Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 15, 1919, p. 4

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ghp attmt fftoi grggg r tliuitmjay januauy 1 il the jod of a man u inn t tlm work we intend to do nor tho work wove just begun thst putn us rlfihl nit tho lodcr ahot it tho work wo vo really done our credit in built on tho thins wo do our debit on things we shirk tho min who totals tho bhjsvst plus in tho ono who complete bla work to wish tho pay of an mce boy to lo la tho job of a man dellng a wolf a aeltlrr on tho upptr mattawa luytsr in now ontario who bad cuhi a wolf had read that ships vent sometimes cleared of rata by fasjnlne a boll around tho nock ot ono of them accordingly it aeemod to httn that in a similar manner ho mtrht rld the adjacent woods of wolns lie there fore fastened a bell to the wolf neck and turned it loose when tho snow had disappeared tho aettler allowed hla flock of sheep to exorcise their lambs in the field near bla house while he stood watching the jrainbou of tho lambs the sheep pricked up their ears aa if intently listening then with a creat deal of bleating thn whole flock took to tho woods tho aettler wondered at this ntnuiffo conduct on tho part of the lambs but ho went about his work when an hour later the sheep re turned tho owner discovered that one of tho lambs was m using the next day tho bomo thine occurred and jtaln a lamb failed to return tho settlers children tried to keep tho aheep in the fields when they could not do this they followed the animals into the bush they reported that hgyatgtl bell tlnklls in the distance all at onoe it dawned upon the set tler that the bell ho had fastened to the neck of the wolf was the some that had been borne by the- father ofth flock the previous summer the quick eared aheep had recognised the sound of the bell and true to their instincts bad hastened to join their last years companion tho result was th they found not a wolf in sheeps clothing but a wolf with a sheep a bell ready to idlne on a spring lamb the set lerdld not release any more belled wolves edwin t tho adro- hid beer money i was introduced a few months ago to painter by trade an exflchtlns man an exdrunkard an exmiser able xlellaion haa restored hla soul and made him a useful eltlxen ha told mo haw hla mates continually asked him tont your missus ns five you any beer money to which x answered them he said grlnnlna hob yuss my old lady rtvss to plenty of beer money sbinirurs and bhilunffs ahd where do you think 1 keep it in my rardetat alnt that artful of mo and soxno of my beer money has tot feathers and lays cm and sotno haa aot fur and ww lovely pie and noma has trot flowers and smells a bit of all right yuss if youd like to see my beer money drop in somo saturday afternoon and take a walk around my aaxdcn 111 show you hurt wooko beer money the weeks before yuss and last years hopplnx and clucking and crowing- and emeulng beautiful by the way old friend where a your beer money where is it can you show me or la the publican keeping ft for you tin christmas huns deceived captain von uonfyr- tho german navy la rrelltiwl with dlacovcirln a now and dreadful rrlmo of which tho english have len bullty they twivo dpoolvod ihn gormana tlio truntlns aorrnann here in tho way it haporod n cording o lire heir captain when tho aerrnana nurto i oil iholr u bout cum palgn or frlfllitrulnwto they made all eorut ol catlmatrn as to dlnkinrtt tho reeulta were up to their average of expectation tho linking qf 000 000 tons a month up to august l was enough to brlnir lnglapd to reastn tiut it dldn t i nclond should have sued for peace and lermany expected a peace proposal but the llrllloh de celved us ttayn the ricrr captain dtrn those uritlaht what a shame it la that ttioy should dupo the qer- mans in ouch a way if they had any respoci for what la right and proper tboy would have colled the war off then and there and tliero would have been rejoicing in ocrmsny instead of woe the ijrillnh have boon guilty of many wrongs have much for which they should do penanco but of all their crimes nono is so black aa this in deceiving jjio hun jjut probably john bull la moreto be pitied than blamed its almost a habit with him not to know when he licked- from tho new york com mercial just quad plum through ood must lovo a plrasant happy fncf or ho linn muflo men and wnmen lovo nuch facen greatly and a ncom must lw tvh abomination to him when iinploanant fcrllnun within have drawn ploaitant linen without havo nft to folt tho hplrlt of ood trylnft to nmooth out tho countenance civon wi a mother n her hand over tho pouting 111 or her child and nayn thoy aro n l pretty burely the love of lol woul 1 1 even quicker to wipe away ovory frown from tho brew than it in tn wipe away every ten- from tho oyen for the frown hurts un more ahd hurls others more too hut poaco within shining through pleasantness without is indeed an oftortrrg sweet savor unto ood jamoa whucomb itlloy got tho truth of the matter though in homely phrase when ho wrote an it a glvo mo to pcrcclvo i moat certainly believe when a mans just glad plum through ood a pleased with hiin the same an you the radiation op our real selves tou cannot bo in tho world without being influenced by others and in fluencing them in turn you cannot be happy without adding to tho sum it human cheerfulness if you are doing your beat to realise some high purpose every worthy achievement feels tho inspiration of your effort you are bearing trouble bravely and uncomplainingly there is not a downcast soul who la not benefited by your courage but there is an other darker side to tho picture you cannot be despondent or distrust ful without making around yourself an atmosphere of discouragement you cannot harbor wrong thoughts with out harmlnb others four our 4a flue nee is not what wo should uko to have it on jgenenu principles but only the radiation of our real selves won fame on its manuv tho un bounded popularity that dr thomas eclectric oh enjoya is not attributable to any elaborate advertising for it has not been so advertised but entirely duo to tho merits of this oil osa modulne in every city town and hamlet in the country it is sought after solely because of its gotd quali ties automobile that went to church ho x am not a ford rm a big high powered classy modeled auto and can go like a streak x go to church regularly like every eelfrospectlng car s jl didnt always go hat ive reformed when toy owner first got me he could hardly wait for sunday he was up at 6 tuning me np and getting ready for a run in the country ho usually invited some other members of the church he attends too im not baying that anyone did any great wrong yet toe days pleas ure always ended with a question mark after it was that the best way after all of spending the best day of the woek coming home one sunday x was caught in a thunde honestly 1 dldn t mean to but i skidded and pitched the whole party oat artunately no one was hurt but they were badly shaken and acsea- x heard my owner y i dldn t break my fool- nttxt s surprised me by golngv to church and it was such a cna day for a long spin afterward be said to tho missus weve been missing a whole lot lately and now every sunday we take not only the family but some other folks to church and x am be ginning to think that even an auto can have a conscience void of offense before ood and man author of old mother hub bard very few people know who wrote the favorite story for children of old mother hubbard the author was says a writer m the essex review sarah catherine martin aid 8bo was burled at loughton in that county silse martin was born in january 17 m and was about thirtyseven years of age when she wrote the story of the old lady and the dog tradition says the original old mother hubbard was tho housekeeper at kltley hall yealmpton the residence of miss martin s inaxrlod sister and a cup board is pointed out as being tho cupboard mentioned in tho story popy of the original publication is preeervej ut kltley hall and inside the book is the nolo original presen tation copy of mother hubbard writ ten and dedicated to john pollexen bastard m i a second edition of which a copy is in the british museum is dated may lot 180a the colored cuts are ingenious are by xlenwlck it is not generally known that miss martin wroto a continuation of tthe- comlo admturi of old mother hub bard the ssqual is not considered as good aa the original a proof of inferiority ono of tho surest signs of inferiority is never to feel inferior there are young people whose motto seems tn be tm just as good as anybody such could alt in a select company of great minds and tender their opinions untroubled by qualms of modesty a young man whoso deflections from the path of uprightness were on open secret in speaking of a man whose life in tho community had been an ppllftlng force for nearly half ft cen tury said casually oh well if wo know all about him wed probably find that ho wasnt any better than the rest of us and tho worst of his wrongdoing did not show his case so hopeless as that careless speech f j- it proved him unafalo to rcoognlxe moral superiority when ho saw it exhausted from asthma many who read these wordajfnow thi terrible drain upon health and atrcni h which comes in uie train of nathmntlc troublen many do not mallxo how ever that ihero la ono truo rtmo ly which will surety atop thin drain dr j d icellogggs aathmo itemedy la a wonderful check to this enervating oil menu it has a countleon record of relief to its credit it la soil almont everywliaio lignite pobsmilitico tho ugnlto fields of saskatchewan are said to contain thirtoen million tona almost untouched tho lignite la a low grade coal but on tho other hand it haa tho advontago of being caally and cheaply mined all that is necessary tij do in to dig it out of tho ground for it lies prac tically on tho surface no gallerico or nhoftu being required boms years ago r o wynne rob erts an engineor in tho employ of tho saskatchewan government roado a ra port on tho lignite fields and suggested that tho best way to dovelop thorn woulr beto eotabushacentroldftwer plant located right in tho centre of tho lignite bed and distribute power all over tho provinco his scheme wm to burn tho ugnlto in mtorts no la now done with the oamo grado of coal tn germany and olaowhcre and use the gas no developed to produco the electric energy lauqh1nq away difpicultco homo pnoptn tiftvo their nonni ot tin mi r an wo do 11 uj t urlor chnndnller i hi lit up t pnrlal o raaloiui otlmrn in it an the mnrhlnlnl docn hln oil to da u way with frlctl in mid imrift tho ttnt o ruiliilr k nm olhiy oi o who linn nit fi un 1 ut that a oo 1 lauh will ink j the i ting out f 11 o majority our llltlu onnnyanccn has an tin irlunt hinon to learn when ovrry thlrn runs nmoothty wa can not alona llh ut u cino ot humor it di en it really mnltrr if wo lay down the mukoiino nt ry which hua nent other memborn into paroxymn of laughtrr and gravely wonder what thoy found to rail unmnlng hut it doco matter decidedly if wo cannot oeo thn humur- oun nido to our own predicaments many it dwyulty cn he lnuchod away that cannot bo manterod otliorwloo tlon what theyre qett1no tho gnrmana for tho next genera nol 1 mm ldlth wharton at a c a tea in turin are going to j arlahn win rcyer they go they ro rolng t 1 o ubuitod and it will bo uitglciin for them to cpm plain a jonnan diplomat npent tlm imm mrr ut st morltx in tho kwinn knga dlno duo morning bosldo tho lultn ho ntoppro to talk to aomo noutral lad lea rtnd a utile girl ftho was in the pnrty whiaperod aomellilnff to her mamma lho german umlling and twlotlng hlu lcaincrllko mnuntncho nald jcolinff ly to tho httlo girl ilo rudo to whinper she looked him ntralght in tho cyo and anawcrtd coldly hut it would havo boon ruder utlll to nay it out loud kept in two horsey mon were duicucalna their ndventurcn a horso ran away with mo onco nald ono and i wasn t out for two moritlm afterward thatp nothing rcplltd tho other why once i ran away with a horse and wann t out for two years after ward how this nervous woman botwell told by heraclf her sin cerity should cort- vinco others nirintophcr ul tor four yoafal iraircrotl from lrrcntilarities weakness nervousness and voii in a run down condition two of our beat doc to to failed to do mo any food i beard so much about what lydlahpinkhamo vo rotable conv ponnd bad done for others i tried it and was cared i am no lonjrer ncr- voun nm recnlar and in excellent bcnlth i bcllovo um conipoahd will euro tmy ftmnlo trouble mrs aucd lirxini- qirisujilicr ul v ncrvouancoa in of tn a oymptom or wenkneoa or aomo functional derail po rn on t whlcli moy bo overcame by ua fnmoua root nnd h rb remedy jydia 11 i inulmmii vcx lilo compoand as tlioujtindn of women bavo lotrod by ox peri once if complicatlona nlit write tydla e plhvhamhcdicinnco 1 ynn mass for bucitcntiono in rcnnnj to your ailment rho result of itn loflfx experienco fa at your ikrvlcc when a mother detects from the wrlthings and fretting of a child that rma are troubling it she can pro cure no better remedy than millets worm powders which aro guaranteed to totally expel worms from tho sys tem they may cause vomiting but this need cause no anxiety because it is but a manifestation of thelr thorough work no worms can long exist wh tre theao powders ore uaed cheerfulness is charity cheerfulness is one kind and a most efficient kind of charity no ono keeps buoyant and hopeful without benefiting other people the one who goes about with his forehead drawn into a knot and his heart heavy sort of spiritual pauper living on the bounty af ms fellows or in a world of people like himself ho wquld nm life unendurable all that keeps hlni going is tho overflow of good- cheer that cornea to him from other heart cultivate all the cheerfulness you need for yourself and then a little the cost of salvation a colored preacher had juat con eluded a sermon on balvotlon am free and announced that a collection would be taken up for tho benefit of the parson and his family a member in the audience objected to the para doxical nature of tho proceedings and received this bit of negro logic in ro aponse spose yo was thirsty an como to a river to could kneel right down an drink yo oil oouldn t yo t an it would coot yo nothin dnt water would bo free but s nosln yo was to havo dat water piped to yo house yo d havo to oay wouldn t yo t wall brud der so it la wld salvation do salvo uoa am free but its de faabln it plpl to yo dat yo got to pay for anything for delay private blank said tho colonel severely reprimanding a doughboy for a minor breach of military etiquette what would you do if i wore to toll you that you were to bo ahot at oun- aosh calonev rcpllod tho tank watching tho shadow of a grin steal over bla offloors face i d sure pray for a cloudy day ths reel- llvsr pill a torpid liver means a disorderedayauim mental de preaslon lassitude and in the ond 1 care be not taken a chronic etato ot debility the very best medlclno to arouse tho irver to healthy action la pmxmelees vegetable nils they aro compounded of purely vegetable sub stances at careful eolection and n other pills have their fine qualities they do nqt gripe or pain and they aro agroeablo to tho moat acnaltlvo stomach the power of wishes a group of young folks wcru gaged in tho fanciful occupation of making their wlahea aloud be careful of your tiifm uald the grandfat rt ao uko ly tmsmnfuot moot of my youthful si iter vctrolli -ja- h now to jhyjujljsc no q aony himself- the ojbro lavishly you give tho more you hare for yourself all mothers can put away anxloty regarding thilr suffering children when they have mother graves worm ex terminator to glvo relief tbo effects are euro and lasting out of the frying pah l gentleman travelling through alabama was much interested in uncle med j so you were onco a slave eh taa sab said uncle ned how thrilling i sold tho gentleman and after the war you got your free dom eht no sah said ned gloomily i dldnt git man freedom sah after de wah i done got married tbo most obatlnate corns and warts fall to reiua hollowey corn cure try it honest wit ourselves iriirriribtturifn cuittobe wltli ouraeives as it is tb be slnosx with uioqe about us it is the ex oeptlonal- person who looks hla mo tives frankly in the rao a country girl attired n n new frock expressed the wish that oho could sit on a fenoe and see herself go by but if that privilege were granted tte majority of us tho result would be a rather painful ahock in order to fulfill tho precept know thyself long and care ful study is needed d rook a and ponds of oil when a commercial expedition wni traversing tho columlan and vcne uellan oil territory rocontly it rai across placra whore tho ground wiu literally oooked with oil forming pool jual as water would in water logged oil in speaking of the territory the oil trado journal says tho tract inspected consists of a ootid body of land containing about 800 000 acres on which numerous seepages of hlgn grade paraffin oil are known to be located many of these were vlollod and tho geological condition studied the land contains no white i habitants and is described as being unbroken virgin forests traversed by numeroua clear streams many of which are navigable throughout the year tho f uresis aro full of gamo which sup the well otorkod commissary of1h3 expedition mem bers of tho party report that country la healthful and entirely free from tho insect pouts which in somo parts of tho tropica make ufa un- pleasant poor old bill now kaiser bill has had his fill of wax and killing babes he ii sit right down without hln crown and call the germans knaves vy did they oak so big a taalc tho kaiser now doth ay 1 von a fool to bo a tool and vork auitl got no pay i itaf cold feet an1 cannot aleep the npooka danca on my cheat i hat nightmare vlch malts me care to go to bed for rest vot shall i do the vorld say flhoo i ths devil puss ma by i feel like i must cry i youyhtime the important time to lay a strong foundation for robust manhood is while life is young and the body develop ing a growing child needs every possible help to conserve energy and confirm the body in vigorous health to a developing child scotts emulsion comes with particular help thousands of the strong men and women of today were in yoathtime nourished and strengthened to withstand the inroads of disease by tho consistent use of scott scxtt fcjknrne toronto ool and grant three wishes an tho old talea toll us about and wo know course that an idly uttered 1 wish has no force in it but a wish that is an earnest and continuing desire la always helping ituolf to coma true when a boy wishes moat for an education ho la always on tho lookout of whfltovcr will help lis studies at odd momenta lie uavcu his money ho gives up pleasures and ho gets tho education tho man who wishes moot to bo rich gets rlph ho is willing to glvo up comfort and pleasant things of life for hla wish the man who wishes to llvo an honor able ufe gets that too wrjcre did he send h1mt bo tbo doctor told you to go to a warmer climate what was tho na turo of tho troublo yod consulted him about i went there to collect a bill 5he acton bakery m edwards co ciumda jjood board lloonao no 6 013 hill street acton i to facilitate the handlingof tho products otjwtjikcry and tpjfaitott more conveni- cnt for our customers wo havo secured the shop next to wiles confectionery where supplies of our bread brown bread tea biscuits iv cakes buns and scones i may alwaya bo secured wedding cakes a specialty m edwards co acton ontario all kinds op poultry wanted aliv on uiueand gee8erturlkev0h and chickens new laid cogs hides and tallow i armern imvlng poultry l soli vro advliio thorn to call on us for quotations r milligan corner young and mill st actor or to p o dox 341 buy warsavings stamps on fialo at oil moneyorder post offices banks and wheiifveii this sign is displayed boy warsavin co stamps for 4 00 each place tjiem on the certificate which will be given to you have your stamps rceintcred nrjmnnt loss frco of choree at any money order post office nnd on the first day of x924 canada will pny you 500 cadi for your tamp aa an aid to the purdutac or w3 0 you con buy thrift stamp for 25 cents each sixteen of these thrift stamps on a thrirt card will be cxcliangcd for n w s g thrift stamp do not ear interest their virtue is that they enable you to apply every 35 cento you cun save towards ths purchase of a government lntereafbcaring security xt hirfi rates of interest mutt bo paid on government borrow lngs it is but right that every man woman and child should bavo m opportunity to earn thla interest air thomas whtla 5 for 452 v hirsts pain exterminator dont suffer painbuy h1bst6i law- 4a prepsrers against attacks of rheraub laaisxi nenralrls ttaliteffutorartustuigsapeajototst alallrseats vm tm m mj a i ju vegetables promptly delivered potatoes caoqaqeq onions carbot8 radishes beets celery railway tim tables at acton grand trunk railway oytyn qolno woat no 50 h 13 am lo 19 a in no 33 u no no no 37 15 p m c c3 pni 8 13 m going esat no 2r no 33 no 38 3 a a m 3h pm dig dd1 it 11 p tn iluurtay tr unit poaa throurh acton golilr treat at 10 ib a m will enot at 7 00 i m toronto suburban eloclho railway oolna wast 0 17 n m dally oxcopt flunday 3 33pm dolly except sunday fl 00 p m i- daily except flunday l03om ounday only fl 82 p m bunday only qolno cast dally oxcci t sunday dally cxerpt sunday doily cxrent sunday hunday only bunday only 7 48 nm 3 03 pm 0 18pm hbam ms p m new machine shop hind blow machinist is moving to the newly arranged premises the rosa bowl ing alley on main street where ho will be prepared to handle all repaire of machinery promptly and satisfactorily motor repairs a specialty having experience with all makes of motors repairs will be efficiently executed vulcanizing tires having installed a vulcanizing outfit satisfactory repairs will be made to outer cases ns well as inner tubes this depart ment is managed by mr d ross bring all your repairs here fish and chips aim oysfers i 6 j stauffer iloa opened u jlnlnrf room in con nection with hla 1lah store where f10h and chipg and oy6ter8 uro oervod in nil styles day or nlchl havink lmd laro cxperlonco n unmo ot tlm best restaurants in tho united statca i nna propaxftotto acrva ull customars to their entire oatia faction farmers their wjvco and fom will bo served with lunch hot tea or coffee any ttmo thoy may bo in town iluve a hot cup of tea or coffee and noma crlap floh nnd chips or tasty oyatoru boforo you ro homo everything clean and sanitary try it ones and youll corns aaaln full lino of 1 lull always on hand s j stauffer flah gpsclaliat and rostaurantar canada food board xjoenso no 8 104b5 get the genuine grafonola avoid disappointment refuse imitations only genuine columbia grafonolas and records bear this trade mark look for it before you buy- columbia graionola poft sle by c c speight acton ont doy policemen in now york city boys between sloven and fifteen years of aire aro uctlns as policemen called junior pol icemen thoy aro trained o koe order nj are jrtrrljod th unlionns caps and ba4res thry plodgo iquso clean unruabo tu leave ctsurettett snr eambltnv alone not to break windows or lamps nut to mar buildings to boo tliat flro cscaieu aro kt lur to boo that sorboee palls aro ket t covered srid to keep atmuts mil ureas clean but not to no hisldo a huudliitf for thin purpose thoro uro eighty seven jirtx inats and oarh i rotlnct may jiavo its boya trained if there are anouah of them who want to help the police last year a splendid work waa duno by tho junior pouos an easy snowy wash actual size tho bigger bar its the work of comfort soap for 25 years canadas biggest seller its big chunky bar means ru wastetsthebiggesttarid best soap for the money in canada theres no need to experiment trust in comfort its all right pugsley dingman 6 co limited touonto ont acton livery bus1jne i solicit with contldonco tho putranato of tho puhuc comfortnblo rls sundllcd at rcaoonahto rates special attention to oupplylnr conveyances for wod dines and funerals motor cars furnished when required cxprcssman for tho toronto suburban hallway duo meets all trains l e atkinson ston ontario acton flour and feed store we havo a supply of tho following now on hand the wall known brand of kins choice norvsl and national flour nothlno better oran oat chop shorts cracked corn rolled oats corn meal 8alt in qotb 100it and 2q0id bass and earrols special l1nb in chicken feud arvn oun calf meal a tiual uptodate goods atcc speights silverware in tableware fine variety also fine cutlery hardware tinware and granite warc big assortment pandora- stoves and ranges famous heaters small stoves oil stoves v every article is of excep tional value c c speight 5011 street acton f-tablets- i better than pills i get a for liver ills i 25c box e j habsaod acton ont when you need boots shoes at any time buy fbom w williams mm street acton famous i or satisfactory footwear keasonable ph1cc5 ate nts i promptly secured pkjv m t fii tjih xj ilswswbsrflmwwsfsffl ij dv1kj1 wbuk wul bo aent he kjuuoii kkauiott 04 ultenuty av uoknuoal

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