Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 28, 1918, p. 3

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headquarters for wedding and birthday presents li i ru 1h17 jllvorwnre knk i 1 orlui an spoonn i mi y cut anion injury china w irry the mont complete moclt in town i maiifuaqc liclnoco i0ouco geo hynds acton ontario jjljr artmt 3tr pxa jilimjtluay novkmiiph 28 101b news of local import tbo and doton on i ill it gontgn lud v i lllott jountf mom hubert i iiiu i ii in dnvl i ic i trut to two yi iir i nt tl llurwunh otil itrli kof m ml ry for tl remit robbery from mm jc tin wnlt park aveimo tho donrdmorea and victory bonds according to iii th i uh journnl minium 11 irdiini ri an their employ en in at ton uml iormil in meijioriam m1i11 i itli t u iilel 1 0c7 0 li employ i en f irry lmi hi brief local itein of november tho im pitxua in prcatly elated h 1j winnipeg a r to n ojxnliy fc ji an exceptionally irood 1 rnjit youmr lawyer tho recular monthly moetlnjr of tho i o d u for doccmbcr boo been withdrawn we certainly enjoy tho weekly lull i of the homo paper ura j n t rjiiion tho influenza ivan about run ito courro hero no now cancn havo been reported for oovcral tlayu tho cook ritovo advcrtlnod in lant liuuo of tho iltsg piucsa wan oolil an liour after tho paper wan lanuod could not cct alonk without tho iluai 1iitaa with lla woekly budget of hutnn nown mru it- 12 11 iort wullam tliu ownera of novcral loot artlcl advcrtloed in lant homo of tho fncs im- r recovered their lent property promptly it la predicted in uvo block circlen that tho high prices for cattlo in cuunda will bo maintained for at leant ten ycaru milton 0 churches achooln picture uhown urwl all pubjio kathcrlngn have 1mm n under tho m o ii ban for ncarl cleht weeka both koiry lojco and corporation pond are frozen over numbers of vuufurtaomo youths havo already been ltlnc nnd nlldlntt- urtli acto nf hotithi tannlnr oftlie furtorffi an 1 t onto j312 iuli and li iloltlnit co toronto will ba mused i fief r llyml i nlnl 1 row i thn f oiinty council of of thn until xt municipal ounty council mill jtho fatal motor accident nt ilrampton on haturday evening delayed tho train iluo hero at e cs o clock until about half pout neven pool county council hao unanlm- ounly npprovod tho purchauc of tho 1 duardfl property at milton for tho ualtonpcol children a bholur mlu mabel t howio of ocorjro town ravo an intcreotlnc addresa t r tliu iimaller natlona of central izuropo at tho lpworth lcujuo on monday vcnjnjr ouolph winter pair which opens a week from to morrow prom in c3 to be u rt cordbreaker judelns from ikiitn of tho number of ontrlcn belnc ortcd i 12 i leck wnntoll by public auction on futurday atcmoon at tho hotel mcolbbon georeetown fifty head of t ntlo flejlorn dairy cown and younir cattlo tho cement block walla of mr john iv altera now dwelling on hui property on tho nouthcrly nhoro i airy iiko uro up tho roof la beinr iiut on thlu wtck acton lit much in need of ono or more placeu for public comfort for farmeni and their fomlllca euiocfajy duriiti tho winter weather a public luvatorywbuld bo appreciated mr ilobert rilnp arthur utroot w ho tontcmplalca roturnlnr to itu former homo in tho southern htaba shortly owlnir to hi health lo ofterjnk tor jic liia pretty homo uaid uoll klpt ciinlonu j c itockwoll a sunny south company which baa ontertalned acton uudleticco on numerous occaslonn in tho piuit will elvc ono of their amua injr cntcrtalnmonta in tho town liull on saturday ovonlns a lino bouquet of panslcn from tho planus which won iho first prlxo at acton i all ialr in september waa plckod in moorecroft swrdena on nov- iinbor 21 thcoo art iiardy aunuabs which arw worthy while tho frienda of uiia iiapcr will plcano hand ua lteroa whllo they aro frotih wo prefer not to publish a birth after tho child hi weaned a rnurriuko after tho honeymoon laovcr or tho death of a man after lb widow lu married abaln joneaboro news rho victory potlnh co or ouolph j pfrirfir manascr it- i iennla uukti in inacer were hero demonatrat- inj the virtue of thla excellent polutb for uaulrif windows marble work iicourliif imiiu palm and metal work eti ytuterday tho follpwlns ulorea will bundle thla product which la holly manufactured and oid by ro tumid tjoldlera a t ilrown l j iliumaid and troccry ntorea acton junior hockay club cton junior laim ilull club met in tho town hull lat wrdnciliy ivm inc tho buiilniiii of thn yar waa aottlod up and it wiiu found thero waa j10 88 la tho trtajiury it wm tliouj ht advlaablo by ull mi mix ni of thn club tliat thla num bo lurnd over for tho benefit of u hoik y luh which would comptlno mo itly of mt inborn of tho ilaoe ball club a hockuy lub wati then oncanlzed with tlio following offlccrn hon preument john clurlto kr prcjildent wllllum arnold secretary treaiiurcr q it acnow manajcr nclion ourdoit captain hoy ilrown joui ill iluhtliu im to mm ji ui h hliortll n r ililnnwlth hrr duuidi t r mm w ii anthony or tho fifth line jit jiirnliui tho pant nix montlm rut her uudlonly ii tuenday mornlnk ttn hhortlll wan for many yiaro m itirmcd rcaldrnt of laiiumilnc jiear liulllnufad ilrr inaldrn nanio wnn man arrt klrkwood ilrr hunband join i b lihortllt fllrd about nix yearn ai i of her i lx children four nun and lwlmiliiem only mrn anthony nurviveii iru ihortill wan n incnilwr of halllnnfad mrthollnt church i vi u n llondn inlor llov j a jowltt condurted lathor j ftmrral ye icrday intermnnt i made in thn family plot at hnlllnnfad ractrxy aijxandi it miitowl tho death on monday rnoritlnir of allxandnr uprowl of the nccond lino iilni townrihlp lonen one if ita niont iiljrhly enleemed and proupomgn furmira ellncn thn accident innt juno mr hpntwl nnd ida datmhtir i tho wrro injured when thn train run y in thn lunn at home ho ban of in en in pood he tlth deceased wan 1 mir n at peru undent yono yearn hint i ebruury sixty yearn uro ho removed with bin parent to tho farm whero ho died on tho 27th october 1 bbc ho wnn married to ilachol konnoy daujhtcr of tlio lata m councillor john kenney and nluter of councillor w 1 kennoy and trua- bo john konney jr three children were born to them 1 thol john an i ijiura klovcn yearn ngo john mat ida death while worklnff in iho bunh bio father whan a falling tlmb struck him tlio lonn of bin only non wan a rr at borrow vrom which tho father never recovered mr sprowl wan ono of the community a moil proaperoun farmorn hln flna farm homentead well tilled flo ida and invariably sood cropn havo alwayn been admired by pauiioraby on tho thurouchfaro between acton and tho county town ho wan mombor and seneroua nupportcr of kiw u and a member of the v manaccrn hln aomowhal atlt wan a aurprtno to tho nlty and tmu brought crcnt nor to tho bereft homo tho funeral jfll bo hold thin afternoon at two illy mluned i lie ban uiulln f tin ftlclent chairman iltuo n flnanca hcllon coun- wlll bo chair- but tho town tntlvo in tho champion social and personal klu j ixir oftiuitih viidu 1 frljnli thin wi it lr chiiriea jlyndn of toronto iipont tlio wcok end ut hltt iiomo hero hie i h campbell of milton in vinltlnif acton friomln thla iym k mr and mm ntll mcdonald vlnlted relative at j tint over tlio week i 1 ii urowil if ilrown of iarkdale iirk luleji nlnterlrn mr an frlendn a itu tho week a llnjl llr vo win itrnon bow to tho county count ii nlun in milton on tuenday mr hi u mi hydnr of ijikcnido wan lout weelaltcndlni tho funeral of nele tlio into thomau hydcr i jiunld mcljontild ivrnhunit ttanlturiur a returned l me or bo ha been i for nevcrnl saturday mrn li c ituwiol of acton and moator donald arc vlottlnir at mr 11 jrarrlnon a hocknidc i rln advocalo f i mi in irtf i foil hrl ax ton lart mm hamuli wlnr- inriuoiiza tlrlhi o i bjyii lu re po o itcpalrlijk wo ctcnnlnc your ejeaned prcjscd nnd kcpaircdby expert workmen wo can mnko that old suit look like now try us clothes thoroughly uanitnry workshop military newo i u j i hcarrow wa homo from tliu military hospital toronto on a font dais lcavrrdnrtno umi wvak llo will bo un j r treatment for oomo tlmo mr ouoll manuffer of the milton branch of tho 13ank of toronto ha ro- fiuol word that hu brothor scrirt- rtbur w ioucll mm a u a be of ull bad died of woundn in kuoland i kut- william iloxwortb of thu itojul 1 lyiuir corpviaitod hi friend id ci a ullla for a day or iw last mk i ut hoxwortli bad completed bin trilnlmr horo and reacliod quclo i nrouto ovnmoan when tho nlun line of the urmlfltlco cancelled bin trip to initial notlco wan rocclvmllaut wock of tho woundliui of pto- hhuldpu moyci it in of tho pa tor of tho mothudlut l buixli an follow siuicroly reeret to liifutm you 028073 pto sholdoii v mour infantry odlclally reported ad niilud t tjonoral ilonpltal itaplcn tin nuv ember is smnohbt wound ubdo in ili llrxttor of hocorda cotnint iv t ni i of wtokti afttr ikaco win nn iimtd iblj nown fall heavily upon mr and mrn moycr it in ulnccnly huped that thin bravo noldler uou will bo full untortd to hrahh splendid war aldum i in v ui album innuod by 1 ho i it illy herald and wookly utn of m rituul 1 ono of th bout nuuvunlm 4 f iho war i uturo h0 ration will juiiili thin book it will bo u enn ui to diary of the urtnl ntruitclo and it nt ilm a wholo inlpo of information it i or uiiff ho alllm wo icaru tho li limited any lit mc lliat fulla it mturo a ity iw will regret it jlu pay n tvlt yearn nubocrlption t tl il i wookly aptr and a copy i f tho war album tiamulo may bu u on at tll jflue a cjty editor on tho farm mr w n wilkinson alitor of tho toronto world with mrn wilklnnon and children motored from their farm at crcwaonn corm ra to toronto on tuenday mr wilkinson purchased tho olhbona farm laid winter tho family ban npent the pant ulx monthu there and mr wllklnion hln wo end and hln holldnyu ihnc city folk haio proven thimnclvco real war food produccrn thoy contlucted tho farm canlcn and- dairy with energy and aro naturally proud of r nulla attainod mru wllklnnon dovelopcd into a firot clnan butler maker anti c inncd an abundance of good thlna for tho family table durlnu tho winli r montlia mamonal service for pto j d burt a lariro concroffution ajfimblod in tho mothodlot church on bunday even inff at tho memorial ntrvlco in honoi of tho lata plo j d hurt who died in iyanco on october 5 itov i m moyer took for hln text timothy 1 7 i havo fought i kood flht have finished my cotirui i jiavo v pt tho faith ho npoku in termu of tin highest praiuo of the uoldlen who havo fought with tho amltn and won tho croat victory for tlio ioiui o of trutli and rich too us neon und puid hllh trl buto to tho lc 000 canutlluiiii avho havo ma do tho nuprcmo narrlllio durlnj the war amoni whom aro tlio four bravo boyn from thla thujeh sukr john l- moore corp ito hurd inj lnocr war nn urown and ptu j d hurt tiiuo died for tho prlnrlplin for which jibui christ died havo thiy died in vain he aucntloned no they havo uuincd a crcat victory ttndir worda of aympathy wore cxpniattl to tlio par ejit and frienda bereft cclock praapvroua frmor mr pter glbboi dont of ijjqucilnjj now comfortably i homo on lndt rkk cliaaod from sett i on hero i a llfo li ui rcnl near sptyidtlc i ttli in bin noiv ireet ru ntly jur- jiinicn mcdoufeull mr ululionn uold hlu farni to dr iieattj of toronto a brotln r of mr healtii tho now pnaldont or tho c p- it lioforo leaving tho old hoinu tho frlendn and iiuikiiikjcu t ttliorld at mr gib bona reoidencfe and prencnted him with i corapllmo itrj addri 1 1 und a hand- nomo eany chair and cune u chair to minn qlbbona and a pin and jewel cane to mian 0u nn xpreulvo of tholi esteem and tho warm frliuduhipu which rad nubnlstvd for no many yearn mr qiorgo l lllott waa chairman iteovo joo read tho addnau and mcnsru i rik mcarthur and david joo made tho pro nontatloiia to mr and ml 1 1 olbbonn tho bcit wlnhcn of all arc cxlindid to mr gibuonu tliat ho nif y oujuy a wull- carnod real during hln rlponod yearn ills daughter miun glblntnu ail i granddaughter mis dunn nuldu with him knox church ladies aid concert tlio poutpbnod cotncrt of tho knox church jjidloj aid held on monday oven lug was well atteiukd and the pro rramino had much of merit und wt thoioughly enloyed iho nupumo nolo numb by mru mckay of toronto ucro will iiiidcrcd and tho duutu wt l muui may itibt rtaon wero v ry uecupt thu bleuilinj of mi mjfuyn l ro and mi ui hohort non u wnt contralto tnneii wan mout pkienliid mbi uoln rtiun aiuo uang a couplu of nolo whieli vvru well undcred mian duttoii tl chureli o kanlot wan tluli at eompaulnt mr u it guild and hlu nun 1 rank of i lock wood eoutrlbuted uoveral num- bcra which wero joiieiuualy tncorod both their duet and thoir no i on wire tine acton will accord thin tulented father mid nun a cordial wuleoiuo oil any return visit mian i rniu paulson toronto win quite v rnutfce she gavo suloctlonm on her violin and recitation nlao whh h werti cnj otr hjio in a mlnji ti terminer of artlatl attain uiuiits mm 1 ivi 1 itobui uton proved lurulf an lo ulit ulut tf m 1 iidld merit h r huhiimitj w ro iuii lluton ed to with hitonno lot ijt uuv j c wilaon ii a octuple 1 tho chair full hod ruii c imp artant mnrcantilu uuai e c n m linra couwu m leau who pure liuuc 1 lb m ui iiulni of mis nrn kundeiui i f tin llllb ow llouno a ar und n ilf ugo havo thin wcvk dlu lv 1 i at in mr cliarlea a to iway hail wtlix i fron tho tlrni and mr c it mllln of ouo h outern into pal tt umlill with malcolm m ia i n hi in iiann will ho ehuiji d to mil- in j mllih dur ut hi ht iy ht mi ctmwi y bun mud o liiiiuy nlnln un 1 ho u 1 joy til of mr- conway a n 1 li in icif apton will bo i ratl it id iho will iiowuvur i p u 1 tlu wlut a tt n mr mil in i 1 i it il llo to actt n un until o utiu a ft w afco ho found ui it lh uwcol t girl i ki ow live in a on a 111 ilv r t wo i ago ho a ull i i if til bil lo ilu won until luut tr tf tho iumral i nulii i of j hichardn dynlalk auiul nu mpiium ugo ho loft dund uk t toko a rtnpoti- olblo luuitlt ii in tjinli h ho now uouit in a tin hi in oil eatal untied and sueeauftll itiuliuiii mil mju mini will especially elij iy uiing to itnidu lu the o t liujuo tt wn in nin i it biuilnoua of thn li i nw uou t hut pionpcred win hi hi muiiijtiii nt ol mesortf conway it mi it an r j kerrs liot of qale8 friday novcmhtr 22 alex donald acton farm ntock and lmplement wedndy december 4 it it irish man ilrookvlllo farm ntock and lmpli wednedy dwimbir 11 provincial winter kolr guelph tueaday dectmbtr 17 harry leslie qarafraxa near ortoti clearing nolo thursday dctmbr 10 tho cxacu torn of ljie cntato of tha late wubert awrey jrxlday pscmbar2 chm tlnldarln jillliburc ior partlculara aa to rn nddrona r j kerr telephone 3i young ql acton mr and mru a anderw nagawoyn vlnltcd at the b father mr wm a i urooii innt week homo of ien ftrc guelphs profitable franchise another dividend of 10 per cont i declared by tho directors orcuoiph junction itallway on ividay this makes 33 per cent on tlio city luyoatment thin year a total or 157 37c for tho city treasury from thla rail way forty two yaara cterk of peal county after acting on clerk of tho county of pufor 43 yearn david klrkwood linn rclrnd hi position mr klrk wood in in hln ulut j ear nnd although attending regularly to hi duties lia been in falling health for several sunday qsmblors fined in qoalph detectlvo orecnawny discovered four forclgncro with unpronounceable names ngaged in gumhjlug on sunday lla broko up tho game and told all four to appear before tho magistrate on monday mornings thoy pleaded guilty ailfl were fined 12 and coat each clean up the war garden tho crjtjtimo lot leal branch of tho department of agriculture reports that ny of tha war garden have ro eelved little attention after tho crops o liarvcotetl wherever possible it fu urged to clean up those garde no by amoving all remnant of cropa etc hlch make ideal hlbcrnutlng quartern for injurious lmioctn and to cultivate tho ian 1 before it froexoa up five flana nd twelve crown tvory district in hal ton wan sue ccaiful in winulnt an honor flat in the victory loan campaign twolvo crotvnii wore awarded tho county six thiuo went to georgetown two o on two to burlington and ono each milton and oak vi lie tho total uggregato of tho victory bond subacrtp tiomi in halton was j3 030 4t0 a pro rata of 12120 of tho county popula tion j how our doye help other two former ncholara of tho metho dint sunday school acton havo tiecn ungugod on tlio staff of wltera for tho leiisou exponition and halim prenentod by tho hun day school llaniicr for 1p1d itov a lloyd smith m a h d pastor of llm street church tormjta will give thu lesson ex poo it ion and mr fc j moore ii a superintendent of publication of uio mothodlnl hook room will nupply the matter for tho uoctlon devoted to hintu for inter ruadiato trachcru tho ban nor liun a monthly circulation of is 000 soldier sanitarian at queph important changed aro being made at the guelph military convalescent honpltal tho premise will shortly iw changed from a honpkul for con vakucenl aoldlorn to a anltorium for uoltlkrn afllic al with tubercuioaln tlii ilrut lot of men 100 in number loft iho honpltal yesterday morning for whitby and by tho end of tho week it u uxpoctod tliat all who aro at pre mnt houned there will havo gono either to whitby or london the institution will lu future bo undor tho supervision of thu invalided soldier comiutnsloii uud of tho military honpitalu om jiloti a formerly already tho flrjt uf tuberculosis patient liavo ar d ut thn hospital seventeen oouihtjr ii urnvonliurnt on ihurcday last tha oorhemhayward nuptiala at 3 30 p in monday tho marrlago of mlnj iulciia ilaughter of mr and mm loidou haywnrd of toronto formerly f acton to l ciinrlc colby goriiam wan ulotly nolcinnlxed ut jurvln l nuptial church hev u w meirll oltlclntod dr uroomo pro- uldod at thu organ 1laylng through out tho ceremony tho brldo who waa jiivcu a by her father worn u mrcy chnrmouno drciui and lurgo ullvt r lu o hat and currlnd vluloxs und nweelheurt roses 1 ho brldeo inultl mjs iluuioiiu volteh of khii ntoii wore a smart tmiy muo suit iuriiu hut ami wlillo fox fura und woro ophelia roues mr jack colllna if ltuchtitnr n y wan bent man and mr o duwcn of toiotito acted an uiiik i leaving for a abort trip tbo liltto tiuvnllud in a jeruoy cloth tlnnu and puiplo hut and nt ul out with oppomiiuin t nl in r and cuffs mr and mrn thrham wil reside in toronto mr and mrn ired hancock and chll dren of milton npont sunday at tho homo of mr william landsborougli dako avenue mrn tliorann i martin opont a fov dnyn thin week at iyocport military hospital visiting her daughter mton annie martin mr w j itelo municipal oftlcor han boon confined to tho houso with influenza during the week ho to con- vahncliig nicely mr h leltoy ilrown hydro iniipcc r of toronto- with mlnscn oilvo and jilcen opeat n few bourn on saturday with tho home tolkn hero mr albert brown non of mr oid mrn o ii urown epent sunday with hln parent previous to leaving lion day morning with the bell telephone co for copper cliff p mr j cownn short ill of winnipeg waa hero on saturday ha wnn called to ontario to attend tho fijnrral of bin uttlo noven year old non who died at tho homo of mrn hhortllln mother mm it ii conford hlora mr cheater plank who wan nclxed with typhoid rover whtlo on a bunimum trip through manitoba for mrnsra w ii storey son a couple of months aro arrived homo lant week ho in trodually regaining hln uuunl otrcnglh and vigor mr j m dcnycn iubllc schoo inspector won hero vlnltlng our school on thursday last week mr donyea wan called tt odcana to at tend the obncoulen of hut rutin r who punned uwuy on saturd iy mornlni utn jriendn extend ojmpothy to him and hln family grand trunkys the double track route i1ctwlln montreal toronto detroit chicago unexcelled dining car nervlco bleci inc earn on night tralnu an i parlor cam on i rlnctpal tlay trains pull information from any trunk ticket agent or c i- i district ponnengcr agent tor grand loriilni h a holmes agent acton ont phon blue hultn matin from pure wool nbnolutoly faut dyo serto cloths mado to meanurn for j45 up 1 or wlnti r c mfort notl lug u uleir or mi r i ct mfortal 1 i than oiln t our i ar wol ic tch twt huitliu i fiuit col ir muilo to til iciuro for j35 up overcoatings are of tho bent runco 0 cluthu for w nlor wuir in tho trade we m uko them to your order i irut lunn i tl u ny atllc from j25 up pkomit dkijvliiy r e nelson phone 40 next post office guelph acton creamery we re paying now fojl butter fat acton creamery willow street acton ajxerson s owing to s j stauffer having retired from the fish busines to give his whole attention to hib restaurant i hav decided to open a fish department fresh and s lt fish of tho best qualities arc being stocked to be sold at veky modlkati puiclii wc have a special price on lard this week n patterson main street acton ontariu 4 on electric dav1i1 ii linpbay lnymi purclmcd tht choppiui mill or mr r h iusby is now in pocsoion and ii prcpurcd to do chopping of ull kinds of grain promptly und utisfuctonly oatb barley and mixed grain bran and queii of the webt wheat now in btock ohdlhs pkomp1ly uluivll david h lindsay mill stuect acton devllopingrinting enlarging i ilms received by ua tirt to i 10 pm ready the following dny at 0 p in mail orders a- specialty wc do the kind of work you wont i but seldom get zxr ickc dmgfl avicfivee s kodalui quelph ont busy again owing to lllncnn i liavo been uiiuhlo to do bunlneun for tbroo wtelce i will resume next mon day dtcemtxr z will bo glad to turchnno fowl and farm pro ditcn un 1 icnirul junk on unual in any luantlty adctreun alex gilboord third door from willow street on church street acton ont dox 201 itkslttits of influenza modi col authorities havo atated thero a no knowing how jar-coach- log tho rcaulta at tho lnfluonia obi- dcmlo will bo vrom tho nature of tho malady it in feared many cajjea of tuberculosis will dotdop it you hato not fully recovcrod from tho flu or you aro run down la health from somo other caunu oocjc a doctor at onco qon- aptlon may baro dovcloirod but oven that may bo cured if taken in tlmo a caao in point has recently boon brought to our attention a farm laborer with a wlfo and flvo umall children ua had not boon fooling right for oomo month not olck cnouch to so to bed or stay indoors but always tired ila dally rork about tho farm had become a tank to blm so or his own accord ho went to tho muakoka froo hoo- pltal to try and find out what was matter ho waa found to bo auf forlng from tuberculosis and waa immediately taken in and put to bed tho doctors say this man is making good recovery and that ho will abortly bo ablo to return home 7ho muakoka eroo hospital for consumptives la now appealing for aid in tlghtlnc tho great white plague 1 ho money you gwo will help restore to health just such do- orvlng canes aa this bringing hnjppl uean untold to rcunltod families contributions may bo sont to sir william j gage 84 bpadlna avonuo toronto or to goo a raid secretarytreasurer gage institute 323 conoco street toronto s is christinas and er shopping headquarters gcrrlng rtudy a big chrijtma store and meeting the cold weather wanl of thousands of people u a high privilege by icrvtcc by fair dealing by courtcy wc are trying to make it a worthy pnvi ltge tho christmas and winter cam paign u already well under way this will be a good oldfash ioned christmas hundreds of homes arc already btijicd planning a real oldfashioned celebration with the war practically over and tfic prospect of seeing our boyj back over here soon overything 13 in readiness for a genuinely happy time we arc ready with complete stocks of merchandise suitable for christmas giving youll find here appropriate prescnto for every member of the family every friend every acquaintance and thcc arc the useful utility gifts tliat are strietly the order of the day cixmhng for ften women and children and furniiungs for the hoflle d macdonald bros ltd guelphs leading and largest store wyiulharn macdonnel and garden streets gnelph ont the farmer- banker alliance you go to ourlawyer for legal ndvico to tho doctoi for medical advico why not to tho merchants bank forfinncialfitk x if you want a loarito buy cattlo hogbor equipment if you want information as to how to invest money camo to thosowho mako n business of financial matters and aro m a position to grvo you aounrx and impartial advice head office montreal of canada estobhshod ic04 acton tiranciir b shorey manaffcr georgetown branch c w crandy manaaer the advertiser i am an advertiser i think pretty well of myself i have ambition i have ability i have friendb i have experi ence i have honor i have ingenu ity i have ideab all thesethings i am ubing every day for the betterment of myself and of my business to the end diat i may be able to say in future years i have prosperity and a wellestablished business one diat i am proud of and yet that i can say as now i have friends i have honor i have still my own selfrespect an opin ion jf myself diat must demand recogni tion in tliis world of business i am an advertiser because of uiis 1 am known to stand for die dungs diat i believe in that i do that i believe odiers should do and die diings that will always be done so long as diere remains in die world one man who is strong enough to ay i believe in myself and in my future rby william m adrian 2 i rrgcttvfiliffimtrftriaii

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