Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 1, 1918, p. 2

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i i lilrtiu murrlak unj ieuthi nt at ltl111 mjiitt do in itiiii k it a i n v iic i mi an i iial u uu 11ul u ton 11 on l i mm ill luml to ui lul jull 21 1dh t 1 1 and mru f ii wearon a oil lut i ikjiuil died umih ut at mmi for i jl mi july c ltb kuk imff- u ill kkunmlli wife of jwnoo a uilk of ll uujnt 1 l i net iiuili uiil mother of roiinan p iuinlnrt of ulnnlpcu i llor iji artun 3ne rr an ti1uhia auouht i 1b1b editorial notes a u tod lumifl iuiwiuu on north ar oriea for 0 of us food nupplj art tho war u lari proportion of thin manotwiu iwiuiiuo tuo whole wor la abort of food aturta tho iko su k poimlatlon iiaj been doerooacd ituoula has been oticlally dla orsanlted and not producing enough to foot herself farmers of caimja will have on ni- port market tor years such as for which thev have lever attained this tu a nai opportunity tho rcnuo of tho pomlnion oon- tlnuca lu eho uubatanjllal inekaao uviir itial for tho aarao period of lat y prom april 1 tho bectnulntt of un present nocal yew to july jo tho talal rcmnuii of tho dominion unounl- od to mi only four million dollars aa cofflporctl with slxtypln million dol lars of tho ceirrospondlnjr period in question while there tias been decline lrr cubiojiu revenue of throo million dollars it iuj been room than eounter balanced h tho increase in excise ami especially uy tho rovnuu from tho hualncas profits war t already tho operation of tho pro- hlhltlon of tho liquor traiuri la render- trur many of the jails ot tho country unncr i- iry there la a movement now on foot by county co unci la in vartoui places in the province to amal- caxnato croups of counties and malm provision for one jail in tiio aroup to eerve the needs of tho several counties which thus unite this will navo largely in maintenance officials sol uriea etc at tho last mootln of oroy county council a committed wad ap pointed to mct with repreaentouven f the countlen at bruce duffcrin anil wcluncton with a view to cffectlni an arroncencnt whertfby the countlco mentioned may decide on the upkeep of ono jail and the expense of it to bo borno proportlonivlely by the four counties thi hoaltl of hmjcation aii r no oo atccpt ho cnaqonnt fur additional tochor of th 1lit rnuri lplhl it up- ii lifer jl io tlm mmltlct uu ill ol r j0 li ix 0l iurl li ul txrlulu m i ii n i in hrlt i ton tin unto 2 01 1 40 jlucti wimi n olvod from tho o it lit iiiwiiikmi if thll iilff uit jitlni i ihji uu nt for knottier ycur limikt tor ijotiyu uiltlrttuioil u hool ltou1 iniikirnlni tlm i uull lul of uorno of tl hi the lutihd iniuml ho uhowod tliat 200 impltii for uu liartum v than rould lw taujtit iixitlufurtorlly in tho lnurt of the pupllu uiul uitit 111 hi uuinlh r wu morn luin tho nculatluti of iho i purtnu nl or lluritlon icr- mlttil ho hud fotind c3 puplhi rrgln t rtl in thii junior irlmury itoom and if tlnr hi tu utiiul numlwr itloiui of nnw ikliulum in september tlio rimitn will lo juul uii ronaimtnil tho matter wait do bated from ovcry titamlpolut tho liulra of tho lkjunl imiiiu to v uro the vrolfxut of tlio t hi 11 mil urn at tho aamo tltno owr- tlao lint tiiiuul pfmioray which rhar- uctnrlxtu tho urtlvrlia of tho iloard tho nutttr will lo rurthor otuild- orod at tho auuuut moctlinr of tho in no country at war have thorn bccji fewer labor difficult lea than in canada or a better relatione hip on tho whole between capital and labor everywhere there haa been a detfroo a labor unrest due mainly and inevit ably to tlio lining orirs of toodstuffs and other necessaries which are the principal it at in the household bud ceta of tho wace earnera there ui e- much lnirtabillty in the condition and factors which rcxulato prices that there in little likelihood durinff tho war of an equilibrium blwccn waxes and the coat of uvlnc por uils rcoaor labor dlaturbancea have occurred and will recur through the- efforta oferoupj of vrorkera hem and there to mako their earning keep pare with prices tl in explains the postmens utrlke one of tho few troubles of tho kind during the war which have had mora than a local effect even this could liavo been avoided by tact anil aym pathy uu tlio part of tho government tlio globe bpeaklug of tho great counter of fcoslvo now being wmpj the olobohu tlio following to aoy some rattier cautious observers havo dcepalred of any durahlo advantage accruing from tlio allies relentless pursuit of tho foe au iu tho khfiran- ttotasotibaatlen c arguing that tho pursuon ore expend lng too much for tlielr resuts that lcrll lurks in an oflonaivo too long continued tliat tho pursued is resist lug ximjuubhonily to mako tho ctiaso really worth while ll must bo re meinboxltl though that ach stroke la u counter offenaive an effort to utuy a tcrrlfk runh on iarlu and tliat if ll jld nothing mure tluvu xmixil ijidui- ilorff t uiuiumi- ttio di ftuinlvo u vuul triumph hua ucn u hiovw twli luin uiuurdly tipwt llio enemy grand tialrgy for tho umtiu r and ihmslhly th lu it may b for tho iniulmlir of tlio w nil lnvuluulilo lulutury urlio tt o in illative 1 o l nn i u has nlmlnbjti r 1 u ho k to the mind of tho jcjuiiin ko1u duludcd wth vlr toi talk in u niliri rrjil oluso tliuu ul any iliiu in um iwui c vft4im tho ttr illiuin ail ilfchlllu u huilug ballu im lug arinui uf uluut iiuinerleul iual lly uod diiunlie1 tu irnw tioavtly ujkii rwrrn many f whom ouuijjl of youtlih in ihlr teio 1 ml imul tlio normal tullttury u uuilt uuden- dorlt lu ltl i rnlciitlotul fad that thu allioo nrv ujx iwliy rapidly ulltuioiitod by freali uuj vlo oua ihldlurn crtim iho llulfd slului 11 wus mimuiio1 in wujmtuti laat hatutijuy uiul durliiu thlu july u wua liuii to havu lruiminrtoj 300 000 troop to 1rumo tho f watao durlith thi ajuo ikirlod will tjjual if not oiocl hair uuii nuinbor for ul ruidy tho alius liav takrn 30 000 prlsoustm and tho unubually d tru naturo of tho nuuiug u far trxael th pioihrthm of killed and woundod lu latiturrd hjweo itio loady how of lw uid cr tw ea from thlu ulo of atlantic tho ilrltul uny 1 ul be rrgularly stronglluind tho u my tuttta ineo aihiblo dofcai u wjjt frott where iho allic- many mu ag6 dotlded thai iho luttllo of ttio nations tu nut bo fought out kinds words continue iur contompoi aria and our road or all appreciate tho fr prow durham chronicle leather than tippoar to l invidious 11 tho -l- linn of tho many kind orda upolti 11 rapecllng tho ltieu 1luslj annlv riary tho publication of cummunui by xrhancea and readers la continued thlu urtelc tho acton iaim iiikiu hau been es- tabliahod for forty three caro of which time tho prjcnt editor ilr if i moaro tuui bon at tho holm for forty yearn up to a fow wooks ago wht11 a ilnotyio wan lnatallod tho paper ttou always uel by hand and was u mod til of incrlianlcal litatntau tho wolland teloqiaph tho acto 11113 flucj roarku its entry into its 44th yiur by putillahhig a hat or its graduatu approntlccu in tlio two bcoro and four ytjini thirtytilnp uro named and it hi notoworttiy how many have titlnlihul poultions of jirumlnonce notoworthy lul not surprising acton is not u lurjii place nor lu tin kuar iltcitj u unu t aper but lu luui boon u paper of individuality character and brains wolj odltod and well prlutod msrkdsla standard tho acrow iiu3b lui2ji la fortyttiio years cstabththud and ban had tlilrty- nlno njipn ntli j h i mooro lum guided its dcitlnlcu theito forty yoaru ho recently initialled a linotype simi lar to tho ono in the fatandard omco which typouoltlng machlno ht one of tho wonders of the ugu tho lba iotsta has ulwoyu been a model of mo- chanlca ncatm tui while lu contents and tone luui been uniformly uplifting printer a publish toronto ttio aciusi vvxx lhkta lias iitarted on ita forty fourth year anil tho present publluhcr ll p moore has boen in ctiorgo for forty or these years ttio aitom ilitr i1u3u lias u distinct per sonality and unn tliat hi not easily put down or uliuun rollored popular ity or ttio taay tuunwi tuii butt 11 often a matter qf fnillfferunco to ii i moore in the decturouu tin lias nuiiln and tlio citorts ho bus put furth in follow lng theuo out ho lian luui rqugh tlmta and puaaaiit ones but through it all the public has always known tliat tile columni of tho ihxb puis wcro not purcjiusablc and his papt r has boon kept in an enviable pouitlon as a re sult mr mo4ru kocpa hla taper up to a standard and thut standard is high ttie printing is good the typo graphy well dono and tlaro is an 041 pearanco of prosperity running through the ktna iiaaj a tarrs cotts subscnb terra colta july zooi 10ik dear mr moore having noticed ip the liuas p t mniy yor- rongraluuitlorui you tiave been receiving regardlngyrnn- numtruuu yeura of journalist work i uluo wljh to extend my licartumt con- lratulatlomi to you ummi having at tained uuilt a iiueeeaaful journal bit caret r uiul having mtomj ujkjii your 44th yeur of puhllc1iw11 also tho enlcr- terprhio you liuvi uhown by litutulllug tho ljnuyio uiul now advt rtutng out- lit i auo txui with liitenut thu brluf hlutory of your 3 unnluulu ulthoukh uoinu havu to tho liul toynd olhcn have mad fc in ttio world of bualneaii lift 1 hop you may b hphtrt in v ir up ui dul- t llico work tho i iuj lioui undt r itu pivtitl munuieuitiit hui i 1 1 uii1 tlll u an up to ul thuii nuwuy utiutjl print 1 ltd i l in iljli iii rim al uu uho hluildld lie 1 print of tho k nial edltur wo certainly uuulu wljti to xtt nd our luarllejt oiitraiuuitluiia to yuu th ulvo luuy 1111 u lltlli lutt intuiidul wrllliit ihmuf i ui liuvo 1 n viy luuy liiiu uit old toru totla uub- rllnr jak14 tlltlntuu ob1tuaky mllm jamli a i auhlut ik rl utl f hi imnbit wif iluhor f iht ulllluli 1 1iui neurrt mutld nly al itutldflk t luui lrtduy mi wuil iio in ku huh for hut wiu ulio to ik aiiuilt 11 very lli typo of woi11 ui tlvu v worker in iho luro iiuiuliy ami wou wlthul tnothir of iho liomti ut r himliaiv and tl r uplndll uiun 1 uniuiy of tho couii 11 f airl ulturt wu 1 linur of tlm llrltlali uu nip 1itwi lurtmiu utirvlvi mru lam lnrt it- blrtliplui 11 wu ut aahkrov hhu wuji u duutfhttr of tho lulu it oik wilbfallwoilti hr uiiduulaloi of job wrluuljiwortli ex wuntui of ilallu nil i mr ijlull cahhd iti at im when her hualwiiui wuji foil man of the lu i- rty tmifld from hero lu mount ivrei rheti 111 limlnit ulumuhtd ihi lb rtuoiitutlw ijioir tldnt boh nw nun lu uiarrlrtl to hit duukhlor of mi lid mru u mlan of conway i mi 1 m mi and mr iwnbert viall il frltilflji lii a km in may and iihti oenied imjuuully will bi4l uu luili ayiimuthv lu foil to ttiu ik rcnv od iiusbaiiu and aoivs ncighborliood news town and country itortia orlntsrst from vsroua local 1 tlea covered by th free prua cpcvqidc tho ir4jiit rinn uiiiluy icikki 1 hold thilr ilrnl hli iinioi at mr 1 pliialm mhi u 1 mv ogpminoc iho txy in khukl on avo huv uel i win youiun rilin on 111 homo rnrmj during buying tho hay nop lu thlu tllittrli t ui 1 llj ht 01t but tho tioxh y oatn go mm win nt and peua urt a 1 immi roi thla liau ikwii lurry taking w k 1v ry lurry ul i and very buuli ll the f cm o coriu r in rt ivlng uttun tlou tho root trop im lulling htatoru h htkhl und will ikvo ihi yi hi if wo urt fuvortml with a fow nhiwiy of rain ru ttiouih nuiilitiu of farm ru ri ptirl a fair uerain rrop crcwoono corneh0 harventhig in it full iiwlng tun inn mian lintel ieutlii lil ut uurlliutoi 1 i king fruit mlas almu i rguuon lu vl lllng h inolher at thoriihury tho rain on momluy wi 1 imvu benoflciul effott on v 1 mr j id mru lrm1 milton utxint tlunduy ut mr uj il a mru hlevenu und tilldron toronto uro v lulling ul mr j itunutttu mr m crottiini hau bttn vi ry 111 tin pout woek with oukiuiy but lu impruv lng messrs john and i red laitwotml toronto vtultht ul mr p j klngu bury a unit wnk mr und mm itrown mluu iirowi and mr nloubautir puullneli uin hunday al mr m cruwrjnn georoetown monday clvlo holiday no many at ton dot i tho lamehouati gar den party at mr iiardingu last night llov and mru j truax and family ure holidaying ut lloamuvlllo tho council lu udvurtlulng for tin tloni fur llti laying of turvla iiaveintni on main he mr jamtii cnwimwuti of tuivamu illinois u vulting i1u1 brother k 1- irtwiiuword korvul ir and mm j m jon u an duugh ter of llrooklyn n y mm v h jones anil mum jones uf indon vinll- ed at j w kennedys lout wook ijuit hunday tlia iliptlst and molh- odlut congrtgatlonu in id union ner vices meeting in tlio iupt lot church in tho morning and in iho methodbil church in ho evening ur cllne con ducted tho at rv 1 eta herald erin ny if iln mr it- wundoll lias removed from liramplon 10 vara near ottawa mru iowllo who lias been visiting friends liorc relurnhl to coulngwood on tueaday minn lili murpliy hamilton ul compancd by lu r cou iln huu ik t 11 h ro en a visit to irlu frhindu mr and mru b nurno and llttlo daughter and allui m iitmouili inotor- ed to mount i urout and vluued their aunt mra j douough mlas i v htlll pasued tit r lttwur scliool oxamliutlonu for entranc into tho normal school htm im ems to be tho only uucceeiful candlduto from thu vicinity advoralo tht ladl 1 patrlotlr aieioclallou of llrin sent to tho caiuuluui itetlicross last woek a parcel containing 13 uultu of pyjamaa 23 pair of aocku 38 per sonal property baga 3 strett her capo valued at j93 whlla liaying on tueutiay mr car man oriflln ctli lino ran a largo uplln- ter into his liond by coming u ran toet with tho aide of ttio rack which noccudtated a vluil to tho doctor be fore it coulj be cxtroelod milton ltev cloorg w tubbu of hanilltoii was hero on monday judging ttio lawns and gardens for th milton horticul tural socio ly mr jjavo keimoy wont to lmdon laat hunday to see tjlu father mr mat- uicw kuiuiey fonnirty uf milton who had a slight stroke tho garden party for tho parsonago fund of mums and wesley churches at tho homo of walter liar land- hmllh hod rtivonuea of j7q0 iiron prouoiit appear an ecs it will iu1 ho lorm until uvury farmtr tu this vicinity will bo tho poaaoaaor of an qulomobllo of uomo make or olhor tho mil un voeoxu luil for laih cm tains tlm iuuiu of 382 men and 35 woman there atu ci wlilowu oil tlio list z suiiislru and 13 married wo- 1 ur tho llrat tlmo lu inany yejtni mil ton had a eolo brat ion yultnlay which was elvle lioluuiy and it wm uu un- uullnod uuceeau in uvi ry particular from ularl to nniflh laat lialurtlay as mr turn harrop was driving lu town in a bugty ae tompojiiod by hlu wife and daughter iho horao totk frlfchl at uu upprwui h- ing uulomobllo uod hmihj to olio ulde ditching llio huwii1ii of tlio butty mr i larrup- uuululuod u broken rib or two uliu harrop u aprutntd unkli and boinu bruluju llefonner tcriia cotta of 1 ill vtult mli i ulu ui ing willi fiiuitdu h ru ul irtiutult 1lu h pieolt of toronto uptuil the wk id with itri oiiu frit ml mr i ui y lo uu w 10 los iki 11 tho k hut lu 10w uii 0 t u lt urou ugalu muilt r noun bliytl ihilly nn hu 11 off mm j ijavld linl nl in ik ph 11 illl 0 1 pl ul ul ulu a inmlr f druu 1111 ib hnu k out lg an 1 tar party uplon mr ul iwiiu lid tlmu a henry u ly willi ho foil t 11 1 town tl will t ultll ht ui- u bad ueuu uillng u d tih 1 hlu urn wo h ik ho will u bt 01 i im ltkll duty uut hullm 1 hut low i rii k for u which tia tllio i- iut und ur bually t u tltliig iliupo not for ukliig thut lrl iho u uiul1 mthhlf liurpooe holding th ir a iuu 1 an in i mr u j ii lawn oil lhuiluy vt king auui 1 a good pi kauui will lkt klvuii mil u fcootl uu i umktld oiiiw uloiii with iho trowtl and onjiy 0110 of lb treat treala of f ho u uuou our vllluti lu now uiuailng f hav lug u chuvutt faelory whit h lu in tkir 11 lo mr lluiiillton iitao ml int tho h will ulat lummuiei uullit duulry in tonutllui will tl- rut lory huio w extend ou ul wulim ful tonlliued sut t au and would wl on ull industrie whlth euro u lout gui euiis civic ii0uday monday aujuat 5 three uar- ntaa racca two jockey baseball bands etc 100000 in purseti trains leave in all dlrectlonu after the rare u6 tkuw caiiadian national exhibitioii au 26 toronto sept 7 300000 nd missions oold drot day of odvunco oalc come with thocrowdato thegrcnt- cot expoal tlon in tho 40 yearn hlatory of tho c n e the heroes of britain a production of rantn- cuw force and beauty wllb 1200 participants all tlm coiorf at parnpher- nalla o romance and hls- tory in the mnklnfl ln plrinfl dramatic w spectacle emery cnnodtsn should ae movement life splendor a patriotic thrill it every tceaa rrtt- hirctlock rl agricuitarj tfrfrnj government olubtt demnrutraijona ol wpc- tioaal uauung by so cnpfxai beroca tartasoa en factory lnca rokuml ctjnhit el labc- htnos derit carcrmacat patriotic toad bow creators kakl4ubcd bau attiei extusu of on and a would of ottieu aeoal attractions clsst 25 cents consult your local ail cut rcardlaq railroad fare or a burlington ilobtrt j clifton louvu today tor toronto to iruiu us a pilot in tho iluyul air 1 tr luv und mru w l allen and family of coktown minl a lev days h rt lat wuk mr i c p art left on friday oven- iug luui on a buuiiiau trip tu carnp- d li aruuiiuau cuxettc mr v c kmiu liau purcliasod tho lit- hurt prxptrty jin the corner of 1 iran i and caroline ht reels tho ciij lion of tho rati papera last wet k proved dluaalruua for tho con summation ir tho lucciiaary nrrvr sciumii project only 1s3 olcclom polled their volei and of theuo ho voted ogoinat tho by law th hoard or lducatlon lu now in u k rplexlty owing to tho hjrt inervami of pupil to be datt tl na83aqaweya tho annual jicnl or 11m in t sun day ht btxil wju field in mr james itiitt rbnitik u j iiivu yculunlay after mr 1dwurd wakiloltl an estoerood old r uilmt u orwhlii died ou hun day niornlnj too fuuurul was held in ark ii in t ry m wednesday afternoon tho worn n 1 inutltuto is preparing mi tin r utl of ikixiu for tho nuan-iga- wo u iriiltlleni uvuhhuji contrlbutioioi may ih it ft thlu week ut mru auatln 1 lutrhru o at mm wt alcy pickett s mr itathluaou jluduruoji was taken to thu heuipltal ut out ipti last week oungrt lit which cuuued tho loos of uno limb juinio inoutnu ugo affected tho oilier und it lm b n amputated mr andiruon uufforu much and hli case lu t ritlcal thompsons corncrg hulng la about over und tho barley tlio urry 1 koru eontlnuo to coino ivt luro in diovu from ull dlrectluni tlm uruiiiiiiuro liivaelt foattvltica ut imirtotuwii on lrllay took a uotl any from lliu uecllou hilly uitlug tiaa put more work ou tlio mtanluh farm of tho ulxth lino than any uno lias limn for yearn ho will maku it yltild good crops eventu ally ismjpiu in thlu vicinity gruvllala in ull dlrectiuiiu tt ciiurch on liunday somo t to itallinafad other to acton it fw tu orgouiwn and an odd one uotorhilu tolng wtjiiword alwuyu liavo a ktkwl word to uuy when uioy luivu tli rutty uouy duuty oul oovuii- th lino and utrlko tho lino utono rui1 ull tlio aclou criuuiroad liuehoua mm hullailyu luotlior ui vlnitliu muu mjik1 tiiealh tu spending u xeli jluudiuu vullfri n 1 i her uiutir lvuilaa miod f toronto la v hilling ul ttiu hotliu of mr junior oiunl mr ourvlu of toronto uikii tho week vntl with blu miiuiito mr and mm a lurvln aiiiulu1i tlu btsrrleu uro good ihjiiio havu itlll to pit k m sunday ou wall u duiiiu tin week mr i- imalh unl mluu mulwl of lo unto bptnt iho wwik nil ul the h u of mr lain i fut mi 1 tnalh unl mluu ltheu ii tuintl lum ufli tilwiidliit u touplo tf vl with frlondu bt mi un 1 mm a mtmtilh and 111 inn of wlulioi- ulu holldaytng ul lbt hot of mr murtkltthu lir mi uid ml i john metedllll oakvillc lh in i will hold u turd i ti th iclli lii mm hhk if 1ku it lu vuitll uuliiii hi 1114 lihuer mr uid mm w n litoek aii lu k fioii lb allroiilu la whtlhvi lliuy wul on u knot till tllluiui ootrtu w morioy ij- il of w moilty i ljjilutru lo i into ihu liuuoni of oakvlll und hurling n will jointly ul itulu tho nvuum- tnl u 1 11 in ul ihu tltuiil house tu a not r tilp in lb i lllli liml lobii h lly lu on u m i tut- tour thlu wil it i u an llllitll it kite liwi unl lii r ph mm llyuu unl mlu i vijjlijy itui taild blln ll i u uil ir 1 1 llurilu tlciitlal uurfurud a parulyll utioki n tho light ullt uu montlay urtrixi wbllo out lu his maiden llo buu ikhii uitre or lesa lu duut 1 for uouio tlmo piut a liuu inu lint of fin in ru wua bald ui rilvlll on lulurduy venlitt wlitm lb uiiibu of tl ov libit on uiiik tipl 1 van dillveil by john i ihi iwdiim of thu unity 1ihi iiiuiliy lootylnt lh mnnlni r iho liulvtjlo i lm 11 itu 1 houdo 1 lv hi i 11u1 tintl muixli- foni tb uiii b in truuiik i jb m 1 llfolllk lmlhl a cluiuluutiiia week at george town airjuut 20th2utll ntrirrrjo baclielor qoanmig for memi we itavc juiit placed in utock one hundred suitii ut uu- fnmntli itachclor makc tiili maltc of clotliinf li guaranteed by the maker u cive cimki iiaujfacu6rl icry piece li linnd tailored tlic trimminrpi arc of the lcil no trouhle to lit llic ilsxlielur make v tiavc uicm in blue and ilrown fancy wonitcdu slzcu 3s to 12 at 520 522 24 hull dojr ovcrajl for men bull dop overall urt mudu ut licuim und drill und tho good workmanship anu cliiirou wu i olhtr muktr wc have them in block and blue atld white itrijio with hit and punt tylt the price of ovcrulk arc pdvuticnn the iiiatcrml i 1nnttd our price to day ij lc- than the inunufucturcn come here for your overall necda ilu lici tjuulity of not excelled by any n ilnck iadtcti white untnrxuncd jap ian- ama hali the iuom popular lint for the hot day tin wani itylca at 52 und 5325 middlcu ln all wlutc indian head lone id ihort jeeves lxtra a 100 and slis a ilaruain in handkercliiefo just 20 do in tin lot of ladies handker chief made of lino quality lawn with embroidered corners good value at 25c each ou sale ut 18c- or 2 for 35c indies house dresses wc hajtc a iood runrt f hou ire- all mfc made of tied quality print at 125 and heavy percale at 225 and 2j0 irin ginjjlmm irchhcj alt sizes in luck ui btripu und jicck otnfhams a peciul at 75c 30c lji5 and 5150 slnpc ilanclettea at 25c wc have about 10 piece of tin hue in pink blue and cray stripe cairned over from last icaon tlio wholesale prices for thin urno i lanclcttc today i he to 10c per yurd hikhcr licmcmhcr while this lot lait for 25c yurd klanclctte lllankctfl at i25 pair this is pretty warm weather to talk flancl- cttc blunkets but wc uc doing o to try and save you money our blanket are the ibcac mukc- the best blankets made today arc extra large iizc in while und gray the wholesale price for these blankets today i- 4 00 per pair a limit of one pair to a cus tomer al per pair x25- stokc cu3ses wednlsday at 1210 noon conway mclean mux stoeet we gcll for cash we sell for lcq3 acton the guelph trust co managed in connection with tho ouolph yd on carlo inveat- inciit and iiavlntu hocloty directoro cliarle 1 huwltt president irj i 1 orlieu vloe i h low lit m l j i m lldurry a h 1 trlu william i- ptilii it tho part of wulom to make your will whilo sound in dtxjy and mind win ii iiuiklng your will ap- mlit this timiuny ul act uu your ixulor you will thus imuro tarereil unl otonurnlcil inauugtmnl of your eatuto tuo ttlvuntujt ji imiust iettl by a r- llablo 1 ruul ciiiitniiiy for acting in till i tupurlty us uimputod willi un indlvitluu uro wull re- tojiiltui our kafoty ieittalt vault uf- f oril i u luifu ilio tor keeping ut uritii u und otlii r valuuliicji 1k not lake llio fluk of loss by llt urlmll iii a ilafety jelkaill vault for u nominal sum ior full information uiply i iainully or by letter to tin co puny ii olll t orn r wyndii and cork slreulu ouclph ur j e mceldarry putting the wau cuippljes llavvi on payuou fifty ma mod soldier will dmon- atrato vocational traminq at tin canadian national utlvi ploy ripi u pit i tile iijurlea tiurthuuiil uuudu hi toiuotlotl to bo fur lu udvumi of all olli r allied coun tries in tl work of roliiututlug lu r maluit d ht ik1 omparutlw ly fow hupl1 hav u u a lual ivihuiu uf iii iniru i i i lng wuui hi fur tho m n by upttiulu d vatloua trululug and pliyulcal r t uuitu lion thlu will o i at th illun lxhlblllm whtii at haul hfty tu i wliu liuvu unit rilrt tu full uu ful uuu will tit iiioiuitrat how iho aultllt hrii lb luritu of tho uvtrun ntu re hahilllalitu piutruiuiiiu liuvo lx i modo nomilly lf uupti uugln ludcl will ik u numb r of blind mui who have ik il i ttlutttt tl uutf ar th ivi ull tlm ut 11 luduatila liiunuitu in hiding tyicutttiiig oxj imi yl no wuiilit j wt iry iiiuuufac tur lemi trlndliij aauaylug ot the constant call for well trained otenographani and dice assistants prompts us to con tinue our work through ttio nummer months ilotcr any tlmo tihaw s business schools toronto proo catalogue w h shaw pros iaile haw silk light with box design and blue 40 ins wide per yard 69c pink and blue crepe 30 inches wide 59c navy blue voile with dark er silk stripe about 40 ins wide yard 69c navy blue poplin 3j ins vide at 75c mas ins with blue or pink design 32 ins wide 2 yards for 25c we are trying to sell out our summer stock l stamcmam mill street acton iceoteam we tiavo our parlor open every day bow and wo intend to givo as good service aa possible lc cream bulk 30c a pint ico crosm bricks 30c each candies riqht prices toothsome varieties debt qualities harold wiles canada food ooard li cartas no 813535 mill street acton arramge now to htaht at the guelph business college ouelph ont fall term starts august 19th pltactical couichi h compimnt inltiluctoiea modllin hquipmlnt guelph business college a bouck prirtprop ouolph onl when you travel even in canada im carry your funds in travellers cheques ihsued by tho merchants bank personal cheques are often refused money may bo lost or stolen travellers cheques on tho other hand ore cashed by banks hotels transportation companies and stores at their face values and enable you to ruiso ready money whereveryounappentobe if lost they are of no value to the finder if stolen or des troyed they will bo replaced without extra chartre uso them for your next journey nv lvn tiiihiilh thr methodist church ml v i m movill p t r sunday audu oiuhai i 1 1 v 1 mil 1 1 1 1 i i 1 vi 1 bll 1 t roii ali li v i uiv v u n in thu itro k fl w i ii i h i hil und l ply l 1 ii iti ii h iii li- lot ou tit1 met hi w ilui in v jlllv h twu ii ni n llt in it h 1 1 toulalnliu i uu 1 if lff ut ir i on mui l illll tlio 11 11a k uo y a 1 111 1 1 it ol in fine homebtlao for sale nlvl k hi nil i flm 100 farm 70 ut r u unl r ulikatio airu biili 11 1 1 1 i it hrlck honiio 4x3ll liu in ii luilk i lit wood hil flhhl or h iii n v r falling well rluini windmill piimpii wuti r to tioe particular upull d f i two and ulan upiil to i ho ol s200 reavaltd for nny tnfurmatiun ulat will lead to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons vlu duatroyed the monuments and headstones in sl jouepbu cemetery dublin be tween july ulh and 13th 1918 all information to be kiven to john lvwson chief constable acon july 21lh 1018 hcidoliico montreal of crfvimaxja acton dranch geoacetown dllancli etabuid 1q04 l il shoriy manager c w craniy manager acton civic holiday proclamation in accordance with a request from the citizens generally and by order of the council i hereby proclaim monday 5tii of august as civic holiday for iuih i would respectfully rtijucst tut all our citizcnb observe the same glo hynds hcevc reeves office town hull july 20th 1018 voters list 1918 municipality of the village of acton mot ice hi lu rpliy glv n that i liavo transmitted or dellvird lo th piroons mentioned in s i 1 of tlm ontario voters i jut ail thu t opu u r nul red h aald miction lo be to iranauilltcd or delivered of tlio hut made pursuant u oaid acl of all imiuoiiu app urlng by the last mvbu1 ati uiuiont iloll of th j munlclpillty to lw niltli to vols the laid munloliiallty it elections for mcraheru of tho itiidallvu a- aemhlv and at municipal llrctlant und tliat tho it il t llil uiu llrit posted up at my otllc ut th town ilall acton on tho 0lh day of july 1918 id remains there fir iiuihm hon and i hereby call ujn ull voters to tojko itomedlato prx edluih to luiva any irroni ur omii don i tirrected according to law ixetcd uili uui da of july hilu a j uuikinnov 2- tleik of laid muuitlpallty wonderlaind friday august 12 the kaiser tin nusr ol hi 11 in adiiiianuni unl lu saturday august j tlialu- a ollwi ply with mary oail n a iod fallii an 1 in 1 will uhowi ii 1 a lj ivi holiday tuludav aucuut b a vllutal 1 pi 1 1 un i n ode u f ib myuttiy tbip r l greory hot weather ts uathinl ijuit ii ii t ulbl iuilltu mi i m w nun ul i illl ll i unulkwlaii 11 di dill ml ill ii ov ll iv i ll li holl hkooi toll uv fun iuk f uiu n i ii i v that in uvulul tai ml hatti ntckwt all anu iuhniuhincj r e nelson phoiui iu nal iut ome qullph

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