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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 6, 1919, p. 5

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jje acton 3frn fyteab i iiuir l mait ii ft 1010 haunted when i went ui to bd lout nljcht all tea ly for a sleep no noun oh i wah put in mull h frli tit ity little loojiui thimropt around tho rabbit i forrot to fted tim fror i stoned llm dm i lamed and obi but i wan bad indeed a butterfly 1 caimtit and maimed the cat whom coul 1 nturlc with liuim oh yes i put umin in nulto thiclc and bin tor rried for nunn was brrn how could i do no mean a trick tli o no chonti they ij tared with oyen no mud anil nwaieil to nuy wo d born your iovr now and make myiielf a bt tor lioy no one tan ilo tt all but mo and i ivc their lucti n 1uu joy iruitead of torment don t you noo1 oh little romrudcn do fortrt tho wronri i did ny hateful wai and yoi ran will iu oh puoun mo join aialn your huppy pliyn helen m lluichlnn industrial and economic fteorganizatiori from the christian viewpoint twenty vearo ago from th laiuo of to freo prata c thursday march 0 1809 kanter sunday aiirll 2 tho congregation of jt joseph church in iiceouotinir uio purchase of a parse mure a two storey addition lu in court of erecuon at acton tailor mllla the extra epaco will he utilised principally for n tor inn hour and irraln baveral loads of loral nlcatcrn at tended the carnival at georgetown ot tuesday evening it la protty conclusively sottlod that a new ljapthtt church will lo rrwu i in acton tho coming nummer tho slto la not definitely nettled but tho oouth east corner of mill and ldstn hlrocta la favored by the concrecatlon mr itabert j edmlaton who ham been studying tho pant two or three yearn with a vlow to entering thb ministry leaven to- clay for winnipeg and will enter tho work under itov jomeii oodworth bu perl n undent of mlsulonu in manitoba and th i north at a well attended mooting of thn lacrosse enthusiasts in the tetfn hall last thursday nujht the acton cres cents were ro orcanlxod with tho fol lowing o facers lion irenldenl i ijonderaon m p president j h mat thaws vice prcoldonl j tawbon secretary treasurer j t mckee executive committee dr j p coch tan w qould and it j mcnabb cap tain it bcotl it wau decided to moke arrangements for cotllnir into tho intermedlito league tho comlnc tea son hot mr mncphcroon addressed tho acton ministerial aaaoclauon on mon day mornlne on lapsing or indlff orenco in ftural dlntrlcta tho causes riven wcro 1 sunday vloltlnn 2 the c hail co from tho old three ucated rig to tho modern beujcy 5 vlsltlnc of bicyclists 4 imaginary grievances ncninat tho pan tor the outcome of mis und cretao dines personal iiridc which shows itself in an unholy dealro for a fine turnout and nood clothes xfrcr nrn ptsipiw in town who think rule should bo mado and enforced that not more than three members of tho same family bo permitted to visit the post cmeo at tho same time when the evening- matt is being distributed born swackiiamcr in acton on hunday msxcii 5 to mr and mrs hiram b w aclx nam cr a son ueattir in acton on friday march 3 to mr and mrs duld ilea tt us a daughter ins mn son of j year cablei unlafon n leoli ied i monday morn- cil tltobcrt james eld not cata wlhon in bis sixteenth a fine pair wlahlntf docs not amount to much unless h is har p witinyitr oy looks on a splendidly built man and says i wish i wore as bis and stronif as ho la his wishing will not do him any good as lone jui ho gocfl off wboro ho cannot be soon and amoleen a cigarette the boy who smokes throws away hla cliancca to become a ina strong man and all the wlnblnjr ir tlnuvorld wilt not help him uuulf ho wishes it enough to throw hla cigarette into tho gutter where it belongs and then go homo and begin to ejcorclso with dumbbolla and horl xontal bars very likely his wish will ct mo true wllihlng and tryluft har nessed up together make a fine pair a purely vegetable pllltho chlif ingredients of parmclco a vegetable pills arc manjrako lnd dandelion uedatlva and purgativo tut iorfcctlj harmless in their nctlon they cleannr and purify and have o most healthful effect uion tho secrutloni of the dlgcu tly organa rho jyspeptlc and all who surfer from llvtr aikd kidney all menu will and in thcao pills the mpjy effjetle medicine in concentrated foi in that has yet been offered to the o of fering time for another dont utuc lheu sitting beside her motlier at a nolfchborhood party ro eel vol idtnonltlons from litr ellen pull down your dress 81 tlll iut your foot town at ut tho mother becaino lnti rented in tli lady beajdo her and little ulon feci ins ncglcttcd whlaptrod currtcotly mruhiui manimu hiw do jou think im acting now 7 marpers mntaxli with so thorougli a prapurutlun u iuuju us mucr s wonii i owdnrti tin mother who allows hi r children t nuner from tho ravagis of worma i unwlao and cultuibly caixleou a btld subjected to tho uttacks of wonui always unhealthy und will bo stunted in its growth it in u merciful act to rid it of i huso tkmulvo parualun cierljlly when it tun bo duno without tiirncjity oy a c qmith drandoi 1 i irnt r all it lit den 1ml in to iitflt and rricnl that wfi bold tb iwillef that it in tho duty and prlvllnto of tho rnlluloun ntudi nt to adlrtna attention and activity townrdi the nolutlon if uio problems that aft t tho luduntrlnl nud economlo nftulri of human nocloty jciiua cbrut looked at and scrutinised human ncdn nothing that concern d htiuutu ufo wns forrlitn t ltlm ho mado straight blown at human injuullrn and aoulal wrong tho detailed propouah contained lo thin iitutnnoiil are baaod upon thn unlvrmal m lrilunl and ethical principle of jenun cbrtnt- j in tho in i on 1 plan it la tin irablo tr ulvn rnipliantu lo tho i ornprohon nlvo nature of tho 1 n 1 inn that now i onfroitt i tho worl 1 it i 1 1 iclety thnt n d reon animation that in the moaning of tlodal ueconntrurtliin tin ro in irrat need to bewaro of any uttort lo exalt u partial vlow or to promulj nto anj ixillcy that conlalnn onlv tho dnvicin ot a sectional and prolntory auaorlatlou h in not ui i tlonnl ret otiiruruon that bi needed alone it in noclal recon struction thin worl 1 rrlalii natod by the nar will nuirk if not the dtaili at any rato thn culmination uixl colbipan of a dlntlurtlvo clvlllxatlon biuu d upon rtrtalti industrial and ocouomlo fcatureti whh h can novcr be rt hulll it la very important tin rrfiirn that tb puhllo mind uhould become poanennrd with tho vlow which will includo all uocloty ui tho projrrnin ortoarlttiilratlou and reconiilructlon tho prlnclial thing uio war ton lunicd wan tho obi uoclal ordi r ami nlonr wlth it tho llvu of inntxtht mllllorut iho iiecurlty of thousands of homeu and a largo proportion of tho accumulated nurplun wealth of tho world if tho world lu to eicipe from ruin thero must bo erjutalllzod in uio roubi of tho ptoplo mi intlligrnt resolution to rebuild the whole ooclul foltrlc iho tlnm haa uimo to hull i nocluty by dollbcrato and lntollluont design and by tho win und dlrct it d o op ration of a us various mrmlicrn 1 be old c nh r wan uudcelintdly cr ctcd upon a budu which i lurulcd tho ulrm gin of mini with man for tho mtniu of uvt llhooil which gave cmphaaln to tho individual aiiimtcli or owncrnhlp prodncllou and competition in tho admlnl itrutlon of land and capital which produced inequality of clrcuraatanco tcmlltwr to infrrlorltj and dti redatlon of living both morally nnd pliyslcallj tho ofd order prodund without tbourbl or dealgii tho old political uymemo which have ierlahcd under tho strain of a world crli in what vi to bo built up in a uow social ordtr baucd upon tho principle of brotherhood of all men and tho conception of tho worl3aa a community tho national unit and personal unit am munboni of uocho groups in which thero ore prlvilcrcs and rtopon ulbilltlcti which must bo accepted by all according to their oovcral ablliticn tho now wocjal order mum lo based upon denign and a dollberato purponn to work out uirougli the yearn that ainlgn tho fundamental olemont on uio material aide mu it km a planned co oiierotlon in production and in dlnlrlbutlon of commodltlea ami wealth no tliat thero may coma to prevail tho utmost possible approach to a healthy etjuallty of material circumstance for every eoul born inlo uio world tho compeutivo ntruggln of the old ordor for tho great advantages of wealth enjoynl by tho few or tho huro men no of existence suffered by tho many muni bo supplanted by a now order in industry on woll as in govern ment hamd upon tho wldwit potolblo participation for all lu freedom in conaclousnciui of power both economic and political which lu the character lauo of democracy j it is not presumed of counie that it la possible evun after tho drastic overthrow that la now being mado of uio old order df things to rebuild tm- now order in any dunned and feverish period of so called roconatrucuon nor la it expected that any one declaration ot vlow will include all tho demands tliatvlll artuo as time goes along and tho vision is mado clearer hut it lo to bo declared that what tho now social order intends to determine for itself lit uiat uvcry effort mado by it and every dollar expended by it eholl bolp to build tho now social order and no other 3 a third feature worthy of special note at tills timo is found in uio rocognltion now given to many proposals which wcro formerly regarded as lmpracucablo tho valuo of religious ideals and teaching as a factor of social develop ment lias boon established and la uow universally acknowledged the leaders of uio great industrial organlxauons and many of uio leaders of thought in socleuca consututed for tho promotion of rovoluuon in economic affairs liavo acknowledged the essentia valuo of tho religious ideal tho valuo of proposals actung forth plans for community action in own- ersliip of public franchises and tho conducung of certain industries under tho control of tho nation which were derided as impracticable by politicians of a type and by selush financial and industrial leaders haa been demonstrated tho allied armies are an llluutrauon on a world acalo of tho practicability of community action for its own good with a ilxi d objocuvo and dcirlened plan und under wise and nldlful leadership thero in no place left lo day for derlnlon ot any reasonable proposal on uio ground of impracucablllty tho war frightened tho old political parties out at their dogmas which they conceived unchangeable and produced a freedom in the midst of troubla which has mado workable tho application of community forces in production and dliitribuuoti of commodities in the rcgula don or prtcea and tho conduct of bualucaa and also in modcrato nupcrvluion xi f even personal conduct it la our conviction uiat in uio main principle involved there should be no recession in tho application of this principle in indue trial and lconomlo affatra of tho nation industrial and lconomlc ro organisation la a port of the great world problem of uio building of tho new social order in the industrial and econo mic op hero thero lu found a place for tho application of the great principles jovrriiinint fi ndn or numerous for the t i c nir u nut nt of oio yt ttieno hiititiitl mi i lu rn can l ul wuik f i 1 nt ti in while ioll y wlili h d ivcu tho lnuiik ol to nui li t xlinu hon tliut thny ill rnhlpu in nil iii ondnry ami high h hoots i continue and proi t oil in numiilaru n at bo no juritiruatitiii for km plug men and worn n thr ore uiuiniiloyid nor fitr cuntljiiilni u t of tlio si lioobi to ni rk work and worl n them ruin ull tffort fur nolf r i n i two iooeibau j l lui i ttlnr npplli-i- an in0cniou3 farmer an ingtnloum califurnbt farmer tells hit reudtrn of too automobile 1 rail journal how ho pumped his frm dry after it rfud bctn floodld by a cloud burst ho jacked up tho nar whoihi of ills automobllt rlugoil a i tuinoctlon botwtcn it and tin pump bundle stall od hlu motor and in thrve days had ills farm 1ry llm tar ho nuy ii did work whmi would have kept u rouplo t t men busy about two woeka 0he declined tllniiiaou kills itly escort ed his lluu ton honteoa to tho table muy i ho usked ult on juur rlglt hand no h u rep ui 1 liuvv to eul with thix 1 bet t r tultw u hair lh osno with whltb tonih uud iviirts can ixt remove by lloliownys corn cure is its ntro i guilt ivcoiiummdatiuii t mldoffl talis uon of tho jo principles thero la ncud for great care and great camcatncus and honesty thero is no timo for delay or hcaltauon or fear i firat in this connection we dolieve that in the industrial sphere tharo is need for new emphasis and a wider application to be qlven to the principle of tho democratic control of industry and it products tho fundamental me mlng of tho world conflict is covered wherever democratic idea la aro exerting on influence upon tho minds of men qvor against ono another thero otanda tho ldcalu of autocracy and democracy iho ono meant determination of affulru by an outaldo agency without any concern for uio mind or thought of tho subject wbolio affairs ore determined tho other designs not only to occur tho fullest poaalblo expression of tho wlucst judgment of tho aubject un to bow tho uffutrs in liand shall be directed and determined but also to mako tho subject enjoy full purtlclpuuon tfi control autocratic government in no uoruo tlun autocratic control of induutry and its producta thia la in no sense to bo understood aa a clauu proposal it la tho inula tonce uion uie application of tin principle of democracy which la control from within and not dotermlnation from above to industry aa well as to government tho old order of control ban brn in tkm iftaiatcttucn in imstilo camps an i haa prevented co operation it has tolerated control of industry by auuiorlty wlthojl any great comprehensive designs for community service but of necessity contralixliuj in tho conscious ness tho achievement of tho utmojt profiteering thero la uioreforo oppor tunity for tho inauguration of a ochcino of dcmocrauc control of industry by which thero would bo accomplished tho elimination of all prlvato and outaldo authority of every kind and tho aanoclaung of all who work whouier by hand or brain in a ireat industrial undertaking properly directed and ocluntlucally baaed for tho atrvlce of thn romrnuully and- tho- community alone i or uio sako or brevity it is desirable to state our pool uon in compact paragraphs and wo thtirufuru advance three propositions as comprehended in the outworking of tho general policy of tho domocruuc control of induutry 1 community action in roaard to all agencies and functions of public sorvicfl tho crista at which society liau arrived constitutes for ull men tho point of departure for thought upon all tho groat problems of tho day ono of the most valuable results of these auiya uicreforo will bo the consclouunesa of power and of achievement in community action the government has under taken tho purchase of raw materials tho control of prices uio regulauon of profits and tho utatidardlxlng of products the government has taken poaueii aion of public uu lit tea und baa undertaken uio operation on a very iutlo ciile of publlo franchise ouoh ui railroads toligrupha uhlpplug etc tho demo emtio control of industry miajui uio continuance and uio extension vlth us little delay as onnlbla of tlila prinriiln throui hout tho nutlon until there has been socurvd to tho nation tho complete ownership und control of all publlo utluuca and their accessories in tho public service thus would results of permanent nnd abiding valuo bo secured to uio nation from uio experience of these days of trouble 2 the raoulation of employment tho war produced a very eerlou dislocation of industry und in tho inevitable dlqchargo after uie war of mllllotu of men and government workers thcrb will bo imposed very serious obliga tions upon tho nation there will arlso grave peril of widespread uneinploy mont wage reduction and tho consequent degradation of uie atandord of living unless stops aro taken by uio ciovernmont to mako provision for these days willie it is true that tho congestion in canada may not bo uo groat an in othor tarts of the world and wbllu wo dealro to commend thu erfurta put forth thus far by the government to overtake tho industrial demands of tho returned men wo are convinced there is nocd for earnest reffurd in tho manner ol reduction of government staffs in national and othor factories in particular industries urul in different districts uo na to provide flrut tho kind of labor in out earnestly noodyd in particular lnduntrlca fur tho revival of poaco produu tlon and to prevent any congistlon of thu market wo regard tho work of ro nettling tho returned und discharged soldier and tho dlstharbod munition worker into new nltuatlonu aa a national obligation wo object to this public duty being tin it tod over to committees or societies or to any private iifctiuy rim government should immediately toko control of all tho luuployuivnt lxtliaiiicu and uhould j some constitutional recognition to oraulxud loot r in thu nation uo that it may bo eonaorved as un agency by which to facilitate the uceurtiib of tiuploymeut for returned men und thus mattrlally reduce the itrltu of deinohllixatlii it is the duly of the uovernmunt to tnuko puiin to tho interests concerned uiat utiy attempt to mlueo thu scale of wages when peace tomes or to taku iidvunlugo of tho dislocation which may bo produced by demobilization lo ultur for uolfluli auvuutai t uio conditions of employment in any grade what tnjivcr will bo lu thu hlahijt iiliuo perilous to the nauoilab progronn wo belluvu that it lu uio duty of uiu cupernmeut to udopt u policy to ditllbeiatoly and nyutinifttl illy i ruveqjlht recurrence of unemployment iho aj cregato deuiund fir labui i an bu iuulntalne1 uiproxiinaloly at a unlfonu love from year lo year in a country such iuouio whoro natural rusourcca aro no plitutiruc and so utile exi lorod anil where both governmental and prlvato ubeiicliu eould bi uo tuielly coulrolb d if tin re were tho will uo to do it the national minimum tho opportunity fi r induntrlal ro on nnlxatlon ulald iipomilblo tliu intnt lb h 1ni of what in known uo tho national minimum thin proponaltltut b on nt t forth by a iieut exponent of nodal principles an embodying uio pruvlitlon of all tho ioou1altn for luulthjr living and worthy tluxcimhlp for every nininht r of thn ruminuulty irrcnpictlvo of thn con lltion of lualth or mind tin wornt oconotnlo or norlnl calamity la thn rtcrradntlnii of ufo wo are nicnibeni hjio of unolber no man llvath to hlmiinlf if any oven tho humbluut in inudo to iiuffi r thn whole community whether or not tho fni t in recoitulxed lu thereby injured ot ncratluii afler jcncratlon thin hnn been tho rornt r ulonu of tlin i oapt i of jenun chrlut h uhould bo tho rnldliig prlnclplo of tho church to day it in townrtl thin roil of a national minimum that ull iho 1 actnry artu health acts induration bureaux minimum wajjo doardn houjiliig lte ula uon aces aro leading rhfao and other lllio muanurce liavo already i nined thn nupport fu unlightonrd nlateauiuu and rrunomlntti uie world ovt r all theno lawn in thnlr ideal are intended to protict arilnnt tho extremn tlegradation of uio ticundardn of llvlnr they rotjuiro coutrallxauon in their intent and amplification in their udntlnuttrnttmi tliu tlnio for thin in itn npiclfla and ui ietitlila iiiauiier ban arrlvid 1 bo nation may and nhould ilx uio lino below which no ono would bo permitted to live and up to which ovoryonn who noidn help will bo nrjiloted in jiving thin would mean thu abolition of pruventlbto poverty by tho t naetmout of tho state and the romoval of all personal povi rti by tho provision of uu state- iho uppllcntlon of thu ikillcy of the nntlunul minimum affordlnif complete r curjty walnut deutitullon in iileknens nnd in health in good tlmi u and bud tlmou ulllto anil to every mcmltor of the com munity will coniitltutii tho only baalu upon which uny worthy ro uriaplxatlon tjin bo bullt- im economic re organisation imillrmnl 1 inai ro no lesn than nntlonal industry in a matti rit ro found conoci the wlwih eommuplty tbo long ban tt been connldt red a mntti r rumivi i fioin thticapnilty uf the ordinary i itixi n nn 1 ilfulutod neiordltig to tlio wluheo of dominating intercom who io chlif dojlrti of noctoulty win tho accumulation of immunnn protll tlio eolowial expenditures of the recent war have created a crlel i in i clonal i inance und incidentally tiavo uftordnd occasions for cducauon to oo j degree of uie i ubllc mind on thin question orcqt prluto fortuma nro being uccured by those who have taken ad- vuntalo of tho natlotro needs and tho proupecto are that u email traction of tho populauon will find llnelf an a result of tho war drawing in intercut and dividends a larger nominal income than over before and actually posui iwlnt a disproportionately largo amount of tho national wealth tho statement has been puhlhihcd by good authority lhavtho annual cliarges for pensions interest and general uurposca of ioveriimout in canada after tho war aro estimated nt i3gq000 000 poiiumly 400 000 000 tlio grealoot revenue ralaed in any ono year in canada tliun far in about j17o00000o how will canada dutchurgn it i duties and muut tlio lmmunio financial obligation tliun thrown upon if wo submit this probb m demands a to vol u tlon in nauonal 0 nance by the instituting of nuti a sslrm of taxation an will yiold all ncconuary revonuo to tho government nlthrut encrouchlni upon the preucrlbed minimum standard of living of a slni lo famllj without hnmpi ring producuon and with tho nearest possible approximation to equality of iiacrlfuo provision should bo made immediately for tho nationalization of all ufo insurance companies and all uaury collecting ilnancinl institution and all ponulblo protection should bo made for tho financially weaker clanaeu uuluut uio juggling wlui taxation carried on under uio urious devices of ouatom and cxcluti duties hlj her postage rates increased iauucutcr and freight rates and many other olmllar ocliimen all of which tend to place tho heavier burduu of the nation upon the weaker ciasnes hconomlo organization will inevitably lead to tho nation taklm action lu regard to tho surplutt wealth of tho nation tho demand iu in uiu ro orguul xatlon of socio t that thero bo defined not only a line below which no ono wjll bo allowed to 1lvo but also that there nhould be cutablfahcd a mujilmiipi beond which no ono shall live tho financial resources of tho nation have been revealed by tho demands of thin world crlsbi untold wealth haa been tored through many generations over und abovo tho current rtqulr munts this lmmenao surplus in srnlth should belong to uio stato and from these lmmonse reaourcca uio nation uhould find the miuno for tho contuiuoua main tonanco or itn ufo in times of poaco aa it b m used them fur its survival durlm- tho peril of war wa hold uiat thin nurplun wealth belongs to tho utato and uiat from this sourco should bo made provision for tho perpetual improvemi nt of society uiroui the agencies of public health thi wldinlnr of tho ucopo of oducatlon uio organlxlng of development in recreation of all klndu i com this memo aourco thero uhould bo rnude publlo provision for ucli titlllo rjic irch in ovcry branch of knowleduo and nluo for tho promouon of music literature anit lino arts a btain which oivco an cdonv hul to wood a iltalu wblili will rlvo lr wood un i ny inn in inn le 1 y ad lliuf in u jilnt uf 1 ollinj wiiti r ox mippcniu unil ie loi ivooil thlpu whllti the nolo lion in hit npily it to thuvivood tin i utta i in 1 i lo thorotti hly dried and tin ii wet wllh a uoliillon compooctl if o ox i i ol illldi u dltioolved in n ipurtii cf u pint of vinegar the op plli atloii uiu ul 1 bo roiientnd if tho wt 1 in not jiullli untly black no wondcr in irluhmuu woi tvondirful tliiufpi 1 in hit ir rciper an arurrli an ft ml telllujc c tithnr which hu i bcon do tu t iui tr j i i tit- i j havo llm leil jumpem in thn world uald tho american hhy t no f our men ran thirty mlhi nnd then jumpttl uwr a tlvti barred rato mure no winder o did nald tho iridhjjiiiii iconic at thn rim bo took i 1 valor conntrut lor try the scales the scales seldom fail to reveal the truth they are a fair gauge ofhealth if you are losing weight and are not feeling up to the mark it is high time to re place the loss and build up the powers of resistance a unique combination of tonic and nourishment having definite reconstructive properties enriches the blood restores weight and imparts vigor and tone to the whole system if you feel yourself losing ground try scotts emahionthe strengthbuilder ucott oawat toronto out antrto feel just rigbf e3 take cm nr tonight o just try it abo pee ma uutr t fw la uu owmlnc tkkt isctt h diehr urw daatl w twtlaf will b jtuw retttl ux dm trouble is your system is clocfed wllh a lot of impurities that your overwotkej ellgcstlva and ebmlnmlvo orcaa can t get rid of nib oil aaltx calomel and ordi nary uxaiivra cstaartics and purges only force toe botccu nnd prod tho liver rvaforsa 4femefy nr tableti acts on tlio ttomscb liver bowels and even kidneys opt forcing but ton ing nnd atrenrhentni these orcnm tho rcxult is prompt relief sad real laiting benefit mako the test nature a remedy will act promptly thoroughly yet o mildly o gently that you will think nature her- teli has come to the rescue otad is doing the work and oh what a relief 1 wo aro vijicod that tho time huu i no for the deliberate und rtaltlnr to build by denlgn and intelligence tho fabric of human society c hocicty an tho lndlviduil uvea not by bread aloni and thu purpose i orcaiilzatlon lu nut found in tho proilucthui of wraith to uwoll thu ncenco of privuto fortu tho duty of tho hour is ucloi re uf nodal nrchitectur founded upon rijjilt ousnts and mui to dlocoi r to nunc a and tlio building and fraternity and reu tho fact unit uiero la a uuttlni tiiurofrom mu it lo eared in the lovu of qui tlcieaybl t bold guarsntaw and recomnsdmietl by your unit c j hassard aciiiiv urn fr tonight h tom or row feel ricfhtj get a2s box i thin end it hi proponed thai rt to thu domlnutlin i t ullio vvgs an open letter to the gentlemen we have a btraightforward proposition that we wibh to put up to every mer chant in acton not now using the column of the free press for advertising pur poses j in the past year or bo we believe we have made the free press a better paper than it ever was and we intend to still further improve and enlarge it as condition -warrant- 5fe have eudevoredtlurquliqulthevpastjtainake the fret press as local both in news and adertisenients as possible but believe we have not had the full est cooperation in the matter of mutually advantageous local advertising we are being approached daily for which we have refused to accept prefer local merchants what we wish to impre space to sell we prefer to let the local me will accrue from the intelligent use dthis way to help you get the greatest benefit but if you prefer not to use it we will con sueh legitimate outside dealers as may co columns contracts for outside advertising some of ring to first put the matter before our own ss upon you ib this we have advertising rchants derive the benefit which we know space and are iu every reasonable from the money you spend in advertising sideiourselves free to sell this space to nsider it advantageous to them to use our oinillou be given i of tho organised industrial worlteru throughput tho land b ibut all workers both of hand ami brain bo ruqueaud an 1 uiged to organise tlieiuuolvi into unlontt io that ultfmntoly u federation of all workna of tho nauun may hu e itabllnbed i that an anauaiiiiieut bo made of all wurlturn boui organised and other wltto foi tho b nolle f any ivln may lack employment or tut cuiupolleil to nuffer im ouvi nlonio tlituuj h lndiintrl il dislocation caused by tho failure of thu community to provldu tin in with woik d rtuit a subm tntlal ituhui ly fioin tho national troasury bu mado to this fund aforesaid by whhh tho statu will oporuto tho policy of control of employment 3 hours of labor to b controlled we bellovo uiat in furinulutliig a polity for the lontrot if nnptounnt lounldoratlun uhould bo glvou i tlio qucduon i f c uitiol of tho wort tni iiiiuim of tho worker of tho nation whet erer prnrtirnble tho houro of adult labor nhould bo daod t not fnoia uuui s huunt pi r wek wlthtmt loduitlon of wugrs from tho standard ratiu und to suhatautliuy nhortuu thn wurklnt houiu of ull young peniunn to a point much leas thunehi ubova naintd tlfciirn moreover lu hl oonnnrtlou thcru is n plaio for the cunuldiiutlun if the need for lommuulty control of ull plaet d of amusoxuoivt tho rualiig of the eelioohwuvlng atlo aiid tho uutabllshliik from railway time tables at acton ft grand trunk railway oyatarrr qotna wt no 29 8 13 m no 31 10 19 a m no 33 2 10 p m no 183 c3 p m 37 at p m oolna cait a is a m 3 21 p m 01c pm j 8 12 p m hunday trnlnn pa throui h arton golnr went at 10 10 am and cant at 7 00 p m no 33 no 34 no 33 toronto duburban cloctrio rl way go ino w tat 3 17 a m w dally except hi except oi nday 3 33 p in dally nday 303 p m dally except bu nday hunday tiunday only only 0 33 p m gc ina c at 7 48 am dally excopt iiu nday 2 02 p m dally except hi nday 0 18 p no dally rxrrpt 3u nday d gs a ro 1 undoy only ilunday cxpttesa only fhcight and 1 xprej j carrle i on a 1 riru i rclght dt iu irtd dully 1 y upt lul cxprcaa rroliht xprt or 1 r iht plrkedup nt a ny a arena u tort nto il il a un lav akent acton all kind3 of poultry- wanted alivl olt dhl 331 d gecge tubkeyo fowl and chickens newlaid eggo t hideq and tallow larmfr havlnr jmultry li nu wo advuio thtm to call on un for quotations r milligan or young and mill su acton or to p o bojc s41 winter footwear hero wo nre luto tht iood old winter timo in earnest when every person will m ed uomclhlnc com- fnrtablo tor their feet and tho place to get it lit nt kenriey bros doot and shoe store on main jlrect aa they uuvo u good assortment or mens and womon o felt goods and alno men n heavy itubbcru and bocks and ljirrlgana uhoo 1 acka and overohoea we can also supply your wants in tyithor cookiii for mn w and children at reaaonablo prices olvo ua a call and wo will on- duavor to plcaso you all iiliahunq illomitly attlnd1d to kenney bros alain street aclon ont- farries mullin arc again purchasing tur nips for shipment at acton rockwood and other points we aro paying highest prices for choice stock farries mullin acton ontakio t5e acton bakery m edwards co canada food lloard liu mill attlcet uo no t 013 acton we are not asking for charity if you have all the busineb you can handle and arc making all tlie money you win keep track of from your business you have no need for advertising for new customers in the field we cover we know the free press will bring you more business and also remember this that a business that ceases to grow has a tendency to stagnation in you afloid not to advertise give it your consideration and let us prove that what we say is true yours for greater business ix p- moore editor and publisher g a dills advertising manager to fucilitnto tho handling of 1 tho productu of our bakery and to make it more conveni ent for our customcry we havo blcured the ahop next to wilci confectionery where supplies ot our white bread brown bread v tea bibcuits cakes buns and scones may always bo secured widdiiu culai a specialty m edwards co acton ontahio

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