Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 27, 1919, p. 4

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f 3xtt raaa uailv 37 1010 tlninidn trnnnlont ndvcrtlncmuntii 10 jturement for flrat inocruou ami c i nubscnuant lnnrrtlon contract ktu for 100 inchon or tnore ir milium zch insertion adverunenirnui without will bo inserted ullpoiuwlj imu iiilh3 kllcijionlh lfdltorldf vt hunlm ituuldonco ii i mooitn editor ii iumuititr k- editorial notes 1 indications arc that canada will receive large and profitable ordcra for canadian products from allied naitona in europe last week negotiations wcro put throuchir 25000000 worth or important necc- bc shipped to franco and a similar amount belgium 13 also making overtures for from canada business for cariada prophesied in many gartcra as the result suc to materialize at the cc3- pn of the manufacture otwar supplies has not i been seriously felt la fact details of canadian r returns for january show surprisingly good results in view of the cessation of munition manu facturing and of the allied buying of foodstuffs exports imports and the balance of trade in favor of canada were all at the highest levels ever reported in a january statement- with total exports nine mil lions in excess of the total for december and the kbjtfanco of eight and a half millions an emphatic sign of the times which indicates the imposition on the part of many employees of skilled workmen in canada to measurably vecn capital and labor is the rapid and profitsharing idea i a sano reasonable ction every reason- fortunate i employer or in lbeen adopted quota f produces share of irf the present taken by the i land for soldier ho soldier settle- i certain districts pi cm en ts for sale returned soldiers lower canada were who had given fphcy were generously that day and became liable and influential ent government will act returned soldiera who desire t generously in the matter of both the governments issao of war saving stampc and thrift stnnjp3 should bo lnrgcly purchilscuvby the people of canada they arc on snlo at every post office bank railway station and the financcfec partment hopes to rcnlizc at least 50000000 f am that tourco during the present year war saving stumps which c03t 4 00 now are redeemable by the government on january 1st 1024 for 500 this form of laving has proven very popular in the united states our people arc suroly ju3t as thrifty and tho opportunity offered should appeal boh on the ground of patriotism and of profitable thrift tho united grain t growers of miinitoba mi rely tako a magnanimous view of conditions when they oxprcs3 thi3 opinion we do not behove in a fixed price for wheat set nt an artificialvaluc which would nt the expense of- the consumer give protective profits to the producer the grain growers board believes tho dominion government 3houd sell tho exportable surplus of wheat and flour at a fair price based on world values to the british and allied governments sucha price agreed upon between the farmer and by tho allied governments could be made a fixed price until august 31 1920 they declare this 13 certainly a fair and cquitablo position to take the speech from the throne at the opening of the dominion parliament last thursday presaged n further step inlie admission of women to all tho- renues ofpublic life heretofore enjoyed by men only jn the last session an act w03 passed to confer tho electoral franchise upon women tho speech announced that a bill relating to the franchise would be introduced and among tho amendments it includes is one to make womcnfeligiblo to seats in the house there is no doubt whatever that in many matters coming before parliament for legislative enactment the opinions and experiences of women would be of immense ndvantago to tho general good parliament opened last thursday in tho ahadow of a great public loss the late sir wilfrid launer for fortyfive years identified with the parliament of canada lay ini his casket awaiting burial the opening of the session wa3 therefore fittingly shorn of all ceremony brief tributes to the memory of the departed statesman were made by the acting leaders in very feeling terms the speech from the throne was also brief but it outlined important legislation this session is notable as the first peace session for five years it wa3 consequently very apropos that special reference should bo made to the notable victories of the war in which the soldiers of canada bore a most valorous and heroic part and whose achievements throughout the entire war won imperishable renown for thi3 country all other things being equal the returned soldier should have first consideration with all employers of labor in canada this is not a question of loyalty alone though that is a prime consideration the men who have been in military service overseas have l unde conditions which- required much of courage initiative unselfishness and definitcness of purpose these very elements will make him c superior workman and of unusual value to his cm ployer the industrial activities of canada will be generally benefitted by employing our returned men who have served under military discipline and have experienced tho strenuous life of active service in addition thereto his wide travel in groat britain and europe have widened his outlook l here there is abundant evidence that the jstrata of modern social organization has been disturbed by the unusual shock of four and a half years of war the impelling motive of so much jdtfn3acriilceinihe recent protracted struggle was demqcnitic freedom acquired by great sacrifices through the yearaof the pa3t on tho part of one generation after another following tho outbreak of tho war the- loyal submission of the people to the kttgent regulations deemed necessary to carry on the war for the defenco of our jihirties is now fol lowed by a measure of social unrest and peremptory demands for shorter hours higher wages and further limitation of the control of industries by those who invest their capital and devote skill and labor in their successful operation pending the settlement of this unrest and the outcome of the peace conference trade and commerce and manufacturing industry will feci inclined of necessity to move cautiously this may mean a temporary period of sluggish business and tighter money actons heart is always found to be in tho right place when any matters concerning tho brave boys who went overseas in defence of homo and native land and tho principles of truth and tho protection of the weak are concerned the first public gathering to consider tho providing of some suitable mcmonul to mak the esteem and appreciation of tho people for these brave soldier heroes and especially for thoc who made the supreme sacrifice was a mass meeting of citizens in tho town hall on thursday evening tho opinion there expressed was unanimously m favor of a memorial and a memorial of a chnructcr possible worthy of tho sacrifice of the brave men who fought our battles during the war no effort was made to decido upon any definite form for uuch a memorial there seemed however u lj general feeling that it should bo of some prncticul and permanent character a cottage hospital a public library a memorial park with special con sideration for the children and a monument located at some prominent point in town wcro suggested a strong committee of citizens representative of vnnbua interests has been appointed and thcro u no daubt their investigation wisdom and enterprise will jesuit in a memorial depicting actonh lovo esteem and loyalty to our brave soldier lads which wfl bo generally satisfactory and worthy of the pbject aimed to be fulfilled and every citizen will ovot the privijogo of having share in providing the odi noccuary- f or auch a memorial tho passion for improved highways is bxoming very general a couplo of weeks ago a notable convention was held at stratford at which delegates from a score of towns and citic3 and nearly as many counties unanimously decided to give their heartiest support to a provincial highway from toronto to stratford through such leading towns as brampton georgetown acton guelph kitchener stratford and parkhill last week a proposal was made at our own county council to designato as a provincrl highway the seventh lino through trafalgar esqes- ing erin and to garafraxa there joining the fergus and orangcville line thi3 route would utilize the torontohamilton highway from oakvtllc a strong recommendation for this road is tho fact that road material such as stone gravel and sand aro avail able contiguous to the road allowance for nearly all the territory where the road would be constructed the canadian prohibition situation is interesting eight provinces have enacted prohibitory laws to the full extent of their constitutional powers and these luws are now tn operation tho province of quebec has 00 municipalities under license and 1007 under local option tho quebec legislature has passed a prohibitory law which will come into force on may 1st 1010 in every province in canada excepting british columbia and ontario tho legislation will be permanent that is tho prohibitory laws in these provinces cannot bo called war measures in on tario the ontario temperance act contains a pro vision by which a vote upon the question of sus tuining or repealing the measure will be taken tin date fixed in tho bill for this voto is juno 2nd 1010 it ii definitely understood howover that a poat ponement of tlie voto will bo mado until some time after tho soldiers return from overseas probably toward tho close of 1010 or early in 1020 in british columbia a voto will likely botakeabuut tho uimc time -r- w1nc and ito work to tlm imttor tim iillcm mlriillllc inn of lu tiro pmitwnlly u unit in thwr itou- niriitn ii t whiciilrlnldtu in nil ii wliunmmni lxirli ut luropo linn ht rnmo it limn uhil nlmuld ixi fltjjril thin in unrclully true or iraim wto phynlrlunfi llfolonir rcnlilinl jt that lountry drclaro vrltlr practical fjuuiimlty mint much tlin frreatrr part fat nlilcn ran rmiulrliu their ottnnlloi in lhr rcniilt of tho uuo of alcohol chllilrun t adiixjl have- thoir tilu monday becnuno of drink tho aiitiatcxiiol movrmrrit in iuro ntatcu that n leaclior onkcit on a certain monday what did you do ycuurday child nnd received tl rriily 1 wa drunk with my mother nnd rrn n dm it her ilriirtt th war p- german nclcntlot rioonloj hin lorrlliln furl that en- cun y ilck up i german nown jmiicrwllhiut rcartlnir of i auiiniiiu1 or bra ton to den drtmttcn jicrnpn and unotli tint drclirnl tilwiut tliu mimti llmo tin cjrnal nttucltu on children which imvo frightfully itirrcibcd nro conerulty committed in on nlrnhollo utatr and ovan if tho criminal in not actually drunk alcohol hum prepared tho round for tho dec why do men drink wlnftt hlmply hccaimo of tho alcohol thai in in 1l docu any uano poruon actually bo- llovii mi noma luuurt that wlnc-drlnk- lnir cun promote aortal order when ili tftocta in winodrinklnc countrieo nn of tho caahtctcr dewrlbod vunco thompson not nn cttrenunl sayn ict thcro bo no doubt about it thr wlno way to di iiriknnnroo is llko- any other you nay it la cleaner w inir pnupwcta and brighter nkli nlnotontlia of that la cant and tho cheap upalarlus of a oocoiulrate hrandyioo icicd porta it la rlrjii wuy if you liuva followed uio trail of tho wt no drunkard uoino-fax- ttf j ii uaxlawood dopartrnont of social hervlcr tale of a piq a cil iird packer wan dorldlna uo lack of inconulty in jlngland an com pajtkl with tho inventive aptiludo of hui owii countrymen why he oald they toll mo a mm down in new orlpans hat invented a imuujjro mclilno its a bis rt of tool driven by oteam all you have to do la to drlvo s plff up on a plank tltroush a halo in tho machine i nva minutco later out come tbouaandn of nouweco wlmt tweomes of tho hldor queried tho dolllary cticllahnian in uio audi the htda air retorted tho chlcaco man oh that falln out of another alot in tli a machine and out comes gladotono bacn purnen or if you like tthoea or nad dies merely a matter ot tumlnc a ncrow oh la that allt wold tho enstlnh- man wevo uacd that machine it kiikland for tho last 30 ytiro wliati more wovo improved on it some ttmcu wo found tho oauausea wxwo not up to tho ntandard well what linp doim1 all wo had to do wan to put thom hack in the machine rovorno the oo on cried uio american what imppcnodt i out vralka uio pic aa ht au a fld dlo just paragraphs lactu uro not ntuhhom things it tbo mini who wont recounlxo thom that is stubborn it uint wliat others think about you mo worry wrwmrai wr hat you know about youraclf youvo jot to leaven your work wltli aomo planning and thought fire i can cooker doesnt do tho bualncsa until heat lit applied wealth does not coma by tho moat dlllttent savins but by tho most dill edit producing men- and natlomi who pinch the ponnioa liar deal ore ncv the rlchcjit- when n man la satlaflcd with coi dltiona aa ho tin da them lia might well call in uio undertaker for uio hbu up with him real estate actotl i il if you havo a houao for aajo want to buy a houao in r j kerr auctioneer nd rani ett dealer plioku 30 younq street acton or4t gruiluully tbo long hours for storekeep era and their employees arc being reduced in acton now the general stores uro open only two evenings a week iiftcr aix 6 clock tho four months during the iiunmier in which the weekly halfholiday has become an institution helps materially to compensate tor the uuconscionubty long hours necessitated mostly by thoughtless shoppers on friday and especially sat urday evenings saturday night shopping ts a habit which might readily be overcome tho current iiiue of he shoe and leather journal publishes a series of letters from the managers of leading shoes stores in toronto giving reasons why wc cloc our store at aix oclock saturday nights each writer express es satisfaction with tho change and feels that it is a step in the right direction one writer says if the dominion government wcro to pass a lawcompclljng every storo in canada to clobc not latex than oclock within a month wlicn they had become used to the thangc merchants would wonder why tlicv had over worked in tho evcning at all a notice to creditors of jamea price deceased tho creditors of junta prtco late of uio vlllaco of acton rotlrod farmer dccooiicd who died on uio z9th day of january iota ore required on or be fore tho otli day of march 1010 to send to uio uudamlgriad solicitor for the oiuculoni of tho will of the said dcceaaid their thrlutlan and surnames addrcuuos and dcacrlptlann and tho full particulars of their ctalnui- and after the said 50th day of march 1010 tho said oxccuttru will proceed to dlatrlhuto tlm uaoou of uio said de ceased unions the partlro entitled by and they will not bo responsible fur any clulinu of which uiey shall not ive received notlco at tho tlmo fixed r uuch dliitrlbutlui dated ut acton thin 20th day of dbruaiy a d 1010 aluoaii a imhck ciiaituua c iiiniiuitaon ux ecu to i by iiaitoli n kaumuu their iiolltltt parry man 11 lock acton h hc practiocd what hh pncachho t uvmli them pnpa ho iri tmifon o imliio in ii iitroetcnrwrjro dln- ni tn ir tlcrrcymmi and iiiiq of remarked iiovornly mr m not prartlao what ho proaches a cavllrr recolved a ohork when nil boy vrho had apparently been tied in luuklnir out tho window d unluald indlcnantly ell ho dura too for hoa my awn nnd i hear him prnrtlnlnc what arhifi every lundav in hta otujy ho toe to cliurdi a plowinq ougqcotion a plowlnu nuifiieatlon cornea from farmrr vl o linn contrived to plow i hln automoblje with roauita nurpnaalnft thoun prlmcd by horse power with tho oil ilow annexed to tho motor car thin farmi r can turn ever in a day nearly tlu in acrcn of ground analtuit one ttcro with a liam with a dnuhlo runff plow it would lie puaalbla to do four or ovo acren tho only clmnac mado in tho car from un usual con dition for tho road wan to attach u devlco to tho rear whcflla for uio purpoao of incrconlnu uio tracuon on tho soft iirnmd ti- plow wan hitch ed to the rear oprlncn of tho motor car by cliain tho farmer held uio plow and tho driver culdod uio car hlx mlhii on hour wjo found to be about ijllt apooll haws waterworks but no oewsrsqs wo understand some of our ctusena nro tulklnn aewcraire for tho town they may aa well drop that for tho present as tho town in in no ahapo to urdortako a work of tliat magnitude lurolvlntr aa it would nn expenditure ol not icau than u hundred thousand dtvllara more or less milton ileforraer automstlo parcel locksrs st o t- ft tho grand trunk has installed in the waltlns room of acton station a system of automatic parcel cjiscklns f too convenience of tho travelling public this innovation conalata of a scries of stool lock era each lor no enough to hold two thirty inch suit canca u number of parcels or n club ba instructions au to operation nro printed plainly on the door of every locker tho patron selects a luckgr where uio ky is in uio lock open tho door and deposits his baa or other property tho patron then places ton cents in tho slot of the lock turnlnc tho key to tho right which locks tho tloor and then removes tho key and retaina it as a check these automatic lockers are belnc used extensively on tho cjrajid trunk system they have proved safe and sanltaryj permitting tho patron to ob tain service with uio least posslbli delay the ton cants cl large pays uis rental for 2 hours hslton childrens aid society the annual meeting of uio chlldrt aid society of tho county was held at tho hheriito omco to hear tho reports of odlccrs for tho past year mr cnas w norton inspector for tho two socl- tlca of halton and peel presented his report bhowlnjr a year of treat and useful activity and revcjwod tho work done naturally much of tho work of the inspector la out of uio public algnt but it ts none tho leas a social service of tho very high eat lmportanco in thi protection of children in uio prcacr vatlon and reconstruction of homo life whero it has boon marred and broken and in tho safo suardlns of tho futuro cf many children who otherwise would become not only a burden but a men to society 204 homes were visited and tyarnhura clyxn zonft v iptt we written for both counuea slpa children wcro helped by warnings ormqval 370 children were visited in foster homes 10 children were mado wards of unlton county q children were placed in foster homes 1 clrl was sent to tho mercer iteformatory b glru over nrtoen years of aeo wro helped to useful uvea 10 boys over 16 years of oeo wcro lot off an suspended sent once attendance ut pollco court ir 47 cases fur children and 10 boys under 16 years of aso wore let off on pended on ten co altogether ilalton county has 104 wards in charge- at present uiero aro nine of these in brampton ail under ten yeaxu of arc ready to bo removed to the shelter la milton when it is ready to bo occupied flvoid coughs and gougherifi 30 dsaasrystcrtcovcnr tiautnis rcaanidrct notice to creditors in ihe eutatc of david storey iurmer deceased notice in hum by clven tliat tho cred itors of ijavld htoroy lato or the vii- luito of acton rariuor deceased who tiled on or ubout tho sixth duy of january a 1 1919 at tho sold vlllauo of acton and all other persons iiavliiit clalii in against his estata uro required on or bufurt the 12th day of march a u 1910 to send by punt prepaid or otherwutu tleltvur to harold nush lar- bicr of tho ttuld vuiuko of acton liar- riot or at ljiw tho uollcltur for itoberf llrownlen and itobert cose tha execu tors of tho last will unit testament of uio said docenacd their christian and surnames aitdreaues and dtsuripuuns full iiartlcularn of their r talma duly verlllid and tho naturu of tho soourl- tuu if any held by them j and notice is hereby further jvcn that after ono month rrum tha euhl 12th day of march a i 1010 tho oald ilkuttiturs will proiecd to dlntrlhute tho assets of the said lalato according to law uml utnoiifr uie pur t irs entitled thereto uiul they will not be reaikinulhlo after the tertthi fixed for such distri bution fur any claim of whlth uiey shall nut uicn huvo received notice as uforctiald iutcd thin lui day of jr x l 1b1u w luuiitt hhownmsu mnuur ixi uxocutoru by h all old n laltmlclt their solicitor pernrmait block aoton onl 335 something new if you hnvo to soil any hsna chiaken gsess duoks or all kinds of hides from ukunlcs minks cooiui vcasolu lxea or any junk or purm produco call by phono 62 alex qildoord box 201 acton ont or lot mo know by mall your ad- drcaj and 1 will be promptly at yjnr place i will pay tho lilttheut cash irico for overythlni i buy and i nm uuru you will bo eatlafleu good atroiik horse 7 or s years old wanted at once alex gilboord acton ont the efrxct of m0onliqht it wild at tho noanhnio uml 4iy wire ultllnit n lh imikii muii vlu nimin nlinnn imuutlfiilly on tho jurc inir waves what nrrntt dm ii fi upon tho tidat nlu nweetly up ipto hln facii none ho replied closer to bur but it nblo efln t upon the ezannjng monc than vou ot if you are a txalnmi l nur u bltlouii to turn a iooil tuiliu y thun ti et il tho iimount you rci i lv- it your puy cuviiopu on kitui iliy till lit is impurtitivoly uulniuurliint 1 h youth who urtii ten lullurji n nk ulid earns twenty miy ho pntty nuro oi icttlint fifty after a limn if it witf the oh way about if ho i i ilvud twenty and oamod only tun he wulil lo obllfd to faco tho tlmo when hln employer would txlii to tulk alxui cuttlni down exjenatn in iiiiiiiiik will him promotion hi on th lookout fin tho worker who systematically an i habitually earns mora than lm ilui cducation outoidc of ochool jjviry day of llfo muitim bo un ediir i itlon hrltooln unit trilnrd t arhurii uie jr at udvuiiltilieif but even without hi ni ou inn mftlcn iptorrua ivory lilt hen vwry bimlmiin ofllro and ip where tbo will inktd hokln in pupil n icnm vuluabln raotiny nji ho difiv a for tho unwilllnir pupil ho tnalyi racncly chaoinq it it wiiri u vnry htitdmyand tho fat iruiumcr who wilitod to cot the tuowrlwi nly tnvfii tot throuffh the luto at junt twpvotwontyoiir tho i iiiiuhik lmiidli4i wan watched with jihxurltd interrlit imiui from uio train uml station plutform at tho conclu- iiidii the hnnthlcsa and persplrlnc knlcht of tho road wrarlty took the inn it trail uiul a vacant faced red tap i ainii kill to rtrllovo him of his irlp mlotrr he limiilrril vrab you trylr to koth that ieunnylvnnla train t nn my sou replied uio patient inun i wan merely cliaslnjr it out of tho yurd buy lantic fine granulated sugar in the original packages or your marmalade and b3 sure of a perfect result atlantic sugar refineries ltd m0ntbeal its assam quality gives it that rich flavor sold only in sealed packages 123 ebee farmers arroimt rrok this book is aa complete aa wo can make it there is a placo in it for everything you plant raiae buy sell lurvo on hand with n summary of tho years business it puta your farm on a business basis it is free to farmcra call or write for a copy th mcrchants bank hoadoffico montreal of canada established 1804 acton branch georgetown branch 1 b shorey manattcr c w crandy manaser gendem en ou pet the correct style tit hull drci hcquibitca bere tu1l dress sh1kts iu1l dhess vests hull dkbss ties iull dhess gloves hull dhess collaks white s1lk hdkfs cuff links tie ilns sii1ht studs tlp iatel luwntolutc slylea 1 re nelson- pdons 40 nsict pt ofhos guclph new machine shop fred blow machinist is moving to the ncwlyarran cd premises the ross bowl ing alley on mum street where he will be prepared to handlu all repairs of machinery promptly and satisfactorily motou repairs a specialty having experience with all makes of motors rcpairj will bo efficiently executed vulcanizing tires having installed a vulcanizing autit satisfactory repairs will bo mado to outer cusv au well ui inner tubc this depart ment is managed by mr n koss bring all your repairs here 1 main street acton fred blow business directory thod gray m d c m mcqill i k i llliiljurjti i- il v 1 ti m taiiiiw mfmlx r llrltluli mtnll- rjil atinoclotlon ttr dr j a munivch pliykior rvd ourocon onina and itfii i iloixo corner liuwrr avcntto and 1lcln lurcotn iho r-nld- unci ronnrriy occupied liy i ii hon- dcnxjii acton onl vctcninany john la woo n vatannary surqion acton ont omdiiaui of oijuirlo vcurlnory col- 1sn 18bq omco ai ilium hlork itnoidonco mill mroct cnlla tiny ur ul prompt ly uttonotd to pliono ko 22 i o llax 335 harold nash farftler m a darristar solicitor notary publio convanyancor etc pcrtryman dlock acton ont mon1y to ixar conveyancing iloura 3d m tobp m at rculdcnce r h wanqorough laka avert uo acton ontario dr j m delu o o 0- l- d o dontiat honor oraduata o toronto tjnlvcr- lty tho utcata anentltatlo uboj ir deal red odlco at residence corner mill and frederick blroata miscellaneous marriage licenses rl p moora laur marrlana lioaruea prlvato omco no wltncasea ra quired loaucd at realdcnco in evening fmoc pinna ofqco actoo ont francis nunan oookbindvr account books of all linda mado to order ptrlodlcala of every descrip tion earerully bound itullns neatly and promptly dono wyndham htroot auelnh out over williams storo il j kerr llcnaad aucttonaar for tho counties or halton woluac- ton poel and ducterln and uu city of quolph acton ontario tho free ptcm offlco acton tho mercury omco guolph nemroltocord fcrirua with w j qojdon llajii mak tltlliiburs sajcn entrusted to il j kerr ro- colvo attention from dato of uatlne to date of oalo oat your ualea with mo roaldenca you no street acton phono 30 acton call at my lcxpoju j e cheevers book binder quebeo bl eaat guolph o ilooka and nueulnca bound ma and bubatantlal cuvun namaa lettered in cold on hymn uooka and other boolui 1 huilo all work promptly exacutad d alex niven ontario land surveyor and ciuil enoiir burvoyu bubdlvlnluim iuuu il- rorui durrlptlonit lllutprlnlh i cirtlflcuta for purrlmih ru uiul murtdurooii hurvcyu fur anliit it jjutldcrn and munlclpul cuum lui dralrugjo luporta 1 intimate- it mclean duilding douuu- si ouklpu ihuno 10w 4jn1 read the figures notice how the cost and the cash value of the stump ad vances each month until on the lbt duy ol junuary 1924 the dominion of cunuda 13 pledged lo pay 500 for each wss 5ize of- ws ri auctioneer livu stock miar uiii anij mlltcilanult conmlhdatadphon ent 4f r r 3 acton has uutmtrlor teucliern it iiiucii i und iruiiicu v lout tlircu yrjirn uml cmitluyuihi now in u tvnitw t lu1 uutli tho old mid huliablj jranite and harblo dit wo uro iuuiuk tiiio llniortem if ull kin la atyl heiluln work v to our cuuiiuiiuru at wiu ihua iviuk ur mntiiiiii- wo liavu li 1 l uiuuu nly ittotliu tnn iturat wo an k of ur iiuftiiit in tii- pliioes wiipi illoit tun nultt 111 ynli r ut mll- unpint und lhlt ulmb tha dotiltiium or liioio i dculun l ho wmi mate d ruler a aul i un i oiid do not unuuy in i hy nondlntr ut innruni jiilip pll una dufj- cutiiputitlott- hamilton cor nutwliji v ttiwlwi

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