Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 29, 1919, p. 4

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istont advertisements 10 fit tor firat insertion and u jfct insertion contract ca or morti per ahnum isdyertlscraenta without ftlu forbid and charged w- editor and publisher in 1017 000415 50 victory bonds were allotted to subscribers to tho victory loan and in 101b 012 744 of tho same denomination were allotted tim ihov riqw1mportant the small investor h become to the country it ta quitu protkblc th tt during thco tyo years 50 victory bonds were taken by nearly 1000000 people in canada one may be sure that very few ever bought a bond before they were nn addition to the number of investors in government securities tho problem is to retain them as such war saving stamps may do this they being a government baby bond which may be bought on easier terms than victory bonds were naked who may vote trendum every man tx by bir or twelve lpf or domiciled in thti polling sub- fides is situate is 3 j voted 25000000 last pincial governments to for erecting dwelling here was a fourhours was finally decided to bat working people be or themselves canada in providing them the portunity for advance- the empire day celebration in the schools was greatly facilitated thb year in ontario by tho aid of a little volume issued by the department of educo tion it outlines a program for use in the schools for the dny and it is also a handbook of canadas share in tho war there ure a dozen chapters which tell of the schools and the war the campaign of 1918 the decorations the story of the princess pats mt i sections in which the cana dian corps had a part wis full of interest and the spirit of patriotism will be of considerable value to students generally it bears the title annals of valor to a plot of grouad plant something have jnt miss it if you havent r means more to you than panting plant something wers nnd if twere done quickly go to if have enjoythowotk tt involves eg and jo the gathering of the fes as they mature plant sorae- de world thinks in millions can ndhand no magic or luck in face of the keen stem rvivald rtfro fittest which ghroufl kernatlonal trade kaircs and a clear at the trend of bthc high cost of krtd butter dc- bftan we did hfteaders at hhueressive hhb assure bob in canada f taken in the edwards moved hs desirable that bo amended so nonseqtarian ion of canada seconded the he debate which t ding toahc cen- h50 persons pclwc nd nof i to a census i people who segregation pre- jjled a more progres- ltion especially for 1 he gave figures vc national non- reracy bsly to the incu rring barefoot time many people ation ior other uita oblivious i timo their i endangered the careless the streets are broken hen carrying phey fall and the spring at menace the entrances i up and re- land more or hany children milk bottles eftizen should cdncern himself eis dangerous clement wherever years from the birth of the and twenty years after her 4ay continues just ah cr was witness the almost mjprcgular employment on ifcraafynastsattirdayt while fcd the united kingdom itself fas empire day canada alone bona day the 24th of may will redletter day in tho calendar or as tho time passes and as the feitixcnahip deepens in tho minds of pillions tho holiday will not lose the and tradition that memories of it is fitting that the name of the wfcic permanently coupled with t lit ire idea- ilttwas very early in her roign keaiajur in tnc british colonial ii fiepl of this british lomy was first ap- hjl tho communities jthada alono calls it bishop clark of hamilton who held confirmation services in st albans church hexq on sunday spot very forcefully oh the great need of a coming to gether of all classes of society at the meeting of the synod of the anglican diocese of niagara last week he said tbfc church and the clergy arc more or less infected with pleasureseeking and worldliness of which there is too much in thoworld there is too much sensationalism in tho national life which has resulted in feuds between tho manufacturers labor farmers and other factions these should be brought together by a peace conference appointed by the government unity of command ha3 won the war and the world can be won for christ only by unity of christians v ten u0eo fon oalt 1 flail dissolved in a tittle ammonia will rrmdvo grease spots 2 a smoky or dull fire can be madi riear ly throwing a tiandfut of ullt uvrf it 3 umon juice and aalt will clean roiumf olid bratia 1 ti brighten aiimsu wring n cloth out of nail water and rub tho cartxta wjl l ink stains llmt are freuhly mad a can bo removed from carpets by suc cessive applications ot dry aalt 6 handful of aalt will clcau sauce pnjis anl take away the unpleasant smell of unions if they havo been cook ed in thrm 7 nearly every kind of basket work matting or china can be cleaned by washing with aalt and water t ialt in water will take insects from vegetables 0 ileforo adding vinegar to mint for mum nlays add a pinch of sell this prevents the mint from going brown and greatly improves the flavor 10 tllea wilt look bright and clean if ucrxibhod with aall tilsonburg is in much the same position as acton in regard to its shoe factory and the need for houses a bylaw was passed there lost week guaranteeing the bonds of the tilsonburg shoe co to the amount of 25000 the pay roll is expected to reach 100- 000 this year tho board of trade will now turn its attention to the government housing scheme and as houses are very scare tt is thought that from forty to sixty bouses will have to be buijt at once real estate is changing bands very freely and merchants are experiencing the best business in the history of the town with our shoe factory running and our council aiming to put the housing scheme promptly into effect acton has equal cause to look forward to improved business activities a much closer and more friendly relationship is being engendered between the people of the united states and england and canada this i3 as it should be the war has showr us all as nover boforo how closely akin are our interests in speaking at thp convention at toronto last week exgovernor pat te leasee m his address referred to this close relationship now cemented be tween the three countries i could never think ot myself as a foreigner in either canada or england speaking as we do the one tongue he said speak ing of the liquor traffic he urged canada great britain and the united states should stand together to overthrow the universal marauder that ha3 caused more sorrow shed more blood dug more graves than war itself the liquor traffic which is england and the worlds greatest enemy the council of tho dominion alliance at tho closing prohibition meeting in toronto endorsed a strong resolution to be forwarded to tho dominion government askings that wartimo prohibition be made a permanent measure wartime prohibition did incalcuablo benefit to the country while war con ditions prevailed it can bo continued with equal benefit now that peace bos been restored a number of members of tho house of commons during the debate on prohibition last week presented volumes of evidence of the value of prohibition since it was put into offect several pointed out in effective terms what a calamity it would have been to have had the barrooms open in winnipeg during the big strike when 35000 strikers were walking the streets with nothing to do the interest in community privileges is taking hold of tho people of ontario in many sections there is a growing desire to establish community centres in rural districts this entails in many places the erection of a public hall to provide the necessary accommodation regulations governing the estab lishment of community halls have received tho ap proval of the government he regulations give the minister of agriculture control over fhc site and type of building declares that thehall shall bo available for any public gathering of nn educational fraternal religious or social nature for tho discussion of any public question and no organization may bo denied the use of tho building for religious fraternal or political reasons the working out of the scheme and the management of tho hall and adjoining athletic field will be under the control of a board of management appointed by the municipal council quite a spirited discussion followed the introduc tion of the dominion prohibition measures last week in the house of commons many members bore x witmonytoihc great vl ue o t probiition tnthc country during the war hon n w rowell spoke strongly for the measure and also added words of appreciation of what tho ontario temperance act had accomplished he said that when the ontario temperance act was passed in 1016 premier hearst had been prepared to submit the question to the people if there had been a demand for it but there was none the sentiment of ontario was so unani mous he added that the liquor interests rcalrrcd their case was hopeless and wired not to challenge a vote on it since then he went on the vote has been given to wolhcn there is not an honorable member from ontario who will not if ho considers the womens vote say that there will be an over whelming majority in favor of prohibition i urn persuaded tho people of ontario will answer all the questions decidedly in the negative photoqraphino a crocodile it la a habit of crooodllea to conceal tncmitclvea in burro wo in the banks of ri vera which makes it a raal taak for ttio photographer whose problem u to rout tlcui out of their holeo and them lito view of the camera in the american museum journal lr a w dlmock ivm an omuotnff description of the method he uaed when con fronted with the taak of takln picture or crocodiles in florida- it was really exciting aaya mr dlroock if tor locailna the mouth of a crocodiles cars to bans tho noosed end of a rope la front of it and stand on the baik above waitlnc or bite while ray boatman busied himself ihruftllnjc a harpoon pole into the earth from ten to twenty feet boftlod ma in a few moments out would rush the crocodile then thera would be ex citement at my end of tha lino the hit reptile always strussled and fought he clutched at the una and rolled over and over ho swam out into the ntreffm and he sulked la ltn depths but the noone was tightly draw and never allowed to stlp and the end found the creature facing the camera on the honk it was a mat lor of ethics that the crocodile should be freed when he had posed for his photograph and remov- inc uio tasao called for much agluty on lb hart of the volunteer moonnn manniaac mankrrra tim azamll a tribe llvng in lb north ilant of tho ilnlglon confto sell wives umanliikly cheap there is no necdfor lhi intcndltir hrlilcrrooii wait mouths lxfnra ho ran pluck up courage to pop the question knife cotung him about nventy0vo cents will procure him a lifes partner aholher marriage market thrives in tho mountainous district of the uaf- alecs in new qulntta tho priro of earh girl is one pig augmented will tlogsieeth nrcklaces and so on ac cording to the wealth of trie girls parents- the proposal- usually martp by proxy tho boy sending a fcirmln relative to tho lady at his choice tho iirellml narles to courtahlp among the maf sloes are rather plcturcnuue when a young man wishing to marry goes out lo seek his ojando literally his flower he will light a flro on a stilt day in a bush or in sn open space outside his village and wall till a slight brsexe carries the flamo smoke in one direction or another then takut thst point uf thn oompasu as an indication and walks to the next vllugo to hntl his rtuwer the hantnll indians munl lltcrauy purchase ihelr brldca they pay a sum of roonoy to the girls pa renin usually bout ix hundred rupeca and in ad dition thay present tho mother anj the female relatives with new saris or shawls should tho bridegroom chooso a wid ow for his wife she will only cost half the sum mentlonod tho reason why the han toll indians hold widows in less regard than unmarried fcmalaa is bocsune they assert that in the next world man nnd wire am reunited a widow who marries again s only lent to her second husband when a young man courts a glri who does not favor his suit he adopts an eccentric way to curs her stubborn ness aft5r having dipped his finger in red paint he goes in search of thr lady an imprints hla mark on her forah cad- ho may then claim her as hla wife oavvmill wa0te may de used in ouuotitutg caroooand in kngland a cardboard nuholuut has been invented that may prove to havo merit it la made by interposlnr layer of sawdunt btwocn two sheets of paper and binding the whole to- grther by the um of adhesive malarial and urcmiiura any desired thickness or weight may b obtained by using several alternate lay era or sawdust nnd paper in building tho board in view of tho universal paper shortage and the cheapness of sawdust it is possible that the schema may prove economical children ory for fletchers castoria hc would comc oack the recent vole in favor ot beer and wine in quebec recalls the story of tti- politician who vlnltod n small quebec town just after tho armistice was sign ed i is saw on old inhabitant and said to hlm- well us p tin to the wr ta overt old 1 tap tin to looked astonished and delighted io wsr over bo exclaimed iet my boy will come laek ehl tour boy i didnt know you bad a son in the war aald the politician mo no cried i is p lis to not bark from do wart hack from do bush second hand furniture huh- useful furniture may bo sold for what it1 worth to somnbody olaa ir yu give he selling task to a classified ad ltr may do it in till knxa pmzui dcpneaoeo dv conteot ooen your wife object to ybu rim ing around with your men friendst not my married men friends re piled mr dubwulte hut she draws tins tine at bachslora why sot uho says whenever i go out with a party of bachelors i always return home greatly depressed birming ham age- herald war boad interest coupons and cheques cashed free j tho merchants bank will cash oil war loan couponn or interest chequeo when due on presentation without making any charffo whatever for tho service if you have not a savings account why not use your interest money to open one with thiabankt safety deposit boxes in youil own bank assalea of thirtyfour safety deposit boxes in three sixes has boon installed in the vault of tho merchants bank of canada acton tboso boxea ore burglar proof have double locks and secure to each leasee absolutely socune protection from nro or meddlers you have yoor own koy the rental la very small and the boxes are commodious see the manasrr and secure one for your documents nnd valuables hood office montreal of canada euubuhad 1gg4 acton branch geohgetown branch 1 b shorey mansscr c w grand y manaser if you buy out of town and i buy out of town what xvill become of our town the dollar you spend in acton will come home to boost read these articles with care they may present something you hadnt thought of before patronize- the people whose ado are here they ore your neighbors and will treat you itlghl the money you spend with them jatays in circulation in acton and neighborhood you will always find it profits bis to consult us vrhen desiring jftry goods clothing i loots and shoes ijnoolcums oilcloths and groceries our aim is o anticipate your desires in acton wo lean a44illq our aim is to gall veu ury ooods mens kurnlslngs and groceries the quality and prlco ot which will keep your money in acton we can compete with anyrfbe anywhere and utibagty urge com parison d c russell june victor ftscard on bala uopday call and hear a t brown consult us first when buying hardware we carry a complete stock of shelf and heavy hard wu re huverware cuuery irani to ware etc and can convince the- most critical our prices and quality are right james svmon ordsr your coal new delay under present conditions invariably means an advance in the price nu htovo and furnace coal now on hand we carry qrocerica aa well j c hill nsvsr duy furniture from a catalogue it all looks goodln pictures when buying from us you see the article before you buy and our beat advice and service la yours univitaklng in connection johntone co msks up that order far oreearlaa ilring it to us we can compete in service quality and price with anyone en where we carry aa well a full line of dry oooda nelson sv cq ws have said it bate and wo sy it again you can buy tu better advantage in acton than in toronto bee us when you require anything in general uerchandlae we will not be undersold l starkman now that warm weathsr is aitpruachlng you wilt require refreshment i our drinks are ice- cold and luvlgoratlna our ice cream is delicious our caudles fresh and wholesome h wiles our large business cennetlfi i ac l l a meats vegetables and i rov talons are ot tho best quality wo sell on cloae mars tii and solicit the privilege of supplying your homo moencry evans contemplating building t if so let us estimate on your re- ulremeiits we prepare plans make rstlmatc um take contracts for any hind of building wo would suggest ordcilng iioxt winters coal now j b maskenzie life is a give atsd take proposition no man under modern conditions can uve entirely unto himself each dependent on others citizen who does not aid in building community cannot expect to uave prosperity himself there was a time in the world when a man could do pretty much as he pleased what one man did wua uf llttlo concern tu anyone clco for it had little effect on anyone else those days are gone however and they never will return today no man can live entirely unto him self ufo la a complicated sffalr under modern conditions no one man in any community la etlrely independent of all others in that ity organized society in the form of governments national stato and local have recognised the new conditions and havo decreed that every man must observe certain rules in bis relations with his fellow men lie must not do certain things tliatwould endanger the health of other people in his community lie must not do ouch thlngw as would disturb the peace and quiet of hut neighborhood lie must re member that he owes a duty to hlu community not question of riqht a man may say tlial ho has th right to spend hla money where he pleases that no one can stop him ir he wonts to buy bis groceries his clothes and his furniture in some city miles away fromwharo he earns themoney lo pay for them- ho la right there hi no law to prevent him from doing so unless h 1 the lav of self preservation the man who has thu right to send his money away lo some distant city instead of spending it ot home also has the right lo send his children to that city to be educated in the schools which his money holps la support but he doesnt exercise that right ho eonds his children to tho local schools the maintenance of which is made possible by the men who spend their mousy at home ufo in any community today is a giveandtake proposition a man can not take everything and give nothing and get away with it for any great length of time ho can not take his living from a com munity and give nothing back to help lb other follow make a living if he cuts off the other fellows living ho is bound eventually to cut off his own for unless the other teltow has money to buy his labor or his goods ho cannot make a living himself- you may say that whet you buy doesnt amount to touch and the money that you send away to tho mail order houses lu other cities can not have any great effect upon the general business conditions in your town maybe it doesnt amount to much and maybe it wont have any great effect upon the communitys prosperity in itself but what will be the result if every person in the community ox half ot them or a tenth of them lake the same view of the ooutter your business lu itself may not amount to much but tak together with the business of a hundred others in the community it amount to a great deal it amounts to tho difference between a prosperous community and a dead une it amounts tu the dirferniice in the end between good times and bad times tor yourself and your own fsmiry it you lived on a desert lslo it would make no difference where you sent your money because it would cnako no dlfcereaoe whether you had any money at all or nut llufyou sre not living drton a drsurt bile you arc living lu a modern community- to do everything possible to build up thai com munity lsnot only a duty which you owe lo the community but- important still it is a duty which you owe to yourself fslr dssling and law prioti are building up our business we carry a full line of groceries and provisions and our prices will re- jjeve the necessity of further search our quality and price will stand tomparlson mro j modouqall takes will inch fa ft e you havo children to educate you want your community to have good schools so that your children msy have lle same advantages thst the children in tho big city have if you live on a farm you need good roads over which to hsul your pioducts to market you may say that you pay your shave of tho taxes oul of which the schoolhouses are built and the roads wuntructed maybe you do pay your share in proitortloit to tho value of your worlds goods but where is the other follow to gut the money to pay his share of tho taxes if arter you imiy your tax oo you send the remalnderor your money lo some other com munity to help build their schools and oustruu their roads tho merchants of any tommunlly pay u v oiuldcrsblo part of the taxus tollccicd in that community go to tho ta books and you will find this to he the case when the business of the tnorchant falls off he carries smaller slocks and bus less munor lu tho hsnk he pays smaller taxes snd as the amount ho pays lit taxes decreases tlo amount you lay must i it ermine if tho schools um to tie malntalnsd and tho roads kept up it may bo a mans own business if ho wants to send 111 money to help build up tho big cltlea where the null order houses flourish bul its poor business for himself us well us for everybody else lu the community in whlih he llvea ws deal in all kinds of fresh and cured id eats and it lo our desire to secure and hold jour iiatronagn by fair prlcea snd honest deatlno we endorse thla campaign buy in acton it pays w landsborouoh my greatest difficulty ts in repairing cheap tnall order shoes that are made to sell not tq wear bhoca bought locally glvn sutlsfactlori bee me for oents frhirnlshlnga broallwarea etc e k cook whtn you duy shoa from us you are sure ot secur ing tho beat selection in acton our prlcea are much lower than city prices our guarantee la behind everything wo oell kenney oroa our bread is baked hlght here in acton and we guar antee its holesomcnesa we solicit as well your patronage for home made cakes pastry etc we aim to satisfy m edwards a co this cmpet meets with our approval and baa our horty cndorsatlon oeardmohe 4 co our person interests are centred in acton this move ment la deserving of success and wo endorse same ryder a mo wat glove co i am local distributor for the ford automobile and can supply you with genulno ford parts at reaionablo prices a com pie to stock of tires always on hand let your next car be a kord h a coxe i manufacture and repair ah kinds or furniture let roe estimate r5r you on the making over and repairing of your furniture which requires attention i gu a ran tee my work the furniture hospital w j stuckey ws do merchant tatlshno our stock uf imported and domes tic woollens for spring and bummer l complete we stand behind our output and guarantee satisfaction w m cooper never duy jewellsry from catalogues ah lowelloiy looks good in cut when buying from me you see the urtlcle and ui well you have tho benefit of my service advice and per sonal guarantee geo hynob nsxt tims you require j hhoes llubbera etc let mo endeavor to meofy6ur my stock is comnloto my quality is of tho beet my prices are light itepulrtng done w williams i quy snd oell farm lvoduce of all kinds in cluding stock on commission 1 carry a complete lino of groceries and luio food frodpcts and can moot any otio anywhere in price chester plank consult me first when you requlro funn imple ments of any kind i am local agent fur international machinery and can guiii uittee you eutistactlon and ser- vin- i curry boots and shoes aa well cha8 el parker business directory thoo ofiay m d c m mcoill i it- c i iutjiirih i 1l f i 11 olosgow momtxir llrttlnh medi cal association p oolcn frederick direct acton got dr j a mtnlvcn phyalatan anil flyroon omco apd luoldmico corner i low avenue and klfilii mrcoui urn renli ance formerly occunlml by i m he dcrson acton onl vctcrlnaily john law con v atari nary ourgun acton ont omduato or ontario vctirhiary col- laco 1880 omco artluuir ithwk itsulmco mill ktreet calls day or nllii prompt ly attended to lcqal phono no 22 l o itox 335 hauold nash faumeit m a dimiur oolicitor notary publta coovsnyancar etc pcnrtyman dlock acton ont monuy to uan conveyancing hours 3 p m o b p m at mldrnco r h wanooriouoh lsks avenua acton ontarlt dr j m dell d d q l d 0 dentist honor qruduato of tnroslo univer sity the latcalo tuioothotlo usod u deal red- ofqoo at ealdeneo coro ij11 wllt frederick streets m isc ella neouo marriage licenses m p moore issuer mhrrlaqs licenses private office no wllner as re quired- issued at residence itr evening vkxx paras office acton ont franc1b nunan bookbinder account books of all kinds made tq order periodicals of ovcry doscrlpj uon carefully bound ruling neajujj and promptly dpne wyndham street quelph ontf over williams store r j kerr licensed a uct i a nser for the counuosof liolton well ton peel and dufterlrv- and tho city of ouelph acton ontario seles may be arranged by mail at residence at acton or at the free press office acton the mercury office quelph the news- record fergus or with wj j gordon hirneas i hillanurg z bales entrusted lo h j kerr re- calve attention from date of hating tt- date ot sals i jot your sales with me rtsldance you no 8 tree n acton i phone ail acton call at my liipeosc i j e cheevers book binder quebee 6l east guelph oof uooka and ramnlnna bound 1 handsome and substantial covers names lettered in gold on illblo- hymn hooka and other books u all work promptly executed d a1x niven ontario land surveyor and civil engineer surveys subdivisions piano ito- porta doscrlpuons ulucprinls etc certincalcn for purchaoora and tnortgagees surveya fur architects juulldcrs and municipal councils dralnago reports ilwtl mates etc mclean building douoiw bi oobwh phono 10c4 oni roy hindley auctioneer liv13 stock 11ual ustatu and mcltciianiiiai- censotidatsd phone erin 4t 1t r r 3 acton grandtrunks the double track route ulttwlun montreal toronto detroit chicago unexctllud dlirluu sleeping jirs on nlkbl trulmi ul parlr curs on prlnclpul duy liulus fill infonuatlui trunk ticket t ulii ulstru t luusuiic i il s i10uies ajnt acton ont phae 13 thqdjd and roliablo uranlti and marlilo doalors w are munufin turvirf o importers of all kinds nr mi and headntoiio work w i to our customers at whuum thus kavihk our cuuloimiru 41 we have the bent uppllutli nly nxochaiilcs in llm uom can yperatp puuumutlu toolj we can give referent fiom of our custumrru lit toivnln places wlmrq othorri have tu suits in order to culli wi largest and be tit stock f tho dominion or moro thau dcaltra in the wont v hiato dealurn and eitiplu no fn and do nut unitoy or imui ouahu by sending out ijcuoruikt uifwiitn uallcllj log ordsro we eiuploy utily mochaiilfs 1 and defy compulltluu hamilton sons cor norwich at wool with tits uuslna

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