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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 14, 1919, p. 1

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ht cfurn srtt ftss tt forty fifth ycnrno 7- acton ontario thursday morning august 14 1010 single copies five cents new advertisements the methodist church acton rev i u mover pmui- prw willow st 10 lit i w u hue ba bb of jordan hlotl i 2 30 7pm itov you aiu- invltfcd come w t uuell ua hi required a wumrni to take homo weekly a nmall family wanning apply to p o hox 401 house for sale tho semidetached two lory six roamed house on rower avunui apply to w 7 4 farm for sale 100 hen farm rur aalo will mill tho crop dot 1 second lino erin terms arranged apply to v watson 44 it r no 1 acton clerk or office work wanted by a young lady who has had tho advantage of three and half yean in high school apply to uox g3j acton ont fruits and vegetables freeh from our garden and or ehards ask for our weekly price lists ii elt olds farms frultland ontario 111 niagara district horse blanket lost a check woollen norm blanket now loot between coleman creek on uio fount una and the mill at acton binder will be rewarded by leaving- at float pxxss office acton or with f xv waiine lot fourth un krin- house for sale that double cement plastered house on brock avenue containing ten room electric light hard and soft water house in first class condition to be sold at lean than cost f 1 oo0 dawn balance on easy terms apply to 7 2 j bkll profitable dairv business for sale tho chestnut grove dairy which has been in successful operation over two years is offered for sale the rigs bo t ilea coolers and outfit will be sold must be disposed of by end or august t p watkins ii r r no 3 acton auction sale household goods tbo undersigned has been instructed by john perkins to sell by public auction at his home no 7 board more crescent acton on saturday august 16 at three o clock tho folio wine oood hole famous ban- new stovepipes 1 parlor cook mcclary with pot air plpc naw l extension table new 2 kitchen table- 4 din ing room chairs 6 cane seat chairs kitchen chairs 3 i locking- chairs 3 arm chairs 1 food sideboard 2 haircloth sofa 3 dressers with mir rors t wanhstands 3 large iron bed steads brass trimmed 2 new mat tresses 2 single rede with mattresses and bedding 2 toilet sets 3 small stands l good uwn mower 1 good washing machine j wooden and x galvanised iron tubs ii window shades with curtain quantity of linoleum stair carpet a number of al iron and wooden pails a num ber of jurs of fruit snd sealers is aaj keg 3 clocks 1 brooms l bakej board cutlery glassware three 1 clothes horse a quantity of nut coal and hardwood 3 screen doors 1 step ladder 1 bucksaw s hand saw 3 axes a number of first class garden- tools about a doxan hena and chick ens many other articles not men uoned the garden product will be offered for sale if not pre ouaty sold terms cash root milliesn auctioneer chance for investor ou august 36 the corporation of acton will issue debentures for 3 100 n denominations of 190 00 or more with lnturest at six per cent payable yearly principal repayable tn ten years these debentures will be sold to the highest bidder on tho late abovo mentioned up to that time off ont will be received from prospective pure has era by the roevo or treasurer the attention of investors is drawn o the fact that they receive their internet when it becomes due by tear ins oft the coupon and enshrng it or depositing it in the bank the same applies to tpe principal when it be comes due no delay no dunning let trra no worry h n sahmer ts villa clerk and treasurer falpteius opens sept 8 ilyott yetta t charles streets toronto our records for placing graduate promptly in positions have never jwstt surpassed in canada our thorough training t wel known wliulu flay wlifbcuju7 w j elliott phnoipel wonderland cooler her than outside fiuday august ib bound in morocco with douglas fairbanks oh doctor with patty arbucklo saturday auqubt 10 loves con luyt wltb una cavallerl harry o hawkers trans atlantic flight special oasetle t tuesday laugust it mue a minute kendal with jack ptckford joptsoda 11 of the lure of the circus wednesday aljqust so mr logan u s a- with tom mix a canaduu weekly and a lyon and moras comedy r l gregory now ttie august cleanup sale ts r o i fr this ts tho final dean up of tho summer season our last and greatest reductions will bo mado in this sale part of our profits ryes even part of tho original wholesale prices we paid for the goods can now bo added to your savings account useful and needful merchandise is involved goods that you will wear and use through weeks and montlis to como merchandise that wo are obliged to sacrifice becauso incoming fall goods must havo tho space it occupies hollowing quotations are merely examples of the economies afforded mens 2250 to 27 50 suits for 19185 mens 2000 and 2250 palm beach suits or 1750 mens straw hats all at half price boys shirt waists 4 to 16 years 59c mens shirts reg 200 to 3 00 for 159 house dresses values up to 3 75 for 259 values up to 450 for 238 values up to 5 75 for 338 womens summer dresses regular 2100 and 22j0 values tor 1500 regular 15 00 and 10 50 values for 1050 regular 1150 and 1200 values fortsg billy burko dresses rcgu lar values up to 550 for 198 white shirts regular 350 for 275 regular 450 tor 150 pretty smocks regular t75 for 238 values up to 00 for 1-49- 38 mills fixed as actons rate forthis year favorable report respecting the gooruy shot factory equip ment and agreement officials aqk hiqher salaries council met in regular session monday evenlna with councillors itell and leuhnuui present and the i tear a in the chair uovud by j iteli seconded by j 11 ulihnun that meant tkjl and lelsh mn i nr iuj the committee of finance 1 i t absence of dr gray and mr beard more c rrled the finance committee presented their sixteenth report and recommend od payment t the rollowlns ac ounts tlenkiul account j symon supplies cemotery 10 74 j kyroon suppllea streets and walks 09 j symon suppllea town hall 7 lt j hympn supplies am and ljjtht 2 16 acton ihdai fataa prlntlnc ci hydro commission 167 q0 municipal world supplies news of local import the methodist chureh next sunday itev w o lluell a ii p of jordan station president of the kp worth lensues of hamilton conference will preach in the methodist church neat munday vjsrniiur and nvenlnc jtev mr moyer will preach at jordan station ra ho 1 mrs moyer aro pendlill vjlt or so of bolldaya xis the -fun- cj oh yes u a ail the joys ofy 0 und of hard work sad wbewnne service is sppre elated as it seems to be appreciated by our rural canada reader friends then t ts fun indeed vttr tho trans cendent y that comes from service tbe very best that one can aive is matchless aim oat beyond compare iturat canada publuhlno y jail ribt one has hydbo account jaa symon supplies oeo hynda jr labor and hosts of other bargain offerings of similar attrac tton in tbo various departments of this big departmental store n d macdonald bros ltd guklpits leading and largest stoek wyndhav mrionnri and canton streets gaetpn ont acton creamery co highest price paid for your cream faib test and full satisfaction guaranteed highest market price for butter fat will recdre any amonnt of creni yon bring in we are paying um highest market price for live poultry- lei us know by hail ami we will call for your stock highest market price for cream and eggs open monday thursday and saturday evenings ontfl 10 pjd acton creamery co willow street opposite government building we are now clearing sum- dless of cost a few childrens gingham dresses left sizes 7 to 12 ycara regular 2 50 to s3 00 for russells price 198 see our window display of goods suitable forconifortcrs also large sixo cotton batting 72x90 groceries our grocery stock is always fresh and complete our delivery is at your service highest prices paid for eggs and good dairy butter viqes tjp c rhysseljl pj mlllpnsjqtt r acton ont store qloeea ftjo fept friday arsi fteturmy i l os 15 05 tollman ftrass a metal co- 23 northern electric co suppues xs 02 factory products ltd supplies 1 43 canadian general electric co is 11 17 ii tbo report was adopted a letter from city clerk moore of ouelph settlna forth the yearly sum to be paid on the proposed debenture for the kaustlne system was read hi thought it advisable to issue install tnent debentures for the amount in stead of a unking fund tbe council however considered that these do ben tures would not be u saleable if issued as installment debentures the by law for the issuing of do behtures was read a second and third times and passed at this meeting the ont reading had been given i special meeting a weak previous mod by j fell lectmded by john il lelshman and resolved that th- clerk be instructed to write to the toronto suburban railway to make rome repairs on street opposite rail way station- carried tho ahoo factory transa ction wit h mr h a qourlay then came up for consideration a by law had been prepared for the taking over of the aatreement by s a oourlay and wi read for the information of the conn cil the council did not know whethr- it would be necessary to bring the change of agreement before the legis latum for confirmation- it was thought advuinblo to leave the blatter over until there was a ull moeunrortbo council the reeve reported to the council that the h a oourlay concern bad to all aipearances a fine plant and the machinery leemed to be in ors class condition they had no intor mation other than mr oourlay a word for the statement of affairs and it would be necessary to enquire very thoroughly into the financial ratlng tbe bank however spoke highly of mr aourlay and expressed the bop that he would not remove front kit chener moved by j dell seconded by john it laishman and resolved that steps be taken to have the s- a oourlay st co take over the agreement entered into by the reliance shoe co with the corporation of acton and to have reliance shoe co release and assign their rights under the agreement to the said s a oourlay a co carried tbe mattor of cutting- oit every other light on mill street was spoken of councillor tiuhmin thought it late in the season to do utls cotnsclllor llell did not thlok it advisable th lights were worth the money they cost and he believed the people desired them at a former meeting tbe expenditures for tbe year had been esti upon and a tax rate of xs mills decided upon necessary to cover the estimate tho following notice of motion was then introduced i hereby give notice that at the next regular meeting leave will be asked to introduce a by law fixing the rate of taxation for the year 11 at w milts j llell electrician wilson and municipal ornccr itetd both requested increases in enlarv the ltcve requested that they wait until a full meeting of- the mem bers of the council were present and promfaed them that whatever increase was granted would date from that night council adjourned k 10 is pjn irsarajtfr clu c vtrss military ajewg tho peace edition of he salem ore won hta teams nglea a fins hrrall engraving ofllsu allan ft ran osr son sonf the 1st jqhn a find helen carson of ha cly tht fullpwlug sketch accompanied the portrait lieut allan qrant carson enlisted in cumitny m and saw service on uu mexican border he left on march 4 117 for jefferson barracks from there he was transferred to ft- benj harri son for training and volunteered lato a replacement battalion he arrived in france october x 1117 and was sent to a school for bombing and gren ade throwing aud was later sent back hem en inntructqr ho was pent to ait officers training school whore he received his commission as a beoond uou tenant he was assigned to th losth n v inantry of the xxnd dlvl slon on- october 17 it it itli iw led his oominand over the top barly on the tlty the armiatloe was signed br reeltd itu oommiaaloa as kllst ijau tenant lieut carson s- parents were atott futaui john a carson wit in a law office here for several yearn ilia mother was miss helen allan foe ter daughter of the lato coj wuuara allan and sister of mrs fclldney bmlth 1 of rlrviji i lace ite edward uttgant brother of mrs w coles srrlvsd from overseas on monday snd at once left for hrluih columbia where he intends making- his home mrs btlgant who went to fcngiai i shortly after her husband re turned with hun irevloua to the war me litigant was employed in aolbr but at the outbreak was hriudaylng in kngwnd i at ohce returned to acton fnd enlmedlkou1k qtws with sovh jiataiik lupon arriyi h fntnoo he wactranstsrud canfi- dlh unneung jsirpe pth ffhlh vu he served q the close of he war he was on uld tirler hasjna served ftght years wth tie rtnee alberts sonw- se ljgbt infantry during- his 1m- lrtal serviee he fought in two cam paigns hnuth africa wtlloj and thu indian fruntler until hjs discharge in 1mt buslness instituts to open in brampton at tho commencement of the school year ip senpsmbcr a new school of business is to open in lirampton tho enterprise will be known as the uramp ton iluslness institute and will bo conducted by mr c b uousoald who comes hlghjy recommended by one of the largest and oldest business training- schools of brooklyn n y mr bous field hopes to make brampton business institute a fine school and one that will especially appeal to and meet the needs of the young people of halto i and jvcl counlira the referendum voters lists a registration board of qvo mem pera has charge or the voters lists for the coming provincial elections and the referendum judge elliot is the chairman for this coqnty voters lists which are now in the printers banes will be sent to clerks of municipal ties postmasters members of munlct pal councils enumerators and others tbe time and place for appeal will be announced biter young men and women who become of age before september will have a vote the lists for acton nos 2 and naaaoga weya and nos 4 and 8 keoueelng are being- printed in the fas frssb oflleo lcv0fjr prefit in two vssrs about two years ago messrs peter and george qerrie farmers in nichoi township near fergus attended a sale of thoroughbred shorthorn cattle held by mr wttt eulcm and purchss k young bull from his celebrated stock paying 11 coo for it since then they took it to a cattle show in chic ago where it received first prise in its loss and they were offered 110 000 for l which they refused a few days ago a breeder from california arrived st their farm and offered them i120co cosh for the animal which they ac eepted first class stock is evidently profitable to handle acton pell fair prize list the prise list for acton fall fair to be held on september 23 and 34 will be the most complete snd attrac live yet presented additions havo been made to the classes for cattle grain and roots new classes for domestic science ladles work fine end decorative arts plants and flow era children s work ex have been arrangod the special list will also be attractive and the trials of speed for horses will altogether make the most comprehensive prise lbt rver issued by acton fall fair directors the entire list will appear in these column d urine iho next few wcka and the prise list booklet will be issued shortly am psssed but one the reports for the lower school examinations for admission to he normal schools and faculties of edy cation were issued yesterday all tbe candidates who wrote at actop high school were- swonssfuj but one those who passed were isabel c elliot bdna m johnston james j tohnan and wulle il stewart those who trere sucvwsful at ths otrxr scnools of helton couny were b b bleounger blac l m black h bradley a b creolman r f croft m de c cartwtlghr j deartnff r kf davis el dunham s j barly p ftxtei il oalbralth b harrop u p hume konkla j r ltllie j leslie m m martin c p rlvos il robertson j hyma i o slrclalr o a sa under stuart v thomas l w tuftord b mlllamson a e william son c ii wilson m m wyndhatn the old folks liks his ed mcoarvlo of faraway mexico writes t have been much interested tn the articles by tbe old man ipeclolly his reminiscences of long ago naturally i have been wonder ing at his identity his descriptions of persona places and events of th earlier days tjf acton are generally correct huftorlcally as remember them hough ooulri olnt out iiiaccuiaciee que only i wl tponuon as i think actons earlier history would not be oomplete without rereprtns i that good and kindly old lady sirs hutch itsuit and her sail jack bo lived on thekrp property where the ferryman block now stands welt i hope the old man keeps right on and covers tbe whole of the eld town before be stops i con only conjure up the naroea of four persons who can qualify to nil his shoos but i better not name them as i notice he threatens to drop out if we pry too closely into his idenuty i guess tbe old man 1 sodleti the methodist s s has most enjoyable annual picnic a delightful afternoon in shady grove with games and sporto onrj a splendid bepasi young and old had a good time i promptly at l 30 on thursday after noon the members of the methodist sunday school assembled on the church lawn ready to proceed to sir charles k baileys splendid grove on the first line for the annual picnic convey ances were numetons and of various types there were of ourse a number of auto there were farmers wagons and hay racks supplied with hay and there were drays the hay racks were perhsps the most 1n demand arrived at the shady grove a site on a grassy hillside under lordly maples beeches and elma was chosen for the picnickers rendesvous a number of games were first engaged in in the woods then the company as sembled on tho more level highway for races and other contests they resulted in much genuine sport and good humored competition tho tist of winners each of whom was re warded wltb a prlxe of some nature was as follows hoys racer six and under jordon ilabcock leonard swing jlrls race six and under audrey ucleod nadene unwln social and personal mrs tloo unu visited friends in georgetown last week miss alma conway is spending boll days st cedar hurst lake fmracoe mrs a h russell spent sevsssj days last week with friends in toronto mrs kllsabcth oray returned from her visit to michigan last evening miss lome kennedy 1 enjoying holidays at iort carllnc muskokm mrs john mcdermld and son of georgetown are visiting acton friends mrs kelt mcnabb has been visiting relatives at the old home in wlnghara misses llerttj smith rnd margaret hoksbb u jretnrned from appleby and mrss b bhorey have been ing a fortnights holidays in mus koka mr and mrs james mcpnereon of toronto visited acton re is lives this week miss minnie nleon has returned from guelph greatly improved health mrs boss houck of cbjcaao lit visited st the methodist parsonage but week mrs john wrtgglesworth of ash grove spent a few days lost week with acton friends mrs cottlngham and mum doris of toronto visited mrs orr bovrer ave during- the week miss florence crank ley of calgary alto is tbe guest of mr and mrs oeo l chapman bherlff webster was here on tues boys race seven eight and nine j t hu uta lodm fr llod is sn historical t dlety i jo urnsuaineistarprlse mr j u uoilarvln q moxlcu city mexico hs kindly forwarded the iftuat i copies of u universal the lead htg daily of mexico they are pre tutnably very lrtlerounr uc the staff limited knowledge of uikaniah and mexican renders the interest some what less keen than it might otherwise however this splendid number of three sections thirty six pages is a very creditable production portraits of tho king and queen of great llrit aln the prince of welrr lloyd qeorge amludo u jgdwsrd yp w as prinoe of wales b visited america lit ufto and tha urulah hag sxe also given one section of this edition hi printed in colors the printing plants of mexico are oyfdeojy op fa the times tne- edition is oommftwortjlve of the peace any demonsmtton tn mexico city it eylnfly was a very beauflful fiffatr the uriflsn legmuon i liave been a dreanv of color and elecfrlclfy both inside end out the display of ftlued flags acoompen led wjfh asch anew nauonal hyosu mus have been inapljdna a feature of utlf peaoe nay function wsstlte be stdwtnent of th4 honored title com mgnder at the british empire on the editor of m universal in recognition of his fight during the war against thr- merman propaganda work in mexico and his uqpasnpromlalnk stand in favor of the ailles flvln oamblo ooorge stewart girls race seven eight and nin ivy llttley olive jrecious soys race ten to twelve roy johnston leslie gregory o iris race ten to twelve doris scarrow emma little boys race thirteen to sixteen wll lie stewart i lay gamble girls race thirteen tn sixteen alice jsme eetsle stewart a roys race over sixteen c je par ker george euiott- glrls rsoe over sixteen bertha brown stella mclem marrlod woman s race mrs fred johnston mrs ray cook married men s race fred john ton w h stewart boys three legged race leslie ore gory and clarence babcock ray gamble and willie stowart- glrls three lccraod race alice james and fbua stownrt klhcl james an i olive precious wheelbarrow race roy gamble and willie stewart leslie gregory and clarence rsbcock necktie race bertha siownr and george elliott kmroa la tie and wrus utile coat race harry uacdonald and mrs f johnston george elliott and elsie stewart iillnd pig race stella mclam and willie b to wart alice james and george i- hlott girls relay raoe 8 tells mclam s team tug of war boys arnold macpon 1 girls alice james aid m team tug of wit team baseball match score 7 s the captions were rudolph spellvocel and willie stewart for the success and pleasure of this part of the afternoon s proceedings much credit is accorded rev l m moyer the pastor a bom organiser superintendent frank kennedy prin clpal stewart messrs harry mcdon ald and fred johnston mioses bertie brown and emma hawthorne but everybody entered into the spirit of tho project and did their part to make the event enjoyable to all as it manifestly proved to be there was a fine sense of unity between those of tbe si loam and crewsons corners school with j the acton contingent at five o clock the company led on the greensward and appetising- picnic lunch was otndlns und nuts were distributed air scrambled ror and the juverlle heart was especially happy before leading for home in the even ing cordial votes of thanks were pass ed to mr bailey for tha use of the grove to mr and mrs richard john ston and family for their material help and to the farmers and dtixen who furnished the conveyances guelph for hydro in radial vote last monday bylaw was defeated by over 800 votes for bv law wi aoainst 188 i the electors of quelph made it clear where their sympathies rest as between public ownership and private oorpor stlons when they snowed under the proposed agreement with the grand river railway company to take over the local railroad service and extend line to pusuneh lks and hespeler on monday j much as the tatter connection is wanted the attraction oould not in duce guelph to desert the hydro and betray uio other munclpalltles which had been influenced by that city to enter the hydro union of municipal lies this vote on the by law will tend tu cement the union even more fully than in the past it will also heat en no in the iifcuk nyim system the agreement with tho grand river company was at flrsl received wltb epprovul by the majority of the people of guelph tor the street railway has been productive of a serle of never ending deficits and for years the city has been anxiously looking forward to securing radial connection to the north as well us to the south and while the grand itlver railway did not promise the latter it was generally thought that if the by law carried the c i il would before long connect the city with iciora when howeuer jlydq syn porters sa uw vlgreemeul hey at wv peronlved bu hft nosssipu u the local street railway ferried whh it a wtrutagi position for the c iltun asmueh as it gave the subsidiary company control of the surfaoe rights of the streets of guelph sir adam beck consequently interposed and the hydro forces were set in operation with the result that the ratepayers were nroud to see that the bujrgseo4 arrangement was intra ol to the hydro radbkls aud a breach of tho pledge given heh the city entered into the arrangement with the rest of tho munl iimlltkt for hydro rsdlalv arthur lytide teacher of singing from the uambourg conservatory ol music toronto teaches hi acton on thursday of each week studio t the home of mis florence murray david henderson miss bessie macdonald has returned home after visiting friends in brant ford and hamilton good bowling for challenge cup and lockets lively contests on acton uowiln green thene days for worth while objects challenges still going out tho week has been a lively one on the bowling- green the following events have been played beard more trophy l j hassard bolder of the trophy challenged by j wood the gams was played on tuesday evening augpst c and was won by the latter score wood hassard o anderson a orr r mrptierson il wlldgust w worden w arnold j wood sk 20 k j hassardsk i j woods rink defended the trophy against a m smith on friday even ing august 8 and was successful in retaining name score smith l lucas n mcdonald a hynda jr a u- smith sk 20 doth games were closely contested and some excellent owung was wit nessed bmlth doubles c ha i is nos lockets w j oould and a hynds jr hold ers of the lockets were challenged by g hynds fir and j holmes and played wednesday evening- august the latter winning score g hynds sr w oould j holmes 34 g hynds jr t hynds sr and j holmes wood j leishmon il mcpberson w worden j wood sk 38 mr and mrs il b holmes left on f fended lockets agafnat h j ilassard and r scott on friday evening aug list 8 the latter winning score e j hassard a hynds sr r sootl 21 j holmes 20 this was a most exciting game an extra end having to be played to decide tho winner w j gould has had a team at th dominion tournament st toronto this week monday on a trip down the sti law fence to montreal mrs william brown and miss mag gie ir matthews jgre visiting relative at kitchener this week mr stanley who- la supplying st alban s church has been a guest at mr charles a conways mr il m ferguson of toronto spent the week end with mr and mrs adam hall main street mrs alice mcpherson who has been visiting- st kilbride for s weeks returned home lost week mr heber williams of the mer chants bank sarnie is spending his holidays at his home here afr and mrs george brandow mo tored from hamilton and spent sun day at mrs horry macdonald a tbe condition of mrs w xl walker has changed little since tost week she still lies in a helpless condition mrs john meath and miss aurella of buffalo n y- visited at the home ot mr korpe dills prk annie mr and mrs john meteau and daughter of guelph were guests of mr and mrs r o brown on sunday i mrs dr tennant of csrscn cjty mich wss a guest st the home of her sister mrs dr gray last week miss edith owens of georgetown is spendlnc the week with her friend i miss myrtle clarrldge at brookdale farm miss reans allan of hamilton has been spending he vacation at mrs j harry macdonald s and at mr robert allans mr and mrs w s smith and mrs wro stephenson of toronto visited nt the home of mr george dills over the week end mr and mrs n john rusk mr and mrs w belan and mr ii allison of hamilton visited with mr joseph holmes over sunday mr and mrs wm a urney and family of wing nam and mr and mrs wlldla of lindsay- were guests last week of acton friends mrs edith mason motored home with mr and mrs george osborn to renasaleer n y and is bavins a vwry pleasant visit there mr afid mrs joseph grlsch harris ton and mr and mrs a markell guelph visited mrs ramobaw and family peel street sunday miss grant of st thomas and mrs walker and miss walker and mr ma nsbb of rockwood visited over bun day with miss ajnnla wallace mrs wm johnstone baa returned from a vary pleasant trip to the west having visited friends in saskatoon yorkton winnipeg and fort william capl rev w a moaiplne lately returned from overseas has accepted a call to the baptist church at ilea n i father goodrow of anton spent the grand river electric railway peier mr and mrs judson worden mr and mrs gordon heyward mrs rufus worden and mrs gorham of toronto were here this week to see mrs w h walker rev dr hugh johnstone and mrs johnstone of baltimore mct and mrs w a- flrslhrook of toronto favored tho ftexa passu with a pleasant call last week mr w bl hamlin has sold his pro party at norwich his friends here will be pleased if he and his famllj will return to acton and make their home here again mr john clarke was on a business trip to chicago last we and went from there to montreal to meet bli sister mrs hitch who had just ar rived from baglond mr and mrs george a hemstreet milton announce the en of jt tjrnt0to mt james bartlaman tlnxmlns the marriage will lake place tllotly this month miss culvert v a ix who ha re cently returned from overseas after spending two years in the hospitals of r iuj band and france was a guest ovr sunday of rev and mrs i m moyer mrs john hitch snd site hi ton of ely tunulttvl are averts of mr eh mrs john clark uuelplt street mrs htuh it mr clarkes nutei and tl ey i have not met before sine mr clarke i left hufland thirty years ago mr stanley russell who t taking- a j course in anatomy bateriology and sanitary science in toronto prior to the government examinations in em daimliui in september was home fori the week end i mr and mrs culp and master elton j of vlnelanil visited at the methodist parsonage but week and then went to i kitchener to visit friends there rev and mfc m yer returned with them on 1 ueadey and will epend two or throe weeks holidays there mrs mojuaren of london was the guest during the week of mrs c s smith she is a sister of the late itev lachlan cameron and old real dents remember when she presided h the manse be tore her brother was ma rrled the manse and olebe of those days are now owned by ids robert wallace jr in memoriam john thomas john thomas was born at acton ont may 13 1842 and died at tbe home of bts sister mrs william bran ton harrison idaho on friday july xs 1919 in early youth he united with the presbyterian church at tbe age of twenty six he left acton and sailed from new york to san francisco via cape horn from california he coue to the pacific northwest about thirty years ago during tha pest twent five years he made his borne at har rison upon his arrival here he united with tho methodist episcopal church of which ho continued to be a worthy and much respected member until death came to relieve his suffe rings he died quietly and without apparent pain while reclining upon a coach despite hurphyslcal ailments the de- ctosod won privileged to outlive tie allotted three score and tan years mr thomas was known for his genial dis position snd moral integrity and had tbe charitable instinct funeral ser vices were conducted at- the country home by his pastor rev john a hoffman interment took place sat urday july 38 at the harrison ceme tery unoor the auspice of the masonic lodge of which the deceased was foe- many yesra anlionored member liar rlson journal mrs ephraim moors on june 28 mrs lphralm moore of speyslde was taken ill and though she rallied at times she never reoov ered her strength and gradually failed until death came on sunday she was a daughter of he late john logic of nossagaweya and eras married to bet- bereft husband forty six years ago the bride and groom took up their residence on the farm where she died which was the moore homestead from pioneer days her death was th first break in the family the only son and otic daughters all surviving they are mrs william brownlee medicine hat alta mrs donald wsjdle dub lin mrs metvtn flemmltur seattle wash mrs surge buttsj- lowvule and john l- alice and lottie at home mrs moor was a godly woman she was an ideal home maker and wo greatly esteemed by all who knew her she had very keen appreciation of the datle devolving- on wife mother and friend and the influence for good which a full and perfect performance of these did much in bringing about reciprocal love and happiness to those assembled afound the home fireside at all times she was a member of knox church acton and when in good health wss a regular attendant at the jhur h services fne funeral was hoi 1 uu tuaadny to greenwood comets y georgetown rev mr wil son her pastor officiating 4 neil mcintosh acton lost a man who lias boon held in high esteem here for thirty year when neil mcintosh passed away at his residence on agnes utreet but saturday for so mo six years mr mcintosh suffered from a distressing ailment leakage of th valve of the heart twice he went to the hospital for treatment receiving some relief at- the beginning of the year he was taken worse and from that time wo not able to continue his work as fore man of on of tbe department of tn josroe wr a nutlve kiolntoshwas invemessblre scotland he cs mo to canada with his father the lato duncan mcintosh and tho family when a ohikt tboy settled in dundee whes he had rueched manhood ho be earn a sailor an i for years sailed tho great lakes forty six years ago he married miss mcdonald of dun das tho mcintosh and tbe mcdonald families were ultimate in boot land and both selllod in dundas a few years after their marriage mr and mrs mcintosh removed to rockwood he was emi loyed tn the glove leather tanne of w jsgo there thirty years ago he came to acton and mr mcintosh eaulked tho first vats in tho naw tannery then being built by messrs reardmore ev co ills value a a workman grew tu the estimation of the arm and about twenty years ago he was promoted to a foreman ship which he held until he was in capitate for work he was a devout roman cattu ho un 1 a m timber or the sons of soot land mr mcintosh popularity was amply manifested by the wealth of fiojgal tokens presented by his employers the men of th do portment the empluyeeerof the whole works aud tho s o s mrs mcintosh duntaii of the g t it at london mrs thomas oiubuutt at ton aud mum myrua ut hums aurvki fne funeral on monday mnlng conducted by itev father good row wus largely attended interment was made at st joseph tzvjzilizl a- i ifvifthilss mag

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