Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 19, 1918, p. 4

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ua nt mi 11 fliurt 13 i31r thc opicc tjox tli 1 i box h u i i 111 in rp wlilii i 111 injrr ji li frni nnt whiff minim li m hint i hi t i iiuy 1 m far away in lilmy inlnniln uwrrt mil iliy tefi tliat woo oio brree willi milru noui nt mj fot tliln lni unoi iico crow upon a trio in borneo tin inner iiarlc how nicety mark tun utrlpped and rolled it no tin frni rant cloves tn javas v yovta an llowr buds thoy grow now ilucked and dried oer oceans wiclo thoy con my door toryoil 0 i inj r hot youro not forest 1 think youro from jamaica in aunti brown you enmo to town a i nobar an a quaker 1 toot of a rood jou were indeed tiiourii mwdor now wo vlrw you lovo to dldf yet not in oplto oil no in friendship truol couila and rraco find their place mao la the nuuncffa nhcalh and iiutmoco b or trceo you tlio troplo oklcu beneath sweet alluplco next i find porplca- cd itii real nuno la pimento itp powdered acodn fulfil our needs with aromauo scent oh i tea tlio uplco box la a nice box i lllco to en iff within all rirth you nee sends rifts to tnx and nnlftine in no nlnl then let mo learn and wisely tarn to uso bach punjrent nplco this very mlnuto ril bealn it majlo mother aomothtmx nice co ua cook kifclioiicr was riohtf on duty ahr who vnui now to tlio army was placed on guard durino tho day all had irono smoothly and he wan caln- inff in nulfaunuranco before ho went out with bin relief at 3 p nu tho cor poral asked him if ho knew hla general ordcrn and how to challcmro anyone at night saro- aald abo ill toll him in u hhrb pitched voleo that ho should atopf thats it ilalt who in there but n up pood ho doesnt btopt wolou tell him voneo then x tell him arain then til shoot him in th head tlno grinned tho corpor- ol look out for tho officer of the day when ho makes hla tour of in spcctlon holt him sharply if you dont woy poll in your nockl ha ha i do nt worry 1 abo bad been walking bin post for a little more than an hour tho night was clear and tbero was a moon ho was getting lonesome and just a bit nervous tbo trees and shadows made figures that moved with the leaves and did not answer when cbauerurcd it was dls ooncertlru a atap sounded and i form cafflo out of tho ohade alons tho path abo btood with open mouth tho form came into tho light of tho moon and abo rocofrnlxod tho ofneer of tbo day ho heaved a great breath of reller and aald oh if yon is it br colly you beared mo somotbink awful wfeen- fee- eat emer tht civilian popu lation must go short f many thing to which it is accustomed in times of peace or our armies must go short of munitions and other thing indispensabic to them time has tested it- dr thomas ecloctrlc oil has been on tbo market upwards of thirty years and in that tlma it lioa proved a hi cos inn to ihon sands u bi in high favor throughout canada and its ezcellenco has corrlod lta fame boyond tho neon it has no qtnxl in tho whole list or liniments if it were doable tbo price it would bo a cheap unlmtnt jow the only way we can possibly live up to that obligation is by going with out ia order that our soldiers may have for the money we waste ia not money at all it is equipment clothing shot and shell that are ur gently needed in france by denying ourselves there fore we enable canada to procure to the fullest extent the materials and labor which she and our allies need for the successful prosecution of the war what happens when we fail to save a pullon labor by the govern ment in one direction and a pull on labor by the people in the opposite direction hundreds of millions o dourra are of no use to the country if good and services can be secured only to the extent of eighty millions 06 dollars so we must do every thing in our power to release both goods and labor for the purposes for which canada needs them hbther it be food coal wool steel leather labor or transportation tho result in all cases is the ftamft whoever competes with the nation by freely satisfying hb own desires selfishly appro priates to his own use that which is so urgently required for our fighting men ia france for the sak of your coatsfry and the boys over there spend cautiously think of what lord kitchener has said and ask yourself first is this something i really need or can i do without it ooloigr maocoto travels not yi t riftrn ycjirn of aps but tall ami ulroiff ikinl jfriklnn t travel led mifiin mil on hltf own hook too lln i miw htitu in toronto aatin1 tlutt ho ifft nil tin vrantm io hi vnrl1 for no f 1 in tlino d com and rondy io nfllln down hiiiir riowpnicm lnoellitrars of fir wlititi war hrokn out hs fro iuonict iltlltloh camp ahd itor camp dor dun in lurault of hla trao thin ii yearn of aao without m- itunlntlita ma pnrotitb of hi intention b tlupnrted for knulnnrt abofllrutmas- nt of until moor imanl hauallon llfn homo follisnot tlmlr first ou to tils whrrrmoom when tby fpottod tilm in n mfvln jilrtur shownln a local theatre showlne th battalloti iii11b from hi jolm ijtfeaos of m lender ne krunb was iiont baelffrom isnitlnnd nrrlvlnfl fobrunry 2i 1917 juid ha httji tlio rertular c h it dis chars imviir fcliowlnr tpat hir con duct whl lt with tho corpa was vmd ios than a week after 1ls return home tie llanpiienrod asain on march 0 and wna mt heard of again until recently when ha returned fo hl homo from toronto ho had gon to a farm for eu months tben to winnipeg where lie got a job and from thtt city bo went to tho states with a travailing show winding up at a v 0 army camp in toxas whoro bo was adapted as mascot by a uachlno gun battalion ho hoped to go with them to dvanee whtro ho thought bo might mot bis atlitr but tho ofllcors aald tho army regulations would ncjt permit of tak ing him on the transport mo bo drop pod off at nuflalo and returned horns ills father thomas jenkins erv- od with tho irth lialtallon overseas but was invalided homo and discharg ed six months ago take thc otame that belongs to you tho world admires one who is ready to toko tho blame which belongs to him dont waste strength trying to oscapo censure you may seem to ettoooed in foisting off tho responsibility i onto somebody or something but yon lose tho respect of iboso whom you aro trying to convince tou cannot do a manlier thing than to stand up and declare the fault wasmlna x am tho only one to blame tftrouihod nodes the authority of th fcntiy- of finance of fw lowering ydur standards by leisure hours homo ouns folks whoso otandards aro bich in tho serloua things of life lower them anrpiialnfily in their ro- creauona there are people who aro at their wo rat when they play games they loao their tomper nnow on inor dinate lack of courtesy render their associates unomfortablo and perhaps indignant you- play- ttga an if victory wcro a life and death matter k not critlclre ether peoples mlatalfcj nor cloat over them kein your ttmper with an iron hand if ever yon find ourwlf tempted to tak an unfair advantage you may be sure that you aru putting too much stress on victory good manners which fail in such u criuut aro a very superficial sort peo tliut yours aro equal to tho demandu of your lebsuro hours as well as thoso wli n you am busy atford for mothers ztu moog for aaxhors to rtaflcct pefa aches mod pains and rraflcr ia fticaca this kstochroailcaickncsa rad often shorten hfc hytrarwoikutlilnp ttyccrncrvcj soxcxdtablci ifrou 1 oei languid weary or depressed scotts emulsion over come just such condition it possesses in concentrated form tbtt very elements to invigorate the blood atrenrtlien the tissues nouriak the nerves and build np your strength how birds sleep nirda ccncrally nlocp with thelr bcads turned tailward over tho back and tho beak thrujt beneath tho wing btorun culls and other loncioggod birds ulucp otandlne on ono leir ducku ulaap in open water to avoid donotaotfhlftin tmhuru with one foot tiiu- making uitn move in a circle owlo in addition to their eyelids havo a screen that they draw oidowaya across their eyoa to ubut out the light for thoy aloop in tho daytlmo scloctod children cry for fletchers oastori a corno- cripple tho foot and make walklnj a torture yet nuro relief in tho nhapo of huiwnys corn curolawlth in mih of nil w oisaqrceinq harmoniously it jo at hunt uufcscnuvu tliat we speak of certain people an disagree ing whin wo moan that thoy guarrel as u matter of fact no two people ogrco in ovtrythlng tlio beat and moat lojal dlffir in opinions and tho very dutirincu jnay b a bond of closer union itut tlicro uro other ixniplo to whom tho tail thut another ulaagroes with tlnm la ulwujt a cliallcnifc tbty look on their choice of a presidential candi date or u phjalclan their prexureneo ai to utcruture or diet aro of course tho right own whoever d tagrrea with them in trung and must be mado to sro that ho la wrong it is tbo procetta of convincing the other mistaken in dividual which has resulted in mak ing dlsuirreiment a aypoaym for hos tility r hnvi ou- own opinions and have decided onii an oiunlon that can bo swayed liki i reed by orury wind that blown la wrth nothing or lltio lean but do ii t expect every ono to agree with you io uot oven wlnli them to iwrrerejiiii it opinion holp to keep thlnss moving jno an dlltcrencxs in tho temperature of various strata of the otniouiiliero help to mako tho ali currents on which our comfort do pends nt youiooir to demonotrato tho frtet tint people may dlaaareo bar- monloualy a surprised dinner party in a recently published poo sir henry lucy has a charmlnu atory of late cunon alnur tho canon was ery fond of tullurxin and uct out one night to attend a party given y chlilmi for chtldrt n dont unnueno me ho said to the servant tcivini bb tout anil liat dowuutalrs he quietly oiwuul tlio drawing room door miilto tho buzz of yok oji- nounctil tho prcaonco of company dropplni on hlj liaiidij and knocs ho ontontl in tklnk tttnnno nolueo dla- tlnctly mcmbllnif tho i elihlnr of a horsy aw aru of n dell ulleiico he looked up and found tho tucjita oo- oembltil for nn tljhtoeloeu dinner regard int him with dluuuiit not uninlx- td with ulurm tbo chlldrenji pnrty waa next door r church qrumalcs an excellent though unconscloua crluclam of tiiu rapid and incoherent manner in whloli too many congrejia- uon pirfnn ihrlr jiart of xho 111- sponsca on hunduy wus rndo by n small boy on bin return froni hla lint attendance at church atom m 1 bo rtmurked dont hko tlio inlntklr lo t vby urtalnly ii am id you usk nik b a qumluu reply well njld harold sturdily the minister would read nonu thing uiul tben thtym alt nrumhlo and thon hod readoainu m rfo and theyd at gruinblo again 1 the people wliat mado was tho now raises 600 chickens i after being reuered of or- janic troublo by l jdia e pinkhanfs vcgtabl compound oroecn iii xtoolclydlaplnr- hsmd ivtkulabu compound for an or ganic troublo which pullo mo down un til i could not put my foot to the floor and cetujd scarcely do my work and as i lira 011 n small farm and rau six hundred chickens every year it made it very hard for mo i saw the com pound adtoxiiaod la our paper and triad it it has restored ssy fctalth so i can do all my work and lam so tatoful that i am recorntnend- ing it to my fonda mrs d m jltxfu r it 4 orafon iu onltwotncnwhohatotaijieredthatnr- tortsof uch troubles and harodrsgred aloar frondsyto day can realbto rollsftvliich tliln famous root and herb rmedy i ydlall ilnk hams vefetshla oom pound brought to lira alters women tvrywhora in mrs altars eondttiori should profit by her raeom brttttdatjon and if thra aro any com atlcstloim writo iydia e pinihsms irdlcion co irnn mass forsdviea tnr5t of tli9ir40yaraxparlaswa is at jfcjur porvico economy furnace raysf0rtt5etf by the coal it savev moreheat less coal most durable most economical costs uast for mmi83 dtaitnm uuntm oimr mmtum mahuracttlmoav tofl0ktohamat0hwhiptavaaaryin worms by the irritation that they cnoas in the stomach and intestines deprive infants of tbo nourishment that thoy should derive from food and mlnutrltion is tho result millers worm powders destroy worms and correct tho morbid conditions in the stomach and bowels that are favor able to worms sa that tho full nutri ment of tho child is assured and de velopment in every amy encouraged children ory fob fletcheas o r what your employer is look ing for it is truo interest of an employer to discover real ability that is what your employer is looking tor it is not because ho is a philanthropist but because ho is a shrewd practical man allvo to bis own interests that bo is ready to promoto tbo worker who shows himself nt for better work than that which ho to doing if yon have the ability you aro no moro anxious to havo it recognized than ho is to reeognlxo 1l tour employer is looking for integ rity for trustworthiness it is fairy to tell yourself that it is tho unscropu- lous fellowa who get ahftad tbo honesty which docs not need watching has a money value to every bneinces m if you aro a worker who can bo trusted everywhere you oro just tho one who is waited taeircirf7orilwk aawdmjntnuqnfcfio 3 jin tncslocudar tncjflkroplanotepm imintfcilnaxnajicorcu oastoria for infanta and ohildron mothers know that genuine castoria always bears tho bigaaturo of exact copy of wrapper in use fur over thirty years astoria castoria kor infanta and oripdrn in useforoyr30ynvs always bean the grnstors of the dowels uutt act hahhyzn most ailments the trot caro of tho medical man is to see that th bowels aro open and fully performlnr thelr f unctions parmcioob vegstablo pills ore so compounded that certain in gredionts in them act on the bowels solely and thoy are tbo very best modicino available to produce healthy ion of thobowsls imlrfd thfro is other speclflo so serviceable in keeping the digestive organs in health ful action be cheerful i no ono prefers to give their ottcn tion to a grouch no one choooes to do business with a corehead a smile removes obstacles over comes objections inspires faith and paves tbo way for business cheer spell confidence confidence a pel la success men who suoceed are chocrful gloom spells trouble troublo spells failure men who fall are gloomy cheer u an asct olsbm a liability it la good business to associate with men who aro solvent 13e cheerful as a business proposi tion fait fair prize list concluded cla03 28 fine arts continued bec 7 figure water color s animal wntcr color 0 flower or rrult water color 10 any other subject in water color 11 painting on china 12 painting on silk or satin 13 pastel any ouhject 14 sepla any subject 15 pen nnd ink sketch ib collection kodak vlowa acton mil vicinity 17 penmanship tho lord u imyur by 1uhlla bchool scholar 13 irawing by public hchool hchour 19 collection of not leiu than 2l vuri t pressed mounted and named so collection of photograptui l3 best acton baby from uli mi let by wm cameron toro oowdy caah iz 00 judging wilt tako placo in front o 9 best two loacs bread and onu of nobles kini choli railway time tallies at acton grand t runk hiiiwi oono vot no 20 no 21 no 3t no ins no 37 oomu fnt no 28 no 12 no 34 no 33 holiday ir ih ii p tl golm wrr nt 10 lrt 11 1 1 0 1 p m hallway toronto suburban eloctr colnr voil 0lvoni dally jupt fltimlay 3j2 p m tally w 1 jit flunday 09 p in dully ont iluntlny llojom tunilay onlj 0 32 p m hunday only qolno co dnlly ciirqit minday n iynpt bunday dally iixpt sqnday hiiiidny only flunday only 7 48am 2 03pm tin p m dcs n m tqo o charles gtrcoti toronto icvcry kraduato and n re 1 of underuradnatrii of tljli i ir have uocurod pojltlonn and out of tho latt ono hundred and four uppllcatlonn for oidco holp wo flllrd only nine catalogue fro intor now acton livery and bus line i solicit with contldenro tho patronage of the public comfortablo rlt uuppluid at roosonahlo rates special attention tojiupplylnic conveyances for weddings and funerals motor cars furnished when roqulred hxpreaaman for tho toronto buburban hallway 1 mini htand at 4 p m sharp mado out by tiiu kobt- noblo co limited jot 73 lbs klnj u cliulco llour vaiuo tico znd 48 lbs kings cholcu 1 lour valuu j3 00 3rd 24 rbo kinco choice i lour valuo fl co 4th 12 rbo iclng0 choice hour value 7sc best two loavca hread and onu ilomn hum lot go lbs iamlly ptour valuo 13 00 2nd s itm 1amlly floor value co donor to receive iuin by w hortop prlro winners apply to ntlion co fir hour best hap of dominion of cmuid 1 luvoit lnehui or moro long open to public school 1 upllu of at ton bonnock- btnm dublin and ionu s tioulu lut by a t brown a wourmun uelf llllinj fountain 1 11 valuo so0 znd by john l charlcj tvroiito jj1i u no best collection of inaocta oih 11 to nil wmi 1 ujuihi tho junior ilntrarieo lxaminationu in u17 and 101h by v u stewart jat cash i 00 2na eaum oe beat collection of wild plantii mul 1 l wini mocmtod in doxena open to hoy scouts only to in mwiiu property of boy scouts by n i mooro lut s3 oo n 1 00 oanh beat 10 lbs fa trained li or my d a henderson caah beat c tbb- strained honoy donor t rusaall cash beat 10 tbo strained ii ed evcnlrur of uhow by dr best six ioien rreab lin u oroccrica limited co l co cash beat nispley of cut plow era by muiubt r tural society to lududo tluma gladiolus and uutet jr f vnlv beat loaf war bread mal barley or corn dour by ii 1 months donor to recel ejhas3abd actoh ont cdhiaiuompsractsr tfollomto canatm 1 acton flour and feed store we havo u supply of the following now on band tha wsll known orsnda of klnpa cholcs nerval and national flour nothing batter dran oat chop qhorts craoked corn rolled oato corn meal halt in 601b 1001b and zooib hags and barrels tjpucial lima in ciiicicun rrjud qiv13 ouh calf mral a titlal 1 poaflshtic kolluu oath tulfl iucht canada lool board luetuju ni 0 robert noble limited hknrv awrv manamb jit t5fe acton bakery m edwards co canada luot hoard ljoenano q01i mill 0theet aoton to fbcljitnlo ibolinndllnitofl tho products of our bakery aqd to mako it moro conveni ent for our customers wo tuvo secured tho shop noxt to wiles confectionery where supplies of our war bread brown bread tea biscuits cakes buna and scones mo always ho secured r wcddlns cakes a specially m edwards co mothers can easily know when their children ore troubled with worms and they lose no tinio li nppllng tho best of romodlea motbor uravea worm ex terminator children oxvy for fletchers ca9toria didnt know qaqton a now york cluhinnn tolls of a quaint choraotoo ho mot whllo on a hunting trip in canada last sumraw this man waa r kronen extraction and proud nf n ft loud of hi in nw tork ono ouutnn lcuplnnsae of vhora ho tnlkatt constantly you live in now ytirkt he ftt onoe itsked whon the uotttiuntte appsejrsd i do you know cum an 1oaplnasaqr no i dont think 1 ever heard of him the canadian icomwl dlsappolmad aswoll as nonplussevl then ho boaai again i you live tn now yoiki yos you do not know uaston lesj4n ttssb never heanl of him tho canuck urlnneil incredulously tlirm with an ntr of ono vonvlidlt another out of hu own muuoi hs rahll oaston 1m tho cook at the hutsl chlra now rstuvss asthma si liula bmbsm thoiiimimt of dolliirs btivo been vainly l nt upon remvtllet for uaihmn and seldom if ever with any relief br j ix kellotma anthtim ltmedy d pile it uasuraiicn uf tiuunt coal so llttls that it wtihln raaoh of alt u la the nntlounl lenicdy fur ssthma fur removed from the ihmh uf doumtul and sxittrlmorttui trvnmtlon your tlsalsr osn supply u gei the genuine grafonola avnih dwupppintmcnr refuse imitanons onfy cetiurw cokimbk orrbnoks and records ber tfab irade mark look fcr it befbre you buy columbia graionola rem jauitiy c c speight acton ont chopping well done and quickly at only 5 cents perbag hahnis co limited h0okwood ontahio local agent wanted for tho old bcllablc fonthill nmtcrics thounnndo of orctuml uvea need rdplnoinif war onrlenn call foi mnutl rului enrly honrlnu fruit tix p bsprvrnoun thubmb plants u tho demand foi oi nauunitul block in towns tin i uiluiu u inrnu heouu a ihtjiiik luuuy wm liimrnl eiiiitml mhi lxpei enm not tint tin mis axonn wellington toronto ontario ate n invncnrougl iwuuoa m unlmwiljf avo jaonthiivl li ja kjskii tin b

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