forty fourth year no 14 acton ontario thursday morning october 3 loia single copies rivo cents tin actom irurnj inrw in iui tlnhc 1 ovcry thursday morning nt tho rnn j ncaa uulldlnjr mill ittrwjt acton ontario tlio aulmcrlpuon i rico la 11 co per ytwr in advonco postago la chnrri i additional to offlcea in tl united hlatcn the dalo to which null crl tlonn nro pah to indicated tho nililrcra label advl rtising ilatks truwl odtertlooments jo cents per lino agate measurement for flrst insertion and c itn per lino for each aubsoqucnt in srrtlnn contract display- advertise bientn for co inches i r more per an num 10 conta pur inch carl insertion advcrthinmnnla without n nor 111 o dlroe tlona will bo inncrtcd till forbid and charge 1 accordingly tnirpironii kdltorlal and business oiuco business directory thg3 gray m d c m mcqill lrc p ldlnburgh i il t 1 tl glasrow member br ulan medi cal association etc office frederick 8 1 root acton ont or j a monlven physician and durgson office and itnsldcnca corner bower avcnuo and llgln streets uio rosld enco formerly occupied by d m han demon acton ont veterinary john lawoon vouhnary ourooan acton ont ofqeo arthuro block residence mill street calla day or night prompt ly attended to legal a j mackinnon f barrister solicitor coftveynncr offlco mill st in perryrnan pl thrift b the outstanding quality which people at home must dis play in order to help win the war one of the best incentives to thrift is a savings account in the bank of nova scotia it is a pleasure to see it grow by systematic weekly deposits how- ever small call or write for fall information the bank of nova scotia paidip cajlul 6 500 dm jtewttp puod 1 2 000 000 ueaourees 130 000 000 w k gqa1ia14 actio uuuu aftoo urandl savagel co established 11143 wyndhau st quelph dental dr j m dell d d o l d 8 dentist honor graduato of toronto unlvt ity tho lauota oncathouo used if desired ofqco at residence comer mill and frederick street miscellaneous marriage licenses h p moore issus marrlan lioanse privatb oillco no witnesses re quired issued at residence in evening fun pxaa office acton onf cib nun an oblndar i till kinds mode to u riurulln neatly aaf r watches diamond3 jewellery library desk 8etq finc china cut class silverware bilk umbrellas fountain pens bjtodallatji in wedding and birthday glfla lxpcrt u atch iuij juuullory ilopalroru savage co 70 years in business in quolph ifsgfr summer is here til dw tutlj conducted anywhertj onuirlo rnrm stock llutl ijluto u mrrclmnduit j e cheevers dook oindcr quebec sl ct gulph ont ilooka and niaiaxliica bo unit- in ilaudsouiu and bubslanuol covunt niiraw lettered in ireld an ulbw hymn llooka aud other book f alwork promptvexaeuud d alex nivbn ontario land survey qt and civil enoirvaor hurvoya ftuudlvtnli- tit i uxxa lla ikirta ixwcrlpuotia ulitlprinui v tnrtincitiu fur i urxliancra uiid iimrtj m imui survuyu cor arfliltntu hulldt r and munlcliui com 1u iralnaj lte porta luiuiuutca ou mclean buildinq o ut ouiji ii lliono 1ul ont the old and boliablo granite and marble doalors wo nro nmnufuoturvru un i j lntuuhern or all klnda of m arid ilcudatono worlt we tull tht to our cualnitni at vrtiolcaulq i 1 thun t win our ruatuitiin 4o pr i r vn tmvuatllo txut nppllmtla uu 1 hi onlj jnactianlca in thu ikimlal w rutt oi orate pncuinutlo tuuui prui vl l in cvo reftroiuin frt m hu in of utir cuutuin m in luruuur uj t u 11 fru wticre ouiora luxvo t huvo 1 niilut lii onlrr to collict w huv n larirrnt and beat atotk of tlrm it i the dominion or i tl tt tll dfatcm tn tho wwl urj u 7 iiiita iknhni and employ u ati ni fl do not annoy or pi ualii hamhton sons cor nnlcl 4 w lld auuu1 wnetbr0s full uuinmcr uneu of lloota ffa for both lad lea und wajnty new things- heavy working ooots npw unca of outim jnhota ffdl lavvn cowling shoes tennis shqeq running shoes an 1 other lines our price r rloht and our qualities superior uliaijuno n11a1iy and 1uomitly uon12 kenney bros main otreet the bpnd hardware co ltd just arrived car fresh cement lluy your kail hanlwar tocka i lllclnrtnn olanu at bond a perfection und cluarxl ltuflnr no oicunc for ifivlm u leaky roof buy rkuitlfcum which in a touiib claatla ndhcnlvo mont for rcncwlnc cuttcm 1 kwh i ii will ucil leaka in uny roof 1 lb 25c 6 ld pail 85o wl havb what you want tho bond iurdware co ltd- phone 1012 quelph 0cntrygo i unad to 1 i no lonoly when i wake 1 at nliibt and rnlildn t nlonp itnt i hire my fatbrr went to war i think perlnpn lio hau to keep tho wrntrtl to tiliiit rind up und down in ranrhu j mart hen with hln runl in thnn i wnllc in ntep iltii him the s ilo nlf lit irntf wo bad nuch fun dalni for yal tn yvhen bn wnn jit re an 1 when itn cold i wonrtor wbelhc 1 orlinpu lie doenn t mind tho cold no much if wo re on mmrl tocctlilr ainrlla joflophlna uurr the little phalusbe by janet wtiuli hew ii o- wou murrle i at nut a y nr nr mnr rkd n nice i irl too uned to know her lhe wouldn t nlnnd t r hhn not ilnini hln nl ire not for u mlimtf if nhi rtallcod it lib hi hunlrcd p r lonl it 1 ilowly dirro hi 1 it f dlf nwerc i like oil on troubled waters wearing a pair of bavair0a sbuia- cj in uootbins to uie ncrven and a rohcj for any ono troubled wllb tyui train tliero u a knock in flttinir lom- ca uiat will bo rcotful you will find the judgment used at thlu ca tnb1eihmuitvajujlbio to yrjurconi fort and eyculuhl wo crlnd our own lcnaea wo do- ulirn tho gloaucs to ault you lndl vlduolly we render a service that you will appreciate afqktbsut 4ulujpkond the guelph trust co miuuucd in connection wllli tho quolih and ontarl ln nont und liivliii xliy dinectors clwiruji u ilovltt 1 itjldiiit twugo i 1 orlwji vi o 1 rudduiit ii ilowltu u 1 j ii mi 1 1 lorry a ii lotilo wllunin 1 i bin it tho part of wldom to mko your will while sound in body and mind whui inukhti lour will up iklit tblu company i you lxoi enuurvi cireful und uu uuuiuicmunt of your utjto i bo advuntiiucii io nnid by u re liable iruut company it r iictlnir bi tblj aiiiuty in lompartt with an lndtvuuil uru wull ro t iliil j our sufi ty d olt ault af fordu a mfo 1 u o for koi lul ocurlthe und otli r vnluulbo lk ml take the rii it if loiii by nro or tliott wtirn ji n jhi a fur t teiull bi i vault for u tiniiiln mini kor full lnf inuatl i i i l not ally or by lutir t tb t puny a oftln t vyiilbum and urk mlretn uuuph j e moeuiorry monaginu dir rom a camfortublo utllo rocker mrfl nowton a coay livinj- oi ietha knowlton lookld out ut tlio kobruory day i rlally uliould bo runnlna alonic rilin null but ltd no nod to bq tie re an i i huven t uccn you in wocka hull b an 1 i hnvo been wanting to run in aomn ovcnlnij whi n mr newton in at bome but wo never bccm to have nny free tlino mm newton amllod it n hard to id a freo evening don t tbuik of liolnir yet you juut got bcre we 11 havo a good ttlalt and oomo tea aftor a wlilla ito only a few rnlnutcs after tbrca mr newton was tho principal of uio largo high ochool where ralph knowlton taught and tho two women were warm friend ti tan t tblu mr and mm wado com ing down uio etrectr naked lctba looking out of tho window aro tlioy coming hero do you uuppooot mrs newton a gaxo followed lethe a no theyre on tlicbf way homo from ncbool she meota him every day and they walk bome together thoy always pasi bcre about thin time such devotion sold lctha with a lauih an ahowntchedtho younff couplo but there won on unconscious noto of envy in her tone tho convernatlon turned to other nubjtcta and time sped it wan five a clock when ictha took her loavo itulpb will bo homo before i can got there riho kept repeating an nhe hurried along tlio dusky ctroel an nho ncarod her own homo how- uvor uhu noticed that tho windows were ntlll dark and her gbtdnesa at urrlvlng flm vio oomewhat marred by a fooling of resentment ttiat ralph could bo ao late it waa nearly half past alx o clock when bo camo bound ini in hungry as a bear and ghull to i ut homo but ho paultod halfway through bin usual hearty greeting perplexeil by a change that ho noticed in hlu wirou welcome sick honey hoiked uollcltouuly no ubo onuwcrd in a cool man ner something i nppen no nothing unusual tbtrj whato wrongt did i forgot ooractiilng you aukod mo to brlng7 ilo utood lutlfway out of bin overcoat rcinrdini her anxiously no declared his wife she waa biting her under up and looking away from him well something a wrong that a clear ralph continued au bo hung his coat in tlio closet did you get a uiurtharworrtcayna there a nothing wrong letha an owe red coolly ezctpt that its alx thirty and school in out at throe ooh i ll was u queer ohl drawn out ami yet clipped off abort at the end lot lux lushed mr wado goes homo at three every day oho begun defen olvoly oil wado ralph laughed yes mr wado ivery single day of courao bo does assented ralph ilo wouldn t couch the debating team because his wlfo won t stay at homo alono evenings wouldn t assist in coaching tho basketball eyuad either becauno ho doosn t wont to go out of -town- saturday wlflutut- jtor hh never got anywhere cither unless ho changes school teaching lsn t juut 11 vtj three it a doing thlngn and heaps of lhcin fnl wliei front nlfchl i a like to rvo that poiltlon tn ororgo went mi tho flnit tipcaluir but i i ct the nanin report on him wbcrevrr i go iioi loo huny dolnr tho uoclcly art had another young ffljow on tho string too i ifcrrt him flrnt rate but tilit cane wan jui t lb npponlte wlfoii ot him tlrd to htr nproti string nnd you cun t huvo ihul a inan ii i nt to glvo blti work tho inont of his time and tho big end of hlu thought if tin j oing to rnnlio it ro and tho moro tie thinks of hlu wlf tho moro ho ipwaiit to ttitnk of bra work for tier uako tlio other man grunted bin uiucnt 3tliu suddenly felt bet- ears burn ing flhc leaned forward to look jaut of tho window mi thn car passed tho lib h neliou bulldtnr ami when she jookcd furtively over her shoulder a fow minutes later there ijui only ono apoalta wife n got blm tied to her occupant in the seat behind her nnd ho waa burled in tho evening newspaper for ujo remainder of her ride nho out in deep thujiht it woa ulmoat novon o clock ralph ii stop nounilnl on thu i tried to gr t homo early llancnt i did ixo but i wan dt tulned by no mu tiling uuito importnnt ho te i an tlio mlnutn 1 a was inildo tho door nnd otuiil uith un unconaclouu ci- proealon if ullef ut olht of iethus you must bo t nibly hungry ubo tunlh d up at hi in hurry und got ready for dinner und wo u talk aflr warlo i vo oomotlilng you llko extra well all right good ho assented cajly wo p talk af tcrwardn my oh but homo ucma good ho exclaimed a fow minutes later taking hlu place at tho table when thoy wcro ralfoeuy througli dinner tlio doorbell ranr with a rev r berating burr r r ibxlph linctcncd to answer it not through wltli obr dinnor yet lotba heard mr nowton a big genlul volco asklnr i hi sorry wo camo no early but i couldn t valt uny longer how j you come out did joii see t j jlalpli laugh cd as ho pulled up chairs i haven t teld lctha yet ho ud ml tied looking at her na oho enter ed tho living room aud hnld out wel coming iiandu o her jucots i wan afraid of spoiling her dinner sho shot turn a questioning ulanco what has iiapponnd is it i cecrott who a t j illodgelt tlio big boiler man ralph explained ho wants mo to quit teaching ochool und como over tn his plant mudo you an offer dil ho aked nowton i ltnew bo wuu nf it you iiou boon cumplni on your till for a month ho saw mo tlio iutj of january but ho rattier thought ho wuntcd wado then i don t know whut switched him over 1 told him ho could liavo wado mr nowton added with a kait hint of n wink at his wife but i ilon t know tliat i m ao enthuiilustle over loalnj jou t link you ii go i uuppotolio ii rnako it so much worth your while ttuit wo con t keep you fllowly tho wbolo tiling wuu dawn lng upon loth ii und uha ut looking ut her husband will ajej wile with wan der mrs newton reached over und iwxtted her hind wo shun t louo you if tlio ochoout do loao ralph nho uoid thata rtth boomo 1 mr nowton t j asked about your wlfo uu ho did about you kjiowlton sod something about wanting to bo nuru tho wife of a 4mti ho but wusn t o nelly wliatovrr uiat may be lctlui start d guiltily hho knew tho nowtonu rose to go go an with your dinner folks mr nowton suld laying un uffccuonuto hand un ilolpr a nhoulder wo dldn t mean to interrupt this is a big loan to us hut wo muiitn t think of that i con alder you tlio beul investment tho lulimont sctiools ever liude au ralph elosed tho door behind tlio nowtomi und waited to switch off tho porch light ho turnod to thu who stood looktiik at him with wldu oyts and parted llpu ajienny ho ituld tcanlnciy i wus just thinking oho answered with a hlhb nnd- a hnif gihnmrrt laujli how lad 1 am lm not nutty and then i thought why you utela rburuioe hut i think the tnirisoo lesson that oho will re jett aren t written down in your contract- things you never expect to get paid for in hood hard cash you don t l j our husband to bo a no ac count do you ira hungry as a bear li dinner reudy lotlia smiled a faint april day smile hho was not in the habit of fuultilndlng und it was vory evident thai ltoll h regarded her pettlshneau as a joke throughout tho meal the talk was of other things ralph had bronght tlckoln for u concert as a happy surprise but still down in tho bottom of hur heart lot ha nuraod her in dlgnutlon ut liuvlng ao little of ralphs time a few days later nho met mr wado in ono of tho downtown stores aro you lolut to tho uchooimauturb club over ut ann arbor to morrow sbo asked 1 m getting a fow little things ralph wanted before ho packs no oald mr wado nettle could not go und i dldn t want to icavo hor uioiid for three days sties now here xnd i m ufrald she d got pretty it nely iethii murmured something polttti in reply out ou the street waiting for u cur she thought half angrily hull h wouldn t slay at home tor that reason und 1 in just as new hero us mrs wade on tho tar sho sat with hor pur eh as ci on tier lap nnrnlng hor uiier jiuhlnd htr two business men wtro ducusiilntr boiler efllilency und some thing or other called aealo whul that may be thought let ha lrom the conversation sho judged tliat it was sometliing vary important und luiuly undeslrublu h was interest member tiletinr ualijhauks a nation saving the olmifility dollnr ut ordtf to gratify one desires in the matter of per onul purclinsct has been a workinj force in ocicty for all time to investor the ake of hoarding the koldcn dticals ig a forni of insanity that has afflicted tho niibcnj of all time to save in order to make another stronger 13 the highest form of thrift known and in exercising this virtue of laying a3idc extra dollars from our present surpluses for the better living of society when timc3 may not bo so generous wo carry in us the marks of the true canadian pntriol he who loves hi3 country is no waster he knows his savings form the capital that makes business go the dollar soon doubles itself and total savings of a thrifty people mark out the nation as a really great one love of our canadian home land demands of every resident from tho yukon to cape breton that he save his surplus dollars against a possible rainy day the thrifty man is one of canadas big patriots the unruly member i i mall and dei lures tho ly n ilth arly death i tuku thin form instead ur tot i uu cut off your liay tho chlnroo i teuk n i outi trliu ord uhooo tlio stood wl ho arab i agen thbi imp m thn tonj u j u treat n ton hoe so lu uio hnrt i mm hebrew wit tho rnuxlm nprung thorn it feet ithoul i slip hncr let tho lortluu tn iierc 1 writer rrowrji tlio wlioln who knaps bin tongue doth keep bio soul fipan of arrlculturnl mareu or gold irro s fatovalw c howard upan of rencral purpose marca or rildlngu w k rcott sons geo a wilson l1qht horses carnage hrood more potcr cole ii ugh illack iyfo boracrvillo bpring colt peter colo hugh rlack i bomervlllo roadster hrood maro ruller rroo w ii all in mann hroi tprlnr colt mann droo tuljcr ijron w ii vllun ono year old geldlnr or nily marm hron iullcr hroj j n chloholm two year old i elding or filly jno nlckcll a son j r lihott calvin campbell light horses in harness filnijo carriage 3 year old i cldlni or nily m aiven d mclean r kerr jlngto carriage mnro or gelding m olvcn v somervlllti potcr colo rpan carriage mures or geldlnnu f 0 hutchinson robl ivcrr thrco year old roadster gelding or filly d ii taylor sons j n chhihojm alfred watson hlnrlo roadster mare or elding a l ctinmbcrn w ii itut ledge fa h 1 induay hpan roadjtcrn mares of reldlngs ii itolkrtuon w w mutheson j n chlsholm hlnrlo roadster maro r geldlnr puccr harry dovcroau w h rut fcmdllo horw mare or reldlng j retsuy j i dovercau jno nickcll t sin spoeials iaoteat road lioruo harry dover eau a i chamlcrn h ii lindsay hlth utcpplng lioruo d mclean w j wllion leonard warden blnrlo turnout w ii ilullcdge ioter cole ludy elrivox h somervllle l wor hackney pony james l hnydor novelty race 1 a mccutchoon cattle pura bred uny go lesllo icaron il ld n ailllts ban showing uulry propensltleu i pcarcn it mcjdouud n leslie i tear lesllo i ivur tnnii lug to llnli ti to their vary earnest dlscuusloii if they chooua to dluouss thliibs in u iiubllo pluca no that unyuuu can tuuir its gtlul for luiyoiio s mill that wants it oho said to h ruelf what do you think of young oeorgo markoy sbo suddunly beard one of thu men uy t i think hu s u n ilo clean youui buck tlio answer uh buhl i iboulht youd tu likely to know you uuoj to have lihn in of your oltlicn a lileo eluun young man wont tho voire too hire und too clrur get hlu bunds dirty at hard work i bore uun u biiuihp bioki n only by thu lumblouf the will continued tho man who hu i ii ucmtl m wore i ukliifc for a man to nil an important plnco for uo un i wi want ono who un t af nil 1 f doing sjtdttli inonj than he s paid for an and tl ncaroo w ro good mid reudy to pay him fui inoru thun ho dues corgi lngu actons biggest and best fall fair beautiful autumn weathon larqot attendanca in thn fslr hioury an all around ideal fair mcdon cow cilllou two year old tiolfe on il mcdonald ono year old in ifci on n lilies a sm clf belfr uimiior alex wuldlo i n n allien a son il mcdonald nht icullo peurt n rll metfettiaii son i nurrbilt u11 tiu aeion yu illlh d iiueociu to itn er ou i ueu luy und wodiu wik wu in every u u two of ilbo ilnejit dau i full t tho lot of the mm thu renult uj all thul oi 11l tht dny ot ollle and dlrn duntly ttuttu ihlbiti in i grutmod wll tiejii un 1 tl t1 und th lie i with ill dupurtinoiies were ho treatment ucei nlod ciicrous i rices awurd inda ii f visitors who ii tt i ih tin i ughly tn1 yed h tr ixierlon uj ut uio f li mid wuro lou 1 lu luolf l rulito if tho uplui did rcuults uttulne i tlio fouiwiiih lu tin iut of ilics uwurdi i in tl u uujuuroui ulmn overel by ii f ilr heavy horses heavy oraf ilr ml it lu i nil 1 i uiuls lmniw til ring ct u olilloa a t lu li 1 urn ilcllh h vllt k j n i k ht tilth y ht mi lt ihr v h allan j l lwo uuntj win mullin el son w il a j tan pen of four long wool lambs wm mullin jl im w il allan cobrwajd itam ruller ilroa hum lamb tullcr brou ono uwulullcr hron shearling wc fuller ilroa iwo lamb puller brno oxford downs ram j n clilaholu jas tx oray hhcarlinr- ram j n chlaholm ijruoo a mekinuon- itain lamb liruco a mckinnon j n chuliolni one ewe j n chuliolm nruco a mclviruion hbrrlln ewe j n chlsholm 1 ruco mi khin ie i va iamb hruco a mckinnon j n chii in hn i en ulu rt wool lambn uruco mc ivlnnon j in- i omy dawn any droed ono iv i juinn htark second ahrirlin twn bruco a mekinnon ewo ijin j n chlnholm albert young it n i dtr six months albert yeary und over albert year il n drown albert sow itoar ii lx n thu albert id iw luur norrluh a sons n t ii hull 4alf senior j hon u wcul son hull calf junior nell otlllio it moo w ii allan w li sutton herd 1 bull and 4 female txslk a iounn n glluri bon it mcduoul i pure brad dairy f aro chan mckcown 4v rr nll milcan ycura moll m liun ihu albert yojjng tamworths uu yurjmnw fatark nder mx montha jus fa toxic s iw uiii ojr jumej istark how un ler six months jumej fatark oar un i two nowu jamei stark spocial iliukeru coinictluun two plga et rgn younj poultry on hlnj ton cock w ii allan nell llli ti thiii ori hint ton iiji w ii allan nell g lilies son ori hlngtou coekerul cliaa dotferpil nell ulllies i hon on hjugtu i 1 ull t chiijjii w ltli uio island rod cock w j alex itider w ii allui iththlo lslnid uedviaen nril ollueu i son w j auutuiidcr ithikl inland lui cockcrol nell olllicj jl son w h allan ubtkiu i lan 1 red pullet noll ouucs hon w j alexander ver 11 ieilhoni coek wiulani uiukjii nllchtbetov j t white ixjhorn hen- ivli- hi i a son w u allan y t wtuo tai horn cockun1 nell olllu i a s i wtlluuu musu unite leghorn i ultotnull j a lux cvw melci 0 two yuur old holfcr null mejeuu chus mrkrowii norman lt murvhy ono year oil hof nrll meleun hull culfw ii meculloulb holfer calf nell milmu j y nor ri ill a son chuo mckoown uull 3 years and over cluis mo keown hull ycir under z chas mc ktown grade beef typ i lent i w three yiars unit over it n ilrowu il mcdonald percy martin u rent two ytur uld jlvlfer it n lirown hent oiu your id h iftr il me ikmald il n uroitn icrey martin lb l bolfr eolf jobu dunuildt 1 eny mur lit lujit fat imaut utoer or hdfer j y nirrlsh it n hruwti qradas dairy typo ml ul ii ugh r w ii i yeur hrtiv i i 1 clfn iall i ur brod huatrl dorothy luui uiat brlfcr culf w h mecull chun mlviowii w ii all in specials put trait altx wuldte ptureii hugh lituek itnuki rn competltli u t4jm or irudu uussoll uinlth ieuiuti muri irot urown lluiutildo j tl n rrluh shfclp loiotar or lincoln ruin wm mullin i- tku allan hh urllns iiuo w 11 sultan tiylui i t ons rum lunib wny mullin joi 1 sutton on owe wm mullin a t n hantam hon noll ollllca c ban w if allan bantam cocltrrej w ii allan duntam pullet w il allan houon duclca old maio w il allan nell olhua evbon rouen ducks old fcroajo nell ulllleu bon w ii allan toiiti duclen youni inalo w il allan art nightingale rouen ducks younr female w il allan noil olluts hor pckln ducks old male jnmca stark w ii albin iekln duclts old femalojainca bturk w ir allan ickin ducks young mala w il allan pckin duckn young femnlo w il allan indian runner ducks old female- nell cilucs hon ocue male- nell gluics son iercy martin gcrso femabv nell ailllcj son porcy murtln turkey male pen y martin w il allan turkoy ii allan femnlo percy martin w specials best cock and hen noll gluics t son largest and beat collection of poultry noll ollllca bon grain whlto winter wheat percy martin hugh black spring wheat wllbert talbot harry mcdonald largo pcai wilbur tolbol 8 w blorlmm son white oats hugh black b w bingham son black oata mro juinca martin hugh black barley nix rowed mrs james mar- n h w itlnthami bon indian corn mra jumeu martin sweet corn i b hutt a skinner i nulluja corn mrs james martin 1l n brown whlto ileuna mm j 1 oumblo w stewart beans any other kind lcslio pcaren collection grain in sheaf properly named and labelled it w biiuharn ju son mrs jumc i martin collection of grain not leas than tour varieties wllbert tulbot s w bliutiain ti bote continued on iuto two twenty years aqo t tho laayo of the fre proas of thursday october 6 1b33 xaon will jooq bo 1 ri lay 14th lnal to ten centn 1h tho fall nti cr i rln si dread la iiolph tliunidny ziui novemlur baa been it nitart by tho government as canada a tlunkiij iving duy mr itobl wnlluco luid hut left foot iicrlouili brul cd between u waggoa un 1 u boulder uovcrai weeks ago ho la gradually improving mr c mclaughlin heads tlio list for blj applet now uo left a ttampla of alexander variety ut tills oillco uio other day which turmd tho ueulea at 1cv ounces acton rain market uils woek itou wl cat coc to ce 1 000 vhjat coc to lcc whlto wits 2e mixed o 31c 1i1 i 1 son willi un leghorn coek mooii nell jllllou a noll uhllej lii clltu 1 ekux1 w ullit null ulllleu coek w lii v mui urtiwu 1tih r u hon w ii all white wun lotto vllun w j aluxandei whlto wyundotlo hon w ii allan ntll gullei i hon while wandotto cockerel w ii allan nell gillies a sun hlto wyandotte pullol w h allan nell glultu i ioii any other wjundolto coek null ollllru a jon w ii allan any other wyandot to hen w h vii hi nill ullllcj bun any oilier wiaudotto cockerel noll tlulba at m any ottur wyundotto 1 ullot nell ryo 10c tho raspberry liuteh ut itduo cot- tugo is iullo an attraction at presunl a number of thu ueasun u cancj ars bcarinj profuauiy woll duvuloped and dellelouu frull a samplu loft us by mr anli menubb may be seen in tho iud i lujia window street liuttrlng li tlnlshcd for thbs tieason contractor wllllums bus per- furiiil i tho work with the utmost sat uifuctlon tlio first tiutlonul 1 ruhlbiuoii battle ver fought it tin pol u tcok placu last tb uiurr j- l wo tliat tho lectt ks of ourdomn hu ln avor if tho uunlhllutlon of tho lliuortruat llultoti virtu l u majority of ou for ohlbltlon acton u lojjorlty of 2z lloctriu lltlit lu uauurtl for acton it ih putatlon a rtport vus presoutecl thn rutepuyuru wh unuulmously ited lit favor of a municipal system 1 tui ct uucll will lukn utjin lnnuodjato- tiavo tlui hy law put leforo the ill iobubly ulllus a minor julln a minor h allan minor ion kw 11 allan noll hen nll glllieu i son w t 1 ekorwt w h allan ml unu i ullul null uliilcs i w 11 allan hat cud 1 ltuulti itxk ink iiuus a n v ii allan unul 1 lyinvuth roek lliy hiiki v km v ii alluu u uutl j al 1 i w ii all 1 r1 lliuuih bock 1 ullot ndtr nell tllllus a hon nill guucj mian 1 vjlv keiol w ii t k 1 ullel ii vluu will glllli 1 j a y tlu- lii neil glllii a lm iitluiic i ci c ban duvortll itluiitl lie i h heavy horaen in hnrna allan 1 of liviy tit ifl lu urn 1 1 1 hh a 11m b luelt iw b hultu w ii alluu irk nell gllll oplo taikull about the 11u1 eilld tlvy present noble sayinqs lrnim toll hu wins his spirits ughl lyuui bu y iluy tho kocorul night hleji auju tlm vory want of wealth lu lltuvu 1 a bout trwuuurcs pcaou ui d health rhoiniui gruy the wish full of tun on ruy ucurt liut i muy uam nothing hero itmt i annul continue u u otb r world liut i limy ilo nothing hero out deeds rial will beur irult in hoavou paul rlclilej- boul tho favor t f ii m ou h iu briiic bo to whom you hem yf tfioko to tuln un ud- vhtu un i light on i h btlloy iru- mn aro luibl to 1 1 lupi y hi ihut uk i on oil ueoku u remc ly for tfio t w 1ui1 hi- 1 os f illon uiiodoe 1 lit in hlu mlatako sophoeloa dagdad prosperous hug la 1 in tho m01 ptumlu tuken rom tho lurks ly tin british somo iiotitlu m 0 is ei mliu bit 1 b pros wtliy un lor brltlnh utrol uionllng o u curresp uiii nt 1 t iindou ho uiu of th riiuju utruntu luivo ved mil lighted mmh eon- tl wi uy tho nuree f tin lung ujn hi c mlng in tho population nil hy 11 reusing und lit w indihitrlmi um oiitltiic into xb- t io in ler lliltlsh und amerlcaji cuiltul iho peoplo mf ja to bu greatly rejoicing ft