Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 7, 1918, p. 3

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wedding and birthday presents itrgirn 1h47 hllvorcraro i iimy ill oliini nn china iculv ji i r ten anil tjpoons w hllng hindu maillhagl liccnoco ioqucd qko acton uynds ontario news of local import pittad potato and turnips pro r on it in re in rtcd thiil miitinfrrt of i further than initial red uru onrim ml in social and personal 1 n hoy in v mr jjirj r llltdil timl wo jf p aetna jjfrw ijrrsn tihjifiljay maiicii 7 jdik brief local items foi llill nontlm r l ry jut lc unl llortli iilturul jocloly fl i i ut h ramp ton ln- i tjunday ho tiiul uin oru alonun for 1uih ivm hurt i ilia 102nd yir 1 fought ut hilton the jiumlji wero clliirtiiillriuix jlallway laut hundiiy bamiicl knrr has purchased from joseph oldntulii lutlnti hlu houao and lot on young htrcot well march anio in lioruly uko s lamb hut with a htavy fall of snow wholl nay whut the ond of tho month will brlritf old and experienced fapnora nay last weeks unlet fall of snow worth murh an uvuro toe tins blanket for tho fall wheat al ldwardji c co will open tholr nw shop next wll i con foe lion cry on saturday tho products of their bak ery will bo on sale there a champloniihlp checker match won expected to bo playod yesterday afternoon between menu d robert son milton and allan loiahman of acton doalro in toronto havo thounandu of barrels of opplcu in block held for hlsh prices about thiu time of yoar too luscious flavor of apples diminishes rapidly mr ooorro dron on esteemed reader of tho llicu 111133 nt moorcfleld wrlteo lost thurnday drovers hero paid formyra oicr 10 000 for hogs heat that if you can when will people titcln to realize that uiero is no acton wuitr there la no ouch nest olllco nor railway station lett erg or pure uin no address ed am apt to to astray acton horticultural society a larfro membership aro 1 iyjiij plans for tho ttowlnk or plenty of vrcrtablcs in uio backyard and abundance of cheerful bloom and follao in tho front bl patrick ii social muter tio aua dices or knox church luulcu mil will be held in tho church on monday march 18 v jrool projramnio mid wextlmo lap lunch hilver jlolloctlan tho uliljf of c irloton oprlne whoai in tho straw crown by it n brown last season and which yielded 2l bunholn per aero oxhlbltcd in tho vuxn lxtsa window has been quite an at traction to- farmers thhi week geo humphrllu and jvank mar tin of guclph dlaclplnu of pastor it usee ii wero each lino j 100 and coo to on tuesday for having in their poases- olon ocdtuous huraturo whlcli hou been banned by tho government tho first run or canadian maple sap begins down lit haacx county in ontario generally about march 0 gradually tho worm weather workn north coat und tho season enda up in quebec when tho leaves break tho buds tho department of publla high ways has issuod a warning to motor ists that owners not displaying their 1018 markers after march 1 will bo liable to prouocutlon and constables have boon instructed to lay informa tion against all offenders seventyone thousand boys nnd girls of school oito last yoar increased tho agricultural odtput of ontario to tho vajuo of j120 000 tho rood con troller suggests tliat every farm boy and girl tills yiar should ho encour aged to rear a pig u calf a hatch of chickens or to grow a plot of potatoes beans earn or vegetables lorne the following la tho report of lorno school no u jjjquoslng for tho month of robruary tho named occur in order of rnirlt those maked with on asterisk did not attend 60 of tho time br rv carolino itydcr ronald mc- kochcrn laura lambert jr iv arnold macdonald wllmor watkins llmom johnston fr iii lleimlo macdonald jessie ryder iltctur macdonald itoy john ston sr ii aiifauu mcuchcrn qordon johnston ithta cruwnon ldna crow on absdit jr u harold bwacklmmur laura murray jean anderson charllo lam bert jr i wllma murray mary melieliern absent uilllioaiideiiitjii muriel an derson liuhblo anderson liarl an demon ulnxjit no enrolled 2l average uttoiidumo 10 uouulo li mullhi teochor halifax ojind children fund to sir alsx irsr chsqus for f 15 15 0 frsor tros tho iiuoj ihuu fund to an lat in tho education uf tho uilklrwu bllndod in tho trugvdy at hullfux n h wad closed on iturduy tho following aqditlonal uuliiti rlutluiih w retclved arter last loaun i previously iuutumudiod io so doris lam 10 isabel luntz 10 stuart lunis qeorpe hriwuko 3 thclma tlamblo a thoo ltoiiu q one who njy iy j 00 itoso illhloy ksthcr htm 1 iiiun 6 tl 16 iu forwurdod a amount to hlr jr of tho hehool ror tho lljliul ut llulirax tho liu i uiu h choquo for ho uuv alex i muw iruiiur oriefo tht truth et hi tho ir oiiough 1 1 1 lu wh mti i the impreiiuliin tliat tho wh always ueeiln to bo r vincd whuo hurlty nmy bo aw giving it in uiujuublodly but in tba rceopjtiiir tho hlrfli imiiibi f bom serves to tnuko miuijfst th mely oiame grain tho troutilo m in to i have too many in c hers and too few pratlora to make things thli woriu run us tbvy ought that i old acton rd cross oonda mors qupphen tlu ludlco of arton lint cnm nliln pod last week 10 parcels ot iiolillcrti nm kn routilnlng one don n nub t dotcn pneumonia jnt imtn q pi rnonal propnrty huis for noldli ru tn honpltiil 4s honpltal cunhlonii and 10 yurdi r i hnonocloth chlmnoy pot dlown off ifurln ono of tho hdri o fall i unit wiwk unvorol lonptfui of tile uurniouiit lint tho brlrk rhlmnoy on mr law rrni n wllllamu shop uoxt to hi i vo ityniuj jowilhry ktoio v ro blown off ono of them vi nt through tho roof und then ihrouih tho oltlrij und down to tho shop floor haltonb wool crop drouaht 70203 in tho iu oiktratlvo nalo of wool uolph durlnr the year uultoij county eoiitributod 3330 fleoccu with iv toliil weight of 11ecb pounds 7020 37 wlni tho amount of cash being rocoivod for tho wool nation county stood novonlh tho provlnco in tho umount of ioy received for wool in 1017 government grants hilton j30c4770 last week tho liculoovornor ut provod an order-in- council for tho payment to tho treasurer of llnltou of afith7 70 grant of 40 and 30 por cunt respectively of tho amounts or pended on construction and on maln- tonnnco and repairs on tho approved system of county roads for 1317 fres press printing pissbss an important institution in toronto for which tho nice 1iusui is oooutlni considerable printing wrlteo with rof crenco to 5000 copies of a ulxpuo folder pent ttiom uuitr woolt printing has been received wo aro inllghto 1 with these icauata they fill tho plant desired and will ho greatly appreciated wo thank you for uin palna you have taken with them and for tho succors with which tho work lias been done general bocrotary st albsns now rector t work llov e r mounsell tho nowly np pointed rofctor of ht albaji u cliureli preached hlu first sermons as incum bent ot tho parish last bunday lilii discourse were timely and much up predated by tho congregation mrs m ounce 11 will join tho now rector ai soon as the household effocts reach hero fro palermo tho forme cliargo rov and mrs azbunnelp wlil bo accorded a warm wolcomo by uio pooplo of acton got your 8sp ducks t ready rormcrn and others who have maplo nugar outfits oven if thoy hnvo not been in use for years should put tin to work this year there lu a nugar ohortage and canadian maplo trcei should be made to produce to maximum so even ir you haven t moot uptodate oqutpmont tap the trees jou can and mako uio mo it tho facilities you have on hand ro 11 bo a good market for nil tho iiptr p cinbj mmmlled ml fioin i h ati ii 1 i it o hilton jvl 1 it wild il 11 o mr rinoi i 1 ch r htt rln was ndoy homo from mini ijti iiirutito for tho moy won vtci u end homo front mir vltlltl i liar 1 aeti niri warn n n frln i jn thin of toronto mln vlllltf i i ida i lrlli fill iui annlo can uin uvi r hundiiy alum mijuiiii c aiuleruon vl wok noly ultd i wllnuti frloudi it and irene acton last mi week h it hlu 1 wanuboriitill of toronto arints a brief visit last ira a m cumpboll of htdvcjiuvllle i heou vlultlm arton frlonds during iveok mm llowlutt of lurn tho iuut uilii mrs george llavlll i miitllu in a ton uticm soak i weel of her couj ilvxl hhi ho mr w n wllklnui wurl 1 wjiji a vlsltiir od on tho huuj ililmi i mid fiunlly ar- icadoy to mako i editor toronto i town and call- mr lrtn of the and mm a it mclean wore at yciitorday attending tho funeral lata duncan mclean- mr und mru auiuut andorson wero in ivltrhonor on hoturday nllonding tho fuuonil of mm ihioldor u slotcr- itilaw mr inuac nowton of harnla visited tho old homo ut llmohouso for tho wookctid und spent monday with his ac bin rrlends mru joiuph allan of guolph spent u week wltli mru w il 12 ilbilr and tittier friends in acton beforo it living for her imw homo in owen sound j mrs a may hornby unnounces tho engagement of dorothy alice pairy dixon to curl v saunders of hornby tlio marrluio to tuku pliuo iiuielly thiu montli saturday specula tsffisa rg 30b for 24 e lb all our raguur lln dost mskars t onsbls prlos harold wiles milu otrcct acton r eoqs by welahtj wood by mosour at a tlmo when ogga ooem to bo dwindljns in alio on tho cot of uvliir goes up tho government la llkuly to lnntituto a reform of tho salcu and inspection act providing for tho sulo of eggs by tho pound it 1 propoacd to otipulate that a dozen of thorn must weigh u pound and a half and for any deficiency in such weight tho dealer will bo required to mako up tho regulation alio in prospect provider for 128 cublo feet bolng tho standard cord of wood i 1200 duahels turnips in ten dsys tho turnip busincjii has been more lively hero tho past week tliau at uny previous time during tho winter tho lards at tho q t il station hao beon nn unusually busy place tho turnip rlu are being opened and with uio fairly good sleighing tho roots hav been rushed in by tho fanners over 13 000 bushels huvo beon dollvored in tho past un days on fcot inlay over 3000 bushels cams in tho wholcjitla market bis slumped lately and tho good prices paid hero nmy not be maintained- orangemans farewell to corp rtlchio a special meeting of acuan l o l no 7 was held on monday evening tho occasion being tho early departure of dro dan ritchie for overseas tho meeting was well attended three members wero advanced to tho it a- degree tho business of tho evening being concluded light refreshments were served after ulnglnc ho a a jolly good pellowand auld lung syno tho members dispersed lir ititchlo takes with him tho beat wishes of his brother orangemen and their hopes for his safo return dig slump in potato prices yesterdays weekly bun eayu tlu outstanding feature of this wuoku market is tho sudden slump hi pota toes soma weeks ago tho hun ud lsed tho soiling of potatoes dofliutoly tatlng that lower potato prlcca wero inevitable last week potutoeu droi pod as much as 60c por bag at now brunswick and tho mirket evco ovi tlenco of still lower prices it hi an open secret that uio prlco or ontario potatoes is largely not by tho prleo at which now brunswick stocks can tw laid down on tho markets of this pro vlncc when our potato industry ju better oiganlxed mid tho vujotieu uro itandardhtcd better exnidltlono may bo looked for in tills rtgurd j united church ssrvicas tho last of tho four woiku serbji if itervlcca in tho methodist churui in which tho uuptlut irtmhytorlun uml methodist congregations havo uultwd were hold hist sunday them woru large congregations both morning and lug splendid sermons wore du llvurfld by llov il b 1 largo u a 11 1 in tho morning and kov j c wilson h a in tho oveiilnu tin united yuung people met lit their weekly bervlees on monday ovonlnr and a union service for pruyer unrt praluo will b in hi hi of m thollut chureh this ovuiitng at 7 30 o clo k to be followed ut b lt by ehoir pruellco nf urn eholru of tho threo iliunlm next sunday tho foul wuokn mr vleiu of tho uhltiml toiihrjutloiio will eoiunioneo in knox cliunli rov mr iurgo will preaeh 1 tb moruliii und hov mr jones lu tho vonlni the sphiulul spirit of united chrlstlu i rouonrnhtp whlili linn tharuouil- i u intao oervtcts front tho oiituot hou been monl cordial und uplifting tho ejilunuuhm of thu uervieea will un ioubtoly bo fniunlit with hleunlub to ull who participate the ortlcor us compitny is to about to vacate trench which ropoitod mined you two uih i hire and if there is un you will blow it whlstlo yo utund 1rtvate yes sorrl will tt tcolng up or coming down will ro xplouloi rrt graudim i saw fouiauilug so fui nr lunnliik across tho kitchen floor vrith out uny lego what do you think it was 7 orai iu pa hud to iflvo it up what wan ltt water replied thu uttlu lady vlry tilumphnntly neighborhood news- towtj and country items of intsreat from various locali ties covered by tho fro press milton luiit week tho i o d ix ohlpped overseas iu pairs socks 34 service iihlrts und 2 trench caps 49 pairs of uocks 1 nhlrtu mm i linker waierdown formerly mm j w ijcwu milton hue sold her lino brick rculili nco hero on queen htrimil lo mr c d mcgregor mr alex hume inuueutng had tho mlirfortum whllo cutting wood with u circular iiaw lo huvo tho thumb of hlu rh hi hand amputated ono day lust wiok fruit trees and plants for spring planting wo nood no further introduction than the fact that we havo been in uio vurserv lunlnras gimyons yasra and ai o now prepared to moot oxlntinp cnndltlonn by offer ing our high grado trees and plants direct to customers at rock bottom prices send for our illustrdatod circu lars of hardy varieties which you can order direct and eavo the agents commission of which you got tho benefit our prlcca will bo uro to interest you and all stork in absolutely orst class and truo to name the chase brothers co of ontario limited nurseryman e8tadli8hed 1857 coldorne ont acton bakery m edwards co mill street to fsoijitste tho handling of tha products opportunity j r livingstone gflqccn and provision merchant offers tho people of actor ever opportunity to nn uro their supplies frrnli well luuiortrd und st rruaeu ublo prlrcn s a fow barrels of apples still may lie hud at ltnrrot ratra your ordcrq will de appreciated j r livingstone mill otrejt many interesting arrivals now in f to luccojaful patriotic concert i i rlduy evening a galaxy urtlutu uuppllod tho pro mr alf ilurren jrin township i old il plr wh hing g30 lba for which ho rmlvti 30 20 tho other day mr c iluldwln has purchased mr wm robluuun o realdenco and intends uiaklui iilu homo hero rev g w tebhi formerly of erin has been appointed by tho bishop of j rector in charge of church of the ahci ruiion hamilton during uio absence of dr il j llonioon who lu proceeding overseas advocate durlinoton tho fool talk about unseating hoove cliaver anil ono or two of tho coun cillors has turned out to bo a real fiasco tho reovo und councillors will ult ui ht in tholr seats until uio end of tho year ut least mr paul rishcr is addressing rrult- lrowcni meutlngo in tho st cath- urincs and queenston districts for tho department of agriculture tho town hall was filled to tho doors last tilth when a public recopuon wis tendered threo more returned heroes vl ptes ii smlui ivank starr and j jinka hov o w rarker occuplod tho cluilr und in it few well ciiooen words wulcouiod tho boys home gajmittu i georgetown lu wonmnn iutrtotic society iu hed u campaign laut saturday to raise jl 000 for tholr work all water jjcrvices were cut off for oral hours on kriday to permit of ice tin try ropuiru belug mado tho oo rgotowtt womon s insututo uhlpied to tho rod cross for soldiers mfortu 30 pulni of nocks and to tho oneh ileiur t bolo clothing contaln- leg 113 urticles valued ut 110 30 lost month pto ldwurtl ileorman who went rseua with the 70tli itatl under lolonel salluntlut d s o reuumod itiin lajt ifvldoyr and was given a yul wolcomo at tho horns of his uter mrs junias norton sr dr j u nhon who was chalrmun cm tho eaaliin pruoonted tho returned hero i behalf of friends with a wolltwod iroo herald i nas3agaweya rev mr btophonaon and mcasrs iwurd and charles darby attended in bit iruhlbltlon convention in to- into i ml weeu innpeetor harvey iiummonod tho lun in whose names liijuor was ship ed t caiiipbellvlllo to upicar last tuult und show that tlio liquor was rdortd in eouijillanco with tho oi- urlo iomporuneo ai t tho cases amo bofuro juatleos lrwln and craw did i ho defendants fnlh d to upueur ml uio ihiuorwus coufloejited on monday us mr harvey llrldge- mn wuu huvluif soino muplo logs awd wuli uiu ehrag saji lhcy run htoubh one unit wuu a liuu tree and oeiired tpiltu a iiluullty of liotioy bo tno wjii i iht n out of mr wal- uhi oy luyln i tholr i next ho rural mail liu haur tlmcu li adam and uteiibull who rieru uro tiavlug mako tholr trips n and family of j hlu farm and a recontly have luqt weuk to a 1- raiuauy s u 1 lun mllhi mr a ml croon bulng out writ next aummer lrd appioton of liuffalo u mfatlvtu und rrlondujtn nip- u ut prtuont farmers markettoronto lioul i day mlllliii i f irado iiueitatlon rheut lut oatu hi kwhual o riiiinth ii mix t and wholuul pnlnti lluttt k ci turnery dairy 14 to to 00 j 10 to 2 1- 1 70 lo 0 00 i h7 to o 1 7 to u nominal o 00 to 3 00 iu 00 to u buying ut country our oakery snd to mako it more convoniant for our cuatomars wo have secured tho ahop next to wiles confoctionory where supplies of our war bread brown bread tea biscuits gakesrbtlns and scones may alwya be qocurad wedding cakes a specialty m edwards co take the hint order your spring suit and overcoat nqw and save s 9 my otook of imported scotch woollons and west of england illul 11lacic and ailay shrol3 is moot com plete all markod at close prices far this week wo mako them to your or der on tho premises uo wise and order beforo tho big advance in prices r e nelson hens 40 next post office guelph lit in iho to m4 a to ioujc 3q tt 3ug crew80n8 corners last monday ua mru john llultug imm stepped outside lur door alio fell on the ice und suolalnod a oompouhd frueturo of tor right urm dr me cullough wuu called und deemed it advluahtii to huvo her taken to tho hoapltal mid alio went to the ouulph ooneral hospital on tuesday where hio la lolnr ulcely hor uialiy f rlojid i rckrot to heur of her uccldeut a aoclul gathering was hold at tho homo of mr wm demi la lout wod iicoday evening when u very enjoy able tlmo wuo o pent- mr wuiluy icingubury who ha i bei u in pour health tho pout ihjitoo i inoutha is worue ugakn and had beun oiillued to his tied tho past wcok durlntr tbo high windstorm luut monday nljiit one of tho largo lulauin tites in mr i crippa ianl won blown down moosrs j lambert and w crlppu northern ontario uro vlultbig frlonds hr j mr and mm d rlpiio and bubo vlmod frluiidu lu laruiuouu lust week llisa isthui lwtiupof u ujie idlng u few layo with her sister lu aitun jiism iurkerlulled rlcudu in wea- imi lout woeli mlsues clare tend maria luhtx of a tn viiil td irleuds lioro en lluuduy miss jean hurbur acton opt nt un week mil with fl funds bore mrs w miliar uud chlldieil visited frlonds in uuelph over tho wojlnd mru a curru and little b of acton visited frlonds liurp on su iday mr und mrs n iunitiurt und chil dren aliuii viol tod friends hero on sunday mrs tussle und alls j mllinii uuupli visited friends luro this week lit nnd mrs 1 watson and till ditii vallul frleiula in ac tun on sun- day spring sale print in dnrk and ll tit shade in 27 32 and 30 inch widths at isc und 20c a yard gingham oooil wmili foodu in a 3 incti aldtli ut ibc yard muslin ltglit i roil nib with hlu i uud lltht with pink tloworu ut 13c yard house dresses all kinds from 100 to 1jja tarman- atlll street acton m e i fr- d u w landsborough has a splendid assortment of fresh and cured meats sausages cooked ham meat loaf dologna headcheese we will sell you deof by the quarter if you wlah w landsborough cor mill and main sue ac ton phone 45 much originality cvidenct in the style notch of tlieschowmtfh or early spring modeli in womens and miic appirol nd tlic universal policy of conservation in ita vanou d vclopinents has made lor a simplicity in itylc tliat il wondroualy appealing anc litinctivt yet particularly in time with thce fervent times i women and fyfihscs planning spring wardrobes will find tlnsshowing full ofin- terest the styles are original and closely follow thu slender silhouetie type bodices tqnic types- and slightly flared blcirth- are a few of the style ideas represent ed in this early spring style showing the fabrics are of exceptional quality and breathe an air of goodness that will gladden the hearts of all women folk and the colorings and patterni add much to tlir diversity and exclusiveness of the style dcyeloprrients in every model hown you will want to see and know about lobe new spring suits new dresses too new coats new skirts new blouses new dress goods and wash fabrics new furnishings lor tin house and new waijpapen all invite an early spring toar of inspection to gurlph at macdonalds styles values var ieties these will make such a visit worth while p e macdoiaafd bros gdelphs leading an largest store v limited wyndhnm madonncii and carden streets guelph ont l3 d as u general thing the uvcrago man has far greater capabilities for getting into trouble than lio has for tolung a track for the farmer t7tarm equipment which will effect a time and labor- jd saving and therefore a money-saving- must be care fully considered by every good fanner nowadays the farm wagon which for years was the most useful of all farm equipment is now being replaced on the best farms by a sturdy dependable motor truck the truck will haul any farm product fruit grain vegetables stock fertilizer or wood around the farm or to the town or city many miles distant in half the time and at a much lower cost the ford oneton truck is a rapid economical and very serviceable means of transport one of these on your farm will save you weeks of time in a single season and will enable you to pis through a crisis of labor short age with less difficulty the ford truck 13 supplied as a chassis only this per mits you to faelect any of the many body styles especially designed for die fo d crude and already on the market thus you can mount the one which suits your individual lequirements price 750 fob ford ont h a l oxe dealer acton ont j is ii is ill iii iii in ii iv ii h isi i ii hi ii lux to giv sweater coats a new lease of life now thatowcater coato aro getting more expensive it io more than ever desirable that you wash youru with lux of all lain gs a sweater coat which is seen oo much must be kept soft fluffy fleecy and new in nppearajace you can keep yours that way ana wash it again and again if you do this pour boiluij water over lux flakes pure eaacne of soap avowing 3 or 4 tables pooniula for every ballon of water ypu uae whip into a cioamy lather 6 fee ecconda la needed hen put in the garment and atir itr about let it soak until cobl enough for yoar hands to eqileeao tbo water out or tho coat tho dirt jut run away lutue in twp or three relays of tepid water and bang to dry veryoiraplc anyone can do it just a few minutes worlc ana you get a result tliat tho moat expert french cleaner might well envy lux wont shrink woollens wont hurt any fabric or color tfcut pure water can safely touch at ml tr4t uriiish mj lover brother a limited toronto lnjjn ji miilai mum u isi iii iii iii ill pcr gdafianteed wi bu wheat smm oats barley flax live stock gggognmrnta immense wealth in western canada send tor fkte booki ml sottlor culdo low fafies 100000 free farms op ico acre3 each cowuwit uoiim lxh iu rnrn nart au i f fnjjotry youciu iniv knj a jiatd ol lb lhi ijimhbtllma tloliuslor crqppiihjikiiua io l iluirlbulvl lulhuiu ll uulstl top viluqa j u lul 0l liaruyuwl lliural klua lu ijt7 m mumtulia siiifim u ami albaita la 613 jjij 7o0ux improved lands f along canadian nontlleizn itkh tractors ota farm implements easily available now government aaajatance plan clul ut bu cjt tin wl utpuaiuaity la tun aiwl um calwj naiiwn uu tl y wuu tu ty lot uu nw xuu ualaliu t1iiu iufuuliuu l cut mmnuail alatiatua any cjsut ajrwi c1 i moounal qi toruoio tea isi free press ajsring results capital 7 ooo y lineillkvu kunutl amu undivided iltovitu 1 doooo the merchants bank qf canada sir ii montuuo alliui c v o ploaldcut i c muuuuur dm oral munajot look to x5e future 1 line i tuny ltunie uad work become lciilcntifnl or you wit advuulcd yari ami you will havo no mch help anywhere as luur uico httlo t w huudred uollurs bavediu joiho oiuiul canuitlau itank nly one dolur- ii ul c thiyna de not look backward m your run lo tho kuilior el comfort jj7 bruiiuiu in canada lanucrs buiioow boliitoj farmers scde notes cashed ac1 on branch a l b shorey manager i

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