wall papers ceiung pap- etts window shades cuktain poles a complete 3tocu now on hand manniaac liccnqco ioouhd geo hynds acton ontario ijr art nit 3tsz tyxtbt thijiuijjay may 53 lpjj bbiep local items plant otnlocii and more olatoca ycatcruaya ihowcrn wito welcome if you cant riirht ilio fliht in iranc he til hid fowl fleli at homo tlio boys are cutrhlnn lurifo num- bent of aurkcrn now j a ftinry htnwiirtlnuii iius been appointed a notary public tho sweet jterfumeu of tlut open ing blossoms in very iiloumnt juul ntw theroii el wealth of applo blossoms and tho yroraloo or a cwxl ylold of fruit is cood comparatively little rain foil ilur- lnjr tho heavy electrical storm on mon day morning you do not havo to go to fran to djff yourself in the irardcn will do just an well a small want ad in tho plus tii will sell those unused articles which you stored a way news of local import i o d c contort toninht show your j utrlotlim by uiioiidin- tho iuuilro juy litcrtiitnnunt miller tho ausplrmi of tin i o i i tonlhl may 23 tho idlhc ilchool pilplhi will rend their prlio essays on can ada fjuiiil iiiuurumnii silver 10i- loultm house struck by lifjhtninu hurlnir tlio electrical nlorm early on monday murnlnc mr juob liaitrr litmrliii- crtsnnt wan ulrnck by llchtninj- tho urrelit ran down tho stove jl ilirtiiili ho tow und ulontr tho kit i l rlppluif l tin- ilnoliiuni kniuiiily llaro wui utile other iluliuu tnuosido frm aunln chsnflos hnd mr william jdeconvlllf of hamil ton who recently purrhas d iakeldo un and ilulry from thw jidin c nen mm ctut hau old 11 property t mr wurlliw of wcuton mr ward- law liun inkkti mamulon tho dairy business will i i b continued d dairy herd utnl outfit will 1h hoiii tty uii t ion on jlurilay afternoon i tom mlft vllltd social and personal clirlc vena hnio from for tlti nyiei to lu thin wcili and mm j i n end with toronto i ii c unil mr at mr jan i mm ii it worion of ulitdph spent tho xctnn rrlemle mr nil iarl of t j moore di spout lui twenty fourth of may tomorrow a holiday in honor of our lata beloved queen victoria tho cood a partial eclipse of iho nun will bo vlslblo tn canada halurday juno 8 it will bo wltncascd hero about what a ctwnflo a few yearn makot half tho bulldlnea in town used an tables a decado aco are now con- verted into krofoa mary mary aulto contrary how docs your sarden crow tin can and rooto and wornout boots and brlcabata all in a row tho bright dunahlno and hleh temperatures of tho post week sev eral dayfl up to eighty degrcsj have teauy advanced veffotauon anyone can put ntuff into tho round what counu l get tins atult out cultivate with the aama enthusi asm with which you planted there is an unusually larco num ber of beslnners in tho homo and community gardena this oprlnc let us all endeavor to be irood flnlahcrs let there be no flrocracjtera this year on tho twenty- fourth theyre danfferoufl and many fires are caused by them it u illegal to sell thcro in acton in earlier days tho boys spent tho monilnjr of tho hlh of may in helplne with the potato planting with tho en joyable anticipation of coin oohln in tbo afternoon about twentyflvo members of acton lodge i o o j no 204 went to milton on bunday to attend church parade with their brethren of muton at grace church tho largest hens egg wo havo seen thla year was presented to tlio editor by mrs albert smith urin on saturday it measured ciixsi inches and weighed over four ounces thettabict to tho memory of tho soldier mettjbero of 8t al bans church will bo unveiled at tho evening ser vice next sunday the choir will ren der special and suitahj muolc chief iteltt last week apprehended two younsoirrhy tha nmne of wood cock for evading tho military service act they were taken to toro by the military authurltica herald spleldld work lias been dono tlio post week in alung tho pitch bolto in the roadway on trt acton croasroad with saavel tho drlvlnn hta been rreally improved for all vehicles at the meeting of quelph district of the methodist church bold in ialslcy memorial church last tliurnday tbo reports were very encouraelnff the atlvlngs for mluslons showed lurso lu- at the special meeting of tho fcji- queln- council a week aco hcnrt llynds of the hank of hum 1 1 ion staff oeonre town was preaoited wltii u eold chain and locket and prlvato joe lry at a ten williams with a gold watcji each bclnff handsomely engraved na83aqaweya the funeral of tho lata john 1 dredge last thursday was very largely attended tito service was conducted hy i to v mr utraclian his pastor rev dr hialr of duclph aiul itov edwin a chown it r tif to ronto itev mr chowrr- w dredge durjng hja tost houru uf tho hospital and his attcntlnn and intercut were gruly spjinciotod there wero s3 motor cars at tho funeral and mr johnstone tho ulidortakar auyo the attendauco of people vrus larger thuti that present at any funeral lu his twentyelfiht yearn experiunco tho bearers were william iowdy janica jlowry duncan holmes wm croft levi ulsley and tbo following la tho report of tho last examination held in bchool no i jo iv o mclauuhlln it nlhtlii gale ii kiiubury j tlhrlvo ill 12 wilson clda noljlu a mc gregor it ware hr ji clinrllo mclnuiihun m dorlcy ii- wilson it kltijfabury v ntlhrtv jr ii kathloco miller c miller i t mclaujihuu u nlehtlnsalo e nellla br it ii wilson d hlirlvo jr iv k hlolwinliuni c jan mulor 11 l kilty iz mcrit- a irene darby preseut ovcry day 1l nclaoit ttunhtr ofllcfo a nuliiti wife knows murv oimjiii hbt religion than his pastor donu kind the place whero liopti dhs uiul you will know where hell begins the man who uteus wlnro jol tclu him will not liavo to be dujc af uf the mud- a mall runs his uiiims down at urn heel because ho wulkn that ray lu his in in j the man who la well aatluriitl with himself bus trouble in fitting uloni with other folks the man who hua u keuii vyt for the faults of othuis u blind to his ovm tho man who is down on eiciw merit 1 relliflau of lei i goes wjld ut thqbaieball ftama tha ivaa wo understand the spirit of tho hlbla tho more tialr splitting wo villi do over its doctrines health hints for fsrmoroltss tin provincial ikun of lleulth hou injiuod a in uluf ciilalnliij- hcultli hints for funn wotkirii it 1 uuueeetod tluit they should ull in irinoculatod ualnat typhoid fvr drink plenty of own water iiliii with immi room win dow oiron r to lnl arly cut inoiler- atoly wear hroiu hihhs und clianjro clothlnc or iiliooil wtmin wnl as uoon an txuisllilo ragistarad bands for- victory loans iloldcra of coukil bond n of any of tho carta il ian war loans am now bctnk ilvcn tlio opportunity to oiclianno tloii for rally nuuiterml uinds those latter nro inntird in iniorntniitlono of ilo i loo jtoo ii poo it 000 j10000 and 100000 and any number of londn of tho lower denomlriutlons of any ono maturity may bj esclianjiod for a fully registered lxn or londu of corres- pondlnir inuturlty uciirckutlnc tho amountn uf tlio uurruiidcrcd toiulu mrs flrstbrooks exparisrvcss tho womens instltuui liuvii arrans- ed with mrs john klrut brook toronto to tell tho story of hor cxperlencea swlxerlonl where uho wonl to c for her son capt jack iitrntbrook where he was a german prisoner of war in tho town hull on thursday evening may 30 thcro will bo splendid inunlcal prurammu silver collection at the door all are wel come and everybody will find tho pro- eromrao ono of universal interest 473 910000 fire and nolnsursnca lost thursday night david fcathcr- b tones large burn near drumquln was discovered to bo on fire and uo far sne that nothlnc could be dono to oavo it and llttlo of itn content thcro were 3 cattle c hontes and 3 hogs lost as well as about 00 bushels of wheat two horses were rescued from iho barn and some younc cattle from tlio yard beneath 1l tho loos la estimated at about 110000 unfortunately there was no insurance tho cause of tho flro is unknown milton champion dim ball ones moro flourishing tho actonsjunlor ilall club playod the itockwood nlno in that vlllaee on baturday afternoon tho itockwood team overbalanced tho local boys wttlt their heutfy hit tint and won by a score of o to 3 the llnoup wan as follows itockwootl osborne wider k coujiti ittsslnimonu oaralde mc lean carolde dodds und meadows acton kennedy bwackhamcr mon te rs mosa lea hynds agnow mcleod bpeuvogel savage- two or throo ouicr very intertatine mmca have been played in tho park recently between tho junior club und un ugsrcirutlon of oldtlmom acton will bs flower garden tho influence of tho nwryorganlzid horticultural society coupled with tho very general determination of citizens to cultivate gardens both for produc tion and beauty aro already giving manifestation of activity on a wldo acoie at least double as many boxed and potted plants and flowers havo been brought to town already thui spring und several extra dealers aro dlstrtbutinc them then yesterday tlio nprlne delivery of plants and flow ers to the members of tho horticul tural mocloty ubout c00 boxes arrived acton will surely b fruitful lit acan- tablea and ilowors tills season ths buril of huab weilsco tho funeral of tho lato hugh wal lace last wediujkluy was largely at tended many of his former neighbors and church associates of nuasujrawoyo were present to pay their respect to his memory tho nervico won con ducted by itev j cy wilson p a who was ooslsicd by liov dr ii lair of ouolph who received him into the church and ordained him an elder dur ing his pustirato in nassagawoya iuiv ilau large 1l a- ij d also assisted in the service tho remains were homo to tho gravo by six fellow- elders of knox church alpx waldlo ileevo hynds w it kennoy j p a t mann james mcmillan and j ii itecd hslton homptvi institute msstinas i tho womens district annual moot ing will bo hold on thursday juno 13 at 200 oclock in tho ulluiti mtltodlt hciumii a plculc tta will follow tlio on tlio summer series of meif liujs will bo hold an rollows thurs day may ao ut liurlluglmi public ubrary friday may 3 ut mrs paul camplmiira homo pahnno monday juno 3 ut trafalgar townuhlp hull tuesday junu at mrn w llowrn ouiokii wedneuduy juno 6 at kd- uuesliij township llajl thurwduy juno 0 at mts h lanlaays cth lino 1aumcaliii ivlhy j 7th at atoii town jlall tiufuiday juuo ut mru jl hhortuls ljaillmifad mrs w j hunter lro4pton will uddituj ull uf uiuae itiihi tlns und mm culiiuin lllu mi thrif mlutlvis icuuu j moomi days nt her brothi tho week it ii ninon and a ouulpti vluitnd uixl mfii day will over tho dr parluir a parker of ju mr j it kenii neighborhood news- town and country items of interest from various locati ons gov rod by ths fros press oakvillc tl funn over tin radial to iluiiiil- n am ubout to ho djiibbd in price iliiro in it jeiitu liniircesion that t utruwherry crop in iolug to n imi- yf the uvoiaiii mhui iiri allrlh of llobltinon lit t iin tuesday for a two months ill with friends in ft wayne ind mm a llninmond u leaving ihlu k for toronto whnro uho will llva ih lir noil mr m huinmond cncwoona conrjcim inihi loldit in dolng licno days with 1 tho ft ult trr mr n ijimli vlfdtiilrrliiihi horn on mr petitr ifllt in wo jiinililo firui for mr i puicliaiicd it hint fall nearly all tjm fili w haa be ii wijinr lillhl plowed over and oiln i the clovi i crop abif ably winter littlod iu gri nihln atjy i hoped for on lay last rilxyiarold was playing neighbor thol biting him in clll idly i rutin it hi b jlmihiii ixn vn oils tho rah ii lpl vcgll itlfill ylold i fitrllii 1 iii land id mn tin h uold and win ietit buudny n mr largo at tin aioitiodiiit paruojiugc mm dr mckrague of winnipeg arrived laat wk to visit her father tho hon l ilondoriioii and mm john lolnhu lluriillton on tuesday t r brother caminm duttrlu itruld ill illlv lllo und m jeorgo huvlll il tr jecrolary w tend ui d ud nil li llu- ii lu lugs i thu- gjilliilo grow up i- of thanks fram tiorvl btephun c to llttlo miss tiijiiu gsmblo ins tlinu u1 mliu tauliiiu tjiunhlo hie twvuoyerold duugtltor or ur 1 tlujiiblu victoria aveiiuo uout to it uwiiuu a iilrf siilkji uho had ilttcd tio following loiter ofap- wlatlou ha- iuat hon iecoivod lar miiim theliua thank yt for tlo udld puln of jks knit hot by yo which 1 rocclvod from m cmik lust week tkicks uro olio oi our greuu i u wo ttllrwwlu ihts very inueli i do not nocni to reuieuilxir you l ull und hao iwms nguiim- out tills pus l week whullu un although i d iloc uuaw fcliirc i know you in uil thronjih you a w 1 hoi this war soon ends no that ii wjl t ub lt homo uiujiit ul olr kind friends crsoialy wishlug- yuu tlio best f ihhih wishes i wni sincerely tyauoa april 7 1110 j mr a a a guest a nelson 3a leu of kitrhenur tho hum of htn den tho past woe in motor vo llinir lias lhni son mr mr and mm frank llarltor tleorgo- town motored thro on h town on tues day morning en routo fur lis to wet lloutco c a warren mid atru wnrren irnow vork and mlas ktono vlultiul at mr james i warren last week t ilrown made n i visit at tho iturson- wlth uiiv unit mrs mr and mrs pleasant weeker age llurlington ilurkur t mru w d lvlck of toronto pent a day or w this woek with her parents mr and mrs ilobcrt olbbonn young street inn lio ii tik iko of m ii hukhe i the firing- line milton sun baif btain oloctod lwot i league drover und dr mc- mr z wilkli lrxyliiit of i in j w hmlth clean havo uucli purchuuoil a mu- iitighlln car mm i ie yatj left on ti sday tmrtilng for winnipeg whei ulin will upepil u few weelui with hef sister mrs dr mcfurlaiio churllo hojujr laa left bajiklna to engage in more strenuous work in connection with tho war he has en listed in tho it c ii a kingston mrs h il ilows mm t c dales and mm orrii androw attended tho niciuiu of the womcua mlssinnory hoclety ut hunlhtnii lust week us ro- prxnoiitatlveii rnm milton molhodlut church auxiliary on monday next mm j d mn- olblhiii of toronto will return to mil ton to take cluirgo of tho hotel mo- llbbon mr geo maun who haa bofin running it for tho past year or so i tiring i is former u tl v projeellnlt i blocked llu tho 33h p turned ut j dollv vardcn kiln switch on ivi ralh wprtal and a ntulled with tl injiln ii line for heres smarh smiiaiiaer togs for a glornotuis twdatyfourfth mcni wu ni en utid children u wear itctiiircmcnfs uro inanhallcd reudy in lino nrrny no plncc like macdonaids for deciding ull the lii and little question of new appurcl for a new cuwi or for a tpecinl ijoliduy summery new models in womens amd childrens wear you hove never iccn lovelier style ilinn those that arc now gathering for wonderful sifnnner ijiplay they ure mode that will uppeu to the tiistc of ull women and misis wlio wish to follow tho trend of latest fashion nt i pricc3 for the iph and sent by ilurrfsburi and hamilton a lug train arrived from the e tweii sovon and eight anil the was toon movtd bao tho 11 mr v go wiry lu transform jippnirniieo of the farm ami fai roundlngi of the toronto llm piopi ullt i ty he r foil blu id no improved uelir limijjm tel other linproveiiienls ccodlng fach other mrs william gowdy war nauiiaguweyu last weuli tli untimely death of john krn tho tiunhand of her ulster supply for uihmh and phlly mi- t called to the xlgo the npr ld and to i hun david hondoroon has recover ed from htn recent i uncus and is abl to ixi about again and enjoy iho flno spring weather miss ijlrdlo ijloonor watson has rv- lumoil to hor homo in toronto after spending itomo umo with her grand- parontn mr and mm a crce willow street- mcasm orwoll johnston and llirl vincent anj vlaaes fern ilrown mul hcrtli hpclght nintiircd to hamilton tuasduy oveiihig to visit pte iiiuiii ifrown mr james mcdougall ircderlck btrxiet who was operated on in the torontu general hospital laat week for apiicndlclcla j mnkinff good pro- grcis toward recovery mrs john crawford church utreel received tlio uad now lost week of the sudden death from heart disease of hep sister mary wifo of james hold ol grindstone city mich on tho lltli lust mrs a t tirown and mrs w ii kfwurt attended tho annuul meeting of hamilton ionf re net womens mis sionary hoclety at hamilton last wvek mm it waiiflboruugl visited her daughter mm frank day ut ltock- wool this week mlria klla snyder deaconess toron to lias been awarded the deaconess gold pin this was presented to mlas snyder and nine other deaconesses ut tho commencement exercises of the methodist national training school last week itov dr chown presided churchill mr peter murray fs now sporting u inn now gruydort car of tho latest lyim ills brother wesley of iho first line lius just bocurud its twin tho congregation of tho churchill church upproclstod very highly tho sermon preached last thursday even ing by itev w m mcdonald of west- over a formnr pastor mr mcdonald won visiting at mr john smiths lust a most interesting gathering was hold ut mr norman mcmurchys on titooduy evening when messrs john allan john near und frank tiwuck- humor were each presented with a military wriut watch and a sum of money a complimentary address was read in connection with tho presenta tion thesu bright young man wool to hamilton laat week to enroll as soldiers they were given two weeks leuvo and will return to cutnp in a fow lays havj theiowbti tuerloorfltsainl thesctnicrodttj 9 vahdtheservice fo laforaistloa luerstnre tickets sad racnrstiuat mpply co a t uuownj drujafat actoo ost at rrilo ccncrkl 1itkojff depsrtaicat c3 buax btreet vaajarttiia canadian northern icecream icecream wo havo our parlor open overy day now ojid we intend to give us good servloo uu hjuulblo ics cream bulk 30c pint lc crvsm bricks 30c sscli cajvdies candies right prices- toothsome varieties best qualities harold wiles mill street acton y oetown the molovciub hero bus thrtyflve inonibjim dr f il watson is presi dent ami li j harbor secretary treasurer prof anil mru hull and family havo taken up their resldeiieu in town wo understand uiut iho upper can ada college farm ut norval will be operated by farmorottcs this sum- it uok just forty five seconds for tho children to vucato tho school wlion chler hunter unexpectedly suuudod tlio flro alarm lust monday two brick houses on guelph hoad chajigo hafids mr sldnoy mckonxlo of toronto tiau purchased mr fred noaru tiouso and mrs john leslie lias purchased mr if if heart wells at a social gathering hold recently in tho presbyterian clinch norval tlio congregation prcscntod mr carl adams retiring choir loader with a mout kindly worded address and a purse herald fish fish look this hut over carefully crvo it a few minutes study seriously though if doef hucon and wheat uro to go ovcrseus lu uulllcferit uortltles people liuvo simply got among other things to eat nioro lull my preparations for this week in cludes tho following ilneu leviry fish u picture fresh caught tloorglan i lay trout tl 20c fresh uuht georgian hay wtilie visit tb 0o fresh caught iako huporlor herring ut mark at price 1vesli caught haddock head leas and dressed tt 15o freah caught cod headless and dressed lb 15e iynsh caught cod htoaks ih 10o fresh caught haddock steaks lb 1ba fresh caught flounders or soles lb 15c freeh caught winkles fresh boiled a plat ido dlfahy smoked iloiieleas her ring lt 30c shroddod cod fish pkjg iso box plants will supply dox plants ao fal lows astern mlxsd snd m if color vsrbanas mlxod colors- phlox mixed oolor onspdrsgons psnsys lobelia salvia follsps- toms toss allyaum petunlss gsrsniums co lory and cnuhflowor plants sjstauffer fish food specialist fish dhlaliiut acton phone 40 always open established ib72 bam1s of hamilton nckkased production of wcalih ia the only way in which the tjui rem cuts of the nation gun be nir without exxcivo tux- utiou for the next ciidc tlie citpanbion of lcgitiinato businpu is essential and the dank of hamilton is prepared to cncuurujje it by the judicious extension uf crcditti kontiirrown biwnch w n mckny the o t it roadi within a few feet on tho third lino hero yerou n view of co hdble to llvtrj klliu i ion tho hallway hoi too ng truln1 either dlr 1 iihonld i i that filid thin ilge ivrlo summeit mtlcsses foh eviiltv occasion in silk white tub fabrics liberty plnid jjinrjlmma uuperb vuriety summer millinery or chic and charm lovely interpretation of the cor rect new modes in diversity healthful hlouses in silks cjrepea mid wash goods a gala array new sweatersvsmnrt styles for sports and outdoor wear prices moderate wash oods marvellously pretty new fabrics for summer wear a hoat of intcrcjitirijr atyles in the vnriouij fashion departments notliing ims been forgotten and prices imvc been moticrated wjtii a npccial care all homo rurniidifn und clothing dipartmcntb ready to render efficient summer service p e mcdlcjmaldi ers gueuhs leading and largest store wyndham macdonnel and cardcn strceia limifcd guelph ont into the dark corners let the spirit of cleanliness which means sunlight soar penetrate everywhere with its magical powers for making everything clean and sweet there is no cleanser so universally used so well liked so com pletely trusted as with ita 5000 guarantee of purity itunlighf soap afwr by ifltt jujnrt how to heep w bt john w s mcouubodgh md dpjo ceokif oiwtoeb olf tuu jitovincxax uoah q ueahhl pajtaxyhis aftiilt 1nvakteub pabaliyhis good dual itaa boon ltiorn about intantllo paralysla tn roeont years tboufib wo aro etlll for from knowtnc how tg proxit tho aprcad of tha dluoauo ono fact loanuxl la thai the mortality of the disuoao la not bih la moet iddoalca nlnotenuui of tho ptnvffrti ecfo with tholr ilvvif of thoao who oacajw with their itfca about oooj3ktf haro no pornuuiont paralysis or wasting tao docroe of pandynlo is wonvo uoonaftor ltfl onoot than at any lator ttmo tboro la always noma gain fn uiuscuiar power aftor thu onset of tho dtmjaao formorly it waa hold that improvomtjnt was not poaslbln after two roars wbatuvor lmprotomont thoru won to bo would comu lu the ftnrt two years lccforta to improve tho coudltlon of poralyiod muaclea would bo lnoffoctlvo uolnas they wero twiitin within two yearn of tbo onset of tho dlacoao tuo tuachlnc now lu that thoru la uo linio limit beyond which ltuprbvemant lo mposiiib tbo druad or inlanlilo palw ils hi bvhu uiuru upon tho paralyala and wjcrtlnc of modclea than upuu tho4ajxh ratu uf the diauaoo in tbo kroat inajorlty of caaos of nhrlnkluk of muuclos tbo condition orlnlo becauoo uf nogloct of oftur treat uiunt ijuwovur thoru lu a conoid orabio minority of coses in which thofo is too much after treat moot after infantile parajyuls tbo muuclvu uro wuult and easily ijtteud if an ovotrfatltuod munclo 1j wurkod further it la liable to clva out com- nletslr and permanoutly uoom sbjiui of muuclo woaknoiitt which uhouid bo looked fox la uil li cauea of lufantllo paralysis aro glvon by tliomm an followa 1 woaxucaa of tho bade muscliwi whuu tbo child in ulttiug a tua- doncy of the aplpo tb curvo uiu bock to bow ux a ulto alder fo droop bj often uotlccabbj e prop foot a tendency of thu uxa to drop ami to turn lu or out when ulttlnb or lyjui- 3 ikmdlni uf tho kuoo backward whuu utoiidlug 4 outward rotatlau of tbo tbhwhu whoxt lyliu dowu a touduncjr of tho too and tho knooa to taru uutwaxd g waakiicaa or of tho lu of lor play or u loug walk in a certain caso of raeoqfeirod lnfuuiilu parajyula alout tho ouly aign loft la a trtnd to dxai a toot and wear uut tho too of tho shoo noucoablu only otter ploy lxoroiao und paaaivo uxjuoq botii uf thu paruiyod uud tho w oak u uad muscles must bo vory carufuuy gtvuu if tlio muodi aro over usod thiy aro bormod luoru than lbay aro boipod tbo autboritloa uru arood that olodrlcit is of no aorvlce how to cxjjian l1axity a correupondout vrsutu to know tho best mothod of cleaning uoarti and oupvclully hospital- floors aa tho corrwpoudcut iudlcatus lu his inquiry tho uitswur duponda uu tbo uoor and lu uomo uiuaauro upon uomw other clrcuuiatuncus to bo noted nooouuy au uuvurulahod woodkm tloor should bo swept uu uftou as rouulrod uud wauhod with soap and waxur at louiir luturalu scrubblut roujihoua tho curacu and uplinluro tru woox esothuajly if stroni lyo uoupa aro uaod tepid water light uoup and a rut will clean well uuouuli for ordinary scrubbing whllu lyuuoap and a bruali at louu luturvaia will uut rouxbou tbo wood ouuugh to make it dicttciiilt to koop clean lutnam in her hook on sctaool sunltauou odvlsoa swooping with a hair broom covered with a plocu of cloth from an lugralu car pot this cloth should bo inulutuuod with a mixture of llunood oil turpoutiuo and a llttlo parainu shu tolls or a janitor who swupl satisfactorily with a hulr broom lu tho woodeu croos plooo of wliicb tbero was a uiuall rocoptoclo which held a spoonful uf korusono this drlppliuf on thu halru of thu brooui thu objtictiuu to bwotiplui uiutr duotlug a floor with wet sawdust is that ono nnjlntitru fliutt up in tlsi dual sawdust ovonly impregnated with oil lu wblcb uioru in a llttlo unpoutluo lu hnttoi a vartilatiod vruodou uuor uhouid tint bo ucrublad hormiby ot tho mtnluru hospital nays scrubbtuj kills varylub tepid water light soap suds uud a rut will iieun and mt attack tho uuifacu vacuum cluiiunru aro not satiijaclury fur barn hours iliitilouiu uho u id juit bo cleaned with a ttuilut clixb or with u hair broom mululonod wltlt oil thu cracks lu uuolouiu ehould lu tllud with a hard 111 lor uu oftu aa i uoceoaary comciil atone and tuojiali finorlyk should 1m i leaned with tepid wator auu luht souijiuu ffruumuuio toilmo they should bo ocrublnid- take care of your t one any repairs to telephones gte jnade necessary by careless handling 1 a telephone instrument has more than a hundred parts and is built like a watch rough usacc impairs its ciecicncy ijhclp us to conserve the supply of telephone material and skilled labor by alwayx hand ling your telephone carefully to avoid costly breakages and repairs the beu telephone co of canada at pattersons meat shop wo still have a few canned goods left beef is briniiif war prices but w uic lucky tinough to havo a mock of cuttle on hand which will cnublo us to cll ri moderate price wc uro belling at tlia tollwing prices itlh lloaiit of oholi hiivy tilrutu ll 25o hoi id tit itlb iloists t uholi ll lieaf il uhl itoi hhlli lu tb llolllliu liuuf llriskels ih la- of lrl loins of 1 u chop l ih 11 uj1 of 1ork 1 uhouldur imrk tilhud ih 11m of veal ih shoulder ltoul vwl 1 vua1 hlww 11 itolltml tihouhht 11 iluiu iluum r hide llaeon lu 311 1allu ihd l it iaits iiro 20o to 22o 2sa zoi lco 3sa a5o aso 30a 30o 3a 25c 20o 3ao 65o 4tia 10o j165 mondsjis tussdsy- nd thursdays a paj1erson main stiteet acton ont acton flour and feed store koueut nohle lujiitwl seeds seeds seeds wc liuvo u full supply of uud clovlh aisikii swliin cloviik timothy takes luciilini kaic seed a coriigmiicul of lcuuiunj seed corn for cndugc of clioicp quulny uluo ono cur murijui seed wheat jlist arrived il avkey jttanageb