ijr arfrmjlrw fr0 tiiijhjdav jijni 13 j01b the recipe ii it dolnr yinii- ji dm ami imiiij jum y it u milking miiim y iju and iiuyin trl hit tiffin lug how unl am inoliliif forward a ami dnamliir uttli it uircjiliik nlwuyii i wit whnt ij ii ii dariiij hlllhrly while making lab i ii jolni uri fltuui bent you jiu fellow man jt hoihnicfrlonln yimr alum and i amlng why ni thinking high wmi uoinjf miicii i ouiht touch word iiiul rtood u luld of chitnrn bravo romanco anil nuhtli it i bolng i ikiui unit it a puiylnifalr ltd laughing lightly at dunm deapulr it looking up ut ilio ntnra above and drinking deeply nf iito and love it ii atruggllng on with tlio will to win it ii tnklnr utaa with a rhoerful grin it ii nhurliig narrow and work and mirth and making bolter tliin rood old earth itn uorving ntrlvlng through strain ltd lit i hnd token little wout unl tlm mr they remarked whirl ho ruulied john lltlntlrr nobleatlhaln hue ilorton bra ley 3 eg d d d d d ndddannaa judge norcross and the fann dy fradrlok c durnham j3e3 nnnnnnnna 00 d a a a a d avent got any tlmo to was to with you young md said judge norcrom peering over tho to pa of his glaasca at lyman izdwarda no doubt you mean oil right but you have rot to show mo that you have tljo right stuff in you before i will consider taking you into my ofllco to study law vvhy oro you not at homo helping your father with tho hayiost leather oold that ha could cot along wltliout mo judge replied lyman hln face crimson woll bo can i qcod day young man lyman blindly groped hla way down tho otaira to tho street ho was tirl- oua ho waa disappointed it vnu at his fathora auagcauon that ho had como to town to see judge norcroaa ho wondered if ho hod mado any break which caused tho judge to bo no bruaquo with him tho edwards farm waa located thro ml lea from tho contro of tho town that day lyman woa clad of tho fact for it gavo him tlmo to get cooled off a bil 1 11 show him what kind of a tun ivo cot in mo growled lyman aa he trudged along tho road 111 pock my trunk and bo off to the city inside at twentyfour hours there arr plenty of chances in tho city to read law in offlcca that oro a blamed night bigger than his stuffy old hole i gucaa i can earn enough on tho aide to moot ex- pensea an eighth of a mllo or no from tho house lyman pauaed to rest beneath a big elm tree he had taken off his hat and was wiping hia forehead when ho heard loud oh outing from the direc tion of tho imwarda born something gone wrong i guess he muttered hope those now horsea havoiit got into trouble aa ho hurried along the road the aboutloff died away lie waa just be ginning to think that nothing sarlou had happened when ho saw two of tho hi rod men moving slowly from the born bearing a third man in their arms before they pad reached the houso lyman had arrived whats happened cried lyman breath coaly staring at tho uncon scloua form of hla father foil out of tho mow repllod one of the men lies hurt pretty bad i gucas lyman opened tho door and having lod tho way to hla fathers chamber rushed to tho telephone and called the family doctor hla mother waa away for tho day and in a way ho waa thankful that such waa the case for ho knew that it would have been terrible shock to her to have seen her husband thus brought into the house within fifteen minutes doctor whip ple whirled into the yard in his an to mobile and ten minutes biter having made a haaty examination he turned to lyman who waa standing at tho foot of tho bed well young man said tho physi cian consider yourself fortunate that your father is alive as it la he has escaped with a broken leg and a dla- 1 oca tod shoulder it will be some months bofarp he will be out and around an hour later tho doctor motioned to lyman who had stepped into tho adjoining- room tour father wants to sptuuc to you be said can you take my place son for a day or twot questioned air edwards feebly searching hia sons facet 1 11 take it dad although i can t fill it repllod lyman laying hla band on hla fathers ill do the best i can that will mako things iota easier for mo oon murmured hla father there theres so much to do so much hay to got in how long will you bo here doctort questioned lyiruvu turning to tho phy nl clan an hour or more if that is the cuau i will go out with tho men it looka a bit llko a ahower lymin husloncd out to tho burn and finding tho hired men seated in tho shade of tho barn called to them jot rested 7 he cried i guess father is going to come out of it all right but it will be soma months be foru bo is out and around ao tho doc tor says iu tho meantime i am it charge of tho form work lets hustli down to tho meadow and got big load of hay in before that shower comes iii rldo the horseroko and jou can attend to rbo loading an hour later u big twohoroo lojj of hay rolled into uie bant and lyman roil to the house to see how hla father was getting along i hoard tho horses soil remarked mr ldwurds smiling faintly us ly man ut pped into the room it sound ed good lyman it la good to know 1 vo got u boy who can bo depended iuowi your father on hlo feet one of thoso dun doctarxd the doctor placing his hund on lyinan shoulder one of the main points is td kcp hla mind cany all things tonildered i have dncldod to remain here until your mother irrivra and such being the case you can o out in the hay- field fiir tho bulamo of the afternoon that is if it doesji t ruin iho shower threatened but held off uiiil when six o clock arrived two more loads of hay hud been stowed away in tho mow and u third rolled in under cover just us the first spatter of rain fell i colli in t have done any better my self do lared mr ldwanla when ly man told hliu what had boon accom plished tho haying waa on for a fortnight lyman jumped into tho work with u wilt assisted by suggestions made ty hln father and bathed up by the iiciuiy work of the hired men things went smoothly lyman in the past real ntoretft in farm rt men know it now the hcartlncs ihlnrn along t lxy o ysura in hired oho of the n ireimlnr me ijlwa had a notion lint ho wflan t i for a farmer but lies sin pruiod both on us thing in goto long slick grraito t the luiylnu over lyman puiihtid tho general farm work there was rn cultivating j wi cdlng to be d uiiil nvery available hour ho wan at it with tho hired men lie had not for gotten about hla puiiii for studying luw hut the linpi riitlve nccihi of tin present had driven them to tho hack ground ho hoietl unit when winter came his futhrr would be on hln feet but until thin he realised that hhi plate wss th era on tho farm dad how much land does asa ilohlen claim belongs to lilmt ijuca- t toned lornau ono morning in flop tern ber three feet along tho went boundary of tho imislure replied his father fire leaping into hla eyes that lawsuit la coming off this winter and i m going to beat htm why do you ask what la tho land worth dad t queried lyman looking keenly into hla fathers eyca worth it isn t worth but little but iii fight asa to the lost ditch is it worth fighting about dad t questioned lyman why why i don t know as it la repllod hla father slowly it it is the principle of tho thing wouldnt it bo a better priuclplo to yield a point and oo keep on good i terms with asa holdenr i don t know but what you ore right son answered ifr edwanla- sorqehow i hate to give in now after ave years of fighting work la a bit slack just now dad suppose we move tho lino fenco throe feet this side i dont know but youre right ly man said mr edwnrda gripping hla sons hand life la too short to be spent fretting over such trifles take the nun out to tho pasture andmove the fence over an you suggest too have carried tho farm work along first rate and now you are going straighten this tangle out tho easiest and best way lyman and tho men had been nt work less than an hour netting over tho disputed lino fenco when ana hold en came across the fields from his house what ye doln lyman ho ques tioned just changing the boundary about throe feet this way mr hojd replied lyman i understand that la what you claim belongs to you does your father know bout it yes ho wants it done ho says that life in top short to spend it con testing trifles mr hold en dont ye move another rail o thet fence lyman cried tho old man i aint spoke to your father for night five year but im coin down to tho house now an see him i don t want thet land i aint sure as it belongs to mo anyhow i dont car if it does i ain t got none too many friends ive missed talkln with your father trcmenjoue we grawed up together was alays swap pin btorlcs afore this dispute cotne up mind what i tell ye don t move another rail that fenco la goln to stay jest whar it oi aya has been father here la mr ho id en said i lyman ten minutes later loading tho i way into tho house ho wants to havo a htuotalk wlotyou johnl cant stan no sech treat mont as thia ohokod tho ohcmon stepping up to mr edwards who was seated by tho kitchen window thet fence ain t to be moved ye sold thet yed beat ma in court an x guess may be ye would but now youve done bettern thot youvo beat me out court i como down hopln thef yed shake hands with me tarns has been pllln up inside o mo for flvo year want to be friends with ye an let some oo em out ye know how wo used to spin em rainy days an win ter nlghta asa i am glad to see you said mr edwards shaking bands with his neighbor speaking of yarna i guess i can match you along that lino for some time to conic a fortnight later while lyman waa on the road to town with a load of apples judge norcross who was out horseback riding reined hla horse be side the wagon young man i have changed my mind about you tho last few months said tho judge i havo heard con- slderable as to tho way you jumped into the hameaa on tho farm your father told me how you sat tied that dispute with asa holden and it pleafl ed me i understand from doctor whipple that another month will see your father himself again and such being the case i guess ho will not need a you vory much as to me 1 do need a young man in my office and i dont know where i could locate ono more to my liking id like to see you within thirty days why why i thank you judgol exclaimed lyman i dont thank roe young man re plied the judge you opened the way yourself i think ill stay with dad for a while yet that farm of ours is set ting quits interesting hut i thank you all tho same judge thfc sunday school tessoli roh gunday june 15 1010 1iv j1muiz l iiijltliltir iltat kit mutt c c it 1 john 31 33 t h 15 additional material for i eurhrm mult 26 3g 4g iukn g 1 ii i i john 1c 33 34 17 i 3g i thouu 17 joints f 1c ilf fcan read let mo huvo a three cent stamp plean sir i had been on disk duty for two hours and had heurd that re quest scores of times hut there was u tone of exultation in the speakers voice thut caused me to look up uud at him there waa a merry light in hla koeu blue eyes uud his faco was beam lilg with joy i bad met him before a six foist artilleryman who liad been drafted from tho mountains i had neen him first three weeks before whonj arrived at camp uavler i was ussalgned to tho task of teaching illiterates among the soldiers at unit ho and he waa among thejn i re member well that i on that first day asked him to read from our printer and thut he faltered a little to tho reading of thesu simple sentouccs can read 1 cast read a book can rcud tho lilble itu it uf tho filtering turnover thefe wua vrhul 1 thought it a tlmo a grct i ougfirnrus to luuru hiruuguly cnoujib i cannot recall his work in tho class in succeeding duys now with thu joy uud pride man who has uttulued to a great thing he is sticking a sta tn a letter he hay wri own this loin he handed it o ma unil u slight eirutli ual tremor in his said that l what tho v has done for met when i omtno here i nclthom read nor wrlto you havo tuught me my yilta can rcud uiu write but i had to have someone writ my letters to her and have hen read to mo now leon write to her and her letters i are all my own ashamed of il a great lump rose into my throat and j felt moisture in niy eyes neither of us spoke for a moment but i knew what it ull moaiit to him presently i said there is something else tho v wants you to have something that makrn for a great joy and content in life i know he said and still grip ping my hand aa his eyes looked into mine and a smite wreathed his llpa i can read i i an read a book 1 rati read the iihlo that is what tho v has dono for mo 9 imrter moore common scripture passage l and when yo pruy ye nhull not l uii tho hyikirrltwi for they lovo to utund and pruy in tho synagogue and in tho corners of tho streets that they may io seen of men verily i aay unto you they have received their g hut thou when thou pruyest enter into thine inner chamber und having hut thn door pruy to thy 1 ithcr who is in oecret and thy pntho- who ioeth in secret shall rocompenoo thee 7 and in praying use not vain ro- pltltluna nil tho ucntllca do for i hoy think that they shall bo heard fur their much speaking k lm not thereforo llko ulfto them for your other knownth what thlngu yo iiuva need of boforo ya uak hli b aftor this manner therefore ruy yo our kulhor who aro hallowed be thy name 10 thy kingdom come thy w i bo done as in heaven so on earth 11 give no this day our daily bread 13 and forgive us our debts aa wp also havo forgiven our debtors 13 and bring us not into temptation but deliver us from tho evil one 14 lor if yo forglvo men their trea posses your heavenly bather will also forglvo you 16 liut if yo forgive not men their trespasses neither will your luthor forglvo jour trespasses 31 llelovod if our heart condemn un not wo have boldness toward god 32 and whatsoever we ask wo re eclvo of hlxn because we keep his commandments and do tho things that ore pleasing in hla sight i 14 and this la tho boldncus which we have toward him that if wo usk anything according to his will ho hear oth us 1 and if wo know tliut ho hoareth us wltataoovnr wo ask we know that we havo tho petitions which wo tmvo asked of him golden textin nothing bo anxious but in everything by prayer and nup plication with thanksgiving let your requests be mado known unto god tiill 4 a departmental topics end rafarencas primary topic talking with our heavenly father dan c 3 23 memory verse lord teach us to pray luke 11 1 junior topic jesus teaching how to pray luko 11 14 memory vcrnea matt c 013 intermediate and focnlor toplo ivayor a prlvllego and a duty luko 11 14 1 john 3 31 33 c 14 lc young people and adult topic tho christian conception of prayer laaaon thoughts of all the gifts of god to men no no la greater nqjja nhould bo eatccmed more precious than tho prlvllego of prayer ours is a private wire not to tho government or tho royal paluco but lolbe dwelling- place of tho king of king never too busy to hear our call open day and night with nothing too great nor too email to receive at tention and find answer lvum these sentences a few out of many wo may learn how to pray 1 we should pray always and about everything pray without ceasing writes tho apostle paul that doea not moon that wo should spend our lives in a convent praying every hour i but that wo should at all time- con- i tinuo in a praying relation with god j talking with our leather about all mat ters dwelling in an atmosphere off communion with him bringing to him all our trials great and small oaklng him for guidance thanking biro for every b leasing z we should pray carneatly with heart and ooul not that our lord unwilling and must bo persuaded to grant qur petitions he loves us and would have us open our hearts to hli freely and without restraint- let i come boldly to hla throne bringing our needs and pressing our suit with all prayer and supplication 3 wo tlhould pray as children of god j onus in his model prayer teach es us to oay our tother we come not to an enemy who must bo placated not to a stranger who must be awak ened to interest but to ono who loves us more tenderly than any earthly father or mother when wo pray let us say our mather and mean lt- 4 wo should pray in christ s name wo aro followers of und fellowheirs with clulst through our relation with mm wo liavo the right u como into tho presoiio of tho king c we should pray in faith i alth ls trust in ood when wo pray jet uo ijoiiovo without a coubt that god heart and will respond tu us hut faith is also an absolute surrender to lod a will therefore lot us nay ia ous lord aald leather iwt my will but thlno be dono olsckboard pltaf always pkav larnk3tly 1iiay ah oodh child iluy in cjihi3th nailu iilayin iaa1th rsadmos for next weak mon lay lovo 1 cor 13 113 tuonduy loving one a nelghboi ijv 13 9 13 j wednesday love thu flash of law ikuu c 15 thuiw ty tho law lmlnllcd itun 13 110 a wi0c otccr mjnei wrltea a companion r wo mad ft a trip to ante h on the mohave deflprt rim s i hero wnn a flimsy um k u ituni mid a itinall corrjl houuti the barn wan built i ta of lunitror and plecm linbr and there were ln in it hint u i thei itl it it oldnni then iiwnm- from fault nor wo ulldlng liar iimterlul xmuilviily xld wuit u rnmnhucklo uiulr lm ml tiro uk hlngcn und tho i merely u rough wimhiihi wltl u tjitd of n vomit into thlu liar n wo rurrlrd our food for tho hnrwji und after feeding our aiilinuls us well an oumelveu wo bar iimnnl up and tlrovo off to tho soutli to bcjln our work ua soon an ihisalhle whni we returned we found tho burn door oixm we were sure wo hud closed it and began to lnvcstl- gntf iniildo llu m waa a mr rod steer oa holy iiatlur our cm in wo drove htm out with great dlrlculty ho was very reluctant to go wo liad gone to bed and wore just doling when wo heard a peculiar scraping nobie comtiig from tho barn ono of the boja rose slipped on his shoes and lighting u lantern went out to investigate on hla return ho told us th it u ate r wua in tho barn eating the grulti he had driven tho animal i out an i ill nee bo behoved tho steer had iponfcd tho door himself ho liad j fuatoiud it with hay wlw hut before morning tho door had been opened we found he nicer ut our food again when wo left for our work wo gath ored a ut of hay wire and fastened thi door with at least a duxen nt rands hut when we returned tho steer waa inuldo ho liad bitten holes in th different sacku of grain and had eaten and ncattered about more than cared to lose wo drove him out with a horsewhip hoping that would teacb him to keep away then wo fastened tho door with wlra again as we had that morning and set to work to got our oupper as it grew dark wo saw the animal approach tho barn and watched to see how ho got in after sniffing at tho door a few times ho hooked ono of hlo short hirna into tho bale wlro i irut ho would wrench away ut it using ho horn oa a pry than ho would lower his head and bring tho horn up with a smart blow against the wlro und begin to pry at it again i irut ono wlro and then another he broke ur pulled apart and finally he had them ull cleared away thn wo wati hod to ace how ho would gat tho bar to nlido out of ibi socket but that was ousy ho kept sliding hln horn up ogalist the under aldo of tho bar ant thon twisting his head and prying an before uttlo by htuo tho bar workod hack until it cleared tho soc ket nnd then tho door which waa un evenly fastened on its hinges swung open yt its own accord and tho ntoer walked in wo drove htm out promptly and drove nomo nails behind tho bar so that it could not slide back that mado it troublesome for us to get in for wn had to remove tho nails each time we van ted to enter but tho steer cot no more of our grain llow did tho steer born and raised i on the itcat open valleys of ho desert i whom in all probability those two bulhllnga worn tho only lnclouurea ho i nvir imw i cam how to open that door so ingeniously 7 ividuy love i 1 john 3 111h saturday tlm john 13 31 3 holiday lovo and lbht 1 11 ieod und in truth dc fleadv to do the hard thino he ready to uo the hard thing 1 here is little diaclpllno in doing that which doea not cost effort ho ready to thu bumble tusk thu work which ono seouia to notice may bo tho must important uo ready to do thut which seems to bo nobody a business if it thus not belong to uiiy one in imi culur why should you not do it ua well aa ooiuo one else t iln willi fiatttlyaraitihoarj or humble taal and to do work which ttas not uiputj ully beuii bars is hot likely to com plain of a look of chunuea a compromi0l with grandfather puahlng buck his chair and utcady ing hi mac if carefully by ono trembling hund uroodfathcr atkins mado his halting way to tho aide board jeforo tho stroke that had enfeebled but body grandfather aklns had been a roe chunlclan now nothing remalnod of his busy life except tho old habits of painstaking exactness he carefully re urraigcd everything on tho sldo board oven to tho apples in tho fruit basket ho moved tho old teapots on tho mantelpiece a fraction of an inch and chmged tho position of tho candle sticks then slowly turning ho mado his way to tho library there were a great many things that ncedod re arrangement in the library chairs books magna nea ornaments it usually took grandfather an hour to complete hla self- appointed task whet bo liad finished tho friendly choerful mora worn a strange air of constraint every chair stood against tho wall books und magaxlncs lay in formal plica ornumonto were ma thu mat leal ly spaced i up in her counulns room gertrude l mai lory listened to tho halting suns j be low hharp linos came into her forehead don t boo how you stand it mary i sho cried there i know i d have to let it out so me thn e and i have you soe i went through it all with aunt llxa in u little different way of coure und it nearly druvo roo wild 1 inully i hud to speak to her i sup pose it seemed cruel to her aubjuugh i tried to do it pleasantly of course hut all tho same it waan t fair she hud had her ufo und her homo in bci iwn way i hud u right ta mine and you havo a right to yours mary jtrlght it enough for you to luko com of trandpu the wuy you do without bav lug him spoil your home mary uright smiled over her mend lug grindpa urn t spoiling my homo he just inukeii it homier i in can it trudlr i ii acknowledge i got fruited ut rlrnt uiid fretted him too poor grundpal then one day tho look lils uyos struck mo llko u blow and i laniu up hero find locked the door uud thought the thing out i thought of die wy i d tvnl if all my work w taken ftoiu lilo uud i wore left euro to vome ono else thou i decided it wasn t a trouble down liv my heart i wua glad to do anything i could for grundlml it wus only a problem an 1 problc m i have solution uo i worked mine o it i decided to arrange thltiks on u halfandhalf basis ho coul i have tho rooms his way in tho morn lug uud tltpn when bo goes upstairs after lunib i do my dusting and caw things up u bit- if i dldnt mary rf uyes lighted wllh laughter he d luivn not bin je uft to correct aa it is wen both con ten tod oertrt do turned uwuy utiarply i only sho hud done tho kuiuu thing with aunt uxu thrift tula tho wur bus started tho persons uuvlug who never thought seriously of doing su before many strained a point tu navo up for u vic tory iiuml uud now tho government war savings und thrift stump at heme is in full operation theoo u tamps urn for nnlo at ull post ottuca banks und other uuthortod ugencus md a moat rouvonlunt uud prufltablu mothotl of saving is made uvallublo to tho public there urn many would bosub- arrlbcrs tu the victory loan who by reason of their inability to tluuntu tho purchuurt easy us it was made wem ohllged to fori go the opportunity luisy would no klully huvn avallid uutiincl i vtn of 1 ho thrift utauij a rxactll mi tt i their cass i 0et no limit liv will ut ng ui wo ki ii umw iiripni vrrwitntn nq ual i y itlty of our woi k mont lxxiplii din with tho majority of their hjwuio i rui thtlly umlovcloimd ik not set limits tu what you tan bo or do but miiko the tunduid for ovrry now day u llttlo highrir than that of tho day bofoio jummnmn farmers we have large resources and the vast experience of 87 years to draw upon to serve you but we have sofnething even more important we have the earnest desire to do so wc cjuii your produce and personal cheque collect your drafts all by mjij if required and gladly give you impartial advice on any financial of business matter the bank of nova scotia paideft csjjt a tiooooo rsacrrn iaad 12000 000 wcs 14000 000 w if gul1u4 actlasf uau acloo drunk overacidity i ol ma stomahihaj upaet many j naghtsresl ii your stomach laacki- flmtitrfao jiaaorro two r uw rmifllds oo tba tonyoe bwora rwuijna and cxv joy reiroabing auep tbo ptauy and acott jk bowne l makexa of scorra muluon t uae only three level tea- spoonfuls for five cups teas good tea sold only in oenledpacltcigea and make 1 isnn jyoo lore moiey a june catt 94a3 ww smunga stamp lttf taar how p oi yoot waej do yoa frilter away each week on tnses if yoa reclton it op yoa will probably find thai at lftaxt five per cent dxxappcaia thus uko snow wrcains in thaw if your weekly wage is j 1500 yotr gpend caxily 75 cent of hat on mere nothings before you know ii cot toppoxe yoa teid to your employer each week i want yoa to keep 75 cent oat of my pay envelope and invest ii for me in way sana stamps as yon buy each war sr jini stamp put it in my pay envelope and go on doinr that for a year yoa will neve miss thai 75 cents bat at the cod of the year yoa wul have over 36100 infcsied in savings stamps by then they wid he worth considerably more than 3600 and by 1924 they will be worth 4500 war savings stamps are ftiaraiitced by the dominion government they have the whole resources of canada astheir seenniy the samo ax victory loans and they bear an nnn jujh rate of interest you can cash them at any time however if yoa need to malie year savings serve yoa and serve yoor coxmtrfiyt them ia war savings stamps publicity what magic waiuj unlocka your doorm and raovea the wticktru from your loom injtxrts new life in dying wtorca 1ublirity wiint power nidlto mutjimd wlop und junk muketi hiddlii btkltu disgorge unir cidnjt tho mighty force of pnntern ink publicity wjit hrought m ftluatera voice to you capsed jou try a itegui i m or call for simyixpiiiit ijuni to chew fubllcjty- what niado an overlaiul known to fume mode ivory soap a hotiiicliold name showed flhuda like a torch aflame 7 publicity what made u h gam renown placed heinz in many iwnied in town j liro ught lord tmccena uvtctorh crywn tiddjcjty and maiiy more that wo could mum now lodged within tlie ilulh of jume attained their place by ihia ueiftulme publicity a tiplendld alack may grace our tloor that drawn no buyem to your otore to land the kide add one tiling more publicity the acton free press sells publi city at rale tliat will pay every business man who invests in it poy firqt cla0q ooriign nnrl ronatiuiry are iuulltlii thut ii pi al to oviryotir imipo liv of itallfinallty l ortutiately they iro ik 1 tun even in hoyhool tlila war him r v ilcd many ly licnea ii tc the orivciit il u lad of ncvcittirii anil oiillikil hay in tho llrltjtti navr altluir on the tot ofiimeinhitlon of the honrl c ailinhulty tlm kltiff lumuii fijrrnl on lilm u dccorutlou that mui huvo 11 tl lo winthe ilattngiilihil h rvlto mliihi it j 11 uumfortl itay orot claon of tho hittlr rulner tiger won tliln honor iliirlug tho naval engagement olt tho pukiii r hank on tlumlay janu a itoon nftir tho bat tie ouoned tliat ton noon tho tiiumcn of tho sighting mi urulun of tho tlicrn forward uxr- intl hi which urn mounted two 13 c inch itui became oharured wltli iitnulii uttd nrlmo tho lieutenant hi hurtii i jllcl for u volunteer to clean the 1 i mi a i turn ford oteplkd forwunl ami tlm next ni cond ho was olitaldo and poliiihhig uwuy ut tho glaaa tin iuii rewu in their delight it l ottliu night of tholr untagonlolo iiluln at onro hegan to nre and 1 i tlm xt iti mi nt torgot about tho youni- jitor any ww who l boen wltnin a fow miliu of r at iuiii while they am l iol ilrd mil form p nllght lilt of i tu numiimiklng car apllttlmr con i uroiloim hat burnt out round tho lad hue binitlea ttiut tlio tiger wua under hiuvy flro mini the oerruan ahlpa anil liutnfoml uxj the only member of in r n w wh i wan not hehlmf thick ormor v ii n toward tho end of tho tight lannii unit rcmembcrod him he wan foun i on thu burbot to top deafened and fioiimwhut dated but atlll wlplmr tlm liujiiu of tho oigh tine apparatua lo uae hln own language ho hud jtat tuck it hut he liad only dona hlu duly no doubt no one will k him tho decoration tliat ho now wcaiu proudly uii tho breaat of hla ciuivua juinuor summer couti hutninock complete 1100 saturday treat try our now cliocolato crlapa suprior to 1atterkrup lur c0o n liaturday upoclal 40o othi r eioc chocolaton for 30o cocoa iludn bolter than aiai lo liuda tt gq our ico cream parlor in again open with much bettor ico cream and tlio mdio good oervlco nulk ico cream dint 30 hrlclr ico cream each jf any quantity dallvarad harold wiles canada food board lloanaa no 813035 mill 8trect acton g so 70 si 700 s3 75 to 1000 10 to 275 150 200 s275 canopy i nunc couch only ilrtinrtiuck park scnf camp char wi havc what you want store will cloae wednesday after noon during june july and august tho i10nd hardwauk co hid phone 1012 quclph savage co cetabliahed 118 wyndham st guelpi watche8 diamonds jewclury lidrary deqk 0ct8 pine china cut glass silverware 8ilk umbrellas fountain pens apociulluta in wedding and illrthday glftu iupcrt watch andjcwoliory repalroru savage co 70 year in ouair hoy from w williams mui street acton 1 amous foh satisfactory footwear id asonable pklcli s straw me keo our wiiidowu all the ntw sunuutr kylea blnnl1 is toyo sallohi iluora una tellscoll toyos uvtry style worth while 250 lo yaoo haumtoashuty bummer underwear hosier shirts uclt3 etc re nelson phon 40 nxt pot offic quclph where quality and skill are equally high in a i bun not cliuninl on i nulliidu j nut nil iaixful ion nlnilli and ulluiulu in uyo ex uniln itlomi mid rlinllng the ruu in b i mini savage dcttlr optical ser vice always improving acton flour and feelsto we liavu a uuiiply of tin follow inu umt on liaiid tha wall known uranda f klnu cholco nerval and national fh ur nothing better rolled qatu heo clovlr shorts aluikl oat chop timothy tail hi iturxht uu lb llam or umall quantity if dli i aiucai lnij lllt hivl ouh oau uml a lhm iom1-hh- hou1 oati nulu i i kiiino nu robert noble limited icny aw manaoeh