Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 23, 1918, p. 5

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oo tli lu 1 i micrinctm iliad a pre is dlupakh from tho wluo grape ronton uf cull corn lu incld ntally thrown light ui another woato of fiodtitufla by tlio uquor in tcresta and aluo roveals tho fact that prohibition would nut work an kuril ohip on tho crupo growers tho an- a niacin thnt tho wlna ifrap men thlii yuar uro guingr to mako their crapen into uucnr instead or wlnp ono ton of grapes will produce wo pounds of sugar ttio crop is st- matod at 400 00q tons this will in crease tho uuj lir supply ico 000 000 pounilni ond it in said that tho raw material will coot two ond onehalf cents a pound wo rejoice thnt uio grapo toon havo turned from wlno to sugar waq slightly irhitatcd a darky employed on an office boy in kentucky came to work ono morn ing with n faco that looked as ir it tiad been run through a meat grinder jienrj demanded hla rjurpxlred employer what in tho world has hap pened to your well nuh boas explained llcnry i cot into n 11 ttio argument la night wit another nlgge ond one tblnj led to another twoll j up and hit at mm well nuh it seemed like dot lrrtt him ho took ajid blocked both of moh eyes ond hit ono of man ear mighty nigh ofr and split tnah lin ond knocked two of mah teeth loose ad den ho thowcd mo down ond stomped mo in do stomach honest boa- i never did git no alck of o nigger in man llfof vancouver province f iilhuuliuim tlio only the llvoytir old may t it stage driver vrlirn id tlo nwiuwi night tu l hla i ti in u hacks of prancing luhcfu arly purpoao into oxo cutlon hut ho lu to bo toncratulatod if hla ojithuolanm only rhunucu form ami ho carrii u into hlu future life- work tho joyful eaj nica that mado hla childish dreainu never ipt mi untliuuloufn dlu if you can help it you will ilnd nothing take its plate change its direction when you want add now fuel when you may fee p it ajlvo ut liny wcriflcc i or tho death or mi nthuiilasm in tho loos of a very prvcious part or our selves solid gold commercially spooking tho term solid eold is a misnomer since ouch sold hao not been used for many many years soino or the ancient roman jewellry and aomojaf that ofoio a period woo indeed made of pure void worked up hy hand with the crudest of tooja bat since- tho old day ttwghn bmi a uutiat tncreaalng employment of alloys for tho reason that jewollero found that the harder the gold was rendered by good alloys the greater lta wearing qualities and tho more secure therefore was tho setting of tho gems it contained now- adaytf jewelry to of 1 m or 10 carats according- to tho design and character of tho article and it is much mare frequently 10 than is carats children ory for fletchers o r irregularities of time it tu perhaps uii wol tliat wo do tajto tho nun iui our ifulde in uio matter pf tlmo for really it liaa no idea of punctuality only uu four days a year doea it como up to time arriving nt tho meridian exactly at 12 and bo aa mucii an olehtocn mlnutca late itrf oro mtronomero decided to tako no notice of its little colacs on it was necessary to watch tho uun every day to resutato your clock tho conse quence was that iho public clocks were hopelessly at variance and dclarnbro aoys he heard tho public clocks strike tho same hour ono after another for thirty minutes that had at least one advontao tho unpunctuaj man could always keep his appointments by f hrnirlnghia oioclt carefully london chronicle toronto puburbao cloctno railway gotn wot d 17 u id urtlly i xr iunday hilly xupt huniay hilly npl hymlny 1 1 0- a in sunday only 0 32 p in hunilay only ooinn est 7 41 ii in oally except sunday hilly xmp mutiday iially ninpt hunday munday only hunday only grjndsirunkisytt a sugjcation for your summer holiday tiil year algonquin park why r at to ndlfur to his nlro ii ttio boy op- ttr in an innocent dry iterrinca air tho brocer cuatotnera whn proached tho r havo you i if you phujio yttit my lad aiuiworml tho croca looklns benovclently down at tho youncster t well why don t you njlvei them a drlnut oald the nlco llttlo boy lip reading for deaf soldiers an arrangement haa been made with tho invalided soldiers commission by which deaf boldjers will be taught tp- readlmr at tho school for tho ieaf at belleville the number who oro per manently deaf from tho casualties w war does not appear to b very great the deafness in nearly all cases being only temporary tho first soldier j arrive under this arrangement is gun ner j k gallagher ho la now on hla third week and is making marked pro gress ho is delighted with tho bene fit bo is receiving- from tlua course two or three more soldlcro ore expect ed in tho near future the way it sounded to him two girls were talking over tho wire both were discussing wnatthey hould wear to tho party in tho midst cf this important conversation a masculine volco interrupted asking humbly for a number ono of tho girl became indignant and scornfully ask ed p what lino do you think you are on anyhow wou said the mart 1 ara not sure but judging from what i have heard i should oay i was on the clothesuno wise and otherw10e ono notiocablo feature about luck is ttt it generally favors those who do not depend on it jitter all while god provides the birds with food ho docs not throw it into their nests they have to do a little huatllrxe for themselves to err la human to bo forgiven is cuitiue ten year ogo john i uulhvna said that if no could go dry the united tittles could he lived long no ttgh to bam it proven that be was about right her only correction a young widow wont to select a monument fo- her eccntly docoscu husband after duo co numeration she picked out a stone and unlfied tho following inscrlntlon placed upon it my aiuir ia uoitu than i can i1uak the man who was to erect tho mon ument wa a llttlo tardy in doing it and the widow rcmaitiod before it was donu this fact worried him as ho feared that ho might liavo to cbangi tho wording of tlio inscription so ho called upon tho lady and told her that ho was now ready to do hlu work and after some hesitation naked her if sho wished to chingo tho wording of tlio inscription tn any way sho voitdy replied no just as 1 gave it only odd at tho end thu word alone if a thousand plana fall b not dis heartened aa long as your purposes are right you havo not failed when in doubt how to act oak your- salt what doca nobility demand 7 bo on good terms with youroelf children ory for fletchers castor i a how india helps a despatch from ielh sdya that in tho post few months india a keen interest in tho war lias been crowing remarkably all her strength has been brought in to assist the empire and tho alllcx slight inconveniences of war are being cheerfully counteracted by tho women of india who oro ever playing a more uucful port in all war work tho latest recruiting figures mako a remarkable showing ond tlio cnthuohutm of tho fighting clauses and tho generous flow of war contributions from indian princes and rajahs con tinue unabated tho latest gifts in- cludo tho offer of itoi cutch to con- tinuo until tho cod of tlio war an an nua payment of 1131000 far ex pen ues of an indian infantry regiment and gaekwor ibirodas gift of jl33 000 thay cloarwo whilo thay co vegotablo cinnpoumlii of which i leo a vi gutaltlo illa oro compoot d mainly dandelion and mandrake lear tho atomarh und in ten tin on of dohi trrioiiu matifr uwj rxnlorw iho dnruni etl onmifj to healthful action thty are the bejt remedy fo- indlgm tlon avuluhlo today a trial of them will establish tho truth of thlii tton and do mora tu onvi lug than anything tliat can ho written heao pills decline of an odd trade trudo in human hair which waj one of uio chief items in tlio export business of hong koiur oomotimougo has been fulling ont ao seriously of iate that it may dliapptar altogether tho buulneaa rcaciiod its highest point in 1914 when tho united b tat cm bought 1700 000 worth of nalr in i jong kote in addition to ihlfc exports of almost equal vuluo wunt to luropo at thtt time tho proparouon af tho hair in its various utagcu was among tho leading ilong kong industries a number of facto rim were flourishing und a email army of hair workrru and brokers wiro making tbolr living at il tho iitylo of halrdreaslng in tho united stiitea and buropo changed gradually and tin re was a marked fall int off in the demand for tho com modity an do a j cation midn ery excellent land inn pot for your wild and do iota i aervico summer v igmful cn at tho hiari pull info trunk tick diutrtct iao nation fron i ai lit or no r aii nt any grand 1- horning toronto it a holmes ajcnt acton ont phom 13 concerning fresh shaves i always feel more ua lis fled with life after getting a nlco fresh shave observed ilromldluj vane bo do i acidly answered joshta lott tho ungentlo cynic in fact whenever i got a ohavj i insist oil uct tinx u rrcjh one nothing lrritateti mo more than to havo on old ohclfworn ahavo palmed off o mo this would be a gladder world if stale second hand shaves and expressions could be bhnlabcd together make it your business if some one haa left down the bars leading into tho oornfleia mako it your business to put bem up again if the itttlpicroo n rug lg kicked up tako it for granted that it is your business to smooth it out as you go through the room moke it your business to keep things about you in the best shape possible to torect other peoples mistakes to right wrongs even if you are not responsible for them the long hard school term drains the vitality olgrowing children and you wonder why they are lilw puny and pale every scbopl child will snow marked improvement in health and growth if given mot5fmllisi0l its rich uniform cod liver oil gets into their blood and gives them vim snap and zest it creates strength to resist school sicknesses overcome p inched faces sallow complexions and dull eyes j high authorities have established again and gain th cod hver oil promotes growth and energizes the body a brain ocstl a bows ttaoata oat- 1711 a dig surprise art tutu tiover look alike any nuro thun groton or doctors do novcrlhe less many persons am uurpriaed u an artist who la not email anaomlc dr- il ea to of feature surh a person lately viaitem the itudlo of a certain artist in ono of our bl cities tho man in question vvearii a bii red beard and utandu uix foot und ufmu inches high hui shoulders are broad and his musclo hard from continued cxtrcisol a woman entered hla studio and askod for tlio artist that a him utandlng ovir there tlio attendant said ho woman looked over to whom tlio artist stood towering llko an an ejent viking and gaapod why alio whiaperod in surprioc ho big enough to work bin t hot may be overcome by lydin e pinrthntns vegetable compound this letter proves it drrrinffth children cry for fletchers casxoria the thing that endures therm is just ono thing that lasts in th world of changes and that la character wealth bj an likely to vun- loh that there has como to bo a pro verb to tlio effect that rich have wjnga health is uncertain tho dearest friends pass out of our lives antj leavo us lonely only character hurts boo thai you do not spend all your efforts on tho hints which urt fleeting and ncglet t hut which ou durea convincing pnoof is it tmo that woraon utk a hum of humor r certainly not why oro you so wiultivor i eacortod a youiu nullum of my actjusintanco to uoo a motion plcturo comedy tho othor day i rest and when tho fat rotnodtan ual down in a tub of water i a he laughed as hoarfliy as i did ilirmlngiiam ago hurald a great president ivoalticnt uncoln do you know where chose bi an cxilud man uuk- cd mr xancoln aa ho ruahed into iho 1 residential olllco yen roplled air lincoln uu you know tliat liu la gulug tu tho republican convention in ohlot yea don t you know that ho wanla t bo itusidunt and tliat you ought u leep hint ut hoiuu oh dun t worry about chaoe he has just aa good a rbit to bo ilal dent as any other man in alnerira if tho poopla want cliaou to bo 1rml dent then i want him to bo ittaldont weat philadelphia pa thirty years i havo been married i been in bad health and bad several at tacks of nervous prostration until it seemed aa it tho organs in my whole body wore worn out i was finally persuaded to try lydiatl pinlthama vegetable com pound and it rnado a jvcll woman of me i can now do all my hoasowork and adviso all ailtnfr women to try lydia e pinkhamsvere table coa- pound and i will otuuantoo they will derlvo creat benoiit from it airs rttanbt frttzgeitald 5 n dflt fitcbot west philadelphia fa there aro tbouitandaof women averr- whro in afrs ritzroralda condjtlon biiirrjn rom ncrvorisness hnvh inadacbca and other symptoms of functional ileranemonl it was a fratoful uplnt forboalth restored which hd her to writo tills letter so that other women rnaybcncgtfromhcr experience and find health as ahe haa dona tor cuikistions f n rcrard to your coo ditionwntoljdlall pinkham modldna ak lyon mafl tho result of their 40 years cxperienco ia at your rscrvlca get the gemute nola avosa dsappomtment refuse imitations only genuine columbia grafonolas and records bear tias trade mark look for it before you buy- spring term from april nd merges into the bummer term on july 2 in hhawo buslntaj fxrhooli toronto no va cations intcr any day rrco cat alogue w h shaw pro liyery and bvs ling having purcbaicd iho livery and kowlwiir of uio business from mr a mccnan i solicit wllh confidenco iho iifltronairo of tho public comfortable rijrs ctippllcd at reasonable rates bpecial arbmuod to t upplyin convoyoncki for weddings and funerala motor carjfuruijucdwhcn ro- nulred noa tatsurra ah xnaiwj acton t e atkinson for sale dv c c speigm acf0n mwdungmt in the course of one nifljit niore than looxxx woj the otfice of alnojl every firuclaw newspaper ubo millers worm 1owdoru and tho battla against woruw is won thcoo kjwilrrn corroct tho morbid mpdltlons of tlio stomach whicli no uriah worms and thouo doatructlvo parasites can u it oxlst oxtur they coirui lu contact with tlio medicine tho warms uro dlgcstod by tho povrdeiu and nru upoollly uvax- uated with ther rvfuaa from hu how ola bouiiduibs is liniurtod tu thi urj alia and thu hcajth of tho i hlkl utoadlty laipruvva a force of commodity advertising is dynamic force effec tively directed and applied its potent en ergy produces stimujation of sales is a commodity the grain out yoi knockcns oh well her uomplcxjon is tho ral ihlag at any rate l don t tor her umllo la artlil olax- thats not so bad kurthfrnioro alio k loots j1 woman friends effualvi y that m a ur algn of a deceitful naiurs oood natura and good forfune can not be kept apurt tho man who fights tho devil with fir will havo m warm time 1u stars opvoal loadiui cail nw york w or 12 naw turk tlua n turk trlbuoa nw tork laraul cwwmi uaputstua uatlawa newspaper much of the matter thus received u frae- meutory some of it u irrclevont and uicxo of neccsiity coaiidejcijc ovejiappiau it u in like siramtina of thu panoramic picture of the days event a- neaopapef u made or planed each lawful mottling tiie oem of the woild ia presented to mail and empire rcadcu in a manner appealtiuj to tlie eye and to the icnies the detached matter u carcfuuy pieced together the atiilunu cventi eivcn their proper proraineace tho verluaije cut out irrelevant items ducarded it u thia careful and experienced cdiims of a cable and pews service without a peer in aroenca coupled with ortutic picmuitation accurmcycolprfhlslvenss minus sensation alism that mako the mail and lmpiio tlie acknowiedted leaduur newspaper of canada 100 per annum by mail 5suw delivered order through dealer ioal iapcr or uirccc rtiixximifr ibmpixv clrcuiauon rw pannwii toronto to marry qrandua in othor day mr illgbuy took hla nig ikiii ujrud six for a walk rim lututcr- was evidently thlukliu liard for ho wuu oilutit which was unuuuid luddy ho aaltt looklna up ul dcnly i think i want to got married t0 you my son and who to may i askt unawiroj tho proud puixnl looking at hlui i want to uuirry granny ix yuu injrmjdr aahl tho futlu r with a twinkle and do you think i would lot yu mm ry my iiiothm ht- well why tihouldn t i rulurto1 tho tendar ul1 ian you martiod luliii dldn t you 7 vvrvtcltsd from aathm iiiuiulll of ixhly utd vigor of mind ui liwvltuhly liniulrthl by thv vlultulluiui of uutlniia who an llv undr tlu log 1 of i currliii atakn ainl kn i ix ly un 1 mind ut thili full ullh y ir j i kullugg asthiiiw uurtmily illunliuttttt i hao a hand in that printed paper same as copper wire the commodity is of for the forceas copper wire is a caxrier of eleetical force is a turner of use as faflttt lathirdral i his nallvu li ul tliat hlu wur k w of tlol u mcra uluiiu i ia i riu un lttm- who doalgiifd t li spuu uj bulldlui never beardi if iliu tho at flat who iiabutcil thu trtoc hs n its xv a is would havn luianed by til i artisan lu hit worknuin iloui ithuut i felon- yrt ijo was rlgh iii tuuikiimf of him uelf os their u 11 jw work r u ul bold lug up his head vlth tho best of thiiu the roinmodity itstlf tin- printed papercan no more inaki a sale than an uncharged wire can make a lifht in an electric lamp it ib die power of lie bkaln-kn- lirgy the print onvyb dial produces rchidts j v you can buy copper wire and paper by thesheet or the folder or die catalogue but you cajvnot buy brain en ergy by the found or yard or bushelits power ami value can be measured only by resultseflicient vdvertibiiir tiie free press isprepakkd to sll you effi- jewt advertising spice itry it chopp x and u quickly at only n ii well done 5 cents per bag u s x harris co limited eockwood ont j u when vou need boots sh03ss at any time buv uton w williams acton untahio iamoi idk satisfactory footwear uiav1naiu 1 ilul jicf mmmmm i promptly securedl uaiitnfj i tuiuoii 3c unlvcmltjr au mun1u1-

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