tp births marriages and deaths mn now charged for at th following rates i births 3so marriages boo deaths goc memorial catda 60a 10a per lino extra for poems mannieo malnirlimcd0nald at wyo- ale oij thursday ueoombor 26 1018 by rev w ucfcwen harry msin prise nan of william mainprise of acton to mottle daughter of mai colm mcdonald died nixon in milton on friday dec 37 ui 1918 james il nixon formerly of anhgrovo- in hla ttth year givjcnin esqueslng on sunday december 22nd ills john 2 won formerly of erin aged 80 year gartley in georgetown on friday ike 27 hi mil harriot curlla widow of too late edward g artier aged 72 yoars junohllultt- at bu homo noar crewaons corners on christmas morning december 3k mil edward kingsbury in his 48th year heid at her father home third line erin on rtiday december 17 1918 mabol florence daughter of mr and mrs robert held aged 51 yoara 1 3 months murray at tho homo ot her son peter murray lot 1 con 3 erin on saturday dwxmbcr 21 it it amelia ryder wlfo of andrew d murray kr aged 73 yoara tip xkttaxt 3t re lmm i new years january i una editorial notes sweeping relaxation of rtatricllon on tho exports of foodstuff fodder and feed to tho panamerican repub lics canada cuba and the wert in dloa baa boon announced by tho war trad board the list of oxcepuona named wheat and wheal flour octree sugar corn butter cheese egg lln- nesd meal and cako and cotton seed 1 and cake i3 k j the puel controller at ottawa give the cheering new that the return of peace conditions and mora especially the exceptionally mild weather during december have really lessened the problem of foe supply there la now no likelihood of a coal famine this winter and t january should prove to be a tory severe month little difficulty la anticipated at the same time there u uttie pr of any release in the restrictions tor some time at least in supplying reaaonable 1 euuii ementa the decision of the american brew- ub to exploit my a ercuslng indig nation which tx expression in the newspapers as follow wo have no deal to drive out the opium flend and then oaher in the drunken sot appar ently the brewers think they most educate the chinese today in the de- lights of western h why dont the westerners come and teach ua better manners than to in dulge in opium dgarets and intoxi cants the hope la expressed that the washington government will 1m mediately ban su pernicious activi- ties in china the agitation la growing favoring the deportation from fy of all alien enemiegnj3w interned here the citizen in a strong editorial says wholesale deportation of all the alien enemies noar interned in this country is being urged upon the gov ernment and this course may be fol lowed there are about 2000 of these people in internment camps urine at public expense some have been re teased for railway work most of them are austrian a revolution is going on in their native land and they are desirous of getting homo the senti ment of the public is seemingly favor able to letting harn go with suci en array of business men in nomination for the office of reeve and co unci horn acton should have ro dunculty tula year in selecting- coun ell which will intelligently serve thj best interests of the tqwn- tjero aro wise and qf men of business wrnttwho have had experience in tho affairs of life and community- and who are wo ii capable of performing the duties pertaining to members oj municipal council our electors will no doubt be discriminating in tholr cholce of the candidates to be elected and the strong probability is that acton will have a council for ibid which will in all respects be worthy tho rood town they will represent tho overwhelming majority given lloyd otwnjft and his government in the british elections last week u significant verdict in favor of the policy which lias characterised hla adminls ration tho election elves 329 of a majority for coalition government every coalition candidate was elected ho defeat of llie former premier hi r bcrtll asqulth was a notable sur prise the labor candidates farxi badly only one woman caadidat wa eloctetl and every pacifist went dowi to defeat that david jjoyj georrre would command an ovrrwhrlmliif- majority in the iro portion of almoe five to one iiad never been susectcd cvct by tho moat sanirulne coali tion lata tho guelpn mercury which is om nf tho muut influential and widely clr eulated nevrspapern lit this part of the province recently installed u print li press of tlio moat modern type it is a perfecting press and has the capacity for prlntlne an edition of four to filch teen paces at a speed of 20 000 ooples per hour this flno new press has tho inr tniiriumii and ean- print jn- two colors with euual facility as the blx city dalllea the equipment in cludes a btereotylas- plant and tho paper is now wholly printed from stereotype plates this evidence of on terprlse and prosperity t character istic of tho mercurys career it has over been alert to adopt tho latest devices in tho urt of prliuns which wer nalrulutcd to enhance the possi bility of producing u better iiewrhtaper tlila has especially been tho coursa under tho pxescut caanasemont of tho mercury four nominated for thp rcevcship ten tot councliiora nnd tour for 4hc ilonrd of imucatlon pubuc mkbting thursday ijvening moro irilcrt it than unual uaa taken in tho mutillal nomhjnthmo on mon day tim atiindailro of ratepayers wan tho lit rj rut in jfurn as a reault a lonjr lint of rltlscnn won put in nomluntlnti fur nicmbori of the muni cipal courrtli uml lioanl of llucauon the llut of nomlnallonn were aa follotve foh neevn uaitniit gioitai imaitpmohu tohuanc1- lllndeillov david a mooki 11 p for councillor aiinou wiluam ulahlmoiui toiuianci- i11lu jchlm1ah oilay dil thos i1ah1ahd 1 j iannuy wm it kinnidy joiin il leisiiman john il iumshaw it j wood1ialu cilanmuit for gchool tru0tecg coxji d1l ii a mann gioitai mcpiuiihon hoi1t bcott itoht the ballot impcrs wil not bear all tho names of tlio above nomlneea the hour for qualifying- did not ex pire until nlno o clock on tuesday evening inunmuch ns to dny public holiday it was neceusary to go to press liuit ecnlnc before tho above hour it was therefore lmpoaslblo to secure the ofllcial list of candidates who will request tho nuffrance of tho ratepayers for this issue tho list of nominees with their pro poses and seconders was as follows for reevc baililen george contractor proposed by william mcnabb second ed by e j ilcjaara iieahdmoitn torrance manu facturer pro posed by ii 1 moore seconded by n forbes iiendeiuiov david a manu facturer proponed by james symon seconded by e j hansard moore h p editor and pub lisher proposed by john cameron seconded by james mutthowo for councillors arnold william manufactur- proposed by j ii denny seconded by thomas fitorey ijeardmore torrance manu facturer proponed by dr t qmy seconded by 12 j i pftt- jeitemiaji carpenur pro posed by n iorbcs seconded by n mclean gray dr t phynlclan proposed by il p moore eoconded by garden iiabsard e j drucclst propos ed by dr tboa gray seconded by n il garden kenney wm il merchant pro posed by n i orbes seconded by w m cooper kennedy joiin il merchant proposed by a t urown seconded by dr j m llell lexbiiman joiin il ilastorcr proposed by d m robertson seconded by robl scott ramsiiaw il j lllacksmlth pro posed b c wootllial oocoi ded by w il stewart woodhatu cilanmer morchanl proposed by geo apiow seconded by w m cooper for gchool trustees coxe dil ii a veterinary sur- ceon proposed by e j ixassaxd seconded by grorie barber mann george tanner prrjpoood by james ilamshuw seconded by c voodhajl mcphersov ho bert tanner proposed by n forbes seconded by c fipelshl scott robert foreman pro posed by c c spcljghl seconded by n forbes neighborhood news- town and country i urn of intsrsvt from various locali ties cavarod by tho frss press nasoaqawcya pie gordon ixckor and ito gilbert icinnobury arrived homo from overntin and spent tho holidays in tho tfld horm milton amoinr tho canadian prlaonorn re patriated from germany 1 1 o- more milton ilavlnir finlnhod hor ont sraduato roumo mlaa helen ianton has been uppolnted as tho assistant dtetlclai at tho guelph military lloapltal caplllov h w ilsnn and bin wtfo atxt apendliik a fow days of the christmas week with tho la iters par onto mr and mrs il j haro-ile- formor thomfts albert kins of trafalgar died last sunday llccd 3 years lie went to the quolrih winter fair with the late c ii earl on oth in t and uko him took innuensa pneumonia fol lowed in both cases champion eland cnin miss besslo hamilton of cl ohio was homo for tho vacation pte d wood of the dei tal corps toronto apent tho holidays t home mrs near has cloned up iter homo hero and gone to toront for the wlntor mrs huffman who has been staying with her sister mrs bush has return ed to detroit mich cadet e cross of tho il a f was hero on a visit to his parents rov and mm cross last week during tho past woe it a number of erin soldiers imvo returnod homo from overseas bergt goo bandera major justice and pies m green e spear and e search all reached homo look ing fine advocate a tribute to formers nal- linafad boy rtithonlsn hi ufv for gsakstaliewun tim folk written b j cd 1 1 tho tlas week trlbui t m audemon appen katoori dally j tar inst plteil 1i3men a thiiuite durlnff tho pnst four yearn wo havo rtml hundmdti of talcs of tho heroism and bravery of our cauadlan sons stil daiikbtorn on thn nholltorn lutttloflolda of luropo the stories of their nohlo doeds havo holshtened our national prido not that wo wore suprlsed at thcao iiaiilfcotallons of ttio horolo wo aznocted it tho ideals ch or in hod by r anglosaxon raco could not rivo churchill tho death of mrs andrew b mur ray removes ono who was a life long resident of this section and who was always bolpved great synrpathy is felt for mr murray and uojamlly mr w c munn of th fourth lino who has boon painfully afflicted with bloodpoisoning in his foot for tho past five months is now so for re covered as to be sblo to ffet about with a coot ho is still very lame the influensa laid heavy hands on tho family of mr robert ii held of tho third line eight members of tho household were sufferers at ono time one dear daughter mabel florence succumbed to tho dlseaso rov and mrs jones of acton proved them- 1 selves good samaritans indeed mrs jones nursed tho sick ones until oho was herself dono out and mr jones looked after tho stock for several days georgetown csulet harold smith of stewarttown arrived homo from boston lost week uculcoi james ballantlno d so is home from hamilton college ham llton ohio for the holidays owlnjr to tho prevailing sickness in town and vicinity tho firemen s hall and supper has been postponed tho annual christmas entertainment of sl goorgo a church bunday school took place last thursday evening and was an unqualified success ito j l mcnlchol who wont over seas with tho ohio infantry was killed in action on november 10 tho day before tho armistice was slimed jlm- 0110 was g years old and had many friends in georgetown who deeply re gret his death on saturdiymornlng last four moro of our boys arrived home from tho battle fields of itance and belgium they wcro bert parr john shepherd bob mcmastcr and w oarvln pte wagstaffe arrived homo last week herald oakville a public metllng was arranged for thursday cvcnlrljr 2nd lnal in town ball to tlvo tho members of lost years council and tlws board of educa tlon an opportunity to give nn bc count of their stewardship during tho past year and to give candidates for public office opportunity to present their views on local tnattlrs of public lnleresl outside nominations georgetown i or iteevo h il major granl w barclay titos il spcbxbl esquesing i or reeve j l standuth by acclamation deputy reeve j il elllatl acclamation for councillors c e uollty walter m brsln w j l hampshire fred c thompson james mcdowell eltamo ha reeve and councillors were reelected ly acclamation on mouday nassagaweya council wns all ejected by iccliuuatioji on monday as follows iteevo juu w moffat coun cillors amoi nwrrljh d il hutchcon daniel whltlcj and edwurd aguew much appreciated letter from s formir acton ouslnsss men poy now in quffslo no matter low much or how iltllo land ytu funri ycu wll do it mom pro fitably if you are a subscriber tor the weekly sun tho farmers business paper 1 00 per year send jrour ordor direct to tha weekly sun toronto tho riiownk hr lot mas tide letltr carao to the nhtur k ikxk mid udded its quota to llm pkatmnt tjioujh la of tho holiday utunoti iiurtulo n y dec 1th 19ib dear mr moor i eucloan i 00 for the 1um iguana for 1013 from thu us of my boyhood i have beiii n ruulir of ho liomumhr i have ulwutf imiii mi udmlrer of it imcauno of tho high principles it bus always advocated not only in the poll lie life of tlio roinuiunlty but nlno tho homo llfn ltstrrflucm o bus bad uch to do with uialdhir acton today to of tho cleanest towns in every nonno of thn word in tho great dominion of canada r urtlclu of u few wulks ago qolutf- to meet daddy olruck nio very forcibly a town with parents of tho cliarncti r thireln referred to is certainly to bj cnlcd may the day novi come ukuiu wlion tho licoilold pjitllciuo of tho traffic wiiiili hus ruined moro homes than tho hun will be permitted u carry- on the hluuueas of blasting tin future kenurutum or tho fair dominion along with tho bouts of other old bays ojul ilrls of acuui i shall always oonojdor it u pleasure to huvu tha opportunity of rouowlni my uubscrtp tlon annually to thn luts 11111 wo who liave irrt the old homo have much to thank the fitua pkkas for its in fluence on our btur otlvtji buffalo is ua buoy ua over in fact tho bike season juat clootd has boeii the most btirvasful in tho hiotory of this port ihm la at the prttxmt time js 000 000 bunltcls of uruln utorul in 117 steam train boutn ltd up at tli hreakwuil thcsa will bo untoudod during tlio winter and ehlppld to rioaboard fer ljunie tho many stool industries hero nluo nuiko it a busy city buildlnn niil n u easntlnl work which has in 11 nutlv curbed during tho wnr are poiv fluilliig th li plate ass in so that tho prttepoctu for con tlnued good times id ituftalo tiovei tooketl bettor our flnn lo very bunv so busy liitlitd that it is impossible for any one to i t off for luoro than chrlmtiuaulhiy with boit w tu hi for u happv christ aa and u prusperuus new year 1 sin uum very truly chat i gamble a wr towmunan w b savago was sportlnc a neat little bouauet of fresh roue buds on sunday lasl tiilso rones were plucked front his garden out in tlio open one- of tho beat known cltixens ca peclolly to tho older inhabitants henry egexton kyle rho passed away peacefully to tlio great beyond last saturday ho was seventy five years of age mike nardo un ita was fined 200 and costs for helns in posscssloi of a bottle of whiskey mike mc carthy a seventeenyear old boy wai also fined 200 for u similar off once nardo paid 1108 and a frlond put up tho other 100 the boy mccarthy failed to put in an appearance and warrant was issued for his arresl the following soldiers returned from overseas in time for chrtulmas jack houghton ted wilde jl v brodlo fred wilson hubert hunt thomas hunt flerbert post howard french austin regan george snowball perry ilea john croswell aeneas uruharl re patrla ted star crew80n8 corners mrs j hansen hamilton spent tho christmas holidays with friends here mr william crlpps who spent tho utnroer in begins bos returned homo the influenza epidemic is raging hut her ow nevial families being aftllcted mr and mrs w j vunnorman and hlldren guelph spent christmas at 4r janics giimblos mr goorgo lasooby und llttlo sun spent the christmas holidays with friends at sault hte mario seldom indeed is ua hand of death p litem t mo heavily on una us it has been on mrs r j klpgsbury in thn r0fft wck btnrcj imd iter itusband iwon ltd to rint win he othe ml- iiiy ii murray vtmti d away tho pupils of iorne school pnsiiit 1 minn hcnalo mullln tho tenutili wb 1 tired at cbrutinns with a hatidsomo fountain ion and box of writing pair on tlio closing day of school miss hnrrlson of milton has been engaged for the next term death at uny time is hard to bear iut coming in the joyous chrlstmu season it is particularly sad at tho llmo of- the winter fair mr e j klngabury contracted a cold which later dooloped into pneumonia and 1 a passed away early christmas morn lug mr kingsbury was a man of iplkttdld physique bi d one of our fore most farmers ho was a delogato to tho famfctra convention at toronto last summer he took a keen i n to rent in the affairs of th cuutch bains secretary of tho method lat church board and treasurer of the sunday school ho was a good neighbor ojid a stauiilii friend a man whose word uld bo rolled upon and his place in tho community will bo hard to fill ib demise if felt no much in the neighbor hood how much more will his loss bo fell in tho home around which all his interests and affection revolved ho was a kind and indulgent father und u loving husband having tlio best in teres is ofhs family ut heart bo wai always a wloo counsel lor to them und his udvfuo und guldmiie will be sadly niluncd ills eldest son wesley jmosi d away tost muixh after two years iii hiss und a llttlo daughter died hi in fancy besides his grief stricken jvlfj ho is nurvtvod by three sous murray john ull bohblo nnd one daughter le all of under yearn who have mere sympathy of all in tho loan thoy hnve auoiulnud i ho funtrul loo place to palrvlow cemetery acton oh thursday aftornoon- blrth lo cowardlco or weakness that they worn lofty is evidenced by our clurlous triumph over forces that beat tho ntamp of dogredatlun and tho majority of thosu canadians who imvo icmalned at homo havo been suhlod and actuated by thcsa same lofty motives thousands during tho torrlblo ptaguo that has swept our land buokled on their armor and faced death jn fighting tho scourge hun dreds have fallen in tho otrugglo and no less heroic have boon their deaths than were the sacrifices of thooo whoso remains rest beneath tho poppy holds across tho sea la it not indicative of tho loftiness our british ideals and of our sin- rlly of purpono when we boo our bravo canadian mon and women freely offering- their services to combat this torrlblo dlsoaso in tho foreign soltlo- ments of saskatchewan while our her oic soldiers are in mortal combat with similar foreign settlements in dis tant europe tho stories of solf- sacrlflco and heroism recently enaotod by young mon and women of sas katchewan in tho nonenglish settle ments will perhaps never bo fully told they have gone about tholr work very quietly and with no ostentation they havo entered filthy unvontilatod homes and cleaned them out thoy have tend ed unkept children and fed helpless infanta they havo cooked for tho sick and closod the eyes of the dead they havo carried everywhere sympathy assls tan co cheor and llfo itself when pooploof their own nationality cowed by superstitious fear havo hold aloof our canadian teachers and others havo rried forward and how many lives thoy havo saved can never bo told of thooo good samaritans wos peter yemen of inslnger saskat he wan one of tho noblest specimens of canadian manhood physically mor ally and oplritually tho writor has during the epidemic ho labored unceasingly tending tho sick carrylnff around medicine comfort and rcfrardless of his own health only seeking to aid others he looked after over ono hundred cases amonft the ruthenlans of inalnker municipali ty and dote no of uvea wore undoubted ly aavod through his cease lean efforts but at last tlio dread dlaeasa seised him and on monday last ho passed peacefully to bis reward yes poter yemen la dead but ho will live in memories fond and dear among tho iluthonlan settlers of saskatchewan they real i to that they havo lost a faithful friend and ud visor and tho largo number who attended tho funeral on wednesday afternoon told only too plainly that ho had not labored in vain amonb ihoao people ono poor old man in broken lngllsh beggod thut ho be permitted to tako one lost look at do good man and whon tills request could not bo granted ho broko down and nobbed bitterly another ruthonlun tearfully remark ed last time mo soo- him he help mo dig well to got water for many sick family another jiald the following lowing tribute i havo wandered around for twenty years among gall- clans english americans und others there may be an fcood mon as mr yemen but i havo never mot them still another oald poto say to me sever uo a lio never got a person nywhere a truthful man always ins tiul a poor old grief atrick father told how when his sixyearold child heard of tlio death of this frlond hlldren could not bo consoled many ofter exprtssluiiu of uymputhy nnd love could be quutc but only ono will bo mentioned a poci old lady with sheepkln coat and red sluiwl in ofttrliik her consolation to tho sorrowing wife uald good mun kone thli mini has attached hlnmolt deeply to tho h carta ol theno ixjoplo hid through him they havo obtained a clear sltht of what is hitchtst and noblest in our canadian lifo this is the tusk for our susluxtchawiin teachers than which no nobler exists mr yemon had labored for over ten years carrying the gospel of canadian citizenship to thcsa now canadians as principal of theodora tillage i hool two or throe years age ho was chooorv as tho best man avail able to tako charge of tho community centre cstubllnhcd by tlio method in l church nt inslnger during thin period ho ha lived in clooo touch with the ruthe 1 la 110 settled there wit i right on his side ho has unflinchingly faced all handicaps he has taught tho children und advised the parents li mat torn of all kinds he has helped them in tlyilr threshing operations und advised litem in business tiansactlnns he has attended tholr woddfnga uud present at their funeral services at all times hla thoughts were buav planning tholr assistance evoti rt tho f death some of his last words wero tho foreign problem can be olved how truol it can be solve j ut it must bo solved largely by the use of tho methods adopted by thn canadian hro icfcr yemeni was horn ut bulllnufa 1 out over- furtyyinrs ugo ho was a uiuiu h pr jhyturluri and in politic m t iberal h l survlvtd by u wife nid three 1 hlldren uued four ls ami loven hlw father ono itroitur ti i at the big store we start the new year by giving our ciihtomerh u few special bargains 210 mfans wool shirts and drawers this in ouf regular 2 00 lino pcnmnno mnko a good licnvy weight for winter wear we hove olzca 30 38 40 nnd 42 in ohlrtn and j fl cf drnwero regular prlco 2 00 on solo nt h ow ladies kimonos regular price szjz0 for 8210 theao crepe kimonoa aro rnado of good quality japanese crcpq in flowered patterns and aro extra good value at 2 50 on oalo at each ladies black undersiorts these black taffeta underskirts aro made with colored frill nt thp bottom regular prlco si so on oalo at each bed comforters at reduced prices theso comforters aro mado up of a good quality chintz and como in pinks blues green and fawn mixed pattern aro extra good vnluo t5 acl at 4 50 on oalo at each j57j r wish out friends and customers a hjappy new year turnips farries mullin are again purchasing tur nips for shipment at acton rockwood and other points we aro paying highest prices for choice stock farries mullin acton ontario mi a hi e inula- ifiya jiulh lilu thut h luy ilow i inliriid of a uti mkuniihit i in imdu than iu llfo in i rrmillnti when in guelph shop at mckees seasonable susgcauotu liaaetts ohooolaton watchman pbno xma0 otationcry cdonv manicuhc bsto minnono nd oruqhoo ivonv oncooina oasea manicure and toildt ooodq jontecl xma8 0et0 perfumes and toilet waters kodak8 and drownieq mckees ths floxsll oruu gtgre qufzlph ont specials this week ladles silk crepe do chine blouses all sizes ladles silk blouses sizes 38 to 4g ladies voile blouses sizes 31 to 41 silk unnderchicih l starkman mill street acton clearing auction sale in esquesrno farm block implements hay qrain and fowl the undersigned has been instruct ed by william mcenery to sell by public auction on lot 31 con 0 on friday january 3 at one o clock pham tlio following horses i bay mare 13 yearn old 1 bay colt a years old good in all harness 1 brown colt rising 3 years i bay colt rising 3 years cattle 1 cow duo in january i grey cow calf ot foot 1 boan cow duo april ib 1 lied holfcr due april c 1 red heifer milking well 1 black heifer milking welll bed cow due jn march 4 yearllnc heifers 2 year- line stfers cnlves- siirep and pigs t jleester ewes i urood sow due to farrow march 3 rowl 40 whito lechorn hens 0 plymouth bock hens 2 gccao and 1 aandor quantity of timothy huy 200 bush oats fit for ueod o a c no 73 200 bush mixed grain co bush barley 300 bush mangels also a quantity of turnips implements and harness 1 set doublo harness 1 set plow har ness 1 set llffht driving harness 1 set single harness 1 frost fi wood mower nearly new l steel sulky hake in good repair l peter hamil ton cultivator 1 brantford seed drill i bain wagon 1 democrat l set bain bobsleighs 1 wagon bo buggy 1 cutter 1 hayrack j scuf flor 1 set tolton harrows 1 floury plow no 21 1 mosseyharrls separ ator good aa new 1 fan n lag mill wheel burro t 1 maxwell pulpr all new knives 1 crosscut how 1 grind stone 1 vice logging chain num ber- of griln bags forks shovels hoes etc 1 set weigh scales 200 lbs 1tovo t12rms 10 onl under cosh ovor that amount 11 months credit will be given on furnishing approved jc notes 6 per cent per annum off for cosh hay qrain roots and fowl cash no rsssrvs as proprietor is lssvi tha farm w k arahom r j kerr auctioneer clerk phcne 3c acton clsanlflst o pressing repairing your clothes thorongbl cleaned in sanitary workshop pressed and repaired by expert workmen we can make that old suit look like new try ua geo wallace guelph ontario t3e acton bakery m edwards co alitidit luttd ljtmrd idi una nu 0ultt mill bti1ebt a0t0n to facllllnio iliu lntndllnu of tho produoia of our llakory and to mnko it moro lonvoul- out for ouf oimtuniers wo havo secured tho ihoi llpkt lo who confoollonory whoro buppllu of our breud brown breud tea biecuite cdkes buna and scones may always bo secured weddlnff cakes a specialty m edwajrds co a0t0n ontario i b- j has5aro clearing auction sale in the township ol lrin farm stock implsmants grain etc tho undersigned has received instru ctions from robert fi8hcr lot 11 first line erin ono mllu oouth of on prince to solt by public auction thursday januarv to at one oclock sharp thu fallow i ilk hcdlheh t brown heavy horse 7 years 1 bay houvy gelding rltilny 4 years 1 brown mure houdter a yours pacer good and fust i liny road paoer rising 4 years fust 1 hoavy bay qoldlng rising 3 years 1 brown filly rising 3 yar iccr cattlvi 1 rat cow 0 jenrs fresh with ulf nt fotil 1 cow 0 ers milking well und supikised to te in ifl i black cow d years milking wflu and supposed to w in calf 1 red cow 0 yours with calf at fool i cow 7 yeats iluo lmo vt mxla i cow 9 years milking well and ni itoiott to ho in uulf 3 heifers ruing years htuurs rlsln years lht cattle if not sold ftlllolop and piah 7 uluep 0 owe- nnd ii iambi pure iirod itneotus i mhihtls s yorm bow bred about 3 illulltlls jiowir flo bans about 30 pullets implwalwnth 1 muiyi arris llllilnr in guod working order 1 frost a wuutl muwill 1 dooiluu keid drill i dpdiiiih hulhy hitlia 1 fair llob- kldlglist j fn rin wutfuu 1 mot iron itiuniwml i leiclval llow t lillllllllir kllllt 1 pulper wheullutt- iuw ii mblm of iouhlelrees and whlllla tisesl nvi hyilbe uigglliu chains miwiiaifl mtuiin mh ivol hluuru inuutli extensive auction sale itj the township of erin farm farm 8toek implements house hold furniture hay grain and roots the undersigned has received in structions from the administratrix of the late wilqert awbey to sell by public auction on lot 19 2nd line erin two miles west of osprlnge tuesday january 7 1010 at eleven oclock sharp the following horses team of heavy bay mares well matched rising 4 years agricultural l general purpose team 1 horse and 1 mare 6 years well matched 1 flack mare b years 1 bay colt rising s ytars- cattli3 3 covrs c years duo to calve in january i cow t years due to calve in april 1 black cow 7 years fresh 1 grey caw 6 years milking well and bred 3 months 1 red cow g years bred a months 1 fat cow 1 heifer fresh all durham grades yoono cattlc t steers rising 3 years 3 heifers rising 3 years 4 bteers rising 1 year e heifers rising 1 year 4 sprtngt carves calf smontha old young calf pat catf siieep 19 good breeding ewes ox ford and leicester hogs pure bred yorksinres 1 sow bred 3 months i sow bred 1 month pigs weighing 309 lbs several of which have been bred 13 pigs su months old iz pigs just weaned 1 registered tamworth boar fowl 13 pullets implements 1 binder decxlng 7 ft- cut with truck and sheaf carrier good as new 1 deerlng mower 6 ft cut nearly new s deerlng sid rake new l international hay loader in good shape 1 seventeen tooth culti vator complete with seed box and grass seed box and threehorse at tachment masse y- harris 1 thirteen tooth cultivator 1 corn king manure spreader 1 high wagon with box and shelvlngs and spring seat nil com plete i democrat wagon i truck wagon 3 sets of heavy bobsleighs 1 1st rack for bobsleighs x fa took rack 1 turnip sower 1 interna tional three drum steel roller open huggy cutter good as new 1 two- furrow riding plow 1 gung plow 3 meury llow a 1 tolton llow l bar rel sprayer set of wide harrows with three or four horse attachment har row cart 1 disc narrow i collie dog 1 hoover itttato digger now 1 lluw3 digger fanning mill cutting box large set seal as 3 000 tha massay- harris pulpef 1 iron souineri 3 moulders nrw oato 3 hay racks stable posts wheelbar row stonebuat grindstone emery itono sumo socandrelass shingles new advcrtifecincnvs the mediodist church nev i m mover paotor psrsonsos willow ct the pastor will pr ni h nt loth 1 k ruing nd evonlni mrvun you are cordlslly inwltsd como pur0e found contains small sum if mom y may he had at fri5e pri in ol j icn for rent mrs klchjins huse corner of mnln ftrset an j fafrvlpw avenue termi reasonable apply to margaret mcriaac 2ctf main fitroet onick store for dale or to rent the brick otoro and rcsmonro on main fltreot appoqlte rlie rydi r mowat aiovoco is for salo or to renl for particulars apply xo i geoitoi aonew jltf mill stroot acton tax arrear0 all- takes for 101s wero duo on nov ember 14 ah outstanding tuxrti rnuut bo paid at onco mi tho books muij bo closed by december 31 282 w j pid collector notice to creditors in the suhhogate court of the county of halton in tiio estate of archibald john mocktanon deeeaaed notice is hereby given that th j creditors of archibald john mack in non late of tlio vlllago of acton in ths county of halton barrister ut- law deceased who died on or about the seventeenth day of november a d 1018 at the said village ot acton and all other persons having claims ncalnt his estate are required on or uforo the 17th day of january ad 1919 u send by post prepaid or otherwise de liver to harold nash farmer of tho town of osjrvllle in ths said county of halton barrlstaratlaar the soli citor for alias jarnes 3xsxlrnon of ths township of llf in the count of huron physician tfc administrator of the estats of ths sold dscascd their christian and seraaxstf adrsss and descriptions fofl pnrtinjlirs i tfcir r dtxry rcri2id ly mtizszcrj de claration and tfc cajcrs ai tlj texzin- ties if any fcsm by cumx and notlcei l hersc7 zzszuir giters that after ocs oeefi jnea tad- vl s d7 rf jamuy a 1919 ths snjd -i-i- mi zrt- cee to distratiis tz assets t ttja said estate aoecilz za llw itd mrrmf th poxtlssi ctltld ttervto and chat ths said administrator win pot be respocslh after the period fired for soch distribution fcr any claim of which hot shall not then have received notice m aforesaid dated this 17th day of december aj5 1118 allan james mockixnon md administrator by v harold n farmfr x his solicitor p o box 478 oakvllle ont 234 wonderland new- y ear 3 matinee and niqht the seven sawns with marguorlto clarke friday january 3 llttlo miss optimist with vivian martin saturday january 4 tho cleverest western actor william s hart in tho narrow trail tuesday january 7 rose of tho world with i ulc ferguson and tho continued photoplay thoavoman in th web r l gregory iorks ftlllivvis ihirhy folk lb chullia clyvltvs uto 1iahnhmh- 1 set itlullfhmi 1 set llf ill thlil oiliwff a itutiitlly of ml irvluihly muhl 1i0mmh lu ui mid tin hint nlituunt u inoiilhr ha glvim un fuinlshlitu u liuten 4 pot ueiit urf foi liiul fat callls eush petllvily no ruarve a ths proprietor is olvlna up ths psrm w k utahani r j ksrr auotionoer clerk phono fld actci 1 1 ill wit roviul joim ash grain jtaltiicmtnali biltt llini illisl gtt a for liver ills i 25c b0 acton ont ntlty uf lumber 30 cords of stove wood hard and soft all split 160 root of new hay roie car and pulleys slings and hay lork sawa chisels augsrs ladder a number of grain bags potato sacks 3 axes logging chains binder twine 1 sets doublo- trees and whlffletrees 3 neckyokes lrks hhovsls hoes chains device harness 3 sets doublo harness 1 sot all completo 1 eet light double driving carriage harness in gxxxl shape 3 sets single harness odd collars sweat pads black robe curry combs and brushes sol clippers beings rs 10 tons hay 300 bushels mixed grain 200 bushels barley grass seed ww bushols oats ot for seed 300 lbs- suit tuvnlis end sugar beets 1ioumu1iold ufrlctb psrfoe- tlon coal oil rtove now with three burners and oven homo comfort stool range with closet coal heater wood box stove stovsplpsa a dinlngrootn chairs a kitchen chairs pallleuf tablo large table kitchen cup board llnoloura is yards straw mat ting rag carpet bedstead window shades lounge bedetead with springs und mattress dor laval cream sep arator nearly newv palsy churn lovev attachment cream can butter bowx laildle prints iails etc tho farm west half of lot 31 in tho third concession of tho township of krln will bo orfored for sale nubjeot to a reserve bid r contains 100 acres ubout 40 acres cleared the balance wood and posture a neverrolling prlng terms on farm ten per cent on day of sale balance in thirty days without interest terms 110 and under tjosh over tlist amount 11 monfhs credit will bo given jii furnishing approved joint notes 4 per cent off for cash hoy grain boot a nnd fowl eash r j kerr auatlanser phono 3 acton lucliard bryan and w k qraham clerks kenney bros shoe mekchants wish you a happy new year- wc thank you for your liberal patronage the post year during 10i0 you will iind our stock well selected and our prices reasonable kenney bros main stmt acton out acton creamery bring your cream to ua wu will ghc you the high est market price for ilutter jat acton creamery actton willow street l