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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 7, 1919, p. 1

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n v s i r i forty fifth year no 0 acton ontario thursday morning august 7 1010 singlo copies pure ccntt new advertisements t11e mrhliodist church acton rev i m moycn pallor pitiomo- willow 8t 10 u m lul j kraut t a htuvtmly blair wuy 3 30 pn 11 h 111 uy h h mission ary day- 7 p m ml nl 1 rll the hucrrtmutit if lltn i rd w hup imir will imi udnilnli tvrtxl ut tho even injr arrvlro you aiu- inviti- i comh farm for sale lflsk were rnrni thu xrt p i- 1 term nmit k 1 41 for oale will mil 1 cc n 1 lino frln ajilr t 1 wat bon it it no l arton for sale 1 sho thorn grudo cow fresh a matched imlr throe year old colts roadster brc i apply to s 1 h kennfdy x lot 26 4th lino knqucoinfr it il no 4 acton 4 11 fruits and vegetables fresh from our gardens und or chard ask for our weekly price lists iii itoidh oakms prultland ontario i 13 niagara district furniture for sale 1 good sideboard 1 parlor wood stove oman as good as new 1 dres ar and w ruin land and other article for sale a bargain for quick sale apply to wili iam mabon c 2 john fclrecl arton horse blanket lost a chock woollen horse blanket new loat between colemans crook on the fourth line and the mill at acton kinder will b rewarded by leaving at fates 111x811 office acton ar with k w waunb lot 8 fourth uno erin card qf thanks the undersigned deal re to ox press heartfelt thanks to tho many friends at churchill and vicinity for their cypres alons of syraputhy in the death of our dear mother which we liavo auatajned and a la j for tho many gnnerous tokens at the lime of her illness mtlh a j tiiomah miss kdna m ilussfku daughtoa notice la hereby given that a dy law wuti oaed by tho municipal council of tho village of acton on ttlu 30th day of june 1b1b providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of thirty thousand dollars ij0o0o for thu purpose of ennbllns the hous ing commission of acton to erect dwel ling houseo according to tho ontario housing act of 1919 and that such by law was registered in tho ilegurtry offlco for the heglstry division of the county of ualton on tho 3snd day of july 1919 any motion to quash r net aside tho oarne or nny part thereof must be made within throe months after the drat publicutior of this notieo and cannot be made thereafter doled at acton this 31st day of july 1919 h n farmer 5 3 villas clerk auction sale household goods the undersigned has been instructed by john perkins to sell by i ubllc auction nt his home no 7 beanjmorc c rescent acton on saturday august 18 a three oclock ho following qood a hole famous hanga now atuvplpa i parlor cook mcciary with hot mir i imh new i lxtenalor table now 3 kitchen tobies 4 pin qsj ilaom chairs 6 citno seat chairs haircloth sofa z dressers with mlr riirs 3 waoholnnds 3 largo iron bod tends brass trimmed 2 new mat tresses 3 tjingloera with mattresses and bedit uk 3 toilet sets 3 hmall aianrtr 1 good lawn mwcr l good washing mochlnp 3 wooden and 3 slvnnlsod iron tubs 11 window odes with curtains quantity of linoleum btulr carpet a number of gal iron an i woodtin imlls a nurn bcr of rn of rrult and ooftleru 1 fful keg 2 clockn itrooitu 1 liake board cutlery glassware ttirau lamt 1 clothes llortio u quantity of nut coal am hardwood z mcroen ixxirx 1 ami ladder i ilucksaw 3 hand ikwi 3 ayee a iiiimlut of first class earden tools alxiut a dosen i ens and chick ens many other art uloe not mon tloned tho eurden i nuluctn will 1 uttered for sate if not uro ounly nul 1 tbkmh cahh rohl mllllosn auctloneat fall term opens sept vonfl a charles streets toronto our records for placing- sraduati promptly in positions have never been nurpussod in canada our thorough training is well known write tu dayfor torso catalogue vvj elliott prlnolpsl wonderland footer hsre than puldo fbioay mqubt i the danger mark an arlt raft i icturv stunlim lclslo i ursuj tho lvollsh aff mormett cometly saturday auqu8t 0 the matins of marcel la with dorothy daltoii mf v wmlj and the rirlush ouxetto tuesday august 12 tho ctjy of ln sees with hesbuo mt 5 6 ifhq lore of h clfcuo wepnesdav auoubt 18 fjwst tiro hpy kom dictum viui the los children now the august cleanupsale this is the final clctfn up of tho summer season our last and greatest reductions will bo made in this sale parf of our profits yea even part of the original wholesale prices wo paid for tho goods can now be added to your savings account useful and needful merchandise 13 involved goods that you will wear and use through wee its and months to come merchandise that wo are obliged to sacrifice because incoming fall goods must have the space it occupies boll owing quotations arc merely examples of the economies afforded x mens 22 50 to 27 50 suits for 1985 mens 20 00 and 22 50 palm beach suits f 01 1750 men s straw hats all at half price boys shirt waists 4 to 16 years 59c mens shirts reg 2 00 to 3 00 for 159 house dresses values up to 3 75 for 2ji9 values up to 4 50 for z98 values up to 5 75 for as8 women s summer dresses regular 21 0o and 22 50 values for 1500 regular 150 and 10 50 values for jloiio regular 1150 and 12 00 values for sst0 1 billy burke dresse3 regu lar values up to 5 50 for 98 white shirts regular 3 50 for 275 regular 4 50 for 350 pretty smocks regular 3 75 for 298 values up to 3 00 for 149 and hosts of other bargain offerings of similar art roc tion in the various departments of this big departmental store d macdonald bros ltd guexpffs leading and largest store wyndham mudonnd mod carden streets goelph onl acton creamery co highest price paid for your cream fair test and full satisfaction guaranteed highest market price fob butter fat will recelye any amount of cream you bring in we are paying the highest market price for lire poultry- let i know by hail and we will call for your stock highest market price fob cream and eggs open monday thursday and saturday evenings until 10 pjn acton creamery co willow street opposite government bmlding r l gregory the shererized store 1 jn funnjnp a phcrcrlef stupe 1 wouujn i so bauk any more for a carload of scads to tho way of our dads to thu slot py old methods of yore you ask what doee bliorerl mean r well firstly iu iiiu klu thlns clean in u blhererlsed store there s no junk on the floor no dirt or disorder is seen tho suods ufe 1 rolectod from fleas the mloa do not know at the peas the rut neves lusts o or the shaker rolled oats und tho cut jonon t rool ji the cheeee the youds that a customer buys aren t specked by thu frollcaoaio dies and no bow wow can weep on the trackers i keep no matter bow often bo tries folks cuute to my hherortsed store and when they hayo ixked the 1 lat o o er they murmur qee will i mow flo ullhtful it ist wave seen not hi off like l belqrol t qo iuomer cheerftily spends na vt f py 1 ul t wends iq plus ipfi ni kiiyukit pu wvosts as he walko my tjliereiitctl sloro to lllo frlono oivlmtpoui ri fitf isftd shfn trnmy f f i fnn fn hit dj st y tnt fmmtmtuli to trot tm 1 drop tho roods are in el lit ot the sculn i uni wuatliik iu time in u eate t jrambut and smllo it thu old fushluned style us i merrily take in the kale tho ptublentam thai buthered my brain and drove me three luartcra iubuno in tho times utkt ore post have been settled ut lost tho word mherertae will okp uilt thu pr blem of loss and waste tho problem of pro fit less husto and tcji thxiusaud more of uia arooery store have u from my doorway been chased 1 m ruunliiff u khererlsod store p don t tsar rfly hutr r any more i tqn t sprinkle eurs tin roy whiskers and fftro ir spend py hltljs alkliih 1 floop- vrnh nh bast r g of tcqttt i mt values mj jtvlajsjaja i 4 dealing mill 3xbket acton ont j store closes u0 oxeopt friday and saturday gourlay jfe co desire too early in september the reeve and councillor i man go o kltefaeoer today to inspect machinery of the plant de0cnture0 to de is0ucd for school improvements a siectal mootlna of tho council won called lar tuesday even in to rot alder tho extra finance required by the hchool hoard and tho proposal of 8 a qourlay jcltrhener for taklmj ovrt the nhoe factory proposition on the iteeve and councillors ilihnun and dell were preoenl moved by j il lelihman seconded by j hell that leave be jrrmnted tn intrpduce a by law to provide for lhe borrowing by issue of debentures or a sum of money for the purpose of pay lna for the installation of the kaus una sanitary system in the public school and that tho said by law be now read a first time carried the by law was riven tho first read in the iteeve and co unci tors present favored issulne of the debentures at six dr oent interest payable in ten years from the date of issue and that they be advertised for sale to the high est bidder if possible above par the iteeve requested the councillors to meet on wednesday erenlns to cou fer respecting the striking of the rate for the year the fallowing communication from h a clourlay kitchener was road kitchener july j 1st 111 il n partner esq acton ont hoar hlr t ncloeed uloaso oiuj statement of machinery and equipment which will be submitted in itemised form if your council think it accessary however i would be pleased to havo these flxurcs verified by messrs scully abcully this city or c p bcott a co both firms belns chartered accountants and both bavins audited the affairs of tho old company within the past year and i mlcht also say this ts the same atateroent given our banker when the plant was closed if the council wish to o any further into tho correctness of these ojruree i would suxaest that they have the equipment appraised the organisation of the new company is almost complete and i would appreciate havnjr this mat tcr hurried as it will take some time to complete tbe bujldlns and install the equipment and in order to reach tho trade in season wo trhould be in operation early in september therefore if the coun fctl would make their inspection as soon as possible wo would bo able to closo the deal my a ldress will be oilplianl onl and will be pleased to meet the council in kitchener any day they may suggest awaiting your reply i beg to remain yours very truly s a ooui kltobener july 31st jl machinery motors tc 7 mj w lasts and patterns 6 724 27 oitlca furniture a equlpcnedt 435 lo inventories 6012 23 ulibthed oooda 885 0o news of local import t c n the enumerators appointed to pre pare the list of voters for enqueelng township for tho election on the re ferendum are no 1 john mcolbbon kjkjucnlng 3 itnbl watson norval 3 leo d thompson htewartttiwn 4 iercy martin hpeysl in c geo c cami ixjii itatllnafsd 8 wm mullln ulenwiiiutms clvle holiday was enjoyed jtarely luu clvle holiday lon more generally observed than it was hero on monday there was almost an en tire cosutloi of work the f eclorloo i were cloecd ntlsens went to tor onto ouelph and other polnta to send the day and hundreds of visitors came to town to spend tho day with friends here the weather woe vrrr pleaaaht i tain thratcnd during the afternoon but did not come unfiwr 10 m0 53 moved by j tlclt seconded by j il leuhmau umt the icecve and j il luuhnuin be requested tn xu to kit inner to inspect the machinery of b a tlourluy a co shoe manufacturer uml if they deem it drxtrable to havo unmo appralsod this leputation la tn ko to kitchen- nr to dny and ho clrk was instructed tu so notify the ann interested council adjourned at 4lt tun think iu batter than ever tub actox kama pkxsa one of the best local newspapers in canada startod its forty fifth year last wtik and has now been under the editor hip of mr ii i moore no less than forty ono earw tim fnn pans baa been regardod as a model weekly fori rcwniy ycirs and has been more than i uvidk up to its op lend id reputation the past year or so wajkerton toleaeopo agricultural representative gooa west 11 it ltare who was agricultural rei ixamintauve in ualton before the war ret irned some time ago and was resuming his duues in the county las week he was appointed to a position on the unliual husbandry branch of tho llrllush columbia agricultural collegu and will have in u eouplo of weeks t enter upon his duties there mr eiarc wus always popular in ualton and tho people are pleased at his promotion even though it takes htm away from tho county whn you writs to the prince it is ofllclnlly announced uvm ot lawu thnf tho uddhees of lera o he i rime of wales should be worded as follows to his ya lglfness fcd ard alberr christian qeorge andrew patrick havld 11 nee of waiew and karl of chester in the learaga of fhe united jclngflpra puko f oomvrali in ute pee page of fsngland duke of iuilhesay karl of carries and baron of ltenfrew in tho peerage of boot luud lord of the lalea and qreat h toward of ucotland k o o m m q m c star of roumsnla or a canadian the reference of the old man in the clock tower a couple of week ago to mr wuuatn tjharp and janly brought io tho fcsuos 401000 lasf iurs day he tollovflng frptn pno uf flur routters tm order uf ha huf of itumilunla ban booh urorrel upon mmu eihel tnaasl rormerly of torontund a daughter of mr t il irwnlnr 211 hi opurgo btreet- this h nor corresponds to the wench iekiorr or itrmor and haa htthortnl 1 rrmrrrti tt c been awarded ontyto men usuauy w recogullluii of active sarvioe en the field of battle itefuro the outbreak of liuatllltles mrae ianlaul and hr husuaud madatholr home in bijchorest where they remained until tho ooou atlon of the city by tho oertnanovj when they muved to jaasy and later to odessa in both of theon cities kmo nfasst ftss xremoly sclve iff war stork nmung the civilian hf ferers and in lhe military h at the close of tbe war ehe returned tu bucharest but upon tho assembling of tlio peace conference at parts oho acqompanlod her husband to that city where he was called as a member of tho itoumanlan delegation at the peace table una pmntassi is a dauxhter uf jennie hhorpmra t it urcenlnr and a granddaughter of mr wlltun hhurii who was forty ova years ago u prominent imsi man u jkctan an improsslve communion s4rvlco the acrnmittal acrvlce in tli methodist church lost sunday oven ing was largely attended and was most impressive after a very fitting ser mon by itov mr uoyer the pastor the oacrnroent was administered to an unusually largo number of communl cants it was a l leaoure to have many of the former members of the elrlck und crnwsons comers to fellow ship with the member oc the church an enjoyable motor outing on wednesday of last week a very enjoyable picnic party consisting of mewsra i eter wesley and j a mur ray and fred den by with tbelr faml lies and 0 few intimate friends left acton for jjurltngton beach a merry time woe spent at the ueach until three n clock when tho party motored to hamlltna and took in tho sights of the city leaving for homo about mcn t clock nothing happened to mar tho pleasure of the day and everyone re turned liomo delighted with the trip suffered from a stroke while attending tho oomiu union oer vice in tho method ut church on bun day evening mrs w u walker main street suffered from a paralytic alroke one aide was paralysed for many hours aa lay in a mm i comatose state but on tuesdcy there was a decided improvcromc in her condition and she now seems to be recovering mrs walker has been in poor health for some tlpie tho family appreciates very uuiui the kin i ministrations of nelghbois m 1 friends painful accident to mrs agnow on tuesday morning mrs ltobert agnew park avenue had just mado a morning call on her neighbor mrs oavld storey mill ihreet and was saying good byo ut the door when she made a misstep and fell to the pave menl fracturing her left thigh this esteemed citizen is eight- four years of age and on accident of this nature at her advanced age is nlways aerious although suffering a good deal from the fractured limb tho old lady la very patient and uncomplaining bhe sped ally enjoyed ci via holiday owing to the vult ot pipe major murray toronto who discoursed on the pipes for her edification during the day not a fair picture of war bride a few miles from w ingham a re turned aoldlor is having considerable dlmeoity tn teaching his war bride how to perform household duties soys the lupley express she does not take kindly to washing dishes and keeping the homo in order affer meals she insists on sitting on tho table amok ing cigarettes and taking life easy hxxa ooya ca la a horrid place with no life or brass bands and wishes she was back to old london tho acton war brides are of an entirely different stamp from the iupisy variety they are lady ilk modest and real homo maker they speak very kindly of canada and say thay havo made many warm friends since coming hero acton has wo loo mod cordially her war brides and they are worthy of it four generation at family pienlo a very enjoyablo family gathering was held on the lawn of mr lucbaru n itrown the old family homestead of the bate alexander ilrown on tho acton crossroad on the afternoon of clvlo holiday it was quite novel in the fact that representatives of four gen orations of the family were pr was an especial pleasure to havo mrs thomas bomervllle the oldest representative of tho family living here one of the company lira som ille nancy ilrown was born on the farm nighty tw 1 years ago tboao who assembled for the happy event included mr and mrs r n drown and margaret mra alexander ilrown and miss a hie mr and mrs j kerr llrown and margaret and harold of winnipeg mus helen nlcklln of oueli h mrs wllltatn ilrown and misees murkuref und sfurton toronto mr and ars j m kemey and mlw helen anl vm tlla granddaughter toiiiito mr indj ait a mnit hw toronto r pud rn ldwln ad dock owing to he sudden utuoss pf mra walker tfr and ura a t upown were uuablo v attend m the great disappointment of all during tho afternoon a number of afro up photo gn phs woro taker vthlch will bo prised tn future annals of family history acton bowlers win twjqtropliycupa within a week tbe partridfir challenge cop woii from orajierille and tbe smith trophy from erin after holdlnff it two jvais partridge cup won by qalt the past week has been an eventful one for acton bowlers and for excll 11 matches on acton green vuto01 ivnsruv otfi xvpsoupoaa lavf ment for the smith trophy cup woj held hereu two rinks each from hramp ton erin george town and acton being the contestants the arlous games resulted as follows first round r iun acton m thompson ik ik w j oould sk 21 uhampton leolloetown dr french ok 2o litoy dale sk 16 social and personal iowa la visiting acton o ifynas sk 13 uhampton r henderson 1 dr geer erin won from georgetown by default second round uhampton acton lr kronen ek16 w j gould ok zs finals acton illlamiton geo hynds jr v mllner a m smith ooo jackson w mcnabb a young w j doolt sk si a henderson is consolation oxsoltobtown kiun ienoy dale ik 19 m thompson eltln dr oeer sk 31 d hampton dr french ok 11 acton qeorqetown g jfrodv sr sksu ieiuy dale sk14 finals forty ono years of splendid activity the editor of a newspaper is natur ally interested in the career of a brother editor who haa travelled alona the journalistic highway for an equal numbir of years with hlnlsolf l week mr m a jrmos oomph te4 forty 070- years as dlpr uf ho bow inanviilo statesman thu a tales man has lived up t tho prinoiplee of its well chosen name astute statoaman ship haa characterised the editorial conduct during the long term in which mr jsmea ttaa had control the htuteaman 1 ua imen an eletnent great advantage in the progress tb mali mi trftllghaljt lh splondld been the good fort the kssa pmsss ti lutlnmlciy luuaclattml with mr james during nearly tho whole of hie edi torial career on proas assoeiatio 1 executive and oomm it tees on collage boards an 1 conference delegations wo have had moe vr usoplaluna through u long years itf fur docmitoa in this mas dscddo of tho half century mr james has a decided advantage in ono reepe4t- he baa retired this year from the active management of his business and hts two sous norman and ooorife take his 1 luce a most fit ting arrangement ilr james will write editorials and 4iew as he feels like it ila py man ills longtime confrt re- however is still in the midst of the tiusy nowapaixr mans mulu plldty of duties but ha never felt more at uoc oajosod uia work nsaro fully kltln c ooer a mcmillan j p hush pr geer sk 10 acton was ucoeasful in winning both tho trophy and the consolation erin had won tbe trophy in 1117 and nd if they had been successful acton w l worden itobl scott jos holmoa ooo nynds sr 17 lilt this year according to the regulation it would have remained permancnuy in their possession at a meeting of tho clubs and with permission of the donors smith ilroihws it was decided to make this cop a challenge- cup open to any club in the county of halton and brampton and erin this will give the opkrtunlly or many more competl tlonojsjor this vary flno cup tho partrjdae trophy on august first acton bowlers motored to orangevlllo and for the second time won the partridge trophy away from that club the score was orangkv1lle acton ed bchnuk oeo hynds jr t a parkinson a m smith elmer suh w mcnabb t i torrie ek 17 w j oould sk 28 majority for acton 12 shots gait was next challenger for tho coveted trophy and ployed hero on civic holl day and succeeded in capturing the prise with tho following score ualt acton j a pvusef o hynds jr u carter a u smith h a luwke w mcnabb tr dennis sk 0 w j gould ak 10 arthur challenged gait for a match for the cup to day the bssrdmoro trophy tho finals for tho ueordmore trophy 1 which have been in progress for oev oral weeks were bowled last week 1 a orr l u shorey h wlldgust iloi harold cjrr w arnold v mclntoab k j haasard sk at w j gould ak 11 1 the western wheat harvest is now on cutting has commenced in saskateho wsn and will bo general nsvt week ilegtna bask august 1 whml cut ting haa commonoed in many parts of saskatchewan according to reports received from correspond en ta of the bureau of statistics of the provincial department of agriculture early own rye has boon threshed noar fort qo appoilo yielding twoptvnro bun hols per acre it is expected that hax vesting wui bo general next weak in almost all districts with the exception of certain porta of tho sooth eastern district where plentiful rain fall has caused a heavier growth than in other parts of the province from reports received from ccop experta it u estimated there j ft 17 per cent decrease in fho amount if new breaking compared with that of llll he amount bclujc 1118 tim acres and lftit 441 113 acrea it u gratifying a nolo that the amount of land auranerballowod shows hghl inereaao amoununa to three ler cent- and while thoparoent ago is sanall the total increase amounts to no less than lol acres tho acreage under summer fallow in 1113 was 4 000 101 while the acreage this year u 4313 t10 the free pbess a cleano houss for loat artlolea tua pipat paaaii is recognised as ix clerina house for all lost and found artlqlog almost dally loat articles are brought to this office and as ufte 1 restored to the loaera last week an krin mail ot mo i to eo if his auto marker had been found and brought in it was and he wce pleaaed to get iu uu wednsaduy u bailor from jtbe 1 ima-httutwon- he tm i loat the immlng they f w es icol io3 to boots wars here when he want li were here an ware promptly re stored 1001 office and door keys oro brought m every wook ofton puroeo are retred iu the owners twice wllhln a year the owners of lost gold watches found them at tua rasa paasa 0ri00 nearly vvcy week lost or found articles are advertised in these col umna alid wlthbi a few nilnuln after the palter comes from the lire the owners have their pro perty reatnrod tua kwoi ihsaa lb the recognised medium for ull kin is of clatmllled advertising and it seldom falls to brlrur results mlna ktlte dills of toronto was home for the holiday leslie martin was homo from llur ling ton for a few days mr charles hynds was homo from toronto for the holiday t principal ktewsrt apent tuesday with frionds in auelph mr and mrs fred williams or tor onto were here on monday misses gwen and doris maddock aie visiting in toronto this week mr and mrs w d smith of tor onto were here for the holiday mrs n k moore and margaret are visiting friends in erin township mr and mrs alex matthews of toronto vial ted arton friends this week mr will rorbes and daughter o toronto vlalted acton relatives this week tho misses henry of ouelph were guests of mrs p bayers over the holiday willie babcock who was at bur ungton for a month os ao has return ed home mr and mrs j m fern ley and mis helen were here from toronto for a few days mr sheldon meyer has goneo vine land to spend a few weoks with his a later there liberal convention atheaphal- miss isabel smith entertained her lltue friends at tea on her birthday last week miss co hoc of toronto was here with bsr friend mlaa margaret brown over tho holiday mr and mrs george wallace and daughter of ouelph are holidaying- at mrs hugh wauacet mr w j stuckey who has ken grand valley for aerveral weeks 1 turned borne last friday mra harold davis and daughters of mitchell are guests at mr joseph holmes bo war avenue mrs if plckard and children of hamilton nro vuitlnjt hjr sister mrs geo agnow mill street mr and mrs jamea mcintosh spent the week very pleasantly with their eon and his family at orillia mr cyrus v stafford and mlaa hannah of ouelph visited friends tn acton and vicinity this week misses minnie z bennett and miss margaret left last week for sault flic marie to visit frionds there mlaa marguerite collins of slral ford was a guest at the methodist pareonagc a few daye this week mr lrnest ilrown who recently re turned from krupee went to toronto yesterday to takee ettuaoon- uian helen nlcklln of ouelph is pending a couple of woeka holidays with her stater mrs a il drown mr and mrs j a smith and chil dren went to crcemore last week to spend a fortnight at tbe old home w dunsmore and son an drew from sl paul are visiting at the homo of mr august anderson nell mclntoab who has been in poor health and confined to tho bouse for aeveral months is net improving mr t h harding of calgary apent tho past week in the old homo town mr harding went west thirteen years miss annie mccutchoon of tho staff of the no idlers convalescent hoepltal at kreeport la spending a couple if weeks holidays here mr j chester matthews and his sop james left on monday on a fishing ursion at kearney and ether points in algonquin park mlaa martin and miss gray and essra jack and george holland spent the holiday with mr and mrs henry bauer young street mr and mrs cbarloe selwood of calgary who have been spending a few weeks at mr a el nlcklhvk loft for ottawa on saturday and mrs archie haltman and family motored down from kitchener id spent tho week end at tho home of hr august anderson miss margaret b levari was home from toronto this week she has aocured a situation as teacher at tees water at tho salary of c00 00 caplv drj haasard and mr ohn h mooru oftocnritu motored hefe is now at work it is an impressive gttherino from every province of canada in iu 1111 delegates new leader to de chosen to day ottawa august organisation of tho national llbcral convention for tho transaction of iu business was completed at iu opening aeaslon yes terday proceedings were consequent ly of a purely preliminary character yuestlons of a controversial nature did not obtrude themselves publicly and trpimiront unity and enthusiasm pre vailed divergent views with respect x the political platform to be erected mrthe liberal party in canada havo so far found expreaalon only in the heaolution committee just constituted and in the meetings of provincial dele gations and the diversity of opinion with respect to the leadership haa not shown itself in tho convention hall unquestionably the gathering is an lmpresalvo one delegates from every province of tho dominion with a total voting atrength of 1 ill were ranged by provinces in the great hag bedecked auditorium of howlck hali the xc1 delegates from ontario occupied the seats to tho right of tho platform and the 314 from the province of quobej were placed on the loft in tho central section eat tbe representative of thtj ther 4ro incce of the confederation upon the platform wore the joint chairmen sir lamer gouln premier of quebec and premier aeorge murray of tlova scotia and premiers foster f now nrunswtck stewart of alberto martin of saskatchewan n orris of manitoba john oliver of british col umbia and premier elect j h bell of prince edward laland k minis tore of tho crown sena tors and members of the house of commons were honored with promin ent seats and among them were num bered all tho men who have been nam ed as actual or prospective candidates for the ofneo of leader there were d r mckorurje who haa acted aa opposition leader in tbe copimons hon w 8 fielding hon uackensle klnjc hon george p graham whose election to bo chairman of the on tarlo delegation was an indication of strength in that quarter and premier martin of saskatchewan all were welcomed by their groups of friends upon the convention looks down a portrait of tho late sir wilfrid leurler of heroic olxo the convention is in facl as d d mckenale said in his address the last will and testa- ment of tho old chieftain he dom i no ted the convention of twenty six yearn ago his memory ta a largo factor in the present assemblage the main resolutions committee of the convention as chostn by the dele gates was wrestling with tariff reaolu tlons at a lato hour last nlgbl such news aa filtered to the corridors made it clear that a conaldernblo proportion of the members are demanding that the cost of living problem be partially met by reductions in the customs tariff upon practically all the uooeeaartes of ufe tho proposal to increase materi ally the lrltlsh preference as passed on by tho iarltamontary committee will go to tho convention with the ondor ahtlou of tho general committee counsels to go easy on tho tariff are said to havo precipitated some rather stormy arguments in which aeveral of the do legs tea declared that they proposed to act for themselves and those they repreeenied and refused to be guided by the advice of parti ans who iwere concerned only with campaign funds aa one expressed it a peel county delegate delivered a slashing attack uuo n pout tariffo even under liberal admin strut ion claiming that they had been too largo ly tnstru mental in making tho protected inter ests rich and powerful at tho expeno of the consuming public he demand ed radical reductions all along the lose hon mr lang ley speaking- for sas katchewan won glad to find the senti ment toward lower tariff beginning to make itself felt iu ontario ho was surprised that there should be dlffer- pneo of opinion anionic liberals on thia matter liberalism had always been opposed to privileged class legislation several manufacturers present urged line commit toe to give greater consider ation to ua subject before m an radical recommendations to tho con ventlon it is probable that no doanlto decisloi vllt be reached until to day balloting for tho now leader will take place to morrow saturday and a pent 4 day or 30 at tho borne of mrs jamosfccoor mrs thomas ebbage who has been in a porno what critical condition for several weoka la still confined to her bed but seems now to be improving miss florence holmes of the teach ing staff of the toronto public schools la visiting at tho horn of her sister mrs il d da via mitchell advocate messrs ltobert soott and john me arthur want to burlington yesterday to represent acton fire brigade at the annual meeting of ontario volunteer firemen a association mbw mary halllday of toronto spout the week end with acton friends luv harold carr of the uaptut liun li u on joy lag holiday this week at llarrlo and wuaauga 1 ark double drowning in oakville creek on civic holiday george edward fenton and earl pocock of toronto drowned from a canoe chilctsaved from drowning and mm ira itoaasl und on uatkuae pan tool eymr walker an i daughter irene of 1 were vlaltors over tho week vlih mr and mra il c walker the latter two will remain to a month mltqhell advocate tho engagement la announced of laabel mary only daughter of dr t d j and mrs farmer of klngalow oak villa out to the hon dig by a wilson acung u b consul at uer- tnu ui and recently promoted to aleppo 1 uloetlne the marriage will take i luoa lit september tho death of il l mortimer or the hheluumo free ireaa removes ono of ontario s best known newspaper mon bmotig iho members ot rie raunti prcsa mr mortimer wv fur many years publlshec of tvft free preae an h enjuvw the warmes estefe u htl fellow joujtautuata a double fatality occurred at oak vtlle on monday when george edgar fenton of that town and harold po cock 530 duffirtn btreet toronto were drowned four foot in und two canoes were involved in the accident the fenton family hod moved to oakvlllo from toronto a short time ujro there are five brothers and two slaters harold pocock a driver for tho united form era who was engaged to miss miriam kenton had gone from toronto to ookvllla on sunday morning for the ho lday monday afternoon he and rg ldgar fonton an i walter fcp- 1011 and 1 u httlo boy of thrre yours of ago went canoeing uu h xleen mile creek ldgar an i walter pococ were in ono canoe and walter and hut utile boy in thu other thrv ig oomo cuuno not yet plain oven to those wl o saw tl e uocldout walters cut oi tlpp throw lag his sun anl himself into tho water tho asset is onl ao w thut place and ua konlou is un export awlmraer he soon hud t o bt y who was unuoneiluu uu the shore and began to rusuaeltato bun in tho moan time kitgur fenton la tho other cuikn whllo trying to right the cepslxod craft tt ped hls own neither he nor lnok could awltn they floundered und sank leaving thu child on the bunk fenton jumped in to help his brother and pooook but the creek la very weedy and ho failed tu recover tho bodies until help liad cuulo and it wus too lute krttgar kenton wun 311 years old ho had been 8 months also in franoo ha vlna go no uverauos in the 14th 11a t- lullon on 1 having served afterwards in the bth hallway corps all tho flyo kenton boys have served during n mm jwsr one of them a fenton re a i slejeejav muuroo street tn runto waiter lococt wo only id ltl jajktfu ijhtiajr

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