Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 2, 1918, p. 3

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kgam ceiling iap- v shams you really owe it as a treat to yourselt to take a trip to guclpii and visit macdon- aldh just to see allhie new things that aiuj gathered here fob youk spring amd smmnmer j stern k ifollp for ye s are gero raimce aicf style guidance ill fvqulreii u id yifewhcr rhllbarl hwtpe syrup la ntlji 1m i j fho cookstowit f i14j1c0 from h jt4 kldd f 101 ton county work walbaii o yo jdryfwll jiolj u ooeia evening next s the iarsh hall r annual session of tlio general ay of the ircsbytprian church i held as usual jn juno eeds aro ocurro thla year and tbo scarcer next urow your own s neiuon as far as poaalblo v plowman toronto la spend week in uiwn in tlio interests hthe woodmen of tho world ts jt joins lias passed hla examination in theology at master university toronto dont hoard sugar you m looo suctu and bo fined if you possess than a firtoen days supply ijw ilora board of idueation luu or- jc pinna for a now school iuiidlnjj j2rho coot win ikj jafl ooo to j3s ooo the ilrampinn minstrels motored town last friday evcnlnc the mpany required elht motor euro joseph goldstein won fined 3 00 costs in guelph on saturday for ivlruj on tho wronc nldo of tk street a number of our younc men wcro t wilton on saturday relative to their tondlnir la connection with tho corn- flns military calls many of tho kiddles and eomo of tho bbt folks too enjoyed catherine tho pretty bprjnc wild flowers in tho iirooda on saturday tho now 3ch a m train on the t il is a mall train rcplaclryr tho 1s4 a m the cvcnlruj mall now oom at cis p m of tho j11c 262j1 recently sub- crlbed in tho iatrlotlc campaign in lublph 130 000 la belnc paid to tho red crona society miss kellett jvjjconcna la con- aaslngr in town thla woek for tho jpport of tuo beamen a missions of lir society throuch an acclu n io ooo of tho pumps on tutedxy forenoon part tho actn tannine companys works ere closed for iho rest of tho day owlns to tho cnoviilnc malls now n earlier the llta 111011 la bclnc ucd earlier unit all advertisements nd news matter must reach this office y throe p clock on tuesdays auctioneer n j ken- has just msured a dainty piece of horaoucsh fouryearold driver which was a rtxe-takc4- at all the local lairs of tho t year lncludliuj that of huuburc ifloat week tho old dccstrlck hkulo com- j pny ffo to nrln lomorrow ovcnlof to kin their interesting drama in aid of tho rod cross trjere they trill motor over nd the member are to bo enter tained to tea at six u clock roanneir for thla district of opollton life insurance cam- hero tins week looking for j6nco wltii tho lnuntlon of s in acon unfortunately 00 wf place was found available ftdsr itobert ullloo miu btreet met painful accident awock ago which several bones wcro broken ii tho left hojid lie was preparing plllmj bark in the tannery yard en a pjecv of timber slipped and l across his hand ilobcrt htorey fi dlaporslon sals household effects at his lata real- pence ialrvlew avenue on bat unlay ft em don wan larccly attendod and vults uccekiful mr storey is now fj-sldlng- with his dauihtcr mrs jere- 1 ball church btreet q t ii train tima chsnuoa the now t tr trurk hallway lu imw tti rtnrt tli r oral diantro tho 112 a m iruln colnt- mdi ivjh lin taken off train luu bocn yildi d lolii cast at ii 12 m tim moniluf tralti rrlij vaut lravs acttjll ut 0 2x anil tlio 7 02 v m triln lu now tin fur cis lumlay train 1 tuvn ix on udlt d ut 10 1c 0- in koine wul and c 1l pin jolnc east mamorial qrvic thu cvonino tlio memorial uervlco in honor of the uoldlors of si allun u hurrh who liavo mailn tlio tli fun who tiav 0110 of special inti rt ut kt v cupt macklntusli in nrtor of ht junjen church out lih who is a n tunim chanlsln liiuinjf wtiuriilml ut urn western front will prtacli in rnrin orlal sermon tin ru will bo upoclal rnusic ucv mr uuuiumll will liavo ctuitxo of tho borvlrn ths fsrrnsrs cluba new orficsrs at tho annual me tlnj of the farm- em cluti whiuio lnjijjmrtrnj urn at hills ulore mill mreot at ton tlio odlccra for the ytuir viiru ultx trd oj follows ircoldcnl itobt kt rr i irnt vice itt-jlikmt- tt n uruwri sxxmd tlco president ulake vaiuuttcr sec rctary treasurer w i- mullln jjie cutjvc duncan mcoucall john mc omir thomas kemcty iert mc- koown and c th itrawlck tho club handled about 10 000 worth of lour feed seeds aucar hinder twine tic- during tho year postal ouainsss at acton icujt omen revciiuca continue to srow here the silo of ntampj ae eordlnc to tlio rrport of tho itiit master general jonl received reached je cs832 thtro were 3 c7g money ordcra iuumi for an acxrejrati jitislsj tim money ordirn paid worn 0x8 and tho amount 10 073 co in addition to this ji 7s1 23 was paid for postal notes tlio commission paid to hi poatmastcr for moiity orders postal poles and navlnca tunic buui nrns totauod j2l1 23 tho lostinant ri salary last year waa jl 762 00 out of which his two uasuitanta uro paid let tors to persons in enemy countries willi rccard to the arrangement in stltuted whereby correspondence of a private and family naturv can bo for warded from indlvlduala in canada to persona in enemy and enemy orcu pled territory thruu411 the mctllum of thoo cook a son 530 catliarlno bl w montreal dlmeulty fs bcluc oaused owlnjr lo persons remit tine tlio chanro for forwardlnif these letters 3sc by poataco etamps instead of by rneaiui of a postal note for 30 cents with five cents in postaco aulxed thereto tho attention of persona uendlnc uuch cor respondent is particularly directed to tills as lo future whero u10 ehnrgi n are rernltlod by mcajm of poitaeo atarpiy ths letters will be returned p tho senders nd mliui f hlew utu hull motored to u hundny at tho u tiarc n is walker who lioa lxcn isstor of pnaton ueuiodlst church the past iwu yearn has been obu witii- to 111 health to ask for n animation for a year at least mr walktr la a successful minister am hu frltiulu hope a years rest will mu tore his health mr it u wurmn of toronto en to town on wtd111sday to visit his brqthcr mr jomeii r warren his utuy wiiu uumnuirlly nhortuned by tho report from otmiri etown early thurs day htornlm hiat the joriolown htrtl utxl hi raid itloek fn both of which hi lu ititureatod were on fire new oai suit- underwear and nil been developed for drc i millmory biou c blrtr iinporiuiit drc acct one lltut havt the warm wimhcr caon arc litre 111 oaltvlle m chriiil tsr die ii worrell at 09 vacri all m a canon of ithedral ilaniltlon nd vridoy monilnw huit at hla homo in oakvlli tho eanon was in his ninetyninth ytur tho funeral was hi id on monday with interment in hl judo i ctmttcry please 3hot up your hsna koction 7 of tho iounds act reads an follows if the owrrcr or hens or other poultry refuses or neglects to preint lho aujno from trcspasslnc on his ntiihborn prcmlstu after a nouco in wrltinj lias been mrved upon him of tlmlr trtjposa he stiall incur a tm unity not oicoodinc ten dollars and nuu motor funeral toronto to milton onvinlinco of the pavod tueaday after- i a motor funeral posset tin its way from toronto to lie motor hearse was follow- lora htarini tho mounioin id fritndw thin only tooo hat 1 great eurvlco tho hljrji iidorins all this soctlon of id lurtlcularly uio two hl highway w48 nolid mikon hi by ntry cltiul oakvliio star dicyclnts foot crushed by motor tmiiiii boyu whllo rldlnc blcyclou are proiiti lo hamr on to passing nl r vi hlrlta this la distinctly against uio hifihway act last friday an appli by jchtml loy named thompson h nova petition was practlclnc this trick whin ho met with a painful and scviro actldent 1 allhu- from his wheel tho heavy motor ran over his fthjt hreaklrux o bono and crushlnc tho foot scverul tho bono in hla una above tlio elbow waa also apltt but not broken illo waa taken in an amb ulan eo to tho toronto general hoapta and it will bo two months before bo haiku ataln oakvlllo ilo cord iho moif favorct of fa liioiwblc creation ilacli garmcni i characnitic of the lnihcsl dciininj- cifort usually em bodied in the more expensive apparel but seldom to be found in iuth moderately priced garment at tlici e only the finest of materials made up in the clevcrct ot new iityjcii by skilled urttsani of womcu wear have found their way into the spring and summer locks which we ure asking you to come and sec a special invitation wo extend lo june bndci to visit our store at this time for wc are fully prepared to help them in selecting a trousseau bchttinjily in kecpinrj with their own individual tamcj and requirement in uch important out fitting the upparcl necd of men women and children for all occasion are fully anticipated by the large and varied stocks of theso fashion departments in mens and boys clothing in wallpapers and house fur as well as in womens and childrens apparel you will find the quality slartdard upheld because we know that satisfaction is of far greater importance than a alight saving m price d e macdonajd juros umu guelphs leading and laegest store wyndham alacdonell and garden sfreeta guelpb ont not spiritually alpioucli ercn uio penalty of remorse may follow your neglect of this national warn- nfij but ye shall hunger in the trying physical bensc in which hunger now grips the peoples of europe wc know it is difficult to talk to the belly which hath no ears and it is just as difficult to persuade a person who has a full dinner be fore him today that he may want for food next month but you may as well jet this fact sink into your mind the last people that canada an j the united statea will allow to suffer for want of food are oar fighting men and if a sufficient exportable surplus of food cannot be raised and saved by voluntary efforts then very drastic rationing measures will be enforced it may astonish you to learn that in 1917 ontario did not grow enough wheat for its own needs conse quently every ontario fanner luke 6 25 whose land is suitable has been urged to sow 5 acres more spring wheat this year so that ontarios demand for wheat shall not be met at the expense of that portion of the western crop that should more rightfully be shipped overseas for this same reason every house holder who has a garden or a piece of vacant land s being urged to grow vegetables because the more vegetables that are grown and eaten in ontario the less wheat and meat there will be consumed and that being so the ontario wheat crop should then be sufficient to feed our own people and leave more western wheat and other foods available for export if yoa have not yet decided to plant a vegetable garden make up your mind to do so now yoa will not regret it there ia atill lota of time potatoes and beans may be planted up to jane 1st and these are the best substitutes for wheat and meat for good practical advice apon how to lay out and cultivate a vegetable garden write for a free copy of the booklet entitled a vegetable gar- den for every home this has been prepared by the ontario depart ment f agriculture for the guidance of citizens who will respond to his call for increased production r i i i i i l mail this coupon n0wc7jj organization of resources committee parliament boildinfib toronto dear sire picahe send mo a copy of year booklet vegetable garden for every home name a address organization op resources committee in cooperation with canada food ijoard osrfajuo crewsons corneh8 the quarterly service of the i lock i wood circuit will bo held hero next iundny tho nhowera tho first of tho week 1 very beneficial to tlio fall wheat bay gflrs wni ileum u iiiovlj to uutlph week mrs lieunett lias resided about thirty years and her re jfval in nitiili reunited toronto iqlturtuin hallway la gjvtnr an advantage to tho farmers j this rcctlon xiiry tan v into mar ft and return in u few hours ujul 110 are tski n off work fur a day formerly nasagaweva 0ome of the farmers liuye ftulshod hair sprit ir seedliur numberri of our fanutiu am plowing their fall whtat ii tniiir badly inter klthd adamnon who wuu preparing o c wtl is unable to t ut preauut wlftk ta illness mrs ottn j a i btiidu nwiii wtiit to tramp tu on monday to i nl a w ayti at her fathers home alru ii hancock uml mitt and iluutli or of toronto vlsuul fiuuds lu nut bswuyu ovtr tho wcuk und ilcv mr hansjirtl of toronto lot iretl in he 1rtsbytiriali hujili at ottem injt hunduy tin thu work of j uplo society iif y casllo hiuleh has oold his tho into john anilubuim home losd to mr ii a ml call of ltluo ale ill huron oiinty the oil nell 01 tho jwrly funn u kirut rrlu onnldoriiblo ptll the xlert til uii am very bpeftil that oil and t as wilt bo so ureo 1 irlddy j it andeison of liur yvlle was htfpliii to move some 1nlture fur mr i xv adanvson tim won tli ivlm took frtehl at blryclo und run uwny tfjrowlnt mr ilderson n tho wjjoii raji over ho of his letls altlioujjh not uerloita burx he will ho laid up for a while h tenrri iminmfuik to jlf mr george irnptfun ran frulu near moffat to their a good appointment tho provincial ajrrlcuuural faurvcj is belnc inauurati d by tho icpart- roent of agriculture of ontario under commissioner creelman surveyw of the varlsus couiitica of the provinco will be oijdo with a view to oecurinir staualics and dlsscmlnatlng infocnaa tion a crouo of six men under tho superintendence of mr arch loach of the on tarlo agricultural collcfle guelph will pi into a county to anther uio necessary informauon and uicn return lo tho collejre to oomplle uielr reikjrta ur w i mulun has been upnolnted a member of the croup and wljl commence work in dundaa county next week his encasement includes uio ue of his motor car ilo will re turn to acton in tlmo for tho turnip business next fall another 33 for junior rod cross ily a mutual arrangement between messrs jiavid kobertoon mill btrtot an1 ivrry collier ot wallas avonuo tho junior lied crona fuiiuu were out men ted by tho welcome aum of 533 at wonderland picture show last l-ri- day ovcnliic mr jlohertuon wh is ceompllahcj niuslcian und a scot uslt voeallat or real merit tin an miirovuri virulon of tho lu i u into nd ultio and harry iiudtra toll crniury and played a couplo tf nuni mrs on tho xarlua- at mr tolliera uxtatloil mr tntoo i- r t wtndcrutid a oiieclal oi if tho lu i ruu j auiounl wuu tl youiu iadlc uf the upitrctlut highly tho tjimriied 1 lntrfully takfii imiiii rhivo nior uo liquor shipments now illegal with tho imrlnnini uf may tho do uvery of liquor by express companies or by any other conveyance ended inspector harvuy lias had a busy week thru lie hput the country looklne into ehlpmonta requlrlnb hist hour delivcr- lej accordluc to instructions rocelv by him any liquor properly con- nicned and tiavlni no suspicion of bolnc intended for 11 ileal use mlebt bo dtltvtred t- mldnljeht on may 1st after that da to all liquors were order cd to bo confiscated in the iuudo of tho ljccnso ixpartmenl the inxpec tor has found remarkably little liquor iniit into tho county uie past woek or two three lots which ho believes wtm uhipmml hero for delivery under iiiiaplcluus circumstances were oeixed thla woek one of these was address ei ti ihe noma of a fourteen yearold boi uiiodicr to tho name dt a forehjner whlrh docs not appear on any avail able list lu town and the third to a name very evidently fictitious sum monses hate been issued for tho thren parties njunml aiid they are invited co npikar lu court on saturday forenoon osveiopino ths express business the tonuuto uuburtian ilectric itilil way lut 1 ulvt11 the truvullluf public very ttatlafaelory sorviee for nearly ywr botwvt 11 ac tun and toronto 1 to tinlph unil intcrveuhiil itolnta thla is now to eonaldrrubly im i itnnturjiclnit to tlay l rininlua rrom acton will b through 1 n the 1 iiriinr nf k and nndair ilmli toronto without t haiuic ai car from toronto wratward will nuv livi hitilo hint i and rtui thruuji t nt j h without thuiuse net itlnn tl rtnus tnoch of interest uil praclicsj value in tho farm anj bubotulan uoafk section a spcclai feature every haiurdy in njciuiiiunib mm uditod by an cexperleaeedl nxul practical acricolttxral writer who known bis business it is small wonder that this depaxi- ment is stoullty growing in popularity with our oabaczibera tsrmcra beat on fpeitlnc to fullest returns from their land need hardly bo reminded of tho hnmenso value thsx diacnasions on sloctr and pooury raisins boelteeplntf ktsin crowlnc and farm kunrotcmcnta have for than tbn fact that no many of them read tho acrscultnral pao of tho atsji and emntrc year in and year ont shows that tbey aro not inrfrfng ha a proper approcialion of its worth 8400 per j by mail 4fi0o deiitcrod ordcr throojjb dealer local paper or dlrod circtduihon department toronto i 30 rov mr largo invited to thorold hcv it m 1 1 11 a n i wtll was blstlonid an 1 uilur of ihu mliiio dial cjmnli lum luat juno for a ear i lias betji invlud ti um pastorals f tho umnli ai thorold this 1 j stronger rhuriii than at ion ii liws 1 ililm no t u j fir 1 rowth 1 p ntnoval f mr 1urii from at ton ill i ho nutly tricind b til twnrt dorjnjr hit ton uionthj ho has ubllhei nlnlul i urol tn h i dld ol 1 of ii i lib itriiii tholur teplot iacioii and liupi unlvt hav luvanrlahly thit ilfchcr i i14u in hilutlui t an 11 iuueu mr 1 faithful und l iixprtas car 111 id its ilisl trip ovtr tho line on mu lay it will bo devoted exclusive iy lo oxiirena and will icavo ouelpli vrry itiornliii in line to cat bur up tho milk und t ream shipments and de llvtr ii 111 in toronto by 10 orlmk lrul mauutiur lliiyio u aoslstanl muiihtit itadford and other ninelaui u nmilmille1 the tar on thla llrst trip rin y ixlirtnawl iiit infliction with thu mhiu r ir a tmintulihi 0x1 1 w builiujs a iliiu now uxiirrua delivery w ij mi wuu nut into cominliuilon in at tuu ul wn k und 1 lit 1 im 11 la ijlillo 1 ruud 1 be 1 11 ih 11 illkutiui 1 h nly ttui 1 v sujfbcstion for vour summer holiday tina year algonquin park hijlilund4 of ontario for durtt 1 niu j niaiilfrult thu kf 11 toniiiniiilty affalru t i lioniht has ix mlutltn j t ouunlhy lull m axler co mill street 1 door 1ojtt of uro w 11 ruj stortt are iayinc 34ta cask ixr exjgs brine yolir supply nice slock of book and shoes and overalls at reasonable prices m axler co get the genuine grafonola avoid disappointment refuse imitations only genuine columbia grafbnojas and records bear this trade mark look for it before you boy oiiiiiibia grafonola out of the gxrdan to the table our of the tanlen ami on to the table without bavins to he wilting in ui- huxulur s w 11470 nn from tho day before ot exloaoi for sale in shop windows how much mtter uur vtn tahli i will taste how much muro wholestune and how many morv will bo uten when wo luivo tlnni jrowliij 111 our hackyartl to cultivate u small patch 1 1 nut a task if la a phuaurt and tho duvelopnit ut of tlio crop is a ddy tliat la it itself inurcitliitf m m pou sale by c c speight acton ont the way inc un mfi iimtuuia wl fitmot uuy 3 at t ouni l t huiubir jiwtlaliy luviteu lo i ii s holmes ajrent actpn ont phon a d pot f or yu ur juniit r v t oil mnla wilt and del mbtfll 1 soon y l inn hotel arv t the rtioh i nil loft mutt 11 t 0111 uiiy i an 11 nt lu k t aitoit 0 r 1 11 t uiu 1 ihi 1 1 a 1 ji l ai ut lint ii eoopoooaoooooooooooqaeodoo il biilnvhsvu srfjs3beraass

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