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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 14, 1919, p. 4

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lw tcgrtliefa fej ml acton 3fap grjft tiiuituday august 1 191 ha acton kan pass in puhuahed every thursday morning at uio ltai iasaa builds mill hlrwl acton ontario tliq subscription prloo is ilto per year in advance postaao la charged additional to offloaa la his united htates the date to which subscription are paid la indicated on tho address label advehtihino 1lath transient advertisements 10 cents per lino ofau mauurwnuit for nrst insertion and 6 cents per lino for each subsequent insertion contract d up lay advertisements for 100 inches or more par annum is cental per inch each insertion advertisements without spoclflo directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly if p mooiud editor and publisher tislbpiioneh editorial and llu residence farmers will not object to a fined price for wheat provided there arejlxed prices for boots clothing and all other articles farmers have to buy but farmers will not tamely submit toany separation of the nhecp and the goats with the farmer compelled to play the part of the goats farmers sun lljlcos onim editorial humors havo been current thflt the provincial gov- endum is taken find no confirmation nt the parlia- the fall at the same time that the prohibition refer endum is taken finds no confirmation at the parlia ment buildings hon i b loess when interviewed recently denied all knowledge of any such intention on the part of tho government he should know and it is sincerely to be hoped there will be no mixing up of issues on this important question at the very time when tho world is demanding the utmost from every man when each worker is urged to exert himself to the ultimate limit ao that pro duction may be increased men are showing a restive ncss in harness tho remedy for all this lies with each individual man or woman tho old ambition for work must bo restored we must jearn again the joy of working high wages axe not the panacea for our unrest nor are tho incessant strikes sen along the pathway that leads to contentment sim- coe reformer ther has been launched in the united slates strong propaganda for the introduction of ectnietric system for weights and measures for that country canada and great britain it is claimed that as 212 of the countries of the world are opera tip g the metric system that the three named arc dqingjuiness with them at a great disadvantage fir joseph v collins an eminent educator declares that tho people of the united states lose 314000000 yearly in education because of time wasted in teaching a system so much more complicated and difficult than the metric system the big liberal convention at ottawa has gone into tho history of canada it was dominated by a progressive spirit and adopted a platform calculated to cope with tho exigencies of present day affairs its delogates followed up their declaration of tariff policy by reiterating support of tho reciprocity agree ment of 101 1 with tho united states and by approv ing cooperative agricultural credits and taxation of luxuries and big incomes important resolutions dealing with railway policy with the federal attitude toward prohibition and with tho turning over to tho prairie provinces of their natural resources wero also adopted by the convention tho convention chose as leader of tho party hon w l mackenzie king a comparatively young man wellinformed bright and gifted possessing considerable parliamen tary experience and as a former minister of labor well qualified to deal with tho problems arising in the labor interests there is surely room for serious thought in the following statement with the stupendous total of nearly 2100000 lost in wages by the thousands of strikers in the metal trades industry in toronto who have been ont since the first of may the men have nov bowed to the inevitable and will return to work defeated this strike which stands without parallel in toronto represents a total loss of approximately 400000 working days in view of the fact that at one time many thousands of workers in other lines of industry aligned themselves with the tnetal trade workers in sympathetic action to force a settlement for the machine men many towns which have gone into the ontario housing scheme have been very aggressive in the building of necessary bouses the oshawa reformer says the oshawa housing commission has under construction 100 houses in all 70 of which are being built independently by the commission in the best residential parts of the town for sale under the government housing plan these houses will not be for rent the housing commission has taken full advantage of tho 300000 government appropria tion acton housing commission has 30000 at its disposal but most if not all the booses now in courss of construction arc being built by private enterprise many more homes are needed it is to bo hoped the commission will secure contracts for bouses to cover their full quota of government a sistance the recommendations of the royal commission on industrial relations for a national conference ii ottawa of federal and provincial minister with representative employers and workmen on the sub ject of industrial relations has been accepted by an order on cooncif which outlines also the basis of representation the proposed form of procedure and the objects ia view the conference sessions will be held in the house of commons chamber beginning on september 11 and will probably continue for j about one week they will be open to the press and public invitations will be extended to the several provincial governments to be represented by their respective prime ministers and any other minister who may be designated for the purpose in thj lij conference canada is certainly making history all will hope that sane salutary and helpful results will follow sometimes we hear it suggested that acton might save a few dollars per month if fewer lights were used on mill and main streets to cut off any lights on either of these streets would be most unpopular with tbojjeoplo of acton visitors compliment the town every week on 6ur splendidly arrangedvand attractive lightning service gait and preston are taking a more generous view of the value of good lighting they are unitedly taking steps to all id the vacant stretch between the two places with electric lamps on the hydro system this will give nearly seven miles of lighted thoroughfare from tho south- erly limits of gait to the hill at the extreme north of preston the splendid lines of lamps on tho north and south aides of mill street acton ire a constant evidence to tho passengers jjoing through on both the q t r and tho electric railway of acton a enter- prise a well as tho utilitarian value of welmighted thorou to our ci titans who are quite willing 10dear tno ooat entailed- cil in hilton the political pot so far as present appearances would seem to indicate has noi yet begun even to simmer the liberals long ago placed e h cleaver of burlington in tho field as their candidate in the coming general elections for tho province and they think- thoy havo in mr clcayor a strong candidate both as to personality and jiis ability aft a platform speaker the conservatives now represented in the legislature by dr nixon v have not aa yet indicated who their next candidate will bevor whether dr nixon will again be their choice wo incline to tho opinion however that if dr nixon wanta the nomination again ho will get it the united farmer of ontario in hal ion bavc placed mr johir f ford of trafaltaf in the field for- tho legislature and judging by artrritiea of 1 tbia organuutlqn ftrgtii will waaqs it may be singular but it is significant that at the big liberal convention at ottawa last week the following strong and comprehensive resolution on prohibition was introduced by a woman mrs bent ley of elgin and seconded by mrs ball tof st thomas wthereas the regulation restriction and pro hibition of the sale of intoxicating liquor within their several jurisdictions are vested in tho pro vinces this convention is firmly of the opinion that when for the effective enforcement of re strictive or prohibitive legislation enacted by any province supplemental federal legislation is by the legislature of said provinces deemed neces sary such legislation should on tho request of said legislature be enacted by the federal parliament the resolution was carried without opposition- will have farreaching and most beneficial effect if it gets upon oturstarote book hon william lyon mackenzie king was chosen at tho national convention of liberals at ottawa last week as the leader of the liberals in canada it is a fineeomment on the broadminded view of the delegates of the convention that hon w s- fielding who was a supporter of the union government at tho last general elections should have received 438 votes to mr kings 476 on the fifth and last ballot for the leaderantpt hon george p graham and mr d- d mckenziewere given very creditable votes on the first and second ballots bnt mr king and mr field ing led from the oatset in the choice of mr king the leadership of the liberal party has come ino able hands he brings into this high and important position the vigor of middle life an energetic well- informed and gifted mind a wide experience in par liamentary affairs and of the demands required from a statesman in the position to which be has been called especially in matters of industrial life which today are so strongly insistent with these quali fications he enters upon the new position with a deal life commecdible ambition and the courage of his convictions mackenzie king will make a worthy successor of the- worthy men who have occupied this position in the past there is a very strong feeling in england in some quarters that if the spirit of the terms of the peace treaty are to be fully observed we should discontinue the practice which has been so general tho past four or fire years of referring to the germans with offen sive names a popular london weekly says ger many ia now technically a friendly power or soon will be that being so we suggest that pur press might with advantage discontinue its sprightly habit of using the words hun and boche on all possible occasions we shall soon havo the german embassy again occupied and it would really be de plorable if its chief were commoaty referred to hi print as the hun ambassador or the boche dip lomat it is not because of our love for the ger mans but regard of our own reputation for good manners that this suggestion is made we shall be sorry to part with boche tho name was an in spiration hun has no merit except brevity and all persons of good sense will be glad to see it go it will be difficult indeed in vfev of tho fact that ger many was the cause of the war and because of the terrible atrocities committed to follow the course suggested really though that is tho spirit which makes for largeheartedness and the true measure of sterling manhood no apology ioffered for the insertion of the following paragraph in this column- the free press is not a religious weekly nor does it desire to be re garded as a goodygoody journal nevertheless the following from that influential secular farm- monthly rural canada is lully endorsed in ill its reverent setting the familyaltar wo follow ml the good old style always in vogue with rural canada and outgojjn jtio fajmiv jlihc pinnferv- and of our fathers which too many of us have forgotten or havo been ashamed of at times made canada the canada it is today how much farther we might have been along how much more we might have accomplished in ser vice to ourselves and to the world if wo had but followed more closely its teaching and have al lowed the infinite spirit to rule instead of our owitpaltry finite minds and wills more happy and more blessed will that now home be where the groom or if be is too weak and cowardly the bride sees to it that god ia enthroned there r tbo very wbofamome sermon along this theme in xjwmt cburch two weeks ago by rev j c wilson jbjjjjamev jiae fines caused serious contemplation i of hi qearen mpvkki r- baaattr detroit under prohibition toronto auiruait t 191 tlio followlna l tntn an article in the christian quanllan of may 1 frank ji ivalar hpeclal itenroeon- ttttlvo ot tho outlook luulmwn vult- inir detroit to ee tpw prohlnlmon works in tho blaaeat dry city in tho world th writer aaya i called on uamoa coumho detroit mayor flood liver hlma if tolerant wallbred with a twinkle in- hie eye ptormerly he wax a commtaaloner of iolloe an j hole therefore no tbeorlat about con- dltlono- he eald l have never been a teetotaler i voted wet but if another oteclion were hold j would vote dry 1 bellevo detroit with prohibition ha been a revelation it baa unwjt all thealartneat prediction of the wela and nore than niiatalned the roaleet prediction for dry a i- tun in favor of prohibition for detroit becaueclt haa made tie a bet tor town and i believe the publlo ue a whole la itnpreaaed with ita bene fit the personal liberty argument dor not appeal to me the question la will it bring the area teat rood to the areateet number here in detroit it line done tint unquestionably petty crlmo lias been reduced sixty to sev enty per cent child welfare haa re ceived an impetus which millions of dollars in appropriations could not have altected collection are better merchants report sreater boslneaa from j working- classes and the banks show a areat increase in depoelta there nas been no increase in tho number of drug addlcls there haa been bootlesslns to bo sure but detroit is the largest dm ofty in the world and we have no more emuggtlnc than we axpocted the superintendent of police said this la my answer only half past rive and a saturday pay day and me kcttlna ready to go home in the boose days we used to be always hen until after midnight often all night what with murders cutting scrapes shootings gambllna rows finally quar- rln women screaming ueaten up men we were as busy hero a a department store on n christmas kve let me tell you that detroit bootlegging or nut i a better city ao live in- ii altnott mjj mcpb board of social serves flonoqram and tlottofoneb general o o hauler a member of tho itnltrd fuatiwi army olirnnl corps has discovered tuiyu tho pathfinder of washington c that browing trees serve well as substitutes for antenna in sending and receiving wire- leas communication it was discovered that while the war was on signal officers of the ifnltsd tuates army with a string of station inaklnj use of treetop anten na had cauarht message from ships at sea from station several thousand mitee llsunt 4 nd pytn frm aviators flylnx abovthe earth wireless measages transmitted in this manner by moans of natural unteiin are known as florograma nnd in one instance tnls interesting wireless discovery was demonstrated before scientists tiy catching out of hpaco a radio communication that had been sent out by a wireless station and the branches und trunk of an oak tree served aa asiteiinoi to catch the message kornillnet as the telephone mm- sages are called wpre also transmit ted between stations one mile distant the trunk of a pine treo at each sta tion sorvlns- in place or the usual steel tower supporting theinleiinas made of wires tho words of tho conversation were auo transmitted with remark able clearness and tlatlnolneaa ny the aid of thl discovery it la declared that wire antenna supported by lofty tower will no longer be neoes- f sary for receiving- wire loss communi cation as all tha will be needed is to drive a few noils into a tree attach u wire to it and then connect up the receiving instrument power prom air the ideaof getting power from the explosion of car buret ted air la a very old one in l7a tho abbe tfautefelulllo and in 1810 llu ratten worked on a motor ualhg a mixture of air and mam powder for fuel hepumber 31 17 t ililm l lhon the dlaooverer of illu minating gas got the first 4tnt on m motor using a mixture of air and gas two years later he built his first ap paratus and it bora a striking resem blance to tho motors of the tutur cxcept for a never explained daggvr thrust which struck down lebon one evening aa lit walked among the trees of the champa t i y sees the roads of the world might havo been rutted by motor cars and tho skies crossed by airplane a century earlier cp r cuntnm lvfii rfmliinm ydpr clothe thoroughly cleaned in mnlliry worlubop praaed and repaired bjr expert workmen we can make that old ault took like nov try ua geo wallace business directory guelph ontario thos gray m d c m sjeqill i it- g p kdlnburgh i it ft p a 0l olasaow member uriluh medi cal aapciallon etc offloi bvaderlck breet acton ont dhv j a meniven physio ln and sunoaen office and itasldsnoe corner dower avenue and klgin streets the rasld- noe formerly ooouplad by d m iuo- derson acton one draw on your customers tbrough tho morehmnta bank with branches in all parts of canada auid-eorres- pondonta abroad this bank u fa a poaltioti to present drafts promptly have them accepted and collect peyrnant with tho least poaalblo troublo and cost to you tho manager will bo triad to take up this matter with you vcterirtartv john law con vaurlnary buraaon aeten on- oldc- arthurs- lllock nasldenoe kill street calls day or nlgfat prompt- ly attended to used to kisbino thoy wrro in an elegnntly furnished room in the west rod of london they approached each other from opposite directions- one of them wo as white as a sheet the other blush ing red as a cherry- presently they met and although dosens of eyes were watching them they kissed each other they had scarcely been aide by aide twenty seconds when a man approach ed with the are of batue in tils eye with cool insolence e rulsd the stick ho carried and then oh horror he struck a sharp quick blow and the pale one was sept spinning several feet away there was no heartoirakm or cry ing no oven murmur gllllard balls ore used to that sort tf thing and the bowlers kittle too jt doesnt requlro a genius to make trouble or create- a disturbance light an enthusiastic admirer name rush ing up to arnold dennett the english author at a reception in- chicago re cently o mr bennett she cried i am so delighted to meet you you have been a wonderful help to met indeed t in what way might i mkr oh that laiit book of yours i it ba taught me to concentrate to ronoentnitet well well thats nice now toll me what are you con tra tins ont oh on lots rnd lots of things i th mcrghants dank of c4m4ajdv hud offlca montreal acton branch georgetown branch eatammmd 1884 l b shorey manager r tofitotuorcosrvasr tjow3nto camada flour cream op the west ad sizes five eosespurtty the popular brands hen feed chop feeds try oar honatch oerdopinc ctdck food chopping ak nosual every day artaiiag wedneaaay at itnunra d h lindsay acton the electric flour feed mill hb ib- phone no as p q box iii harold nash farmer ma oarristsr so he i tor notary publlo convsnyancer etc perrvman block acton omt monbt to ioan conveyancing hours 1 p ts lo i p to at realdeaoa r h wan8brouoh laka avenue aoton ontario dr j ac belu d o b l d s dsntlt honor graduate of toronto dnivsr slty the lataata sneathetlo osad i dealrad mibcellaneoua marrjaqe licenses mp ueretssuer marrlao private offloe no wltnoaaes quired usuod at residence in evai paac paaaa offlo evanlrtg aoton ont francis nunan bookbinder account booka of all kinds made to dec periodicals of every descrip tion carefully nnd ttnmna neatly j promptly dona wyvohmbi btratf oaalpfa ont over williams- stor r j kerr ll auoilonaer sr the counties of halinn welmng- tan poel and duffartn and tha city of qualph acton ontario sales may bo arranged by mall o at residence at acton or at the free press office aoton tbe mercury office ouelph the newsitaoord pergua or wlthw j oordon ilarnea maker ultsburgr soles entrusted to r j kerr re- cejve attantton from date of listing- to a of sale ut your aalor with ma raaldsncw vounp 8trt acten phons 3b acton call at my expense j e cheevers book binder quebec 8t east ouelph ont books and nutiraxlnea bound to h and substantial covers namesi letured in gold on tubles hymn books and other books all work promptly executed what a sight it is to see giant freighters steam away bound from fort william- and port artin the trct cities of tlo east tbia is but one of the many interestins thing you aes on this wonderful great lakes cruise ha ve you juat a weeks vacation this aistday cruise onlakea huron and superior was pl especially for you you will find each hour of evercbanons uterest the rhrfflgsi experience of passing through the locks at sanlt ste marie the day ashore at canadas twin cities fort william and port arthur and the visit to our northern terminus rising on its wooded prosnontory from the blue waters of superior the city of duluth sarnia to duluth and return six days on the great lakes tofethar mm ooo f amity i6o0 jnosa toathcr wo sf days in that gay oeeapa but caova chsrisaos still to most of w fe tba daily lite on shipboard we travel ana six full gay cwnnaniooeblp ol nlsaad ana itrfwlyinta 8pxcxal fkaturks by full tupt furfiseatkaats at ts doss wuroni- northern ridsator oalry tmpm with oeysroqfat in by wirslsss a merry- chreaicla f board alternoe the crotxl saloon erary i artiata as at too of life on ship devoess bar eafargiss co am enta- meat os the scops temmmtm mes- usbt q-pstdis- aftsw tk rkarsss b ion i oak at stakabeka fslts in tba oountry n all enjoy a tssloav soctsl lloacesk near port arthur all e hamoni oaa way lares oat sf suata noronic ad saturdays aai wsekly from serai to soo poet arthur fort wuliasa end dulutk leaving saraia moatauya t0xja eaetern tune for full information aak any grand trunk ticket agent tourist agwt wilta d w tbe company nt sarnla or your local tkszm a caogl4ftao eastern paaaenaer ascot sanua chat for uls booklet northern navigation company lunited saraia crandtrunkrou d alex niven ontario land surveyor and civil engineer surveys aubdlvlslona plans- re port descriptions blueprints etc certjucate for purchasers and wtref surveys for architects buudera and municipal councils dratnas luporta estlmataa etc fctolean buildinq douoias 8l odblph phono 1084 oni roy hindley auctioneer live atock- itbal estate and merciiandu3b conaolldatad phona erin 4x li r r 3 acton grand trunk ivk the double track route between moinreal toronto detroit chicago unexcelled m thing steeping oars on night trains and parlor cora on principal day trains pull irtfomiation from any orand tfrunk uoket rrwt or c k ltoralay olautct pasaaiurer agctt toronto h a holmea act acton ont ttp0wewlaw ara mmnntmtnwtimmtk anact tara otab wads of lloomeatal jwortl w ball 1 w bbc irvka

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