qhjr artoit uptt ijtrsf tlltju 1uav jini7 13 1918 womcn o votes mnry lad a lltlln voto rim roaini 1 tlio ntato about uiu lvoryisltro tbaf voto not in jobn llarloycortf tfol out i mnry iuid 3 oumo vuln weill iwm 1 without a doubt itor talirn klunm jimo nilllrin in john ilarlcycnm rolled out a w c t tj hlnoor a golpicito chanccq tho mlllimiy honiilln co mm bin ion at 4uutx- j i nn urpt an account of liaw canadian irony fard in tho war and had comidlod uomo intcrcallnff stalls lid bannd ujxjti lta invoouiiationa aocjrcajhik canadian mothers ami taihern tho comralrolon naya if your boy tcuca to tua trout e liaa 29 clionceo of coraliiir homo to ona cluuicrt of boln killod j3o iuia afi riianrcji of rccavcrlnic from a wouild to no chaucca of dyintf ho lion only on ciionco in coo of loo riff a limb jio wllf llva hvo yearn loncpr bo cauoo of ihyalcal train lug ho la frcrr from dlaoaao in tho or than in civil ufa ho haa batur roodlcal can at tho front than at homo iii otltcr wars from 10 to 10 man died from dlacano to una from bullold la this war a no roan dies from din anao to ovary ten from bullets this war la proportionately lean wantcxul of ufa than nny other in history only 10 per cent of all canadians disabled for further aervlco havo booi physically unahla to aeaco la t former occupations if your bay la cno of tho tan par cent tho eovcramont wllj ro educate him in another vocation at whih ht can earn a living this doesnt mean that war is m dan- brfroo occupation and tlmt u in tilt trenches la aa comfortablo us lh th easy chair hero at homo but k does not malco it appear leas foarsomo than it boo boon pointed over here upoclolly by nroqcrmah eocxaufta disloyal paclcata and qonaflubam tmitara in canada why 8he chose hjm eho wao comely and a widow and moreover oho won scotch hho mourn ed mrtpth her lata hup hand for alahtecn months then frqjn a crowd of suitors choea honest camel moc- intyre for her bocqp4 tjb no ffuid cnouffh for ye deaxl be whispered what for did ye just choose me oot o a monyt ah woe yo your names mac intyre tea but bcan the bowlldered suitor an ye ken flntphed the widow al my linen a marked micj t a why donnlr uwcxa worm powders are a plea sant modlcino for wonaofeated chil dren and thoy will take it without ob jection when directions aro followed it will not injure the moot deljcjuo child as there la no thins of an injuri ous nature in lta corapcmtlon they will bpcedlly rid a hld of wanna restore the health of the lit up auflorars whoeo vitality has bocoma impaired by tho attacks of thrae intnmaj pest a low opinion clauqmatca mm 1 rwln wu ul willi n una tho in w w 11 h tnal i tho roi i u i bin t 1 1 mr 1 rwln la ny t on a room 11 in uu yat h ima ii fu lit ul with a iiymimtl oil ul ili rulaiullnu my hrtidilfxr ban tin rt t x f iii th u kit wlmt yuxrr arhl h ln i tt no yoar ii ban luitlh iiiun h t ojid tho y u ax nl ility lay a in yull l live r is a doo n for- 0o oil ou tho a very i nitth a ji ujid jjilly do- win the in t liquid i of bilo uid tho acrid into tho tilomarh and u u mujt tliiitrcttaliik ail- moht and nutiiy aro lironn to lt in uiln oonoltltm u uuui ilnda tho tcat remedy in iurrauliju vci otahlo lllls which nro warr uit d to tidily cor rect thedlmirdi r 1 litro is no better modldnu in tho ntlru lint of pill pro- parauonn iron rations perhaps old iady vi hor io yok r many ofcew out in ivunci my manf wounded tommy 1 don t know about eki aln tut wo et plenty of bhollu c astq r for infanta and c on use forover30 years always beora the ojpaiuro ot cyr daylight gaining a correiipondi nt who uaya that ho mofts many imuj1o who fall to oco tho truo punoijo and cftcrt of dayllcht navlrur nucbcntu that it bo called not dayllcht iiavinif but dnyllcbt galnlnc that better dcribca it wo have not been ircttlni tho daylisbt that was comlni to uu it was thcro all tho time but wo wore not making use of 1l owlnc to tho fact that tho day and tho dayllcht wi r vory crookedly ad- juntcil ihootio to tho other tho wak- nff man in ilnu to trade off an hour of dark to tlio uli iln0 man for an hour of day hcli l and it is a cood trade for both of itiun tho corrcapoodent a nueceution in a lood one in anotiiar way for pouplu ura rcudior to listen if you talk to thiiu of tain than if you dticsv3t imvlns it uj odd tho words of tho poot tho bjt of all woyti the real german opinion of ilusain i to lengthen your days diplomacy if we could only fet at it would nn to us the atory of ilsy- atacka home han haystack caxne up with col cornstalk in front of tho postofllco one day and ho stopped his turnout and said to hnlnt lookln for a cood hass cal b yot t dupno whyr eay cal thhf hero maroa foe aalo says hen you know me cal im always rea4y tor a boss trade do yo wont the mare or dont ye she a a penalty tako hor or icavo hw cj stadlod tho nauro a momenl then he sold 1 certainty- wo a id talro her hen only x aint cot nothln smaller than m dollar on mo opd x hatct trj built it edmonton lialjeun- chiiaxeix qry for fltercfrs castoria oozjntas rxcachor do you go to school eaale dear 7 elsie tea and i like my teacher what do you learn there dearr readliur writing- and soxlntoo x3oxlntni what ore they doat you koowt why three fox- inta tirelvo four tlmeo no goznta fif teen throe timea llkg thattho christian herald j is co utcai a few houni from nlshl nay toronto btar coulont help it a man travelling on a throuch ex press loft hlu cliujr in tho crowded dlnlrui car juit aftrr ho liad ordeisd bla luncheon ho wont to cot noma thing lie had forgot tun in uo iull- whon ho rctumotl in aplto of the fact tliat ho bad left tx magazine on the choir in tho diner bo found a handuumaly drouued woman in his place iiu protiitcu with all tho po- mtaimuui bo oould inuaur but the woman turned on him with hashing eyeo slr nho remarked haughtily do you know that i urn ono of tho dlroo lars wlveiit my dear tnadum h rospondod if you were tlio dlroctofu only wife i should utlll aulc for my chnir useful in csmp llxplotcra aurvoy- oro jironpoctora and hunters will und dr tboinau lcloctrle ou very useful in camp when tho feet anil legs ore wqt pit cold it 1 well to rub them freely with tho oil and tho rcjult will tho prevention of pains in tho tnuflclcu and iiliouija cut or contusion or sprain bo puatnlnrd nothing could bo better do a drcaalng or lotloo corns causa mucji sacjdririjr but houowaya com curo ottcra a rdccdy aurfl ami satisfactory relief in training to do yolib deot it la always ncoopflory to do ones beat aa for u the lmiiifidlaxaduly la concerned half hearted effort may be enough to tiring about results we may work without enthusiasm with out intercut with wandering thoughts and yet glvo oatlsfacuon but the time oamea when this wll not answer there are emergencies which exact all our power of ooncon- trvuuon we must bo enthusiastic jive engrossed la our work or w shall fall and this power of putting ones wholo self into the task at hand la not born in a moment in onrmor to some special need it js tho result of pcrblatcnt hahll do your beat every day not nooca aarlly because lodaya taak require it some tomorrow wtfl bring a araoter reaponslblllty and it you are xiusj to llit wlillm 30causyou have long been in training to do your bel dutiful to thc last daughter did you l1vo bock that young man ovurythlng ho gavo you aa i told you yea pa i did exactly as you lout mn mrnn his khweu the lialtinwra american well enough wull enoulli la tho daathknell of many a you tlio auiitrutionu fur when bo replaces hui ambition for tho best by aiming to do thlius wull unough to paaa ho jituiu making progress the important thlnt u not to eatuify tho ono you are working for but to satisfy youruulf by divuloplng your powura an i by ooutlnually exacting uielr utmost anothe boy 0qt it a hungry travaller put hla head out of a car- window on hla train pulled up at a rotation and sold to a hoy here boy take thl dlran and got me a sandwich will yout and by the way hcroa suiottwr dime ut a sandwich for youmclf too the boy stoned away and returned munchlni a sandwich jiutt aa tho truln was starting oit ho rau 1q tho lrv- allar bandixl him a dime an i said here n your dlnin buck bomt they only had ona uandwlcl icrt wash ington htar an coiole currency at cohhuut u rural ntatlon in eunt rsi vlrslnlo air liell u tho utore kseper one day a small ucro uuno into his auiro with a btiulo ret he want up to air licit and dhuluyod tb newlaid vgg sir ltell wuniaicr say please air give her a iierdlo for dla ck tou luii net two nuudlis r ji an egg aiutwcrotl mr uell t no sir munuiiir dun want two heedles elm say please tdr jtlva mn de c in liiociho canadloiia are considered a slow people by wiuw uolh bo r but it would take a man a long while to read the record of their duodo in the lust qfty yaara hbw mrs boyd avoided an operation pffi tn ohio i buffered tram a la trouble which cauaet me mads afferini and two doc tor a daclaea that i would hava to go through an operation before 1 could tfot well my mother who had been helped by iydukpidklama vetablo com pound advised roa to try it beiro aub- id i tunjr ts aa opera tion itreuevedms j from my troualea can do my house work wltaeut any difficulty i advise any woman wa la aolctotf with female troublo ta glfa lydia e rlnkhama veeetahu cwra- pouiul a trial and it will da aa much far themtjrs majuu botd j til 4th hl n e canton ouo sometiasoa thcra are arises casttu- uana whore a juapltl ayaalswia taa oaly alternative hut oa uiathor hand so many women have bees rarad by tala faiaeurj root and herb remedy lydl u riolhama vrffotablo qoaaaounu after dctra liars sue that an ouralis was eceasary every wuaiaa wh waata t avoid an operation ahoaid fit it a fair trial befora suhniiuiaj- t auch a tnliifj unual if coinlkauna oxlot write to lydia ii 1lnkham medicine a lyns uass for rhvlcu ilie rcault of tnaajryef mxfiiimmem la at your aarvka dnief items vancouver nhtpbulldi work yeiitrrday tho wagco to be rotroictlvn frtji 1 trinlly churrh kltrl tlio incdlhifc ilocn of tho 1 html i ton mntliodlnt t onforinro next yrir capl i41aa canny fur mam than fifty yearn a contain on the lruat ijikrjj died nt colxiurff aiml 9i mir john at boon junt 1 uu from trance highly pnaluen tho work of the fanadbin lied cross and that of tho v m c a during the hint two w in may mltllary district no 10 with bimd quartern at winnipeg i roilui id ru cnillo at the rate at ho u day according to ardent from liuadjuart rri at ottawa mllltla cjlllc ru who uro liable u service in claim 1 will bo forced u join the eoloni a ituinuui namd martyuk i il option foreman nt klnogama ont won knocked unconnolous by boliic otmrk by a bottlo wiiloh h wna thrpwo dollbejolely from a paua inic troop train jtho mow york tiroes ha i lecn n warded tho iullucr jloo gol medal lor tlio din in tr res tod and mw torloun publlo servlcn rendered by pul llnhlnj 0 many ofuclal rcportj and docummita rclatlnff to tlio war xleul cot i- iiell i m h ottawa nayn that th uumntlan kunlturlum will lo enlarged and a huirim luiumi ivlll be established in montreal t r tho tare of aoldlra who full 111 lurlnc vocational train inrr children cry for ftetchers oa s to ria netting is an argument that la con vlncing only when one hapimnn to win a pleasant medicine for chlldron in mother oravca worm uxterrnliint or al d thcro is nothing liottcr for driving worms from tho system hard luck liad luck that for poor ol 1 illll aaid jinks tho chauffeur n gt tndd for taking out his cmployiro car without permission hut how did the boja know ho took it illll ran otcz him now york a grippe epidemic every winter health boanb worn against this weakening disease which often strikes hose who ore least prepared to resist it you should strengthen yourseli against gnrie by tsking which is tho cream of cod ever ofl refined purified and so akilfuliy prepared that it enriches the- blood strea creates reserve strenglh and fortifies the lungs and throat dont delay it may mean much use scotts refuse substitutes oave qattolinr ihforo every autnmobllo ownir tunca up libi mr for tho flrnt lonir tour with lili family it would bo well at this tlmn for hi tn to reflect that ovrry kulloii of kniiollno ha usea will moan that a gallon of fcosullrio cannot i e utiil for a motor truck hauling pro- vb lono and inuplllans to tho front tor tin otchtiiuc mm in 1 ranee it may ooiind trivial to soy this but wliuii ona pauses to reflect tliat thcrn orn more thai 3 opoooo pleasure curs in uao in america and that ei b tun burn frtiiij thrco to olx sallona of tho iiraclonii fluid ovory day that en outlt t la taken in tho car ono nvodlly uu oi that fiuch an outing mwm tl ut tho ulrvoily arant oiipply has bran niiulo uhurtur by savcral milllana of iullonu wltli tho ouoply docrroacd and tho cloveriunont in the market un a hiuvy buyer to supply the thou- ii imlu of motor trucks it is ohlpplna to irani it for tlio army tho price will lino and tho lovemmnnt will bo ut a lriiitjr xieiiu to conduct its rnllltury utlonu ovary one familiar with tho ultuatlon knows aaid an army racoutly gasouna is one of tba bit fuc torn in tho great strucicle it i ropnlu nuhmarlnca flylns machln and motor trucks and ambulancrn tho unltml tjtatoa is tlio great pro dun r of thin by product of petroleum und uli wo can produce is neodod ti hautan a victorious conctuoloa of tin the owners of pleasure cars cai nftif t u trrjit navliijr in easolluc if lliuy earn to do uo in the seasons o inirn an 1 ileasuro tours uhort trips un 1 ml loo many of them will result in a hia saving of gasoline without robbing tho car ownora of their ploaa children cry for fletchers gswnvrekn saskssasassssisee yopeed alcimivq to correct constipation all organs of digestion and elimination should bo helped try nr and see how much better you feel fully explain co a tramp knockod at a farmers door and called for something to eat aw you a chrutiant asked the iood hiartsl countryman cant you tolir answered tho man ixxili at tho holetf worn in tho knoea of xay juiiitu what do they prove rho farmer a wlfo promptly broueht out tlio food and tho tramp turned to no weill well ci what made thoso your pants itack alldlng replied tho tramp ho hurried on christian herald tflttoday keps the doctor atvay to na and be healthy your body nftechanlam most property- digest your food extract all the noorlahment rroi the pr of dvrestlon nna and elimination the work of the stomach lirac klrtnejra and bowels the fjuhirwaf atrycf the vital or- frttnatodolta work properly offecta thk qrfloal at 311 the others a farced bowel movement does not ko tf ycnloro jiaecl to taklng aocaild jaxstjve pills oll purge swth nxa rtkiraowrahtywell ymrr ftot to bataklng them all the thw lloreoerlr ou sticit to any one laxative youve got to be tncreas- tng tha doeinall the time that con do you alot of harm gup dosing yourself with such things lost long enough to give natures rm- dy nil tablets a trial and let tho results show the difference nit tab lets are not mere bowel movers their purpose is to correct tha condition that indu constipation and glvo you real e j hassabd tcnutno lasting benefit to troptovd7ttt2 dlgnation and assimilation rtvn you a rood hearty appetite regulate your liver and bowrla tono up kidney ac tion and rivo your poison clocked body a good cloanlni out nature s rnmeuy nrttabuta la no harsh it la mllil cany pleasant in ac tion no criplnjf or pain over follows its use but it la uioruucti and auro uy its nctlon on via dlireatlvo prrana it i romolen aaalmllauon wtdch mcano extraction of full nourlshmi nt from your food and thereby elves you new wotrencth energy better blood f better appotito liy totilng not encourasin i kidney action kit drives poisonous impurities out of and cleans up your body try natures remedy lit talooto and jaot oco how much better you foej in evrry way oot a ijo ixa today and tavq ono each nlfrht for u week ou 11 nay you v ri ft botter in your ufa nit la uold cuaruntocd and rcconuaondod by your rurclot acton ont children ory for fletcueiis c nothing aa good for asthma asth ma remedies come and go but every year the saiea of the original jr j d lie hogg asthma itemed y grow g and greater no further evidence could bo asked of its remarkable merit it rullevca it is alwoyatof tho same unvarying quality which the sufferer from astlima learns to know do not puffer onother nftark bu got thla uplendld remedy today hadit and character thcro aro fow young people who do rot purpojo to do something for the world uoonor or later unfortunately with moot of them it is later rather than uoonor many a young man plana to muko uomo largo donation to char ity when ho lion mado bis fortune but meanwhile ho has not a quarter to upuro far nny one many a gtrl plans a career of philanthropic effort but uli wanta u good tlmo flrnt and com plains if she hi colled on to amuse her fretful baby brother such young people underestimate tho force of habit 17or when aelosh ncan uui flowed liko a resistless stream through tho life a certain number of only by a mlraclo can tho current change and move in tho other dlrec lion tho man who in his youth planned to build a hospital turns out a truiiplni money maker underpaying hlj men and noting in his wealth only tho moauu of ml n lute ring to his own grail rilatlon tho girl who saw her- uijf in fancy a second 1 lore nee night intiuh after oho had her nil of plea- uuru ltlcpu on in tho old routine otter pleasure ceases to plejuje very early in hfo you can pick out those who ere to bo the ben exactors of their race for tho habits of youth iih the char acter of middle life a force of commodity advertising is dynamic force effec tively directed and applied its potent en ergy produces stimulation of sales printed paper is a commoditythe same as copper wire the commodity is of use as a carrier for the forceas copper wire is of use ab a carrier of electical force the commodity itselfthe printed paper can no more make a sale than an uncharged wire can make a lighti in an electric lamp it is the power of the brain-en- ergy the print conveys tliat produces results you can buy copper wire and paper by the sheet or the lolder or the catalogue but you cannot buy brain en ergy by the pound or yard or bushel its power and value van be measured only hy results efficient advertising the free press is prepared to sell you effi cient advertising space try it g t z st castoria tho kind you havo alwnya boacht and which hoflbeen in uco for over thirty yearn hnu borao tho olgnaturo of and linn been rpfnlw tmder hifl pcr- nonal cupervlaloa elnco lta iafnucy allow no ono to decehro you in thla all countcrfclto imltatlona and jtmtrodgood aro but experimento that trine wltli and endanger tho health of infanta and children experience ojraiact experiment what os castoffra cofitorla la a harmlccs cubatituto tat castor oh paregoric drojia and soothlap syrupc it lo feasant it contahia neither opium morphias nor other narcotlo flubctanco lta ago lo lta guarantee for more than thirty yearn it hao been in conctant uco for tho relief of coruitjpaifan flatnlcncy wind colic and diarrhoea allaying feverlmhness arising therefrom and by regulating the stomach and eoweln aido tho amtlmllatlon of food giving healthy hd nn aleco- tko childrene panacea tho mothers friend- railway time tables at acton gra nd t runu hbib gonu wctt no 33 no 01 no jl no 1hb no j7 c it p i i m arim ant a i use for over sjkyears the kind you have always bought toronto ouburbsn clattrtu tatlway ooina wt 0 17 a rn dolly u l unday 3 31 in daily x l sunday hob p in daily ci pi hutiday ii 02 a m lui lay only 32 p m i ui iny only qolna cast 7iboin dally l ondsy 02 pip daily ein t luulay 0 1h ji in dally exrepl lunday dcs a m huriduy ln c 4s p m tiunday only acton flour and feed store kobekt noble iimiif seeds seeds sseds wc havo a iull supply of red clover aisike sweet clover timothy tares lucerne rape seed a consignment of learning seed corn for cnjiec or choice quuliry also ono cur murquis socd wheal just nrrived hawejv manageb mefliailblle domiaieil 0m ilegaill naestioinis wltlhoniit cost fsna expirc4 lame tixnc bo now i wih o ctfl the property mail i lure tlie maxtgoge renewed before i can tspko a tale ox can i leave it to the pnr- cbtyer to malte what- yf y nyt n can vriih tlm ciorl- knotty lsfi tnt mch aa ihu arc hnswerccl free of chargo tn xcsal opinioni and axlvicc wlucli appcais every solnxday ia it ii safe to say that many hundreds of dollars hare been tavcl to car teadeu in uw costs by tlie lound and umely advice of edward meek kc by wham tlie dcaitmcnt ii conducted the fact that mr meek u a lawyer ol loos experience standing ugh la ma profession unquestionably assures that ad questions suh- rr to his judgment will he ineiprcbrd in strictest srcnniticfl msufhe law fr4 jy pex unnn by tlnlj oxttcz uiroul tlinlti the mail and jlas1 lltl a00 dctlvcxckl mal lialx or jixxxrt- lixulaiuu 1coc tukttsx ice cream icecream wo havo nur i urinr ojicn every day now and wo intend to eire aa tol norvico a i itouilblo lea croam bulk 30c a pint loo croam oricu 30c aach candies candies riqht prices toothqome varietie3 ocgt qualitieo haroldwilei mill btreet acton the constant call tor well train d ulcnorraphera and ofuco nsslntantu prompts uu to con tinue our work tbrouch tlio summer montba i ntxr any time hhawo business hcliools toronto rco catalogue w h shaw pre hcton atid bjs line having purcha- the livery and goodwill of tho buiutsa from mr a llccaun i tohcit with confidence tho patronage of tho public comfortable nga sujtplieil at reasonable ratci special artintiol to upplyinjr couweyoncea for wcddldfi ond funerals motor can furnljjcd when ro quired jb ufl bucax all tilainh l i atkinson acton grain jj chopping onl u q weil done and d j quickly at only 5 cents hi per bag 0 x i harris co limited j hociwood ont x 0 xs ll get the genuine grafonola avoid disappotntment refuse imjtalions only genuine columbia graionolai and records bear this trade mark look for it before you buy- kk 5alt lv c c speight actcm ont i wlien you need shoes at any time buy iliom w williams acton ontario iamdu 1 or satisfactory footwear ulaonaui u lklcl ieilts i promptly securec in oil oo4atnull tor our invuctulijg fviniiu wtuth ui b- nt free bcajuiun hahion an tliilvijulty vyt uonuoial t j