flirty fourth ycnr no h acton ontjlrlor thursday mqkn1ng august 22 1iim ifp jkrlmi 3trrr irrau sihjlo copies ilvcccnta tin actof iriiicn imn i i tlshed overy tluinday momlhj at llm run inxin liuilitlrir mill mm ontario 1 tin mihucrlplluti 1 co pir ynr in mlvnnui i hsjhed additional to nftlcrji unltfd hlntu iho chilli subscription urn paid lu liulli i the addreuu lab i auviktiiinfj advrrtltirmoultt 1 imjnrun mniit fur catitu it r lino fur ertlin font rnentn for to lm num 10 ccntn n i adrrtls hon charged j will ho 1 in tjmihom m editorial ulid lltjjilrnii i oillro resjdcno business directory medical th08 gray m d c m mcgillj l k c r a 8 uluirow col aasociatlo 1 11 nl mil ti etc tirj h i it ubtir urltl ih mt ofbcoiyiij crick jilroet artoti t dr j a mcnivcn phyolci nd guruoon ohlco and ilcuuioi anue and llgln ance formi rly up dcrson actou out nco corimr sim ta tho ltd by 1 m hoi ii iwclpu fott sticcess to c ich pound of your invcted capital add several ounces ot jood bookkccpinj u jcncroi quantity of service a goodly portion of advertising and a jreat bij dash of cnthuiiani tlitn mir dont leave any of these ingredients out and be urc not to forget the enthusiasm enthusiasm i the high flavor that mltkcs business tasty it is tho rnusii and laugh ter at the banquet without it nothing in the world would sccm worth while the popular storekeeper wc shouldnt wofinv o hi irt of w hut wo vi wiu ami wo i wi lntvo w hu when the of culm wo l 1 iitnrrny puln in thnt dark full xtllll jin veterinary john lawoon vatsrinsry qurgoon acton one graduate of ontario vottrluary cnl- ugt 1kb0 offlco arthurs hlot it lumld kill street calls day or night irwnit- ly attended to a j mackinnon barrister solicitor conveyancer offlco mill st in icrryman lilock- dr j m dell d d 6 l dentist honor grndiuito of toronto ity tho la tea to ancsthotlc aealred miscellaneous marriage licenses h p moor issuer marttans llcana prtvaln ofuco no wlliieiuiea n qulrod ian u nl at residence in ovonlnj fkxx inn3 offlco acton onl francis nunan oookbindor account books of all klndu mado to order periodicals of every deiicrip tlon carefully touhd itullnc neatly and promptly dona wyndharn btrost ouolph oiil over wllllatnu illoru llcanaad kerr for tlio countlcar hal ton welling ton pool und duttcrlii ugd tlio city of guolph acton ontario th ive itjiu ohlce acton tho mercury offlco ouolph tho nowarecord ienrus or with w j gordon horncaa mnkcr ulllsburg bales onlruutrd to it- j lvorr ro- caivo attontliii from duto of llatlini to dat of oak uut your juilu wltti mo rldrtc0 you no straet acton php 3a actou cau u uiy uspoiuto mo34fcdiey auctioneer ospringe watches diamonds jcwcllcry library desk sets f1nc china cut glass silverware bilk umbrellas fountain pens 0olaluta in wndjim and illrthday ilf la itptrt wiitch anil j uwl 1 ry i toyal riru savage co 70 vor in qunrmti in gulph j e ciieevers book binder quibta ol call i guolph ont book and inaasliiui ruuuii llajiiiijonio and uulwuiuuul ovra naaita lollinj in tuld tut iutl tlynin itooku mid utlnr bouku all work promptly lxecutad d alex niven ontario land surveyor bm ciwl enomoor hurvtyti ulidlvliih mi ikw u lorto dbtrliitliiiu iljuiurlitlu oti certlllmltu tifr i uri i u11i1 tnortktuftii i hurvtyit r i wiliii uulldtrn i ml munltlpal t mtu iu drulfiuj i iuji rtu intlinatm u molcan buildinq d u guliju bl un 1 the old and reliable uraniteand marblerdualurs summer is here kenneybros havo full uiiiiimur hutu of lumttti una ji wt fur doth ladliu mid i u illilli n the dainty new things the heavy working roots i i lln utltlll lawn bowling shoe3 tennis shoes running shoes 1 ollir llntoi our prloo aro right and oitr qualitma superior ltl1aiuincj nlal ly and vkomi1 iy ijoni ffinney bros main street acton wo cjii i llm i fir n fn of uur i in i ii vuicrii wlitru llcn ii ulla in to u larlcnt mil 1 fat nl k of tho lhn nltiloti film 111 thu v t wo inato d tulirn ulll 1 mil and ilo not u pnl liy m ii lilk oui t uiu iil m 1 rmph y lly and dfy tuiu itetltltii hamilton sons cwr mirwlcti t woolmct m bobpll thoguelph trust co dirlctorb lh hurt uf wiiolun your will win uudy vlilo ty rd mind d in iililu ll llic ljt i tlloft wl u nir ty ik i u i i iiull rui a iiiiiullial inn l i full tnd mi ill ii i iii l ij liillli r iullui 1 4 ll- tnt 1 l i l mclldorry miulu di jounhon a caulion iii ijovb ii 7o and 15 johnboxi jiadiatoh clmijt 75o and 125 j aiil tjtk auto tuiu mlnd- 60o and jtjjo tho ilottrr thu itonl tin tliblrr it holdn i oitii witikcinkr cup giilaml 1 iti 20c 2 thu 40oj ibj 5c i national- body nnisalno eoo mid 75c lmlcto auto paint 70c 515 and l25 iity ilattisllieh 45c hpajuc pluoh 75c pohcx lain 45c auto diiktehs 35c 50c 7c auto hijuh 5jb to sluw i oho motok and ioiahini motoil oii eoa por gallon tbe bond hahdwabe co ltd phon 1012 guelph like oil on troubled waters wuarlns a pair of savacoa elanu- jt lu aootbjnc to tho nrrvdtaiij a relief for any ono trouuld with oynn train thoro is a knack in fltunjr claao- a tliat will bo restful you will und tho judgment tiuod at tlila ca- tubluhmcnt valuable lu your com fort and cyoaishc wo crlnd ur own lartaca wo do aim uio elnanca t ou you indi vidually wo render u ocrvllo uiat you will appc-cluo- wlni viry f tin r it inunt rullun olttrpd but thouih lumtl hud in worry u i far an cutting a wau itinrcriml ho tlitl sairy t inly iivi r hiu ubltlty to elvu lut vlll i 1 allty alio rcuily to i hold off fi ii lu mothi i ii lot plm ho vim now llaiil ilumlloiiotl mui of whom fouii i natiiifiit t iy antl wuiu vti him j lrtjl liut itajll m tiiuklm u tltcbilon lie xik pain and bolkjwoyoj dlscovlrti that ho was not infinite care in those little things that are so vital to success 1 tho tardlnul rulo o i 1u- illii piano viliku born tif in ill u ixl juliiiii 111 tif plutio ion auj ou huvo ijiw rttaoon for thu lil i i 1iano jtoluf in tho very front runl of uiu inutal of cuuula u druit iluaioi p w kelly son vnoham street guelph uptodate goods at c c spkigiits ijlvcrwart iii tableware 1 nie vaiiety alo fine cutlery hardware tinwavc und rmnte ware- liijf asjortitleut ijndorii slove- und itauces i aiuou heaters small sovcj oil stoves lvery ahticlfc is of excli tional value c c spei a mill street mtuuj dlptiulu tfn my choice lil i j la mother when nho n if i lct ulartcd in wtuiyf it muy npoll my wholo ufa mm wulftrtl wiui uioro troublrl dun ii rl 1 lm in my mum hi inn rum nln i hi lit r ton u dunyorouo iiitjuit iju- t ndtincy iluiii woji llko tb thlld who dliii up bin biinlmi ovcry i tin r iluy to llu how tho ptua and htuni lm lum plaiittnl aru gt ctlnjalouif ih1i uu ulwuji i xamliiln hlmaelf und uluiyu il mil nt uoniothlnic wrong 11 h id iiim ntort il bin own wiak in uii till bin uv nut critic could rot luv uuiitttd u fault that ho had not uli ly i 1j jillli 1 llm o fur hi i lift liud movod in uuch a routlna tlit thin rliurarttrliillo luuv not especially huuiihr d mm now tliut tha time hud i uiuu fdr liidlpcndont uiouaht and ut tlon u had an ulmoat paralysing aftt r a wtxik of uusoplcw nig luuli ww n audi a condition tliut hla hint iter rallod in tho doctor ttlol ithorlty upoko to tho point uoall in to ii top worrying top thinking i riruu mwlbio rir tlio prcuunt tim ktor advlaotl u summrr on tho farrn ith tuoui h work to ocoupy his mind it without r iitonalbimitji u itail found it hunt to nula up u inluil bin motlur did not huvo tho nit dulu ulty ilftcn niliiutrn after tho dictorn dt parturc olio had talked llh itmll n futbrr over tho phone i ulrilhl ittullu rouiiln jimmy by tho mhldlu of tho bud inning n tmnwer llanila trunk mart inn t ltr auid haul i ai ho hulnid hi r junt at tho bt jlnnin of my tartr to go all to hrart wan tuatbig itaull t irow i naddto on nun iwid ialoid for tho lot tor by tl ttim tho ikklo r ii 1- p tho 11uu jimmy hud m to uiii bimkn hi 1 uli r it imm jlmn iuapt from iti ath wan iu mlrui u ouu hat tltiy win uli lit lllied to txllt llo hli nully mrlouii njurlca a brok n it g two linki rll and a inimbt r of 1 ad bruintn liirdly i j im nn oct i do i for iotigratulit urn i ml ytt tlmy ulattd jimmy am tht m 1 rutu tin word of tho acrid ntlia1 oikj ul rojd and all that tliy my uu th ntuc a m ightxirn woro drlvlm ivtr to rnok hnulrira rfml nlt r th ir jltuilntal and on i und u 1 wai qjmih 1 tloi in a r w vvlii j i mill would 1 x u ut 11 tn t v r hut t lit 1 totid day aftrr tl o ucri d mi th 4im looking gtivt 1 in ban x vr tliiii i ilkt hn ttid tin 1 orry lug it n thu rnim work i i ia tough lurk jutil wltnu nit ot liolp tor loo or mom y itanll tpofc a long ln utli mi hiik tolitm lixtnr h- uld up 1 ulkn anil lulu ilo jin ml him ftdl hollo jimmy lulu a ihi1 ili rliill il hy hw her choice v r i don t mind ii tho tlrl tliut i hud ul him tiver tho griut i ii that uim hold in from until r tho ooft itn bat and ho lookod if d t p ut cyca tindor th n hlu glanro fol hit inm dhilanco on n lrl who blood btw r of pahnii t of her wjilto v 11 wt back from u futi of umll id hluuhtii uu uhu rttclvtd cot if rat lirttl vitguoly at tl i of it all t ui if thtro wo lm rdtillty bt wti it tho nlowiimllo th i i ct1 i nit piljjjui nplhmnt i flrl i jiivo alwayii tltutrlbtd tull and ulndr big brown iyr1 nd ittl rurllnj light hrown holr uu luv tit n blind uli thlu tltim not to huvo no n who i mi ant i hid ii my hi art on it uomchaw iih jphh d iitlly you both iiccq ix wh ml ti did loll ugh mi ut to work i lt n hard work tin till looklni m uo hrld iixi tho jtir of miilctimftlirr and it my llttlo litr w u roncomctl no i tnuhl not loll you but i it it llm ja oltrirl fll j lilm uiil thiueht in jumi knowlia- w older thou luill urn fully of jimmy u uuvt rod yaxn hlu otipoulto houlili rvtl young y tliai looktvj hlu lannrtl faco ill ii that uoothid lullaby mr ilu joyfully iilntcr ttl hiii i bin mothr tliut hud bulongod tu ruiidfuthtr und whlcli rkliii uhorthuudod 1 to tlo u thlrig uiitcbi ho told iluitl bu ndu hopu junt w- ij liiuihly poi juul old hiun jlllllhtulli luto of ixuilou of irut night found hlu uunt of hltuutdf b fuix i nut ion tor i uu and liiltluttil tbt in uu ripldly him i word of i iwnirrul whitu four niurd with ifho ownul hlin i ii irii 1 chup tak kliika trout urrtmia idrnd who 1 1 i iwa ud ny having i h 1 hi i it i b ii 1 li ul lal intnl ivtdulll iirrtni that num ho had u uulvoauun uf ltioauiiy it v jlanll jin ayu hit you vork i jimmy il und umlltd tlown itoo ti i jtijit u nit to tijl yu jln t i i i tin ntln tuxiut th lug 11 right tjilulo lu mur ir thim h ml il 11 loint fully and your mlghutru utu goln iti in ip win out whin you n up at al jimmy you 11 und thln a junl tho t am uu if loud htcu on dot k ill thn tlmi you miinnt 6v rwork lhudl n mlndld jimmy fei bly you nn hulf ulil yon know iliuill laughed at that wik you uulit to liavo utxn tho briukfuut i ufo tiu morning all tliut all d m vuu that i ntmhltd u liltlo liard vork jimmy wau lu oiidurabu pal llo iiluiod and uhut hiu h itti uuini thlm in hl ulj h intlmutid hli rmilinihu to ucctpt hlu ttiuultiu luiiilr lor tho nut uu wot kit iill did hlu txut to niauo ood hlu tktnti ho uovor work d do hard in hlu lift tumbled out of bed ut tluyirtak w id uu lot j in ho could ucc nnil v to bod as noon no it was dark a hulptd him wnen tthu win not in j mrn nmm krtondn on tho in it hi lug fui inn though all uvi nvur kuvo halftlayu now nud uinl n t 1 jlnuny out tho ccrvlctj of a h wlltid youth of uturdy phynhiu wnk mnt w rr t ritntd u thun nlnt k but m p 11 llkilt ii luaill 1 if ij1 clom it tlo iiwitii u if nn i hrlio wan l uld ua holdlltj u r ftrtg tho muit1 al work of ilio fur juol uu if tin y th in lm bu u vt rything conn til iii u lit 11 bdillo i thira com i mm tiny humtd frti wttlt uhtad ullt it wiui u rutin und look n for had trltd t x gly w11 y mud oiiu und iv iy itiitimoni i thrlr hluudti trld to do r woiultrful im allot ul for lit hi 1 with hlu own ud taktli pluv ul inn ho wnt into urd for tho mini mt ho lmlut ho wau id tliiully put hiu in il hnjttid him iiuiil you r u w nn mi you o hud pratl ul nil wit it ou i u iilruolu what i it iou wr u alln iiiulxttiy to bol ti r yt iluull look i d ut lilu i ilnlm lo to lumo down brut tlmo thoy vt n thing thoy vtirul wooku thu t vi r injli tllu tin thut miilorlui no ti tin mipllibid no tblnk i how i k t ud u at n i did jim do it a uihdb aupctitl atu 11u u hi niub on uitull vtluld hohl pro t for on of th utut tun fully ulnulu nt fort ut i i th nntut complltnint ould jm pah mo i rully- id tunid und vrun looking down r y n hiidd uly ho ttoppor ihoui ht hud ml d hiu wonu in color h ft iln fuco for om i as hi out h divining winhlng to intumipt ut uu nrot toast j iiho ul llu way und to tlr tliij thr- dioll t il dli jid un do tlilu t uu y u iii ii- 1hi nil till huuty of th rihi itlltat umt and 1 itoh nlu klo iwit thu long hall paujhil on tlu ng roojii ho aukotl 117- drinuing in tht with uu illmy uu fint umld ih ill ttootl forh tull vuuia lllltxl with in ildu niinii hrpi of grtwn and fc i half buried ik r of tho inchcaai tho tarrhugo won at tho door tho irldi hud htr urrn utiout hir mothers n ik tho grooni already halfway down bo utopu was lmpttiotitiy waiting a ijowrr of fjjt lllttl tho air a whito a tin ullppcr uilmnirnul through tho hwer with a juick ptill tha horacji turn d und tho man within tho car- luj o tunjod from waving a lost adlou o tho party on tho haicony and put ih unmi utmut tho girl at luit i liavo you oaf a ho uald iw you know i was always afraid of that mini ttllionr that man wllhin was already fol lowing murgurut into tho drawing room ilia uu u volco uhlnd them oald thais tho lxit follow in town i don t lihi why lio and margaret dort t th niinr ruahrd uvu uorcnmtti fn o au oho i lajicod up to opo if ho hid in urd tho smlla in hlo oyra nuido her lookdown again ijulckly jiho walked to ttuv for md of tho room iwncalh tho l tlmit wlicro her sister hud a ooil and iitoiliig picked jjp homo roo petals that luy urjtti n il nt her ft at bho dll it nil uniotitwiounly wlton alio rooo wilton wuir standing omr her ho took b r band into ma dij j i ibj und all und lmkii down liililitr eyet i don i wt why wo don t either do iu mun un f horn ono liud on to a pljino and tin wtri i iu of ii mnrcli from 1 i itphn linu to tlum ihmiirh tho oi t tlootii u litw toftly utlmd in tho i aim luvu upovt thtlr h sad t tho pink row put n slipped from her fln- gt i in ii nluiwir don over brr gown un iu put hr hi nili up tti wiltons itlliu ii lis lugrr nucatlnn- ntv- ilo t nho uald ury ioftly twenty years ago tho inns of tho frso prs of thursday auquat 25 1s33 v 1 iymoii tioii dbipooed of his y und fimi goods butilmoa to hiiun hros imiilnviis of w ij htory ft virtlilpi in ordor to volumo of ordent ov rtiikntlir i ij for fultdtnctr t hii ry m nh h d ii nun i iui in 1 ivi tr rilt tlitlv lltlit tl lako wit m of iiumw iatln ribbon ahltnmorwd uhlt iml1 th tolori und tho pink m dtl t utitll 1 hruw noft 1 flections v r vryhlur it lij wty buuutiful und he nulil mi to ur sh uiih vi ry butitlful us nil mivttl about in htr clinging town pf mil nl grviu i hlfton itrclkhti tilug i if hr or bt titling u lliwyr tht r- and hu uu tajj ch nlthoiigh otlio ulis not it tlmi tho thing h ith jmhtpl did liuw lit hull it loiut till thut biith pint n itopptl uughlifg tliut wont oj ui not a ukylurk till i u binl thiimli vein mou ntrruptd u btiy who had udorxtl 1 lrl for yr tlir ntln of iho jirl hril with ihy t ai looked i then lm un joy uu viiiim i unking lunik it it ad lout llko vim hod l all by hut llko u day light jo itl i it j ih 1 hl uuallngly v y biiutiful but uo dontdeuirvt u ink to mull y who uty itiith htiutiful utjtl miii i t und htr nl tr had 111 thing u ti i a i 1 l t 1 w ft i 1 i 1 1 id tin nil lit t w onl 1 o 10 lu k ium not lo 11 hhu v xi hut x id ut illtlo ulult r wiim h ih ttr than lift if ul u tmijkl to 1 r w iot 1 hot i rr d md llfty utum itmgth of tluio ui m lt rl ju yur i lo umg u hi uu it a tm h hu i n v r had u lit th in thl i uu ir in tt utiy thtr mi ufhl iti llo wol dt1 lod if pin mr did organ lias bden in ht jonphu church it lias volumo hhj hj allogi ther a a ibtkago and mlns mag- gto lft tlurlng tho wotk for johnstovn n y in wloh clly ihuy hopo to tmith tht tr futurt homo jii u nault of thu tivanlu of civic jl uduy the troklnolo club und thrm- tatviu in u iiosluun to wlim out thu iiiipil f luilunco un tho town hall piano n aohn i iilnitfy at collegu strtct tofbn- to u augmit is ta mr ojid mxti j m lrnliy a daughter a bishops worries h4klg n a patriotic crowd frtim o ijattlc ucard tnnk lining u roarlnc trudo lp tho lit itov dr inurni wni txindu ilhihuj of nrnrtirilv xtod and tliut ho had just rttolvid that umn tor a new book ho hud wrlttun a iwon as ho hodtlntiili etl lilu uimtoch ho uald ho intended to litveul it in wur bo ntln ut tho tank to uiourutli ilhiru to do ilkowhu sir th min in announced hhi tlscuput rvslditiee iulluim iulaei wan uoon tu 1h lurutxl into u iihj crews hospital itih ho uu giving up tiulf of tils othtr iitubllnhmtml lamdon house in ht jm nun thjiuiro it blnliop is luetl to imliu out of fin lilu at t onllng to hlu own lute in nl ho h a ik in lu a throuio state of llillmjihl lldlllty hvuf ullloo 1301 wlnitl fiom a uuffraguil ho was pruuiotod to u fulliiudgi d bio hull io ufico pub 11 hetl u uuluinlil nf hb luttimiu to uhow how illtliiilt tl wm for him to mukt ihiiii undu itieot on hlu uulury of ii0 uoo u yiur although a iiauhulor and u uwi of tilmplo tualt i ho wu1 t ihllm llitl to itvi ut i ulhuttt iului with iu 4 bod niiili tiul itulu il in good toiidltloti uu i not tuxjiti lh strlpturul injuno tlon to imj klvlii to hutiplluuty ho hluttd that ho would much prufvr ii v log lu u diuull mat at u iuuli rotluc4d tabtry hut lm wuu ml ullowotl to rid llljimutf of hlu plmonul whit ulopltunt v twjthut uio hud cfuiui in to tuku it tt hlu 1 t thin out t hi nuy i worth hlmemuerinq u itmuuii try rub iti u putu of u110h 1 it vury hihul uu it and luulila tt inoro lloy fltw of ulmlt k u a llttlo ualtin eeo uphiful a itoiigh tloiitiohii uhut ufiini u bmiiltl olht ubh ut ut ill u m nh muy bo r i willi t n tliu w null tl ii iiptt unlj w ith teuton whl to of uu iviv ni ktiimrku fn nn whito 1 mlb vi ill i u iniut ioi ih tllpptd itillg olird i ir fa ui iiioinui i iwiy bt ntl whit o t y hoiung in t ream of uolulloi ul irnrtu ol r tuitmiitlm u id uiu iil r uio v iilnt rtotoro till or tuken out t y a id iiuionlu in ul volotll r hurt it drop ho fudo1 iipo i 11 liuv kill g dip thn ti mn uf 1 uittli 1 ii i hot paruhl io before tht i for i eiilll oi luk out u lyno or uusolti purinillt t only during tho day tlmo nd in tho oihil uir ir n u wl-von- tllutod it hi in xnitaiiiitm no upxai flojjjp au tho gracious mautor maut7 vvrtnljit uhlno and nhcwi r mint ft un temper uur content with his own i or wo know rot nvtry morrow ci n ih tout ut forgot tint uli tho tirrow wo hnv i had lvt uit fntil iiwny our frarn and put by our foollah tram and tlirotigii all tho oning years just bo glud jamcu whllcomb iulsy war and the dirdo coital n wild thlticu as u rule aoemi unfrinhlened and wholly undisturbed by tho long upechi of thu tremendously heavy qunflrit on tho western fronl it lu alngulur to nnto tliat4hough tho birds thero nuy lw nllcncetl by a thundrrutaim they sing continuously pthrotjifrr tho deafening roar of a heavy imimtkvnlment of tho trenches soys a hri unit wrlter tho lark rlnyo singing imitwntn tho llni i and tlio wren plays imong tho brambles dusplto uio thundering of tho guit when au in tho forcat of argon no ono leaves tha moro leafy ooll of tho mtirfun path for tlin mud of a com munication tr nrh and eorroundlnfn where treca aiul undergroiwth have our- fefed inoro uovoroly and whom ono can only act ids foot at lho risk of his life plan insect and binl ufo again go on undluturbod it is it were ajf if tho wur with all its appalling turmoil hud now bucotno so familiar to tho klni dom f birds and wild animals that it had lost its power to frighten during thn winter and spring of 1314 and 11c however wild animals of oil kinds dt4r by tho heavy cannon and riflo firing fled from germany and porta of austria and- entered tlio rwlbn foresta and tho alps they in- eluded wild loara deer of several iflnds goatn etc as wall as innumer able wild fowl pjid in tho lower en- gtidlne cvon bears entered tho htns yollowslono park as it la termed tlio lakes and rlvors of bwl tier land were crowded by tho deplecna of tho air and tho morn hen und fowlers were busy till shooting waa prohibited by tho kwlsj nufcvoritii t and nlmrp imprluoo- ment instead of tines dealt out to of- fondero against tho law tho strong- ers wro tlin allowed to havo a rcat in peace and comfort before continu ing their journey to wnrmcr cllrac thoro is no doubt whatever it wan tho wur tint frlghtt ned tlm tin lm a la ind blnli from their accustomed huunto and erowded tho sjwiw takes and forests a largo number of wild im iril from tte illacji iireat entered thu juru aljmi ucrooa alsaco and xxir- mine and in passing through lh lihtlug armies werr noticed by many nf tho ucouts und other soldiers uoo and wont however prevail in wild life omi us thoy do in human deer again foed in uio glades of tho iorcjt of argonne dcaplto the burrl- cano of sholhi that may full but a few ml lea uvruy till overything gteen dis- uppearti shredded and pulverized into tho torn cart 1 1 and only stumps at trot u are i ft protesting mutely agalrst tho folly of man and hero too in tho i ion nt of arkonnc un ofllccr tak- luu his morning rido may coma upon iho magnificent wild boars still fro- qmntm the innely thickets ii may be probable though that this long ikrlod of great has till tics ut influencing bird ufo in another and nora remarkable way tho roar ot tho in ivy artillery may poaalbly havo divert ert or retarded the movements of birds on their migratory course and a curloui effect lias been noticed in tho midlands of ling land and else where evt ry year nlnco tho war be gan ttm imulluwn nml mart inn and other inlgrantn uxo loath very tatr the fattening of chickens tho profits ohiiilned from marltctlnc lean poorly flishcd unfinished chick ens aro so omajl an to bo frequently rrf litri puemnit houuen und lorip r produce- dealers and it niheuuiry to go to connlderoblo cx- mnue in pmvldo tho neceuaary prem iums and oejulpmcnt to properly finlsli uuth twultry tho best placo to feed poultry ii on tho farm arul if it paya the pueklujf house 1 to like- tlio ttoubuj it obviously would 1ki good hhijinfujl to do thn work nn tho furm iriimjr fccdlni and finishing will not only greatly liienuii tho vvclght of tho blnlu but will iilo entianco tlio valuo of ov ry ouuco eif tlcriii on tho curcuus and greatly reduce tho pro- ikjrtlon of oltul in rv la tlon to lha umupiit of odlblo iiivtit thorvi is gouerujlya ditteionco of from threu to uoviin cento per pound in thu prict paid fur wcllrieubetj birdjj on eomiuired with lean unfinished utock juat oh tho range tin ru lu ulwtiyu a market for prlmo iuullty ioultry whllt thu poorer etuoj- ity huu to 1m uoltl ut wluituver prlco i in lm ulleujlletl dupuiullug oil uio murkoi utid ihu umn u nt of effort put forth on tho part of tho uolh r illrdti gont rally hiuku tho groatcbt guln wliun about thrvo lo fbur moiithi of ago und tuo uv ragu birds make tlio inoiit otoiiomltul gains during uie flrnt two weeku tt upoiui1 feeding chlekutui eaji ho ruudlly taught to food by lamiluht this ut el great con- vt nlunee iid it lu uiihublti ihut tlio tlnio uf fitdlui bu uiutod uu uburl us kuuilblu twolvo lutuni apart iho trutu iiyultm of fuedlng la inuoh noiu ottlnomltal und eineleut in rut llulng thlu mthod onu lu uhlu to art full j liole tho prognuai i ml tig inadu iy omh blid und tht fmhling iirlod f thu moro thrifty tun ofluji im uhort- u d oi lotigf lu in d lew tiro 1 rod also uio ikiilt of tltu eiulti fwd bttds ul tu ulily uoitr than tliut of pen fed blnlu umpllllt tlon of tht foregoing nutlun upply to tho iubllcaxloiio h lepartiuuil of agfiiulturu ottuwu fit hullotiii no hu of tho f tho lp riuiollt- ul i irnm mtltlxl iliuultig 1oultry k t compctitionu for uoys and girls ho ulf foilng toiimlltum at iho dinoiitoii hprlug uhow tt has ikoh ti t ul il o huvo a ui ui hut eojuitolltioji or tiwino ut tho oumiiur exhibition her whtu s3uu will u dutributod il twelvu prlitu ruiiglng rvom jc lowu thu couiputltura inunt li imyo hid glrlu reulitt lit lu cuuuilu uud ik weo u d und it yuiro of uuv j r lieu ul thlu fair fur thu mm und feeding foaui divided equally bctreau light and heavy horses and open to a und giriu of the agio qiaotlon- 1