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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 13, 1919, p. 4

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tjiuiuiday i rimiaiiy 13 loin my valcntinc tj o kono in red tho violet s blue honey n aw jt and no ore you dear i tttlo girl if you will bxcum bad bpollink and writing i want to nay that you are iu iou hon t know who thla is from but i ii bet my homes you will and out i lovo you nnd you don t know ltt i imvn always loved you i ww talk i riff to aunt lucy yesterday and i lotd her that i loved you havo you ovr m en llo it j bert she inquired why t ij3 you aunt lucy i is tho girl dot nn t know mol oh nlio ii nnd out who you nro nil rinht a rihl now dear do you think you will know who ncht you this with ds wai lovot tho icban schools boll of honob first examinations for 1910 in high and public schools tho followlnir lints ohow tho resulta of tl o examinations in acton bchoola durlnx january hiqh ochool department middle bcnooii claosl john woldlo jessie mowat duff wilson class ii lujna campbell clara lojiu elalo stewart annie snyder class in violet smith bessie wood hall stella mclozo noll olbbens ttay affnow oeorro and croon willie hobb lloyd kenney harold kennedy lower school form ii class misabal elliott max bell wllllo stewart james tolmn edna johnstone ixazel mcdonald form i clan i ethel btarkman vtnds hearst isabel mcnlven charlie ktnn geo taylor willie koler marearet mcnabb harold wanahrouxh jessie uann willie robertson sabra nelson jack robertson jessie russell violet davis martha orr alary clarridjo ida reswlclc class n alice james pearl wallace helen anderson dale lappln charlie anderson may wlldzust class m mary qlbbena isabella watklna charlie byxnon j c lindsay w h stewart prtnclpal p z baker assistant public school department senior fourth jessie anderson 193 oeorjro bishop 190 jean moixat 190 total 1w junior fourth lloyd forbes 164 earl cooper ico nellie hall ico total iso m z bennett teach senior third ivy predoua 4b4u miriam clifford 4s beatrice blair 442 junior third helen mcdonald 137 wesley kelly 337 marffucrtte costello 121 jim ewlna 9s j mcleod teacher senior seoond helen core 125 joe iiursl x17 clara savnjre 218 gertrude scrtven 218 total 2 go jean mcdonald 165 viols waller 154 russell weadfo 19 total 200 m tteury teacher junior seoond frank kelly 1zs john gibbons 133 cnarlle xaaiialjorounrit total 180 senior first lottie holmes 77 edna green 71 wllllo elliott 6l twajjfi l anderson teacher ruor first vatrick 205 gladys scar- row 183 gordon smith ibs total 225 junior first ethel james 201 ollre precloa 201 beatrice mellon 197 total 225 d folster teacher senior primary class a dorothy ewlnjr rose waterhouse marjory mun class b doris mad dock burt smet- hnrst and newton hurst george stewart class c gordon currte willie waterbouse nellie barber olla b armstrong teacher junior primary class c dorothy smethurst jessie mann joe woods class b kathleen kelly betty gib son hoxsl coxe class a bab anderson docair mann fred green l m royce toocher to all womef who are ill n this woman recommend lyttta e- pinlcfaaznv vcg- tablo compound her personal experience malfan neb i want to recom mend ljjla plnkhama vccotablo compoqnd to all women who sufer from any functional disturbance as it baa dono mo more pood than oil tho uoctcta mrtiidoo slnco takin- it i havo a flno healthy baby rlrl and hnro gained in health and strength my hus band and i both pralso yoor med- leuto to all snfterlnk womenmrb johm korteutakm k no 1 mclean nebraska this famous root and herb remedy lydia pxokhama vegetable com pound has been restorinff women of america to health for mora than forty years and it will well pay any woman who suffers from displacements in flammation ulceration irregularities backache headaches nervousness or the blues to glye this successful remedy a trial for special snxrgaatlons in regard to gar ailment write lydla e pmkbam edldne co lynn mass the result of its long expeaionos la at your errico all kinds of poultry wanted alive or dhl8sed geese turkeys fowl and chickens newlaid eqgs hides and tallow formers havlns poultry to sell wo adtlne lhcxn to call on uu far quotauons r milligan comer youna and mill sta acton or to p o box 341 guelph business college wo are very busy teachers ofllce force students maklnjf this tho createat year in tho history ol our colleco wo wont you to become- iden tified with us what do you say read think act and came alone february 3 gublph business college guelph ont a l bouck principal tinitigh ladon qpcako i liiln mill kt ii i rrrji i n ilrltlf i i iim r nftvr ltt th wnr i 1c rtly 1 y m i nrrn lniy t tl d until rnmnti 1 1m elf ly if itullhoy ilervhiit at u i nirhooii hlvtn i y tho aldwyrli club he ruil 1 tho ntonunt tl re nro iifire no rullatlonn war work will roniic nnn when tlic men who t ir threo ycarr havo rlakril death rnme bark limy will oak if they havo lo ntnnd in h louro waiting or j t in ttllu what tro h vn lcr nuhtlhtc fort itocauso if it li we will havo another ncrap to niter it the probli m mlsht 1 milved if ovcry controlled entahllnlunent ahould be in a jkialuon immellatnly tho order to ceana making nhcila in nlven to turn it attention to tho manufacture t useful thlnjrrt then what lo to bo our army of tho futitri if nn effort bi made to rlvn ui rauncrli lion i for nnn and 1 think thn ercjit maimnli of tho work injr netaple will feel hat our tiacrl- flcra have boen 111 vain for in thrilr endeavor lo destroy oentmn ml 11 tor lam thay will have uerpctua cd mill tarhtra in thin rountry these pills cur rheumatism tr the many who buffer from rheumntlom a trlnl of pannelcea vecetablo jjlllu lir recommended they ticve pro nouncod action upon tho livrr and kldnoyn and by reculatlnc t o action of thene orcans act as an a ternatlva in prjrjntliiff ht ndmixlur of urlo acid and ulood ttat uauaea tl a painful disorder they must bo lake i accord inb to dlroetlonn and uned ateadlly and they will fcpeedlly nlvo evidence of their beneficial effects a life saver hplcudidclrl ldjthf i saved hor lifo once indent how she uald ho would noorttst dii tlmn become my wife- and i dldnt insist quit laxatives pu t m bb tmlgh tobomnl fesl rlgh it is a mistake to continually dose yourself with aocalled laxative puis calcmu oil purres and cathartics and force bowel action it weakens the bowels and liver and makes con stant doslnjr neces why loa you begin rlaht today to overcome your constipation and ret your system in ouch shape that daily purlins win be unaaceesaryt you can do so if you mt a zsc box of natures remedy njt tablets ana take one each fateht lor a week or so nh tablets do much more than merely cause pleasant easy bowel ac tion this medicine acts upon the cbresttvo as well as ellmlnatlve orcans promotes rood dlccstlon pauses the body to eet the nourishment from all the food yon eat elves you a pood hearty appetite strengthens the liver overcame biliousness resulates kidney and bowel action and sives the whole body a thorough clcantns otic this accompushed yon will not have to take mjealclne every day an occasional nit tabletwill keep your body in condi tion and you can always foal your best try nature a remedy nit tablets and prove this it la the best bowel medicine that you can use and costs per boi containing enough to viilutcmntalij better than pills i get a for liver ills i 25c bw lntsrjaiy and externally it is good ts crow nlns property of thomas ecloctrio oil is that it cart be used internally for many complaints as well as externally for sore throat croup whooplnjr cough pains in the cheat coilo and many other kindred ailments it bos curative qualities that are unsurpassed a bottle of it coats lltoo and there is no loss in always having- it on hand oood and sufficient cause how did you come to hicak off your engagement with miss snowball- asked uncle moses of darkey in the fust place uncle hoses she wosn t berry youn and aha dldnt hob no money and jawed like de debbol and secondly she would not hab roe and went and married another nlggah so i tuk de advice of my frens and jess drppsa bi boston transcript worms sip tho strength and under mine the ttalltj of children streng then them by islng- u other graves worm exterminator to drive out tho parasites let us learn a lesson here la the kind of atuff the youth of germany were fed on before the war it is taken from an article pro pored for schoolboys war is tho subllmcet and most sacred expression uf human uctlun it affords opportun ity of sacrificing the hlgheat poasea along for one a brethren according la ooda curamands and bestows eternal ii fo oil the brvo deep and still in the gorman heart there must live joy in war and a longing- for war because u havo enemies enough and victory witfrnew only to a nation that with music tjlfrf song goes to war as to a festival labyterlan ro ia nothuis ivptttaue in millers worm powders and they ore as pleasant to take as sugar so that few children will refuse them in some cases uiey cause vomiting through their action in an unsound stomach but this is only a mant fee tat ion of their aleanalns power no indication that they are hurtful tbey can be thoroughly depended upon to clear all worms from the system not without pheceoent an illiterate preacher who profes d to despise education remarked during- e comrersatlon with an educat ed clergyman i am thankful that the lord opened my mouth to prearhwthout learn- in- a similar event occurred lit ba loam a tjlme wal the quiet retort- hard at a soft corns both yield to holloways corn cure which la an lire safe to us and certain and satisfactory in its action robustness nature has not been prodjgol with everybody in the matter of robustness many all through life must stand guard and combat colds coughs more ailments bronchitis or pcrhap serious- pulmonary ail for nearly five decades scotts mulsi0n has been helping to turn weakness into strength fof those who arc delicate with tender lungs weak throats and a pronencss to debility nnd anemia the definite nourish- ircjl ingand tonic qualities of mfjtf scotts are of special value kvj flrxttt dcrwne tbroolc oat uvd tk aithms victim tho man nubject to antlima in indeed a virtlm what can bo more trrrlfylnr than to nuddcply be nelxod with paroxysms of choldne which iiccma to fairly threaten tho oxlntenre of itfo 1 lou if ltom ouch a condition dr j d kouoerra asthma remedy has hroustit many to com plololy rcatored health and happiness it is known and i rlied in every accuoi of tills broad land i may bo better thnn bsetnn raiidmother wmde delieious tilings to eat cnappy brown cookies coffee cake with fruit aiicj spices puffin with a generous liand pumpkin pie with the genuine oldtime flavor and many more all these good things grand mother made with brown sugar her granddaughters can make them just as successfully today if they use lantic oldthfhioned brown sugar pure brown ougar gives to baking and dnssertn tho characteristic molasics taste which a n great improvement to many dishes brown cugir aa well aa white ahould bo kept ia the pantry of every household which appreciates old time goodies brown sugar is economical it oostn a little less per pound tlmn other pure sugars and ft flavors aa well as ow ce grocers sell as much as you wish atlantic sugar refineries limited xor fear crandroother recipes nuaht be- forcottcn wo 1 3vc reprinted a number of thebsf of them in tho booklet illustrated at tho top wewul rend it to you upon receipt of 2c gtamp montreal men world news eveiits read the figures notice how the cost and the cash volue of the stomp ad vances each month until on the 1st day ol january 1924 the dominion of canada is pledged to pay 500 for each wss 3ize0f- j ws ul hirsts pahibgermwator new machine shop fred blow machinist is moving to the newly arranged premises thcjrois bowl ing alley on mam street where he will bo prepared to handle all repairs f machinery promptly and sitisractonly biotoii heialits a specialty havinj experience with ol mnkti or motors rtpain will bo evidently executed vulcanizing tires having instalkd a vulcaiuiini oulllt satisfactory npairs will be mado o outer casca aj will as inner tubes tliij denir ment is managed by mr d ros3 bulnt all yxjui rliaiks i1frh slsin street acton fked bixw v v i f l t sun the toronto dallytar rushed seven members of the staff to new c sl when ulser threatened rebellion three star men travelled 4000 miles to to et thesto halifax explosion occurred a small army of ptwtwyaphers and writers went the star policy is to cover big events in a uvas to cover the war meant not only to tell what was happening every hour dut to explain the slgm- ticance of each event the occasion demanded skilled men correspondents who could get news and interpret it and others war experts who could piece together the happenings on the battlefields and in the capitals and weigh them all for the benefit of the reader the toronto daily star has the latest news service in ontario of such experts hibaire behoc was the most noted in great britain and frank h simonds in america bo because the toronto daily star covers big events in a big way it retained these two foremost reviewers to interpret the strategy and politics of war r- tn conference despatches are exceptionally complete the service of the canadian press and the canadian associated press alone considered sufficient by many canadian news papers are supplemented in the star by cables from the followingand other exclusive correspon- e percy noel webb miller paul scott mowrer edgar ansel mowrer windermere john de gandt v- henry t wood william h brayden lacey amy in the capitals of europe lowell mellett paul ayrea rockwell junius b wood a r decker in london edward price bell t murphy w j l kiehl ernest w clement rosamond boultbee william philip simms frank j taylor freds ferguson f a mckcnzie edward l keen eunice tietjens rene fcibelman william r giles thomas geggie and the full service of the united press and of the chicago news the toronto daily star readers are assured not only first news of whit is happening in the world but clear and authoritative explana tions as to what the happenings mean you c mnot reid the toronto daily star for a short while without fueling that it is the paper you need the truth of this shown by the many people who sending in a trial subscription for three montlis renew their subscription for a year before even the three months period expires a send in your subscription now we will ma ll the toronto daily star to you each day at the fol lowing rates for 1 monutt2sc for 3 months 75c for 6 months si 50 for 12 months 300 cut off this coupon and mail it today to publishers toronto dauy star toronto dear sirs please enter me as a subscriber to the toronto dally star for please find enclosed stamps or money order for t months or wtfjch name and address in full vlmmmo writ imly uj m wktk hr mm hlwfa r uv the toronto daily star railway time tables at acton grand trunk hallway oyium golno waat no 30 ii 13 m no 31 10 10 am no 33 upm no 1s3 g 3 p ra going cast no 33 3 18 d m no 33 ail pm flundar traliln rmnj throiirti art on lolns west at 10 10 ttni aud eant at 700 pm toronto guburban clactrlo railway golno wat 9 17 a m dally except f sunday 332 pm unify except sunday 8 00 pm tally except flunday 11 02 a m lunday only 432 pm ilunday only going east 7 48 a m dally except ilunday 203 pm daily except ilunday 81b pm dally except lunday sb am hundny only fi48 p m 1 bunday onl frcight and exprcqb frproaa carried outffiy earn iwljrht delivered lallyc5 eawlal ciprraia rrelctrt rxprrfls or i rtlrht j irkrd up at aqy addresa in tonuita q it arwi w accnt acton acton flour and feed store we havo a now on hand upply of tho followlns ths wall known brand of king choice norval and national flour nothlha battsr dfjan oat chop shorts cracked corn rolled oats corn ucal 6ajt in coib 100 lt and 2001b daca and barrola special unb rn cluckej feed qivd oim cald am at a tiiial domestic rolled oaxb tub best canada food board iiccaso no 80 robert noble limited henry awrey manager when you need at any time buyfeom w williams mul street acton famous iok satisfactory footwear reasonable pkiclb uptodate goods at c c speights sitvcrwaro in tablcwaro i in variety also fine cutlery hardware tinware and ramu ururtj big assortmcnl paudora stoves and kunc famous healers small stoves oil stoves every article ig of txcep tional valuli cc mill street actuu 5he acton bakery m edwards co canada 1xh1 ikmru uuct w n i t ul mill 8tiilct actoh to facilitate the hundlmi f the produtts tr our lluktiy und to make it moic lunvtiu cut for our cuatoincr wc liavc ccurcd tlio thop wcxx to wiles contictioiicrj where supplies of our bread browii bread tea biscuits cakes buiis s scones ma always bo sccuicd wcddlttfir cakca a specialty m edwards co acton ontauio

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