lp irftm 3trw pmi i imiiti an auto chant or iik i i limit i lltllw 11 pitis 1 il unit 1 or iiii two 1 ami now uu i ult jo ruuu u or v uii t or mi l tiiroui li t iwii mil io jtrjuti you viiro ni j i hfl prmo aii j u it n i lovfl ii hi tliynl u uhlto l hu uiyu i o liiiw but now u i inn ml uu ill umo to tint tl 1 it 1 lx car no iiiii 1 ii il i tin lir tin i 1 luv ttuiuu nr lli ill u ituilty th ii 1 j t iii tlio wlumplm i mr h rr ttu thy in rf iiino in 111 tl hrt wllllo jimm1 ftjluu hu and v ly i pam for iii i ilu twuulj buy ii i iimj r i v 1 1 now t vrrybo iy vollli i o i ttuudr hy7 tliy molor him ik itrlpi thy iitrirl ptuf aiia wi i tn i tli i tlihu ill i too huio miff mil 1 ii iji aluo iit 11 ml i il lijll iiiiliairliiu to my my ijiild ooup a wartimt economy important ny in m uiil ojtoku tlio vnt if i had tin ion so lu lj inn john id luy mnolr a ti ami npml hoi tix l rilt ii ijhij h ii n mlory muti rial tin onvc r ii mnnnuiro k tor january prut leal arllrlo hoovnr mikbhto mi of tlio ohl boiler ii aiurrtriui iiuuiin iviiultl fnctl u i ranch from tho article l ci away from thn i a thick chowdor or ombltiiitlonu of i ill luh mid other i iiourlnhmititr inn liliotli valuoo ulllk i lltlhhjo hu jemlfuftnt asthma a mont itnlreo- nlnp charnctrrliillo of tlila doblllatlnjr unrann in the pnralatnncq wlfh wlilrh rcourrlrur ttttnrlui come to eap away ntrnnicth and iravn thn nuftcrrr in a mato or almont continual cxliuuntlon no wlncr nrcrautlon run bo taken than jmt or keorilnjr at hand a supply of ir j d koc asthma ito- mvxy famous an tho moot iwhont ro- mrdy for erntllcatlnn tho ulacaaa from tho ton dor air ptuwagen oammy oconcql dont loocl paith in touko tim iiiiionilloil in it tho worxt in tinil of tho irt iruwti on nun vnr aplrlly until it ultiinntnly ntruni la al tho ix it unit in u ho xl in tlmof ntlf no ittt oil tihoo thcro lu a a ht inodn lnrst for tlm iuy ailco it illy wreathe willi 11 jvlth a totulu t rlrh und oatln- llncii will rem in citrj iooil una ntluy roitnt xtoet you iiurvoy it no iy nlclito tuniinr i utiuidlnr- invltii- that ho will drop nubauuitlal uoup boldchino granitc warc tin ro nr intiiiy homo worker whi nu itiikuiuo at thulr uranlto waro imti a holo toniln iii it thuy would l if tiny know hpw oaally it oould r mixllod a writer aivca hln o rloiii i whlcli o oayii liao provod imoano nlr r weolt more ijond on tho in bt to koop up vo not to havo 91 00 i bouirht a victory italmcnt plan an i vo iy paymonta a1i rlftht haniiny you wlnl moo itooc thouoero for women will wmntn trrlm iuiitlui h hutod hlnto t tiocomo rcalltli i arc joint mon tlioy may bo m parln liwwovtr havo moru thai uoc the iarlo corrtipon ilaxar writiu in tint mora und mor intiimn worn ludoom lintm1 of cllnc and rllni and llm of tho richint of tliiuuu trouaer frorlii trouunru i metallic nttiltii in lu volvot troiuii ru of rich with cmhrohl i iy filmy mouuiulliu t mart ho uitutliltr in circca tin ro i i a colored volvut inihroltliirod mont doco rativoly with rti and lilun thread jllnlltdovar cniliruulurotl valvot trou- om of tho itruit varloty r trouuomt that mi i n hotly do tltoiio womon wlio nrk in urdor thai il for lull line in luoirn for womon utrlltly utilitarian rnt of ilanwirn january inuuo mm aro holm rolwii that 1 aahlonctl art tlinoo j of tforlcouu jmkoto of iioft vot bolow coalu und tiqulnl to- in tlinituloiui of i run ilcii capu- tho only ijuurrcl that tho tiiiall hoy haa with tin tlon la ttiat ho cnoujjh- it takn ui a that wo don t kn wo don t find it know cd jfo ntcd vara didnt invent onu biff lon tlmo to find out w nnythin and thon cauy to rvaliso on tho all mothrm can put away unxloty rocordlne tho uufttirlnir children when thoy havo mother aruveji worm lzx terminator to civo relief i to effoctu aro aura and luutlnt thirtytwo checue facto ricjj in haa- tlnsa and northumberland countloa principally ralood j5c33 for hod crooo purpooojj durlas tho ytjir tho validity of tho ontario statuto lraqonioc a provincial llconao on ooni- panloa iodornjly incorporated la to bo decided beforo tho privy council government owmrnhlp of till rail way with port lull til it i u harp hot nt away tho n km oxpoaod motal apply aoldorlnff acid iron apply halfand hn ounio an ono docn in tho uoldnr will repair niaiiontly for wo havo ilto warn mended in thta kltihon anil thoy iiavo uoo iiov ral montlia alaco ro of k aitogotobed kidneys so bad could not stand straight won ubould not wpfiir aven il thry are troubled witli ijvrro painji tn tie aidn or bade and not nhto to au to their h nunc ho id duucfl itio ladnoyn of counw arc to blame mno tiraco out of ten but they can be erompuy and txrmanrntly mwlo healthy y tho use of doona kidney pilta mrn h m janocn pouiiow soak wnlca i feci it my duty to recom mend doani jadnoy pills to aavono bavhik trealc kidneys an they iiavt- been p pjreat help to me a month ago my kkincya nn ao bad that i hod severe noinj m toy sulca end back and rt w twpotwnhlo for xnc to stand straight i then pot k bad i had to go to bed and vnut fiiat way for a wrek wo bent for odrno ioann kidney pijlj and i liavo ljilfn jujit about ooo box and norf i am bio to bo up onrldo my own work i am certainly uratcful for tiw ood thsy havo done mr to ensure rcttinc doanwqiney pitb when you oak for them see that they are put upmanoblonrravybxlxwith our trade mark of a moplo ltaf on the bbel ivico goc lr box at all dcalcra or mmlf dinct n n dpt orpneo by the t mdburn co limited toronto ont oliildren ory for fletchers o asto r a it iiomohody will invont a otoy rich chemo thnt it dooont take a monran r a itockttllor to work a dijp v ant will bo filled tho moat obotlnato trnu and wartn fail to rcaliit ilollowoyu corn cure try il war badj7ia far mon wlio havo a service in tho war rono ln a land or in canada havo boon received at thu military hiadiiuurtcni elocttidcatlon ot u occtlon of tho chatham wul la cc hurt- division of the c w and l ii railway with uio uso of hydro powir la bojnir undertaken and may bo in qplrutlon in a few daya oliildreri ory for fletchers oa r i a 1 tho only tliiin that will mujko a woman quit talklnt about the latrut acondal in a later ono ono of tho dlincult problomu wmch modern army oillctrn inn o to mooter la how napollorj hltnaoir a utickler tor puhctuallty ovlt manaiild with out u wrist- watch iucic cacaur hud lil i itrutun churllo tlio plrst hln cromwell and ooorio tho third hla aiju rican culonuu all of them malttni of liltry it nov ro malnii lu hu dud nhom um hon wllhelm holnnolurn will have pticlc onlcau you hiar with tho faulta of n friend you botruy your own children ourfprlnir front wormn noon nhow tho uymptomu and any raothor can detect tho pmoonco of thcao para- ultcn by tho wrlthlncn and frotuiur of tho child until expelled and tho eyn tern clcarrd of them tho child cannot regain hu liealth mlllora worm paw- dura aro prornpt and ofllclcnt not only tor tho eradication of worma hut ahto aa u tuner up for children that aro run down in coiuioijuonco mere caused by oliqqisb liued when the lirer beroracs iukruii and fmacuto tho bowrla iworno coruitipatod th tongue becomes coaled th brclh bad the stomach foul and then ensue beauacheav heartburn moatink specks before tb eyrs water hraah biliousness nd ojll kinds of jivrr troublea mubumfl laxaitcr pills will stimu late tho ilucruh liver clean the f uu coated tonrus sweeten thn bout stomi h and baniaa the duuurxoeable headaxl ca mm a filiublery halifax k b trrius take pleasure in writing you eaneenims ths great value i havo re- ceired by ustna lilburns laxaliver pills for a blusginh liver warn my lircr got bad i would have berere headaehen but after using a ooupla of vials of your pills i have not been bothered any more mitburns laxatjver pills are 25c vial at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by tho t uubara oa limited toronto cmi lionciit ami trim and i lo rliililhol ir civinl m dlliiw yotinu if faith in iifmiplo opllona moot nfi ii do what castoftla for infanta and children on usoforovor30 yoars always bears ttlo clgoatprn of man iuii uffurd jilt lit t inlmr lt hla bona tot htop tho couith couchiok la caua- d by jrritation in tho rouplratory pau na4reji and 111 tio oftttrt to dliilodto obiitructlonn that eotno from jnilam mat ion of tho mucoua membrano- a trtatmont with lr thnrnan irloctrlc oil will allay tho inuammotlon ai0 in ronooituonco tho rough will couno try it and you will uuo no othvr propar- m for a cold never ocnd an anonymous lctteir an minnymouu letter oven in a dlo- snlaod handwriting carrlcn itn own tale to tho ono writing it it provoo that ho in a coward to ono but tho wiitor may ovrr know thin but all tho namo it lu tho truth a letter wo aro aflhamod toalgn ouclit neyor to bo sent whibtl1nq to some purpoqe he is nol a boy in a book ho uvea in our houuo ho ooldom oayn any thing remarlcablo ho cats oatmoal in larffo quantities and tears hhj troupers and ffow throush tho toei of hla boots and loses hln cap and nlomn the doors and chases tho cot just llko any other boy hut ho la remarkable for be asko fow queotlona and doca mucli individual thinklrur tt ho docs not understand ho whlotle on excellent habit on moat occasions but at the tablo or at church il in llablo to bo mis 1 n terpro ted tharo was much whistling in om- yord ono summer it seemed to bo an allaummcrs performance near the enfl of thp season however our boy announced the height of our toll maple to be thirtythroe foot why how do you knowt was the jgeneral question measured scotentlously tlowr tootrulo and yardstick you didnt ellmb tnat tall treot his mother askod anxiously nom i just found tho lensrtb of the nhaoow and measured that but tho length of tbo shadow chnnses team but twice a day tho sha dows ore just as loruj as tho thlnea themselves ivo been irylrur it all summer i drove a stick into the eround and when jho shadow wan just on lonff as tho stick i krusw that tho shadow of the iroo would bo just on ions as the irco and thats uilrty- tlirce feet so that la what you have been whlstllns about all oummorr did i whistler asked tom vl 1- children ory for fletchers o r i a make yourself valuable tho employee who mukui hlmoolf really vuluuhlu dots not mo1 to worry about iohiih lia placo innicad it u tho emuoytr who lu uneasy at thu possibility of uuilni in rvlctn jiot aally replaced make yourself wanted loro in an incldont that puln in a vury fow words tho nccrut of business uuciuui a younc clurk in a store onco naked fur ail incrutuiu of salary it was j runted but tlm proprietor pave care fill ovcraiclit of the younc mans work hu bocamo convinced that ho was working with more thought of the nalury ic i viit than of tho way ho norv- nl tlio intcrcou of tho firm when next tho younir man hintod that ho ihoiij lit u liirl r wufo uhould bo bis tho lmploycr naid moulin man what you need la not moro monoy but morn uuifulociftf thcro are couutlciui ways in which could uurvo our intorlala tltat you i to hiiicin my udvlro to you for yt itr in to ii co what you can do u i ruthtr than what wo can do you thon pointing out uovural lu whorx tlio clirk had allowed tho company o intercut to lair h oon- tlnutd jjvury tlmo that a cuutomer cot anil jjilii for jou iitruonally int i for you at tlio uomu timo rt until fur uu- my udvliu to you is wliut i tell all ynuiib mon colnc into ijuoiiicsu moko youruolf wantod s would waken up bn distress then is nothin that bringi with tl such fear of impending death aa to wafco up tn the night with the heart poundua and thumping this uncertain acd u regular heart aetjon causes ths createak distress of both mind p body milbumj heart and nervsj pai tterurthea and invigorate the heart sa that it beats strong and regttlarr and tons up the nerruam gytusa mo thai th caosa of ao uruch anxiety hwr thing of the past mr archio beanrnant cdgetf land- lag njj wntcs haw benbothari with tny htmri and acntaiifor about otj years eaosed by orerworv and worrr my he wm so bad i would waken urn acrrerai thnea dnrmg tho night in rrea distress and my heart thumping aboc a year ago i took three boxes of mfl- bums heart and nervtfpilla oad thaw helped me a great deaj milburns heart and nerve psili a ooc per box at all dealeni of mailed diirct on receipt of price by the t mil- burn cou limited toronto onl young mofhgr reserve strength for motherhood is of twofold importance and thought ful women before and after maternity take cotp emulsion it supplies pure cod liver oil for rich blood and contains lime and soda with medicinal glycerine all important ingredients for strengthening the ner vous system and furrnahing abundant nourishment it is free from drugs insist on the genuine ooott a oowoct toronto oat ic5 tht padding op thcorumdler tho nwtllonro wan aaxlnir at tho film twlili h roprrarntod n forco of rlelitlnii intn dirty hodrnsslnd and innxpren- nlbly wrary returning from trriichon for a much nooded cliance for root and recuperation bohlnd tho llnoa ily vlrulo of fho magical modern pholo- i raphy aa wonderful an anything in tho arabian nights fho coni for tablo proplo n tho opera chairs watchod tho lltipt of tired mon advancing alons ii road flomowhem in itanco turn- lim tholr backs for a few brlof hours on tho horrors and risks of tho battlo tlioflnun who was tuklns tho pln- turimi was attracting- a food doal of uttontlon evidently it struck tbeoa boylah heroes as amuslnr that they uhould bo liavlnff their pictures takon in uiolr present disreputable condition tho younir faces turned toward tho camera wore nmlllnn without excop- i had thoy bepn a company of uheso iwjys startlnsr home for vaca- lon tlloy could have not looked mora hoorful tho famallar roqurat of our friend tho photofrrapber to look plco- t ploose in their cose did not m necessary n oven more atrlkinn exhibition of pluck wan rendered when beforo tho of the watching audience come ho stretcherbearers and on each ntretchere a man too badly wound ed to walk hut a mfmber of the faeos ore tho sarao undaunted smllo soon rt tho facca of tho unwoundod com pany and 4lery now and then one of tho eurforora waved his hand sondlnjr a frcetltib to frlands ho never sow ucroa tho aea a the audlonce filed out a mtin turning to his companions spoko tho lliouslit that mtiat havo boon upper- n ost in tho minds of many and yet he said we mslo a russ if our ooffeo la cold or the muffins arent as lluht as unual ono of tho results of tho war will be to make grumbling unpopular 1 hardships which so many millions are ondurlna are teaching coursxo and pntlcnco and cheerfulness to those who endure them and the wst of us are ashamed to fall behind jt u llkoly that in uio next f jw years tlio crumbier will be more unpopular than over before in history tho ileal urer p11l a torpid uver moann a disordered ays ted mental depression lassitude and in tho nd if caro be not token a chronlo stata of debility thovery best medlcino to arouse tho liver to healthy octlon la parmefoes veffo tab le pills they are compounded of purely vejretadlo uubstancca of careful selection and no other pllla havo their fine qualities thsy do not xrlpo or pain and thfty aro agtuoahlo to the most sensitive blomach the aim of arqument what lu tlio reason for tho orjju- menta in which you induuro so froey7 lu it to sllonco domo ono who duajxeca with yout i if tht4 is your aim it la an un worthy one it lu cmy to havo tho laat vord if that lu what you aro after a enoor will ullonco a poreon of a timid tunperaiuonl loulnc your temper wlu drlvo a sonslblo opponent from tho field hut if you havo no hlher purpose in argument than to silence tliooo who dlaacreo with you it is not worth uio breath it costs perhaps you oxeuo to bring your opponent to your way of thinking bomo pooplo and it very irvllatliur to realtxo that any ono can duuurroo with them they will uuo any sort of arcu- ment in ordor to etianeo an opinion contrary to tlio ono they hold thoy do not even hesitate to atratch tlio truth to win this paint iuch people noofl to remember tliat differences of opinion aro an healthful aa differences of climate it would bo a monotonous world if every ono thought allko thcro la just one good and sufficient reason for arcrumont and that is that you may find out tho truth nothing in gnl nod by nlloncinc uii opponent motiiliur is jralnod by foroine your opinion on another dimply bocauao it la your opinion tho end and nm of amumcut uhould bo to luim tho truth all duiciuulon which huu another ob ject is frultlciu liv john loo liumon londons public tjtumu crnmja- oidh reports a net sorplua of the year ondliuj november 10th ofj 70083 thp lorseat in tho deportments history and eloctrlc power and ushuns rates iiavo been reduced to ub oents per k w hour the coal shortage is so acute la tfla london djatrict that surplus shade trees will be cut down to help out tho fuel supply new stamps oalore tlio uiamp collector la having tho tlrnu of hla life already tho war tiuu brought out more than 220a now lu- sueo a tliouaand of tliem aro tho rcault of lnvuulon and conqucut iso are provisional huiueu and nearly 400 are charity ntimiim tho othcro aro wurtax rollllury or com moraoratlv a utatddu including tliouo that italy luui luauod for its aerial mail oorvlce on tlit j la iv tvlth hundrod without a iiiiii hut if by vxtra hi dustry or by tinumial wiltincneaa to obllfo or by muntirlni the dotallu of the buuluoaa boyond tho onllnory rou- tlno of your work you mako youruolf neccosary to him u la quite uu much to his intercut to rutuln your blivicou as it tp yours to utuy with him mali yoursolf vuluabl if pooolblo indin- penjmblo tills lu tho lt poaulblo advice for thu yuuiii iiuiii who la afraid of iobiiil hlu pnuttlon look on the sunny 8idc of thinoq qhould uomu downlilartud friund surkeot uial to try m ut tho tood in his lot lu llko trying to txtrutt nun- shlno from ctuunibru rtmhul him cucumbeni und uiut laundkmly it con ho uxtruttod rttitn them i may know huu to do it but tin tack is not in tho votahlo tinru i mfi forcii- lit all tlijtilu oiiim iitm hi di rect botwon fho l l ura in at the window ami tliut wfth li tilt hies in eyes und utilltu in tunoiilund man nera and in thouithtu in oil im truns- fottnatlonu ll lu tho huivuii forto qloriry tho rooint wa mldnoy gmlths wa of oruorlim tho curtains up and uio ohvdlint ilnry dlmmuod his patfo with htiilhtir iuiiltu ttlmin dickons wan unutlitr wiio wioto bin stories with urtuinii up urn uunuhluu streainliig tliniutli thn utudi iui jolcol was tho cim ttiuku uunuhlny way of lntunr u frlnl rh until i umiu baii i m 1 atlu r lay- lora smodby dr hanoi paruonn both carlylo in hln dyapi pu lok- lru up at thu ulan ould iruaii ltn a sad nluhtl hut thu ilttlo ulrl loojtod up at tho vorj namo sliht and said mother icth wrong aide of lutven is ao nno how very boiiuiiriil tho rluht side tmuat bol a sit any pimii vio hxa won his cheer tlio otcivt of his mciory and bo j wlu iqolto likely toll u of omo dark i day when lie vowud tlmt ho mould uoo unshjno noises r- uudi lu no dcs dinko you nor- 0 a ntii any moro th um u nothlns i d ilk t ttiir than o i iar u fow tons of uu 1 rattling into tho collar w iihl mi htar to lydia el pin ithamfl vca etoble compound wathlnxtoo park 111 i am ths mother of four children and have suf- furod with female trouble backache nervous pella ml tlio muu my cwi- jrna iuloi tolkw and romping would nuijto mo so dorvotas i could just tear every uiipk to pieces und 1 would ucbo all over end f iel so oleic that i wt uld not want anyonu to talk to mo nt times lydia c pinkliains veittablo compound and liver lllla rl suind inu to health and i want to thank ou fur tlio i ood uiry havo done me 1 luuo had tiuito u bit of trouble and woiry but uiuo not uftict my youthl fui loouu my friuiila sy why do you look to you 11 end wolit lows it all tn tliu lyilia ll pinklmm rrrnedlca el ra uuiit btoiiiu uooro avenusl wa3mjtoii lork illinois wo wlh every wt man who suffers from fumalo troubltu ncrvououess bsrl uli o gr tlm bluos could pen tlio leb- tors wriltrit by woniln made well by ly dia e pinkhania voeuble couipound if younaioanysymotoin aboutwblch you would like to kpw write to tlio i jyilia ii ilnkliam mrdlcine co lynn masa forholjlful advlca given free of chjirfo oosht coli iel0tei st was sick fob bsoitbsl yon ahould nerer neglect a sold how ever slighl if you do not treat it in time it will in all possihihty develop into bronchitis pnevlaoiua kshma or some other aerious throat or long trouble on the first sign of a cold or cough it la advisable to cure it at once and tut 1st it run on for an indefinite period for this purposq there is nothing to equal dr woods norway hn flyrup a remedy that has beea umverssjjy used by thousands for over twentyfive years yoa do not experiment warn fan bfy it mrs w 0 paquet smith foils ool wnte- was troubled with la- grippe i caught cold and neglected it and was nek for several fnonh i took three bottle of dr woods norway pins syrup and before i fjn the last one i was entirely cured i would not hattany other- cough h ui ths house it also cured my baby wha watery siek with dtonchitn bus had the doe- tor three tunes and ho rccoininended dr woods i highly roeonux to those who need a quick cure flee that you get dr woods norway pine syrup when you oak for il do not aeoept a substitute it is put up in a yellow wrapper three pine trees the trade mark price 25c oat 50c manu facturtd only by tho t milbum ga- limitcd toronto ont ko is an advertiser children cry for fletchers gssessassish swnxvivsxsv gastorii grndirunmr norll thairll properly speaking every man every institution thai dealt with the public und bus to offer anything in her- vicc commodities or jjoodi advertibing it the univer sal mchbagc the great modernday promotion that brings buyer and belief together like a contract it mubt benefit both parties tu attain the highest and best redulta to have enduring and lasting buccesa the fbe5b pbbss is prepared to assist any legitimate interest to attain the high est and best results through the use of its attractive advertising- columns xho kind you havo alwnyn bought and which ban been in uoo for over thirty yearn baa boruo tho rdgnntuto of jyt nd hno been mado under hla per s j6j conal cupenrlfllon elneo im infancy xr7k cuc4 ajjo n0 ono to dpeciffo you in this all counterfelto imitatlona and jnntuotgood are bat bxperlmcnta that trifle with and endanger tho liealth of infanto and children experience ngoinat experiment what is cast0ria r coatqrla la a hannleca oubstltuto for cautor oh parenorlc dropa and soothing syrups it la pleasant it contflinn neither opium morphine nor other narcotic cubotanec itn n0 la ito ciiarantee for more than thirty yearn it hno been in constant use fox tho relief of constipation flatulency wind colic and diarrhoea allaying foverishnecfl arising therefrom rind by regulating tho stomach and bowelo nlda tho nnclmilatlon of food giving healthy and natural sleep tho childrcao panacea tho mothers friend genuine castor a always bears the signature of muuiiims in use for over 30 years the kind you have always bought sjwffijft capital 7ioovoco nnscnvc imjndand undivided pn6prra 7jywwx the merchants bank op canada general uanafref look to t3fe future timea may change and woru becomoieas plentiful for you with advanced year and you will havo no audi help anywhere as yeur nice lltue tourhundred dollanwavod in umo cound canadian hniy nsffln now with only ono dolur make a bobby of it see bowf or bctiind you tun iijwo iroublo and hard timca abovo all things do not lool backwart jn your run u tho harbor of comfort 333 branches n can m la farmers buamcseno limited acton branch l b shorey manager we want now a raluible a in lultoii county toltcjl ielham irrlr kiit and ornumculal trc luriiir i wtnler month wl j xcllt uvo teriitory fr llui ovicii coo acilcfl of thoihoiu tnurkrytiock fntlud- m variuhi t by un rlaftil imti up tn difio ihuij cdulp- j meat and a i p n canadian prown nttxu u lli nttoment wo ore not jobur- wnte now for aj ency term i to pelham mohseby co to ii onto n b oiiiuojtio iciit on apnli3iitt for ujciicn6 or of nursery stock otjtamo khuet lo in re haci a rfdncrjauuliurj s ohn i r klflller j f travelled fiora a book keepers a stool to 3bilroada never before won tbo demaml for thoroughly g qualified help ui great as to day a a a winter term fttaftm jmu a hrfi ipin t ih guelph business college n avilipit omtanlo p t iii canadian british i short term government- bonds i yilmiii b to y wlijnoi mikt your iivmgb cjrn jyj in stead of j r4b sh0rtill t a neelv llallon couniy rcpresuulaiive president it is important tttjt o tlio bekinoini ul tho icri a i bouck lrp prlimlpl kotow bxys limg having purchased ihe livery and poedwill of tho burincss from ilr a mccann i illicit with confidence tho patronage of the public comfortable rign supplied at reasonabloratefl spocial ortcntiol to ktipplying conveyances for weddings and funerals motor cam furnialiodwhen re quired mij3 meets arjttnajmi acton l e atkinson ont feelys limited the canadian bond house temple building toronto aannnnnanaacdcnhmaap grain i chopping 1 1 a n i well done and i quickly at only i 5 cents q i per bag harris 6 co limited kockwood ont s sjmhbhaannaddocidaaoab ih 1 hi h i i j i c a s on wednesday jan 2nd you should register at on of shaw s busincsj bchoolj toroutu und enjoy tho bct jkj5iblo training for a good buincsj position free catulotfue cspulus couru3 fully writo v h bhaw pnesdenl get the gemae irafonosa avoid disappointment refuse imitations orjy genuine columbia grafonolas and records bear this trade mark- look for it before you buy graionola bob 5ald by t p g speight acton ont when you need boots shoes at any time s nuv ritom w williams acton ontaltio lamoub foil satisfactory footwear kiaonaii1i iuiois in nil oounlic aak for t ur lvrmtulffl 4tviaklt whwk ill i 1 y klj lv v 30i uulnusty avo mon 1iul lilc ttkwwflsbhssbs