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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 25, 1918, p. 4

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ijr attan 3xte jfrteaa gihlfjtmai ii clmdril 25 131b forgotten dy oanta thmo llttln utockinim in n row worn hut it 1 y lurwile tod and joo and ifri f r tlanta clsus to nil ono christmas nut tit when dl was still tl a room was bare ano blooc and cold anil ovttrythlnir looked- poor and old ltut dill hens hosrts aro ftlad you and what cord ncssuktad and jos thoyd hoard of canta and his toyn and of hln lova far oirls and boys and nil day lone their hearts were tight and tull or hope for christmas nhjhl tlia m ralnjr camo and from their bods out peeped uvea llttlacurty head and tirrrr brleht eyos loosed to so their cthristmss stocklnra ou dear thorc hnnstnff empty aide by aide their llttlo mouths all ffsplns wide they saw their stockings la a row alas tor lloonle ted and jool oh how they cried poor lit ho dears and toddy faltered thro his tears i fourht i d cot a sled and drum hut hants claob fordot to turn that nlght old santa happened by and then those stockings caujht his oh my bo cried it a one day lata hut i moot atop aa sure as fate and nil thoao empty stockinxa tt what mado old santa china fonretr then stooping down in basto he wrote a lovlnc little christmas note dear children thle la what t said uy lovo to bessie joo and ted and please forgive your friend be causo llon ouch a busy banta clans and sometimes as you may hare found ii o can t set all the way around bo please excuse blm children dear ho 11 be on band another year tho children all enjoyed their toys and had their share of chrlatmaa joys but some thins pleased them vastly better and that was santas loving- latter ida scott taylor humonouo tramp kir 1 larty wnul 1 yer ploano dtvn n i r ii an a i ho to rat i o 1 1 ly wl ntl you 1 oro aralnt ml rull my itushan 1 immo llately rami i iruun mo i li 1 ut i nln t cat nlhal i 111 jrr no 1 day itonloi troi n rij t policeman roundli r up draft nun porta have you c i a card 7 the nuni octr i io with nultcass a wholo conn i f cml which do you n t nco ilrafl rrtinlrntlon moat sucnr callli c milk playlnr or postal cordt ju li o thrf ioyn in a flubmartno aa the nut joel if a sermon i roved lr rcslstably nttrnrtlvo toa country con gregation wlilrh had boon maklnrf itself conni leuwun 1 y its absence from church services a boo deal ttad und a eood deal wiser not of people left tho church at the clone of tliat sermon than had entered it for submarli a proved notblns but a imrtrun a trap o discourse on j nab a ntory in tol 1 of an irlahman who went to a chemists nhop for an empty bottle ilelcctlnff one tliat answered i in purpose hn asked how much well aoid tho chemist if you require tho empty bottle it 11 be two pence but if you have something put in wo wont charfro anything for th6 bottlo hare that a fair enough observed pat put in a cork w tor ten yearn sold the new boarder my habltn ivcro as rceuior as clockwork 1 rose on tho atroke of nix and half an hour later was at break fast at seven i wan at work dined at one had supper at nix and was in bed at nine thirty ato only plain food and hadn t a days lllncau all the time dear mc cold a hearer in sym pathotlo tones and what were you in forf the worlds battle ground xt is very interesting to note bow many of tho decisive battles of the world have been fouxht within a small section in central europe lloet of the croat battles that hato settled world destinies have occurred tn a space about half oa lrrro as ontario within this section in um year b a ix the germans annihilated the roman array under the roman aeaoral varus within this section in 4s1 ajx attlla and his izuns were routed and con auered within this sootion in s ajx clovls defeated the ramans and set up the frank la h power within this section in 733 a d charles martel and bis frances over whelmed the saracens and thus drove back xf from xcurope in this section the french under philip augustus vanquished the ger mans and net up the french national ty 1214 a dl within this section in 1m6 a ix thoswloa won their independanoe from austria within this section in hit a d the maid of orleans freed france and established tho french throne within this section in 26x2 a x by a decisive battle the integrity of the protestant states was pres within this section in 1764 england defeated tho french and thus opened waiter- bermairyinnle8 within this section in 17c7 a jx tho prussians by crushing the aim trlon army became the leader of the german states within this section in 1805 napoleon humbled austria wlthln this section in 1813 the allies defeated napoleon and banished him to elba within this section in 1615 the allies destroyed tho french army and sent napoloon to st helena within litis section in 1870 bismarck overthrew tho government of napoleon 1il within this section from 1614 to 191b the crtmcat battles of the world have been fought gored oxen how many people do enjoy rtrlng others roosted hardly a month pasca that we oro not asked u certain shot was not intended for some particular person and some- aro requested to rub salt in the wound by forwarding a marked copy to a particular address we have known men go into ecstasies over homo thrust that they chowght reached a neighbor who aro for from pleased when tho bullet finds its billet in their particular locality we were told by a retailer who took umbragn at one of our shots that we bad been loaded up by a wholesale house on his fftllnrv an 1 ho wtahad hlapaper stopped this man is one of the greatest kickers and moat merciless critics of other people to bo found in the whole pro vine just as soon as bis ox was gored there was blood on the moon ho has dropped the journal but it la safo to say that he will not be able to sloop until ho knows what his neigh bors aro getting in this column as well as 1 imaolf such ta life the man with the thinneat akin is usually the fellow with the thlchest head sol oniou in tilioe aleathcr journal their chance many ox convicts have made good in 0 o war said mr 11 ruggles urlso chitlrman of the ivncllah prison com m lss 1 o n era one who had received three sen tencca of penal servitude and whoso past showed him to bo a man of violent character enllnted on release in 1018 invalided after service in the fighting line be volunteered to save another dions life by giving his blood for transfusion later returning to the front he won the m m and the d c m ills c o reported ho is one of our best n c o n and has rendered splendid borvro throughout und tliat after three months in the hottest part of tho llno keep your eye or4 the goal tho runner who might havo won a rnco of international interest looked over his uhoulder to oeoiow near tho next man might be and loot those who have important thlnga to accom pllsh muot not concern themselves loo much with what other poopla are doing their chances of success dapends on d ilng their best contlnuully and keep lng their ayes on the goal certainly not in hlr robert andersons interesting book of re rain i nee neon entittvd the lighter side of my official life there is a story of a judge who was trying to set the very words of a reported conversation from a person so mow list scantily oqulpited with humor witness askjm the ju ige did the prlbotter ouy 1 stolo tho horse oh no my lord tho witness re piled in deprecatory tone your lordship p name was never mentioned vvherevcn he went he had a dodk hcl llrmahn the nrclm colon in t who dncovrcd 11 o nlto of ancient troy wan n if tho great uncuinu of tho worl i hut nfter ho reached maturity ivoa an undfln aid nnl lnnlgnlflcai t worker wl o resolve 1 to tako up tl o it t ly of i ngllsh in ii o hopes of letter lng himself ho tnl always been trouble 1 wllh a ptx r momory and if liln own tctitlmony con bo trusted ho had never showed any aptltudo for languages but ralhrr tho reverse hut ho resolved that in i is oludy of enr hah ho would work hard enoush to make up for these hnndlcapn of course ho ha 1 ms living to earn to half of his miserable iialary going to pay for ills lnailah lessons for he took n lennon ovcry dey wherever ho wont he had an lngllsli book in his pocket as ho walked the direct ho won pondering something he had learn od if obliged to wall at the ntore tho book came out of his pocket and fur nlshed him a means of improving hid time every day he recited to his tea eher pages of lng lis h that he had learned by heart when ho walked in tho night ho was in th habit of repeating to himself what ho had learned in the day tho result of this unremitting tireless effort was that at tho end of sir months ho had a very thorough knowledge or tsngllah an other alx months mode him equally proficient in trench and by this time so retentive had hln mind become under this strenuous dlscipli is that ho found himself able to master such ian guages as spanish in six v aeks the great archwlogist 1 generally recorded as a linguistic e lus per haps that is not too big a lltlo for a man who can learn to rend and wrlto a foreign language fluently in six weeks but in his case tho definition of genius an hard work seems to come very clono to tho mark certainly if genius lolls in this fashion mediocrity should gird up its loins and make every minute count- just that there is n certain old eentleman who partakes of tho qualities of the diamond as it is mined but whose lock of polish soys harpers weekly li trial to his eldest daughter the old gentleman as ho expresses it got thsr with both feet when dome dudo investors camo plrutln round the ranga not long ago tho family i cathcred in the library ono of tho windows of which was open that air tho father began but was quickly interrupted father dear don t say that air say that there tho daughter ad monlshed well this ear ho again attempted but was aa quickly brought to a hall nor this ere this here is cor rftcche was told tho old gentleman rono with ai angry snort look horo mary hi said with asperity of course i know you have been to school and all that bat i reckon i know what i want to say on i am goln to say it i bclleva i feel a cold in this ear from that air on im goln to ahut tho window i sir john a and the ladies u was very very hard for liberals to laugh with sir john maedanald in his jokes thoy saw only coarse ness buffoonery and irresponsibility tho truth is that ho was seldom coarse and ha laughed at himself aa freely as he laughed at his political oppon eats lie had a uumrr which tho peoplo understood thoy fnrrnvo much because he no frankly admitted human weaknesses and because looking into themselves so many mnn knew that they had like faults and frailties and because women know nton better than they know themselves and better than men ever suspect there was among women a pass onnto devotion lp jblr john a macdonald such aa no other political leader in canada has inspired no man of ignoblo quality ever com rpn the devotion of women ol though perhaps tho sta of judgr ment wjtrlch we commonly ascrlbo to women are the standards which many women least respect- sir john wiul- son in tho canadian macaxlno christmas time preparation there s a stir and a start among thous ands of toys think or it think of it dear llttlo boys thousands of dollies ore brushing their think of it think of it dear little girls santa is coming with reindeer and sleigh and softly and swiftly hell spood them mur when rymrflnd in your stocking hes left some tor you you 11 know by that token my story is true the leisure that you earn leisure is never worth anything until you earn it tho only people who can appreciate rest aro those who are tired from some kind or work tho boy who comes homo from tho factory and oats his supper hurriedly so that he can get back to tho problem he was working at tho evening before and which lias boon in his thoughts all day knows moro of the luxury of intellectual conquest than many a col lege graduate who lion bad tutors to smooth tho puttt of learning for his foot dun t vnvy uiti veoplo alt of whose time is leisure who liavo to make a determined flht against idle ness it is the leisure that is earned that is sweet and tho harder the toll thlt paid for it tho more ireclous it appears hearsay evidence a group of old l woro talking knitting on a verandah tl o convor nation cot around to how much each w niched at blrtlt one old lady said well i welched just thna and a half poundn tho others gat wxl and oi o of them asked and did you hvot they ciy 1 lid uiisworod tho other woman an l dono well tho boston transcrli t made in china now i a pencil fuctory with u dally output of ouo 1 until ed cross has boon started in shut a at china tils murks tho establishment of a now industry in tho ouutry tho roduct ccmimrtu favor ably with tluit form or ly 1 in port e 1 from qermany und austria ond may lu time replaeo- nil foreign makes oallooninq a cowboy flying cadet llobm during tho course of hln m herlcal balloon train lug at thin antonio texas whllu on tils f fluiul and proceeding oiung about twelve inlleo au h ur on the guide rupca naw a cowboy and pony crossing the held ahead of him tho cowboy mug ht tho guide rope and tied it to tho horn or his suddli thl i was tho signal fur tho pony to plant his front foet much to tho sun lno of tl o h wboy and more so to tho ony tin balhx n pnxee led along its way after boh g dragged ucross ilia field tho cowboy threatened to shot t tho i hot unless he slot pod tho sltuatl n was finally rvllnve i by tho cowboy ixxchuiilli g ma revolve for a knife ai d cutting away the gul to rope leaving a knot an tho hum of the saddlo am a oouvimlr the day op love no matter whit your lot this chrlatmaa day suffering lonesome sod of heart or gay do something to make other mortals glad nor pauso to question be they good or badt olvo o give a hand clasp smile to cheer something to show tho day of lovo is here forget yourself there a much for you to do when the days over you will mur mur true no purso or heart loo poor to give to day a beggars smile can make tho gloom leas grey seek for tho needy then gite give give toull ond there s moro than self for which to live qnrmt oconnor developing leaders whllo we are thinking about tho many benefits resulting from tho wo must not overlook the training both men and women are getting li putting over tho various campaigns the system business methods and or ganization team work public speaking and leadership to which wo are being coiled cnean development in business and executive ability and tho produc lng of capable leaders for further efficiency in our industries and lnatltu tions loyalty grows dy sacrifice as long as wo think only of what our country haa rfono for us our patriotism la likely to be of tho quiescent sort liardly equal to making its prosonco known but when we begin to think of what wo may do for our country patriotism leaps into florae self absorption is disastrous to all high motives loyalty as well as love grows by saoruloo josh dilunqs on milk your note on josh billings writes a subscriber to the now york outlook reminds mo that whllo a young col lege studont i hoard josh billings do liver his lecture on milk he bad placed on the platform table a pitcher and a glass as soon so ho was intro duced he poured milk from tho pit cher into tho glass took it up looked at it and said i have seen several articles on milk i havo read some facts written on milk but tho best thing i over saw on milk was cream then ho drank it and went on with his lecture ho did not mention or refer to milk in any way again ibs lecture consulted of an unrelated ool lection to pithy sayings which held his audience to tho end a merry christmas to you in tho country home c at tho christmas tlmo is looked forward in with more eagerness than in tho city the old farm home with its brightness and its cheer stands beckoning those far and near who have a cjaim upon its hospitality and for whom a glad welcome awaits and the pleasure la not all on thq side of those who will visit the old home those who have stayed by tho old farm and who jt may bo for weeks past havo been preparing for tho homo coming stand ready to welcome with glad hearts and open palms and thus are old associations lived over again the happy days of childhood recalled and the individual forced w get away from salt and do his shore towards making others happy j w wi protecting the soles of shoes with ordinary varnish chamber journal isresponslblc for an article describing how to silly on inferior lyi o or copal vanish to tho soles la keep utit the water the leather must bo qulto dry t buro when tho varnish in upj lied now boots should thorcforo bo worn for a day bcroro treatment so us to remove tho black varnish from tho soltjt tito operation is carried out by brushing on tho varnish at lntorvals of half an hour unul tho leather will not soak up any mure this condition may twj rocognlxod from the aurfaca remaining shiny ull over instead of becoming dull in places after being hung up to dry for about twelve hours tho boots uro ready f r wear no h in music tho orn of tho untor to curd on ths 111 auus th uluw boy altlm ltagsed scluxil treat but somehow his version of that lino in kathleen mavournoou jarred on tho nerves ol the old squire my tittle man ho said kindly why don t you iut a few more ultchen in your none xjanil advised the llttlo man iioluoly don t yer know there sin t ncj h in mooala it oi ly goes up ter ql london ideas learning to drive oh yes irv sol 1 tho houost armor hirnboak in ret ly to tl o uulry of a friend jm act una a tun real well with my new motor car i have already leartie t to remember not law around when i wait a llttlo inure speed and i seldom hullor law tlce when trying to turn u corner i reckon likely by tho middle ut next month i ii be about over iha i obit of throwing a halter into the machine before i start for town an upbuilding force regardless ol climate or environment nature exacts her toll of vtcax and tear on the system and there is frequent need for on effectual aid to restore strength and vitality scotts emulsion a systemic strengthener free from harmful drugs nourishes and replenishes theneedsofthc body naturally scotts may be used daily in any climate with benefit and strength to the body take scotts emuuion- u builds up the bodif cott fc dohc tom to on guelph business college what you gst out of lifs to morrow depsnds on how you prapare for it to day our courso of training will prepare you to moot any einer gency in tho business world the gaolph easiness college all kinds of poultry wanted alive ob dressed geese turkeys fowl and chickens new laid eggs hides and tallow karraorn having poultry to sell we advlne them to call on us for quotations r milligan corner young and mill sts acton or to p o box 341 grand trunk wkv the double track route betwelun montreal toronto detroit chicago unexcellod dining car service sloeplng earn on night trains and parlor cars on principal day trains full information from ony grand trunk ticket agent or c lu horning district passenger agent toronto h s holmes agent acton ont phon 13 vegetables promptly delivered potatoes cabdaqes onions carrots radishes bcet8 celery a bishop msrltat gardanor fair view ave ac fish and chips and oysters b j stauffer lias opauod u dining i loom in con hoctlon with his irish htoro where fish and chips and oysters are served in all styles day or night having had largo eudorlenoe in some of the best restaurants in the united tjtateu i tin prepared to nerve all customers to their uutiro satisfaction jturincrn their wlva and faiullles will bo served with lunch hot toa or coffee any tlmo they may bo in havo a ivut cup of la ur coffoo and somo crisp hah and chips or tasty oysters before you go homo everything clsan and sanitary try it ones and you ii corns aasln jil lino of 1 lsh always on hand s j stauffer fish opscislut and nstaurntsr canada itood hoard license no 8 1035 canada s dcici lu co on imparted sugar n w a nuino wnmuujty can tx materially lessoi cd by lncrcuiic 1 i ro due lion ut inuj lo nuunr uvxt opting the life with a purpooh forth your purpose early let it grow with your growth an 1 strength with your strength let it so root ltnelr into your nature that obstacles discomforts and i ruphecles of failure will no moro nltnko it than a nderstorm shakes tho everlasting hills lio sure that it is worth whllo a purpose grand and uplifting worthy tho hearts devotion worthy of a llfes tort a cannon ball by itself is as tarns and inoffensive as a china ogg n ihnro is powder behind it and that powder is ignited what a trans formation is wrought a ufa willi a purpose back of it unflinching un changing unconquerable is a 1lfo that accomplishes something a motorcycle and an old fashioned dugoy in many a barn there is now an ol 1 fashioned buggy with a ni fuihlonrd moturcyclr resting near but no horse in oklahoma a high power ed motorcycle was placed between tits shafts of a buggy the breast band of the single driving harness was put around tho forepart of the machine and the traces hitched to the single tree in the usual manner then a short twpo was made to support the shafts and holdback strnpi to keep the buggy from running over the ranch lna when making quick stops according to- a western correspondent two passengers rode in the buggy and tho mot oroyolo carried two paassngers a christmas greetinq there aro plump folks and lean folks and bortjf in between folks there are near folks and dear folks and folks of svery kind there are happy folks and lonely folks i3ut after all the only folks are folks like thee and thy folks the nicest folks i and the real owner tho res owners or the beautiful portions of our earth aro not tho oi who pay tho taxes upon them bat those who can enjoy their beauty most and gather from mountains and lakes and quiet meadows inspiration for coming days the real owners of the world a great books are not the ones whoso library shelves aro crowded wllh volumes of masterpieces but those who from the printed pages learn the les sons which make life a different story tho real owner of anything is the ons who gets from it its best and as often as otherwlso this is not the noirunal owner germs mobe drabxit thaw aermaks medical statistics raral the start ling fact that 3 461 died of constuop- tion in ontario last year seren every day of the year it has destroyed more human life than all the wars of tho universe onoquartcr of all who die between tho ages of 20 and co are victims of tho great white plague tho aad story of a once happy fam ily has been brought to our attention tho father 111 for many months worked away at his trade until fin ally broken down completely ho had to give up an examination proved him to ba in tho last ntago of con- rraroption lie lived but a short time after leaving a legacy of disease to his four utile children all of whom wore found to be lnfectod fortunately their pllcht was dis covered in time and they were har ried to the queen mary hospital for consumptive children tho trail llttlo mother la oking out an existence u beat she can her one ray of sunshlna a weekly visit to her little ones now much lm proved in health tho queen mary hospital la doing a croat work amongst the consump tive children nine out of ten of the early cases may be cured if taken in time help tn urgently needed to carry on tho work contributions may bo sent to ur a el ames chairman of finance committee 61 king street west toronto by whom they will bo gratefully acknowledged veny economical lnlmror wnn i tiilliu i economy i rartlse 1 1 y lit i mm lng hln rhllll i at 1 i m 1 carers hern mo sect h i really can t oca sal 1 hi larifo a family ctnl 1 im fel and on so small a wago yes ad led another think it of footwear alone ah said tho latomr 1 it tl ut feyther whan our shoes t t thl went flahlng an 1 rough urns u soles an 0010 f 1 in iothc 1 r 11 o i rat fes- owning up thrr rrllcally wo aro au ready 1 dtnlt that wo maka mistakes i rnc tlrnlly such ackni w lodgments ko us vt llo there is to ono whq will claim li filll lllty wo dislike most intensely to wu ourselves mistaken in any i articular instance hut since wo should not think of making the absurd claim tliat we always know what it itent to do why should wo hesltat to wn up that in a given instance wo were wrong if you learn lo ao knowledge your mistakes without fool lsh humiliation and your faults with out undue buffering you have taken a it ng step ahead nlway time tables etajtti a j hassalu fr toiiicjlti- toiuorrpw fool righi get a 25- box acton ont flunday trains pass thr 11 b art going west at 10 1c a m u d cast at 9 10 v tn toronto oi b 17 a m 3 32 p m a 09 p in 11 03 am 0 32 pm new machine shop fred blow machinist is moving to tho newly arranged premises tho ross bowl log alley on main street where he will be prepared 50 handle ail repairs of machinery promptly and satisfactorily v mqtoh repairs a specialty having experience with all makes of motors repairs will be efficiently executed vulcanizing tires having installed a vulcanizing outfit satisfactory repairs will bo mado to outer cases as well as inner tubes this deport ment is managed by mr d ross bring all your repairs here main street acton fred blow 7 48 o m 3 02 p m 018 p sn hs am 6 48pm- grafonola avoid disappointment refuse imitations only genuine columbia grafonolas and records bear this trade mark look for it before you buy- columbia grafonola m for sale dy c c speight acton ont 53e wit- rami iffw mwiwua r vbuvityi the success of the victory loan the y m c a campaign the big red cross drive and other nationwide appeals was very largely attributable to die purchas ing of large space in the newspapers and using it to the very best advantage the dominion government is con tinually and very successfully using large advertising space in country weeklies to educate and inspire the public on various matters the mail order houses would not last as long as a snowball in die future home of the kaiser if diey cut down on die prodigious sums diey spend on news paper advertising space what press publicity did and ib doing f for these it will do for any business man anywhere who uses the saniezjniethods viz an aggressive stiff baekea adverds- ing campaign in the local paper backed up by performance in accord with bis advertising statements more trade is coming to local merchants- but they must get out nd fight for it- use the columns of the free press rr 1 jittist at a9ton qrsnd jrunk rtsitwsy galno west oytoin no o b 13 a 10 3 a no 31 no 33 2 10 1 no ino r3 1 doing tast no 2s 03 a no 33 3t8 1 no 34 0 1- 1 no 38 kl- 1 jburbsn clsctr o r going west dahy oxrci t dally exert t iially rm t lay humlny 1 qolno csat daily si dally axeni t h dally ccei t hut i unilay t acton livery and bus line i solicit with confidence tl a patronaffa of the public comfortable ties supplied at reasonable rates gpocial attention to supplying conveyances for wodjlucn an 1 funerals motor cars furnisliol when required expressman far the toronto suburban ilalltsay duo meeto all trains l e atkinson acton flour and feed store we havo a supply of tho following no on hand tho well known brands of kings cholcs norvsl and nstlanal flour no thl no bsttsr dran oat chop shorts cracked corn rolled oats corn meal salt in c0n 100tb and 3001b uacn and barrels speclax ijnb in ch1ckuj kt 1 d oivi3 our calf mr at a titlal domestic rolled oath the ueijt canada rood board llccniio n hc robert noble limited henry awrev manager uptodate goods at c a speights silverware in tublcwaro i 111c variety also fine cutlery hardware tinware and granite ware big assortment pandora stoves jtnd kuiili famous heaters small stoves oil stov every article 10 of cxcfp t10nal value cc ei 3 mfll street acton winter term opens jan cth yonos a chorlss street toronto has recently had positions i 313 jh 17 and j18 u w l 100 a month a courso hero la a uurxi ruut eood position wrlto to luy r i catolocuc vv j elliott when you need at any time buy i ttom w williams mill street acton 02 famous 1 ok satisfactory hfootwear reasonabll ihiclb atenttsi i promptly secured 4tvlthjq hi wlu b sent fro- mabiolf ft mauion m4 uaiwrottjr avo uon1h12ai 1

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