Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 3, 1918, p. 2

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gfljtf arimt wxss irwb ji ocrounit 1b1 ih rlti ilium npi tli editorial notes etrdlni l ttuv joint statement oi 1 limind osier and mr w i linwi ilr dun of tho canadlai lie llujlwuy tijjij recognized au im mnrtiertr of trado am m tht ir return from an in trip of tho oyotem as fni wmt on the const the won tern iro vlmpfi will harvest between igo0doo0o mill 17s 000 000 buihcln of wheat thin nil hoitldcs showing a marked in criasn in tho production of cattlo and tun fi tim atmosphere they nxte in vlrywhero filled with optimism for tho future bir idmund osier and mr matthews worn members of a party 7f directors lliat accompanied lord h haul linen a y tho nucccsa of acton fall l in a nun illustration of tlier value of unllod community interest and co operation tho ofucoro and directors work to gether harmoniously and with tho com mon purpouo of obtaining satisfactory ruaullu- a prominent cltixcn of oalt who ottendod tho fair last week marked to tho editor your fair in far nupcrlor to tho fair hold in gait laj1 week there they have no coordlruu lnii of tho forces of tho business men of uio town in tho interests of tho fair tho result in that it la a fair without tho unap and rest which x see maul feat hiro and tho reputation of tho town huffora it la refreshing to notleo tho practical interest of acton business men who oro honored with positions on tho board of directors this spirit co mm on an itaolf and assures just ouch niiccciui aa yoq aro attaining here you dcocrvo il the sailors fund canvass tha amount rscslvsd in acton and vicinity totalled 6fl4j6 lloovo ilyndo who as chief- officer i of tho municipality haa had charge of tho campaign for tho fund for tho bailors of tlio merchant marine haa ucnt the mm pnraa the following showing tho results of the canvass for tlilu worthy caum reeves office acton oct 1 19 is to tho i2dltor of the pres pmssa icar sir your many readers will i am sure be interested in the result of the special canvass made on behalf of tho sailors rund 1 would submit the followlnff statement showing the amounts received from the several can vassers division 1 w k graham jd52s division 2 c c henderson a t drown j42 9s division 3 john it kennedy q hynds s13g go division 4 c a conway il p moore 35 00 division 5 w r konney john cam eron j87 00 division b m mc donald chester matthews 37 00 division 7 ii awrcy j r livingstone jc3 40 division 8 c el bailey d a henderson j4t 00 7 00 unpaid divi sion 0 a j mackinnon d c russell 107 4e total 0876 in tho amount received from tho tannery division no b there lb in cluded a cheque for g0 from messrs beard more co on behalf of the executive commit- too of tho town wo d ealro to bestow out thanks to the ministers who made special comments from their pulpits on behalf of tho fund to tho canvassers who gave tholr time so treely and to tho peoplo of acton and vicinity for tholr generous response to the most worthy cause yours respectfully qeo ifynds hoove chairman acton division neighborhood news- town and country lumi of in tarsal from various locali ties covarsd by th fr prs terra cotta mr and mrs p tonges left for their new home in mntueson on rrldoy morning mrs than t miff of duslpb spent a few dava with her parent mr and mrs ij parr of this place a number of tho friends and nelghj- boru from terra cotta and the lm- modlato vicinity met at tho borne of mr and mrs qeorgo aldrons on mon day evening to bid farewell to mr and mrs ton ecs and family prior to their departure to new ontario mr w o marshall occupied the chair mr lorco cralno read a complimentary address a purso of money was pre sented incidents of the fall faitt nturea which qsvo 2ot and lntort snd contributed to tho qplsndld queues oihilit of i bed room fun j lit ucruli t ttlnlur room omeily features emu iitun i nlly h nut d ftiilur k crcw60n6 corncr8 mlas jilugshury visited with at churchill over sunday a hoclut sathcrlng will be held in tho church hero thursday nlfiht mr ahd mrs m crowson visited friiuids ut cnmpbell villa luot wtek itockwood llr will draw its usual juotii of vlaltorq from hero on friday mlnu mullo murray isrln visited at her lpiclo s mr k j kliurebury luut wet id mr afd mrs lildnoy barnes und ch lid rciiyr acton spent uunday at mi john uonnoua atflhu dehuto on the ires o ijotfonn hero luat week the iress won hoth uldca prcacntcd very good urf mm niu mm wtnloy murray who haa bot vry ill thr punt week with appoudl ijtlrt ms removed to tho hospital at tlu lili on hunduy mr j llurnsldw won u nrst prlui acton rulr with a low and calf mims duruthy lluintldf wlnnluk fotrth u iut in lliu ilmikirs comix ulon t li hunduy behool ltully day s u i 111 l hold hufl nax hunduy mi una mm oeorsa lout utuart 1 iruilo atton und mr and mm uiinurmaii icnora und domild jmlph visits 1 at mr james oul iblo a n hunduy dallinafad mi it tho it vuuuuttui has l0110 liunlttuio lrll to tho vvtat mi danlol hayem of wellnnd in wrd old acijuuliilnnccs aroun 1 kuil hint v k quito u number of tho young people from horo attondud tho anniversary arrvlcc ut llmehouse ch irch r mr inniio itliinctt of ocorgetown has purchaa d tlio farm belonging to mr llobi 1 1 colo mr colo intends inovhij to giurijutowu mr ira hoezol has ncilvoit word that lliu ltil son ito oeorno w f- hoiiul hud b tn mrlouoly wounded on heptnnbor 1 yy iunaliot in jctt arm mr wllllum ltohxt 1 held u uueecsa tul miln of fum ntui kftnd ijnpli diriitji lint wetli mr honscl iium plvm up ftiimlng and ntonija mo vine to town mi hendry jmvwum lui purchaneii tho furiii and will inuv en it in tho ifprlnir an lut rottltiii rzlilblt of motor and blcel tlreu riihbur 1km1u and ruhbora wuu mud ii by tho doinlniun rubber co r kit in mr on tf tlio iiroud and inn ctuiful ex hlbldira wm mrn luibrrt aiiow win u over oh lily ytiirn of aio und whono colleetlon if twlovo plocui of fancy work furt murli ailmlnd nulwithutandlng tho crurjilu tho hundrodu of uutoinohlleu tho no mo hornca und tho klddieti runnliik ovorywhorr there wan an ontl ncjico of arcldntu of any kind during tho two dayn of the fair thmo vfcro moro motor earn fair t roundfi thtin wcro evor beforo neon in acton thin foaturo nori plcanuro for a wider area if tho i rouaillni country und ufforda facility for opeedy return homo in tho evening devonnhtro chap torn nf tho daugh- ters of tho lmplro and tho junior i o d l both did a thrlvinc buolnosa ut tholr rofroallmont bootliu tho mldwuy fcaturti wcro amusing homo of them were not particularly elevating howrcver it was quito unique tliut flour from notion ntora was oent to toronto to an exhibitor and flrot prizes for bread and buns from it wore secured mrs o m judso 16 ctouo ave toronto n former resident of inucslng was tho huccciiaful exhibitor tho exhibition luill wan favored ickpect to rnui c mcosrs c w icelly bon ouolpb had two of their nno pianos maaou itiach ciiolpb also liad two pianos a ilrantford firm had a piano and ooveral brontolaa among thrm all there wan munlc galore a practical inventor allowed an ln- ircnlouu dovlcofor deriving power from an uutomobilo for chopping grain saw ing wood and other farm work tho rear wheels of tho car wcro jacked up by simple mechanism and friction wheels on a ohofc forced aeulnat them tho interest in tho largo display of baking wan increasing peoplo ad mired greatly tlio appetizing oread buns plea und cakea uhown there woa manifoat vtdonco that good cooks oro ahlo to moke most creditable cul inary products with tho war flouro and prevailing res trie tlona- ono of tho most attractlvo now ox hlblta at tho iulr waa tlio flioctrical dlaplay jnailo by tho electrlo ijglit department of tho municipality was in charco of nicctridan wilson who had a busy time with his demon strations llectroijcre opeclal oookots ilectrlo troni toaotera and hcatem wto shown tho ouelph herald oayn tho floral dlaplay at acton rail pair won opicn did the early fronto evidently not having damaged gardens to any extent- many of tho prizes for flowern to members of tho horticultural society which waa orcanlzcd last winter and in already allowing its influence in tho ereatr beauty of our tojvn the elimination of tho horoo racing foaturo did not liavo thn disastrous effect on tho fcalr vhlch noma pre dicted tho money thuo aavod n ecu rod tho splendid scrviccn of tho 10th royal qrcnadlcra bond of toronto whoso music was enjoyed by many times the number of people intcreoted second or third rate homo race tho receipts at thj eaten ore good proof they were nearly 100 grouter than last year tho baby show at four o clock at tracted a great concourse of apoctatorn tho contesting mothcra wcro mrn alger crlppa mm ifobcrt croaa mrn gregory and mrs j j jonntnga tho llttlo cherubs belonging to tho qrat two named were successful the judges however had qulto a dlolcult task in deciding they wcro mm qoorgo andrews milton and miss isabel watklns now york both train ed and experienced nurses according to tho largo number from here who attended acton ifulr this years show was one of tho beat in tho history of the association a record crowd waa in attendance and entry lint in tho various classen was me probably thn tcaturo of tho fair was tlio exhibition hi tho hall where tho display was generally excellent tho music was provldod by tho boy scouts bugle jiand and tho 10 th royal qronndlern guclph mercury the parade of tho pupils of acton public and high schools ut 1 30 tho second day wus moat attractlvo and credltablo tho boy scout u buglo band headed tho procession and mem bers of tho boy scouts carrying wln- thowar pennants bearing sultablo and striking slogans formed a tuard honor whan thoy arrived in tho park tho echo torn wero massed and under the direction of mr d ivld robertson they uang in concert a number patriotic so ign concluding with tho national anthcro thin feature wait -a- much appreciated addition to tho pro gramme of tho fulr tho managcnioiit of tho iair fortunate in uecurlng ccmiielcnt oatlsfactory judicn for all departmentn tho following ladies and gentlemen cave their rcrvlcm in uiln cipucjix heavy homes i lclnjrvu norval li ei t horses l- t5lancy ouulph cattjgs7c llllolt guoidii hhoip vv1l ulllutt ouelph 1lcsh dldaln lireslau iultry l r guild ltock- wuod v j brldlu uuelpk uruln und roots thus cott urln lvull m o hmiui burlington uuttcr r w hut ton uuclph llrootl unil puatry a i chuinbern milton ilantn uml 1 low era hurry mullln rruuiptou ltdlcs work mru ir qulnu ilrumptun and mrn a mcglbbun milton tlua artu mrs lruulttmi iratnito the kuiicmuj ronortulm of m kt uoiui by the funiuuo liuml of tliu 10th uoyul areiuidlem or loronto under muster wldniii wn reutly injoyed by our eltltlim und ul vlaltom to tl lair the bunil urrivtd itrly in t fori noon und puraduj tho print lp otroetb aftur dinner they murthod tho purk uu 1 puiyotl ull urturnekiii ui in tho uvoulng purudeil tho iltn- ukuiii ituvlni for huiih by thu u trulli mr wuldron la to bo mm rati luted ujhjii lilt iiuiuim tn ki t liln il bund up to tr fiftli in vhwif tltc ftt thut no muii ii nuluni lutvo i i in i cr nian and for hln ruiiauininate ukill in ntliituliiliij hid ruumhird of iiiiiidik up ti tlio liljli rulunlit of thu uxut llvn yeuru ufao uiln wtll kiiuw i bam woo enuuged for acton 1 ull lutr pniililont iljinn ably auutuli rd the dignity of bin emeu uml workid ju- dcfutltubly for tht tmtcitut if tho fulr hut to the ofllclont und liurdwurklnu necretiry mr duo hyndn thu rnxjit eut irudlt la duo for tho uniuolli run jiliik of ull louiirtmujlifv and iood fiel inic whkli irvulled ovcrjnju r nmoiik exhibitors 1 in dlniloih ull took thi- work u4uilintd tin in lovully und tho vyatttuutli tn m wiitlt ml liuiurtle upjhirt uf tho irtildtnt tutd 4ai tury iuisuimi in lurjii iiiciuiuiii tin uui lllll lllkloril huslj1llil duiiurtmriitn niru uh follows lb u vy ilium a miiuirw ouju und cumpbell uht llurw i mcmm ii mip tilr llurtop mi u uu und iuttinon tyittlc metuine iuliliy und aitkiw i mlnp auxitilcr wul 1u pljtu miiurn h ii ilndny und gllllcn ioultry minnin join it u n nudy n ii lllnlc iln jtootn miiwru hullo i inul hint lrult m jirn wm johtinlonu uu 1 lutk hiitui john it kmi1 1 untry c woo lliull pliinln and mo ra h p mm ii iitllui wntl m oi m donald uml 1 ij v ml 1 im ai li mtanra 11 j hussurd ikiu win km incy actons biggest and best fall fair continued from pnro one nooto luirly iotaioru ii v illrmliam f rfiii o hklmirr inte polatiel mm a nofrlr j h naniod any denny iotuuwn i ornctly varloty o hhlimur ling red carrou a nlcblngalo mm j v gamble jihort horn carrots hamual colo- mnn mm j k gamble swede turnip 1 uklnncr 0 w hlugliam hon heavieet turnipa any variety w talbol h v iuiigltam hon other turilun w tuiliot 1aranlpn w talbot c hklnner long rim mangold wurtxel w tallmit ooo uklnncr yollow mangold wurtxel h c urcckoti q skinner sugar ucctu o hklnner s cole- man hugar muugold skinner ii c flrockon taljjo beetn mm john iawson g skinner cabiair white a nlghtlngalc c holmcn c bhogc rd go bk inner o colo man celery c1itj i lolmoi a nlghun- galo cauliflower o klnncr two pumuino o hklnno two squash table mr j fc gamble w talbot onions while w talbot 0-skin- ner onlann red w taltkit g hklnner onions any other variety a night ingalo w talbot tpmatocs s w bingham son mrs j ii gamble citroiw w talbot g hklnner radishes w talbot collection of vcgctablce 10 or moro varieties amagement considered q hklnner mrs j ii gambia 8pcui no 20 bag irish cobbler potatoes ll n brown no 21 peck irish cobbler potatoes j ii denny no 22 peck any variety potatoes h w bingham son no 23bag any vuriet potatoca- 1l n brovrj no 2i binihcl potatoeii s v bingham 1c n brown nov 12 dsnvern onions charles holmes no 33 red cabbagc samuel cole man no 3 citrons wilbcrt talbot no 3c pumpkins o hklnner no 3g collection fruit and vege- tablea wllbert talbot no 37 canned tvuif and ilcklca mrs w b vybeeler fruit apples american golden russet il c brockon mm w il wheeler itoxhury ilunact h- c brockon leaho pcarcn mackintosh red ii c itreckon a- nlehunjrale iallawator mrn jnmca mortal h c brckon mann j n chlaholm ii c breck- on northorn spy- chlnhohn rhodo island grocninc h on mrs w b wheeler ijaldwln mrn il wheeler ii c breckon seek h c breekon mm w r- whcelor wagner- il c brockon j n chlfl onturto h c breckon king it c breckon mrs w il wbeclcr rlbston pippin mrn vf it whocler il c brockoa snow il c breckon mro james martin blenheim pippin mrs w il wheel er il c breckon colvort samuel coleman il c 11 reckon st lawrcnco j n chlaholm a kennedy crab applcji h c breckon mm james martin varieties cooking apples c of eacli ii c breckon mra jamen martin vorlotics dcsaert applen of each h c brockon box spy apj lea unwrapped h c breckon box baldwin apples unwrapped il c breckon pears kcifcr h c brockon heckle il c breckon claregcau ii c breckon barllett il c breckon mrs w b wheeler duchcos il c breckon mra w il whoelcr bcauro dandu ii c breckot rietnhih beauty h c breckon mrs v r- whoolor ot vurltien piara hiih black lalierei peorcn brockon j n breck oio piu rrcckon rotno claudes 11 nlchungato- lombanlh coleman ii c breckon other varhieo plums il c breck on a nlghtlnjvalo vgmpes concord mrs r wheeler ii c breckon- other varietqow wiliirtll c brockon slnale specimen fruit hpy apple il c breckon baldwin apple h c breckon greening applo h c brockon snow applo ii c brockon uurtlett ioar ii c breckon kctfcr pear ii c breckon hpeciul no 8 oreeuliuja h c brockon special no 20 snow applet il- n brown dairy and domestic products crock butter 1 ibn joinus stark crock iluttur 10 lbsj mra j ii denny mm w r wheeler 10 b ltuttir prlnta mm il n ilrvwu n ii wllooti l it hutter prlnto mm il n brown n ii wluuiu outtar opoila no 1210 ibn ilutur- harry mc louald no 1410 ibu hutter in crock jnmw htark no 1ft 10 ibn uuitor- mm il n pte riinrlln morton who went over nenn with tho 104th nulliillou hun bean promote i ti lo juirn c rpornl mr liny of henforth who ban junt bern uccoptt d for tho konl air litrui npnit u f i w duyn thin wock with hln touiln mr n h unlcn 1 le j tod churchill formfrly of ac ton in how with thn 2int cuundlan ijuttnllon it i i in 1 ranee he thlnkn the allien have krltx on the run mr hclxr wllllamn of tho mrr- rluintu hank ntuff at renfrew who wnn recently calloil tc tho rolorn intended rnmlnr hubio for a farewell dslt be faro folng uvecnean wnn in a draft which proroedod enrouto for icigland thin ne k on wedncuday morning an tho oax- cttn went to preua owlclal word was received thut pte joa i- allen had licen killed in action uomewhero in itanco on september 2 this ronken tho tlilrd member of hid lazotta ntaff that has rullcn in i ranco whllo fight ing for king and country pte allen lanmcd hln trade in tho gazette and spent ave yearn in tho office gazette at ttuelph monday october 1lth thanltbpiving day four championship knees show class es best hoibca dont miss il tho best this year 3120000 in prizes trains leave after auction sale or pur drd polled hereford cattle and high grades oxford down and leicester oheep horea hoga tho undoralgncd lias received in structions from wm uqhcrwood to ocll by public auction on lot 10 second lino krln one mllo nouthcant of oaprlmre and four miles from acton tuesday octoder 15 at two o clock nlinrp tho following horheh 1 hay horno riainjf 0 yrs weight about 1 00 ibn 1 bay mare 4 yn wclrbt about 1 400 ibn a good one 1 bay road home 4 yrff good roadcr hiilbroro cattlb 10 head cow g yrn bred may 17 cow 1 yra bred april 17 heifers 2 yrs 1 pair helfom rbung 1 year 4 heifers rls ing 1 year these hcrcfords are bred from dr lindsay block and aro one quality and in good condition gradls bod cow 8 yra duo in october u j cow 8 yrs mlklng bred september 17 red cow yra milk ins bred augunt 18 rod cow- 4 yra mllklnr bred september 7 holsteln cow 0 yra milking bred august 18 roan cow 7 vra duo in december 3 fitccra z yearn 2 heifers 2 yearar 2 steers rnlng 2 yearn 4 spring calvcn oxitoied down bluzllt 7 ewoa aired 1 ram a good ono 2 ram lamlw 2 i2wo lambs c qrado lambn 6 lclceater twea sutton a hogs 1 timwoiui sow with 11 pljrs at foot 1 york how duo about time of nale 1 ynuntr york sows bet of heavy bobalclehs 1 open hugry no reserve as the proprietor is o vera locked terms 10 and under cash ovor that amount twelve months credit will be ffiven on furnishing approved joint notea e per ccnl off for cash r j kerr auctioneer w k graham clerk phone 30 acton acton creamery bring your cream to us wo will slvo you uio btehost mar ket price for butter ifax will bo open monday thurs day and saturdays unul 10 o clock p- m highejtt testa tho pant week john frank 40 c liar ten uc- koown 33 w o scoll 38 w mcculiough 38 acton creamery willow street acton mra il n uj no 176 lbs uuttcr- lirown no la 2 itio hutter mro john cutthu ju 10 8 lbs uuttcr jumu stark iollectlou cuuneil ltull c wood hull homcmudo iicklee c wood ha ii mra j l gamble iraim wine hoiueniado c wood hall mra a nurrlo ranpbeif y wine lioiiicmudo mm o m judto mm w r wheeler honey extracted mrn john low ii mrn jamen martin maple syrup mra john culten mm v it wheeler homcmudo dread mm james mar ii mm o m judgo homemudu uuim mm a m judjje rn juitica martin hbmemado tia blnculta- mra lroaa ra a norrle pumpkin pi o mra j ii denny w 11 hutum j- applo ilo mm it n llniwn j urn c a htui k ictnon ilo mrn it n brawn mm 1 himuan keott iiyr cuke mm croun mra il n lirown rim n tirumru a norrle mm il i llniwii heat collet hon lam y luiwhut mrn w il whn lor houieinudo-gundy- mra u m judj i tumutu cutnuivmrs o m judje mra rutiert agnew londudoil neat week farries mullin arc again purchaamg tur nips for shipment at acton rockwoot and other points wo jiro paying highest prices for choice stock farries mullin acton ontario e oves people must be clothed and fed purchasing ahead have made our prices right overcoats underwear hats suits sweaters caps heavy wool hoao at 50c this line was bought at the amc time oa thp wor med hait and makes a good warm stock ing for the boy all sizcs at special goe per pair itiro wool iactory ynrn at 70c ak- a pure wool yarn is very hard to get nowadays wl have just 50 lbs of this yarn it u three ply natural grey and nil pure wool jut n it comes from tho shecps back it you want something good give thi3 yarn a trial done up in ya akcins at 70c each c mens tweed itain coalfl these coats aro thq correct thing for this season of the year it is not necessary to be raining to wear ope they take the place of a fall overcoat wc have them in green gray and brown with or without belt at 1050 2sq 1300 1500 and lg00 mens odd pants wc have extra good values m mcn3 worsted and tweed pants made by one of the best firms cut to fit no 1 trimmings sixes 30 to 42 at 275 3jj0 400 and 5-00- ladics tweed rain coato wc arc showing a largo rilngo of ladies tweed rain coats and every woman ohoula hnvo one good for cither driving or walking wc have them made up in tho latest style guaranteed by tho standard mackintosh co special at 1050 120 1300 and 1500 cord velvets at old prices no better values were ever shown than theso cord vcvct3 in all the leading shades 27 ins wide special at 85c per yard boys corduroy bloomers if you want a pair of bloomers that will give the boy good wear get him a pair of those corduroys wc havo them in all sizes in browns and grays tho grays at 2150 pair ahd the browns at 275 pair heavy ribbed worsted hose for 75c wc bought this line of hose la3t april and carried over the summer months wc arc giving our customers tho benefit of this purchase if bought today they would be at least one dollar pair all sizes in stock special at 75c pair conivay mclean mill stbeet we sell for ca8h we cell for less acton de draw on your customers through the merohanto bank with branchos in all parte of canada and corres pondsnta abroad this bank la in a position tn present drafts promptly have them accepted and collect payment with the least possible trouble and cost to you the manager wfll be triad to tako np thla matter with you th mcrchnts bank headolb montreal of canada eatibluhod 1b64 acton branch georgetown branch l b shorey mumact c w guandy manager fire prevention extracts from proclamation issued by his honour tho lieutenant- governor of the province of ontario whoreaa next to tho euro of uuwjo who are offering their llvcu on th front lino of bittlii tho coauorvntlan of ull our encrcleu and auujlanco ij our most lraportunt problem and whorent tho mtvlnc of human utt thrift nml tho prevention of lona of proicrty through lustructlon by rirc hi an aid wtiu h ovrytomi iihould elvo willlacly to thn community at lorco and wharti tho rockltma utxl impoverishing llro wus to thut con fro 11 to tho peoplo of our iroylnca is appalling therefore bellevino that tho loaa can bo minimized only by awakening in tho public mind a universal wutchfulncna against careless ness accumulation of rubbish and unsanitary conditions and because of this great neod and in ordor to arouao a ooaoo of watcli fulness curcfulmau and clcanllacas and to crcato a greater personal rospoaslblllty in reducing tho number of preventable qrcs we hv thouoht fit by and wlui tlio advice of our ljcocuuvo council for our itovinco of ontario to nm and do horeby nam wdndy tho 9th day op october 1918 ab fire prevention day and we do hrby urg that on this day throughout our irovinco of ontario uftciulon bo called in uchools and public places to tho condi tions uiat exist und to tho need of immediate action and co opcrutlon on the part of evcryono and uiclal exercises ud dresses and other tnmiu bo employed to inipmm oij thn im mind icasons of vlro 1rcvcntlon to insure the uucctos of this great clcanup campaign i uooeauary to liuvo tho hearty und hurmonloun co operation of ull who havo for their ubjoln civil social and industrial betterment pailroad il u telegraph work an taught e- in hhawo school toronto will cnauro a good poaltlon at a good salary wrlto for parucuiarn w ii sliaw prca 3 acrrord st 11 toronto tho irotlamallon uhould bo read in all schools and at iuhlic gatherings otnco of uio llrw murohull of ontario deportment of tho attornty ueneral toronto btpt slot 191b luoltcsl v uzwih deputy 1 ire muruliu argaeis this week mens sweaters from 300 to 700 boys sweaters from 100 to 300 ladiea iwcatur3 from 30 to 5l50 womtns munuel under skirts 15 l starkman mhl8t1uxt alton highest cash price for otter and eggs specials lcs of lamb loins of lamb rront quurtcib of lamb lamb qiops legs of veal loinit of vcul veal chopb veal stew sausafio hcuvy smoked hmnb smoked rollb 10c 10c i5c 10c 30c 30c 30c 20c 20c 35c 40c we are now icillhii our own pork which enables us to sell at the following prices i rcsh pork loins i rcah pork hums shoulder koaal of pork pickled sldt3 of 1ork w whole shoulders of pork 35c 35c 35c 35c 32c our 0 tor do at 720 pm mondays tumdaya and thursday n patterson main stheet acton ont neglect i vtiry newspaper evtry perlodf cal and oviry public npcoker mon- tlona and mates on uio high coot of i ivlng o called thin ho rono on for years and with redoubled eiitrcy slnco tho war made further spectacular boosts in tho prices of ftkhuiturrn already bcemlngly os hi h uu thoy could go and what reduction haa occurred in conaeiucno or all thla agitation nolhhu absolutely nothing tho lncreoso continued apparently what tho public would liko la to see beefsteaks at twenty cinta a pourd and bacon at a quar ter vjo know now that thlo js impoaalblo why not try a now way tho uu of substitutes 7 let s bo a consumer for a mo mont our incomo la strictly do nned at a certain amount per week it u just enough with great caro to make onda meet by tho time rtmt clothing fuel and food ifl provldod for and of tho food bill tho meat cost is on extremely heavy drain wo try everywhere but prlcca aro urotty much alike la there no way wo can get around this heavy cjt- punikit xot a aco now how about iliht tho consumer hunts far fish mra consumer goea out to hunt up tho fuili poaslblutica at jones uliup alio noes noma noddles lying in uu open box la the sua at tho front uncovered a prey for tho huo and a rocootaclo for dust does uhu fall upon tho aforementioned jones and press sihrcr upon hla palm and accept in return ono of tho unsightly flaht nay nay paulino ulowly and sadly oho wends bir way to tho meat man and purchases his product even at u hlfch price mcutitlmo mru number two con sumer ixachcu another eh op a box of fnih caught fish has ar rival a few ho lira previously wero thy nicely arrang to bent ad- va4laonnttcnijgnlt lalfl o carefully sldo by uldo in aftlcfl illlotr platter in u show window or special im boxt thoy wero not mr itrown umi her to tho box juot as thoy urrlvi d the box naturally won rourn water soaked lco cone fish bolter okcller every way did she buy anything from this wrockr bi the remedy tho abovnci- donts aro typical not isolated by any im aim a hundred other simi lar conditions cun bo described by uiiyuno with eyes lly tlio holy pink toed prophet us cuppy hicks would say ie can i uiidurstand why retailers trulnid in thn waya of thopuhho und tuklii ml us and precautions with ivory other food product dls pi iy hah if thoy dlaplay at all 1lk pit ini or junk icven hard- vvjro in blvuti fur boiler treatment a ikiftt and whoa dealer would blush if lilu proiluct looked do neglected a dry gimklm duilur would insist on hi if burial unvnlopod in oome of hui uwii htm k ahd if nsh la not dls- i luytil it bi hi mi u away cn a place mi niuiifaiitiy u tho kerosene recop- tui i fih l a prim food dont for- ia tla if thlu fact in not lost ull hi i f if yu will alxvayu rrniom- lr that tin y ure destined to bo i ilf i i y partli ular pioplo you won i man uunil thui 1 hey uro dell- cit in trxtur in fact by proper ill puy 1 1 11 lreuteat dcalro io pur- i i uuu hi nuidu uii tho ultimate o mini r nithlnj utso equals it lti ui iuih r lb it u mllllnnulro l tiiitipo ilolliiiu la kliapa just on l lu u rtik mat but ho has n t i i i ii u it tn u im herman rih cookmu of ultimo thero is u mm ii h ii huh hi being looked how ulhiut oitlunn ubbnges etct huraly thoy imvo a oinoll and yot ovryliy iuts tliom 1 ho fact of thu muttor in that u retail dealer tnuht imvu u vuruty and caution hlu nuitiiiiuis about ooklng pro inn iy nuurly ovury cook book ilvs itkipiii it i uij important thut tho toimuimr ouks nh so that it uutlsil 1 ho ilnoat uh in uio i wort 1 when linproperly cooked may i bo an tuutolomi uu sawdunu opcclalu for friday and oaturdav muiiuon rrouc ja m iiiuii limit tlttaks j3 lb l s1i111 ii hiukl iolt i lulllml mtuk jq ft 1 inn hud ii jm tfa liinokid 1lily hutiiuwi her ring 40 lb i lyuh hrlll ir holui 19 tb ilinjii i il lloh pukujo 15 hi u11 u jtt i 11 tu of llu 1 ii all kinds of fruit winn it is in i hub it s j stauffer fi8h food opccjaliat i canada food uosrd license no 1 0 10339 phonc 0 acton ont new advertisements the methodist church i1cv i moycr pntor parsonaus willow bu ounday octodcii 0 union lirvlni with haiti t c m r gut ion jl ntn in thn mothollit liurch 7 pin in tlio 1 1 i tlt thunh ilev it 1 joncii will preach ul both nervlcoa 10 00 rcllownhlp flervh 2 10 pjn nundov ihhoiil 1 rvlro- octobcr mloilonry ofti rlni coudial wliomk to villi rohh at all iiihvicli qelffcedinq hcatcr for oalc iiton art huron in if tuiuny 1 irate r in perfect tonduloo apply ot aliian l hi ctoky ilit hvc rowl wanted jlonj duclui und gte 10 wuiitid lilrlieot market prion rpld ut unr 1 lltaitkman h 3 mill tltrret a toi parlor cook otovc fqh oalc one iludinnt homo iurlor cook stoe for nolo oood au now will ncll cheap if mi1 at onoo it millioan h3 mill hi arlim right cellar acton 14 tr house for sale rooms olcctrl hi hi corner church ami mr 11 abijnham uox 185 gtforreto c niont rli htn wn out tour sheep astray owes and ono lamb ijncolu and lclcentcr ntrayed from lot ao flftli conceroilon iconuenlng about tho 11th or 12th hopumber tho iamb has noma black in face information that will lead to their recovery will bo suitably rewarded- phono to acton ambitosn mccann 13 tf ho 642 acton out card of thanks the undersigned dcalro to extend slncero thanks to tholr many frlendii and neighbors for tho kind sympathy expressed in connection with the aud- den bercavem mt through which our daughter mro a w somcrvlllo lias just passed wo will over hold in grateful remembrance tho kind dicdo and conrollng words which we liaxo been tho subjects of at this time mr and mrs john iiahvpy card of thanks wo desire to oxpresn our heartfelt thanka to tho many kind frlcndu for tlio sincere expressions of sympathy for us in the great- and ouddtn sorrow which bcfol ua in the death of our dear ono at fort william on tho z3rd september ror the many hind dcdn and the floral offerings bestowed vp nlso wlnh to convey our thanks and also to tho canada steamship xjnca for their in terest in facilitating tho transfer from fort william to acton mr3 a w ttomervtllr and the bnothcrs double and single houses ron sale that wellbuilt double eoraont plis- tcred houso at tho corner of willow andagnes streets and tliat comfort able alngla cement plastered houso on agnes street belonging to tho cstnto of the late mru david oiciccown for terms and other particulars apply to albcrt mckiown or cha9 mckhowv uxocutora or to a j mackinnon llarrlstcr october 1st 1018 143 acton onc notice to creditors 1 in the matter of the citato of nell s lynd of the townjhaof eoquoilno in tho county of ibpn farmer deceased notice la hereby j uio statute in that j creditors if any the persons having curj estate of nell lynd ship of ijqucslng ixolton larmor whdl the tenth day ail are require tc oenfl or deliver to tho anf citor for tho admli estate on or befr day of october 19j dresses and full i claims duly vcrlflj their becurlucn m and after the st of october 1s18 il will proceoa to tho sola deaesjji enutled thereto 1 tho claims of have had notlcl llablo for any m to any pernor 1 shall not then sollcul friday october 4 the varmint 4 october g t0 itrandcd soul a 1 ox thi otooys nrokwcll lio utidc3 jcoraeily vtfi october 8 1 vil woman ln ihc oh a vltacroph aerial tho by duatln i jiu r l gregory roy hindley auctioneer ooprinqc ontario wn b10ck 1uu ucrdiandtae ooverul ciiolc 1 am- tor m vegetables promptly delivered otatoe8 cabbaoe8 onion8 carrots radlbhla oeetb couulo of wooltt celery a bishop rveavv ao

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