Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 28, 1918, p. 4

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mt artmt 3xs t flreae ss thiiiiiday novi miilu 2b 1910 dlcgoinqq well bin t lu lie wl o counts onion jr his health nn i the comfort nf a steadfast friend a chocrfu imui- n heart of deep con ic nl a sunny nnrden onot to die and tend more bleat la ho whu adds to theao tlio joy of work unit leads him to hi hearts twain a uttla dill i t praltlo at fain cole a dear imiy lioad to crown hla ovenlne nrj lllcanor c iiull rats arc d1q eaters i xpert p havo estimated that one rat will con tit mn 40 to co pound of food in a year it lins also been fliturod that it renulrr the continuous work of about 1c 000 men with forma asrl cultural implements and other equip znntfl to supply the roodstufts do otroyed annua ly by rata in the united states and canada in addition rata destroy ottior property mainly of agri cultural origin tho production of which requires the work of about cd 000 men this gives a total of 220 000 men whose economic output la devoted solely to foodlnir and otherwlso providing for rata medical wisdom old doctor no when your patient asks you for a tonic what are you colnc to do about it younff doctor find wliat ahe really rjecds and prescribe 1l old doctor wronfl no auccess in that method whenever your patient haa dlocnoocd her own caao and tella you aho needa a tonic you prcscrlbo a tonlo every time younff doctor whyr old doctor dont you cueso whyt becauae ahe will then have to oe that you know almost if not quite aa much about medicine aa nho does judga the cow deat them to it an 0 ilclal of thoboar4of health in a town not far from boston notified a citizen that his license to keep a cow ononis pre ml ft en had expired in reply to this letter tho official received the following communication monsieur bord of helt i jus set your notla that my llcena to keep my cow haa expire 1 wish to inforrn you atsler liord of licit that my cow ahe beat you to it oho expire free weeks agn much oblige yooro with rea- peck pute enough ao she 10 wrote 4 pi trans rrom lollt ro motived in thn quart rtiuinti r jorioraln oftlro allutimnt ijrnneh aln l rot i o book lurnlnij and i nm wrltlnir fi r inflammation j tint ii linn to lot ou know i oni wl low unil f ur children iio wnn deducted into tho military aurfaro t have a four mo n thn old bl y and ho 1j my only nuppurt a jo no woman and parody depen dent who ii you took my hunbeund you took the bent man i had aa i nee 1 iila ana is tan co to knap mo in cloned carlnr to my conditions which i haven t walked in 3 months from a broken jeff which la no 7c your 2lalnahlri tn him answer 1 nm allll bin believed wife your kind ulr or slw i cnrloao lovlncly yours in oervlco in the u h armory and ho wan my boet supporter jlcoao aend me a wlfoa form we have another war baby in our houae how much more do j rttt please correct mytouna artd i coul 1 not go and wjjuld not fio under a con sumed name if i don t sot no mo money noon z will havo to lead an immortal lire please nond back my marriaco cer tificate aoon baby lioan t eaten any thing for throo dayn iloth aldca of our parents arc- old and poor dear mr wilson t have already written to mr ii cart quartern and ro eclved no reply and now if 1 don t ret ono from you i am colnir to write to undo ram himself you havo changed my llttlo boy to a clrl will it make any difference you oaked for my allotment num ber 1 havo 4 boys and 2 clrla i am his wife and hlo only air united states paper checkmated by his own move a woman journalist who was a wit ness jnajwill suit li latently to the severe and rather bulbins- cross examination of the withcases by coan eel who frequently impressed upon his victims that they must soy nothing which was merely hearsay and not actually within their own knowledge when tho journalists turn came aho was cross examined by the same counsel whoao queatlona oho answ cheerfully until he enquired her age than sho said x do not know do you know when you wero bora no air replied tho witness i havo only hearsay tovldenco as to that origin of the bolshevik various explanations have been given of tho origination of tho name bolshe vik a russian doctor gives the true lfji 1 j ft ofhowh a wor earoeto be i usedtlt did not arise out of tho pre sent hussion chaos it seems thai in 1503iit the eocond conference of the russian social democratic party when the methods employed in regard to the dlrectlov of v rerolutjonary activities wero under dutnusalon a difference of opinion nxoso and a vet was taken there won naturally a majority bol- abevlto and a minority menchlnstvo the ttju uruupi were ultioaner ruuneo the bolahevlks and tho mencbo- hi6 nur8e a certain soldier would not have recovered from his wound but for the dovoted efforts of a certain nurao in tho base hospital in irance finally ha won out and it was a happy and emlung boy in bed as his captain ctmo in to sea llm as they were talking in came the nurse with hla medicine mlas dlonk he sold this is my captain captain this la miss blank ajed jmy poor family out fib 000 life inauranco a 8cotti3h wife two kllueo from tho same boot tlah town met in areot camp some where in franco and started to- ex change confidences whit like t aetld off did yer wuman glo ye bandy when ye left fur 1rance r naked jock preoently bandy lit a fresh cigarette before replying says ahe noo uicron yer train bandy in ye get an nee an do yer duty iiy jingo ma mannle if i thocht ye wod shirk it oot yonder i wud oee yo was wounded afore ye gang offt tliat a tho send oft she gaed me jock should let em grow mra hrldloy wu doing her morn ing marketing and aho was deter mined thut tho grocer should not take advantogn of her youth and inexperi ence theao cjrijn oro drea s oho criticised that a the kind tho farmer brings jno answered ho grocer they are just rrcali train the country this morn ing yea said the bride and thats the trouble with thoso farmers they nro so anxious to get their egga sold that they take them off the neat too soon he knew better loot summer little johnny paid bis nrst visit to a farm all his llfo he had lived in tho heart of a grlat city and when ho uuddonty cumo lu sight jl 1 uyotuck ho utopjted and gaxod earneetly at what appealed to hlro aa u new brnd o arch 1 tec turd boy mr hmith ho remarked to ho farmur pointing to the hayotack why don t uuy havo doora and win dows la ur doom und window limited tho farmer that uln t a houan johnny thut a hay don t try to jitih mo mr hnilthl was the scornful jxcjoliwlup of tho city boy don t yuu aupiono ttiat i know that ihoy don t grow buy in lumin ilko uatr how to treat your town praloe it improve it- talk about it 1 trade at home be public spirited toko a homo prido tell of its bun in can men remember it la your home tell of its natural advantaces trade and induce others to trade here when strangers coma to town uso them well dont call your beat cluxens frauds and tin poo tern support your local inatltuuona that bcnerit yoar town look aha id of self thon all the town la to bo copnldcred help your public ofilcera to do tho moat good for the most people dont forget you live dff tho people here and you should help others as they help you don t advertise in tho local paper to help tho edito but a d vert loo to ncip yourself dyer0 or earlier dvct what did proplo do for dyci ixtoro tie ilnfi qf coil tar dorlvailvro ir rjuln j matin rtiyn that dytrn wnrn u iiknnii l to roly upon tho in urn plant for i jim rnnddrr root for i 1 rll hunt urknyj led numwrtrn fir a bcnutlful pink mil inftron for yelliiv nupplomcintrd by logwood jrnjill wood inc buckthorn in rrlon iil kermoj for crlnimm them were other kin in ox troplral wnodn and barlin alno tumeric a i lant t f the glhicr family for yellow and by no means to bo for rotten cochineal cochineal luc and kermen wero and are to day drlvod from tiny insects the first namod being commonly pro pagatod on a upneica of cactua their natural food plant cultivated for tho purpoe 1 rem thcwwods wero derived rods crnd tirowno mostly they were ground r raaped to a odr mil no id in tl is linpe to ttio dyoru who bollod them to got tho colors tho lnfualona thu obtained blng callc 1 llquora tliooo wero duya whoti tl o art of oyclril held truny nocretn fiat wen handed dovn from father to aon with vnluahlo rlpca for coloring isool cot ton and rtlllc when thn war brought a famine of coal tnr dyen tho dycrn fell back on tho oldtlmo colors which fetched fancy prlrca for a whllo hut unfor tunately they did not know bow to una them tho ancient roclpoo wero lot and tho craftsmen who under ntood them were lung dead no nrtlflchi dye qulto eqt u indigo for bluo or madder for red die same in truo of logwood for blacl- to day logwood la tho otandard aga nst which artltlclat blacka are judged an all women farm a year ago tho west devon execu- uvo commit too took over great bid- lake farm brldcstowe england which is being used as a training centre for women the form which consists of 134 acres was formerly all in grass but 73 acres hvao been ploughed up and are now carrying good crops of corn roots and potatoes all tho work on tho farm with the exception of a little ploughing last autumn has boon done by women the food production department atata that the bull dines arc in excellent condition and that the farmyard is one of tho beat kept in fiia west country results count the american what happened to your tho tommy to tell you the truth x sin t qulto certain about ten minutes ago i was avln a tete ateto with a german sapper he was a nlcelookln boy ad a foco ilka a murderer wo was crawl in on our etummlcks when wo camo face to face ho aaya iwrao- thln tomomticrniarirtmttl2urwtnrf him in just as bad language what happened then well i atea to brag but lm ere nn o halntl no man or woman should hobble painfully about because of corns when so certain a relief is at hand aa hol- lowaya com curc- to prevent potato rot pick over your potatoes about three or four weeks after you have stored them away tho wot weather thia ijgdebu lncreasea the tendency to rot and utflcrttiu diseased potatoes arc at once eeparatod from uia healthy uiero will bo heavy losu many pota toes that look good when harvested will decay after being in storage a few waeka potatoes should be stored in a cool dry place the cooler thn atmosphcro providing of course freexlng is not permitted the better thoy will keep miller u worm powdera not only ex terminate intestinal and other worms but thoy are a rtmuily for many other allmoutn or children thy strengthen tho young ulomaeh ognlnnt biliousness and are tonlcal in their erocts whero tho clilld ouftcra from loss of appetite in feverish conditions they will be found ilsoful and they will serve to alloy pain un 1 griping in tho stomach from which children so often uuttor water damage to flour it is a well known fact umong sailors that flour wilt not only float after immersion in aea watci fautbufrcrn very little damage to ascertain tho actiuo domugo aaya tho north wen tern mlllur a baker in new south wales submerged a 160 lb bag of flour in tho ocean and left it in tho water ct hours a fin pound weight was neccj- aary to sink tho bug which would havu upportod about lb pounds or half it awn weight on top of tho water who lifted and weighed tho bag aculoiileil pounds it was dried for four dayu and yielded 120 pounds of perfectly dry flour the bug und waste wo ik hi hit 8 pouuda baked into bread it gave perfect rcaults overdotnq a compliment lady randolph churchill s marriage her third recalla fn oxnuaim atory when aho wan juet plain miss jennto jerome of now york like her father ahe wan a keen politician and on one occasion she dollvered a rousing speech in favor of aenoral grant then standing tor uio presidency for the nocond time when si o had finished o peaking no mo enthusiast in tho audience shouted miss jerome forovorl uhn stepped forwa sbr i thank you alio aald but i do not wlah to bo miaa jerome for ever washington tlmoa during convalescence the aftermath of acute disease when physical strength is at low ebb the body needs particular effective nourishment to hasten res- toratiarr dfssength there is no better time to utilize the peculiar nutrient qualities of sc0tts emulsion being a rich food and tonic it quickly aids in the restoration of tho depleted vitality and improves the blooo- quality soofis builds up the body by natures best medium nouruhmenl ocou a dctwuc toronto qnh 137 how mrs boyd avoided an operation canton ohio i suffered from female trmiblo which caused ma much saflenojt and two doctors decided that 1 would have to ro through an operation beforo i could eetwell mymothcr who had been helped by i ydlals plnkbama vefftnbl com- ponnd advised m totrtitbeforobub- mlttinff loan opera tion itrellavedma from mj troubles so i can do my houao work without any dilttcalty i odvlteaoy woman wbo u afnictod with female troubles to otv lydla c rinkiiama vegetable com pound atrial andlt will do as much for them mrs maiun botd 1421 eth st n b canton orao bomotimea there ar serioas oondl tions whero a bospltsj operation b th only alternative bat on th other bshd bo many women have been cured by this famons root and herb remedy lyoia e rinbhamo vcffetoblo compound after docurs havo siid that an operauoa waa noccmsry every woman who wants to avoid nn operation shoald giv it m fair trial befora cahmlttios t gaeh a trying ordeal i f compllcatiorjs exist writs t iyrfl b p nkham medicine co lynn alass for sivlco the result of many years faxpeiienca la at your ervtcflu 10000 head of geese ducks hens and chickens wanted highest canh price will bo paid parties having poultry to sell should communicate at once with r miuigan corner young and imii sbl aeton or to p o box 341 guelph businesscollege what you oat out of life to morrow depends on how yu prepare for it to day our course of training will prepare you to meet any onrr grncy in tho buatncaa world make all youll altnanqt mlnta now to day the guelph business college herald otdg qualph ont icecream we have our parlor open every day now and wo intend to give as goc1 service as possible lea craam bulk 30c pint ice cream drlcks 30c each candies right prices toothsome varieties debt qualitieq canada food ooard licsnaa no s130s harold wiles mill btreet acton impedimenta a battalion wan bclnftlnntrurtod on tiuw to tube a convoy through open country one company wan told off to represent homes cows und wag gons after a short hull tho advance order was given nnd the convoy moved an all etcept one man who did not budge hero youl called um major why don t you advancet i can t air you can u what do you meant i m a waggon nnd i vo got a wheel off uoston traucrlpt then something did happen whllo his mother was uwjy oh vuilt johnny dldn t nuy hlu i ru ru uihin his mothers return there wwu t rcckonliur why dldn i you uuy your pruytm johnt well you see it was thlu vuy mu i forjit to auy them the tlret itlg it in uothln haoponcd n thun i dldn t say them tho next nliht on nutlitu happened n no i decldid 1 uoul in t over nay vm again if nuthlu never hapiietu d and then eoiuothlug happened do it yourbelp a tcrtnln ulltor unl publlnhir unco told hlx imployeco that una of tho moat uftcctlvo lotutons ho aver learned ounsuited of only four words lluvtng asked bis grandfatohr tu explain tho meaning of a certain word tho old geptlomun replied frank here a the dictionary a rrtut many pooplo in the world might lo benolltted by a like flnn but kindly uttltude uii tho part of their frlonls which would meun j nothing lusa than po it yourself be looted fish and chips and oysters a j stauffcr lltui oeiil u dining koom in con timtlou with hlu 11uu utoro whure fish and chips and oysters uru nerved in all ntylcs day or ilht having hud lurgo oxpcrlenco in sumo of tho bint rlutauruntu in tho united btutos i uut pixpared to licrvo all iuatuuitru u their en tiro bulutfurtluii lirmtra their wlvut end fomlllco will bo scrvod with lunch hot too ur co too uiiy tlmo they may bo lit loivu iluvo a hot cup of tea or coftuo and no tn o crisp luth and chips or tasty uyntara before you go homo cverythlnu clean and sanitary try it once and youll coma oln kull line of 1 uh always on hand s j stauffer fleh bpealallit and fttu ranter canada liuod hoard uloiiuo no h 1041s ucciiao no 10 15114 phone 40 acton ont vegetables promptly delivered potatoes caodaqes onions carrots radishes beets celery a bishop market qardonar fair view ave ac rgains this week childrens school dresses from 4 to 0 years at 115 womens flaneletto kimono3 at2j25 women s flanelcitc under skirts atl25 women i fleece lined under skirts at 200 l starkman mill street acton ab if he were a partner 1 ho boy wnn trudging homoword bin ii jiijllr 1 low over bin earn 111 handa i liln porlirln nnd a woollon tip not wound union 1 tiln nnck in llou of an rcont hut for ull hln chilly look loomci in fi od nplrlbi he whlstlel tlnunlly the nama strain a portion popular molody so modldod that it in poualhla its author mloht have httd itimrulty in recognizing 1l tho musical performance waa in terrupted when a boy not far from thn name aev joined him hollo tom you working down at pratt and oil sons yotr fluro i am how am things golngf kino why do you know kolson wo did douhlo the business this month wo did tho rnuno month lant year how n that for growlnrr an thotwo lads iaastj on a gentle man who ntood ntandlng on tho corner for hla car f lanced after tho pair i wind 1 could get bold of fow boyo nf that stamp ho told his frlond tho frlond looked ostonlolod why i dldn t noo anytlilng ao unusual about him it lu unusual though tlutt boy is probably an ottlco boy earning three dollato a week or possibly four but he feela as interested in tho attain of tho firm as if bo wero a partner they are doing flno n6t because his salary la rnlaod hut because tho concern la doing doublo the business that it did a year ngo ho looked through tho dark at tlia disappearing figures of the two boya if that youngster should come to mo applying far a job i a faki him on mother value this oll mothora who know how suddenly croup may sllxe their children nnd how nocessary prompt action is in applying relief always keep on hand a supply of xr thomas iclectrla oh because oxperl- once has taught them that there is no better preparation to be had for the treatment of thia ailment and thoy are wise for its various uses render 11 a valuiblo medicine bonnie annie laur1e annle laurie was no myth over 00 years ago sir robert laurtn of dumfries hire wrote theao quaint words in his family register ax the pleasure of almighty god my daugh ter annie laurie was born on the lblh day of december i6s3l mr william douglas wbo wrote the song to cetebrato tho wondrous beauty or thia maid wooed but did not win tho for famed annie instead aha pre ferred a richer oultor mr alexander ferguson annie died in 1784 but her name no doubt will be passed down to many more ages by means of the immortal ballad by douglas- enjoyed a change a negro soldier now on tho western tront captured a german major on hla way bock to headquarters to re port his charge tho soldier made hla captlvo carry hla trappings and bag gngo prodding him along gently with hla gun why wero you oo anxious to put him to workr said an officer to him wcll you aco explained tho negro it madd mo feel good to aco htm toting that equipment bcfo the war ah waa a potah tho proven asthma remedy since asthma existed there has been no lack of much heralded remedies but they havo proved short lived and worthless tho evergrowing reputation of dr j d keuogga asthma remedy haa given it a place in tho field of medicine which no other can approach it has never been pushed by acnaatlonal mothods but has simply gone pn cffoctlng relief ond making new ooo verts amiadle persons these she had n tremendously big mouth but no ono would havo called bar at tentlon to it if aho had been trained in tho ways of keeping it cloaca certain topics her young brother called her attention to the fact i waa born with a ollvor spoon my mouth ahouald lo him are you auro it wasn t a aoup lidlor he wanted to know say wliat do you seem to tl ink cf ray moufit well taken as a whole but thats as far as ho gpt hirsts pain exterminator i storathe pain and acts quickly 1 laj ortrpttis flhtstjucurdrco 35 1 dotttu tr toniolit- ltoiuorrow feel ridht issaf g et a 25 b ox e3uas3abd acton ont new machine shop rrld blow machinist 13 moving to tho newly arranged premises tho ross bowl ing alley on main street where lie will bo prepared to hondlo all repairs of machinery promptly and satisfactorily motor repairs a specialty having experience with all makes of motors repairs will bo efficiently executed vulcanizing tires having installed a vulcanizing outfit satisfactory repairs will bo mado to outer cases as well a inner tubes this depart ment is managed by mr d ross bring all your repairs here main street acton fbed blow get the jaenuine grafonola avoid disappointment refuse imitations only genuine columbia grafbnolas and records bear this trade mark look for it before you buy- toliiiiibia grafonola m railway time tables at acton grand trunk railway qyotoro gona weet no 23 k 13 n m no 31 in 0 a rn no 33 no 169 no sb no 32 no 34 no 38 lufiday trains pnno throtiph arton golnr wont at 10 1c a m nn 1 riuit at tlc p m toronto suburban electno railway coma west 817 a m rally except hun lay 10 p m c ci p m 8 13 p m b n m 3 2h p m clf i m a 12 p in daily nxropt hun dally excryt hun j lluuduy c flunday c 3j3 p i 8 00pm 11 02 a m a 33- p m going east 7 s b- m j daily except hu 2 02 pm dally except lui fl 18 p m daily except ui c8 n m flunday b 8 p m flunday ndny inlay nday only only actom livery bus line i oo licit willi couodcnco tho patronao of tho public comfortablo rigs out pllod at rettao noble rates special attention to supplying conveyance for weddings and runerala motor cars furnlahod when required i expressman for tilo toronto suburban railway dus meets all trains l e atkinson acton flour and feed store wo have a aupply of tho following now on hand tho wellknown urand of ktno choice norval and national fiouin nothing batter cran oat chop shorts cracked corn rolled oats corn meal salt in colb 1001b and 00tb boca and barrels special line in chicken btld arvn ourt caxe iihal a thiai dounsrrc iiolijsd oats the rrcsr canada food board uccnoo no sg robert noble limited henry awrey manager words to leavc unsaid f u mllbt liavo boon are the aaddcat words ovor bpoken that is a ry good nuuon for not saying them moreover uny cstlmata of what might liavo boon la u uncertain whether what might liavo been would be a bit superior to what ui that tho leas we bother about thoso words tho better acton bakery m edwards co canada liod hoard license no c 013 mill street acton to faalitatuhho huudling of tho products of our bakery and to make it nioru conveni cnt for our customers wc havo 5curcd tho shop next to wiles confectionery whero supplies of our war bread brown bread tea biscuits oikes buns and scones may always bo secured wedding cakes a specially m edwards co acton ontario to men who livo inactive lives ixcrciao in tho open ulr is the best ionic for the tomuch and nystcm gei irully but tbcro ore those who are compelled to follow sodentary occupa tloiia and tho inactivity tends to re strict iho healthy action of the diges tive orbanu and olokncsa follows lar- melco vtrolftble fllla regulate tho b to much and liver und rcstoro healttiy mtlou it is wlso to haxe a packet of tho pill j alwuja on liand england s coal cellar it lu often aald that urltoln owes her commercial supremacy to her coat mwuiuroi kor her slxo oho- haa mora und butter coal than any other country in tho world and for steam purposes oouth wulc practically supplies tho world where did the coal come fromt tho coal scams lying ono below another to in ui known depth and not liifretiuutly crciplinr oit at jqio jmc fact uro euro proof that tropical con dttluns onco provallod lu tho latitude of tbo brluoh isilo in- irlinovnl times a period whoso rcmulbiiom u measured by millions of yoars tho dbitrlct which la now drltain waa coiuioctod with the oon- tlnant nnd tho coal of llnxland doubt looa runs under the channel and the southern part of tho north ben and la outluucd in tho coal del is of ndr- i rtviill lldlfatum and klunilcro all thlu region wau covered uilck with rcjt trim fun a rowing w a glguidlo h rll lit f uxcevdlnily tupld growth lu tht duiuii utiaiyluu heat of a tropl tul clliuulu which exceeds the beat of tho miualorlul rrloiin of africa to day growth dinciidcd tirowui and in tlio counio of ufcit prolmbly uuaa flowed ovi r it und duputiltiil tho tiuul which la now ro k lhm uimu unother period of growth und tho inttitiuru mrbonlicj tho fallen vim union luid fuimud luycro of coal pltcis of whuli otlll bear impiiuled upon tholr hut uurfaco tho beautiful lriilory of tho original fro u jo of tho treo ftrno fob sale by c c speight acton ont the irish mind lvythvr said llttlu mkuoy wiuii t 1 utrltk iluury tliut aald lot ua a poaro r nlvcr mi lil old mlkoy nobody by tho name of fatrlilt ivcr nulj any thing ilko hot miko wua walking through u ceme- ry with hlu frlond lut and reallng o ct itupho whero do yuu think doy bury do iicouiulrelnt thoso air do boot ait tl ftllowa tliat ol over reai about lu mo lulfo lxrhaiigo ilit ihcapiiods of mottiur iliuves worm kxtonnlnntt r puis it wuhln the h of all and it iaii bo not at any druggist prenew your subscriptionj c c speight dear friend at thib time of the year hundred of aubicrip tions to the acton i rll prlss uro expiring the very greatly itiereiiscd cobt of paper and other printing material renders it neccbsury for us to ask for prompt rencwulb during the pubt year the free press has been greatly unproved an entirely new equip ment has been installed during tho your the bright new typo hus rendered tho pupcr more at tractive than ever special attention has been putd t0 tuo securing of all local news available und with pardonable pride wc feel tlmr wc arc giving our readers a better paper than over before in its forty five years of history prompt renewals will be greatly appreciated kindly till in name und address in tho form below jind enclose umuuut of subscription to this olnec we will send tho 1 lom pkuss to new aubacrib- tre frmn uiuj duu- imtil the ciul of ljlj for si go to tiubscribtni in the hritlsh laipirc and for 200 to the united states voura viry truly h p a10ore uptodate goods at c a speights silverware rntabictrar fino variety also fine cutlery hardware tinwaro and granite ware big assortment pandora stove3 and ranges famous heaters small stoves oil stoves every article is of excep tional value mill street acton swne edriatmotiobr var ttoronto canaui 11 1 mtichi i li 1 uuu t out utuir t ir 1 nil 1 hi i bulng ijjrmit ur uiil ui u u i ha a t ji t j vddil 1 1 jhjlluri luui i iuuui fiu in when you need toots shoes at any timo buy i bom w mill sircet acu tamous fok satisfactory footwear reasonable pulclh atefsjcrs ipromptly secured au nwntrikgujc for our invljnoiw ailvialiu btj wlu b aat trie bauioji ft haiuon ill umvrity a uon11usai j-

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