditijct jlcultabv acton on tario jji work wanted on farm by young man anxjaa to apend s year or v in turra tuxe v1i1 hire with rtmntitllut termer tar a years encafferkert on a farra if wares aro airjulty foj rcftrer cs ss to charart tj xrii jtcijet u wort apply si fio if rrvlc aj- dalrod 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wit pncy uitaiiit lqltwawi j deuitiun oinbrnj el il gregory a a ml edwsrds co the rec phc03 wiohcs ito advef1ti0ei1u jml a happv ano pnoopenoua new year the thee piieq3 wishes itu advbntiaena all a happv and pnoapcnoua new veah the fpce proso wiatic siaiiht rnel pimaa whjhito ita adverti3er0 all a haifv ahv plioupenous new vcakj thc free pne38 wishk tt advetiseho all a mappv aw piiosreiious new yeah apycrtiakfia ali a nappy una phqapeflqua new vbajri he frke preas wi0k53 tth apverti9sr3 all a happy and projiprowa new ya i ecriin uiuullg puruftaauf tile statiliun imjinj hiwniin wjliolh fiaa iteetr irmtf t t siima ma uat by bb ffi wibllitouit uravuu nhnt th on tbu alii ottiiviiny tltlms witutlll nrxifi th ssi- ulum liiimiri so pepiilir din- ulif tumty jears tfa wajsitfiilliiaiiiibaus jam ttlft many cuitocsrs sri3 llu aaimcd real2rfy mih wilullaume whte acd broara bteaii and ban- arj very alluctty sa attiuctlvo lino of ciiei wul tie added the suthara record of past mis will bu mnln- tamed your ordora wilt t sppreolntod ai edit urds ts co church st avion

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