Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 24, 1918, p. 4

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gfljr artnn3frp 1iiuhhday octohiil 21 his thnt thc little thinoq tlilnri thn kindly wonlsana in o mny ay uild do yet seldom tclllnc brother never speak ttio wurtl of cheer aoim tlint va withhold an beca inn wo fllrtnt think- t would turn his day to sold itcpaylnir un in cheer ten thousand fold tim little thhisft a babyif tiny shoo tim toys- he dropped nlontf tho rony ytaya a brokim drum and leftden soldier loo all take uti back to lonfforsolten dnyn tho irrentent thtrfew wo pasoand thn- forctt tiio little things nh wo remember yet tho hulo thlofral how wrong and mlimpitled whon all thats bout in life u made of audi tho checrlnrj words of klndneaq uiat nbldo tiio nonn of love that oprinaa frorr memorys touch the llltlo uilmra in all this throbbing utrifo are after alt tho sreatoot thlaca in life i capt qyp why platinum id needed thnto ha hern nonnldcrable ruri nlty in tho inlurtn t many why war has irratid iiuch a dnnantl hir platl- nurn on the pari of tho ovrriimnnt ouyii ihn hochcntcr ijifihx ml unl chninlrl thol who hnvo tried to nujipty the nniiwfr vf hid w ry out llirlr ouu intuitu und without ink in the trouble to re lire infumivt on lm ik r ui j j co irlo led that tlit i prnrlou inrtul lu unfd in the in iklnn of uomo of tho oiuilrns mtrnlx r or nholln or in strumi n til ot wartarr tlmt lu not tho cone it in not inrludcd in the corn ikjiltlon of tin unn nor tin utiolhf thev tx nor in th ntructuro of nlrpluuth hut it tin mi d and it lu eiuteutlal in tho unklitf- oruulphurlc acid nnd uul- phurlo atlif in of vital importanra in tho mnklnjc of milti cxplonlvcn tlul- phurlc iiclil in addition to helnir nucli a factor in incriaiiln casualty unta la of crcat imiwrtnnco in textile work the rnnklnjr of el y mi ami in omjiloycd in medicine tho way that platinum la linked u with thlii sulphuric acid may be explained briefly ao fouiini sulphuric acid la mail a from air water and tho fumes from burning sulphur uut when brtuct together thoy will unlto with provocation an uio chem ists phano 1l 1latlnum furnlnhca a eufllcirnt amount of uilo provocation tho incro prcaonco or a traco of it jico tho oxynvm water and cmlphur dloxldo to join hand a chemically then klnf of cliomlcaln la born a british ooldler stationed a one of the hospitals in iranco tello of a plea luff incident in which a doff playod tho main part wo liavo had an unusual patient ho writes a little hlte terrier camo trot tine in with rather a nasty gash jn hltt aide he went straight into the receiving roam and virtually asked to have his wound dressed an officer dressed it and sent him off ho re turned at different times durinx tho day to have tho dressing cbansnd ho turned up tho next mo minx and for u joke a eersreant made out proper sick report and sent it along with tho sick reports of tho chaps who bad re ported for treatment thai morninc in due course tho medical officer camo to this report and called oat trooper gyp elshlh d 1 l tho heading that the settreant had put on the report tho initials in this in stance stood for dosta ljffht in fantry of course there was no answer tho medical officer glanced round at the side chaps waiting for attention and again cabled out which of you is trooper gypt j uut then tho senreant entered and qxplalnod matters the medical officer took the joke in good part dressed tho dogs wound and entered bun in pro per fashion shell wound in side admitted into hospital gyp has now taken up his quarters in tho park store and nothing can persuade him q mow ho goes out for a stroll every morning bat always returns rooted and is now capt gyp eight hib hiding place a scotchman and an iriahman onco set out together on a holiday and sandy intrusted oil hla money to htfl friend with the strict injunction not to give him raoro than a ntaied sum for expennca each day after a few doytf sandy pleaded far an increase but in vain afterwards ho confessed to pat that on tho latter a refusal to comply with his wish ho got out of bed every night when tho irishman was an loop and searched for tho cosh but could never succeed in finding it whord did you koop itr ho asked well j said pat i let you go to bed first every night and every night when you wcren t looking i put my purse into ono of your pockets i was al ways first up in tho mornmg and took it out again impuhuen of 4ho diood counteracts impurities in tho blood coroo from defects in tho action of tho liver they are revealed by pimples and unsightly blotches on tho akin they must bo treated inwardly and for this purpose there is no moro effective compound to bo used than parmeleos vegotablo pills thoy act directly on tho liver and by netting up healthy processes havoor benoaelal ffeetipon thoblood so that impurities ore eliminated mctalo oct tircd jtelit frcttufjtly need n holiday thlumay ln n iiurjirhm to ninny who lllnvo that motnlii are nlwnyn llio twtlnr nnvcr vurjlnir from rar in yenr it lisii been iiroied imwovrr unit mi ills mnur from fatlftuo njul thnt re it iitrcnti mi ti m prciortlonately iru icculn d moimimtcd tlmt iron wires kept in lonntnnt motion thfuuj h out tho mou art m dlffi rontly aft mimdiiyii he nthn unle inicntn with varlyun inntdhi many rondltlona und found thnt un iron har unit lit tniltji cli d to ffrriurnt utriiln while working will rlno ton pir lent in clajitlt ity after a thrcn- wrekji liolldcy llrpiated expt riinents have aluo nhowtt tlmt iitcel utiil wrought iron datcrlorato rapidly nmlor eotiatnnt ntrnln and vibration and thnt if they ro d tiled tho nrco inary rent tho time will fwim when ilkn tho human ma- lbinc jilywlll cnllnuao altogether a rent however at frequent intervala will kcop theuo metals in good condi tion a jjcnanomcr ntcel roll one ox- amplo of what lock of reel will do to metals thin mil hjid donuyihml oer- vlco for twentytwo ytaru vlthout n days holiday thcn nuddonly it col- litpsod under tho welch i of tx train and broko into half a dozen pieces lord kelvin oxprenned tho belief that wltlt ji roper rent this rail would havn nn- durrd for so oral years longer hlngularly enough cant iron never considered very strong and t lought by most pooplo to bo far trim du able than ntoel improves greatly in otrength when subjected to constat t shocks this was proved by guim of various ages and service guns tried a month after canting burnt at the oovcntleth or tho eightieth discharge other guna which load been in uao for six years failod to burst after 2 000 or 3 000 dis charges and cost iron liars after being subjected to n hocks frequently gain 100 per cent in strength uut in all cones tho cast iron that proved the strongest was cant iron that had had holiday in between hard work kdwln tarrlaso a wise c ol dc it in so ii atiirnl for n eolllo dog ts h nnl mil tl lint un it in flr n cut to itch i nlcn i r n mn ill bo in wi lllff vrltn u trie d of tho co in pan inn if he ran rd r ithlt elao ot hnd utit will qarbain instinct jacobs and jbernhclm were joint partners in tho wooollcn cloth business jacobs being tho eastern oalcman for the firm while travelling in tho east ho was talton hi and died tho under lie hf however been pro- aker who took charge of tho body wired bcrnheun jacobs died can cm- balm him for fifty dollars or frocxo him for twenty live dollars bcmhelm wired back freexo him from his knocs up for fifteen dollars his legs were frostbitten last winter a peculiar harvest according to the earth ono of the most peculiar harvests in the world takes placo in the foothills of nevada and placer counties california d lng rcbruary and march at that time the state through its insectary deportment harvests from 60000000 to 7c000o00 ladybugs- these bugs ore gathered in cases each holding about a quart or 33000 and sent to sac where they ore stored until tho summer season when they aro sent to tho different sections of tho state to feed on tho aphis which at tacks tho cantaloupes beans and various other vegetables freemen buy bonds slaves wear them i a great scholar tho now minister was delivering bis first sermon tho darky janitor was a critical listener from a hack corner of the church the mlnljters sermon was eloquent and his prayers seemed to cover the whole category of human wants alter tho service ono of the deacons asked the old darky what be thought of tho new minister dont you think he off cm up a good prayer joot ah moo auhtalnly does boss why dat man axed do good lord fa things dat do odder preacher didnt even know he hid ono daso of millers worm powders will clear tho stomach and bowels of worms so that tho child will no moro bo troubled by their ravages tho powders ore sweet lb tho taste and no child will object to taking til em thej are nonlnj jrlous in their composition and whllo in some cases they may causa vomiting that must not bo takmi as a sign hat they are nauseating but as on indication of their effective work lena standing asthma many have buffered so long from asthma and liavo tried so many socallod remedies thoy think that there is no real help for them they should read tho letters re ceived by tho manufacturers of dr j d kolloffk asthma r from hundreds of cases onco as desperate their own even in long- neglected cases this famous preparation brings prompt rjlpj john darleycorn poor john so rapid la tho temperance ovo- ment in tho unllod states that it is a rinnftt tas tu o rnthornnnlncbo as to keep in sight tho front linen and now tho breweries must clone down on dcmnber 1st nearbeer with beer will bo cast out as nn unholy thing john bar ley corn la being roughly treated by the president fuol administration congress secretary daniels secrlary baker tnd others in high authority who will really weop at his grave tho nations of curopo ore progress ing along temperance lines but mer- lca will mightily assist in tho de thronement of king alcohol balti more tunes wiso mothers who know tho virtues if motlicr graces worm kxtermlnator always have it at hand because it proven its value jinn wati a telllrnit an wo lived in town with nollilig- nil vc on tho plioo cm pl u r tt it tin bud a hnnl tliun to find any tlih i thnt oliilred bin witrhfut eye one morning wo dlucovered n family of kittens lii n thir in the woodshed jean immediately took chart o of tho t q11 and would ho for bourn with id i none on tin cilfo or tho box wutrh in j tlim an ho und old tably worn im i ut if friends jean n prenenco did not dlnturb her until the kltteiui were old eunuch to rrnwl out of the box an fntit as u pair of tiny paws or a futxy head would appear ever the edgn of tho box jean would puuh tho offender gently back with hia none and if ono did encape in nplto of all ilia watt line jean would run after it lift it carefully in hfi mouth nnd re- placo it in the box much to tabbys dlnniljit my father i ad a larro nock of light llrahma rhtckonn whonex pr jean could get into tho chicken yard wn in his element very gently but firmly ha woujd herd tho flock by twos or thrcn upinto a corner of tho yard until ho had every ono of tho hundred or moro chickens packed tlsiitly tno the corner then he would pace back und forth in front of them until iwrao one uncovered their plight and made tho xcnloui herder trlvo tho poor things their freed a t bo quietly did ho carry on hi mitouvma that tho chickens never cackled or allowed any alarm but they were nometlmcs kept horded up in tho corner for houri at a time ono cold day in soring father brought a brood of newly hatched chicks into the house jean and i happened in juiit as father spread a newspaper on the kllchon floor ara placed the chicks on it jean was wildly excited hero was something to herd whenever n fluffy chick would ven ture off tho pnpor jean would run up to it very quietly and with his long pointed nouo push- it gently back on tho paper it was so amusing that we let the chickens run for nearly an hour and thoy kept jean as busy as if ho had had a herd of sheep to tend its virtue cknnot be ooscribed no ono can explain tho subtlo powcr that ir thomas cclcctrlo oil possesses tho originator was himself nurprtscd by tho wonderful qualities that his compound possessed that ho was thte benefactor of humanity is shown by tho myriads that rise in praise of this wonderful oil bo familiar is- every no with it that it is prized as a house hold medicine everywherr just jabq asbestos asbestos is a curious substance be- tauso it haj tho characteristics of both vegetable and mineral matter it is fibrous 11 ko flax yet is the one element on which neither ore water nor time has any effect it exists all over th world and is formed in layers in the earth and between beds of stone the best quality comes from canada and is so straagtuid white that it can be made into heavy cloth without any other substance the early greeks made use of it in then- religious cere monies because it could be made ab solutely clean by the great purifier pro doe brand eg es says that in spring weather a ooat on tho bock will save many a coat en the tongue tho folks over in isuropo are not so much afraid of potatoes going down in april as of their not coming p in may tho crow- may bo a troublcsomo bld but ho never gets noisy without caws too bad more people aro not like tho crown if tho kaiser la still looking for place in the nun we know where ho can get on allsummer job on an american farm with board and lodg ing and au much as 30 a mpnth la cash springfield union when uollowaya corn cure is ap plied to a corn or wart it kills tho loots and tho callosity comes out with out injury to tho flesh music itself what is tho most musical lan guage t dunno french or italian maybe- spanish perhaps my brother pronounces in favor of chinese never hourxl that said before how does ho malnj hat outf he say j when two chinamen hare a really a discussion its like listening to a piccolo duet aro you saving for victory jtondst scientific reasoning tho teacher had been telling her class of little boys about the crowiutof glory and the rewards in heaven for good people and now tell me she said who will get liio biggest crown t there wus a moment of deep silence nd then a little voice piped out 111m what a got the biggest head the lloyd george type tbo ono thing we all admiro in lloydgeorge la that wo know whero to find him he acts dcflnltoly he is no lukowarm weakling ho lights on like our splendid boys are doing despite tbo 75000 casual lies slnoo 6th august- are you doing your port as wellt have you taken your stand on tho thrift qucstlon7 have you definitely decided that out of your good returns this year you will lay by such-and- such on amount for a yletory savings account t if you liavo dono nothing in the matter you are not of this lloyd- george typo you hovo heard the call to bring your dollam into tho service of tho country wherr she calls and having heard you liavo not acted make tho dcclalvo move now start tho fund at once when sugar was used as medicine since tho dawn of history sugar lias been known but not in all countries it was used in india earlier than in europe and was long in nnd ins it prejcnt important placo among tho commercial products of the world it was a rarity in greece having been carried thiro by ono or uio generals of alexander tho great and claudius galen tho famous authority in medi cine up to tho sixteenth century used it as a remedy for certain maladies tho first process for the refining of sugar is ascribed to the arabs and tho secret was purchased from them by a venetian merchant who introduce tho process into sicily tho cano from which it was manufactured being a juicy reed not unlike our sugar cano which vas brought to tho new world not long after uio toyago of columbus today there aro upon tho market annually over ten million tons six million of which is beot sugar and all tho re mainder cano sugar besldo this much la manufactured especially in india for homo consumption and is not placed upon tho market at oil the cut worms ravages culbvsto wall this fall to destroy tho pest the dcitru- tlvcness of the cut worm has not been no evident for years declares m 1 abraham chairman of tho homo gardens and vacant lots section of tho canada pood board an early season to somo extent mini nlecd tho loos from this pest tho tlrno to attack the cut worm is in tho fall if next years ravages are to bo controlled tho eggs of this worm aro laid in the uutumn and if after all m iro arc laid tho ground is well broken up or plowed tho larvae will bo oo deeply hurled as to destroy ninety- live per conl of them i otrongly advise ho added that every available foot of town land be plowed thin fall during the winter there will bo plenty of time to organlre for planting it in vegetables or even cereals but get au much fall plowing under way as possible cities ojl towns aro tho only available source of eurpluii labor and every ounce of rood v ill be required e bigger bar- of comfort soap gives you a chance to save money and still to get the comfort quality that has stood the te3t of twenty- fiveyears this is real thrift everything else is going up by leaps and bounds or getting smaller in btze but comfort soap with its bigger baf gives you more soap for your money than you got a year to so ago remember comfort washes perfectly in hard or eon water hot or cold it lessens work it cuts expenses ash for the bigger comfort bar today pugsley dingman co umited toronto comfort railway time tables at acton grand trunk railway 0tcri coina west no 29 h 13 n m no 31 10 d a in no 33 j no 1k3 13 p m no 37 s 1- i no 32 3 1 no 3i f ir 1 33 sp sunday trains iaig throi rojnrr treat atlolgam i it a tlcpm toronto suburban electric hat going wast b 17 em dally cxrept iu 1u pm pally except iu 509 p m dally except im 11 os a m sunday cj3 p m lunday nday niay only only cast 7 as a m dai 202 pm dally cxi ci p m dally ajtrpt su hsara sunday 64s pm sunday nday only better at home doctor i have just returned from a weeks hunting in maine drugglof kill anythlngt doctor not a blamed tiling druggist huh yog could have done bettor than ttiat by staying at homo and attending to your regular business boston transcript ar you saving for victory hands the people have the imonev in the fifth your of tho greatest war in all hlntory canada exhibits more indications of prosperity than ever lu her history in nplto o tho prodigious itorts aho tins put forth altho igh my jo f greatly incrcajxd of canada still if illh of curuda tour making all allow- mal debt the ooun- wcalthlt to day positlou unn nr mily u it five years agoplooo of potut 1 hoys ijfa the qritiqh channel ho greatest width of tho english channel is betwoeniortlttnd xh1 on1 t3t- halo 140 iclles and has un average depth of nbofct 200 feet in tho strait of dover it narrows at ono jvolnt to twenty miles and the dlstanco between great ilritaln und ireland in won lsj llltwrtn cnrinon point and st davids head in wau fortybovon miles is tile leant breudth of watei it contains thovlule of wight chunnol islands the stilly inle und nntiiy smaller itcka und islets the beine is the principal river whoso waters fall hit it the channel which is an arm of tho north atlantic otuun also separated lnoland from i vance and is connected with tho north sea by tho htratc of dover a real possession ii o was showing his friends through ids now homo thoy had looked at his pictures and his books ilia golf cup4 were on display and ho had also flashed a few medals ho had won on tho athlctlo fields now said he i wont you to see my choicest possession and he le them into tho cellar where ho permit ted them for a few mlnutoa to gaxo li envy upon his pile of hard coal confidence is capital tho power to inspire confidence is part or your capital tho youth who has that docs not need money if your personality carries with it the assur ance thai you aro bound to do things if others belle ye in your brains aud trust to your integrity tho road to achievement hi straight before you cultivate the qualities that inspire confidence do not conceal your energy u rider a listless walk do not lot tho tiablt qx making foolish jests blind others as to your intellectual keenness do worthy of trust and innko others recognixo your worthiness this woman saved from ah operation by taking lytua e pinkhams vegetable compound one of thousands of such cases free stationery for soldiers three hundred million sheets of writing paper just ordered by tho army y u c a for the free use of soldiers of tho united states at home i abroad assure tho letters to the mothers from their boys so eagerly awaited in these serious days tho y c a bis ordered 200000000 letter- heads for imrnftlflt ttthhntor to the camps and cantonments in that coun try and 100000000 letterheads to be sent to tho american expeditionary forces within the next three or four months the paper with envelopes is provided without cost at all y m c a huts together with the use of pens or pencils and tables on which to write j p p jerome director of the division of equipment and supplies of the y if c a national war work council states in an announcement just celved hero that american soldiers in homo corona are using y m c letterheads at the rate of 12000000 week in addition to the 100000000 letterheads ordered for the overseas forces tho y at c a is shipping 000 000 envelopes and also using big consignments from europenan paper mills tho y 1l c a also is sending 1000 000 to the huts with tbo italian army and 10000000 a month to the foyero du so ida t with the french army black urcr falls wis a lydla e pinkhama vefieboblo compound caved mo from an operation i cannot oaycnoofltitn praise of it i suffered from orcanic troubles and xny nijo hurt me so x cooid hardly be tip from ray bed and i woaunabtotodomy housework i had tbo best doctors in eon clairo and they wanted me to have on operation but lydia e pink bamg vegetable compound cured mo oo j did not noed the operation and i am telling all my friends about it aim a wt blnzkn black luver rolls wia it is just guch experiences as that of mrs blnzer that has modo this famous root nnd hurb remedy a household word from ocean to ocean any woman who suffers from inflammation ulceration displacements backache nervousness trroirulariuoo or the blues should not rest until she has given it a trial and for special ad vice write lydia ii plnkham mcdicino co lynn idas yes its different results that count the reason is the difference in tho service given personal at tention to every otu3ent this different service gives different results the gnelph business college ouelph ont is acknowledged to be tbo superior place for training if youre interested col today or writs you can start on monday a l douck prlnprop quelph oat protecting his jod hoimtor henry cabot ldge accord tng to the chicago herald was tulklng about a certain investigating cura- ipiuoe they are tho brook ho observed they flow on fitrovi r tioniu of lhem th fmt remind mo ntruugly of hi honk ins hi irot a job last nprlng at shooting muikruts for muskruta over ran a mill owners dam there in tho lovely spring weather fcli sat on tho grassy bank his gun on his knee finding hlrn lu this ponturo utie morning i said vviiat are you doing air im paid to shoot tho muskmts sir h satd thoy aro undennlnlu the dam there got ono now mild i mhoot man vh dun t jou shoot ml putted ii tranquil lomf fntii hlu p pm and sail t j u think i wit to his method and hn valti r fhditliir for u tl did you llnd the ntuuh slrr dinar oh i just moved that llttlu und ihoio it the everyday battle battles are not all fought with cannon and shell the most vital are the everyday battles against the debilitating tendencies that invite weak ness for nearly five decades sours mam has been a definite help to millions in the trying battles against weakness scotts is as rich in bloodforming properties ond as powerful in strengthsupporting qualities now as of yore let sootta cmutaloa help you win your battles icecream we have our parlor open every day now and we intend to give as good service as possible ice cream bulk 30c m pint i os cream cricks 30c smch candies iuoht prices toothsomc varieties de3t qualities haroldwiles canada food board lies ruts no 813593 mill street acton want to feel jest right si take an nr tonight a -qprqujble-is- your syetem is m clocked with lot of impurities that your orcrworked directive and eliminstiwe oranj cant get rid of pilb oil tails calomel snd oidi nary laxatives cath and purees only force the bowels and prod the liver airfares l nr tablets sets on the toinach liver bowels and even kidneys not forcinc but ton ins and strenfjthentm these cruras the remit u prompt relief and real lminj benefit make the test natures remedy will act promptly twourhly yet so mildly so eently that you will think nature her self btt co to tho rescue and u dome the work j and oh what q relief i it bltailr m mnwhir o- tdpw ui m mb tu mi mitb to a wk tws k tibut ftfur iw will ba j cosrmcoiied isj jour drurmi ej hassakd liver f stomach 1 akidnfvs acton ont acton flour and feed store wo have a oippl or tho following now on hand the well known brands of kinos choice norval and national flour lethinp bsttsr bran oat chop shorts cracked corn rolled oato corn meal salt in totb loom and 200it ilaga and iqarrels special line in chicickn 1 izud arvn oim cald- ucal a tuial domestic itolucd oat3 th13 jje3t csnnrtn bnod board liccnao o hc robert noble limited henry awrey manaqer nr tonight get a 25 box new mackibc shop fred blow machinist is moving to the newly arranged prcmimi the ross bowl ing alley on mom street where ho will be prepared to hanrup all repairs of machinery promptly and mitifactonly motor repairs a hpixialty having ex pen en co with all make of motors repair will be efficiently executed vulcanizing tjitks having installed a vulcanizing outht witib factory repairs will be made to outer case at well u inner tubes this depart ment is managed by mr d rom c bring all youii kliairs hi ue main street acton fred blow acton livery and bus line i solicit with conodenco tho patronage of the public comfortoblo rlcs supplied at reasonable rates special attention to supplying eanvnvanees for weddlncs and fanerala motor cars furnlshod when required kxpreoamnn for tbo toronto submrban railway bus meets all trains l e atkinson qjriadjcuujtjrvfcn ttorovto canaoi t ivruata ool i mr pain exterminator fain hirsts will atop ltt acton bakery m edwards co ca food hoard ijcense no c 012 mill street acton to facilitate the handling of the products of our bakery ond to make it more conveni ent for our cuaojncrs wo liavc secured the shop next to wiles confectionery whero supplies of our war bread brown bread tea biscuits cakes buns and scones may alwayu be secured weeding cakca a specialty miedwakds co get the genuine grafonola avoid disappointment refuse imitations only genuine columbia grafonolas and records bear this trade mark look for it before you buy when you need at any time buy fbom w williams acton ontaiuo famous hoh satisfactory footwear reasonable lrlclb columbia graionola m for vulb liv c c speight acfon ont bar barbarisi buying vii tofj bonds uptodate goods at c c siligiits silverware iq tublewurc i 1111 variety also fine cutlery hardware tinware aninjranitc woro bn assortmcul pandora stoves und lidnijls famous irlntcrs small stoves oirstovi- cvfhv ahticlc 10 op lxclp tionat valuc c c speight mul street acton ate nts i promptly securbc wuuin fchaluok m unlrorur av uon1ukai u

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