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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 12, 1918, p. 4

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fljln acton 3rxee jfrcaa t ii my pajwwt rintcr don l ntrlko my nnmo right oft yet you k inv i ie umr fro stringent and mam 1 aril to get itut tin a little iiarder in w tit i mnan to do an 1 n rnim tha 11 mew together enaurh fpr mo ftnil you- i an t nftocj to drop it 1 tli i tl at it doonnt par to do with tit a paper hcwever others nuy i hate to oak ray neighbors to irlvo mo their on loam they dint juot say but mean it why don t you liavo your own you can t loir how wo miss it if it by any a to should happen not to reach us or comt a little lato then nil la in a hubbub thon things go all awry and printer if your married you know tho reason why i com ot do without it it la no use to try lor other noon la tako it anil printer soiut 2 i too muat keep posted and know what la going on or foal and be accounted a fogy simpleton then toko it kindly printer i may bo no mo what alow for caoh in nbt rib plenty and wonts not few you know xtnt i muat havo my paper cont what it may to mo id rather dock my sugar and go without my tea so printer do not atop it dnlevi you want my frown for here a tho years subscription and credit it right down and send tho paper promptly and regularly on and let it bring us weekly it a welcome bcnlson thc quality of pcino neliadlc onn ran fire i juamica porurnn ltl r n i inlivllualn or i rlajt in tl i mllty f lxi j i 1 in tt lttpen 1 1 u n aa a claim or young mini it i lur mrncnt doilro to ixj rollnl it trl i h nrtii that wo wool i rati or niukn few i r jnlncfl an 1 keep them tl an ti mnko n numlrr and be faithful in n fow wl onovrr a rlsss fallo li an nrrenmni t it caunca thoso with wl m i urti nrreemm t la mnd to line falll it lmi i cnt with tin now and then tl at tl rough uni rovtmtabh caunert w cai i ot rrnxit an i ligation aa noon an wo t a 1 bop i but the ho no rati i o way out f ouch a difficulty in to got an extennlon a fow days or wockn rrncc in which wo have tho opportunity t mai c good hut this cm ce l orrirud not to dodge an obll entl in 1 ul inert ly t give ua a chance wo are not lo lrcro but moot every ohtlcatlon u juurely iiy 1 avlitir the reputation of being reliable we are nlvon greater renpon slbllltlcri we nocopt these or such of these as wo can handle fully be uovlng 11 cm to txj given us aa i special favor the superintendent aalu ua to perform a oclal tasks for tho sunday school or for departments of lie hun lay school because frankly tells ua ho believed ua to bo reliable wo cannot do everything wo woul 1 llko to do or that wo are- oaked to do ontr rather than fall wo take oi y such taalin aa wo can auccocafully do 1 t 6 h a romance in eoqs poultry and egg alone could pay canada a national war pebv eaya mr fred c elford superintendent of tho poultry plvlalon of the dominion isxperlmontal farm ottawa and ho producea the followluff flfurea to prove it canad x m net national debt on octo ber 31 131s waa 11247 000 000 we have adopted tho elocan ona hundred hens to ovary farm ten bena to every urban lot that would mean tflvg 1 000 000 aa tho round number of canadian forma 100 000 000 hen in tne country and 10 000 000 hen la the cltlea towns and villages total of 110 000 000 bena of course everybody in the city could not keep hen and many would not even if they could but many people in the anburbaridlatrleta of the cluea arid in the smaller town and tiia country vfjlacea lr p wi than ten 20 30 40 so 7s pertuipa so fake an averace of ten a good eclcct hen will proodoce 200 co a year but taklnc a low estimate of ten doxen enpi a year 130 for 110- 000 000 bena and we would produce 2 100 000 000 doxen ejp a year at the present time wo consume canada 23 doxen eaxa per head of population per annum in canada we could increase thla allowance to co dozen a total of about 860 000 000 doxen we use less than 2s000 000 doxen of our eesn at the preoent umo for incubation suppose we lscreaao tbia to 0 000 000 doxen that would total 400 000000 doxen for canadian consumption a very liberal allowance wo would have left for export too 000 000 doxen at an everwre price of say 0 cents per doxen that would brlnx jjs0 000 000 por year into the country from cere alone this interest on otur axpthgrl uo t per cent will amount to 168 w5000 we would pay thla intercut and apply a balanoe of 1213418 000 to redudnf the prln cipal every yearn in less than six years canada a hens would wipe out the total monetary cost of the war to canada ana oar total ner national debt i do not aoy that ntile win do this hut i aoy that canada mlcnt well aim to do it for it is within the possibilities of what could be done without undue strain upon our present labor capacity a pfoasan medlclno for children la mother graved worm r xtcrmlnalor and there la nothing belter for drlvlns worms from uio nyatcm improvb the small oppor tonitie8 tho llttlo chancca to nerve co hes elnir oftontt neo while thoso who mlcht have dc lied them are looking for chances to do greater thlnjpi it was said once of the army or a certain very a mall republic that tho trouble with it wan that every man wanted to be a general and many of us bjrnoro the uttlo opportunities for kind neas and helpfulness because our hearts are set on do ins somcthlnff which will be really worthy of us every berry picker known that tho one who sticks to hln bush and picks it clean comes out better than another wno wonders about tho field 100x100 for the fin cut fruit the helpful life la the one which improves each llttlo opportunity as it comes not the one which reserves ituolf for crcat occa slons which pernnna never arrive planks of concrete every day and almost ovcry hour brings us knowlodfo of thlngu that can be done with the nil powerful concrete when the board walk at an ocean port was repaired recently some twenty feet of it was laid with con crete not spread as are pavements in ono continuous uhcet but laid la planks reenfarcod with steel rods they are about tho alxe of ordinary wooden plants of course it is an experiment as to how these planks ar- coins to stand the waahlnc of the tides they are not likely to be very popular with pedestrians aa they are much more xnarlsome to promenade on than tho old board walks the making of k famous medicine how lydm e pinkhamv vegetable compound is prepared for womans uaeu a visit to tbo laboratory whet this tracer 1111 rcicdy la made lmnressefl even tl c carnal lookeron with twroh- ahlity accuracy skill end cjcanllness wlidi attrnds uio making of thla treat medicine fur woman a ills over j50 000 pound of various herbs are used onually and ell have to be stbered at the season of tho year when eir natural juices and roodjiinal sub stances are at their best the most successful solvents are used to extract tho medicinal prope ties from these herbs every utensil and tank that comes in contact r 1th uio medidne la aterllixed and as a final precaution in cleanliness the medlciro in pasteurized and sealed tn sterilo bottles it is tho wonderful combination of roots and herbs toeothcr with the akiu and care used lii its preparation which has mnda this famous medicine so oueodtsful in tho treatment of female ills the letters from vrmnen vbo hare been restored to health by the use of lydia e xiikbama vegetable com- id which wo are continuauy pttb- t attest to its virtue my nephew johnny a iii lo bfnt over woman in an oil 1m ina homo was telllna n v in i lor name 0 her tr ut inn it nn awf il trial tn be no a ort of monny b 0 nal 1 r wao it you r laying down rules for women said a cynic 1 just the same thins as giving- toys to the email boy the me in each case being interpreted as a chance to prove bow many they can break in tho least possible time which bright saying recurred to me as i heard a woman arguing with the floor walker in one of tho depart mental stores jjjtajrhy there made that particular day because aba needed the articles purchased i heard an othor giving the clerk at the returned good counter a calling down that was not the clerks but her own by natural rights por oho had kept the goods days past the allotted time beforo woman ever hope to make good soldiers of their- sex theyve got to loam that rules is rules i vo heard them arsruewlth the tale phono operators as to why the tlmo should not be given to them when they were totally without it and tho need of knowing it was urgent im not witting to admit of course that arguing is a peculiar feminine vice but so loos as we have the name it mlghtn t be a bad idea for us to cooperate to overthrow the charge besides an irate and peevish woman arguing for rights she knows deep down in her heart are hers only by her peavlrhnesa la not a pretty ture in fact oho comes pretty nigh being an ugly ono when she succeeds in making mure than herself unhappy over hor refusal to observe rules these days wben every bit of cooperation means a step nearer victory antoln etto donnelly strong men the nation needs strong men and the right time to begin to build up strong man hood is during the growing period of childhood many mothers remember with keen satisfaction the days when sc0tt5 emulsion was one of the determining factors in building up the strength of their children sooitff s a source of nourishment and strength that ought never be over- ja looked by the mother of 4pntik today who is anxious about yw herfaatgrowing boyorgirl sifltw soatt st flownc toronto ool l9 gnelph business college what you gt out ef ufa to- morrow depends en hew you prepare for it to day our course of training will prepare you to meet any einer gency in the business world make alt your aiutanoe ment3 now to day the guelph business college herem bids qustph ontr icecream we hare our parlor open erery day now and we intend to give aa good service as possible ice cream bulk soo a pint lee cream bricks 30o- eaeh candies right prices toothsome varieties best qualities canada food board license no 13505 harold wiles mill street acton in n ijiirji itrhod qunverliiff voire i woul in t bo so hard up if 1 hall i lont my nephew johnny that money tho visitor tried to look interested hut oven without that encouragemort tie id lady would havo uono on with 1 nt ntory i lent johnny nrty doluiro that spring ila dldn t havo enough money to nnlah up his year in coii he said hod pay mo back in tho nummcr vacation itut he got typl old some whore on 1 died ho i never got my money rifty dollars it was tho visitor auppoalng tt 0 nephew rj death was a recent affliction attempt ed noma consolatory remarks it soon camo out that johalty i ad died thirty leara before for thirty years the loan of that fifty dollara had rasped tiio old la tjyi nervee vat tl jrty year oho had grudged it ho always tells a now visitor about tho nfty dollars said another old lady and nho tolls us too for all wo vo heard it 00 many times seomn as if tiho couldn t get over 1l tnd then alio added quaintly i vo often thought johnny was o pared a good deal dying juat when he did tho people who do a favor and never let tho oho who has benefitted hear u e lost of it are not real benefactors those who make a sacrifice and jip- parently regretit lo their dying- day never rind out that it is more blessed to gle than recclvo the only beautl ful sacrifice la that which lo given gladly and is soon forgotten as far as tho giver la conccnied hope fer ths chronlo dtypaptia through lack or consideration of tho body a needs many persona allow dls orders of the digestive apparatus to endure until thoy become chronic fill ing days and nights with suffering to these a course of parmeleae vego table pills is recommended as a sure and speedy way to regain health these pins are specially compounded to corn bat dyspepsia and tho many ills that fallow in its train and they are suo ceasful always all kinds of poultry wanted alive oil dresslj qeese turkeys fowl and chickens new laid eqq3 hides and tallow rarmera havinir poultry tn sell wo advise them to call on us for quotations r milligan comer young and mill sts acton or to p q box 341 cmn cause much suffering but itulioways corn cure offers a speedy cure and natlit factory relief when your ideal 18 yourself the blrl whoso ideal is herself is tho girl who never grows never pro greasea novor overcomes a fault never shows improvement atony a girl says smilingly when some fault is pointed out oh that s just my way and her manner shows that in her opinion her way is the best way do not make your faulty self your ideal do not allow yourself to settle down into the complacency which ollflc asi iratlon u yotiruleul isnohlgher thsjwh you are yourself you have loot tho incentive to grow vegetables promptly delivered potatoes cadoaqes oni0n8 caflrot8 radishes deet8 celery a bishop market gardnr fair view ave acton a rich environment is orlnby unhappily marriodr- irn afraid so llut when ha married his wife ho called iwr hls jwcl i tk he did but bo discovered later that ho oouldn t afford the kind of set ting- alio demanded jjlrminghlttrn age herald checrfulnesft as an occupa tion make cheerfulness an occupation keep busy tmuig happy an 1 making other pool i 1i ny to any people look upon cheerfulness as a diversion intended for bur loisure hours rather than as part of the business of life nut a a matter of feet we are mawng- a failure unless we are moettnx all that comes with a brave heart bargains this week childrens school dresses from 4 to 0 years at jl15 women 3 fjunclcttc kimonos at 225 women a rianclcttc under skirls at 125 women s tleecc lined under skirts at 9200 l starkman mill street acton grand trunk svstei the double track route between montreal toronto detroit chicago unexcelled dining car service sleeping- cars on night trains and parlor cars on principal day trains iul information from any grand trunk ticket agent or c k horning district passenger agent toronto- u a holmes aent acton ont phone 13 an accommodating trolley system in mombasa the principal drltinh port on tho eastern coast of tho dark continent will be found one of tho stronireot trolley systems in the world rhl street railway la to mom baaa what tho etondola la to venice tho cars are nothing more or leis than four wheeled trucks provided with an awi ing- and a scat for two in place of the invisible electria current whichbilenty moves out trolley i tho motive power is fumtshea by tho smiling ebony faced gentleman who pushes the car alonf it might be called an afromoblle from the tlonalltjr of this irnoueman tlio ralto of tho trolley eyatem wander every where over the town wfih no apparent purpose tho larger and finer homes if tho white poeult ion have a private track running clear up to tho front door thla la certainly very c venlent for tho pereon who dealrcs to save himself or herself from any un noceasary exertion tho ladles i a- these cars to make their colts to tro shopping and for every other purpose for which other peoj lo usually employ a carriage or an automobile a trli o mombasa la never complete without at least ono trip over this curious ord yet rather convenient street railway tho like of which i havo never nvco i any other town ait hough it may poa sibly exist elsewhere millers worm powders will purge tho btomach and intestines of worms so effectively and so easily and pain lessly that the most delicate stomach will not feel any inconvenience from their action twey recommend them selves to mothers as a preparation that will restore strength and vigor to their children ana protect them from tho debilitating oftects which re suit from the depredations of worms a salt for healing bone dr frederick d prldham a v 3- medical student for four yearn at work on bone diseases has discovered that double nltro oxido salt applied to eoc tlons of the bone causes absorption of diseased morrow and healing ot the bono disease from tho inside toward tho surface results ho reports eighty uueo cases of various bone and joint diseases cured in from three weeks to seven months don t submit to asthma if you nuf fer without hope of breaking the chain which bind you do not put orf another day the purchase of xr j d kollogga iteraedy a trial will drive away all doubt as to its omelepcy tho sure re lief that comes will convince you moro than anything that can be writ to when help is o sure why nuftert thla matchless remedy 1 sold by dealoi everywhere knew his destination going to prancer asked tho travel line man at tho station of a negro soldier no oab ise not going to france replied the dusky soldier i so goln to berlin but all may atop in france for a shawt tlmo on do way now york telegram it bids pain beoon- when neu ralgla racks tho nerves or lumbago cripples the back 1 the tlmo to test tho virtues of dr thomas eclootrle oil well rubbed t it will still tho pain an 1 produce a sensation or taao and rent there is nothing like it as n liniment for its turatlve iroptirtiin art great a trial of it mill establish faith in it fish and chips and oysters s j stauffer lias opened a dining ttoom in con iioctlon with his irish a tore where fish and chips and oysters are acrvotl in ajj atylfin rtaynr nlght having liad large experience in bomo of the beat restaurants in tho united btates i am prepared to serve all customers to their entire satisfaction farmers their wives and families wtll bo served with lunch hot tea r coffeo any tlmo inoy may be in town ilavo a hot cup of tea or coffee and so mo crtap flab and mil lis or tasty uystars before you go home everything clean and sanitary try it one and you 11 earns again lull lino of irish always op hand s j staijffer flmh specialist end jlutsurantsr canada food hoaro ijrotise no 8 1043b uone no 10 1c1h phonp40 acton ont patiuotisu there a man with soul aa breath i dead who never to himself nath said this u my own my native land thousands upon thousands of men have met untimely deaths durinj th past four years never has the love of home and country called for such a sacrifice patriotism djca not begin nor and with war we cannot all serve on tho battlefield but wo can be aa truly patrioue in looking after tbe welfare of our countrymen here at home there la an enemy in our midst consumption lurking la unsuspect- d nlaeesrlteeka btita foothold to- drag its victims down to death surely it is a true test of love of country co devote our energies and our means towards exterminating aucb s foe wo havo just learned of a family once quite comfortabljltgw p the rtlppf poverty anauery the father dovelomdfoniumpuon after a lingering anoea thst exhausted their mylto he died leavlar tho mmhjjrirad four little ones penniless still all the children have contracted the same disease this case lsnot exceptional family after family is suffering a similar fate tbe muekoka free hospital for consumptives the pioneer in tbe war against the great white llaguo need your active help to carry on ua work consumption can be cured it taken in uiho muat tho fight be lost for lack of funds olfte may be sent to sir william j oage 84 hpadlpa aveouo toronto or to george a held secretary- treasurer gage institute 233 col lege street toronto japans aid ii o japunrn ambassador in horn ian hut ind to tho prime mil later o italy tie a um of 6i38 tn be applied tn tt e lenudt tf won nd ol soldiers and r fiikocn frt tn tho invaded provinces 1 1 o mm ny was collcctod by a japan eon noiiety of which tl o 1 oad la i rlnco toklrrawa prooldant of tho chamber of tecr and among tho promoters of tho movement was tho jalaneso prims minister tlie hospital for sick children rononto war laid heavy hand on children charity dear mr editor the annual report of the hospital for 81ck children toronto marks a now record despite tho heavy band cap the war placed upon its work the task of mlnistorini lo the sot fertai youngsters of thla province was no light one in view of the hospitals splsndld response to the national call 25 doctors and is nurses from its forces havo aeon service overseas tot tho number of patients treated is c0t8 or 3208 mora than last year of these inpatients 7e9 were from 2cs places outside of toronto tho tireless effort of tha staff made possible also a reduction in the average length of stay necessary for the little patients from 21 days la 1914 to 1 this year these results show that the hos pital has again pa to the children rich dindends of health upon the in vested kindness of its supporters there has been careful stewardship of the funds entrusted to the hospital there has been mvlor almost scrimp ing in erottdirectlon except where it would prevent tho hospital s sooth ing tho suffering or shortening the sickness of one child the dally cost of operation was held at the lowest point which would stul allow tha children entrusted to the hospital to get the best medicine and the beat of care and yet so high baa risen the cost of every item in the hospital a budget in labor in fuel in food and sbovs all in medical supplies that the mini mum expense of taking care of one child for one day has risen from u4 back in 1s14 to 1 3 jim in 1918 of that t6 the amount per patient per day that the official government grants do not cover must oomo from voluntary contributions during the past four years debts were incurred to tha extent of 9100 000 which the trustees felt assured would be wiped out byjhe pnbuo as soon as the war drew to its doieitnd those heavy damands cease which have been made npoa the aneroatty of tho loyal people of this province the tlmo has now come when it hi ne cessary to make known the hospitals dire seed of financial assistance it this urd ctirlstmas appeal falls to raqyths frtenost of thhr charttr to its support it will be necessary to mortgage its land bnfldlngs and plant by the bounty of tha lata john boss robertson that property has lost been cleared of debt for the first time alnesr it began its ministry of healing mercy uttlo children hare lost a big- hearted friend and the province a noble benefactor it is for the public to decide whether his lifework shall be shadowed with a mortgage within loss than a year of his fri what think yont send your answer as soon as jpos- rdblo to tbe bocretarytreasttrar hos pital for sick children college street toronto meanwhile the charity- will carry on trusting in your rapport irving el robertson chairman of appeal oammltteo n tonight get a 25 box k j hassakd acton ont new machine shop jtked blow machinist is moving to tlfo newly arnlnred premised the ross bowl ing alley on main street where he will bo plepnred to handlo oil repairs of machinery promptly and snttsfactonly motob repaies a specialty having expenenco with all makes of motors repairs will be efficiently executed vulcanizrng tthes having installed a vulcanizing outllt satisfactory repairs will bo mado to outer cases as well as inner tubes this depart ment is managed by mr d r033 bring all your repairs here mala street acton fred blow get the genuine grafonola avoid disappointment refuse imitations only genuine columbia grafbnolas and records bear this trade mark look for it before you buy columbia graionola fob sale by c c speight acton ont railway time tables at acton s no 29 no 81 no 33 no 189 no 37 no 28 no 33 no 84 no 38 or rid trunk flallwsy oyatarr qino wsat 1 r 13 i sd3 lra qolng cast 38 p m ft is n t hun lay trains pass thmurh acton goln weat at 10 i o m and cast at hug pm toronto quburbsn cisctrlo railway qolno west iaiy except han day tin iiy exropt flunday daily except hun day kimrlny only sunday only 0 17 am i jl p m 80j p m ii 03 am e33 pm 7 48 am t 101pm c18 p m icllm c 48 p m oolnq cart daily except sunday pally except sunday dally except hunday i sunday only u sunday only acton livery bustene 1 solicit with confidence tho patronage of the public comfortable rlgn supplied at reasonable rates special attention to supplying conveyances for weddings and funerals motor cars furnished when required eresaman for tha toronto suburban railway bus meets all trains l e atkinson the acton free press a popular paper widely circulated conducted in conformity with the highest and best newspaper traditions never forgetting its principles for the sake of money making the acton free press gives thorough and efficient service it will surely bring you good results in advertising the free press covers the community thoroughly and is steadily gaining in circulation its policy has been to cover its own field and reach every home the result is that the majority of its subscribers are home folks the acton free press is a home paper for the home advertiser and for tlie home readers containing as it does all the more important merchants announcements from week to week together with an abundance of news from the district the free press is always pleased to publish any legitimate news items of interest sent by its readers acton flour and feed store we have a supply of tho following noironhand the wall known brand of kinos choice nerval and national flour nothing better bran oat chop shorts cracked corn rolled oats corn meal salt in corb 1001b and 2001b bags and barrels special rjnb in chicken f give our oaxf mhax a tiual domestic itolled oats the best canada food board uoenso no 8g robert noble limited henry awrey manaqer uptodate goods at c c speights silverware in tableware fine variety also fine cutlery hardware tinware and granitc- ware big assortment pandora stoves and ranges famous heaters small stoves oil stoves every article 15 of excep tional value c c speight mm street acton jsjpitavlng g mitichmonoiirviir tjorowo cj4m our job printing department is an important branch of tlie busi- nebsalways busy no job too large or too small for this department from tlie finest society printing to tlie largest of posters or catalogues this office is at your service samples of work shown on ap plication bring your work to the free pre i sjitilhihhjmiirtipr i imitafrisnyrii when you need boots shoes at any time buy fbom w williams mill street acton famous for satisfactory footwear reasonable rricu ate nts promptly securepl habitut jl maltlok 9i unlvenlur avo uon111uai sjsgs18 wjspwsswslkailwbm

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