gpftoflo j3day beitkmnicit 11 ulff the gentle lanes tread the gentle lanes lbs kindly people era r tho tight trom window penes huns and gl in tons from afar im walk with men i know ever haughty eeldom great 1 vo atrength for every blow a trie ml for ovary fata pj bear tha laughter rim eat proclaims the simple joys iet mo tfutra the chattering of a utck of girls mid boyav let me llva among ttte man who art tolling day by day find i ahan t bo friendless whan and borrow ramo my way i ma alt a while and rest rt tha fellowship tnd cheer v the man i like tha boat men of uaeful service iierc utng of arm and brown of face tpnde that alia pa and build find mold foranr their abtdtiut place lifo la rich wllli more than sold not in place high or low dwell the caumio of tha race many glorious blossoms gnrw in n soil that commonplace jd lla on tbn almplo lanes that man of worth are found here it la that kindness reigns there the joys of ufa abound uy edgar a uuel fai you vr v hen mabl colemana- cloaa matea at oorham seminary decided to present a play out doors every girl in the claaa aba wu in tbe coat or char or not felt the importance of errenl and how la tho play coming on 7 aobhrs coleman whan uabel apent sunday at homo a taw week before onotmenl beautifully i it a the lovatiest in ever aawl rother fred loosed at her table it always annoyed a sister m pretty and at ihould be so unreasonably hy noter did anything in public honor to the lamily harent thej given you a partr of courao not they know i ahould be too beared to aay aword then a sudden amlle rippled over mabels face instead ox ajtvins me a alowly part fred they saved me for a pool tlon of reaponalbulty comfort your elf with um thought that i am third oq tbe execuuve committee wbado you have to flot any- teavinaeedw we look out for lb decoration see jftat tbe stage 1 roped oft and attend to the ushering and lota of other thin it took now my apodal duty might be to help people to bop safely across tha atyx our tar river i mean i what tar rlverr asked mr cole man with sodden interest for be wa a trustee of oormuzi- seminary tbe tar rlvav rannlny down tha new gr cutters ever since been opsin out from trader your one driveway and rolling down your nee clean cutters ira perfectly borrtd i ahooid think it would be eali bar father with mlfrrt disgust there never was a worse job of road- maklns- but tbe contractors will have nuke it rlcht before they or paid ad they hen agreed to do the repair- lam before cxmrmrnoanntr probably therm set round to it by cobuaancement week tfaey are ajreax on bustling too know sold pre oh man it1 tell yod what win bap- pen b added with sudden lnsplra hon tbeyu onlab everythlns tn time except tbe rolling then on the after nooij of tbe play theyll rou tbe road wont it be festive to have the ar- cneetra and the gtrie and the steam roller all competing for attention if they anould try to chug- chng their old steam roller round could atop them eouldnf wa fatherr cried mabel in dismay tou woudnt have time to get an interrupted fred r would be over before the nimblest nber of yoor committea could poa- mbty cat the necessary papera then td stand in front of tbe mls- i arable machine thajr wouldnt dare f to ran over me probably tbe man who can k etaaua roller la brawny enough to pick lyon up and put you on the side of tbe read at a promising young- law sta ldnfyottr brother la sold judge cole lagan lamxhlajr but if they wish to protect themselves from a suit for a nit and battery mabel they would well to get a warrant for your ar before tbey dare to use force that might take as ion to cat as an injunction- nat orally enough from tbe day that i mabel went back to school she bearai to watch for evidences of repair uron i driveways a week passed before there wa anything to aneounupa ber then one mornlns ahe came back radiant from a recitation what do you suppose 1 aaw mary ivorliurt she asked ber roo another place where the tar has beajun to oose oufj no such thin i i saw a shiny automobile and a bis man bl diiduiii to be ft plutocratlo contractor lie had a lonst stick and he kept tapplns peaces to the cutters that s encour acalnc some thins will be done now x tell you glad to bear it its decidedly more cheerlnc than your plaint of yester day tho next mornlnc when weverol loada of crushed atone arrived alia allowed herself to become almost nil am not bid now that boards rift dowp pur bued uary tranquilly and the roller la out of murht behind the buildings fcvcrythlns will be lovely a beautiful ikno was a proa d lcfore tho cueata a patural amptiltliaati round which the patched driveway wound cava ample room f r liundreda of aectat ra un i macniflnant trves aliadrd ihrin from tha bright june aunahlno unbel atatlunod where aha inlaht caution meats alout tho tar heard ao many xi rsaiona of ndmlra l ion at tha fionrrut arrangements that for a wlillo aha intunlly turgul altuut tho alram roller hut it soon furred itself upon her attention junt uftar tho i lay had txkuti aha wiia nrourln tha ocliool bullllua f t r one muro rhalr to scut a iielatml dhjnltary hho liod found tho clmlr and was hurry in from tha doaertod bulldlnc whan aha hoard tha rollar atart from its reatlnc paco at the 1 lo of tha bulldlnff mabel drop mmi tha chair dashed th roils li a do r and lanlod harsalf square in front of the rollar the amaxed driver quickly brought tha cumberaoma machine to u what are you suing to ilot da mandad tho fluahod and breallilaas lrl iloll the road he answered cruttly whems tho boasr askod mabel called home mabel foil vary much ulona svnot five minute before her father had telephonod that ha should be lata for tha play you can t roll that road now aha cried it will apoll our play my orders are lo roll tnat road whan us ready got out of tha way the man ahouted btartlnc the machine he ran it as near to mabel an he darod tha girl did not budge tho claaa was singing and mabol knew that neither the shouts nor tho noise of tho machine would bo heard by anyone except herself it was dent that whether the play went off smoothly to the close or not depended on har and her only hho wished aha knew bar legal rights better but as she had nothing except her fathers statement ahe resolved to act aim ply on that got out of my way impatlontly shouted tho driver of tho sputtering roller mabel stood her ground firmly i ii not get out of your way tjet out of tho road or 1 ii take you out no you won l said mabel with a voice that was aurprlsingty steady you don t dare to you know you can t arrest me without a warrant if you touch roe without one it ii be assault and battery her fluency in the terms of tha law strengthened ber courage a little although her knees were shaking you will hardly care to get yourself or your company into a lawsuit and i have ahe added the statement of the finest lawyer in the country that you can t touch mo with out a warrant- tha man was not ready to give u t easily ha backed bis machine and then drove it ahead until it aim- touched mabels gown frightened a the girt was she did not flinch thei he tried to make a defolr round her but mabel easily frustrated that at tempt bb stepping to front of the cum arloushji ehfterful ou will eoe a gang of italians here tomorrow she announced oun ddeatly the italians did not arrive however until three days before the ploy then they cams heralded by the notfcy chug or m ateam roller tbe time left for completing tho work aeomed u mabel no rldlcuously short that her depms slon did not leave her even when she saw huuj of men com and set tbolr nlrhny carina i dont see what you wowylosf bouti eild mary of they pro mlcd to have things right before the srenty fourth they win of course tey know how long it will take mabel was ready to orknowledgo the aene of the remark and aha re golvod not to speak ajrain of her wor ries flho did not break bar resolution until the day of the prmanco the ion drty1 patched and tho has gw work ucaln over be e2 intern hall she told mary when the two girls were 7naslnc for the great event out there ln t an inch of th drive rolled and they havent touched the gutters well there lent time now things will have to stay na they are until after the play of courao they wont think of auch j thine there a plenty of time to roll tho drive tomorrow morning and etaave itail smooth before the xmuu quirting exercise don t worry 5tfaw cried mabel after a aw testa of her determination tbe man brought the roller to a stop a few feet from tbe girl there mabel stood with ber eyes on the machine until she felt that there was a strong chance that she would cry so quite regally ahe turned ber back upon ber roe xrltty utile pirate muttered the man to himself as be leaned back with an air of resignation i dont know that she olnt right anyway i take no risks if mabel had only knowniwul that air of resignation but as it was ahe imagined him as still glaring and acbstnlnc while she stood bareheaded and broiled in the hot sunshine thought of the angust mrs winston still waiting for a chair and ana fer vently hoped that some one would do something for tbe dignified lady then as if it were not enough to be bar rowed by the thought of tbe man and mrs winston and the certain know ledge that her nose would burn a bright red before relief could came the beat or tbe nervous strain or both made ber feel dlxxy she fought it as long as she could then rather than topple over one turned up her pretty white gown and ignomlnoualy con tlned on coord turkish fashion sensible thought the man but be let tha escape valve chortle hoarsely behind her to see what abe would do mabel sat like a statue and be did not try it agaln it serrned an interminable afternoon a the wvory girl but even class plays do come to an and and finally the closing strains of he lost chorus told mabel that ahe might abandon her pool tlon she rose with difficulty you may roti the road now ahe sold and hoped that her voice did not tremble pretty good i grunted the man o himself as he made ready to start psla she certainly has won out as tired and stiff mabel withdrew from the scene of conflict n suto mobile rolled up from one direction and tbe principal appeared from an other the principal took in the eltu ation ut a gtsnoe and hurrlaf to tho idurned girt grasping mabel hands be aald ho it u thanks ip you ths the play was a perfect a ac i did have a aln king moment the are of the afternoon for i thought 1 heard tha roller start but mm i did not hear again i felt sure that i must havo wn ml taken how did you atop iit what a the trouble with mabel called judge colemana heady tonca from tha car that drew up beside them too much playt too much ateam roller rram itdctl die principal hut ahe held ii i i right fur in hour and a hilf what you dldntl began the judge yes i did i told him i bad tha word of the finest lawytr in tha coun try that he could not forcibly move me out of the way without a warrant for my arrest i told him ha would have a case of aaaault and battery on his handa if ho dared to touch ma that wu what you aald waen t it daddy r the judge laughed long my est taw pupil ik nt you want tu join tha flrmr of course 1 do but no public plead lug for me ttutuk you iki give tuc a split i eel dreadfully bedrugglotl mwl i want to t rahou up before tho recaption to nlgtl have been quite for that hoy of yours said mr pullon who was lunching with a friend at his club 1 wlah you could give mo tome points i havo a chap flvn or alx years younger and ho a alma ly a pn blcm i am afral i thht tha job of being a wfo uthorla ulinoat lioynnil rno why don t yt u try boini- a rhum thonrjusked mr llnnnnn when dick was abouwfleon ha gut into a foolln t school boytcrapa tliat resulted 111 u bill for damages of ten dollars ur bo 1 know nothing ulout it till a week afterwards when ho rumo to inn conaldarubly cmtiarrassod anil mada u clean i rtmnt i t it why ii in t you tell ma boforat 1 naked wall aald dick i was hi hope i ouul i borrow tha monay from soma of my friends and pa a little ut a tlma without your knowing hut thay were all ui hard up aa i win i id ii t you co n hitler mo us or a of y ur friends r tuld i while he h tutcd an idea coma to me well a way i aald i d ilka to bo aie from now on i um atlll somothlnh boy and 1 d really ilka to havo u of about your ago what do you nayt why can t we got together often talc over our affairs including trouhlaa tn 1 arraoa if hero are ahuro our secrets in fact u ilka any ther two boy friends t at tiial dick ruthar opened hi ys i you mean lad sal i he that you will tall me all about what you va i oen up to aamo aa 1 m tn tall you what wo ii perhai a that wosn t just tha way that i had thought of it- i auaa that when i had spoken of our afro and our secrets i had cally moaiit his ho wo vor i wouldn t draw off yes i said i ii be as frank with you a you are with mo it must all bo in etrlct confidence of course we ahook handa on it and 1 soon came to enjoy our little in tlma to rlmt ranging from baaoball to business and from school mattors to politics al though at first it did seem to n that i was opening up a little mora freely than ha was tdy business at that time mode noc aaaary a great deal of travelling one night at a hotel i ran across an ac quaitance a prosperous manufacturer who aaked me to join him und two- of his frlonda in a tittle game to pass away the time i never cared for that kind of thing and i was absolutely without skill but jones instated und i want along pretty soon it was bug gestad that some amall atakes would make it more interesting and not to go into particulars when we got ull through 1 was interested lo tho extant of about a hundred dollars i want to my room fairly ashamed of myaalf then i thought of dick but i shook my head 1 had to came to it though what kind of confidential terms would wo be u n if i waa keeping bock from him the only thing that i was really astuim ed of t xgueaa that no boy ever dread ed a session with his father any mon than i did my next confidential talk with dick but i got through with it after a fashion and ha was disposed to let me off easy never mind dad he aald frorgat you dont have to do it again that new camera thaf i spoke to you about i ii get along without that npw and it will partly help to moke up tha anything fob it lie nod misunderstood me in one particular and i had to explain tltat it was jones who had lost while i bad won obi sau djrjj and i couldn t lielp seeing that for the moment j had ruen ooewnil in bis estimation hut that makes it worse i said 1 can t keep the money and yet i dont knaebow to get lid of it ylvn it back to the man dick aald lie wouldnt take it i aald tmck thought a mluulo and tin ha aald if yoa tell the man how you fell perhaps be will take tha m nay beck and give it to tbe y m c or some other good object xiood logic or not i acted on dick advice at first jones scoffed ut tha idea but when i explained the si tun tlon and asked him to do it on th boys account ha vlnalty took the money and the y m c a got a con trlbution from a friend now i aald to dick afterwards i doo t ask any promise from you because you were not tha one at fault but i ii promise you that i ii never help pau awuy the time that way again a few weeks later j met jones hello i be aald want anotuor uto no thank you said i well you couldn t have it with mo if you did aald he i ve quit that for good fact is 1 ve got a youigatcr coming up and it occurred to ma that if i could do cornet hi ng on account of your boy it was a puy if i couldn l do something on account of my own as fur dick und me ur harmon continued we have kapt on being pretty chummy from that day to this i dont bay that i lull would be th ideal relationship in til coses but us far um i can ace it has worked out pretty wrll no fr tor both of us one when home for fnn way to go to rrnrh tifc i after yttle town in whlrh i tlwelt j xrotn llrlatol and gut on board ut ati with juat enough money to pay my fare and that being nettled i thougit in my luiioaiicu i ha i iuld for every thing i noednl in tho way or ineuh i ha 1 what 1 wuiitt 1 bo l ng us wi wrra in amooth wuti r then came tho rough atlantic and tho noed fur nothing more 1 had been lying in my berth for hours wretchedly 111 und paat car ing for anything when i hero anna thti stowurd uii 1 atood bealdo mo your bill air said haloid lug out th i itx i f pnpr i vo li i i mi ii ry al i 1 hi in wretchedness tli en i uliul keep your lugiag what la your iiume and adlreaar i told him inatantly he tkk tli mil with the gilt t ui 1 around it u he woru an i in id out 1 ui hand should llku to nliuko hanlu with you he said wth u nmllo i gava lilm my haul aid nhook hi us wall us i coul 1 then cama th oxplan ttli n how that aotna yearn lm fora soma llttlo klndnaas ha 1 boei imwn bin mother by my father 1 tho sorrow of her widowhood novur thought the chanca for mo to rnpay it aald ho pious untly but i am glad it lias ho am i said i aa soon as i got uahiiro i tol 1 niy father whut hapjtonod all sal 1 he oeo how a hit of kindness uveal now ho- has painted it on to you he mom ber if you moef unybody ihul friendly hand you tnul ms ij onto him ynnro had gone by i had grown up mid iut ruoflcu it all until oiif day i liad gone t tho station of imp of our main tluce j waa soliig to take my tlckal when i saw a little lad crying a thorough man ho was trying bravely to keep back the troublesome tears jut he pleaded with tho boo kin j clerk what ut tha matter my ladr if you please air i haven t enough money to pay my fare wuftt but u few pence und i toll thu lerh if no will trust ma 1 will he xur t pay him grtln instantly upon mo nasi f r gotten story of long ago hero thai was my chunco of itaaslng it on gava him tha sum ho noeded and u into the carriage with him thm told the llttlo fellptv tha story of loin ago unt of the a toward s klndnaas t me now to duy i aald 1 psks it n to you and remember that if you me t with any ana that needs a kindly hand you muat tass it on to him i will air cried the lad as he took my hunt und his yes flashed with i am sum you will i answered 1 reached my destination and loft llttlo friend the loot aufti i had him wus aa tha handkerchief flut tared from tha window of the carriage it is all right sir 1 will itev mark guy ieuiu ksa it c saved his time i vo coma to see your huaband in tlm interest of the knights of labor mrs tegau said a blan 1 elderly man as tho mistress of the ileugaii household answered his ring lie mini v fir said mrs ilea gun with hrm ufefmbo but 1 can promise you nv tbilu iwtf uru f la you ii get nlver a iilatf ti 4r out av tim itragan and its liu ugo trylnl hum and hod knock off work in thu duytimo if it wosn t for mo kttjln ut him till 1 m that worn out thvvi ny trfii th lift in mo he get by 1 aim poet this applicant wh ulh rnferenne himself 1 rather suspect so myaalf then why did you giva him tho jobt on his merits so to apeak the refer ens wift yo worded and writ ten neatly joubjjbi ourior jour nal ead the adsthey help save money seres heal quickly have you u persistent morn that refuses to hratl then try lit thomas kxilectrlc oil in the dressing it will atop a lough li u carry away the proud flash draw out the pue and prepare a clean way fur the new akin it la the recuouise 1 healer among oils und tnyi lads f eupo can certify that it houlod where other oils failed utterly virtues reward your di tauten or by bail for seaft aa ty free wrha ml itahsw cyw rf ly cev cfclfas gastoria for infants and childrem a 1 mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signature of 11 i i tut tho sol hera totnpuliiod i uy i i rally that it ui t ijh- ultll i lie i w k kli lilt- lluuiiploii hoavy weight loai ii mi ti y iim in to ruturn a rid v luni liu lin rather a t nu 1 iu ulr ui i r uaked hi in whether like i the book well yeu and o he sal 1 judl iilly liut id if i lnrsulctl ati tie i tin ui i to keep tho book tightly 1 nkl uii ler una arm it called when iutty went lo ilu im ai swemd defiantly a twofold duty many thonghtfnl motbci tint give their dibdren regularly and then take ii themselves it h a toolcfbod that contains dementi as needful to an adult as to a cbfld bidld up your strvngtiitry scotf bxacx tfty of yfjm- in use for over thirty years lastoria every 10 pcket of wilsons fly pads a ill kiu u e rx5 tri -g- ih stick catch ctran to handle 8ol4 y all dntftv pats grpccra and qeperai qtorr fnecpssitio- ideal motor washers low prco sure rccipracatirik water moior prilcd at 52200 new ccnlury warjicrj priced ut csinoo patriot waslicrs priced at s1g50 canadian washers priced nt sj dow well washer priced ti 5j stand wrinjicr priced at cc2j 590 975 clothes wrnijjcrs pneed nt 575 and 9 00 electric irons t7tx kctric toostcrs 175 we iiavi what you want tbe bond hardware co ltd phone tot guelph savage co cstabhahed ims wyndham 8t guelph p free press ads bring results cotton the la teat government estimate of the cotton crop for thla year is 10 dos ooa bales a new york firm la running a large display advertisement in the dolly papers offering thirty three oenta a pound for 10 000 hales of tilt cotton cotton gives tha houth a dominance that is not offset by the products of any other section it lid be a real blessing to the who e world if tho production of cotton oould be distributed more nearly all over the world the worlds demand for cotton la fast outgrowing tbe produo tlon of cotton says the manufactur era iteoord cotton goods are certain to be hbxber ins i rom two i locator teachers were truval ig through canada tho other day thy ha 1 to take a vory early train und um a result intended to sat i reak t lu the dining vr bui thr was d tiling car on the train hungrily thay faced tha pruapeet of a day of fasting for they would not arrive at their destination until late afternoon wo have just two cakes of chooo late aald one taking store of their possessions will you eat yours now ir wnlawhlter the second ate her cakr- then truat to luck to find a stauon lunch the first walled until iuon und until a mother and j wo amal children hod battled themselves in tha seat uppualto tile teachers klnully aha luck the caka of i h icv late eyed it lu ha i py jitluliuitlt i and then unwrwpiied it itut lo tbe two youngsters wero agalual her kuu and thay too ware looking at it with liuppy anticipation of course it was divided batweea them f half un hour later tha mother open ad her grip and out utmt the family lunch of fried chicken sandwiches etc jlut not one bite did the goner oua teacher got what wus that uttout a cup of sold water raho asked the other tou her tilntjngly the woman with hie rull basket blared at her coldly than she took drinking tup from hoe grip and extended lt you may have it aha offered but there a paper tups at tho can saturday treat i portoi u better see try our new chocolate crupa superior to pstterkrlap ites- ttic to twit unlay special 40e other 0c chocoutes for 39o cocoa luds batter than mapl iluda lh 6qo our ice cream opun with much batter and the aamt good service lijlk ice cream pint 30o lirlck co cream cb 30 any quantity delivered harold wiles canada feed beard lloetiee no 8 13sbs mill street acton diamonds jewellery library desk sets fine chinx cut class silverware silk umbrellas fountain pens tipoctollats in wodulne and llrthday girts ltpwrt wach and jar aty ilepalrent savaged co in b ia gvelph rm not worryltui im juat j uon kor years mother qravea worm hxtertalnator has ranked aa the moot effective preitaratlon manufactured and it always nalntalna its reputa- a sundard medlolne panuoloe b vegetable ill is cumikiunded of entirely vegetable aubataucea known to have a revivifying and salutary effect upon tha digestive organs have through years of use attained ao eminent a position that they rank aa a standard medicine the ailing should remember this utmplo in their composition thwy cnbo aaalrillated by the weak eat atomach and are certain to have a healtbfutt and agreeable effect on tbe alugglan duveaure organs a joan of arc machine she withstood everything in tho field and above all waa and still is the last and only car to survive until tho cessation of hostilities extract from letter received by ford motor company from u untish solditr in africa over shellrtom roads through water soaked fields second only to ths tonka in its power to climb debris and crater holes the ford car made a world famous record in the lighting area of the great war in pre3 despatches in field reports in letters in rhyme and bong the praises of tho ijord were sounded in prance 700 cars out of 1000 werowipia in italyi 850 cars out of 1000 wero lofds 4 in egypt 890 cars out of 1000 were fords in mesopotamia 999 cars out of 1000 were fords the ford powerplant that established this worldwido record in every theatre of tho war remains tho same it will bo in the ford you buy ford uuniljout j0g0 touring 1690 on open model tho eloctrid starting ndlllctilititf lqalpmentlliloouitra coupe 1376 slu 11 176eloaed model urici includu electric surtin and lighting kqujpment demountable rime urecarrlcr and uoniu tiree on rear aa optional equipment on doaed cara only at f2g extra tnaao prloee are o b t ord onl and do not include war 1 ax jfcy emly eutm brd utru 700 cumoduna u juaun and mm- uoo irte gang muyply aem h a coxe dealer acton ont when yoa need boots shoes at ny time buy ifuom w williams mill slrel aclo i amoub fok satisfactory footwear kfasonable lricp quality our sweater ctuib mam jin tin siundurtl ut quality i ull urn btylcj quakty raincoats we inaintum the htmidari of quality ir tho knincoai wo tcll quality is ttjc utandarij ir til oir iitrchtiijio re nelson phoaa hul peel orffeo 0uulrh oo not let vour nervoup eiiergy s waated in n disss wsyj iliirvuuved ycatralu uun up o triuit mm unt of euvrwy am pfo lu d uduo tupguc hy rellavtiii t wyeara yqij tuvo just no umli mure energf u v wlil yi u to work luorw udh luiiiiy ai i lo i lay villi muro vlp ii- in ijouiit onhul1 v aaufcim og arton flour and feed store xv utavu a i tui i th wall known choice norv an nothing bettor rolled oatq shorts di1an t ply of the folawli a n brand a klnaa and national f or- oilcakc oat chor feed flqur halt in liarrula 200 lb i lags or small laimlty if drdrod hi lcia14 i ink in ciligklvn 3131 aivm ouit glwmiavl a thjar- dootjchtic holoalcd oats thw ilbflt canada kood lkigrd ijoenao no robert noble limited hcnrv awrlev manaqbii ms