Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 14, 1918, p. 1

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ojuumji xliii no iv rr tuljurrljtln iul au actow ontabio thtjb8day mobntlng mailoil14 1918 t in n c singh copies fiv10 cents qiic arum 3fnr llrrhb tim rrov ntkia vmma is pub liahod every thursday momlnj at tha trx pittas hulldinr mill h treat acton ontario tho subscription price la si cd per year m advance iotage la charxid additional to offices in the untied tilitcii tho date to which sulwirrtpti tii am paid u indicated on tho u 1 li m label adm iiti 16 0 itatrs transient ttdvrrt men tie 10 rents per lino again mrntu m nt for flrnt lnaortlon and c cent 3 i r lino fur each aubaequent in berth n contract display advertise ment f r liichra or raoro per an nuin 1 nt lor inch each insertion advr m nil without npocluo direc uonii lll t iniwrted till forbid and charged uicordlngly savage co established 1010 wynohau ot guclph watch co diamonds jewellery library oe3k setq fine china cut qlaqo gilverware oilk uwdrellah fountain penb jpeciallata in wadding and birthday elfin import watch and jewellery itcpulrcro the bond hardware co limited phone 1012 guclph good old cnaliali granitawarov grej lnrtlo mil out oinulo caamzmmsl the price low and the grant to ware durable tl liilionl3 kd mid iluslncos oidco residence business directory thoq gray m o c u- mcgill i it c i ldlnburgh i- it v p s glasgow member british medi cal association etc office frcderlek street acton ont dr j a ucniven phyirtri and 3uroaoi office and leenldenc corner bower avenue and i igln streets the reatd tnce formerly occupied hy d u hen derson acton ont veterinary savage co 70 yaara in business in guelph c c speight for uptodate goods john law son veterinary surgeon aetna ont graduate of ontario veterinary col- teeo1880 offlcn arthurn block itosidenoi miu street calls day or night prompt ly attended to a x uackinnon barratar solicitor convey ancar offlce miu fat in perryman block or j m dell d d s l o s dentist honor graduate of toronto univer sity tho latcata anesthetic used it desired office at residence corner mill and frederick slrccta- dr u l- bennett denttax main street ocorsetovn out miscellaneous marriage licenses h p moore issuer mamii license prtvato office no witnesses re quired issued nt residence in evening fmxx pkxss offlco acton oat francis nun an bookbinder account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every descrip tion carefully bound lulling neatly and promptly done wyndhum btrect cuolpb onl over wuilima blare r j kerr l auctioneer for the counties of halloo tyelllnx- tan pee and dufferin and tho city of cuelph acton ontario bales may bo arranged by mall or m reside nee at acton or at tha free itcaa office acton tho mercury office guelph the newaltecord fergus or wlui w j gordon harness uaaar hlusburs sales entrusted to it j kerr re- oalto attention from data of iintinj to data of sale list your salon with me raaldanea young street acton phono 38 acton call at my expense j e cheevers dook oinder fluebeo st east gt ilph ont books anil nuteaxlnea bound in handsome and tiuhatantuu cuvcra names luttcroj in to on bibles jlymn books and other books all work promptly executed i all v alkxnivun ontaurlo land burvyoi- jid olvu sorveyn sulxhvujmi plajia ite- ports oritii a ithlcprmts rtc coruricstc- for puriliamni and mbri njroca burvwy fur architects buil- dora and juuniciiml lounciu drain age report bjitinuilca otc molean bllxi doutflaa 3l qukljni fboo toc4 owt tho old and fieliablo granifa and marble dealera we um uuinufui turtira und direct importers of ull klnda ut monumental and ueaduiouo work wo aell direct to ourciunuiihr ut wihicmio prtoea thus aavitik our u mem 40 pr cent we have tho bct u j lunccs and uie only umlumua in llo lomlnlon who can operate peulu t k lr wo can b mmujn hundred- of our cunt mrr in ton nu olvd other puco where others uvo to h law suits 1 onhr t oliri wo i tno larseat and licr tbft domlnloi of cirunlto in jore than n tbree dealer in ti v wc ure lel mala dealers ana employ uo axents and defy cuiniwtlth u uwuuum hamilton sons oar norwich woolwich ota gttalph silverware in tableware fine variety alao fine cntlery hardware tioware and granite ware in variety pandora stoves and ranges famous heaters small stoves oil stoves k nu lal mlxint howlu 15c 2go 6- luro itollntn each 70o 13 itlto bollura rarli ooo 2e vault i tow in each 20o 26 wash ilowlu inch 22o 2h wauh how hi ach 25c 30 wuah luiwla oarh 30o wauh liowln each 30c j ot loudii kottlnn no ob louilnn kettlej nn 01 louden kottlou bottp dlnhcn ilunijar j ut iuddlnn kinn 1 4 pt ptiddlntr panu ijt puddlnc pans 3 ul pudding pans qt puddlne pans o il puddlnff pans 65o 70o 05o 20o special no 0 dollar flat copper bottom r 2x5 sale ma tho bond hardware co limlud phono 1012 quclph every article is of excep tjonal value c c speight mill street acton is coming kenney bros ar ready with a una lino of sprlns oods lncludln the latest stjrlaa ts ladies low and high shoes and slippers gents fine shoes in both black and tan heavy shoes for spring wear working shoes boys and girls school shoes full line of rudders repairing promptly attended to kenney bros main street act ihwihlliiw double track route between montreal toronto detroit and chicago unexcelled dining car service sleepinn cars on niob trains and pahor cars on jpnncipal day trains full lnfnrmatn from any grand trunk ticket affent yr c u llorulnc butrlct paasenaer acent toronto ont h s halnes agent acton phomno 13 acton bakery m edwards co mill street acton to facilitate the handling of tha product of our bakery and to maka it mora convenient or our customer we have euri the ahop neat to wiue confectionery whan euppuee of our war bread bron bread tea biscuits cakes buns and scones hr alway b gcurd wcdoino cakeo a opecialty m edwards co how about your glasses have you worn them for some timo if so femember the eyes may change nnjl diff erent lensca may be necessary td give you perfect sight to avoid possible eyestrain have us examine your eyes for new glasses- today gliclpit oux jcvnainn i a i e c creamery bring your cream to us acton creamery is paying on cent higher for butter fat rubinoff acton creamery a creed it 1710 i o i ilttlo kin kr it rne ixt it illtln blindur to tho fjiultn alxjut mi ia l nn iiruiitc u little yi rt- lt mo i wlion i om weary junt a liltlo lilt tnnrn iioery l t mo ifrvo a little 1 tter thunii that i am ntrlvini for ij t inn to a lltuo hruvnr whan temptation bli mo wnvor iv t mo nlrivo u ultlo harder jo bo all that i nlioulil bo iv t mo bo a little msckt r with th cujur uiat in woalcnr la t mo think iniro of my neiatitx r and a ilttlo kail of mi it ino bo a ilttlo nwootir make jiiy llfo a lilt completer by doing what x iiliuuld do lvcry minute of uln day iot mo toll without complaining not a humble lank dlsdalnlne fjet tno face tlio dummonu calmly when uith btco a mo away selected s t wonderful pu you mux- jr wurrj tho nulcnlrl at carters almply wonderful- liiuthlni an uhu ufit before tho mirror anne novlno turned her hood for a better look at the hat that rented bwhrcomliiely on lor hair fclho eu tiro lyasrood with uio aalcaglrl l llko it myself sho said but i never can uflord to pay twenty dollars where a that lltuo ono i lookod at flrstr with tho cheaper hat on her head anno lookod njrain into tho mirror itu u perfectly good hat sho naid but its junt a bat tho otnor la a creation after i vo oeon that bray nttrir ffnthfr rnil tlnivrt nvfr mv hnlr wmni 1 1 1 i 11 1 8u a few snaps wo are offcrinir some unusual opportunities in second- hand orosna these instruments have been taken in exchange they have been thoroughly overhauled and are as sood as tho day they left the factory wo sell them under our personal fiuarantoe 5j down and jqq monthly will purchase ono of those or- cans which are boluaff at bar gain price cj kelly son ih hiqh class school tlliott vo a chrl 8u toronto onl aivo iu aludnl a tritlnliia that crtorll wrllo d rov uijo cuiiiku oual ull year lnlarnow w j elliott prln turiip shipping fairies ih mullin wkoloaalo commission marchcmto llockwooo amd aotoh re in the tnrnip bu-i- ritbb at acton ab ubual aid will continue per mdnciitly hiheat cah pril kiki for an tju nitttr bt ooii quality turnip llivicrtd at acton stay un can t brlnjr my mind to anythinc else it la beautiful said tho chop sir l turnlnj tho plumed hat on her uplifted hand it looks every bit of twenty uva dollars mm san ford was looking at it this momlnic and she was craxy over 1l sho told mo to savo it for her until cloven but ulio dldn t coma back flo tv a put it in stock acaln junt jot mnput it on once more anno lot her o dear nho said with a sigh i almost wlah td never soon it there n oomo ono who wonts in bo waited on tako away all tho hats except uicso two and let mo do- cldo between tlicm while you wait on mt otjior woman with tho two hats on tho table be fore her anno aat back to saxo at thun that ilttlo ono suits my puree and its very becoming nhe mused if i were juht un ordtmiry ottlco clrl houldu t hesitate u moment but ccryuno eaya tho prraan who repro- muso to the world must bo well drcancd im booked for five bet torment guild talks to croups at very wealthy women and ono of tho most important of them comes tomorrow theyll judco mo by my clothea a lot bcoitlca i talk better when i m wall dressed sho tried tho ilttlo hat on afaln too mock makes mo look just lufo u hundred other glrla onco more she put tho plumed hut on hor head im joins to have this one it will only mean gulnj up hot lunches for five or slx weeks and takr inj bread aild butter from homo to tho ortlce it wont kill mo for a little while and this hat u just tlio thins it bin t euudy absolutely no thins ex copt a velvet hat with this beautiful feather a moment later tho uhoptflrl came back 1 11 tako tlio trroy foalher aaid anno will ou oanct it up this after noon 1 want to wear it tomorrow whan she came homo from tho oluce that night the hat was waiting for her it was as beautiful as it bad been in tho nhop hex matnw admired it but when anno men uo nod tho price tho ilttlo woman raised her eyobrowa i must ho extravagant just onco in a whllo mother dear said anno with her arms around hor it was really too lovely to resist juut eco it on mo very bccomlcav agreed hor mother but pretty expenstva for a tlr who la earn in if her own llvlm uuylnar one expensive thlna tnokoo tbo next extra vasance posslbhi and thou you looo your at nae of proportion pretty fust- ni w mother said anno la u bine im not kolna to tho bad bocauao buy one hat 1 really had to have it to impress those club women im to tulk to tomorrow fkm t i remember some thins in a jjood lod book about tlio ornament of u monk and quiet eplrltt said mrs novlna wltfc a amllo anne kit nod her oh yea dearest 1 m not train- to substitute a hat for spiritual sraco its just an introduc tion it will help tno present my rniiwn uot ian t tho fun t hor wonderful it lu tho only trluunlna there is it inakci tho luxt it a very lovuly an i vury boconiliyr agreed mrs n ovine now i hope you are go in k to fcet a good day tomorrow to wour it in iooks now us if it wtro kolrut to lain anno dropled uie bat baclt into tho box and put hor arm round her niuther co mn und utt your iiupper and chflflr up slpj laulhod vou won t oca qulto so many lions in tho way after sup per mrs nev lis s forebodings wero not justlflud tho next day was cloudy und dark and windy but there was no rain anno went tu the ofllca us usual hut cumo homo at olovmi u clotk u druta you do look lovely her rnothor suld fonoly as anno iamu downstairs auo pttoped lnui tho mirror above thu hall table and amlud ut her imagf ihu tuathcr via truly becoming to her uio wind almost whirled anno off hor fot atf ubu ran down tho walk it may ruin uftoi ull uhu said to huruolf klanclijf at tlio eky hut i un t go buck tor un uiuhrulla 1 in hit as it la oho caught her train with only a few aoconiu to n ijuro ulttlnu down in hor seat uho went ovxir her speech fur tlio last tuitu it vos a very good spcctii aim know beyond uny chance of onfunlon iro point that she want ud to uiuku und tho memory of that hluuce into tho iiilrrur aaouroijjix that sho might ilurlosilly fato uny ulldloillu mru lurijiuiby tho iooidont of ttiu lub inul amiuut tlyi trulu and whirl td hor away in u llinuualne t tho luhliouso whl h was illlod with well dresnud lutulllgunt alurt women lho lirvoldent intrtwlucod anno to many or tiiem and tho girl nuruuo in tho uo nurancu that no ono among them had t o in ii w imr hat hum itiu hold up hrr j headhnd rceinimlcx to their ourlruy i witluinlllng conndene they ull hkod hut- lhon the women lustlcd into thlr acuta and tho president intro ouumi anuo frum tho illauoxm att mm rang ulio iitcpicil forward th with anpliiunt its the hut anno thought an she oral led mil bowed i dun t rcgrot it ono ulftr tiilh without wolf connclnunnmi she began her talk tho auhjoct wan one iji which she w in much intirwitod and ua ulio warmud to it ulio forgot oven tlio curling gray feather ilor addretui lu 11 bar audience liuent for an hour and fur another hour the nubjort wuji oinh t dlncuoalon the qucntlunn cuinn almout fajitrr than anno coiitd nnnwir them whon at last iilin cunm down from tho platform tho women rrowded round hrr for a more intimate talk over tholr teacupo anno had never had uucli a roceplion before bha wan not nearly ready to go whon mrs iunaonty unnqunwd uilt it won time to leave i liato lu tako you uwny from all uieno uitorrstcd pooplo miss novlnu uhe raid but if wo ro going to naako your truln wo 11 luivo to go thin ln- olant wc 11 talk tho matter over among ourselves and form commltlnos and than you 11 tmvo to come again and start u i in practically with nomo difficulty anno ollpyed away from tho on th union tic group an sho reached tho door oho heard ono woman say a cluixmlng ulmplo girl it u good to nco ono nowadays not overdrwiscd 1 don t know what alio wore uald a uccoud i woo entranced by her manner it was uo ponfldont and at thu numo tlmo so restrained such a lovoly afternoon anpo thought on the train and it was nil qwint to the gray fiat her i never could havo ihlh uo uolfpoaucsuod if i lutdn t known that i looked well tho stars worn nhinlng from a clear sky when anno reached homo aver uio wind which had been uo boister ous in tlio morning hud died away i mill co too and uyatxra uhe said as nho opened tho front door mother alwuyu gives mo a special treat after a talk i 11 do my best at them for to morrow beglna my era of tha cold lunches what a that gray thing on tho tablor bho wont over to it and picked it up it wom tho twin to her gray feather bho lookod at bcrnotf in tlio mirror and thun down again ol her hands it was her gray feather a sudden realisation swept over her ah tlio afternoon aho had been holding her head high under that carcoalng gray plume when it was not there at all but lying comfortably nt homo on the hall table bho hod worn a plain black ottrf hat without a sign or trim mlng it struck her suddenly as jto funny that sho laughed at tho sound mm nov inn came of tho kitchen o anne how glad i am to boo you 1 m glad to hear yout can lauth dear heart i vo wor ried no all tho afternoon for 1 thought you d be crnxy whon you found youd loat your feather i never found out mother i hau boon swelling ubout under that feothet when it wosn t tlioro at all oh it is funny where did i loso it v vou hodn t been gono ten mlnutcu when 1 oaw that gray thing blowing round uio yard i irst i thought it was a bird hut when i got out i found it was your feather it was just stuck in under uiat band like as not and not sowed a etitch and uio wind blow it out its lucky it wan in uio yard a lowly anno want upstairs ponder ing as uho went if it wosn t uio feather that car ried mo through uio afternoon what was it sho uikcd herself oho took off hor liar ouck uio fea ther buck into place and contemplated tho cftcct- you re very wonderful sho mur mured but youro u fraud just tho noma now whoa on uio tolophonor alio took down uio receiver yoa this is anno novlnu oil ber tha can ford hellov bertha what can i do for you un a funny thing to ask stam mered joung mrs sanrord but i oaw a hut ut carters yesterday moral ng that was u dream just a black stiff shape with a gray feather lea una we red anno ami ling vox broadly i uaked them to keep it r mo till i aukod rrxd whether i could havo it and ho was off somewhere und i couldn t get him uu two oclock ai c when i went back it woa gono i was just broken hearted fur it matched my suit perfectly i wont back ulla morning and found uio girl you bought from and alio said you were a jituo undecided and may bo would would sell it tq sou nnlibod anno cer tainly if you want it you can havo it for what i paid for it and ill take tho ouicr hut i wua looking ut uho chuckled tho father hus never been ut of our purd but iii toll you all about that eoino tlmo i m tlad you callcfl up because i d really rather havo thu other liat anno went back lo the hat faaunod uio feather securely and then cuddled it buck into its tlasuu paper neat in uu bundbux to think i nevor wore you onco except lu imagination ub said i m torry to part with you for you aro lovely buj 1 in uuro that on my ualary 1 ii dollar bettor with u simple hat und prop r food than i nho u id wltli your heuutlful flouting feather minus thu lunibuu as alio tied up thu baud box alio suddenly luuxhod talu anyhow uio thought oven if i give liorthu ttuufurd tho fcuthur i um kcap whut it utands for und go on holding my hiud ua hbh uu if i were wearing iti now anuo nuviiui uco if you evur uguin can imagine ttiut your muiid rests on u mum hut lu tho polsi tliut uuiitu not ihu fcuuier tho campunlon democracy fiqht3 on 1 ia u with juukeruoui wijuld bo uiulvulont to u trvuty with tlio mln ulsulpplund us rulllu im long us outlaw rlveru und rucui ntnimaiid aid sourcea und follow old i uuntui boui will break bound u ut hood tldu ohull tho tohru uicuik full fanged t hhull tho 1th j no monitor llvu on to now thu world with dragon t teuui uguin 7 ahull tho foul death of kluu nun un violated uuas oturuully utulu our riug hhull mohunuuod s knlfo bo loft ut asia a throat aiuill iwuiui a nlnuiio remain unwastud frum itouth banner u und ravlatied tlulgluui ery bar debt in vulu whllo hun uinl 1 uj k rldo rrto with uungulno buudu und our hot knightly oattu for loot 7 luiloor hough juallio eoat thu liulf our blooil und gold wo 11 not huvu luml deinoliuey fights on uunii cos rnoijltun meet difficulty half way whuii you rululiilu in yourself tho imp o tun t uul uq duliu u duiugrxu- uhlo duty it lu time to tuku youraulf luiu it ut biot tho opportunity uf do jhjutlmno u vluit to tho uuullat till thu tooth whit h mluiit imv tmoii illld uu 1 il itiu lou uurvlioju past auvlng hi huulueuli uouiu mult ddo u dlsugino uulu ulttlutloii oo long uiat whoi tlmy fueu it ut lust thu oppoi tunlty uf lo lug buiucthhu- worui whllo la iuul uotcr to return thu ono who lutein when th iai is heavy it lias been well said that no man ever sank under the burden of tiie day it t when tomorrows burden ii added that the weight n more than a man can bear never load yoursclvcjiio my friend if you find something 0 loaded at i en t remember this it is your own doing not gods he begs you to leave the future to him and mind the present g mucdonald twenty years ago from the lasue of the free press qt thursday march 17 1833 new piaple oyrup la coming in ougar making la at its holght now tho snow vnbxhod no quickly thu past week that wo had no frcnhotii hero tho bicycles ore being ollod up the roads and weauicr aro carefully tralch- od uie enthusiasts aro impudently waiting for good roads several flocko of wild ducks havo been seon in this vicinity this aprlng a public recopuon was tendered to rev w s mcalplco jx a b th um now pastor of tho bap tint church on wednesday evening loot a good pro gramme vras provided farmers are preparing for tho spring workami woodb a uu t of tho day anniversary aervlcea wore held at uio lirlclc church last sunday when rev if b chriauo of bl catharines a former pastor preached interesung and inspiring bernoona on mpnday oveninix an entertainment was held when a program wan given by rev mr christie bov mr mclachlan of acton mr wood of rockwood and tho mcthodiit aiinday ty- o lra a fortunate misfortune mury whltten eamo to tho mini biers huuio with a white drawn face it n no um uho uald llthor uiero in no ood or inu ho lu cruel or help leuu i jack i loot hli money overy cont of it in that now mining corporation nho aohlwd and juut when wo wire bcglunlni to enjoy life it o cruel that s nil tin ro iji to it yoji it hi hurt mary i know iiow you were etijoylni jack o- iiucccas but i wouldn t blame it n god hut couldnt ho huvu preventod it if ii i wuntod tor who asked yi i uuppoao ho could liave ro piled thu minister but wliat sort of world would this bo if god brought us out of our mhitakea without making us fell thu penalty of them should shutting up the folq o ilttlo onu fen d ami id i with iiiduitr what looltn of penco ui tl truiit anil juy our nltolng facen wiarl outsllo to ulrht uoinu hllilnn who aro tall und lurgo und old am whihlii thuy co il i b rnio more bhidlurid in molhtra fold ijho covers up tho ilttlo hand 1 lirown tho rl t wipes thu plum on baby n clinic willi ii one utruy tear huu w i klsiieu thu ilttlo mini wli uuw and umoothii th hair of i old riion it n uo in und prayii thu lord to keep bho ii shutting 1 her foil um llro bunui dimly in th hearth thu light in turnti down low 1 ho wintry winds tiiroui uiro old in fitful guiitn oft blow tho mothur pulls thu i urtutn down in ktup away the coll turku tightly in tho chlldron u beds hhou nliuttiiig up hr fold t uuun t ierry lu tho home maker old people i want to aay a word to old pooplo i ooo you wherever i go i n you on tho strooct cam tho conductor gives tho car an extra rent when you get on or off out of courtesy to your slow atepa i aeo yoa at church you nod aameumea but uie sermon is not completo without your presence i see you in tho homo you fuas someumcu but tho home la not complsto without you in tho warmest corner of tho hoartb reading tho paper you havo ono great temptation it is to think that your daya of useful neas aro over you ore only in uio way so you feel and you d better bo out of the world it la a great mistake if tho lord thought hat old people were useless ho would devise noma way suddenly to got rid of them what makes a person useful t not ability to work a baby cannot earn n penny cannot do a stroko of work yet it hi often uio most important factor in tho household babys coming or ten makes father straighten up often unites the estranged heaxta of hitoband and wife often brings oobrlety and industry into tho homo life an old man sltung in an urmcluilr feeble and helpless may be tho most uocful member or tbo household let mo aay three things to you 1 old people aro a blessing because of their accumulated wisdom you have modo tho journoy of llfo you havo the rich experience that boy is a bright boy who forms tho an qualntance of so mo aged person 3 old people supply a nocceeary conservative force r you make society more stable you bring rtjverence to lu tho ago uiat la wlso rises before uio hoary head i 3 old people link us to heaven you remind ua of the future llro my old mother known haw to pray said u merchant recently to me- you bind uo to the throne of cod tho earth would bo positively poor wlthqut you i am not sure but you are tha most useful members of society 13c the liberated child ono of uio most difficult problems for parents to aolvo wisely is junt how for a child should bo trained lu wiiat wo cab mnnnnra aays lauru fapeu- ccr inartor in tho lebruary mothers mugatine a few points aro clear wo know uiat uio child a individuality must not bo sacrificed wu know thai lib sincerity must bo prenerved yet ho must somehow bo fitted to livw to advantage to hlmsolf and u there hi u society of human belngu who wilt lw perpetually judging him by certain fixed e octal atandarda no one who knows sociuty or luui moved in il at all oxtenulvoly but knows there aro many ruther absurd tulc and foolish laws und convention on tho ubservuneo of which noclot lays strcsa flfur neither can they he unaware that atnotig uio eonvuntlonu and requlrcmcbla of uoclcty uiero are mimo of u moat permanent and utroug y ducatlvu value uud unue rout on qualities und attainments of mind and spirit dial are in theuluelvus beautiful uud extremely i eel rub u i ow uf us who uxo radical and who inalul ua uie child being natural und to uilu und urn willing to tusii tho cunvcntlonu uf society to uio winds few of us oooni to remember tliat uoelaty lu built upon two very nublo foundutloiuulf eon t and uuee laaluie em if we ouieelvea are salt ioulnllod and unsulnah there lu uttlo dang or of tho children who- uvo with uu in in hud niui iiervd bod munncrod ehll dren ejutdreu wlul rude manueru un euluvuted apoocli and volcea uru t till dreu almout invariably who huvo lived willi uncontrolled an 1 uulllah older iiquplo if his home lias bo u whati it should be be will be ut homo uny where and uie ono damocraey of hit own surroundhigii will huvo fitted him to l with caao a doairuqlu oltlaun of the world h one qooo as another any eort of uruitoerucy uvut euuut i ono worklnginuji to lo k down uj oi unothrr worklngmuu tlriiply bctau n ho tuipiuiui to wear different bind u working clothes- or heeuuuu liu euro a fow oouls a day lean oi worka lull a day longer or boeuusu ho tmn u jol whleh conliiola him u do uoiuixhliu which tnuat of us don t llko to do such arlatorruey is a uno tu lain mil tho workira ahould bo ashamed 1u itav ohallta otsls wnjvra ranrunythlnen snouiacto over grow up 7 no mary thero is stftir all u irmt comfort in being in a world whore wnfr drowns cold bites and llro burns thero u nothing capriclouu in that uorx of world if a man inveutu hi i mnnoxin wisely ho payii tho penalty no mattcnjiow well- meanlnt ho won ubout il if that wi rcn t no tho world would be cruol and capriclouu wo uho aid never kow now to tuku lt besldea alary not euro umt till i ian t u blessing in djitj il loo what do you mean v oho asked in- creduouoly i mean imld uio old minister uiat i huvo notleid that you and jack havo 1mm n rcltim pretty worldly ulnco ho niuda hlii money you liuvu loat your grip on i piritual thin u i won much mir worrit d about that uian i am over tho iiii of your money won not in un wt 1 1 1 to rnaku money prln clpully aliluiut h tho lord never said anythlm uiulnut u rich man merely peeuuiio in wiu rich wo are hero to grow u iijul if wo con do both well antl kod if wo cjiit wed bet ter let um mom y co- tod ian t neurlj hliving ua rich uu he start right tho platol nhnl runr out and tho laco vviui on llut ut tho very begin ning tho men whom many had picked to win stumbled and lout a yard it wmi only u urd hut it eout him tho ruce ho dldn t start right college hud opened and bigun but tho autumn duyu wooed uio utudont out of doors i eun leuvo thiu history till luter hu uald i tan canity maka it up and whllo hlii fullowu worked his duyn slipped by in idlincei the time of tea ling iuiio upacr and thu utudent begun tu see tho wastod pout in earnest now ho tuvu hitnuof to tho work but nomehow dates and facta will nut utay llxad with a fow ho uru utud7 and ho failed ho luuln t blurted right i his mother got up lit ulx o clock to get his breukfuat ho slept until no von riion he cumo down and found fault becuuso the steak waj not dona just to his taste ho slammed tlio door be hind him as ho passed out on uio alrct ilo had spoiled uio day for his mother and hod hurt hla friend but uiat was not all at tho i in lui liu nd juek with your gon nlnd of in my mrly pnrh h u in california ho and his family hail been ekelng out a mlut ruble uxlstiuco for yours proj- pectlnt and inlulni for gold at lout when they were ull on uio verge or starvation a terrible calamity befell them u hood washed his house away antl wreclod it beyond repair but when in di iplr ho returned to tho old idle hu fuun 1 that on tho very grouri 1 win ru tlio rumuhacklo houjjo anct htoikl tho hood hail uncovered a vein of gol 1 that provud to bo ono of tho richest uilnea tn tho country that i feet hi wliut la going to liuppcii to you und jack you were being overcome by whut christ called uio deceitful neas of lichen i believe you will yet look on thiu uu a crown lng hit v god dldn t send tho flnau clal failure but if you 11 do a ilttlo proa pee ting on tho npot where tho event tiuppuiiid 1 know you ll find u ricli mliiu uiat your wealth was bury ing beyond tluieovcry d not i mr no g havo uiem and wliut ha said and did mado a young man with whom ho had been talking about becoming a chris- tlun uay well now i wonder if ho really meant it when hu said christ does uavo u mun he luid not stnr- od tho day right tho young man rose from tho altar knowing uiut christ had given him ow life and resolved to be faithful to rnjn ncwmoatcr iiulhc utv not think in itoeccasary to glvo up uio ovonltiga at tievndesvous in uio barber onop and ho oal io liarm in unoccauional garno of poolxajui some of hla old friends at tho pool rolx before long hla pray ers loat the la fervor and availing powor and tho uwrglea of tho bible heroes loat their lntaccut for him ono day a terrible tcruntatlon met him and he yielded and when jje coma to hlnuolf ho wan far from hormviio got liuck but the journey was hard ba liurd ho liadn t started out right btart right at uio very beginning break with those questionable resorts whon men know you have changed your allegiance thay will honor you for it begin every day wlut u quiet talk wiui tho master oak him so to guide your llfo uiat you will not go vhero ho cannot bo with you then when temptation comes turn your back upon it just as soon as it enters don t argue don t quoution glvo it no ehuncu to guln u foothold half of tho battle lies in the first fuw minutes of uio right btart right slanloy b bwortley tcll it first there uro u greut many jokes that it fs easy to reaunt borne pooplj i enno of humor lu eluiuay thp tact uu um oriumiully guilty or immor cui iffortii whleli mum tlvo natures find highly irritatlni tho so called pruc tlcal juki tlio practical sldu of which ueeina 4t bo l uttlng tho victim tu coiiiclal uiconvcnleiieu frequently do flcu ull the tru illlouw of good bdlng llut in i pi i of the fuet tliat u griut many jukes um not lu good laato it uoldom iaju to rxuont uium openly or to nllow iiunrlmi tt b t txt tut u iut tliuui s un tlnnji tt does uu jood to form ouuilviii to umlle ut u j iko tiuit limki i uu u little ridiculous iow of uo tain enjoy imlni put in an absurd 1 oujtlnie hut it wu unbend our dignity iiuillcliutly to utef into tlio juke wu will fhid that it puyu vury inueh bultui ttiuii to look imiui whuu other ooplo uru luukhliuc 1 vu futn d u wy of gutting ahead of tho fol twu whuii thoy havo a jokt un ni aaltl a popular mlheo utudent i tell i f it tlrot that dlamvery hi worth renumbering oho wti ti itu a juko on lilintit if limy bu uuru that thu uiilhttr tf hi uudniito lu frit ndly and if you talinul tot ulioud lu thiu null ion ut uosl join lu uio tuujje tliat lu thu bent wuy to tuku tho ulliu out of thu ultuatiou in ii i tho luiliial joku it lu an oli ll iiilitlui l b dot ldod ii lutlivi liuil uhn it 1 lllt til tint j ko h rv tliu it i wv uiuku ua u lltuu ua woiuo llttlu ih juttt i bo treated rally upcuklng lu on youruulf uhoulo bl a spur tin i loverb ni uuku ilianupoetfully of n ti intuit ii und thero hi u point of vlw tioni width thiu toulutupt lu will tlitiuivld im uuiuo pouploo good hilt ntious uu tietl ttlvta lo umlr njll t u iiuu liny tuaku what tliuy plan in do by oiitl by un en uno for whut tlmy tall t in now thuy b their way t joying thcuiuolvtu sllunelng hi ir eouui leueuu by thu uoiurufieu that uoino lay tin y will a t turn huh eertaln vulllug luluu anl tho faot that thuy riully i i 1 1 1 to do by und by what thuy full to h ti iw iiiiiji not render lh1 im ntt nu uiiytlilng but eon tnil llblw itlui qld bu n lutlvi 1 tit y uht ihl opiio uttuuu wlilih uttlvitleu uru thoujili thoy needed after all madam uald tho book can vans or tho door wiu opened by a very comely muld i um nulling a now book on etlquettu und deportment oh you aro uho responded go down uiero bn tho crass und clean uio mud off your fcit yearn and ho went as i was oaylng ma um ho continued as he ugaln came to uio dour i am sell tuko off your hat 1 never addreau strang o lady at her dooi wluiout ro- novlng you luit es m and off wont uio kal now tbon ua i wuu saying take your hands out of your poc- eta no gentleman over carrlca his handu uiore yes m and hui handu elutcliod his coat lapels now iiuiain uiln work wu throw uway your elgarotto if a gentleman uuen tobacco hu in careful l to dlsguut otheru by uio habit yesm uud tobacco disappeared now ma am us ho wiped hla brow i culling your attention to uits valu- ahlo wult 1 ut your dirty handkerchief out of sight i don t want your book i um uuly thu hired eire vou can eomu in howover und talk with uio lady of tlio ho uuo bho called mo a liar thiu morning and i think alio t ds uumcthliu of thu kind hu touching wood o you bouu uhlu to ico j farr ight ulti hu rvueh jkud yes wu had coal rud und thou ut and rapped hs knuek- tublo huvu you boon ping well thiu wliitir 1 queried tu i urn glad to auy not one of ua huu uvuu had u cold and imraodl- toly ho narhoil over and tuuehod wtml in i pit u thu war our bual- leua hau been fliio and ho rcachod ouud ut unui for the table our church work luui not uuffered frum hu war to uny appreciable extont uo lor an 1 then oven tho preacher ouliibii wo d lluvo you ever watch- id thu wt rkjni of tli lu nupcratluun hlu hurltugo of pugujiltuii this niuru f herbarium t why do wo touch aiihi t in ktup away bad luck tho unit i road lo uilimuy lu tu admit that y u uru hapi y it yoti ere woll bo anful and don t tulk alio it it o ut mal uao only u whiper st futo over irut you uinl hund vou noun tivcr- hulmlng dluauli i how euuimun this ul it i f mind ih how ubsurd und tungerouu ll lu tool llofonued churcli ijonuotiin r airplane ambulances i ho liuvu i hunlty uitliko troy ui to which uiriluuo during um wur uro to thu eiiurul public ii wuumiiu thuy huvo vo hfo us well um da it hurlng tho tt rblon retreat mcu wuru uuod an uinhulancen tho pint tlinu riilrtuou gravely imdul men nuodod to bo removed onto mveial would lubu umlr uvea ueii opi rated aihiti without dulay jn ni y uvti in nintuinoud roiula u co tut hoii itul wua buytipd ho liigth so it was drel inl ui carry in to tin italian ort t f vuulnu by iiluilu oiin of thu wo rut cases n h 1 m he j thus laiitllui ut 1rlk- hut bin puaueugvr olletl vi ill t myikli rud to niu mou anil uil

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