Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 27, 1917, p. 3

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wadding and birthday presents iloii ri 1hi7 fjllvtrwaro i amy cut ulnnj and ctiliui knivti 1 orltm and upturns w mini itlnitu manntaoc liccnqco iqoucd geo hynds acton ontario news op local import mmontal oorvlcos nt knox chti amc rii i of hon e aill 1 will in i llllllltll it i mini duy ije arum mtec tyvsse tuuh3uay uluimuml j7 1017 brief localitms lfuppl ow your- to everybody vrtjll 1jls after next monday doou yuur j n n 1 n mi lulnl read 19187 j municipal noiuluatlonti neat mon day ut noon ujtjn chureh l lirluimaa enter tn1 n mo nt will tin tic id on 1 riduy ovwi lne milton ii charjnr hvn pi r cent additional on all lanes not paid thiu uoek georcetown council hiui appoint ed a committee to operate u civlo raung rtrrs th foo for mdvliu picture nhowu in gooructown has bean increased to c0 per year tho catnlojruo of the now looitu will bo available nt tlio fubllo ijbrury on saturday ovonlnir tho mow tear cornea freighted with res ponul mil lies may it bo u brlitht ono and sco peace restored tho rated of tho bonn of scotland aro to bo increased to fecu similar to those of other bo novo lent societies merchants in town report that tho christmas tnulo this yeas wan better than thoy or had before in acton hero a to ull our soldier boys may thoy havo a glad now your and bo homo with ua for tho next now year tho spring asjlxca for helton will bo hold at milton on monday rubra ary 18th chief justice meredith will pxeeide bleat bo tho ties that binds tho two old parti en togiithor ip support of a useful fear leas intelligent onloi qovcrnhicnl miiton daughters of tho irapir acknowlodiro with thanks jh 85 re celrod from tho milton hand th amount raised at tho entertainment in their behalf mr uorl marshall has disposed of mall routo no 2 to mr charles baldwin who is now douverlnc th mail in that ctianr dr van dykotf tho othar wi30 man illustrated with beautifully colored lantern views in tho mothodhtt sunday school next sunday a butter dropped five cents a pound during tlto week it in hinted that oleomargarine which is now available tkhs bocominic quite popular did it in both wolllnjrton and urant counties the uiual warden o dinner wan dispensed wltli this year and tho cash thus saved was davotod to ilod cross funds tho board of education requires four trustees this yoar to comnloto tho number mr william johnstone la rourlnj- tho term of his successor will b for ono year this hi canada s fourth wartlmo christxnaatidc may it be tho lout eo that at next christina tide if not lonj before tho world may rejoice in a kenuluo and much duo ire d peace with qultv and justice for oll a twenty ave cent brcukfaht fiftycent lunch and fiftycent dinner are tho latest dlnlnjrcar innovations those aro tho prices for a read man- slxed moal this la a great reduction on tho usual diningcar prices tho christmas spirit pervaded tho church services on sunday the aermons and tho slnsins wort in har mony with tho happy christmas festi val christmas services wcro also hold in st albans church on hriut- mas morning tho officers of tho boy scouts are very thankful that tho proceeds of their recent concert enabled the treasurer to met all outstanding claims a nolo in tho bank which has been frequently renewed wan thankfully liquidated dr it k anderson m p and w p oregory his lato oppoocnl mot at tho wardens supper the iijt after the election and their friendly do- jnoanpr to each otlior showed tlio one to be a good winner and tlio other a rood loser thoir examplo to all eloo- tors who cot hut up in tho luto cam- pabrn was good champion rli j iliirf ndoy dallinafad staff a wo wish tho editor and his bppy now yoar miss mary waddoll la spending tho holidays at her homo at tho manso hero mr and mrs a b snyero and family spent christmas at tho home of mr and mrs oliver mara hall for bus quite a number from hero attended tho box social held ut woodsldo school lost wednesday night and r opart a good time mr jacob burt of conlngsby filled tho pulpit in tho methodist church hare last sunday r in tha ubaeiico of tha pastor bev molvln smith wo aro pleased to blo mr i b vannatter ublo to talio his placu in tho church and sunday school again utile miosis ljuio sinclair and jeaala mcicay sadg a christmas carol vary swofltly in tlio preubytorian church sunday morning mich sympathy la felt for mr and mrs leonard harding in tho loaa at xhalr llttl iwvuti uiontha old boy toe utopiry society havo now got id running order thoy will hold their meeting an thursday evening fhls- week on account ufchruttmhs coming on their regular mooting night moaara cluytoit beawlck uud itohert kerr attended tho annual convention of tho united fanner or ontario at toronto last wuuli ilcjilduiit ljulbert in his annual address prcuuntwd atrong views on tho prone nt pdllsral help leas neat of tho furhieru mid polntud out that tho way to power is through organisation some of uiu iiutluuul problems wurw dlsunuod from the farmers viewpoint in furvld woniu ha closed hut nitiuiulld address with this exhortation no ouvrnmmit has over concerned itself seriously wlui a close fl tody of the economic cpndl- tlons of canadas huulu tuduatry god haa given uu u soil cllmato mid natur al advaiitagcu uiiuquallod any where let us inert a no tlio opportuultlus of tlio fanner by aoourglug ttio j money changerm from thulr markuts and tliey will save tho world that is now btlni crucified by greed and the luut for power oopninqe fall of o now mujn oiufortnlilu for cuttct sundays light the roads mnioc driving mr und mrs mcdoufcull uud tlitl- tlreii of xoixnilo mo spuniiiuu onlnt mu holidays at mr ii it ma utcli- eona the rontioii fnun tko iir which doatroyod wcaloy warren a ho nan on the fourth uno lust saturday uiurniiur wan quite vlslblu here a nurtltwr of our runners have de livered nomu very fine- cattlo and iwkm for tlio ohrlstmaa market at alton tho past wbou iu- mo for shipment to toronto try using more of it in diet ooodrlcli dully inn hon wuji i xl hiimlay oumlsy oiloot cntort im nibi ni of iinui hi iiool will pnivl le an i hull lay uvenlnjt 1 hid tow now l car ii niylit lli r iliornriiu dilfhi doltn ill i j tutliinii ami drlllii iho i will bn vurljd and i tijoyahlii tfin officials not overpaid at tlm iiufltltij of 1 rh council laut wc it tlio folio tidal ulrliit wi rn voted c asmjisor and collctor jt carelaltir of hall et s 2u mtdlral olllrcr of uu thrlt of pivltilon t ourt j hi ijiviulon court 10 j m atrut lighting j8l 5 i llht hall fur tho year 14 qt albsns church next thu fono wing urdir ol vlinwlll ho itlvm jit jviiiiuoni nif holiday irix iutlonnl hark tlio her in hlnr mi injili ioiiu ho iixiiu a fislul illli iliulnni hum liilmy mniiilllrut mill nilnc dliultlln ilmimr aiithutn ihn 1 inn c lirl it nuto atnnl irmut nwton hiinn uttlo town of llothli ik in v r holy nitrlit ltucoful nlijit kijm iilonal anj1 lu from lio huilmn of hry oounod 1 liern v ill ho no iiorvlru nuxt sunday inornini- uu tlu rector cxpecla to ho in itocltwood helton county convictions tho milton itcfonner hi rtmnliu un inttnitlng runtlnurd utorj i luu tho ncheduln of convlrtioiin in tin county during tho nuart the 30th duy of novtmter t 57 c convictions returned to tho lurk of the 1caco for ilulton of tin 47c wiro for violatloiiu of hit mi vohlolo act and for violation tho highway acl tho lint iili i occupied two pugcj of npuco in reformer and them will bo unotlur pugo thlu wook tlihi in by far the longcit list of tonvutloiu over nud in ono quarter in tho rountu hinlory methodiit s s annual mooting at ttio annual meeting of tho coin mlttco of management of tlio milho dint sunday school last weolc mr i ran it kennedy wail roolccttd sup erintendont- under mr ivtnntdy uu uchool lu jujit cloning a very proipcf uuo year mr hoy brown uuctit di mlas hollo btophenuon who huu been tho vory faithful ami etllcrnt uicro- tary for a number of yearn tin other ornceni ana teachers coiitlnud in ofllcq with a few changes the missionary offering of tho ye ir n coed those of lust year and will reach over j200 when tho christmas oftcr ing comas in next sunday tho christmas foativsl it wau not a white christmas thin year neither could it bo nuld to bo u green opo there wer honkn of nnow in placcn and bare ground or lj twitchco elsewhere the umpurutuiu wau quite orthodox however it i in clear and cold and sunshiny with j bracing nortlierly wind which pio- v ailed during tho day it wuji u hupp day ttio festal uplrit vas ahroiul tliere were many liappy family iith- cringii uomocomtrs were numeraun bantu claus was juat as goni roua uu uaual tho chllilnjn oepcclallj citjoy cd this happlc3t holiday of all tin year merry christmas v an tho happy saluto heard on tho utnot lu tho home at church ovorywhire- qreat increaio in canadian products the report of canadian jrudc 111 urco for tho lant month uhow tlu way to now record marks and point towards tho conclusion of a year th it has been in many rejpocu thu mo it revolutionary in tho history of can adlun industry and ununoo thu heavy export movement of grain nil manufactured producta in to a jiri u degrtfo rcoponblblo for tho remarkable expansion which tho govcniniiut re turns indicate bxportu wcro vutuid at j18731cils and tho cxcijii of ox ports over imports amounts to j1u cq707c tho former total wua uttnlnil by reason of tho marked bicriiiio in exports of agricultural products whlth amounted to j7790l 71 au ug limit 30 783633 for tho name month of luil year social and peilsofml mnri m ihii nl i und mi wllllum liuyd n in i in toiwi li iiithy imu in homo 1 f r tlio liiliduid und mr i c it mi into il i in r from orllliu un i mm j m 1 ueln t lt 1 a ijii frit mhi it iio c n f flu ipl i i vllh ai ton frionibi i hi lu nt i r r hit i h jiolidnjii r i milk m int ill i i hinii li i h ink fut tl o holldion r unit mm a 1 nleklln spin i itiuiu ulth cui l ii friends hi mainly mm il i tipi tit liriiit lid vtlh frlitnhi in toronto 1 i 7nnm mtiu rutin win hottbiti hlih at mouhi mver in linnii 1 ml diy and t hlldrun ol iwoul vliucil alton frit mis r un i mrn alfn d jjuti h r ol nm wire linn for lirlntmui r and mm a m campbelt ol ntillle vlilti atton frl utl i i i nt mi of jr i kei t ottu i in ol in muukot a lupt id mloi little ii u i ii i mdho nt tlio holltluy rtufliiu iiput chrliitmiui in w i bmlth nf to gunner a m smith is homg arrived on saturday on short fur louah sftor a year at tho front gunner a m smith of the artlhury ammunition corps who luiw tietil in iurvlcd uc the front for a year urrlviil at ralrvlowpluco the hoxpo of hi i mother mrs c h smith on 1 riduy ening clunnef smith has hud an exclunr experience at tho front and hou lwnn in numerous engagements includhu tho sommo and vlmy iudiu ho hiw hrouglit homn a number of lnttristlni trophies- with him including a hno bavarian guards helmet u heavy german revolver a ilun u inlliuiry belt and fatigue cup and vurlouti uinull rtlclca owing to important buslncis mat ters crqulrlng a lmlulutrauon gun in r smith was granted a short furluuili ho is required to report ualn yt tin mllllary hcadquartero oviruiau 1 i rhruary cltxon generally liavo been gluti to cordially wolcumo ounnir hmlth home a public nceptlon will be leu dtrod 1dm in tho town hall nixt wd- duy wvonlng 2nd january ftu- lit would havu tal hi place nirilii hut for the fact that so many cjtlsitm wire out of town for tho holldu i and public functions huvo been uo numur- uo it ja ouoclally intonating that mr smith arrived home for christmas tide nsidlrlng that his widowed uiotlu r is feeling keenly th ben uvuniml which uuno to her roctutly in tli auddenrjcathor iier won jmiioi at cleveland ho free brouu is proud of gunnei smith as ono of the ulbht iraduiili i uud nienihors of its uuint who lian gonil overueiin with thu cuuudtun 1x iditlonary forces two sleep in milt lory oinoterha in 1 land cm two at ii tho llrjng lino in 1 ranee one lu ith thu furccii ut jeriiauleui and two uru lu tho trulnlug cuuips in jnilun i co ew sons corncro itl u ir we wuh tlio ir i many rtuduro u happy uuc iiuu nuw year auilly athirliiiu were lu oi ler o clirliitimiu mr ami mia c h guinblt liuitni pent thu lioiiduu with fleudu ii mr and mm w a muntiy ut onumplutlng muilng to atiwi ohoit y tho removal of thlu t jtlmuhh ouplo from hero will b much i kruttetl mr sniltli nelllsvmovoil hlil fuinui ttio furni in i tuinouu he nhitl inhanod luut week ut thi in liilujii ill homo 1 mm v d i rick of toi onto spent clirhilinuu at llr lluho gibbon i mr und mm john il icotinodj un aiijiii and jean wcro in thu ipli for clirl mi i i mm jucuuon of i crguii is visiting in r nlhicr mm irlnrlpal stowurt thi l melt li il a v ry long ilhii d down for 1 wonder if uo will lie in foe lirl timui i hope not ii jn wau in hint yi ur ulid oula itliu to tint i should think wo mo i i i ft itl thi i j r i lu m aro ut i id townti uhout here no that if alt not lu tin front lino wo may tif idhn l for tit tin lluvl wo r 1 fiid timt wrtuld rutin like hriutmiui out here now hi the d to day you uno nmincnco voting uti piupln hi onlei hl in nro hie eluc how do you ut utiywuy 14 look pretty i oo 1 for tho union rmneiit in r i vlll bo glad to tlm lliilun jiivi rniimtit etutttd tucd reloforci mentu out bore al by the homo paper that mr it iiuu uu retired i am uuro ho not bo worry to ho dnlulud 1th w6e junior girls red cross euchre anc- to lie held in hie town hair friday evcg dcccmbc 8 ut eiiht o clock tickcla 50c- amsjhataac-ntipdaaati- s tofir p tqckkii imr m jj fj trnvelleihroinnlioolc lcir a iloollrj3oliroailwa novcr bcfoi p wa i tha demand for tliorotijrlily u g quilificj help w ureal ni to da wlntqe tarm fimrcn jnounry i prcocntation at gt aldano hov and mrs c h omith the to cipiants of kind words and i tangible gifta tho congrr of uu alhun n i hurrh and frleudu of tho iov mid airs c h smith nunemhled in tho i iirlnh hall on wodnenduy nvi tiltu- to tinder tu th urn their ixnt winhert ami hi ufreetioiiato faruivi ii or their an prouthliif departure from st allwyui l hureii und ai ion lp thoir worlc and homo at m aru i a ery iihunant evening wau spent in tho tuurso ut whlrh tho i lev o h j k iiiilth m a wau prejnnlid with nr iniiio of rtdd und mrs ilnilth with u nllvi r iiiuirili dlnh tlio pre u nlutjun uuii made by mr io chanmuii who in ome well clioneii remarkn n f erred to the rt put and eiiteem in whlrh rnv and mrn c ii u smith woru held by tho con- in ration of t albanu and also bj the people tff acloll mr jaek woyil church warden wan ohio called upoij to way u fow wodu who in ronehinlon uald that a ion ii loss wau niagara ii gain mtmlc wail uuppllod during the ivining by minn may wjidrunt mr j ultig mr a fah md and mr jtoje the ovinlnj concluded with every pi nun present whililng the hov and mm smith ovory imrrnima in their new ironic m hoiuk iid david i uu i mr anil m mimti i i ieul front call mr und mm itcd mclean of wat ford vero uiitji ut mr wllllum john itiuiuii ml a dora harioy who lu uttonding toronto normal ieiol is homo for th holliujie mr un i mm ni 11 mcdouud and mis nit huso and jinn up nt iieitrul tuyii at 1 hid mb iru miinoret bonnott ruby flirlt and 1 lorunco holmci aro homo fiom toronto mlm i lien nicklln ft ycjterday for wlunlpit where who wul jend v ral n h uthii mr mil mrs jain on i warren and mini hilen and itcd spent hio holl- 0 in 1uiuuo mr and sin james curnahun ind fmilly upetit clirlutman with relative at mono koad ii i jonnie b multhewu and mr chfirllu m utln nu of toronto upent chfl tmiui hire v iru j 1 sc irrow and dorin and gludi i uro jpi ndlni thu hollduyu with li ml j in toronto mr arthur bml of chlcoj o npent few d iyu thi i wick with hhi mothur i nlrvicw luce mr bark dills of johnstown n y nt m dint thu liollduiu with tho mrie foil a a i uiuul mia i m ii mci- od teacher of minocltburii school 1 i vuiltlnc ir home at i unu niton mr hurry muinprlxu came hoiro un hamilton arid ml in maimio from irtlirldro for the holldajh ir ai d mm wm landnhoroui h i livln und charlie v lulled friends mlluin on chrintinuu duy mr 1 red maddocu who lu now in iron to ii pent chrlstmuu with his ithirmil othir frlunds hero mr and mri j b- smith of whlt- wtro i ueiito of mr und mru jumcu lee ilj111 fitreet iluit week mh uu lttle ahd myrtlo pllli of uorito uro apo idlng the holldau ut i home of their panmui hero mr l if sliorxy matiarer mor- anlit hank npent tho chrl itmas holidai ut hit homi at sydenham r un 1 mm ihirdman and mlvu h irdiuan of roronto v tiro gueubi of mr and mrn it unwln llnwer ae mr john leavens returned on sat urday fioin ii four manthu otay in i dmontoti und other points in tlio vlt mr 1 red wuhumlion of watrouo si k urriid hi town lout week and li vl tiling ida purcnlu and other frit ml i mr mill miu s croft and tlulr littlu eon of stratford spout chrhit- riiiii jtt mm i medonahl u on laico menuu mr i itilnild johnjtunu and chil dren or bankutoon fai ik arrived lant ivci i- uud aro juculs ut mh william john done i ti gordon mckay and children mli a lisle bumei of toronto o lkiil of mr il wunsboroufch a iiko atiut he w b smith b a of oakvlllo liai rikluil an unanimous invitation to the pautoruto of orllliu meuiodlst lhuifh fur nixt conference vr und mru lcltuy broiii and lhlldrtu und mr und mrs cecil liiown of toronto were ut thu family it llnue lu ro for tho hollduyu mi rttiur a tyroll k natiio of li itt1 toivn now mayor of ivainloojin vile had tho honor uud phasuru or inttrtilulnt u lxcueiy tho gov i ruor t in ral during hln reoent trip thruuih wuttrn canada military newo lie uivid smith wan liorau from lxhlblthm camp over chrijlmos liiliietl- huitild nleklln wont ovur lo lruui on tlm 14th lruiu with u ioipi of iitilnoem blrjlmujorjtud toilar aad itu inil doriiun muloii roturnod ttol- uliru wiiin each prcsi ilted with gold w itelieii lajit week by tho town coun cil ntw iiuu remised thu friends hero hi it ltu huili kennedy youni eat soil of the lato alexander kennedl of i ton wm rut entiy killed ut tho front lu 1 i unto s mai liiuth nlvun of tho princess l iti tela jnadlun lhhl infuntrj wliou jf tiioiithu lu the trenches eon titltiitfi a n cord for conudlun oitlccra in hi in wui lu hack home decoruled with tlio military ciysa and hio li- tlm uljlud hervlie jider un 1 with two told wound ulrlpes up major lorrancd t vltl mil htloiv i had a parcel tho other day from hi ildli i of knox church it wau r kind of thenv to think of me tppr cjiiln it v ry mtirh them wa t nine fftmjtl cuke uud candy in u you now tlu re in nothbir wo like here nor tliun uiiiiin oo cake ion will liuio read in tho pupi nt lint the cuimillanu hud a trip up to ho aulient at iprii thatln u ter rible place i ion t ever want lo hpo it ijujii quito a lot uf our rhupu tot i ausod tlu laut time n the lino and moat of hum no now lu hoipiluli in 1 ni land un haio been running rathi r whort- huti led of lute it will noon lo a yiur ulnee i cutno ir hero and i tmglit tlwut that h i year i would be back in canada hut thi roj doeu not ttci m to bo any nil tin of it et i think if wo had a ft iv more dlvlulonn of canadians hero wi could trim tho german i rmnwlvc- 1 ililng you the cumplinieuts of tho pi i ip lit iv tho t g guelph s business college a j ouclph ontario it i important that ymi idi tlio bcrinnini of the lertn a i oouck prop irlnolpal jj danpnaanaoaa dannockdurn mr und mru coleman have arrived from itcnfrow and taken poiucsilon of tho farm on cedar crock recently purrhuiicd from mr a j thoroan their iwin who liau been in tho north it has joined them in tho now homo mr fred williamson of wotrous busk nan arrived here and will opond the winter hi ro and at acton mrs williamson and babe como from tho wc it in ihf fall tho usual christmas school enter tainment was hehl laat lyidoy after noon about a ucoro of tho parents attended to otijoy tho programme mini mclcod tho teacher mado a up lend id rjrcsldlng omcer tlio usual christ mas homecoming and fcitlvltict uro brlghtunlng chrlst- mastldo thla woclc fish fish fmli lnvo fresti ircsh frcnh freah irtah im treah all tmdc and cured 1 special bup hcrrinp j for sttc lloundcn smelts red sea balmou b c pmv bilmou halibut fatcalci cotl stcala cod whole fwh gov haddock gov sea herring r bait pickled smoked ish n stock oystcrs choice lonjr inland native oj3tcra always fresh prompt dolt vory cvaryoay s j stauffer iish dlioilit acton phonq40 alwnaopon liqi1t1u we wish our many custom ers a bright and prosper ous new year l waeren manaoirn tblcphonb a few of the bargaiais for chnstodeis swcatlrs ior children of a to 6 yean in red and blur special 85 to 0170 sets of scarf and cap for girto up to 14 yean of uan in blue while mid while and reti bpecial qb wl tea aprons of wblto a only 5 each sets of fancy work a tablo cover a mdebnard rcarf and a pillow cao bcaali fully worlcrf fancy handkerchiefs of diltcreue kinds und other aultohlo presents for xtnaa lstarkman mill st acton not in the runninq i lie jud111 with tho eoloi ed if ho v yiaatih ai sunday io n aro you u what church t ireupek ufyn do you belluvo in lection t yeouuh i you bullevu i ajvod lit to ohuivii iji ludfij ml wan a tundldi ah do aigoii undoul itlly unt o muko youf m pui thai lu what you uro work- ii for you wuiit li u too uo doubt 11 m it t ot us red to you that thi ro lotiur hit d of help which couttl h 1 a trine u u im y for itself over 1 tlvl i hilll 1 t or 1 yeur help tliut h il fan and buy and sell il 1 ho fl rtnura biiulneus pupt r 1 wcouiy un j itl year lu piib- ii in 1 with 0 dy i n point in view 1 l of nrvui tho funiiur it euntj 1 1 1 tiul tl lluil nut what u rxiul it i in ion tun 1 to you uud yoil h won ur h w jo j iot iiluiig with 1 iktl iiportu aro untiur p id for uc liruey und its r 1 11 illvlf iii wortl nupv tlollarii to k ihu nul 1 1 rliulon in ite reinnltw 11 1 into an htielt fie one dollar u 1 ami il i it us nun h real help 11 n 111 h any 1 lliet niiunu or opond a d 11 ll to itll tor u ivuntago tyy h r jia n 1 1 oil thi ih i 0 forrili ikoat tl in 1 hut u u be ind i pi ess lu- v 11 1 hi mat l fol th pruo of tin h tl 1 illlnj 0 lod in chlliit jeliuu g here in the macdonald display g i fur fashions 1 of the hour m s 1tresent a divctbity of shapeb and peltries s s jl that are the moit femininely becoming styles e s imaginable s first come cape shapes newest and perhaps high- h est in fashions favor though animal styles are much e3in tvjdcncu but after nil itstjnahtythc key- nute of macdonald displays thats the determining j s factor in every omaasclioice of furs jsj rr wo hav 9n to it tht vry plt aplactad wa th finaat quality 3 prim numbr ona aklna tha aoodnaaa and reliability of mdonalds poltrlea la foundd n on tha badrock of caraful aalcctlon ps s and you will readily concede that the equal of jj e3 these superb coats neckpieces and muffs are not to be found in this vicinity at anywhere near ai favor- g ing values 3 s splendid stylo variety is f atured by the showing 2 s also we conlially invite your inspection and as- j sure you that you will find a trip to guolph to mac- j donalds tremendously worth while when trying 3 s furs or other wearables tor yourself or for any mem- jj bcra of your family or when purchasing furnishings b for your home d e macdonald bros unn g guefphs leading and largest store wihltiain mueilonocll and cardcn mo hjlaall ont only tlm unlnformtd enduru tho ui ouy of corna tlio knowlni ones apply i folio way a corn curo and iol r lief then bo not boy but uso your time and while yo may bo merry 1 or having lout but onco your prime you may forovor tarry 1 i i canadian british gkwermmeialr emds yiuding 0 to 7 v h not in ik jour ivuii ucidof j irn in k j kmiohtill f a nuiy llallon coumy representative president s j the canadian bond house temple bailding toronto i mfhkxmi iae pattemson will supply parties desiring to secure beef by the quarter at right prices a choice supply of both small and large quarters now in stock shop prices for cuts the following- are a few of our shop prices g for cuts 3 rib roasts 20c pork chops 30c shoulder roasts 18 to 0c paekled pork 30c boiling ekef 15 to 18c leg of lamb 30c round steak 28c loin of lamb 30c sirloin steak i8r lamb chops 30c porter house steak 28c roast veal 25 to 30c shoulder steak 25c veal chops 30c porter house roasts 27c head cheese 18c leg of pork ioc sausage 20c roast pork aoc rolled shoulder 30c n patteeson h main street acton ont mim we wish 0r patrons prosperous jew y t it ook over thii abbortment of new years goods we have the largest and bcilihortmeat intovvn allfrtbh this week candy we have over a ton of candy this new yeacs and to asaare quick halo wo have priced them specially low special xmas mixture creams maple creams 30c lb patterkrisp rtg 40c 35clb tliou lb oo lbs cocoanut and peanut 10c lb taffy reg 35c for 30c lb nuts brazil walnuts filberts almonds mixed 25c per lb prifia 2 casc navel oranges we guarantee them sweet and juicy special ltlill prices for christmaa at 40c 50c cuc 75c per do california grapes malaga grapes fancy layer raisins 13 c apples ac 30c and 40c per doz special price by the box r we have everything in the grocery line our stock is always uiuccrlcb fresh and complete your order will be carefully filled and appreciated see our windows for displays russells mill street acton ont thc fi1cc pncod wishc itt thl i hcc phlsu wishes itsithl fkcc phl3s wishco itl advlrllticna all a happy and i advllttiulns all a happy and advciltllilhs all a happy ano plloapcilous ncw ytah i iltouplitous nlw ycait piiouilnouu nkw year

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