Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 4, 1918, p. 4

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ghf e artmt ttt jr0 i liinilldal juiy arrcn the main r ii t holds hint nkyl ray dr nrhcl i mily jrhunin iltllff iliilono how blun hi fly null uml rul of vital r utliitiir fr in the very r 1 in 01 ujj i ha fruitful luilk from tlio liand what the pncoq ncccivcd fort advcrtticlnq thi victory loan thi with tl tory ia lul ihfl lynu fin niltti i t aundlaii uy low thoughts that twenty years aqo ths issus of ths frm prm of thursday july 7th 1053 ma htroet in b- m lums hill l lnjr itravnllod this week hutidays swcltorlnir weather reduced the attonduuoo ut the churcha the nnrcury dropped over thirty decretn ixlwrcn hunday at noon and monday nlxht tho ntrawtxrry crop is exhausted it wan tho heaviest for years a uheellnje party in chante of uusea lsonn holmes and ada jtynds mode a very oujoyablo trip to georgetown on tuesday ovcnlnc mr n lorbs lion tho contract for tho now stono drlvlnc shods at knox churcii durtnc tl a hall storm hint thursday afternoon mr allan smith nicked up a hall ston on tho farm of messrs j and a mcdonald fourth lino which rmasurcd four inches in clrcutifntnce contractor dynes la movine ths en clnoorn houo ot tho 0 t tl wtit end switches to tho now alto ua young htroet for mr samuel lalrrt they require to croun tho tracks txylnx the- 2 5 train wan delayed 42 minute yesterday owing to a broken till a pleasant social catherine of the concrcration of hl alluui a church took place on 111 day ovonhis nl tho residence of mr wra hmlh during the evening a purue of moio wm presented to lllu btonn tho ortranlat tho croj report for ontario la unan imous in tho opinion that in all cassea of grains roots and fruits tho yield will far exceed that of other years tha prospects are that tiarveaumr w 11 commenco ten or fifteen days earlier than usual tho past week lias been tho piwt eventful slnco thq commencement of tho war with spain on friday gen eral bhuftcr moved on bant lag o and though considerable advance wa made jt wai with terrible loss of life on uundiiy morning admiral sampson wiped out tho spanish fleet at santi axo every vessel was destroyed tho new ivoe library was opened on monday evening cltuens were present in largo numbers and express- ed their admiration and satisfaction at tho attractive surroundings miss ettio laird tho librarian was kept busy registering the applications for membership the first books were issued on wednesday evening born lolnnldy in acton on july to mr and mrs john kennedy a daughter married jennehmooiu1 in acton on june 30 by jlev j a mclachuui m a assisted by itov j j iteddltt of hnunr ion mr charles e jenner of johnstown n y to nellie second daughter of thos t moore acton died daueilln acton on itlday july 1 trlbutli of up llilty fur tho vu iutui1 llnirea paid h in audited slate tho animal me t- lr ii anikkiatlon ronlo on juno 13 and 14 louut piild by tho lov- advrrlislnir nparo wan hh h was distributed in whpuperu mid other approxlniat ly jt 005 hit jimpuratlon and din i licit n lllu atlom rurlounu 4 n whlrh wtro inserted in thuprtiiu without i liurcn tho sotting of typo ami muklnj of duplicate plnteit of thu ud vert in inirtitu for tho various public atlons uni il and tho firs paid to the tlvii co operating ndvcrtinlrur tigeii clcu for their ucrvlecs out in thu iflhborhood r 37 oou mukltir tho total xixndltlro j30b1cood aj thn total toit of flouting thu loan was approximately j 00 000 tho gov eminent ii txpndlturo on press publi city re pre i less than flvo per cei t f tho total xpendlturo it is iiiturciit lr it to nolo also that tho press publicity rjllly one twentieth of una per cent of tho total umoutit subocrlted v tho proas publicity for tho loan wau mndlod by cunudiali press aasocla uon in und tho ofllecra of the asso ciation and its individual members operated splendidly in making tho campaign a oucccan during three mtntlis last fall most of tho limo of tho itraldent mr j ii wooin cal gary herald and the office staff was devoted to tha press publicity campaign and for several wecka tho committee of publishers in c hare j were in almost continuous acsslon tho individual members on the otlior hand contributed without cliorgo space in tholr newspapcru and other publications which if calculated at their regular commercial rates would run up to more than tho total amount paid for tho advertising space neither canadian press association inc as uuch nor any of its o ulcers or committees rctolvcd any remuneration for tholr uervlceu in connection with tho loan tlmui u rvlcca being given voluntarily and in tho spirit of nation al patriotism greatly fniqhtened fri i vmiiu lady i wimbled n unfurlnlilo m ltly jour rfindun hid iitun hh opl then swoot and palatable motlicr graves worm lxtermlnator is acceptable to clilldren und it docs its work surely and promptly just f i tho train wan iad only tliun to juinji iiiipartinnit whrro she a ii tit ni t until thu tffn lid i hi notlri that hi hud u iilngle fellow piumfukcr t nun youiif will dr inmd but of a mcwhiit riirhtddliii iinpet t tho yiuni udy unfiliu l u iipti and iwi uii to read hut ni iitutlon wan puiiuid iiho o ilmny at aln toward tho ot if the arrlaicii tho man wa ut tils furn vcliu no liini ir iiereno lie p pea red to lie n ally agitated uti 1 un guxlng intently in tho direction of ho young lady a jiidih ti overwhelming f pjii to il minrunloti of her all ih will utiirles f railway murdrni in whlrh uho had vcr lint no i runhid thrum h h r mind ilio fdt herself doomed mho thought f nhriokltuf for hi lp hut her tongue th6 mounter for wo ho seemed to er looked anxiously ubinit hlin up arently to usauro hlmnolf t ut the linn wun rljxi for his murdii jus do jirtid tjion ho advunccd to tho other end of the carriage uimn jultn clone to his fallow lasuengt und put hlj right hand in hlu overcoat pocket was ho fooling for a knife or a revolver h print i ntf to her feet tho frlrltoucd traveller fased him in despair what do von mennt ulm crl d half fainting with fiar lie imut toward her umlli i very grimly and said iixcuso me madam i offer you ten thousand apologies if i ha e ala you huch a thing was fartheut from my thoughts hut tho fact la i have to alight at the next station and since you entered tho train you have beei sitting on my hat tho revulsion of feeling on tho uidi j part can bo better imagined than des cribed 11 lushes took the xilaco of panic lirtunately tho hat was a soft 0iq u doat almo0t failure tho name yur at oils would require nlxty nuhii day s to april o cr if th y ilnk allln thi y i hrinj h torlabi i totally lai king tin ojmpu and guro jji ectrlo oil lu no iilmpli bat a hlld i ui u id i ho li tho li appli land 1 iliad an a ilulinin 1 i i to rub an i win i tit npply tin dlrntloiiu i ami liiimliitakalili that illy un l rntimid by younj castor ba for infants ft chuuxen in use for over 30 veers alwmym bears tha gjjjnatare of 8hoot him dack with a ropo around his neck the etatuo of ircdirlck the great wot lift ed from its pedestal befaro tlio war college at washington hoisted into the air lowered unto a truck and cart ed away it now reposes in tho cellar of tho war college building tho statue was presented to this country by kaiser wllholm us a lasting pledge for tho continuation of friendly relations be tween germany and america that was in 1904 thcro is no plucu now in this country for busts of prus sian war lords given to us as lasting pledges the statue of iyedcrlck was the symbol of militarism and oerraan kultur we have only ono suggestion to offer to our government in this connection take rrodcrlck out of the cellar melt him into bullets and shoot him back home port huron timesherald children ory for fletchers casxo r ia wahtiue clothed ah women engaged in official worl have the problem of what to wear solved for them by their government as u rule there are other women who are just as truly engaged in war work but its performance does not remove them from the generality of women the question of what to rnr is however a mast important an the great consideration is to secure suitable material oltmlnato as much lis possible in iho way of laundry work that corntb under the head of luxu ries and never for ono instant look towdy or whtt some women abhor almost as much just serviceable femininity has set its bruins to work and there is a general agreement that the one piece frock is most satisfac tory if one must have blouses tho recommendation it for dork ones with dainty gulmpes which can bo rencwod easily and frequently suffer comport- tlvcly little from their vie its to the laundry uni always look dainty and fresh both time und monoy are awed by using guftnpes linen or lawn of good quality is tho preferred material underwear lias likewise been chosen with the sumo ideas in view frills re practical banished all of these points recommend themselves because they emphasize most attractively th two things dear to the womanly wo mun dainty belongings for every day t nd immaculate frcshncus a londo i tailor is offering a wur- tlmo otiojileee 1rr which iula xuaa attractive features the design is patented und all royalties go to tho urltlsh kcd cross canadian women might design und patent a drtss tho prooocdo to go to tho itod cross an impossible amount some negroes were discussing the death of a small darky the cause of tho disaster was clear enough to oio of tho mm do po chllo died frum eatln too much watuh trillion ho exclaimed one of thu others looked his doubts ii ih ho jrui ltd scornful dnr aln t no uuch thing uu too much watah- ralllloii well den n nitrite tho first dor wuin t enough boy life more like it wauyour wlfo angry when you iol homo bo lato laut night t angry why iiho pelted me with flowers yes but how did you got that black eyet well uho neglected to take the flowers out of tho pota before who throw them the dominion of canada it wau only after much discussion of tho question and after changing their minds moro than once that tho fathers of confederation decided to call tha union they formed a dominion sir john macdonald was in favor of calling it a kingdom says tha mall and empire in somo of tho drafts of tho bill which finally issued from the imperial parliament ns the ilrltlsh north america act it is provided that tha queen he authorised to declare by proclamation that tho provinces question shall form und in one imltod dominion under tho name of the klnr- dom of canada dominion was tho term finally adopted not because it was altogether satisfactory but because it was less open to misunderstanding to some minds tho noma kingdom might sug gest the idea of soperutlon jjut if the name kingdom suggested too soaring on ambition tho term dom inion whsird rather humblo in fifty no yearn canada has made it u term of dignity ono hint tho daughter slates of britain throughout tho em pire have been proud to adopt tho self governing communities of greater ilritaln are now all dominions that term of distinction differentiates them from tho colonics now zealand formally udopled the rutmo iomlnlon the british colonial otuco won repr- eonlxod somo yearn ago and a dom inions brunch wan established from a calfo diary kicked over one got my head ai ye hod like blaxi hour itolled my lyin fright ned him experiment d n upraddl my it i tangled myulf 1 nihhlid ut a sni lltllo boy und of rope apple an had i bit huiicl by un i i hoard a dulryn auntys joy ntmemden the weak when rii ht lot wllklli find hell nil in in not half no had a tovollliij- seliecn i st i ilium to thn char niptim hinvntt weeps for joy ihn climax il i ravlty in reached w en lui hi hand in imiln with a rjffliti oun ipaii falling ckiil is ii in if it fallu limit upl spring ji foi i ot ruli al ii in ngth i in its hi ix potent ujtoi i bin the cy for evil in thin who knon nd pro fesiicn ut do ioil und docs it not the niitnl ir who have i ono down in tho tight b cause of stiimhlliig blocks eteriiliy will only uhow ii must needa imi thst iittiinhlliig lilocltn romp but wo unto that mun by whom tho utum hllng blmk nun ii woo to the man who falls to utand in the breech but bin in tho flood of irriico upon tho wi ak that iittwid lx hind him htuul in dm i up win u you are tempted o ilv ui rummlhi- those lehlud oppoiit your whole u to wrong of any nnl evt ry kind mid dlo rather thin yhld mo man liviui to himself und no man dloth to himself in th teirllile inaioiui ro in india uomo years sun u lirltluh rgjuiiit formed a ho low iuiuur und placing its women and thlldrfii in tho centre fought till the lost man wi nt down before tho ovcr- wliolniltik iddn that uurrpundod them it wuu u ultndld stand of tho strong for tin wtiak whin tempted to run up tho white flag rn member tlio weak holomon in tho burnlt ire journal qreat war loans astoria 1 thcirtfidjiriw simiualuniiterocduyiatauf tu tuj thcslomaai mdtels bi xhjtrrjvdinounftdiestim okcrfonksautj ftstohwtj ttcilhcf 0piuinwofphioaiw mmcral nyr pfanocmb lou tlo lirltluh per ti nt 1 09b 2i 320 tjnltoil statu viti irn tho greatest war rloni belligerent tp urly in 1017 uhucrlptlona ii- loan 44 per total subscrlp- told you last hi said tho h in lay hi he you should all try ti happy during thn wi of you havnf i did ujinvurd a thais nit johnny ilo- i went to iuio my boy promptly what did you uunt ami she a co homo again millers worm iowdtrs wore devised to promptly mllovo child re i who suitor from tho ravages of wormu it is i simple preparation warranted to do stroy stomachic und intestinal worms without nhock or injury to tho most sensitive system thoy uct tlio rough ly und palnliasly und though in somo cases they may ciiuuo vomlllne tliat is an indication of their powerful uc tlon and not of any nauseating pra- iwrty summer colds raphiy rednce taman ttreofitli and frfnimi is easllr contracted bax scotts emulsion wid pranptlj reliere tko cold and trpbnlld ronr strength to 1 ptctcol siflrnt ud liberty loan total su tutor lpt ions s4 uii 000 000 tlghlh gorman w nt and xi ier cent nt s3 coo 000 000 1 reach war loan of 1015 per cent til nubucrlptlumi 201 ilfl4 403 austrian uovunth war loan g per nut 11tnl suliucrlptlons tl 10 000 000 italian fourth wur loan 0 ier cent total subscriptions 11000 000000 limitary uovi nth war loan t per cent total ubcrlptlon 600 000000 canadian victory ian novembci 1017 cv1 int c nt total ouhscrlp- tlqns i4ik 000 poo the terror of asthma comes like a thief in tho night with its dreadful throttling robbing its v ctlm of breath it seems beyond tho power of human old to relieve until ono trial is made of that remarkable preparation dr j d kelloggs asthma remedy then re lief comeu with a rush llfo becomes worth llvint and if tho remedy be used pi rsiitmtly tho disease is put permanently to rtut take no substl tuto lossopsuoa i gorlnfanto and chlldron mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signature of fj copy of wrapper ammmmmmsss isg jver thirty years itor railway time tables at acton grand trunk rsilwuy gyitom gomu west nn 3 no 11 n 1h uidy kilniwn c 1c p in 0 17 u in 3 3 p in 8 03 p in 11 03 a in b 33 p m i lotuc itmlw i wot illy i xi j i i l oo ino cant dully i i 7 43 a m 2 03 pm c 18 p ni l illy d a a m c 411 p m only only rrrr 3 areasgaassweassgfjia packet of wilsons fly pads will kill more flies than s8- worth of any i sticky fly catchery- fall fairs coming aqain tha official dates of tho fairs to bs held in this vicinity dales of full fairs 191h issued by the ontario department of agrlcul turn toronto j lockle wilson sup- erlnteudi aberfuylu acton urumptuu burling tun cooksvlllo krlii kcrgus ceorgutowii orange vlllu oakvllle hot k wood utroetavllle toronto f n l october 1 ueptetpber zi 2l jjppteniber 20 21 riiuuksglvlug day october 2 october s 10 be pt ember zc27 ocliibjr heptlinbcr 1t1r modtcuiber 18 18 ouober 3 4 he pt ember august 4itopt tl children ory for fletchers c astor i a heres hopin that our ham m lea over there will colobratn old july the 4th 1318 tho same as tlny did way back yonder in i77o and ninkr it to herlln on tliat day und again say to the world that it is a mighty onto place in which to bring up tho klddlia ond for thu women foljts to walk ulout lu ffihulum not fearing tliat judas loiiriot of tho human ilaco ills batanlt majesty deluio tlio hun wo will wager all we luao uml juji 4lu ims will iy loi 1 thj hlrtory of manklii 1 as a fenuur day for humanity than july 4th 1770 llereu hopln dallas copy behind or ahead did you know you woro behind in your board uskud tho hoi per of thu prunes no i dldti t rcplitd the boarder you owo iiiu for ono month oh i know that but i uiiisldcrod i was just that rouili ahead yonk trs fatatesitian annie laurie uko an echo out of the pant co men ord or ilio popularity of annie laurie with tho urltlsh soldiers i is tho yueen of uongs lil tho trenches fays blr alexindrr mackonxio as uuot el by the undun ci ronlcle the man who fought undur tho iron iuko vrerxi bound into deeper fellowship b singing annie laurie and it is well that its vogue should abldo hprlng- n ii republican enerqy from the elements tho generation of oloetrlclty by imuns of tlio suns ruyo tides and thu wind is tiulto pouslblo niochunlcally hut as such jxiwir is only available intermittently extensive methods nt storage ura necessary again while many olorauo muthiuls uro poaalblc unfortiiiiatdly uon has o far provoil economically feasible in the eaao of compressed air stor age f r liialaucc tho reimrvolrs rioeis sary whtther wells in tho ground or dlcel tanks above would liuvn to bo of enormous alio the cost of uitne aiu the nxiulretl olutlrhal and mee loiueal nislhlnery together with the cost of oi orxy in iho numerous iiuiinluniui lion steiia neoeasury would maku the coat of tho relatively mull ajuiiint of ihiwir prohibitive sugar for preacrvinq ordcis gov promulgated uoard uru im use of sufcui fruit ilng the use of sugar the cuiuula lood it on del to restrict the unnlng or preserving rhero is to be no limitation tho ijuuntlty of sugar that may be used in preserving or tho yuunuly of preserves which may be made in fact preserving is to be encouraged hugsr purchased for hut purpose however must not bo empluyd lu contravention of the orders against hoarding lcttero of introduction does a letter of introduction mean anything to yout asked tho culler more thuu u used to replied hemt- tor horghum stationery und typists have becoins m scarce that a man la not so likely to waste time on letters nt introturtlnn in a spirit of more idle compliment to escape moths n old uubunh method of keepltit moths from blankets durlujf tho sum mcr is to wash tlium thoroughly and paek them away with sllios of yellow soap and folded newspaper betwocn moths dlsllko the smell of soap or printers ink a chanqino standard surround in row will n day tho or higher been such i and your i stress uf t ground lo lverythlug uf u our thoughts our r standard to mot to what it was to la will it bo lower thu life oc today make yourlihuu loftier itlunu purer or 111 th trugglo huva yu lost silo unskilled supplication a bcoteh minister was usleed to pray for rain and tils pruyer was fol lowed by nui h a downpour that tbt irons were injured duilug tho morin one old funnur said to another this comes o trusting sic a request to m pen lot or who lanu aciiuulntlt wltli agriculture a good reaqon tearhor why smn so late lloy please rnjsii 4 started lote teaoher whv didil t you surt early t jtoyrtleasw mins it wtui tio lato o mtmtt early how this nervous woman gotwell told by herself her sift- cerity should coi vinco others christopher j1l for f oar yeart i uttcred from irffuuhues wcakneas nervousness and was in run down condition- two of oui beat do- f aucj to do mo any good i beard ao much about what ly dia e- riokham a vokotablecooi- pound had done for ouioro i trud it uul was cured jt am no lancr ner vous am regular ud la uccellcnt bfolth i bellovo the ccanpoend will euro any femalo trouble mm a ilciui chruitopher 11l norvouxnosa l often a symntoca ot vreakntiaa or aorao functional aeramro meat which may be overcome by tliia ramocii root end herb remedy lydla 11 11 nk hams vtge table camixmnd as thouuanils ot woewm bavo xquod by sx per fen eo if compllcollona exist write lydla u ritiklianmedlcino i ynn mosfor tffiresuons in regard toyuur silmeiil tie rcault of iu lprur oxporlocco 1s at your aorviefc an stomach cloar mlndthe nth is tho workshop of tho vital ionj und when it totn out of order vholty uy utum clogs in sympathy nplrltit luk the mind droops and bocomcu imimtuslble tho first car should bo to restore healthful action vf tho stomach and tho beat prupuratlon fof that purpoao is iar melius vegetable llllu general usi for years has won them a icadlne putt in medicine a trial will attest their yalue t pays fgrmtself by the coal it saves more heat less coal most durable most economical costs least fob repaie5 illulnao lllcrmtar gladlf uu4 al tar vlcr s 10 m anufacnjrko by pease fou company lihitid tobowto hamilton wimpegvatouvin acfom livery bus lene i uolllt with thn ul patrouai i f ih i ul ii comfortill il uu u hpiclay ait nil u i uut t lyln eonvoyanci i tor u i ii11111 un funerals ous meets all tralng l e atkinson when you need rw itpraorrow feel right ii livingstone the grocer has money savers for you wo rfit hut if you uorgalus 1 lu rrom guotlikif prluss 11 jill wo 11 show you i heaps lines our canncd goods our groceries our i ruits our vlgltables are itesh and uhti und itoliablj hid iluisoiiublo lakmlus huintl uu votllt lluti lil and luua j r livingbtone mill street acto cranditrunki highlands ontario offers you and all the family the outliuf of your llfi alqonquin park muskoka lakes oeoflqian day lake op days timaoami arm all fsmuus plsyurounds motlurn tmti l rr id ity loinforts bui mmiiy ptofn to live in tout or ion eauln juur jjiuhii ut irauinuhle uost tux ui0 yuui arl vr hlephuf cai aetoniiyodaliu lu mkii lull inform ill mi tuna any fjrnd trunk ii hot aaunt oi f ic iforuinit dlstrul lusioyr afnl rmuutu il a uolmls accut acton ont p 13 noble sayings th pleaiiurui of memory howe fereat ro ealo oinparoil with tin of hope for houv ul ho pafenf of all effort and ondiavor hamuel hnjluwi necessity is tho argument of tyrtintu it is tho croud of slaves william 3ltt- llkn a morning dream life becomes more and more bright tho longer we live- anil tho reason of everything appears more i u ar wiut has puzxled ua tkiforti seems less mysterious and thu e rooked paths look stralfchtor luehler tho most important thins to learn in life id tiow to llvt lord avebury tho krut wi rt uf liapplucas la to b ut mw with ourmilf it in well to have in oneself a pleasant refufiw but no muiu ti fiko eau ixiut if not pre pared by virtuw potitnnnllu choouu a wire tut in- jhu racier latherthun for her dowry jouoluief pkilolren ory fob futchers oasxo r i a a perpetual puppy an elderly icnlish furnier asys iu dun nottd had been haled before the uiukltttrntci to show iauso why he ha 1 fallod to lako out a license for i t lorrliir his oft mpcuted repli to lio iluthtlona of tho court was whoy hoc nobbut a pupi 1 1 yi you no you suy auil tho ukrk at last hut how old is ho resliy- j louldnt tell to a bit was the ruply i iytr w uiu ii good at datis but has nulbu ji puppy uvidonco iiroved howove tryil t dok wus lonjf past puppyhood and the thjiiuh inula d tho usual fine ralkliitf it iivur afterwords his farmer rjoluirnvj an mo if i can understand l t4ii ar and fho year bef iro tliat i told thu same jalo bout saiuo don uu it wor alius uuod eiiouvh nfureu wiiuji boon moddlliitf wl tlio tuw utiiiu lust ytarr the uoual meal a lu ycr in a iual isouit was uues- tlouhiic u wit tilsh farmer ua tho hcottui aimrln iuu affirm that when t his happened rou were golilb i a nuul uld tho attorney iet v s im quite c ertuln on this point irtllauao it is a very important out i a likhi eiiouuh to toll ula what nn ul it was you wcio fcoluif homo to 1lu would like tao kun uiuit moal whs bllliull huino lu v uueried tho bot yi i would uku t know re- piled tl h law r linpr sslvlv woe thuu repli si tho f i tho m at 1 was tt until i huiu tao was jllt uu meal ttisf winy tjt uhcr torn euros but llolluwai n corn uro ntan4s mi hpil of the hot so far as results are cvucwirtfo ej iiassard acton ont shoes at any time buy from w williams- acton ontario tamous 1 ok satisfactory footwear reasonable pricfs sssss7 new macsniee she m viwd blow machlnm is movnir to tlic iiuwly urrun td priiiics the ros bowl ing alley on mom street where lie will be prepsred to alt rupnirt of machinery promptly unj battbiuctonly handlo mot0k ueiaiih hlcialty having cxticrkhle with till nmkej of uioion repair will be culciliitly eilculed vulcanizing 1jkes having installed a vulcanizing outht satisfactory will be mode to outer cu es ai well u j inner tubca this repuus dep ir mem i managed by mr i lio- bring all your rl pairs hi hp main street acton hied blow avoid disappointment refuse jmitatipns onjy genuine columbia grufonolai and rtecords beaf thu trade mark look for it beffirp you buy- fo sale py c c speight aoi ont gram choppinig well done and quickly at only 3 cents per bag harris a co limited rockwood ontario acton bakery m edwards co mill strict actqpj to acilust tli numrn of th prod up our psksry snj to mslts it w0r onvninl lor u utomrs wf hsv sscursd th hop noxt to wllss confotionry vfhara suppllss of our war bread brown broad tea biscuits cuke bipis uml fronts msy alwy be jesiert j wlddinq cakcg a bplcialtv m edwakds co j atents 1 marion jtriauiotl 864 uiiivvrsnt- vo mormuiat

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