Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 5, 1919, p. 4

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j j 5 i-it- tf- attatt 3ffro ftatti tiiuiujijay juni o 1310 a ttu tjhkeaa ia published cvnry thursday 1iuuih building ulll hlreot acton tiii wll prlco in lto iter year id hi tie who nsyharred additional lo ufflcoo in the ii iiiiluui iiiaclu which odbacrliitluiui aro ald is viii iniln m li vlr- tlm lit itury tifilio iu n 10 woil luvfl nit iitmm niir nn insertion knd t no ill it til lit ly clcrlru i lnerum contract nr tlirrnih mr lolphillk j wvd uo u of j nd cliarsoa of lifes comlhiuii ilnrfil conijmil and liiniil j lrfl mi ultlih i the lwi iiln arms oould not ronl and iutillshor tlie substitution of electrocution for liancing where capital punislimcnt is the sentence of the courts in a real live topic in the various sessions of chc county courts now hcini held throughout the province at its session the jury of our own county court declared for thj3 change lnat week york county took similar action the experience of those states which have adopted this method is that it is more humane and simple in its- operation that nlirhtv iilal ho the tliutt flrvim twenty yeai the i sue of ths frs thurmdsy dun g 1c99 hc rcttson- miu l lb ulixiilo on monlayjsory torm n of public the ittk yjvpoial for the was advocated at acuity by a member of the tphe contended that money tie risk of political intrigue eli- wieucrc sent from the magistrates ivcillak utiil fill koundutlunii new oihuii at tl iianys works pled will tin oui nlinpo ann thrlr hrad sained last propaganda j jtslcal to cx at the station tho nrat iloyaphibitton to prohibit forget uto championship v its own cr km dauiii wan placed day between acton on a thiefs union should acton won with a icon ofvirvcnt stealing married tkaiia1mlam11 in church on tucjiluy ju father kceny mr joh uuelph to mian augusta lamb of acto the conservatives of our neighoring county of peel have selected a citizen who served his country over seas as their condidatc for the legislature major kennedy of islirfgton is the man ho is a fofmer as well as a soldier he is keen alert and a rcputabc man of business qualifications it is somewhat re markable that more than half the delegates which attended the convention at brampton on saturday were ladies it looks very much as if the continued delay the signing of the peace treaty probably will mean for canada an autumn session of the dominion par liament following its formal signature by the plen potentiaries tho treaty will have to be ratified by the legislatures concerned should the present ses sion of tho dominion parliament end before the treaty is signed as now seems likely a special session for canadian ratificalion may be necessary to avoid delay in the formal proclamation of peace it il selling that joocpl i c by iicvcense one tcuhan only a rose leflant dii- ii3 for its ij outlawed it won only a moo grovrlnc heali a country rullwuy station ycun uto tlckoibollciu wir luid plant slip in tho yard and now option picture film rz m tho tfernment for some talnrd tho window aivb thrui tcru or pink iiioomu inutdore is being presented rr i niatucd tho tho mo whjf ontario methods of nivermt vsicniics weeds etc over acxatcooallms covering 82 different subjects o thtsc tei p world wm a hard hhict representatives of the ff l on d wt excellent portable isnant things ready to r it luui always been no witty storage batteries tho tho a bootast a mcinanda 3p wcrti only porta of lp place in which he horning presented in the hrsi cor3lil1 ago can readily undcr- a binacuy ilreaaao bharijtcjntcrprisa man whoa lusbmre wan chockcdl new york aat waiting for a tralri she won a nucccanful tradeswoman she looked at tho flowers thou t0 sudstl- what waato there i in the world afeath penalty thought every ono of those roses put fresh oh tho market in new yorv would attract attention and havoqd jfi for- monsy value horo- th wqi bring tmybod r j lollowing reso- wa council desires to express ml ol introduced in the house of the unrest among the labor unions is auccting to some extent the contracts now being made by the canadian government for the supply of food stuffs and manufactured articles to france and belgium the orders now under review amount to 25000000 for each of the countries named strike clauses to provide for the abnormal conditions at present ob taining in canada aro being inserted in all such contracts they will appear in our contract for the supply of- wheat and flour etc to greece for in stance and will provide for possible delays owing to labor troubles faithful hortqxo a driver in tho luiyal flnld artillery while in a hoiipltal in kiifclnnd told tho following slmplo and b tec line ntory of hln jiornco i hmt driven ttinm for three yearn i tell you i cuuld talk to thcra just an i am talking to you there was not p word i said that they didnt under stand icarly in the retreat from mona aholl ranlird right into the midst the section with which i was moving a driver in front of mo was blown to bits my gun was wrecked i was ordrr 1 to help with another as j mounted thn fresh home to continue the rntnut i saw fcny two horses struggling and kicking on thn ground to frco thmaelvca i could not go back to thrni i toll you it hurt me hud- ilenly a lrenct ctuxsseur dashed up to tliern cut tlio traces anil sot thcni free i was a good wiy aluad by tliat time but i kept locking iwirk at them and 1 could tell tliat they saw me soon as tlmy were on their foci those horses followed me for four days wo stopped for hardly t tea and i could not get back to them there wss no wark for them but they ll their place in tho line like trained idlers they were following me to o very fnd and the thought occurred a thousand times what do they think upon another hors take time to d ouiic thr hiky limn when cr i looked for them ihoy were in tho line watching mo so anxiously and tonowfully as to make me fool guilty ot- deserting uirm whenever tho word unit ran down the column i hold up my hand to uicm thoy saw it every time and stopped instantly whether they got anyuiiug to st i do not know i wonder if they drop ped out from 1her exhaustion t i hope to heaven it was not that i a any nxte one morning when tho re treat was all but over i missed them i suppose i shall never see them agal thats the sort of thing that hurts soldier in war i approval of the principle and leading features of the bill to amend the patent medicine act has been given before the special committee of the house of commons which is considering the details of the measure by representatives of both the retail and wholesale trades the act provides that in future every patent or proprietory measure must obtain annual license and must be known by a number the fail also provides for the appointment of an advisory board which will consider means of making all medi cines having more than two and a half per cent of alcholic content unsuitable for beverages v owat kc m p with the icn v y i y he criminal code so that per- the death penalty be executed in thhn t whci down spent in out of tho sintiorics by means of electricity a wideuwaka c county jails and that a copy how clear tho a m he thought how tijarded to mr mowat to tho pink leaves of thawa and the halton repre- the resolution re in hl6f ko thjt butji never hal beer so fv m since mary plsntet mp evcryttug in hufjf the members done welt liko and feeble yet nnd tu they wouico- called to endeavor to secure ira- service for acton tound that the ihemirpany had already planned to put into diwntffi a t i the council ood wfifyc reiuisite a continuous service was who ha crf thc fi mav but cir h4 been his prdthis going fnto effect until the ho who ndvw fees for connection with con- oven given iitrr ufui roso afllve come into effect contracts tho havc bcen mndc and thcsc room withtssoon as telephone supplies ore afthworto atoo5t p tlio pink heart ovjrql til tho wori4r nut was uii the war the members of the that it bw heretofore had telephone con- each one vn ssw z tt h meeting called by you can jlidible evidence of their sin- joiiu jto secure better service by in union tliereioj ing as old as it is tcphonc connection for them to be isolated and for business awl healthy growth qj do nit sponge upc kindly and heipfii cratwn of women in house of humaity is a nobjrijh a view to securing bctte- tsh and just as nob uvu v building programme has is expected many hundreds of ally raetaa 5cas0n lt suggested that when rent 4 c made the subject of roundtable the lost v groups of women women gen- muut jj4estcd and should study the problems ri j ri wn are to bo built under has piuvedhould bepianncd to make the work nearer a vandmore efilcient and the life jf ypn- j ijand happier one method ol yvue your fhc deterioriation of any ncigh- itihe houses we livo in nnd help- due whom pflv other should fopr own homes in all housing of resiwnslbiiitc remembered that the children ns some or take pio today will be the citizens of to- you- 3r need of air and play space should led and jfurcd him tho htroiltsss help hiut ouu r if your rtvlcv un- tent yourrmif vtitig predicting more than usuttl moot yiu wfiisl the coming summer owing own liitirestx ff think fcn5fl7 iilld w whether is 6 correct no chances sliould bo jjftmon houkoilyitonc ofnianjimovt hpcmics as u means of spreading a num- discasc such as typhoid fever dyserv flibcrculosis the lly plays a sinister role its produce itself is umaziijg tho descendents ring millions in a season under dttions such conditions exist d manure aro left unprotected y their eggs therein conoc- ciple in exterminating the pests nd then more cleanliness the ditions as men avoid tho plague lt is of its natural habitat u nf every individual and every hence thoy mtf w0e that the winters accumulation should be carefully collected and hcnci indlgt of them w ssserttnr alllir tli ton of thoo tv the quebec board of trade makes what would seem to be a very wise suggestion to the federal government at a meeting last week it passed a resolution urging that the government give a very thorough trial to the railways nationalized up to the present before taking over any others lt respect fully suggests that it would not be wise for the government to take over and assume the indebted ness of any other railways ar least until two or three years trial of the roads they are now operating shall have proved whether this can be done with advantage snd without increasing the already very heavy finan cial burdens of the country a correspondent of the farmers sun works out very ingeniously the value of good roads to the farm er in this way if a fapner saves an hour a week by being enabled to use good roads as opposed to bad roads it would mean 52 hours a year estimating the use of man and team as being worth 0 a day this means a saving of 3120 a year suppose his farm is assessed at 10000 and the additional tax levy due to the improvement of roads by the county runs to 1 per thousand this would mean 10 a year addi tional taxes as against a saving of 3120 on time alone this means that he is investing 10 and draw ing dividends of 3120 an interest rate of 312 per cent the farmers of this county in a largely attended convention last wock chose mr john f ford a successful farmer of trafalgar township as candidate for the next election of the provincial legislature the convention comprised electors from both the old parties the fact that men are willing to set aside their tormer political preferences in order to do their part in ensuring the success of a candidate of their own business class shows that they are in earnest in the institution of this ueljrdcrof affairs there is no tenable reason why halton county which is largely a rural constituency should not be repre sented by the predominating class there is no rcawn cither why the representative should be ex pected to give allegiance to either of tha old political parties a land of almost limitless possibilities is of little potential worth unless its natural resources arc de veloped the period of reconstruction is here each man and woman ihust rcalite now their duty as citi zens and having realized must strive to their utmost to cooperate each with his neighbor in making can ada the best in this western hemisphere the need is for clean healthy men ond women thcrcforo be healthy strive your utmost to maintain the best of health make your home your workshop your offlco and tho childrens school healthy not forgetting that tho unit of the town or city is the home and as we each make our homo and its environment healthy wo aro each doing our bit to improve tho health of tho community in which we live nnd the country gener- ally the great advance cannot be made certain with out the cooperation of individuals make canudas success a sure thing by joining in the effort at one inthe schools of canada alone the war saving campaign is fraught with great possibilities and al ready the returns show that splendid progress being made what has bcen done in the schools of the united states is a fair indication of what may bo done in the schools of canada in the schools of new york there are said to be a little over 750000 children during the period december 1917 to janu ary 31 1010 no ucss than 3440000 worth of war savings and thrift stamps were sold in theso schools which means slightly more than 7 for each child tho thrift campaign tn the schools of the dominion will produce 100 fold in results every child should be enrolled in the war savings army parents should see to this it will discipline the child in thrift provido it with a good investment and benefit tho country not a3 stupid aq he oecmed it was an old nun in fjsreden so runs the talo as told in short htorlcs wtio gave to a stranger an an that wan wiser than it appeared nt ranger one of a prospecting party search i njr for coul had wandered away from tho rest to nnd himself at last wltti a fair pleco of quarts as a rcwftrj for his palna in a region he knew nothing or with no guide and night coming on krlonl ho asked of an old man smoking in his doorway liow long will it take mo to walk tp tho next townf tho old man eyed the speaker qulx- rlcally walk on ho said with a wave of his hand in the right direction yes i know which roadi but how long will it take me to walk there r orkod tho stranger again walk on repeated the smoker stolidly hut cant you tell me how long it will lake mo to reach the town per sisted tho other impatiently walk on a tblrtl time directed the old man and the stranger did walk on inwardly anathematising tho stupid ity of tho smoker young man called tho resident when the stranger bad gone a few yartls he turned impatiently 1 just wanted to tell you that if you keep that gait youll get there in half an hour why couldnt you say so before demanded tho stranger hotly the old man removed his pipe from his mouth blow a volume of smoke skyward and aiiswerod coolly how did i know hot fast you co walkt young hmiplo m to huvn the slightest ikkmilng thrlr life wot almost from babyhood their imnt pistil littmn imyo cjrrttot imagli themselves happy anywhere but on the farm some girls earn for nothing but music hut on tho whole such c are rare tho most of us discover iioonor or later tliat wo aro growing up without knowing wlinl we really want to do with our lives it is important that wo should really chose our life work and not drift inlo tho occupation thst happens lo present itself nrst hut lt is not necessary for a loy junt entering tho high school to make hlmnau miserable brcausn ho cannot dqcldn whether ho wants to b a doctor ltlto his father or a civil en gineer like his favorite uncle it is true tliat if h should reach a decision on this jwilnt it might make a differ ence in his choice or studies hut that la not ultogethcr an advantage in tho opinion of many educators who hold that thn foundation o an education should be as liroad os possible and alt the njieclsllblng should be done in later years ilo that as it may there are a goad many reasons why a boy of rourtoen sliould not hurry himself into tho choice of a lifo work merely be cause he thinks it is tlmo ho was mak ing up his mind to choose without a reason is no better than taking lh nrst occupation ttiot premata itself ttia average highschool student en tori nt hi tout fourteen and he hul ftiur years of study ahead of him befora he will take up any kind of work if he la going to college be has eight years instead if four and every year will nnd him moio nature in his judgment more developed bettor able to choose wisely in a matter of such import ance it would be a thousand pities for him to force himself into premature doclnlon merely for tho sake o decid ing something unless a boys taste impel him irrestibly hn one direction let him take time to be sure cultivate the garden spots if there is a garden on one side tho street and a coalyard on tho other tho majority of peoplo will walk on tho garden side xhat tho coal- yard is useful nobody doubts as a matter of fact wo could not get along jwlthout it hut tlio garden la decidedly more attractive borne people are so well satisfied with the posses sion of tho substantial virtues that it never occurs lo them that thoy need to cultivate the little graces of life and then they wonder that thoy are not as rich in friends as others of thclr acquaintance hveryono has great respect for a coal yard kvcryono recognises its importance itul no ono wan la it in his neighborhood no one lingers bo- fore it to goxe upon tho gleaming piles which promise protection against tho winters cold but tho garden is a magnot which draws all eyes and tlio more we see of it tho better tho substantial virtues aro splen did things everyone should be am bitious to be of uso in tho world dut do not fancy that your usefulness ex cuses you from being agreeable cul tivate tho kurdcn spots in your per sonality ho friendly entertaining courteous charming there are very good people who lack friends becauao there- is jn their nature no garden whose bloom and fragrance attract tho posse rsby selected prohibition in london tho london ens dally express of recent date has a paragraph under tho above heading as follows in a train the other evening some men were dlacussing the effects of prohi bition on tho american labor market when one of thorn remarked that in a certain london area prohibition or what amounted to it already exists so far as tho sale of drink for consump tion on tho premises is concerned i can show yaj a thickly populated sub- urbun district he said extending over ix sijuuro mllo und a half where you will pot nnd a slnglo public house this seemed such a tall state ment tliat another man in tho company bet it was not true but after investi gation liu nad to pay up buch a dis trict uxihis in tho neighborhood of tlio crystal 1ulaco iwstween lengo and croydon and as tar as i am aware this dearth of public houses is not qua to any organised temperance movo- iilont but to tho fact that there hap pened to be uouo in the neighborhood when tt was devolopoi for building rfmta uid none hn since been pru vil d she diont say if u maori wishes to sposk words of inault to another maori ho culls his udversiry simo kind of rood i kind will do living or dead one mum i chuf onto told uuothci that ho was a rujutt viut then ho nod to tho hush hi 1 in a cuvo wus tracked cap turud jlid beheaded tho cuve is still lriiowirtuvlbltonrrbndwhen iwd kit i liuuur was in new zealand ho wa tukcu to it by u pretty maori girl act lug usuldo mio told him tho wholu ntory tiul ut tho conclusion tho st noldlurs face softened into a umllp ho ould ah then i supihiso it would bo highly dangerous lo cull a maori uidj a llttuv duokt lm1uii mall otha on the jotrthatb all in u nlugsru kails n y houlro thu veiling there was a clover bit of repartee ilcturrsof the ameri can troops in kiuiiro were being shown on tho screen where aro tho canu- djan homebody lit tho audience call ed out immediately there cumo in 1 wcllmodulatcd vfca from a back scut holding hack tho huns while tho yanks weie getting their plrtuie taken englands chief risk ling tun it in time of war jriuld be secure against foreign invasion nat until her navy was destroyed couki any mlliury jorco be landed on her shore nnd with the most powerful noets udoat and tho boat warveaaeln of every class she could defy any continental nation her chief risk would bo e failure of food supplies her most deadly foe would bo starvation there is never more than ten woeka supply of wheat in tho united kingdom if the alock of foreign food were cut off bread and meat would- rise in price and tho masses of workers would be exposed to tho horrors of starvation this is englands great source ox danger in wartime against lt there can bo no aonjtr nfcguurd than the miilnteniincepf friendly relations with america whence tho bulk of her ira- ported fooj is dnwn with her fleet in command of tho seas and wh her main base of supplies secured by anglo american good feeling england la wellnigh invulnerable against at tack from uils point of vlow englands defensive resources have been greatly strengthened by the improved relations now existing with america no alu anco with any conuneatal power would secure her against famine tn time of war america alone is able to do this and to arm engla s s for defying any european coalition there tro other and better motives than selfinterest for strengthening the bonds between tho two branches of the kngllahipeaklng race yet the fact that each can bo helpful to the other nnd protect it from danger and cala mity tonds to bring thorn together in close fellowship unltod they wfu stand and as mr gladstone once said tho future of the world will belong to them companion boston over- eating rib uataillaaal nt iintlm litm llmmlm rinqide tjjott g yang cv charlss b trust toronto qet the oe8t it pays is noted throughout cacadn fox high grade business education great demand for our graduates open all year enter now write for catalogue w j elliott principal real estate if you have a house for sale if yon want to buy a house in acton ask r j kerr auotlonssr and ftsal eststs dsalsr ill one sb younq street acton ont soo dux 10o uuc i 7so dos t0o 7so loo coo 15o a loo to 100 strong healthy plants ready now punalea 1inka hwoot williams canterbury lie lis kqx q loves cams t long iiatek cahlyjlnd lat cabdaqe cauliflower tomatoes celery early and late flowers annuals dlttsrent vsrutlss a hbish0p gardener ordsrs qoaksd phsns 64 fairview ave acton castor a for infants and children in uso for over 30 years always bears the cigna turo war bond interest coupons and cheques cashed free tho merchants bank will cnh all war loan coupons or interest cheques when duo on presentation without making any ehanre whatever for tha service if you lmvo not a savlnen account why not una your interest money to open ono with 61 this bank 7 safety deposit boxes dt yoim own bank mrchanu itank of canada aet r nn you ou7oat aacum one for your docuroanta and valuablaa th mcrciiamfs bank hesd qftc montnul acton branch geoacktown branch of caajoyvoa eau bthrfd 1sq4 c w grand v vsji a jum4 wsji wsj ivs osrgf saw aw taissfwab many watrticre re sskeotj ukzzh dves this questxu they do not want to pot a qnarta in tho bonk st a time and before they know it it is ra for trifle the goiarnment ha pravaded a t plan to enable yoa to scre that qamr- ter in each a way that xt will earn yoo more naoney twentyve cents hoqr a thrift stoma sixteen thrift stamps becom a war ssmngs stamp for which ftha cor-anit- ment wifl pay yoo 500 fa 1924 if yoa lend th gcnrttuugbi jfjstrtaw lng m this way yoa can- nmk i money earn over 4 conpobaad tn terest as often as yoosm 400 odd tha i not oory easy and profitsfo to- tmcnt bat patriotic mvsrjntkit be came the g need money for the heavy 6naacina offtna reeoa- tructian pcrtod malce year sarins serre ten asj serre yonr conntry larest thr ia war satiss stamps ew machine shop fred blow machinist is moving to the newlyarranged premises the ross bowl ing alley on main street where be vill be prepared to handle all repairs of machinery promptly and satisfactorily motor repairs a specialty having experience with all makes of motors repairs will be efficiently executed vulcanizing ttbes having install ed a vulcanizing outfit satisfactory repairs vill be made to outer case as veil as inner tubes this depart ment is managed by mr d ross bring all your repairs here main street acton fbed blow business directory thoo qray m d c m moqill i it c v udlnburgli i it v p 4l u olnjutow mornlxir llrltlsh modl- csl association tic offlc itrodorlrk olroet acton ont dil j a mcnlvcn physlclsn snd gurasor aiirt itftsldonro cornor uowar donwn acuin ont- vctcninanv john lawqon vatsrinsry ourgson acton ont uradusta uf onturlo veterinary col ices 1bs0 olllro arthurs illic ltnsldonoa ulll fitrwt calls day or nlaht jiroinpt- ly attandod to lcoal phono no 2 1 o ilox s3s harold nash farmer ma dirrliur golicitoi- noury publlo canvtnyanmr ctc pcnrvman clock acton ont uoniy to loan conveyancing xiouxs 3 p itj to 8 p tn at reside no r h wan0drouqh lsks awentu acton ontsrlc dr j m dell d d a d o dsntlst honor graduate of toronto unl-rer- sltr tho in tests sjisnthetia tisd u desirtsd olbcs at resldsaca corner mill and jtrttoarlclc btrotats miscellaneous marfllaqe licensed h p moors issusr msrrlsa llosnsss prlvato oqlce no witnesses rs- qqitcki issued at residence in owning- itkn pnxss offlcs acton ont francis nunan bookbinder account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every descrl uon carefully boand- ruuna neatly and promptly done yvyndbam street dualon ont orer wulianu btore r j kerr llosnsed aucuonssr itor tho counties of xlalton welllqs- ton pool and dufterln and tho city or auolph acton ontario sales may be arranged by mall 01 at realdenoe at acton or at the jtree press ofllce acton tho mercury ofllce quoloh tho newsllecord ifetkua or with w j gordon harness m ulllatmrs bales entrusted to r j kerr re- oelra attention from dots of llstlns t date of sale list ypur sales sith rot rssldsncs you no street acto- phone 30 acton call at my expense je cheevers book q1noer quebso at east ouelph on- books and tnaeailoea bound i handsome and substantial covers names lottered in cold on clbjio hymn books and other books all work promptly exscutsd d alex niven ontario land surveyor snd civil engineer surveys subdivisions plana ro xaorts rxjscrlpuond dlucprtnts otr certificates for purchasers on mortsairoes surveys fgr architects builders end municipal councils drolrulsd tteports estimates etc molean ouildinq dou 8 quislpil phono 1004 oni what znasic wand unlocks your doors and movea the stickers from your floors injects new life in dying stores publicity what power ni rnrn atop and think makes h 14 den socks disgortte their m itie mihty force of ptintera ink publicity what broubt his masters voice to you caused you try a reffal shoe or coll for spearmint gum to chew 7 publicity what made on overland known to fame made ivory soap a household name showed mazda like n torch aflaxnd publicity what made a heintxman sain renowr placed heinz in many homes in town brought ford success ia victors crown publicity and many more that we could name now lodged wlthlnth halls of kante attained their place by this wjfame ihibudty a splendid stock may grace your floor that draws no buyers to your store to land the kale add one thing more publicity the acton free press sells publi city at rates that will pay every business man who invests in it 7 auctioneer ijvb htock heal uhtatb and mishchanduu olldstsd phons erin jt r r 3 acton grftndirunims the double track route 111ctwuun montreal toronto detroit chicago iltolii mi tiu iiltlit liulnu sid ltirlii- lura n ilntllttl juy tiullui 111 inftirinutluit fiou any jmuj lvuitk luaiut unit m l ilrilny tjlotrlot latssctiaiir au il tureiilo h s holmea agent acton ont phons t tho old and roliahln granite and marble dealors wo ore manufacturers and direct lnuwrtors e kinds of monumosul and llcaastotia work wo soil direct to our customers at wholesals yrloos thus sivliik lj customers 40 jmr ooitu wo liavo tlio best aiinllaiioos und th vnly mpchanlcs in tlio dominion who can oiuhato imeuniatlo tools proicxly ve can bivo refuraiicoa from hundreds of our customers in toronto and other places where others have to have law suits lu order to cumrut wo have tha tersest and best stork of oraiilto in the dominion or moro uiait any three dealers in tho west we are lejrlu- mate dealers and employ ho stents and da not uunuy or ieut customers hy hendttist out lgiiorant atennts so licit in orders we employ only mechanlos and defy oompetltlun riamilton sons cor norwich a woolwich sts ouatns 3lpspi7rff k jlsifti2tsktl ymms tsi

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