dy law runlhb hid poo tvk to 5 nil 0 ordered to be prepared in id lln regular nrnnlon il t hnmhrr on monday nil tin wnncllloru pro llynl in the chair o uuimluro prriuiito1 hurt ami r eornmoiulod uetountu miul alxlt it uii i uot ovl-iihiija- 5hjf arum sttve jiths tinusn v m w editorial notes canada u ih uul u to totally id abled noldl ra aro iilii r lhni thoto in uny oilier uuiur uhoiiiiiil to avldcncn uiv v tu tin u roll unit lm0 of til iqu11 f c iiuiioiu 11 1mu slon iout ki i li ulu jrvo that tho man wliu eacrlthcd tin mtn kvti to tllhl far tho lmplrv and ircll- c uiuda and canadian hurm an larco h uulouu u possibly iiaj sid 71 i 4 00 173 7fj ighborhood news- town and country itama of intsysst from various eooalj- tlo covered by the fro pru oakvilaic w o armory vim been nloctrd ividcul of tho canadian club und v j 1 louty uocrctnry luiy a carey formerly of onkvlllo wbo instantly klllotj in uii uufmiolillr nc blent in hamilton loot wock thomas a itcyndld for noma yearn i4cimo inspector for italtui under tho old uccino law died on tho 30tb april in hu 74th yq- ivennej necunded 1ml tho report lo ar di iervthir of tho lountry can is tho ochool to li hi thise times la stonily chalunced imjvh central idea bj u minister t cadet corps lul buiiila how hon- dcrfully true it l thii a tho chal- lemre to tho noullf r to faco tho foe to the sailor tho lane r of lho sub marine tho mothers w 1j and sis ter the dciiartur yrracjj of loed oea to men and boy a w ho eannot face shot and ahril to ik tnio to thuso who do abo a11 ttcrv la tho challcngo of the tim to u tr to una t v- crv- cnltur says to t oita let esc aa tton of th- fartnc j- minister or act so fjntiira or can iln jnu tlin a tton a or anada to tho aave need of plariinc cviry acre of la nil in weat that it tn thnpo to crow it- tfce nro will txi vir crcal i toov frorn practical cijjnmco tha tfllculum lhoiuiiji f our rjrtncnj ore up acairst throuch tlm irnuhlo tny have in c ttlni nultjliii fnnii labor deapltr tho lillrultiij uimw prodnoo mon xoj uwji wo haw ir dene before sit aiwrt jl i our uind ot for crowlrjj crops un iunt tauch wheal aj jdj ciii by w b vvoodhnll uiloptod unliil tim nuittir or luiib true tins ft tank for tiro purponia at mill and jjrock strutn wan takmt up by tho council tint prura for mirloun nca ou bra it tod it iudicldou to build ono cxl2 foot uud c ftut loji tho clork waa in- ttu li to urranno an interview with mnuu dcrdmuro co to rain tholr oiimut to put a nlvo on tholr fiumo to liau ix flow into tho tunk tn caao or hr mr loo llrntluim wallotl upon tho ounill to liuvo u drain put in to toko tho ourfii d wutcr and ouwuco llmt ar i u nil lilt i u in front c hlo rcaldnnco on t hun h st rout tho council anaurod hlni that uhon th otrttt and walk utro bclnc rt pa i roil eonorally tha ultu- utlun complillnod of would bo promptly rvmodlod tho clerk reported that ho hud at- tindcd to tho mnllrr of cnlarslnif tll corporutlon umltu and found that it wiw ncciuiaiy to make application to tho itallna i loan tho council do cided to co rlsht ahead with tha mat tor and tho clerk won ordered to lake all nccuumry iitona tho matter of ralalnff tho doe tax wan acaln dine united and ttio council decided to rnloo tho tax on maleo to 15 and for fomalm jo iud a bylaw won orxlrred to bo prepared flxlnif tbo tax at tho aboyo on ma a cumpulnt wuu nbo modo about poraonu who ari dlachorclnjr firearm in lho corporation limit tho bylaw piohihltlnt nhooune in the v lilac f wo cleirly ihiintoti out and uio namea of uio perpetrator will bo aocurod and they will be promptly punlahod council udjouniel at 9 it jionoctown the inrrrhauln or joornolowii w clono their plurn of buauieiui thurn- day afternoon durln may jupr july and auffuat ulsn noluo ltoe haa returned tuitno frofn tho hoapltal and lu niaklnir uood proerosa toward complete re ovory kir and mr 1ercy qlaan u d chll dren or ilmonton art vlnltinif at ur watson a mr 1 j harbor liaa purchanotl a beautiful homo in itoaodale toronto uul will move hi family there ahortly mcnru iloy lullo and liert oilllcn hao jolnod tho urtlllery mr it- ii nixon ba disponed of hlo liarne bunlncuj to ur ltauoy of to- i ronto who will tako chnrfio at unru minn norma millar wan jol tly ru npanathlc with lho yountf la j from tho telephone ifttrd in aoundlnn the i tiro alarm f irno ii dra id fire i krai j naooaqaweya mr j w the gchool report for apoil- slandino tftuonby th puplta tn th h and pubho schoola t th examinations for last month tho follow ini report will noow uio utaiullns tnccii by the pupil in tho irioui tit purtment of tho school at hit aj rll riami nation mail bciiool derahtmlnt middle school claim i ollvo mowut hoy brown atlnnifon who ho been 111 for oovcrnl weeks wui taken to tho general hospital ouolpli for treat ment on katurtlay mr itoblmton adomon who wan injured in tho runaway loot wock lu in a drocarlouij condition aanorono net in in tho injured- le and tbo doo tora found it ncceaaary to amputate tho limb at tbo thigh on sunday the operation took place at hlo homo and he wan removed to ouolpb general hospital on bun day mr norman bmlth woo taken to tho hoaplta at ouelph on bat unlay to bo operated on for aomo form of internal trouble mr iconro lamb and daughter lft taut week on a vlalt to friend in jamuitown dakota mr i d ward darby vial tod friend in niora laat week iavld nlehtlncalo lino cntlntod in tho 64th battery t artillery it ouelpl euid reported for duty on monday 5 this- as the week for euyemg congoleum rugs curtain materials linoleum and oil cloths window shades curtain poles y t f t i frlu ai th7ivial congoijjum blltis in btock to day 2 yurds by j yards 3 yards by 3 yarda j yard by iy yards i yard3 by 4 yardj linoleums 2 yards and 4 yards wide floor oil cloths 2 yards und i yard wide stair oil cloths 18 and 2j inches curtain nets and scrims wc carry a great rancc of patterns in while cream and bisque special values at 15c lhc 20c 22c 25c and 30c window shades in cream light and dark orttn 37 inji72 in plain and with laco insertion curtain poles white enamel all complete 30c brass extension roda 30x51 special 25c white enamel cottage hods silver ends 18c each 2 for 35c coiaway mclean mill st- wje 8qll iron cabu wis sell i7on leaa acton hk ma icrltc thro i from the eh ijod the binisai brltlah army xolcrtl goorye the itcmler cheer wo are all rijht will bring comfort to many all aixlou heart throne hoot the rtnrdrt ijojd gcurce boa juat returned from a visit to lho front of the ercat batlo now inline on the premier said i caw general foch ur douruia uuic general pr shine and other oneero of the hlch command and they were nil rty con fli 1ttlsa ux a ir lorg aunlm ot ngiirnuit odctra and soldier wlu had actoall been in lho fljjhtlcc line dazihg the laat nix wwlj of very ntrmnaua work and their cuncdcncc aiao waa amozlnc tliat waa tho cen tral feellnc i found amonpt the men of ail rank in the uritlsh and french armies our county council la taklnc verj desirable tcpo wui a ilcw u ncur tug the continuatlop of coot ruada into the counties jdjolnlrjr hojton at thu meeting laat wtt tlio following ro- cdotiaa was nm if i llcsolved uiat th warden jbo clillnruui ox good ttoad cjogimltko und tlio iteve of be unmahlp arjrctcd bo ippolntrd a committee to oonfir wjtii adjolnjiik countle recardlnc tho coup truct ion of continuous connect inj tooj nutb lu the countlc a ctrklntr cximplo of t2u need for thl in ucen in this vicin ity the atone rojd on tho second tint mn throuch ttio county from ilmnto to the town una of wellington county at tn brick church ivom that point upward tbrouch ucllliieton for oov- ral miles there in ono of thu worut piece of road uhcru unm is o mutli travel in tho provlnt- if thu good road commlttcta of tlm two to can get tocetlmr und ftttt th jjrovement of tiila ronl to thi ntuudurd of hal ton u aloiui rtjnl a not only tin eraj truvtjjcrii but ucon or funmni la erin towjmhlp will bo highly up preclatlve of the tftort aocordlnjf to ulr john wlllluon who 1 publlnjiliur hla iioilufii ruiululueu cca in tho canadian mu mint tlm conaexvatlto party waa ituiimluid to protection and tho i llxml party to low tariff in tho ntircr huxird of uvvnt fvar til rcalutuncii to proltw tlon he obocryca ahxundtr muljiliisiu illmn minister cetu inon t ml i than hn ilu serve lib wuu ivuly to rule thu duties from brvtnlitu uud uu half to twenty per mil ut win ilouombli cjeorse urown unl bli uu h rd vrt wrrlfht ojii utmjnittr 1 uvit uui and other icudlni iltumli if ontario ind qucbtt lrintlph 1 u n t ion cem itself with j tt ritiijii if thu ijberal umup from tlx 1 juiiii hii v in cc wlio win po i i tl liy thu iu lualon tliat liny mlilt not irrv tliur conutltuc licit i ff tlntiii wi it iniirjjuil hjul not tcouo into r volt naliuit ill uackoiislo h would imv ulntd dntlcu tu twenty ir tint mil um u loiumlt ted in rurllaiiirnt mi 1 i n thu plitform to the dsfouro of 1iij1mi iiiuuiuu tut atlun who mi ih t rduji that tho canadian llbtr il p irty wool i n t hav becotno eutrnkhul in thu foi ti of protection tlunu it uasou to iiliiuv tliat if tho muck i uxh t i niii m hnt commit tet itnolf to hli htr duties he conservative opposition would liao adhered to low tuilfr the common tory t ftiat whin blr jtlrhard crt wrbiht arooo to li jut r tho huilset pech of jtttg it nu3 nut known if hn i would declare fur or nit 1 nut higher dntle while hlr cluiclfi tuppir who was co follow lent w only thu ho would ndt ivrofl with cutwrltflil lower school xjilm ii clam i duff wilion jcuuo mowat ti volllll clara lantiudna johnuton tjoyd kcnncy itay asncw cluj iii j waldle liiina curt p bell alice johnstone ilctty icwrie klnlw htcwart florenco itobcrtoon ni ii olbbono ixjiim i cb3 i jnck kennedy wllllo stew art jflmea talmon hazel mcdonald willie icalcy class ii max hell acne dobble cla iii harold wanaboroucb vlda anderson charllo mann chorllo an- tho puplta whose names aro m priced with ou asterisk did not take nil tho examlnatlrma v ii btcwart prlnchpal i si itaker- assistant iuuur hnool department fourtn oepsrtmant br iv francis hurst violet divla 16 sfargnret mcnnbb 4sb total 6- jr iv iloae mcevoy j49 jim m la iuu z2 jcsale anderxon 311 total too m z bennett teacher third d psrtnvs nt br iii nelu hall s89 lloyd j orben t5 georeu jlcslna tsc total 3 lit jr iii earl cooper 303 iluaaeil 1lob m laird mcdonald 55 total z4s j m mcleod teacher sscond dpartmnt br ii eiujcno mclbcrson 214 a3 fnm ilishop 207 wallace lasby 208 total 2 jo jr ii jtannie orr 1c2 helen coxe 139 ivunk glbbona 1t7 total its m ii loury teacher first department ur i itusuel wcadtf 24 gordon hiiffmunjirt ida costcllo 212 froji- uii wilds 21s total 230 rtt a mona tinilth 14 harold luld li4 icd stuckoy 115 total 1b0 d ltolotor teacher senior bnmsry class c klvtn tlomblo arthur llen- di riuii lola morton clas ii ollvo iroclou dorothy mi phfrsoii vlolot lloll clajmi a leona waller wllma white vera muualwi ollu ii anna trout teacher junior primary br c clam ikirotliy lwlnil ixiru iintx murjorlo mmin jr c tluu torrunco uuvlr jloimlo noble ivunklin cook it clous- melvln ijimblrt clarence anderson anulo kinitb a cliuu- nell rut rick doris mad jock nulllu ikirbor l m iloyco tcaclior l1mehouse mr and mm g 11 iolklnehorno havo added reason this week for prldo in ono of their soldier son soret- iolklnchome who went overseas with a toronto regiment in 191g has boon awarded tho coveted dlstlnculshed conduct modal ho wo scrvinc with uio canadian lmjlnocrs the follow ing la tho olucial record of ills deeds ho remained for a lone period in ad advanced area malntoinlcr and xeialr inff telephone wircj ills work was curried out continually under aboil arc and ho showed tha greatest courofiii and initiative in kceplnff tho line ro paired on one occasion when a bur led cable wo broken in several places juat before an attacksbe worked con tinuously for twelve hour under ln- tenso flre until thotuolo lino was ro paired it wn duo to his fnergy and resaurco that communication watt maintained beret iolklnehorno s many friends congratulate him upon his splendid and effective intrepidity and tho distinction awarded by tho military authorities lho budget npeecli will impress cuiiiitluins mom deeply tiion ever witii uio luicrlilccj which muat bo mode to do our part in flmincint t liu wur tlie deduction in tho uniount qx income xempi in tim roul of unmarried per udiib to ii ouu uud murrlod persons to oijo will rtaih a lone number of ivuj uriicm whose incomes have iiilu nximiidiil fur in load tho increase lu rdlnary living touts ultimo uio war 1x1 un tilxl ou mot o i l4ru uud other luxuries wurt cxpucted thu govern ment howovoi in fho luteut and tfrut- tot of cunudlun butluta nvideiuca ix it tt riiiluutlou to uueure from those who ii o prolltlnif ulthcr in u anuill wuy t i larjju way futin uio wufua i ir nil in mi lb 1 1 u puieeutobo of its in v on u i at liast the oovenunoilt to eh thouu who aro itm for there aro fow h tiujih cuuudiiuiii bui- r will uieept uny tiiuui ivhh h lo tiijuldcrxl uijyit- iilji promlucm to nii ply ur llul im fonca uj i lorne tbo following is tho report for lorno iiciiool mo 12 lsqucsiui for tho month of april the names appear in order of merit sr tv caroline ityder jlonald mc lachertt laura lambert jr iv wilmcr watkins elmore johnston absent arnold mocdonald absent br iii jessie ryder i lector mac donold bessie mocdonald i toy john ston hr ii gordon johnston ldna crow son iluea crewaon aiucuat mceach- jr ii laura murray harold hwack- iiaoimor jean arderson choilcs lara bcrt- jr i velma murray ur pr mary mceacjicrn pr d earl anderson muriel an derson ululs anderson pr a bobble anderson leslie h woe kha m mer marjory uwitter ho denny no enrolled 27 a v erase co ilessle li mulun teacher la liitumuni ipiudlutchth ilul hi erin the drama tlio old dee trick hkule slvon by tho company from acton an monday evening wan a creat success tho play was most credit ably presented and was highly enjoyed the attendance was about coo the members of tho conipxuiy tbo acton methodist hunday he tool orchestra and uio drive uf tho twelvo motor corn numbered sixty and other friends who attended from at- ton swelled tha uttcudanco from uiere to at loast 100 tho ludles of tho w c t it took lu about 110 us the receipts of tho even bur lrlu is aiiulu tu raise 1 500 for tho m c a uls week mra it- m i tell haa iiud to itp to tiio hospital at guotph on uccouut of troublo in her ear the reuult of u uuviro attack of la trlpjie the twelfth of july will bi crier hruted here on the cominif 23hh uni i vornary by tbo oransoncn or dufferlu and part u wulunjtou mr muttiholl loiur wen to toronto llat week and enllaletl in tils new tank liutuihon wliiih tu beliuf uritanliod thu ilrst in cana iorty uhot makers are on strike ut kitchener owlna to dlmiutiufuctlon with uio present scalo of wnjcu hrant county favoru thu tlon-ni- tnoiit taklui uctinii to prevent ulu use of ontario roala by uuiumobllu for two tnonttuj in tho uprlui owlni tu uio tircut amount of ilumuiu tlmio unable btoll md irubbuu th hlu train lu tlinu tu uwu u ehlld churl a intiord eriwlod out m on with ono huuil child lth tho tlur tb ilfyiii chur crewaono corndrb fruiuut wild flow era mo beau l tiio woixls now j n wiikiuooiia romuy moved uio juitjcrt gibbon s form lost mr austin hwuckhonuir of hill is mmiajtliia tiiu form this the farmerbanker alliance you go to your lawyer for legal advice to tho doctor for medical advice why not to tho merchantaiiujik for financial advice if you want a loan to buy cattlo hoars or oquinment if you want information as to how to invest v come to thoao who make a business of financial matters and aro in a position to givo you sound and impartial advice mchaf hodomcomotrd of canada aitahlubod 1084 acton branch georgetown branch second hand furniture sale we are tryiog to sell out all the second hand furni ture on hand we have at present sideboards dressebs dining boom tables kitchen tables baby carriages and many other articles l stark man milt street acton j oi thu uy x iit j n uj the 1 antor s t ikluol with t c- i t in ijstor aio elcome y v pfvjalc us for oa i j j j i acton o- h vje3 conner wy- ilc i v i and jt v 1 s lw i of hi ix on w js i 1 thirty i j j imjt av i i i at aftr foii svle 0j i0 r c tut a w jlen- lei will lcll at onal p c ru03ell actok training ochol hwui fhnt uchj i- 1 vjttrdw in j i nurjma the opl mil rnlty deu- m x tl nuns hof jtimtt nyrln aiid auj il l rrjnc 1 vlr will bo t tt utrexlntindent i t i i i ir ilnlrc bclj iurr it iiu pe r 1 n lende notice to creditors bi importaot announcenient fresh fish i l h siiorcy manager c w gkandv mananer ooooocockckxxxxxxxxoocoooo jieetln at ho aftn p hint u lino fur licliuf drunk lluiry muthtiun told tiio ut tqumu mnslratti thut he and other hud been l tildrxl trj tho blind pig by a part or slru rte c c snider who deaertdrom a draft of the central ontario xlee- yiclit depot at llrantfonl whlrh hd j it on wornud for uvcrsun waa sen- tnectl by a turt martial to two ypara at hanl utbxrr in fh pbulornuary 1 mrs jaa ouuitilo received now last week uiut her nephew ito ourtleld cuipboll wlio iiub been lu lrwnfi has been mlsuluic since mart ji 14th lto campbell who l only in bin twentieth year lues been overseas about two years a youiucr brothur i to kon liuth caiuiibell enllutcd with uio 17cth llultuliou when only tlfloeu year old but was djituoriicd for bolus undur uku when thut unit wliii overs bos u year ujjo he on 1u tut i uxaln lost win tor and is now in lug land mr luuututt ami family toronto moved to mrs w 1u miott n liuuso last wtnk ho liuvliik purehosed it beat full mlsa nleuuabor iusllnch vuilcd at mr m crewsdu last wcok mr j smith ileapeler spent 0 under at mr m crewaon o mr ii u urown of tbo royal llsnu itsln only son of mr and mr jnhn brown returned to hi horn bore laat week ho haa enlisted with tho 04ui battery and left tuesday morn hut for cuolph herbs tnnny boyhood frtcud here wlah him uodupced in hts ro i ponse tb hi cdantry rail l livingstone the ghocck hart money savnj 1 or you ull 1 ll j in ouh cannl 1 oods ouk croclkiis ouh i liuits ouk vi gi i aijll b 1 renh uul ool uii id habit i i iu able lu kaltmeity hhint buttlk and u duh r livingstone mill street actc 4 35c cash for eggs at pattersons meat shop we utill havo a large stock of citniicd good- on liu which wc uro toing to clcail out beef is advancing in price buy 1okk and veal the following ure a few of uur pnctb leg of pork lb loin- of fork lb loin chops lb shoulder kaum of pork b miuuiulr pork bliccfl lb 1 oins of vctl lb shoulder koum of vtal lb vcul stow lb lb pailj of lurd tb puilo of lurd 35c aoc aoc 30c 25c dc 100 1c5 we have imothtr ircah jjurrtl of sniokcd itolla ou hani tlurt week at igc lb alao back bacon at 55c lb our storo ihurwlayb ut 8 p m monduyj tucadoya and n patterson main stiiect act0n 0nt b recsivinrj fresh caught goorglari bay jrwut and aspect shipments thia week of white fuh pickerel pike hsrrinq sturgeon otc 1ruh caught iako trout it 25c 1 ii ah cnutht white lluh th 22c i iih uucht ikrrlnl r 15o irih cauuht haddock th iso 1 ili cauijtt cod bollintf or whuu flsh lb 15c iriuft shrlmjia pint 40c 1 null winklce pint 10c 1 inn haddlcs no 1 xx 20c 1 illets no i it 23c 1 lellod ilulmon trout lb 15o hn lll cod iish pkf 16o sm kr i iloneless dlcby ilir rim tb 30c i i xihjci a nhlpment from tho emit s j stauffer fioh food gpeclalist i ihii dlaluit action phone 40 aiwy open the mstisr of e estate of jam sayin of tha towntriip- 0awea to tho county of halter farmer deceased not tn ik hi vi clvu pursuant ti jf stilut in ua bchjtf uiat rtliti m i ji j thrv be and ouieii nfj hanri e jlmj asalnst thr llate jjiarj sjyrm late of uuf mi imp f jmjwiya in tha jiinty if hjltt i 1 ormcr who dledj ahojt th tiicnty ninth day of i3js arc vr- iuled to send by rris t r deliver to the under u i 1 it r for tlie tecutorf 3jti l4ik ou or before thj ui uly of may i31x thel j 1 r i j i tull r t j1li lulj v rifled end th4 of liir u turulcii if any hew ii jr 1 artrr tlie 3ild twentieuf may 1j1s th uaid eiccutoi tttl tti lutrlhuti tho of cki said i cat amour tho persanj i ntlth d tneto ljjj rekard only t th ctatnj of whnii uny ahajl have hail not ro mil they will not 1 habit for any jurt ic ntilfl eats to any pn n f oiiaecuuttti auh iit th hjn hul notice v j m ilklnnov soiltitor for the hlccutc ixild this 21ui day of april 131s marr1 na13 if thl by the day o will p d new wonderland friday may 10 the marionettes a htltrt i irti ro with clara imtufioay may 11 i lhll u id j coldwyn ttun jih m s luo lulott und uhlid the stn ui two port lutlio liaplm omtdj tuesday may 14 i i uodii li or the i ighuluf lail rfaaa hursdsy and fru jay may is 9 the llarrltr by hex toaclh r l gregory p m two purpose top coats 1 08 men r inuloriul n oumtly tin i diy weuthur iuh ulip on ill hr uud full sh00 up yu ice cieam ice c2tam r iuruir ui n overy un intend to elvo no uu hiuible bulk 30c a pint brlcka 30c each candies candies right prices toothsome varictic3 dcst qualities harold wiles mill tthelt acton i acton baker m edwards c01 mill tithelt thlnchlh with all round b it i uth ih kua willi iluim mil uiek alouves mu flnluhuil with uinull turfu in lrm n iuul bio h it h 1100 up with liytuiej ulip on with military col- i u an i pockets full back v nit in dark irey und luo mutuilu 1500 up gee our windows r e nelson hon 40 next post ohio ouelph 4 ittudlina of th ukry and to war bread brown bread tea bibcnits cake buns and seoiicb may alwaya bo gacurad wedding cakes a specialty m edwards c0 m