Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 13, 1919, p. 2

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dirt ha marrlivu and raatha are now charaed for at tha following rstoa hlrths 60a marriages 60c ixaths loo memorial card 10 10c per lino extra for potma died vi nntm lu ldeiily on ttaturi i ohriiary h 1919 at liin lalo resld euro hundulnh apartmrnts 1357 dilution htrcet went toronto iu joseph lennoll in liu 81th year formerly f joorftelown tliunday fkiinuahy 13 l91f editorial notes tub din insas la favored with a now and observant writer whoso first contribution appears in this issue r tho front pace if lits effusions com unuo on interesting and on sanely phll- osophlcal an uila nrnt article tho vnxa pnxan and all local readers will cor dially woloomo lila interesting para graphs from week to week our soldier heroes are corolnt hotrn every week but no meeting of the iloceptlon commute haa been called to orronso for further jratherlnirs pf el tl sons to publicly welcome them many citizens ore annoyed at this de lay in slvlnff fit una clvlo appreciation of tbe services of theso brave men went from our homes to flht in our behalf tho town of thorold haa adopted what looks like a feasible plan for the reception of returned soldiers thev cot apart one day a week for publicly welcomlnir men who havo returned during the previous seven days why not try this plan in aetont it would save much confusion and uncertainty and would elvs tho townspeople a lettes opportunity of turning out to nhow their appreciation of the lads in khaki who axe now returning home in considerable numbers there is widespread opposition throughout tho country against tht resumption f the daylight saving en actment for the coming summer months vhlle there wero undoubt edly some advantages in the carrying out of this plan last year the disad vantages were considerably mora num erous farmers and fruitgrowers very generally advance arguments which conclusively enow loss of tlrao in the pursuit of their work instead of gain ing it with a substantial opposition to the daylight saving plan tho gov eminent may wisely leave the calendar oloae this year so for as tbe hours of sunrise one sunset are concerned a number of articles on subjects of national importance appear in the canadian magaxlne for february one la on educational preparedness by prof ira a- maclcay of tbe university of saskatchewan it is a very timely article and while it discusses the place that education must take in the ad vancement of any- country it takes canadians to task for their indiffer ence to it as a national factor and gives- ttwnmintthat as germany had been regarded oa fjiitbchool master or the wo f la now incfembent on other 3 to tha not suffered zocbjjflvsjrmeaiii prof mafc kays wamrnjrrin brief is that unless we advance education wo cannot ad vance at all council backs up so it may go ahead the clerkship tangle emliarrus- injr the motion to secure a p pi lea tlo mi kcacindcd manly 11tatement of po01tion dy clehk hyndo another hour won spent ut tho conn ell on monday evening over tho rlerk ship during tho hitrnrul slnco lust meeting 11 had avpldontly dawnod upon itceve uarber and tiln re election promtnlng impportcrs tlint thcro really wan an the ibb ilusaa pointed out after tho provloun meeting a paradox created a clerk and treasurer was being nftvortlucd for when a clerk and treasurer already ltolda tho ponlllon ailcr conn id ora bio wrangling max in tho motion paused nt uie inroung on jan uary 20 instructing tho hlerk to ad vertliio for duplications for tho poel tlon of cli rk and treasurer was res rinded tlioro tho matter rests and thcro it hi generally felt by the- ma jority of our cltuenn who are really interested in tho wolfaro of tho town frankly and h on roll y it oho aid rert all tho members were present and itocvo uorber wan in the chair a controversy occurred betwoon or oray und heovo barber uboitt tho pro cedure in putting accounts beforo tho council ilonvo barber contended that tho iteevo should pass uion all uc a counts prior to their being placed in tho hands of tho i nance committee or gray considered that thn usual method woo for the riitancoscommlttoe to first examine all accounts and make out their report and recommendations the 11 nan ca committee presented their third report and recommended payment of tho following account a rtydko account hydro electric tower com 189 3c choa holmes 1 20 benjamin licctric mfg co 20 00 canadian llectrlo co 13 03 jos bymon nuppuos 3 0 ready to do mn duly nn clerk to f unlit tint wii elrclrl ho ha 1 no lnfuntt lit tlm oh ctlon ind ih tlint ho had done ivrrj thing pi ti to fflcilllnt the himlneui of tho t ell of 1013 ho bud r von a ivl o mutters when anked mil tin had vrrythlnir in nt cnu ill bu tineas ii in the iran rtlm the general account jos bymon supplies wm wank wood estate a j macklnnon regis tration reea estate a j macklnnon legal 113 s3 thcro is a movement throughout the country favoring tho establishment of childrens peace parks in tho towns and cities of canada as war memorials- ho better method could be adopted to perpetuate the noble and heroic deeds of our soldiers in the groat war for freedom and the rights of all ths ontario horticultural society in sea- slon at toronto last week went on record as strongty favoring memorials of this character several weeks agt mr robert scott exchalnnan otnttregard forvtho feelings of a roan board of education suggestedlo tho fed prxso just trachjmorll for acton hisfrsugntwas the securing property of councillor ball north of corporation pond far a chil dren playground and park plant it profusely with trees arrange safe bathing places with proper bath hous es build a toiix bridgo across the pon 1 from the northerly limit of alice street an 3 if possible secure an east erly entrance to the school grounds through mrs smiths property this would mojfo a most fitting memorial and the loyal spirited people of acton would gladly contribute to so son humane and beneficial on enterprise heres to acton s ssldkrs memorial peace park a delightful masonic evening visit er r w ore t c rundle dd om and fifty drstkrsn from speed lodge ouslph it w bro t c itundle d do u for wellington district no 1 ak a am ojlc paid bis omclal visit to walker lodge no oil acton at the regular meeting on monday evening a large attendance of members as pemblod to welcome the representatlvi of the grand master and ho was no com pan led by over flfly members of speed lodge including w bro geo wallace w uro lsverdllt w uro coombs and other otneem of that lodge tho oftlcera of walker lodga can fomd tbe initiatory degree uion a candidate in a manner which called forth very comptlmentiry remarks from the d do m in hi address ysugestlve hints of infer to ttw room ift were given ljbn the conclusion of lh lodge 1 uslness the o ulcers and members of walker lodge escorted tholr guests to tho roriah hall where a splendid ban quet prepared by the wives sisters and daughters of the members awaltod them the excellence of the menu was rcforred to by tbe visiting brethren in all their addresses a it a nigh coin- plbnents putn the ladles uihin their i culinary excellence and their skill in j tho arrangement and decorations tho customary toast list was pre entod by w uro 11 wudgust wm and appreciated addresses were made by 1lw uro itundle uro ii i moon uro j c wilson uro w hampshire w uro ivt rdoll w uro coombs w uro harris tho toast hut was interspersed with an excellent musical programme pre ntod by mlou dprtlo smith mr david itobertson messrs wlldguat smltli mann and uicluro and miss muy wlldjust accompailst cordial votes of thanks were ex- tended tu tbu ladles and the master of speed lodge extended a warm ln vltutltm tu tho brethren of walker lodge to iuy thtm a fraternal vlill 1c 00 dc is the report was adopted a communication requiring action on tho bond of the lato a j mac klnnon was read the bond was or dered cancelled permission was assed for a com munity choir to havo the user of tho town hall one evening each y week for practice the proceeds of a concert to be held in may are to go towards tho cost of a memorial for fallen heroes permission was granted to use the hall provided no other entertainments are scheduled on tho practlco night moved by a o t ucardmore boo onded by j lelahman that leave be granted to introduced a bylaw to dp- point an assessor and collector and municipal officer for the year ip 10 and that bylaw bo given a first reading carried tho bytaw was read a second and third times and passed and mr w j held was appointed to fulfil these duties at a salary of 1 000 per year owing to dr gray now belns member of uie council it was necca sary to pppolnt a new medical health officer dr mcnlvcn was appointed to nil tbe vacancy at a salary of 1 per year mr deardmore advocated that proper filing system for municipal documents be introduced at present the towns papers are in such a condi tion that progress in dealing with varl ous matters that coins up la greatly retarded the mat tec will await con sideration until the auditors bring in their report a deputation consisting of iteevo barber clerk hynds and councillor bell was appointed to attend a meet ing at stratford on tuesday relative to the provincial highway about to be built and to advocate actons claims as an important section on the route that everpresent question of tho clerkship then come up ileeve barber sold ho did not know bother the procedure hlch bad been takefl at hist meeting was quite legal not he thought the council ohoull have the resignation of mr hynds be fore calling far appcailons dr 0 ray considered that tho position tho counciuiitfd forced upon tho clerk wajj anything but human o thoy had and not oim member of tho connrl could nny that bo hu 1 nut at n they didn t nay it at tho mooting mr scarrow requested a large pi for tho uonn of fru land ti i nlrvlov cemetery tho cou iril will go civc the planfl ind endeavor to pruvldo i nultablo ploco of urn ind without in tcrferlna with tho present survey an report at tlm ni xt meeting tho increased grant requested i the i ire urljtajo wait ualn up for dlncusnlon councillor lolnhman explained that as near nsho rould ascertain in niont towns of prions elxe tho council ap pointed the chief tho general feolln of the council favored thin procedure if they were granting money to tho brigade thoy wished to hoo that the urlgado wan emclont and fclo tho holi that along with monoy wou d advance efficiency tho council onkud for more tlmr to consider the matter and promised theilrlgado a report at the next meeting council adjourned at 10 30 p m v r j kcnrvo hot of dalco friday february 14 joh jolifffte hock wood stock and implemonta tuudiy february 18 fred wilson orand valley stock and implements tuesday msreh 4 rred denny crln tuesday maich 11 it hobertson hrln i r j kerr telephone 3d young ob acton ileeve barter thought the former motion calling for applications nhoald be rescinded movod by j cell seconded by j lelshman that the motion calling for applications for tho position of clerk and treasurer passed on january be rescinded all the council woj favor of thus motion another motion giving a grant of 3s to tho childrens aid society was puss ed at this juncture dr gray then requested that t public meeting be called to discuss the project of a rncinorlal for fallen heroes the council decided to announce t public gathering of citizens for tburs day evening february 20 at eight oclock and til en again btlt ut tliut worn out old question of the clerkship tho and attention of the members was directed ileevo barber wanted to know if mr hynds was going to put tit an appll cation for tho position at hoc ho thought it would save the council considerable trouble if ho would re sign and put in a new application for uie position dr gray wanted to know what ob jection there was to leaving the office filled as it was u present and then again iteevo uarber ro fused to give any nasona fur dismissal of the ccrk ho said ho wain t cum pelted to and the council could dlnmlss without giving a reason ho wanted clerk that liad the good will etc ti same arguments were gone over as the meeting two woeka pravious mr hynds requested that ho 1 glvm a week to cunsldui tho matter dr gray mr hyudn la not beluj treated fulrly you are asking hlin do murothan uny ho no ruble inati c do applause from the rutopayers prtteiit the appointment should stand as it is mr hynds is emclont has given the host yturo of his llfti to municipal wmk anil docs not deservo to be treated in this tnunnir the system you arc adopting is oxtdodliigl unfair and is little better than icauier lsi itrove uarber the clerk should re sign ije was putting file ouicll in an cm barms lug ponllon applauso greeted his sqgttestlou of ileeve uarber from another section of ute gallery but an rniphutla voice runt ut don t you do it i uooyjiuailiti- i will novir get position like his aguln i hellove the niajnrlly of tho people are behind us in tills matter at least thu paper said hat was the issue u tho elcilloi dr groy i believe no voto bun been takun on ho queutlun or the public allowed to oxprcau tholr o tnlon lteova uarber ijt us stttlo this squabble an noon n punilhlu and get jfivm to tho buuluciis that utut b tranuuiud dr gray 1 have n ire huiun promises to keep 1 am u f i oo man and can dine don thin iuattr in the brut interests uf 0c town matter will again bo umlir dlu cuos it n at a in lin i me ting of th cobiuii to be hi id nxt m on jay ivni ing mr hynds ovplalned that bfl las clearing auction sale in th13 townshipor eiun farm otock implcmcnto etc tho undersigned has received in structions from rodert young jr to sell by public auction on tho pre mlsoa lot 11 w con 3 grin sltuatod on the 2nd lino one mile south of ospringe on tuesday february 13 at one o clock the following houses grey mare 10 years old general purpose bay horse 7 years old general purpose cows cow doe march 6 bed cow duo march d tied cow due time of sale red cow duo june 17 white cow due august 26 itoan cow milk ing well kat cattle 3 steers rising 2 ym young cattle 2 steern rulnr 3 years 1 heifer rising 3 years 2 steers rising 1 year 4 heifers rising l year 3 spring calves good one calf 3 months old hoob york bow with 10 pies weeks old york sow with 13 pigs weeks old york sow with pigs at foot 23 gootl thrifty shoats g figs 4 months old vrelghtng about 1c0 lbs poultry 20 pullet 2 goose osnder implements- masaey harris bin der mower no 21 neurytplow 12 ft iron harrow noion seed drill spring tooth cultivator scuffler turnip pulper wagon 2 in tire with box hay hack top buggy good as new wheelbarrow melotte cream separator go fenco pouts also or usual small farm chattels harness 1 set team harness set single harness grain and feed 100 bushels of mixed grain so bushels w barley 5 6 bushels black barley 30 bushels iean about 3 tons good timothy no rsssrvs as mr young has rented his farm and is qlvlna up farming terms j10 and under cosh over that amount 13 montha credit will bo given on furnishing approved joint notes 4 off for cash hay grain fowl pat cattle and pence posts cash roy hindi ty auctioneer consolidated phono drln it r no 3 acton la b sboroy clerk notice to creditors in 110 iiitnte of duymi ktorcy farmer deceased j tiro i i in rrliy glvm lint tho rrt 1 horn of imvll fltorey into of tho vii lugn i f ai ton 1 nrmer- docrnoed who died on or about tho sixth day of janunry a i 1010 nt the nald vlllngo of ctih mid all olhrr portion n liavlni- lulmu mtiilnnt hln enlato are required on r bnforn tho 12th day of march a i 1010 to mend by jxnt prepaid or otherwlnu dellvor lo llnrolt nash iar mcr of tho said vlllngo of acton itar rlnler at luw tho solicitor for robert ilrownleo an 1 rntiert com tho i xecu toru of tin hint will and- teatnnont of the nald deceased their christian jjid nurnames addronoeii und denrrlptllhs full purtu ularn of tholr rlalmn duly vorinefl und the naturo of tho oocurl- llea if uny hold by tliem and notice lu hereby further given ehnt aft r one jmonlli from tlje nald 12ui duy of march a d 1019 tho nald ijtceutnnj will proceed to dlntrlhlitr thn uanots of tho nald imitate accordlnp to law iyid utnnng tho parties entitled therein and thoy will not bp responsible after tho period rtxed for iiueh fllslrl- butlnn for any claim of which they shall not then inwdt received notion as aforesaid dated tlilfi 12tkdaof fobruury a d 1010 roilctlt iirownlisd rou1 rt ooxij l lxocutorn by harold n farmer their solicitor ferryman jllojlt acton onl 333 ferrt clearinq aucttion sale of regit tared shorthorn cattls grade cattle horses sheep implements hay grain potatoes furniture thomas p chtsliolm auctioneer luis received instructions from n h drown to sell by public auction at his farm lot 3 1st line esquealng 3 miles from milton on tuesday february 25 1b10 commencing at 12 30 sharp tho follow ing horsl3 1 registered clydesdalo stallion royal uurgloss 30433 3 yru sire und dura both imp heavy draft horse 7 yijt agricultural mare 7 yre in foal to hume a ierchoron fcrch eron mare 7 yrs agri marc 11 yru in foal agrt spring colt g p ho rue 3 yrs agrl mare 2 yrs- 1 driver 3 yrs 1 driver 4 yrs registered cattle prlneeni maud 1s313q 4 yrs with calf at side rracmur queen 123121 4 yrs duo tlm i or salo lady butterfly 123133 4 yre duo time of sale braemar beauty bth 133124 3 yrs with calf at foot dal raony quoen 2nd 122s0 2 yrs duo july 3 sadie new combo 77473 12 yrs with calf at foot daisy sly 138033 2 yrs due time of salo mlna rose 8th 120470 3 yrs duo time of sale moun tain hell 1 yr uuttorfly beauty 1 yr hulls llaron of escana 11347 3 yrs sir ldward kemp 11688 so i months braemar chief 8 months grade cattle- durham cow yrs with culf ut side durham co 7 yrs duo time of salo durliora half 18 months durham he if or t yr 2 fat heifers 2 yrs hampshire siicui 1 aged ew 3 owes 3 yrs 3 shearling owes owe lambs poultry i whlto reeso 3 yrs ala and 3 females good coll id pi turnips wanted parries mullin are again purchasing tur- nifo for shipment ot acton rnckwood and other points we uro paying highest prices for choice stock farriesmullin acton ontario i i- lu t vt t pays to shop ai this store you will always find our slock fresh and bought in uie lowcnt morkct fpr opot cosh look carefully over jnat a few of the special ilargnino wc are ofjerinp thla week ill cachet shecunp 2 yards wide for 60c this sheeting is worth 80c to day wc linve it in plain bleached only heavy weight free from dressing special at 60e heavy weight cotton shirtlnff at 50c ittryani wc havo thia heavy shirting in black and white and blue and white stripes only tho wholesale firms arctsk- ing 55c for this shirting today while this lot lasts our price witl be per yard 50c doablefold ginghnms ot 32c per yard this is ono of tho best bargains wo hove ever offered comes in pink bluo and brown check doublefold 30 to 37 inches wide fast colore worth today 50c a special at j32e heavy cotton tweed for 7gc wo bought this tweed sometime ago for boy3 odd pants and there is no belter tweed made for wear and is unterablc heavy weight speciul at 75c all wool factory yam at 2jft per lb thn yarn comes in natural gray shade and is all pure wool 3 ply a splendid yarn for men a socks special at lb 2jk mens socks made of this yarn per pair 90c menti heavy wool socks in plain grays only sires q1 and ii heavy weight regular price 40c special at 50c sp v the delineator the fashion authority of the world- a whole dcedl year for only 05c what you save i 12 single copies at 20c 240 our special offer os subscribe now anil save l45 last opportunity at this priccdo it now i store opens daily at 8 am closes monday tuesday wednesday and thursday at g o m friday at 0 p m saturday at 10 p m mill stbeet we sell for cash we 8ell ton lebo acton established 1b72 bamk of hamilton sell at high prices and buy at low ones that is the key to success sell now at high prices and save the money buy nothing you can do without you will make money for yourself and help your country open a savings account with the bank of hamiltton georgetown branch wn mckay saturday treat lara nw shipment of cocoa duds hotter tlmti 10a n clicaycr maple huilu 1rico 60o ut almond k olch turfy walnut und itctfulur 4yc coconimt dluln crcau for unut wulnut utnl hcirular 0q u ah ilnun of coo clmoolittea for per lt sdo harold wues canada food board liona no 8 13599 mill street acton bliijei uh fluillmlnth- doorhvjc ft cut derlnir mower c ft m 1 1 mower ft lcrlnft iiorao ruko 10 ft up rlnit- tooth cultivator 13 tula m 11 dlac drill itueil harrow 4 nee dlno harrow druff cultivator ncuffler 2 furrow plow riding plow 3 walklns plow 2 not olcltflin truck wuiiona market wayon top bussy curt cut tor cutter polo now hay ruck 10 ft long pjrlndatone 000 fb truck acaloa new baa holder ban truck gnb hoy fork and ropo funuliitf mill root pulper 75 loo hinder twtno now ltuton cream atjpuralor chulnu forkn ohovclo double in en nccliyokea nnd numcrou olhor urtlclea haunichu uot bruao rnountikl team harnut nut plow liarueua not doublo drlvlim hurnemi net light ulnclo itur tinui a uunilr of liurne collara oltain floo bunh ouu iranary inilers 300 buah buqh huauwuctf lsu buau of iit coo 11 n k potatocn 1 buah alnlku need oloatiud iba turnip need aboul 10 on of buy v 1 ullniriutic now oak dluliut ro in ulto 3 cooklne htovca malay churn mtmll t hum a nuinlur of otovo plpot bcdfcjnli mirlngn and muttreanea ex toiidln fublu oilcloth curikitn win dow o i in don and ncixeua lurga farm belt huns in ff bumta lluyu lamp ohalra and other arllclcu too numerous to niontlon tkituh all ouinu of ul ulid mi let c4uh over tint amount u moutlin credit on furnlahlnk uiirovvd joint note ft pur pent dln nuiit for cuoh luiy uraln tatoia und poultry to lt coh n ithliib will bu iiaard uii i havn toll my farm uud intund om ytnt luiciutrutlon pupcru for pure urodalockj iii bo 1 induced ut tltnti uf utile c u and g 1 it tralnu will bo met up till 1 noon lay of aalu 1 mirh will o uirvi 1 to tliono ixnnn dlutuiu u if viultl1 lu utiinny fjlllu will 1 toildutt i uiulir tovir lluri will uliio to hultu rut thorn i t f chliholm auotlomar w ll whuclor clark something new if you have to noil any hono chickens goou ouoka or all kliuln of hldli from hkuukj mlnluf coona weivaola 1 oxlu oi uny junk or irarm produce call by i hono lw alcx oildoord ddk 201 acton opt or lot mo know by mull your ud drum and i will bo promptly ut yjnr placo i will piy thn htffluat cflci irlco ror uverytbliik 1 buy and i nm uuro vou will bo ejtt0cd uood otrorig homo 7 or yuaru oil wanted ut once alex gilboord acton ont west end meat market mcenery evans choice cuts of meat beef pork lamb veal may be bad every day at reasonable prices lard shortening sausage butter and ess always in stock courteous attention prompt delivery satisfied customers mcenery evans main street lloanh no 9 s3 acton ontario toid cougrlf or cohghertf i 30 dttottr jtout couaw tutu var ropnicni- uackem of websters new international dictionaries ore in uac by bual dcu men engine cm banker a jude orcliitecta pliyaidona farmrxa teacher ubrarianb cjcr- ymcti hy waccmful infi ono kunmri the world oomr are yon eanlppcd to win tho new international provide tha meana to aucccsa it an all- knowunt teacher a universal qu uan anawrrer if you seek efflcjedty anj od- vhn cement why not make dally uao of tbia voat i und ot tnform- tion mwvombularttorm ztoopaooa m lltimtratkmm colorl mi- cwrumcmj tlubjccu u904 fuagrapblcaj tta uim tufdu and ladlapaper edlana wrjtiumpea k la invariably tho roault of study and hard work yong a charlas otraata toronto nvltoa ambltlout vounp mn and woman to prcpuro for cholro but neai jioaltlonn lcorn drmand for inn cruduatcn our cutuioguo jlva oomplotu informallnn wlltu to day tor ono lnur unv tlmo w j elliott principal gentlemen ucf1care eight good rca 0qn3 why you ohould onoen your euit here 1t wo maka cloth right 2nd wo mako clothoa to fit 3rd ctothlnu mad hora ba tylo 4th w una tha bt llnlnaa dili our tiargoa ara color 7tli our oultlhob ara tho luit olhwa aavo you w hara ou run no rluk vtiou you or dcr a null v do wlmt wo aay wo aim to pkiue antf wo nuc toid lul ua lo tho tal ordir you milt c ly l r e nelson phon 40 naxt poat offioa qullph cleamlhc lro4lu itottalrlns your qothca thoroughly cleaned in sanitary workshop pressed and repaired by expert workmen wo can mako that old suit look liko now try us guelph lace ontario ford prices tho iollay of tho lord miim comtxmy f f nimitu i jin it ml tu ooll ita cam for tho lowut iioulhli lrlr colioutciit with dopeti liitilo iuallty la too woll known to ro juirc corumrnt 1 lirrcfi n- biiuii of jirfiscnt cundltluiia tl orr un tx no clianeo in tlto iruo of 1 mil t am notice to creditors in uie estate of john mclsanc yeoman deceased notjoo la hereby given that tho creditors of john mrlaanr lato of tho viiioko of acton in tho county of hal ton yea man deceaaed who dlod oi or about tho fifth day of december a d 1018 at tho said village of acton und all other itraow having claims afftxlnot hla eutato are requlml tn or befaro ths dnrt day of llarch ad 1010 to send by poat prepaid or other vriao deliver to harold naah former of tho vlllase of acton in tho uld county of hal ton harris teratlaar tho solicitor for wlilhun thompson of th towrnahlp of liqucalnir in tho county of halton farmer the axecu tor of tho eatato of tho aald deceased their christian and sumames addrcas- ca and descriptions full parti c ularn of tholr claims duly verified by statutory declaration and tho nature of the so- curltleo f any held by-hem- and notice is hereby further riven that after ono month from the sal 1 first day of march a i 1919 tlio sajd executor will proceed to distribute tho asseta of tho sold estate uccordtnc u law amomr tho par- ilea entitled thereto and that thcsald executor will not bo responsible after tho period fixed for such dlstrl butlon far any claim oi which ho nhall not then have received notlco as aforesaid da tod thla 30 th day of january a-d- 1019 wilxlau thompson ixocutor by lunou n aitmnrt hu bollcltor mill atroot acton ont 313 new advert iscments the methodist church flcv i m moyer pablor paraonana willow ol 11 u in tlm mtnlntrr 1 ivo mil nrtnon for tho rlilmrrn 2 30 p ni- hunday itchool 7 m the mlnlutrr ai i wjrxomi i okii wanted i ivo ilrnu und clih hi nn ii n and ovrr 2tc per it lit nn 1- 1 aitn it ivjithlroii lit flu near inhibition tlroiindn ll h out 33 if hay for oalc at the da11n ton or twelve tnnn of rf timothy nnd ciuvor hay for tuvtt at thn ban tonnii juli for oale atiout 200 hiitihcln ticti ouui that yloldtxl 71 imnjn in to tlm ucro 11 lioa 1otor hamilton fxcl drill in firstclans nluij apply to aiohol munn 1ul no 2 acton it 2 hu lino i rln onick otonn for dale or to rent tho brick ntnro and rraldenco on main htrot oppo iio tho ilyder mfwat olovo co la for oalo o to ronc itot- particulars apply to aioiinic aonuw 21 tf mill htrrct acton qtock for bale i havo for aalo a numlicr or nrst- cioas 1 won und i wo ijitnlw tycali cows hprlnkini rtc lrlcca reason oblr terms cucn old hone mnnted ulakl vannatter llalllnafad ont lot 3 con 7 klin 23 tf h a wilson stock bayer lion gono into tha business of buylne cattle sheep and lambs for which ho la prepared to pay tho highest cash price any haylnic ntock fqr salo will bo promptly visited if thoy will leuvo in formation at tho j tank of nova hcotla acton teamffthl wanted wiui fann experience will find desirable working and living con ditions in rockwood married man with girla over 14 years of age preferred state age experience present wages and when at liberty harris co ltd rockwood wanted yonng women to learn weaving- paid while learning and work can be easily and quickly learned ex cellent working conditions in large airy rooms our week consists of gve days to work one to play and one day to rtst personal applications preferred harris co ltd rockwood notice to creditors in the estate of michael kaley soldier deceased notlco la hereby slven that tho rredltora of michael kaley lato of tho vlhuio of acton in tho county hal ton soldier deceased who was killed in action oa or about tho cloven th day of october a d 1918 and all other persons having claims axalnvt his eatato are raqulrcd on or befaro tho first day of march a d 1b19 to send by poat prepaid or othcrwtoo de liver to harold nash farmer of tlio villas of acton in the said county of halton llarrlater at law tho soli citor for masclo kaloy spinster of tho vlllajro of acton in tlto county of halton the administratrix of tho cntato of uie sold deceased their christian and surnames addresses and descriptions full particulars of tholr claims duly verified by statutory declaration and tho naturo of tha so curltles if axty lirld by tit cm and nolco is hereby further clven that atfer one month from the said first day of march a- d 1919 tho uald admin is tratrtxwlll proceed to distribute tho assets cf the sold estate according to law anions tho par ties entitled thcro to and that tho said administratrix will not bo respoiistblo aftor tho period rtxed for such distri bution for any claim of which alio shall not til en have rocolvod nollio as aforesaid llutid this 30th day of january a 1 1q19 uaqail kalby admin istruix uy j hauold n failmuli her tiollcltor i mill biroct acton ont 31 3 roy hkdjeyf auctioneer conaolldaud phona erin 4t 1 1 r r 3 acton wonderland friday february 14 babs burglar ily mary tlobertu iunchurt with moreuciito clark tho loni montlily and ijeara and laid men two part ijik v comoiiy saturday february 15 tljo clever mm carfax with julian kltlniro o 7 of ilrit aln s bulwarks tfnd a bennett oomody tuesday february 18 tho spirit of 17 with jaik ilckford ana contimu d photo ploy the woman in tho web comino intolcrunou r l gregory runabout 9 coo tourlna coo coup u7u qdan 107s standard chaaal ua ont ton truck cliaaa 70 rhrsu pi ires uro 1 o i ontario all prlea uubjo tlx hurkcs oxc t irutk i ford motor company of canada ltd ford ontario dr h a coxe notice to creditors in the litate of alexander sprowl former deceased noulh la hereby given thl lh ttcdltoru of alexander hurowl lata ji thu tow null li of kauucajn hi th- i ounty of haltoii farnier docouse 1 who lift d on or amut tho twenty nrili day of november a l 1018 at tlio said towuahtp of lixjucnttin an all other traaus huvhir lalnia ukuit m his eotutu ore requlml on or hefoii tho ilrut day of march a 1 1919 ti rwint by k it linjmild or othcrwluo dc llvr tu llwrold nush funbcr of 111 viii i of acton h tho ojld count f halt in ilattlater ut uw tha mil tor for itache ijpruwl widow of tho township of icaiiucalns juul wuilui hubert keiinoy gjiuo in c reliant uf tho vuliveu of ac ton in the county of htil ton tho uxocutors uf tho estate of tin auld deceased tlulr christian and our lumca addresses utid ilraxrlptlona full lartitulars of their clulms duly vcri fli i by statutory dot laru tlon und tho uuturo of tlio oolurltlvs if any hold by them and notlco ii iiorwv further uui that ufter una mouth from tlio mil ilrut day of murtii a 1 1119 i he ud riicutura will inxotd lo distribute tha ussets of tho sal 1 oslsto uc ortlluu to luw ainonn the imr tiro entitle tlioreto and that tho sjo1 n ulors twill not to ruapuiialtilo utttr tho period hzod or suth dlstrl lotlou for any claim of which ttiiy olull lu t tticii huvo elvid nullu us dutud tblu 3uth day uf juuuury a 1 191j hac1iii uihowu w1ijjam l- 1clnni v 1ickiittun -by- haltoi 1 n 1 alcmylt rinu oluuor mill mtiut acton out jl 3 notice especially to farmers commihhion oi 1 ic1- and okocl ltl 1 a fob sale tiniondtd drown grldlni ci i 3 cliolm youut hborthi i nn puro hnii oxfonl btiti y ilottii iiuill shouts and atoro wanted 3 lxtra 1uh1 iurl uiii lnil cauu durham hull niminuu u cholro lrnft team chester plank main street acton ont noit kciuiey llroj hhou bt ir second hand wc huvo nuw on liuud iieatots ltanes sukb0a1us uiu2sliis ta114 chaiits and oltief inonil hand ur tlcllo we huv uvu lowi- coou cash llllt l l starkman miij stiuxt acton

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