lrarhm3frf r jrcss i nun i i li 7 ioib mv crlld lu lln i i tli hi i ii 1 nn n 111 i nil n ii i tn ml ti it i imjl i f i l r 111 ami i llu to faith mill in nor ntlll r do tn 1 i uid l 1 hint iitiind jht rl if mi uil 1 ami thru ii hi nihil u to mo mill win and ti ii f vl lory to lin mo win ruin i ntoop uift i ii to i liuto r in to 1 thn i i win ii i m alt no an wlim mt v iv n 1 in umiwni to ilvi in i n i 1 iiniifnil i of iniy iil tli it i tdivt miitlo to 1 i wllth hi i l mi f iihum 1xnt tly vvl it nit ii think i urn lddjar a ournt dont skim it finot nboiy inn nut l il a uualnt old nothi r mi i lyim it y ro going in of tnlllc don t skim i f mi won 11 lx injurr of nut h iimiilliiwui but nliowii tlmt vi ry much ijoi t iwi i ordinary fi ll in tit i we inn i ii unit mi nunt if iv ii a rod nt wrll tho uumi hi family inti n another nmml i mvc down town without half u d mlnuumii omplulnn hob ilntcr iliijtn htm to bring a book from ho library ho never refuses to ob- ll hir lm doen not really count it nn inronvt nit nfi twi only lakes tht cream off bin klndncui thono i lovcit rliitd ngalnl ex- clalfnn mary when john unnui her tq take n few utltolun it neomn to ma thoy ulwuyi nutl mending when i am in a hurry with nomothlng cluo sho would be idiot- let il nt bin rolna ahabby and dinlritiotd ir any ono thought her unwilling to rotidor such ojlicoa but nho mauio it il llttlo unploauanl to auk tlio favor tho children follow tho fashion tommy shulu the door at bridgets roqueit but ho rrumblca at having to lcavo hla top uualo goes to tlio door when uho in t nt but nlio departs with a protest that it in tommy n turn thua all d ly lout people who lovo ono another ultirn tho nweutnesa from every utrvlio they rcujw would waken up in distress thers la nothing thnt brirus with h rch fear of imjxinilnif death an to wako op id uio nifdil ilh die hoarl pounding a corrector or pulmonary troubles many testimonial could be present- cd ohowlnk thn rrcat nmlcacy or tjr thomaa iclt t tru oil in curing dis orders of tho reaplratory processes but tho brat tc itlmonlal in experience and tho oil hi rocommondod to all who huffcr from these dlnordcru with tho rcrtalnty thnt they will find relief it will altay inll unm itlon in thii bron chia tubfn mi no o preparation con id thumping ihuj uncertain and ir regular heart action causes the create timlrtaa of bo tii mintl nniliboxly milburaa hrort and nerro ku bttrnijtlirji fluid uiviforato tho heart that it beats otroiik and regular and tono up tho nrrvouu nynuim bo umt th catuw of so much anxiety bocoraeo utiux of the riant mr archio itcaumont ndgotta ind- iok n d wrili iiavo been bothered with my neart and nerved for about six j cam caused by ovrrwork and worry ly heart wnb no hod i would waken up orerol lunra dunng the nipht in rreai dibtrem and my heart thumping about year ago i took uirro boxes of mll- ttim heart and nrrvn fill and thoy helpml mo a great di al milbunia jipkft cfil netnuthfl ara coc per box nt nil elrnlcrn or mailed dirrrt on rremffccfpntby ilio t mil- burn co limited loroato ont pncparlnq a cracked wall for paintinq or papeirinq when a planter wall or colling 1h no hadly crut urd thai it will not do to pnlnt or oven pupt i tho nurfaco cover it with iitronit rjiuulln or llaht can van ubo a ntroiii pontn mndo of flour in uio ordinary way with n ltttln ffluo adtlod to rivo it itronger holdlnff tjualltlca vfcua out any air bubblea that may occur and make tho nurfaco rjulto omootli 1lthcr water or oil colorn im well nn paper may bo cp- plloi to uilfl nurfaco and it will make a very nmooth and a ail re- job the kitchens muot win air o jj van nordnn rhnlrmui f tint iiprnkrrn iturenu or tho unltod luatin t uilnilnlitrntlun in a re toill iitldrrnu deel irnl that llift tint co in o of lint war niliiit lm doclded j the kltrhrnu ot cannihl niul tho united aiatra ilurtntt tho rumlni enr it in up tit amprlra it in up nnadn ho nalil to oupply tho areat nuantltica of fuotliiluitii utat our alllc muni rotolvo thin ytnr and if wo d not if wo fall them tho war in coin to i ml and it in not icolnc to end in thi fnvnf nf tho allien und in our own favor aothma cannot lanl when tho creat- ent nf all ajithma apccineu iu lined ir j i kellorcn anlhnia ltcmedy nonur edly ilcncrven thin cinltcd title- it linn cnuntlean eurcn to- itn rrodlt which all o tli or preparations had failed to beno- m it brlnsn help to oven tlio moat anoro coscn and hrln tho patient to a condition of bleued relief surely buffering from oath ma la need loan when a re mod y like thin lu m eaally net urnd ohildren cry for fletchers castor i a different tactic8 when a pcrnon in really anffry ho aayn what ho thlnkn ilotxnl ho vca but thi re u a difference bo- twecn an aniry man and an angry woman that woi wimt do you mean well wilt n a man lu really anffry ho tello you junt what ho thinka of you yen but wh iciitt thlnkn dealer oman 1 j re 1 ly in irry you what everybody fnao lou tho clovolandy plain scvere daches caused by c1bbgish livel whax tbm uvcr becomes biusemii sjai lucun the bowrla become eooatipfttod the tongiu becomes coated the brssisi hsd the stomach foul and then enaoei besdaches heartburn ftaaud pocks before urn eyes water brash biloususes ssid sb lands of liver troubles milbania lmavldrer pdlfl will stimu- sto the alugruih liver clean the foul- exmted tofcuc sweeten the tour stomach yf the cuaagrceablo headaches mrs a shublery italifax n a wrttss s take pleasure in wntinjt you eanoemme the creit vilua i have re- oeited by uiinf flilburns lamliver pols for a aluestah liver when my liver pot bod i would have severe bcdoclii i but after tuung a couple of vials of yauf pills i havo not been bothered nns more milbunia iixai ir pilta are 25c f vial ol ill iilri r in ltd direct on receipt of or ct by i a 1 milbura co lumted toronto qut- aa a vcrmlfuio there la nothing ao potent an mother graven worm ex- terminator und it can bo given to tho most dollcnto child without fear of in jury to the conutltutlon if life worn a bed of rosea we would oil get fat and lazy from nloeplnff too much no ono need induro the offony of coma with uolluwaya corn cure at hand to remove them smiles when wo unit corao hero sold a dakota man to hla vloltor from tho our neareat ncbjhbor lived juat wejve miles away the land uust ohu cried whod er horror from artiiur taklnff part in a ffoocraphy ntnatlon nhould bo award od a pruo bis dciliiltloii of horizon which r as follows tjio iforlton lu where the sky and tho wattr moolonly thoy dont how mrs boyd avoided m osjittn ohio i buffered from trouble which caused mo much outerini and two doctor decided that i would havo to k through an optiatlon lu ore i could get wl1 wymothor ho hod been laljud by lydlalj finkhume vepotablo com pound advised mo to try 1 1 before sub mitting to an opera tion itreliovedms from my troubles so i can do my housu work without any ufflcqlty i advua any woman who u antlcteu wllb frniale troubles ts jrivs lydlm e llnkuama veceuhls csto- pound a trial and it will dp as muck for them mrs makiu boyd 1421 oth fit n e canton ohio boraetimes thro sro serious eondi- tlena when a tioepltol operation is ths only ajtemauvtt but on the otlier luuid aw many women have been cured bf this famous root and hrrbrvmody lyuia k flnkbams vegetable compouud after dsctsrs have said that nn operatioawas asceasary every woman who wants to avoid an operation houlii rrw it fair trial befura oubmlttinjf to such tttfrnjordeaj 11 complications exlat writs to lydj e pitikhanimediciao co lynn uass for ivicu ihe roault of maay jaats xpnfsace is at your servits a powerful aid when you feel sluggish ahd nervous tired and indifferent you have the first symptoms of declin ing strength and your system positively needs the special nutritive foodtonic in scotts an emergency tourniquet a aluahlo at id itlon to iuiy nhop medicine- cabinet la thn tourniquet a device that will answer tho pi i pose of tho tourniquet can be modo from in ordinary clothespin and a pi co of binding tape about v inch wld- and lftnchci ions to ntoii tlio blcedlnc trom a wound or a limb pans tlio tape around tho injured member between the wound and tho blood nupply pons the tape through tho ulot in the pin wind the endn around the pin two or three tlmca to prevent slipping then turn tho pin to draw up tape tightly until flow of blood etopn whon aweet words ferment thoy often make a mess of u 6aitch 00l miegte if whs sics fob m09tq lo replenish your blood power enliven il5 circulation nnd bring back thsrmp and elasticity of good heahfi scotts emnl- oj8upplies nature with ft thj correct buildingfood 4tiich is better than any h- drugs pills or alcoholic mixtures ticott tt ttowbctoron in onl ou just so 1 two laborers were trying to place a etono in ponltlan on a foundauon wail of a now building a crowd was ntaml- infi around looklnk on and each one offcrlnir his criticism and counsel very freely and loudly but did not so much us lift a flncer to help that reminds mo of our church work oald a paaoorby to hlo com panion why because won tho rtply two men are doing tho work und twenty are doing- tho talking iu you happen to know of any con gregation whero a in i liar conditions exist t you ahoold never deflect a cold ever ahehl if you do not treat it ta tuns it wiq in all poen bihty develop into bronchitis pneumonia asthma or kkbbttti3kt t ortnlnji on the flrrt aign vi a cold or cough it la advisable to cure it at once and not let it run on for an indefinite period far this pun there ts nothing to equal dr woods norway kne syrup a remedy that has bees universally used by thousa for over twentyfive years too do not exper when yoa bay it mrs w g paquet smiths faoa onl writes i was troubled with la- ktippe i caught cold and neglected it and was sick far several months i took throe bottlca of or vfoods norway pin syrup and before i finished the last one i was entirely cored i would lust have any other cough trihiin to ths house it also cured my baby who was very sick with bronchjtu hhe had tho doc tor three times and he recommended dr woods i buddy recommend it to those who nccda quick cure bee that you get dr woods norway pine syrup when you oak for it do not accept a bubsuuiir it w put up in a yellow wrapper three pine trees tho trade mark price 25c and coc manu factured only by the t jddburn oa limited toronto onl in solid form among n oquatl of polloomen whs were utitlerf ulm a tent in umhulatirti work vut nn irtuhruaii with whom tho dot tor hud tho folloiiiiifc colloqu wlint would you do to a man who 1ml a till on bin rtreamir inn norr id batllo it wui warm ntift water wliai do yoti mean by nofl wotort ol1i juat uoft water norr wot to go to bed kidneys so bad could not stand straight vfai rt oliould ntit deapoir oven if they are troubled with nevrro pains in the nido or hack and not abtb to auond to their lioilwlioll duties tho kidneya of eouroo are to blame nino timed out of ten but tiuy con bo promptly and tiumanently mode healthy by the use of doans kidney pills mrs ii m jansen iatiilow sask writes i feel it my duty to recom mend doann kidney 1mb to aavoas having weak lldnrrys as uiey have boea a rrrat help to roc a mrralh ago my kidnryn were so bad that i had severe pains in my aides and bock and it was impomblo for me to stand straighl i then ro do had i luvd to go in bed and was that way for a week wo sent for some doans kidney piili and i havs token just about ono box and now i am able to be up and do my own work i am certainly grateful for the good they havo done mr to ensum grtunp doann ki iney pidfl when you oak for them sec tliat tliey ere put up in an oblong ereybox with our trado nyr of a mnplo ijeaf on tlm label pnro cor per ikix at all dcnlcrn or mailed direct on receipt ofpneo by the t millmm co limited toronto ootj j a pait dpsthcjcounoc jounrc man lifglnrtliir tho ntuil olit of n prt our laritu iihitlni luul ttiuitii c tlui- mlimrou tlmt lln a i lu if tin ol lt- i tl t tilt eriu ell klv tho indlcauonn of worms ars rasav losoncsa ffrladlnx of tho teeth pick ing of tho none extremo peovlahncsa ftcn convulaiona under these con- dltiono tho beat remedy that can b got in millcr worm powdora thoy hi attack tho worma as noon on ad ministered and will grind them to atoms that paan away in the evacm- atlono tho little nuftcrcr will bo im mediately caned and a return of tho attack will not bo likely castor i a for infanta and children in uso for over 30years bears the qgnaxure tifes free address a postcard to na now and rocshra by return mall a copy of our now ulostratsd 8fpuo calalsgao of gardes plowsr bad field seeds rool seeds grains balba small fruits garden tools etc speoalw auw iw a pacjtp sobs v4ce otasjw butterfly flower this la one ol the airiest and daint ieat flowers usaciaahle especial ijr adapted to borde beds of taller flsrwersaad thoas oia heavier growth ths seeds nrmiaato qoicur and cosse isu isaam la a fo weeks from bowing the floreaccaca is anch aa to completaly obscuro the i olisga making ths plant a vol lab la oyramid oi the moat helicals and charming bloom- ths duttcrfly flower make admlrabls pot planu for ths hsvas la lata winter sod early spring for this purpose sow lav ths autamo ttnjfnr tafalnaae eail lioi nf nftiir ulasnle iwsailiiw headquarters correspond ence here aro a few cxtracui from letter ihat liavo found their way into the maple leaf magazine i havo not received no pay eince my husband has gone nowhere wo havo received yours truly 1 am mrj etraluiralelr and hla brand mother ho was born and brought up in thia house in answer to youra truly you havo changed my llttlo girl into a llttlo boy wilt it make any dlffercneo my lull has been put in ehorgo of a spittoon will i get more payt 1 am glad to tull you that my nun band haa iiw been reported dead in accordance with lnatructluna on ring paper i havo given birth to twins enclosed in envelope bmlle a correspond en co that brings such gems would beep a whole bat talion grinning hcllcf for suffering llverywhere tta whouo life la mode miscmblo by the buffering that cornea from indiges tion and has not tried parmeleos vegetable pills does not know now canity this formidable foe can bo dealt with theoo pills will relievo where others fail they are- the result of long and patient study and are con fidently put forward as a sure car- rector of disorders of tho dlgentivo organs from which so many ouffcr which lm win i uurall uajtcr to phingt ut otiuj 1 ho lm imnneil u wiuile of t fort to hllti and to caa printed hfm thut lm fflllntl u tlltllcult to apply hlu mind to tho prujcrllnd iiutllij for iioino timo after rich ptir foniiniuo of tlin work in uply to a tjulntlnn n tativn to thn condition ho woji infornicd that thin duty would bo demanded of hlin for at luant throe mo nt ho il ptrt of tho courne won tlio torno explanation tliroo niuuthiil thn young mnn ropented if that n tho conn t ml ill t it a rt irular placo in thotlayu proi unil got uverythtng i can out of it ln- utead of grudging tho time it will bo into renting to rend uio titled anyway nnd remember whero each ono lo- longn in thus putting hlu beat effort into thn ulm pin work ho very noon dlu covered that it wail btowintf intereat- ing and that it connumed much lens tlmo than whon por formed luttlcaniy liecauui unwillingly moreover whop it was ftnlflhod ho wan nolo to apply his thought immediately to study be ing liaiidlcnppnd by 10 senao of irrltnr tlon which in ever u bar to auccmnfal eoncentrition iong teforo un thrco monuin had expired tho young atu- dcr had becoma uio roughly familiari sed with the titles and location of tho entire collection of volumes but it was not until ho was well advanced in uio eouroo that ho reallxod fully all that was implied in tho sentence its a part of tho course ho understood juut how important a part it was when in tho advnnood stages of tits otudy ho found that the ability to locate desired volumes on uio irutant wan on absolute necessity to success sidney italston mnw- bgnnr7c a cold potato in on cxcollenti symbol of professional charity children cry four flotchors kastfjria tho kind yoii havo alwnya boufht nnd which hao boon in ucc- lor over thirty ycaru haa borno tho nlcnature of nnd ban becu mado under hla per- v- cqol cupcrvlilun olnco itn infancy cocc44q allow no ono to dccelvo you in thlfl all coantcrfeito jmltatloru and just aogood are but jlxpcrlmcntfl that triflo with and endancer tho health of infanui nnd children eipericncq opalnct experiment what is castoria caotorla io a barrnlcea cubntltuto for cairtor oil paregoric dropa and sootlilnr syrup it in pleasant it contains neljhcr opiorn morphlno nor other narcotic bubotance ita ego io ita etiarantec for more than thirty yearn it hoa been in constant uoe for tho relief of conetipatlon- jtlntnlency wind colic and diarrhoea auaylnp foverlahnees arlfling therefrom nnd by reculatlnp tlio stnfaach and bowels nidn tho acalmflntioa of food rlvinj- healthy and natnm bleep tho childrcno panacea- xho mothero friend railway tini tables at acton or ml trunk ludw going wtut gnubne always in use for over 30 years trie kind you have always bought sbbsjbwbioffttll get the genuine grafoiiola avoid disappointment refuse imitations only genuine columbia grafonolas and records bear this trade mark look for it before you buy columbia graionola children cry for fletchehs 3asto r i a the new comfort is bigger for the moaey thero are no premiums tor the wrappers now daring war time eo of coarse we give you fnfl value in tho way of a bigger bar of the m good old comfort soap the housewifes favorite you cant beat it as a work baver in tho home yoa cant beat it for splendid economy the new 51rjrcr comfort bar get it i pugsley dingman co umited for salfi ivy c g speight acton ont our statements iear tilrn i wuutd advi 10 you that tho htoptlaro ixiim fur automobile huadllijitu sub mitted by you at tho manitoba iru vlnrkil oovrrunjont tiat wiui paiuiod on being absolutely nallofactury in tvtry respect and will comply with tho lxalaiatton that will bo puujod nojt mirlug covtrlnj tho uoe of auto mobile headlights lu tho province sgil i lou dr aruuilrong i lnivluciul bccrotary -t- dtar sim 1 would advise you that your btop glare loivn for lilidllihtii iiuh iilttnl by you for fat at tho tiaukatr luivan motor lafcuo ulllclnl tout tnrrli 1 oul luunday ovunlng tho lltli lout piinuctl tut tnlug uliuulutoly uiillufuii tory in ovary rcflpevl tffcd u 1 laltler ii m uaakatihowa i motor ii4ui ikar ira i im1 to umllrm my nn iuuii of tho itb un i to iiuvlb- you lm ttti k lnu win uppiov tin 1olu dpulioiit u mil with tin in ill llii 1 1 lututi h 1 ii 1 illlmm rtmlrinaii t t tho ikuril t f 1 ol 1 u fo u st0pc6re dsalgn pat canada and u o a the perfect headlight lens hioptflaru atauda out altovu all jthor upoclal headlight luna an tin uu nt natlufat tury reiulrcinciita or tho law in spirit as w lottir ularo in alwolutoly ollmlnati with htnpglani ciiulpinenl m1w lul i ti piovi th turo from a htoittlara toim uuik gluro in auto elluilnaied bocanuw ihu llahtn t uiotorlnta lumiul rtmh the reljoetora hiiol tight htopfclftixi slvoa you all u advojllagoa of both tho dirfunlng and ifict it lthts up ihw dittlica and tho roi idaido forflfty foot tai h way i roou nuuu n uliim am learly uluniulacea us y upproach nn dttiipir twin lliw uluai tutu ivcm a rang o of four tiuiidr k to nve tiundrud foot dopon ting on mad condll una ewnum biteedatera ond thh i uib w urnliux lou ii t uiuro oiufoil ai of ulplit driving if you havo htopklaro 4 tiulpmertt opothqht all sizes 300 plain all ulztlu wutt oi xort arthur add 25 tuils sold by mort socsmory tors and pjirumon manufactursij by ooalgn psl canada and u u a 11j kln st w lton ont tstohlbit awij iiii zlgtjtikal 1 stopclrre limit6d- i c i r no 3c lliitidayn onk toronto ouhiirban lite qoinu weal 1 17 a in uill 3 17 p in dill ft 09 p m dillj 11 0a m 531 ii in ooina cnol t4kam 1 cfl p m 18 pm 0 th om c4s n jn uiliiv dalu dally 1 iy i iny what of ttomorrow js the problpm of every thinklnp man and woman tho proper inn ii i i inrttinn choonen and ttnttiij tli facts essential niul mufiil tu tlm dully life of tlinimi who a iiifr it it wllj prolll lioij io n uro a practlril hunlni i tr iliilnj- in thin practical und nuecetaful school of buiilm iu studnntn may onti r at any 4 mo at tho guelph business college quelph ontario and receive- individual instruction a i bouck pnnproi we want now a rclinhlr arnt in hallon county to acll imhnmt ietrl frutt and ornamenlnl trc- hutinir i all and wluttr in ntli il pi rxclu iiivo trrin r frt m ilinji qiiipintdt ovlu coo aciips oftlicilu rr ngnlw irlcthsouliolkd b hnatlv nn np t lti kilin iiuip- 111 1 tit anil a iplt ntlitl lnnutlias fjrottn sititu to oin 1 tnlnmiri vte are not jobbers write now for agency term i to pelham nursery co tononto ontario n b catalofjtit wnl rin request to applicant for iijjtnctc or purchastrs oiiirrcrjaliick acton li1tehy and bvs linie having purthasetl ihcltvcrj and goodwill of uio btiiinew from mr a mccann 1 solicit with confidence the patronage of tho public comfortable rijja rupplied at reasonable ratca special nrttntiod in ttipplyinp louvcyaocca for weddtus and fanerala motor can furnished when re quired bob meetts alltrajnf l e atkinson acton oal grain i chopping i well done and quickly at only 5 cents 13 per bag harris 6- co limited hi bockwood ont v when you need boots shoes- at any time uuv from w williams acton ontario 1 amous ior satisfactory footwear riasonalli i ilici in nil raatilriikjlall fttr o i- lnvrmoa- 12uv1sj2i1 mhlch viii bo ii ir btahioj 4kai1 oft m innmk atv aronxiuau jl vz jjtil lm 1 btj lr m av v