Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 15, 1919, p. 1

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forty fourth year no 20 acton ontario thursday morning january 10 1010 single copies five cento ijr jvrlmt sfoe flm0 tins acton ftucei nasna u pub- linli oil every rhursday morning t the riuat itirna ilulldlng mill street acton ontario 1 ho subscription price la ii 0 per year in odrano postage la charged additional to offlcea in the united state tim data to which aubnrrlptlona ore paid is indicated on the addreaa label advi htisino iiatks- transient advortlnrmentu 10 cents per lino agalo mctimiremont for first insertion and 6 crnla per lino for each subsequent in- errtl n contract display advertlso- m t lii for 1d0 inches or mora per an ii um 10 c ntn per inch each insertion adv rtlnemnntn without ftpocino dtrec tloiia mill lw inserted till forbid and charred accordingly ii v moohj- i alitor and publisher tllliiioncs ijdltnrial and business office lla iteildonco lib business directory th03 gray i it c p edinburgh i xl f h glusrow member british modi col association etc oltlco itcdcrlck street acton out dr j a mcniven phyaioian and surgeon oltlcc and heaidenco corner bower avenue and llgln street tho reald en co rormorly occupied by ix u hen demon acton ont veterinary john lawbon veterinary 6 urn son acton ont graduate of ontario veterinary col lego 18s0 office arthurs block residence mill street calls day or night prompt ly attended to convlyanctng hours 3prnto8prnat residence r h wansdrouqh lake avenue acton ontario dr j u delu d ds l dq dantlat honor a rod ua to of toronto univer sity the latests q he ti naed if dcalrod office at residence corner allu and frederick streets miscellaneous marriage licenses h p moore issuer marriage licenses faxc press ofqoo i francis nunan bookbinder account books of oil klnda made to order periodicals of very deacrtlkr tion carefully tiound- ruling neatly and promptly done wyndbam stroot oaelpb ont over williams store r j kerr licensed auctioneer for tho counties of h too welling ton peel and dnffarin and the city of ouelph acton ontario sales may bo mwiced by mall or at residence at acton or at the ptdc press ofooo acton the mercury olnoe ouelph the news itocord fergus or with w j gordon harness maker 1 llllsburg sales entrusted to it j kerr re ceive attention from date of listing to dale of salo list yopx salea with ma residence young street aetoo phono 36 acton call at my expense j e cheevers book binder quebec st east quelph onl hooks and magaxinea boand in ilandsomu and subs cavern names lettered in sold on bibles hymn hooks and other books all work promptly executed roy hindley auctioneer osprinqe i un ontario savage co established 1040 wyndham ot ouelph watches diamonds jewellery library desk sets fine china cut glass silverware 8ilk umbrellas fountain pens specialists in wedding and birthday gifts expert watch and jewellery repairer savage co 70 years in business in gualph turded tho distinguished scroua lieut green who la tho nun of mr charles croon of oak vlllc is credited with cloven enemy inaehinc and lu now in lug land uftei eljfht months in builonlka canadian uoldlcrn who liavo been dcaulchcd to siberia will be homo again some time during tho comlna upritu u la asserted ut tho militia dei urtmont and ttiy may return sot per if tho rckrlod iutsiitlun of tho llrltinli oovemmeiit tp withdraw its troi a from a siberia la carried out actons throo sons who are lu the cjc jiuaitloii will ho cordially wulcom home usuln supper albert kudnutn wlto cnllstc 1 in ouelph with the 13 uattallon ur rlvcd t tho homo of his tin it rr tr arurttuamuircnirinlinab week sup 1 rr lfudihiin had excllliur tlcrlences nt the front ho curries two wouul utrliet ixit 1 uiii kuhih i ho worked 1 time ix ft re hupiwr uudmaii qtxit for the hip tiuincrlis liu e ovomtun to lamkioii on the 17tli purj of domohlllzlnc a letter from private j watson win is with the unny of occumllun in ocr fnauy to his niuthor uuya he is yulti well 1 1 utkiiiwleillnic tho receipt of a hudtrrt 111 ii lu nays 1 iot tho invuly box if uood things from tie 1 1 worth lruiue it wan a rtully flue hm and win 11 i oiwnid it and found k willi from act 11 it mailo mo tltlnk of the oil homo uiul the tiume frlci us anil tho romi times 1 vo spei mothci 1 i rant rxprrsn my ttntnlfrt to the ltujcuu nasoaqaweya lllberlson i true have moved trlr phtiil from nrur 1 ilii mills to kelo wluit tl ry will cut loss for uthca cojitpbe of moffat winter footwear hero we uro tnlo the iood old winter time in cinuit whi n every person will need uomulhlnr 00m fortahlo fur their feet und tlio place to cct it la at kenney bros boot and shoe store on mala street as they hao a good assortment of menu nnd women s kelt goods and also mens heavy kubbera and hocks and janiaana hboo pacta and overshoes wo can also uupply tlh wants in leather oxxlo for men women and children at reasons bio prices gtvo us a coll and vo will en deavor to please you all hipalitlvcs promptly attlndld to kenney bros main street acton ont lodge no zlt ocoriitomil actejf us lnatalllnj nuiatir miif pcrfurmul bis lmtortant duties with nut lutbifui tlou tho officers lnutullod were i v m w 1 muiiln w m 1l wit igusl ti w w j ltcld j w j c wilson clmp w m c001 cr trcaniinr j hn iniumy secretary 1l m il ixmuld hr ikacuu a kuin jr 11 u on n i mtlum u ruiui iiwim 11 sr httwurd m jftut jr tltcwurd n i llu i j l n miltlih tylor- w it 1 1 mn y v llro j j alt 111 1 i i w uro 1- v cole xt un a ii usilii llro wawiii ii a nutrliuton and llro h il w 1 i 11 uc tompuiildd tl u li ut hint iiiualtr fruui curtrtuwu an 1 unaiatul in tho ten monus at tl o lu u of tho brocljd liiks rcfrrlimpiita wurn urrvtd in thu lortrje room ii man h 1 1 u uinul frullurv i by twin milton a a ii luxtun f rmirly of mlltoi was elt le i may r of miutt i ortst ijiut monday niiinhu mia s ok fell on thu walk nrur tho tout 1 lllc an 1 broko h r wrlnl t ynr s iuuy 1 r 1 ihuio lu hlii ami utrut k with a nkl lto j nu miiilr who i 1 overimaii un i him m rv in uiid win wun uuuii inl in um of utu njcai tiitf 1i11 ii t i uiiim i iiil lloht 1imbc t ul an ui ol 1 mil ton boy wua in town luat work irnow luic utquuhiumcen he tjino ruut ti the fmnral f lilt i it tin r the lute tt ip v hiuku win an klllc i in ho railway wruk in nuw lliuunwick itefunner useful goods skates t skates i sksten for uoys u to 7jxl skates for tho men 9100 to 7j skates for th6 ladlcn 1j30 to 400 hockey sticks 15c 35c eoe 00c slelrhs for the kiddies 35c 45c 60c 70c i1jd0 vj2s 10 flis 20 1847 rogers plate coftoo spoons per dozen jxl tea spooru per doxen 0x10 ic3oert spoons per doxen 11x0 soup spoons per doxen 12x0 lioulllon spoons per doxen 120 orange bpooas per doxen a00 sutter spreaders per dozen 950 sugar shells each 1xo tomato servers each 20 cold meat porks each 150 ilcrry spoons each 2j5c dessert knives and irorks per doxen table knives and i orks per doxen 700 ieosert knives and forks onm mental handle per doxen 350 table knives and forkn ornamental handle per dozen 9xkj the bond hardware co ltd phane 1012 guelph see savage and see better just 0110 service tho best wo cai possibly cuo you just ono ambition u tmprnva- this srlco vbnuvr wo can just ono consequence un efficiency in glasses not cuuwhcro attainable we grind our own lens gov harplngs hcdpon0c a rtnikiiiuo to col mrcrao a 1m m rtal poem taken from tho memorial ad iresn delivered by gov llordlnjr of iowa at cauip dodfte in memory the nol 11cm who dletl from inouenra f liall mark our place prom ute bluo iky inrlrt of llhrily dnfwry our marchinr myrlitlu elow we nlno died short days nco wo llvrd fell dawn saw sunset plow iovrd an i were loved and now na on western plains 011m wnn our rjuarrel wltlt tho foe ant from lour hands the torch an low wo took to i rlefly bear onifich wi i eep tho faith aithough dlo here ro rn bloom not popples blow then nl tl ye 1 leop id we for lo calumt u 1 ihinji leg loin cow oer 1 landers llelds while we shall ilo on western plains rv tv k i c3 1 andrew pratts race to the rescue dy frederick e bumhsm rbftomoiidbivisr guelph business college guelph ont vou know tho nature of out work you know tho demand for our cruduatca you know it is to your advantage to mil our truliilni come dont procrastinate principal ailr lon wire cable acroaa tho b rtdco u at the point x wiieretho hamilton mills ntood atrunn tor the purpose of nemllnc various articles from the mills to tho- storehouse or vlco verao had on more than ono occasion been used by tho intrepid employees who woro in a hurry to cet homo from work it was a short cut to the villain und likewise a abort cut to idleness for any cnmployeo caught uslnc tho cahlo for the purpose of self trana portation was instantly discharged ty the company hamilton dejot located an dchth of a mllo north of tho mills was in chareo of andrew pratt it was only u way station and pratt was ticket ucent boksafio master and telecraph operator while at work one after noon late in october andrew listened to miko sullivan a tale of woo i vo been across on the wire half a duxen times and nothing came of it rrumblctl mlko to day tho super nbbed me just as i was setting out f tho car como down saturday and bet your money ho says youre fired vou know tho rules dldn t your questioned andrew looking keenly it his former schoolmate sure i was foolish i might have known i would get caught some day its nlnt to come touch on mo with winter coming on 1 don t know what my wife will do to mo say andy if you hear of anything that looks like job let mo know i wilt work at nny tiling from president of tho roau to ttcctlt n hand well you have given mo u good wldo ran o mike a vndrew with a laugh if i hear of anything 1 11 send ou word iialf an hour ajui sullivan went a mire w busied himself about the utation preparatory to going home tor tho nsht at oeven thirty tho expreo from tho north wan duo to pass- and then hli days work would bo finished in order to und era land fully what came to pass that night a bcnenu hliu of tho lay of tho railroad in hamilton and vicinity is essential the main lino from the north fol lowed tho west bank of tho tcdcaco rlvtr headed ooulh to a junction about llv miles below iurullu n a bridge spanned tho river at that point aid tho train liavlng crossed rcdoubl cd on iti course and again passed hamilton station on tho opposite sldo of tho river irom there tho road curved to tho cast skirting a moun tat nous region it was a single track road with occasional sidings there wua one at tha station- and across tho river juut south of tha mills was another ltoctly on time that night the seven thirty express pounded by tho hamilton station andrew was just on the point of rcportlm its passlnr when tho telegraph instrument began to tick off u message flag express wild engine fro to cait johnson for an lnitunt andrew sat staring ut tho dluapieurlug tall lights of tho ixpruui johnson was tho agent at ijinslng twcntytflvo miles cast of hamilton suddenly ho e prang to his feet irubtcd a red lantern and dashed out of the office banging tho door behind him andrew wua a oprlnter ha hudv won mora than ono prize at foot racing and never bod ho modo butter tlmo than ho did covering tho eighth of a mile between tbo depot and the wlro cable which opanncd tha river 1u aching tho tower from which jcjcl of iho c waa sua but to be abirvmxd- such a suert perfume at a tow price is a delighlful surprise this surpri3o awaits you in the talc perfumed with jonleel the new odor of twenty- six rowers mckees j the rvxall orud store guelph ont r established 1872 f bahk of hamilton it ib not nficisary 1o visit tho bunk of hamilton personally in order to open a saving- account send your deposit by mail in cheque r money order do not keep money in tho houie it doti not earn intortnt and it is not safe l gcokgetown branch w n mcknj left the ralki and pi mired down tht rnbilhurn mt toward tho river intitantly all wan antlr as hoairj were thrtint out of wlnduwu and port cm j imptd to tho krtiun 1 an tho con tuctor hurried fnrwird whu up jlrr ho aikid tho t iglnrer turned around and wavil bin hat its all right its only the loni of an onrlno 1 nut fad of a train thin young man will give i ou the partli ulani tho 1 ujh rir teiiileij eamo up with hln head lunictl init to tho entclnoer in luirlnrly as he laid hln hand on the you 11 r mmi s nhouf lcr dctalnlnttly hen a little a trail hell lone hla job for taking irosoesnlon of that for hidden cqhle said tho engineer then as ho glanced at anlrew ho nald tuelf laui hlncly i am kind of afraid ho 11 lowo his job for rnlng ngalnnt ordcrr hut it rnthcr looks to me as thounli it would bo tip luntcad of down tin num rlntcndertt n cycu met those if tho ri tlnccr with a twinkli ntill with 1 is hai d irmly on u10 young man a shoulder bo said it la a ono thing yoa hdvo done i am incline i to think tho deed will bo recognised then ho turned to the wondering groups of passenpem and in a few wordj made known lo therm how they had beeapvod frum tho wild engine a cheer went up und as tho train rolled back on tho regular una and apoln moved flrwird lands wcr waved ru n tho wind wa nnd steps and famwcllu were calletl back to the thoufhtf il voang mar ntandlng by himself when andrew icaehed tho ofnee i o rilhd up tho train dlnpatchnr and brl fly rcp rted ho ditching of alio cnclri and thtn went on with hln usual wjrk when it ami to andrew s being civ en a 1 place his heart went out to his old friend mlko sullivan ho looked off through tho window be hind tho rcilroad superintendent who hud just brought him good news con ccmlng ilrnwlf i wonder if i might apeak a wo d fo a friend he said speak il said tho pert n ten dent you have bernended the rood you will now bo given an cpjiortunily to befriend any ono you think beat- then andrew told of mlko sullivan ho la a mod worker lie loci hi position with the mill for using the blr u i believe ho 1m can cd his li well w- will think it over on 1 jr montgomery rising three daiu later mike coma in and hook imndn with andrew i can t speak it ho said my wife just ried liko a bul y when alio found out wliaj jou bad dope army greets new babies warm welcome on dock for the wives and children of returnma soldiers tho problem of providing for tbo comfort of tho many r nguah bridcs and facoich and iriih brl len too of the returned soldier until they are settled in canndo lu engaging tho at tentlon of tha salvation army its tly at fit ohn n it a transport arrived with a large number of women and children a great many of tho latter being infanta tho chief secretary colonel mc mil ian wan in st john and uarnlng the expected arrival of bo many women and children he called to pother tho salvation army o hi ecru und mudo arrangements for the meeting of this boat- mrs lnslin condlo took cliargo of tho women workers wo decided writcu tl o colonel that we would procure a good supply of habits bottles ulso uomo fresh milk and a nupply or nipples for bottles as omforteril then too wo had scoreti of iltllo face clotl n plttrii or toilet uoap and small tint of talcum powder a number of tilripa of flannel tlty of oil of peppermint vao line couth candy small handkerchiefs fur tho children needles and thread and in addition tapes safety pins etc wo also arranged to tot u gross of cupa and saucers und u dozen big tea potu and boilers for making tea tho uhip came up in tho morning bout nlno oclock it won gnawing a wet ptoppy uiiow tho docks were wdod with vol llcrs und ntandlng umonrst them were many young women with their babloa as soon un tho ship pulled in and the gangway was thrown across another salvationist and i were amongst the llrt who climbed on board we were grocte 1 everywhere th cries of good old army in tho rnuno of the salvation army in canada i bade all the boys on deck u hearty icome back to their own country i then went back to tho dining room where moat of thu women und chll iron were waiting it would havo dona ono rood to have 1 et n tho look t pleasure with which this fine body of vamui greeted tht uniform our flnt encounter wua wltha big cona dlan soldier who came to un und said are juut tho pooplo who can help ma lit my dllllculty what in your dtlucultyt well my wlfo has twins i i have to full in with tho troops deck and would like some ono to help her to took after thu bubleu on shore of couru wo will look ufter tht m ihen there was another woman who wua not at all well und uho hxa tlvo chll ircii und unfortunately her bund w111 nut with her so wo took liolo it t un lcr t ur wing m v left the ship wo had jlxt i mothers m of 050 yards stripe flannelette kegular 45c sale price tho be njdependiidnt bo independent 1 the one who wins is self reliant trusting to himself rather than to others sympathy is a good thing but it does not do to let ourselves grow to depend on it influential friends arc nn advantage only so long as we trust to our own efforts flrst and their influence second the youth who is alone in the world and full of well groomed selfcon fldence stands a better chance than an other who is surrounded by helpers and trusts to them you iour success depends upon you yourtiapplncso depends upon you you have to steer your own course you have to shape your own for tune you have to educate yourself you have to do your own thinking vou havo to live with your own con uclcncc your mind is yours and can be used only by you you come into tho world alono you go to the grave alone you aro alono with your inner thoughts during the journey between you must make your own decisions you must abide by the consequences or your acts i cannot make you well unless you mako yourself well an eminent doc tar often tells his patients you alone can regubxto your habits and mako or urtroako your health you alone can assimilate things mental and things material sold a hrooklyn preacher offering his parishioners communion one sun day i can not give you tho blessings and the bcnlflts of this holy fcasl you must appropriate them for yourselves tho banquet is spread help yourself you may bo invited to a feast where tho table la laden with tho choicest foods but unices you par take and assimilate them they can do you no good so it la with tho holy feast you must appropriate- j tfl bless ings i can not infuse them into you you havo to do your own asatmlla tlon nit through life you may bo taught by a teacher but you havo to imbibe the knowledge- he can not transfuse it into your brain you alone can control your mind cello and yo ir lroln cells ou may have spread before jou tho wisdom of tho ages tout unless you assimilate it yon derive no bene fit from it no ono can force it into your cranlmo you alono can move your own legs lou alone can uso your own arms you alone carr utilise your own hands you alono can control your own muncleu you must stand on your own foot phynically and metaphorically you must take your own steps your parents can not enter into your elt in take control of your mental und physical machinery and tonka something of you you can not tight your bonn battlca that ho must do for himself you have to bo captain of your own daatlny you have to see through your owe eyeu you havo to use your own earn you iuva to master your own facul ties you have to solve your awn brob lems you havo to f o to your cwn ideals i ou have to create your own ideas ou m wt choose- yjar own speech ou must govern your own tongue you col life is ynar thoughts j your thoughts aro of your own rnak ng your own handl your choracier work you ulono can select tho material that goes into it you alone can reject what la not fit to go into it you ore tho creator of your own personality ou con bo disgraced by no man a i but your own uu can be elevated in austained by no man save yourself you havo to wrlto your own record you have to build your own monu it or dig your own pit which aro you dolngt ix c rorbes at the grindstone uenjamln ivanklln is considered to bo ono of tho wisest mun that america liostovcr produced ho has been dmd ono hundred yearn but hu repu tlou lias not declined through the ro gresa of t of getting and saving money ho said a man may if he ygiu not how to save as he get- keep 35e 475 yards durk shirting flannelette 27 inches wide regular 40c salo price 28c 5 piocs fancy kimona cloth 45c sale price regular 32c 175 yards stripe galatea sale price regular 45c 33c 2 pieces white costume drill 40c salo price regular 28c 40 yardvslicphcrds check dres goods regular 50c sale price 12c ibxjurialoiie there s twenty years ago from the laaua af bia fre press of thursday january 10 1bm if business la worth havinr its cer talnly worth golnr after a great many citizens of town and country are down with tho grippe at tho annual meeting or tho acton i ire hrlgado mr john harvey waa elected cldef for 1s39 the officers with him am captain hooks and ladders j a speight captain no 1 hom iteel george ho per li out- no z hose itecl d mcintosh sec retary trcasurer duncan mcdonald a la nt secretary thomas leo foreraan john r vans the annual meeting of acton branch ulblo society will bo held in tho methodist t hurch on friday evening and wlir bo addressed by itcv j w itae of toronto junction five of the magistrates of hal ton county died during the past year w h storey acton robert salmcr and john husband or ookvtllo a bra nam stlnson of nelson and william moore or haqucslng born ciupps in acton on 8th january to mr and mrs lrnesl crlppa adaugh need of attention to imple ments undoubtedly many mowing machines have beeir o- uro about to be scrapped though atill capable of tl dnr several yearn or u rful work if only a nmnll percentage of their original co t were expended upon them for rvpiru the proper time for overhauling theo mo chines la during their period of inac tlvity an 1 lieforo the ruah jf jiring work if put off until needed dcliy incident to getting repair parts prump ly press of other work and the hoxy recollectim of the past seasons dlf llcultlcj wlti tit mcahine may hinder tho clllclent j roiocutlon of this work u llinmlct the if soon u work wlti any machine it lj a plan well worth ho to mal e out a schedule of i ceded repairs and adju tinents for that par tlcular machine and fllo it in a con venlcnl place ao when opportunity arises tho work may bo taken up and prosecuted cxnedlously tho machine itself represents ctpltul lncfltcd it should le housed property and not left in a fenee rorner or other out of way place for wooden parts to rot and rnetal parta to ruat which even for short periods may cause mora deterioration than tho season ii uao v hen putting away oee that tho knlfo bar is left clean and wiped with grcajry rag and stored in a dry place alao place a block of tvood or other bupport under tho mid point of tho tongue so that it will hot acquire a permanent sag if o to red ti tho cutter bar in a crurr-ottptl- n block of wood unmr the shoo to take tho weight t it tile frame all accumulatioui of macerated vegeeuhh matter dirt und greaso uhould be removed and the brisht parta oiled or grease l u s- ocpt- of agriculture has drink ever done you any harmr 3 wool clarence darrow the labor lawjer who defended uro mcnamara brothers the california dynamiters a few years ago threw a bluff into a labor meet ing tho other day where he spoke under tho auspices af a local bar tenders unlou ugolnst tho prohibition movement has drink over dona you any liarra bo asked his audlcnoe and ho waited a ir incut for a reply it killed my brother volunteered a vi ice in tho pit it lollod my brother tool said an ther man a llttlo further back durrow was nabbcrguatod ho dl 1 nut know tho real sentiments of his audience h probably supposed that he was talkliu to a baric idem crowd hus drink ever done you any harm tho wurkliigmcn pi america ore coming to bellove it lias it ian t tin to to recklessly throw into a crow 1 ot worklugmcn u cliallcnge which may so cuully txi answered rorvrfoytllhera t in ow tacts and th dozen childrcns ringwood iuu half price to clear carpets 1 piece tapestry carpet sale price regular 1 25 89c 1 piece of union carpet 1 yard wide regular 75c sale price ii5c crockery pltttci cups and saucers flatten sugar rowlj und uquautity of fahcy china at less than hall price to dear lariliv day dy day nor load this week with ont week a load of sorrow iuft air thy bunlenn nil they come nor try to weluh tho present with tho by and hi ono step and ttof another talco thy way ilvo day hv dai i ivo day by day thourh autumn leaven are withering rami 1 ill way walk in the numthh e u lu all for thoe lush utralht ahead on lor g as thou cinnt neo dread not tho jw inter wh ther thod mnyei t o hut when it ct moi be thankful for the onward and up vurd look and and pray llvo dai by day nllo lighted windows i rank crnuoa now book of every day philosophy of above title for tho everyday roan or woman says i acts and alcohol wo havo dono mora looso talking and indulged in more childish reason ing about this drinking matter thavi about any other thing that la an issao ufo and death it la riot a debatable question what alcohol docs to you tho facts and tho lawn that govern them aro an absolute as the facts and lawa in n laboratory of course old man perkins who just died at thu ngn nf ninety nine over on lilttcr crock used to drink pint of wills key every day and illll simmons tho hardworo man says that hla undo judge simmons of kentucky takes his nip regularly and is sound as a dollar at seventy bo von and tho barkoepor urges you to como hayo another oitti wont hurt you and tho germans ooiuuma flooda of beer and now look at them fighting tho worltl and all the boya drink and havo a good tlmo and thertthere are tho french and italians taking wine at their meals and tho husky ilrl lasers consuming scotch and io if you prefer ta risk your life on thin kind of rumor and nlop talk you may do no hut you dont have to jt la not necessary to take a gamblers chance the- people best qualified peruana to tell you about how long you may bo expected to llvo aro tha llfo insur ance people- tho association of ufa presidents held their eighth annual rmetlng tho nther day mr arth ir nter if tho medical department mado an address ho indulged in no arguments nor hearsay but gavo somo facts facts which tha companies do millions of dollars worth of business ho gave intalliblo figures bontjd on tho cases or 2000 djq men and women insured tho past twenty nvo years with forty thce leading american llfo jn- nuranco companies these u tat in tics show uiat consis tent uuers of alcoholic drinks die six years you n if or than they nhould one time conalatcnt drinkers who reformed before they took out ufo inauranco policies- die tour years younger hn these ufo 1ns urssctav fldi prohlhltlonutts crank nor whlui-itb- bqpcrs they aro liardbeiused business inti t it queer thar in making money en go after tho facts and aro not led away by sentiment while in saving u health and llfo wo listen to any ol 1 granny tale wo may bo told hence non ou let alcohol ajone it never did anybody any good as a toady bovcnige you can find physicians who do not condemn it but you cannot tlnd a ntlst who will not tell you it la 1 lain poi w if you drink nt nil go to tho facta and draw yourjiwii conclusions from them and not from what you hear bout sam jenkins wlfos second cousin the fylinq dutchman tjla is tho story of tho firing dutdimitr on told by an hngllsh writer about thrco jf wht n tho capo of good hope waa in tho hands of tho dutch a vessel laden 1th precious metal net nail from a port on that stormy coast bound for london tho following day o uhip was caught in a terrible storm for hoars sho was buffeted about by a furious wind while huge waves broko o cr and threatened to swamp hvr tho terrlflod passengers and crew went lo the captain vujiderdeekcn by name and implored him to put back to port beface tha vessel become a total wreck vanderdockcn was a recklessly wckod follow who reared neither ood nor man ho flew into a furious pas sion at thin request he stormed and blasphemed in euch a way that even the salloru shuddered to hear him and at last with u terrible duth ho swore that sooner than put back to port ho would beat about uutll tho day of judgment tho vessel wont down with all ha n dii but sailors say tlmt in stormy weather tho phantom of tho hi fated uhip con atlll bo soon tnating about but tho vessel whloh nights her la u doomed one i this lu only ono out of varjctjk- legends of tho flying dutchman tlinj god a judgment full il because a horrlblo crime had bocn committed on board in punishment of this tho plague broke would receive tho 10 dozen jelly powders regular 15c sale price 2 for 19c 2o0 lbs uncolorcd japan tea regular t5c sale price 48c 300 lb- baking soda sulo price r regular 8c lb 3 ids for 13c 150 lb a lpsom salts sale price regular lyo lb 3 tbo for 25c 5 cases laundry soap sale pneo regular 0c 6c notia this store will be closed all day thursday january 1g for remarking and arranging ulock for quick bandlirux j the limited space will not permit mentioning hundreds of other lines which will be wild at greatly reduced lrlcai come early and set your hhare of the bargains while they last terms of this aale arc strictly casu or produce d c russell mill street acton ontario s

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