Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 25, 1919, p. 1

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tjt ztn sttt ipft forty fifth year no i acton ontario thursday morning september 25 1010 single copies fivc cents new advertisements the methodist cuubcii acton tin i ul r will mfuiy thn pulpit it ixitlt m riih l rvenlng scrvl you aid inviti dcoue for bale ketiud lint ii ml u itm k ou w il in i i rimlr ito uk atton wanted a ixirm 1 1 i look utti r htt es in m n for the w n or ai i iv i 11 n ai ml it for pale herd car run 3 wira as a prlv car nobby tread llren max wall hood and tiro currier car in good repair price 3g0 00 purt rash box trs acton valuadle property for sale brick ntnm and adjufent land situ utod hi mill htreol nojir i ost orncc ocruphd by owner a 1 tn 13 2 ii hav1ll heifer astray outnn to tho premluas of tho under signed 1 it zj ton a nussagawnya on august 27 u ml unit white heifer tho owiiui- muy rocuvcr lamii by pio i up i ruiwrly un 1 paying cipcnuci 113 john d uc donald i auction sales farmers como to acton to cninie your auctioneer whan making sales iod have your printing and udvcrtdi in hand iod by advortjaamg experts at til j- khke press okhce accommodation wanted hoard and lodging is desired for the teachers who attend the ecu went ion to bo hold in acton oh october 9 and 10 the teach ecu art willing to pay tor four meals and lodging for one night j 2 co all cltlxtms who ore willing to assist the convention nut give com fortabo accommodation on this basis will nlcaso noufy mish l m roycl ir 13 2 miss isailrl anuhihon we buy ok sell victory bonds bearer or registered j e carter investment broker guelph bookkeeper typist wanted com patent bookkeeper for buainaaa concern out of town on who ia abla to operate typewriter for particulars add rasa latter to free press office 1 j3 acton ont wphilp taacher of piano violin and other 3 string i natumanta also pipj3 o i to an wilt vult acton on tulusday of each woek until further nolle iuplle prepared for conservatory xsxnlnatlona messages left at acnw faxa pusss ottlce will receive prompt attention choice groceries and provisions have you tried mcdougslle for fresh groceries and freah fruits and bight prices mrs jennie mcdougall mill btrebr jcton ont wonderland friday september 2 arizona with txiudlua 1 alrtolliks mother to guide hlin ken comedy v sepei saturday september 27 country kirn l with vlvluu murtln 1iu ih m wt home lutf v comedy with lurry fcutrnm un i the itrlllah lusette tuesday september m tho luw f i 0 nth with charles lty tho llnul uplsode of the 1 u i lr u th nt eplsme f hie man of jl vlluiriph oorlitl atur t inn william luniau wednesday october 1 nm mint frtuu- a iaijj pltmrt with t m mix tund wen urn r l gregory beautiful new fashions for women and young women they arc of wonderful inspiration more charming more original more individual than tn a dozen seasons past first of the season displays at macdonald s arc marvellously attractive you arc a welcome visitor in all style departments in guclph s big store whether you come to mako your fall purchases or only for pleasure and style information lovely new fall hats a millinery display of unusual charm portraying an artistry of lino a charm of s to command tho attention of the most casual autumn suits coats frocks a beautiful array of new garments no arbitrary rules to line but lovely modes that were rather planned to accentuate the gracious individuality the charm and per sonaiity of each and every wearer new fur coats wraps and sets are in marvellously fine array this season every new mode and fashionable peltry represented everybodys price too immense selections in all lines of new fall apparel for men women and children in all tho various clothing and fashion departments of this j big store whether it is wearables or famishirtgs for the home you can always count on comprehensive qualities and best obtainable values when you come to guelph to macdonakta d e macdonald bros ltd guklpeps leading and lahgest store wrndham macdonnel and carden streets godph onl acton creamery dairy co highest prices paid for your cream faib otst and full satisfaction guaranteed highest market price for butter fat will receive any amount of cream yon brine in highest market price for cream and eggs open monday thursday and saturday evenings until 10 pjn acton creamery dairy co mann watson proprietors willow street opposite government building goods russells prices of suif at clearing sale jdance of our muslins and other j goods for friday and saturday j licx r stripe bilk regular 1 75 tor jl 19 4 pieces silk poplin regular 2 25 tor 169 2 aiccea linen towelling regular 10c tor 29c 5 pieces stripe flannelettes 30 ins regular 40c for 33c 35 only black underskirts regular 1 75 to 225 for 5129 wools a full lino of wools suitabla for sweater coats and pullovers at popular prices a well assorted stock of btamped linens cushion tops tray out lis centre pieces 1 groceries try ua for yaur next order of groceries the goods are always fresh and delivered at your door without extra cost best r ao df tcgacf t honest values ivuajijrj dealing millstbkkt acton fist atora cloaca olso axcapt friday and saturday jf ter the storm w calm at council v and quiet business gouriay cowiujbrobably com mence at once to instal machinery standard time next bundav uko william telia maaterly over luro hy itoaalnl in the c after tlia utorra tho procoedtnak t lno courwll meotlnc on monday evanlns wore markedly pacific courtaay and kood will pravalled aaln hualnaaa only xlultl attantlun alt tho counrlllom were preeenl and the re vn waa in th rstulr ttu llnjtnco conunlttet preavnted tlmlr thirteenth report and racorn mended payment of tho follow iuj bc raunta hydro account hydro hjectrlc power cnrnm lm so mcdonatd a wlllaon auppllea 11 17 el atklriaon cartaara m n oenbrat electrlo 17 07 p moore oxprm a fribt m ii im ia okntltal account nihiolni korlxra itatnhins rauta 10 ambrtum mccann labor 1 15 m 4s the rciort waa adopted utivod by john il leuhman aecond- x1 liy a o t lleardmoro and rc- wilved that tho clock bo turned back una hour sunday nlght septamber it t 12 pro and that the old time be isrd for ofmial time for town pur poactt carried the itevti reportvtl ibat a roan by the name or iloaa of hamilton tnanu fact urine zennlnum unit jilir producta bad been bere and inapectad the shoe factory build ln he was favorably imprcaaed and wan tod to come to acton provided the deal with mr gouriay waa not eonaummmted mr uourlny bad written that ha would be preaenl and the council a retiring pastors very devout wish for acton people rev harold carr who has min istered to the baptist church since last may says farewell he returns to momaster university piittdnjb agrvloea rondudetl tho paa toratn of llnv harold carr in the itap ual church in the mornlns ho preachoil an im- preaalva aermon to the wy scouta who attended servloe ih a body under the hand beoutiruniter n v moore at the evontnav aenrlce llcv mr carra farewell mesitaae waa deuvtred it waa baaed on acta 16 t the phravoooay belnr adapted to tbepc caaltfn in tlieae worda i would to ood alt ot jrou were not ofmoat wt tojather ai paul excepting hla boftila the atory of bt paul a do fane lutfore klnc a grip pa waa lvldly rftheanied he emphlcd axrlppaa atattment almoat hou perauadi ma tobe a chrlattan and exprcaeed th wlncere hopo that a a reautt of hi aummern work in acton he had auoceeded in perauadi ni acme u be not otmoat buf altocether chrlatlana paul n fclortou teatlmony to the aav in and keeplns lower of chriat waa fervimtly nrt firth tfla nrobltji aoua dealrc after hut own convention waa alwaya for aoula thla dealre of paul haa been handed down thrauah the churchea and their chrlatlan worker for theae hundrtdaof veara aince decauae of thla it la ue dealre of the ohurchee of acton that aoula may be eavod we dealre to be mke paul bfcauae of hla lire and hie worjt for roulf a a member of the chriatlan church and oa a chrlatlan worker in acton t toac out all may be like paul my wuh for actrn la that all her people may be both almoat and altocether aa paul waa except hla bond a i want could not deal with the ahoe factory luuon until mo information fi to hy italitor prll pplled by him the roleaae from the kellanoe shoe orapany had arrived and the council waa in a poaitlon to go ahead with nejrotlatlone with any flnn at once- r a communication from a man from kitchener waa received lie wonted to locate in the hhoe xactory he had experlanee but no monoy and hla pro poaitlon waa not conaldered a letter from the children a aid society requested that acton a oub acrlptlon be increased from tt to- 1300 thla waa laid over a letter rrom mlna maraaret mc inane reiueated that the creek run nine peat her property on main street be cleaned thla matter ww turned over to mr hell chairman of the streata and walka committee the hhoe kb c to ry project waa then opened for dlacuaolon asaln the clerk waa instructed to write mr itooa auitlna that the corporation waa wllllnjc to open neffouatlona for hla eatabllahment here mr lourlay of kitchener arrived on the acene at thla juncture movjd by john it tetuhman aacond ed by a o t dcardmore and reantved that the clark be rnatructed to write the toronto suburban hallway with lefcroncn to blockinc main street with their cam carried mr taourlay waa tlion roquealed to enlishlen the council ot aeveral mat tera upon queatlon he made clear all klnte prevloualy in doubc the director of the old company wilt po membera of the new company and aeveral new ones will be added the creditors have been battled with and the new company will atari with a clean elate the new company owne all machinery exceptlnc the leased machines he waa prepared to give whatever mortaaae on the machinery was required by the council the firm would oomo under the name of clour lay a kosrelbers the council entertained mr oour lay a proposal and it la probable that immediate steps will be taken to have the plant i natal led in the new build- in here moved by a o t ileardmore eeo- be nxed at 0oo per year for school taxea for a period of ten yeara carried coupclt adjourned at 10 4s p m esquesing township appoints officer on school attendance the rate of taxation for a year has been struck t 178 mlba next meeting callkd fob thanksgiving day at the tneetln of the township council lost week all the rannbers were present the reeve in the chair jnmts llrown norvat wm appointed a hundkoeper the by law flxhuf the rate of tax atlon for the year waa passed the rata twin qxed as to iowa county rst 11 mlua township utroses is clencral hhol lute r sb holdlem kund 1 a by law to appoint a school at tenduuee omref waa passed mr j a tmcy ttwnahlp clerk was ap ihilntetl tuthe orflce with w aalary of sioo itald atvsrterly a by law will be introduced el next invetlii to reulate the ruunln at lakii nf ihltle on lite hlchways 1 he rollowln uoounu w tmirvtwii herald prlntlit slid advrtilna 13 it kdwurils ml 11 n fur the olklil llltu brtdxe aauttls liiut lluli c i two cul n onelll reiwlra to ardr m klshor dynamite for road work rl of a real christian who knows ood the joy of work in tor chriat helpln olheni brlnsinl iooio lout soul to ood cannot be eatlmated af the close ot the lerveni sermon the choir aan that appealln hymn almost persuaded rev mr carr returned to hla atudlea at mcmaeter university toronto on tuesday followed with tho best wishes of many with whom he wacassoclated durinjt hla paatnrate here september in the highlands onn t f the must beautiful months uf thu ynar in tlie llltfhlsnda uf ontarlu u heptimtasr ulul the indication thla ir point to a tar number of vaca t ioi iit wimi will take tlietr annual outlii at that tltnn to aeeure deatr- ublv uccuni04lalou rery appucwtiun ahould ba made un 1 liilercsul den lltltv llloiiure uovehi aiich 11 truts ua mukok lkca latto of tioin ajtjomjoin park riniaaml kawartlia lkea and the 30 000 la hmdi u tin qounun hay ttlvlim hat of hotela and all information nan bo lux i free on application u graud ttuuw itllltbi a news of local import mantorlal window to deceased soldiers a memorial window commemorative of the soldiers who were membera of the dortreatlon who made the aa- preme eacrince is ahortly to be placed in knox church waa succeaaful at oekville fair mr ieonard w onion was remarkably successful with his floe team at oak vtlle fair ounalderln the full c losses of lino horses that were in oompeti tin he won three teronil rlzs md a third ew cars and betur radial sarvlee improvetnenta are shortly to be effected on the toronto suburban itullwuy tvo are con temp la tin a number of improvetnenta in tho tor- onto suburban railway to oueljih said r c vauhan aaalatajit to the president of the canadian national llallwaye lost week mr vauchan aid that a better service on the radial will be atven and that a number of new cars are likely to be placed in comralaalon the soldiers memorial project a well attended meetln of the sol tilers memorial committee 4 held last wednesday evenin there was little decided upon at the lost moss meetln of cltlaena it was decided to erect memorial it tea at this meetln a resolution was passed to reconsider this decision uf the cltlsene the m- torllyofithe members of the committee present appeared now to favor the aus jesllon of a children a park on the ahorea of corporation pond nothln further was done at the meetln arrests d through m launders tend inn pto adam abxeo waa arrested about three week eo by the military police of toronto on a chare which aliased he was a deserter inveaturatlon proved that pte aleo instead of be in a de aertar re en hated after lvln four years of service and served four months on the force of the military police after re enlistment invest allon by the military authorities prov ed the true record of pte aleoa splendid career as a acddlcr and not only resulted in hla prompt release from custody but added eoo to the euro he la to receive tor his services the- great inter church meventent the first dlatrtct convention uf the national inter church campauxn li wll oh the presbyterian itap 1 1st ad kllaan coiurreatlonal and method let churches have united was hold th methodist churches of cluclph oictrirt in norfolk street church guelph last kriday there waa a lare repress live attendance the abjea tlve for thla spiritual andi fins nets campuln was explained in livsplrln addivssea by rev tlt w itarker uurllnui itaiv j i kuipjurlck itesldent of t nnference of ltrunlford and hov w 11 caswell lluraur vu turlu t i heap toronto tim campauri uiii with special senminm in al protextinil churches next sunday and wlu continue until next february all phaacn uf lltrlatlaii activity bain cm phualsed durlu the next fuur months the equlrtoxlsl 6 term the heavv rain and wtndatorui last krlday eveuln eeeiued to be the 1 to cueor of tho cualomary weather die turtisncca nt the lime uf the autumn cmulnox tho rain lsrno in to rents uud hie wind blew almost a hurricane trtes and ulectrlu wires wore blown down it various point- in town a lunta tree at mr ad im cooks real tlonco planted by the late kdward nuklln half century mco was blown down i tmhs were it rn uff maples aitdi other ahadntrees n wires wi diiwu in all directions und it took isimtrlclan wilson all nlslit sid miwt of the next day to keep tho cur rent ulna and moitd broken wtiea the power lino which runs tho fas iuaa motors was down until eleven orlock the rah full waa of brest value in temper in the fields for the very necessary fall plqwin und i ruplolluhln tlie empty ciateriia our fall fair again attracts the countryside splendid exhibits of horses and other stock a most attractive hal and numerous fea tures of interest meeting place of manv friends acton kali pulr for ivlo lias oomo und cone ntid this attractive annual event kis proven aaln its great pop ularlty in the community while the usual dellshtful autumn was hrokon by brief ahowers on both days exhibitors and visitors assembled in lare num bera and the success of the fair was ratify in tn most clauses the list of entries was above the a vera o the dry aonohowed its effect however in few er exhibits in the recta fruit and crali departments though some remarkably fine articles were shown in those class the hall exhibit as a whole was very ut tractive tho revised prlxe list brausht out many new features and numerous oft exhibited articles were replaced by attractive new creations in ladles work both useful and fancy there was u remarkably fine showln of bread ind lies try and exhibitors of butler and es filled heir department wth an amount of choice exhibits which attracted all vtallora thj entrlei in ho rata were even better than the splendid array for which this fair has become famous while tho cattle sheep pls and poul try clatacs were well iepreeenud features of interest were the merry soround far the children the douh nut waon the exhibit of pianos rama phones sewln machines elec trie washers electrical supplies kit chen cabinets oil burnin ranges etc and the midway the list of prises awarded will be given in next week s issue marriages shown coon a quiet weddln was solemnised st thn methodist parsona at three orlock em thursday aftemoou sep tember ii when itessle a uteris youn ut daughter uf mr and mrs isaiah fon of ouelph formerly of acton was united in marriae to norman kurle llrown late of the 10th batt- b k prance third son of mr and mrs g ii brown acton itev i m moyer erformed the ceremony the bride waa attired in her travel lln ault of navy blue sero with hat to match the happy couple left that evenin on u short trip to hamilton and other points tbey will make their home hora with the iraomi parents for a imookeathoulson a quiet wcddlnr was solemnised on saturday september 30 at tho home of mr and mrs daniel held gtenwll hams when ada blanche thompson daughter of mrs held waa united in marrlae to mr ihnadford k brookes of toronto tho ceremony was per formed by the rev wray l davidson ieorjtetown asaleted by rev ljeul henry cotton glenwllllnms the bride who was unattended wore her travel ling ault of navy blue with hat and hoes to match and carrlod a shower bouquet of ophelia roses only the imnindiatc frlai ds of the bride and groom wore i resent later in the evening the happy couple motored to hamilton en route to buffalo on their return they will reside at si montrose avenue toronto ultcirhnklt oowpy the marriage of myrta marguerite daughter of mr and mrs joeti h dowdy guelph to alvln v mltcncner of winnlepg son of mr c b mil chencr of port ttowun took place at the home of the bride parei tai on tuesday lth inst hev d a walker il a- umclatln owing to the dlnens of the brides fathen she was given awuy by her brother mr n s luwdy of toronto and jjiu nettle dowdy played the wedding marches the bride woro white satin with a tulle veil caught with orange blossoms her bou quet being of sweetheart rosea the bridesmaid mies dorothy kennedy was f rocked in mauve georgette and carried bridesmaid roses mr william o uowdy was best man mrs gowdy received after the ceremony wearing black georgette and satin wuh or chlda the bride und groom will live in winnitie rural canada close to the hearts uf the rural caivadlan people rev j g wilson of knox church closes pastorate congregation met committee of presbytery accceded to in creased salary but he- aiirnsuon stands farewell sermon sunday evening at the meeting of the presbytery in guelph lost weak the presbytery declined to accept the resignation o itev j c wilson u a minister knox church acton which waa tend ered last month a rotnmlttoe of ministers and lay men of tho prvsbytery waa ai pointed to meet the congregation on monday at this mclln on monday after noon there was a large attendance of members itev j i small of heape- ter moderator of the p rev h il mepherson guelph clerk or the presbytery rev dr mcollllvray of cluetdh and rev robt craw fergus wore also present after a review of the situation and a friendly discussion touching tho mat ter of mr wilson s resignation resolution was presented expressing confidence in the minister agreeing to increase the stipend to tl u0m and expressing the hone that mr wilson would withdraw hla resignation this was heartily endorsed by tho con gregation the clerk or tho presbytery then went to the manse to invite i rev mr wileon to the meeting the attitude of the congregation as shdwn by the resolution was stated and his decision requested itev mr wilson feelingly reviewed the relation of pastor snd congrega tlon for the post sixteen years und referred to gie happy re tat ions that had existed and the measure of success that had ben attained he had loved his work in this charge and had ap predated all the kindness and co operation f the people and waa greatly interested in their future but he and mrs wilson had carefully and prayer fully considered all sides of the ettua tlon and had finally decided that it was in the best and truest interests of tho congregation and also of the pastor and hla family that hla ministry here be terminated he therefore ad hercd to his resignation and hla mln bury in knox church would close with next sunday a services mr wilson a decision was received with keenest regret the congrega tion was visibly affected many being moved to tears there was ample evldenro that thla faithful pastor and his able helpmeet were held in highest esteem und love by the members of knox church in view of the fact that communion aervlras are to be held nexf sunday morning preparatory services will be held on friday afternoon at 3 30 rev mr ferguson of norvat will preach the sacrumenl of the lord a supper will be dlsiensed ou sunday morning at 13 o clock on sunday ovtalng pjv mr wilson will preach his tare wo 11 sermon in knox church enjoyable masonic visit the officer ef welling ten ledge no 271 erin exemplify dearee work at walker lodge 324 aeten the degree team and a number of brethren from wellington iodge a v a a u no 371 hrin psld a rrater ual yult to walker lodge nu 134 acton on monday evening after opening the lodge w m harold wlldust invited w m foster of the turln lodge tu take the chair iii the east and confer the third degree on a candidate te be raised his w dens and deacons took their places and the paet mantel associated with hlni sill the tigiue wurt u at tin pro afvely c era u lined to tho edlqijilloii and appreciation of tho ailol brethra at the conclusion of tho ceramonli warm words uf praise an t appreciation ware spoken by w dro dr mcnit w ilro if m itosxot and llro h moor itiul w bro lldgukt expressed hla parsons thankai for the work per format w bin utlih replied an i stated that it wua u vary great plea sura to vlalt walker lodge and rnoet tho ouan und brethren v hid kimitxr auto aikike and rtsjulwl a oor dial vult to walker lodge to visit krln aud confer one uf the degrees tie tewnras then put op the f urth degree which was also llrui en- joyed the following brethren fiini well liigton wtmlge nu 371 krln were pre senti k c foster w m t it aklns p m j 1 leluh 1- m a j i arry p m u a deerlug h w o a smith j w j i mooney j i david 1 atkinson u ii tlruhum an 1 w bros v w 1llsgvruld vallny iadga no 100 dun dun j m itossel 1 eterlhiru idge tbi peterboro und ilrus k t the t fori bvrtuiid fdge no t3 w r hodgson uuiiitulu lodge nit 13s und w k tlruhum i it ton iklgo no sit were also vul tuis durlnic the availing arthur lyiide tewter of elnglug front uumbuurg cunaarvalury of music ruroiltu tosllios in at ton thursday of roth week studio at huius uf miss florence murray t i social and personal mm o m murtln of twro visited acton friends thbt week mr itobert brownie was hero from toronto fur the week end mrs jamas moore visited friends at ashgruve during the week mm i l- junes of toronto u visit lug in the old home this week mr william qrimii and mr george irifrtit of turln wpent monday in town mr thso 11 it arlldge of toronto was u guest at st alhan ilectory last week mr katward mittiiewa of kitchener tent a few days thla week in the old home town mi ueonto murray left last wcok un u visit to hu boyhood bums in clas gow scotland miss mayno mokvoy apent a plea sunt holiday with friends in toronto the past week mrs jsmes mclam and mrs chua t mclam of toronto visited friours here this week mrs 1c l- johnston und miss lid ns vultwl st mr hamlin a in toronto during tho week mrs eolith mason returned from her visit to trie nils in her former tuuni in new vmk sis to loot jvoek mr frank hsvill of the dominion bank m n treat la enjoying holidays with ttu old home folls here kttio und myrtle dills n louisa i tocher uf toronto spent a day or su at ho formers home here itov i m moyer is attending the annual convention of victoria college theological unum at toronto this week mibs molls mcljim who has a good ikisltlon on the office staff of the mas aey hirrla co toronto waa home on a weak end vlalt mr adura- u h brown and mrs w havers attended tho weddln last wednesday afternoon uf miss tslsle havens of uuelph and mr karl 111 lard of windsor mr a is matthews of denver col arrived ti tuesday tu spend a few duye with iosimanioi- and mrs mat thews after attending a lnjurd nioet infj in atlantic city mr b p warren toronto tia niter of the mlssuin funds or the luptut chuiijlspel hulurdsy with alioii trie nds and made uie faaa iskhs a very pleasant call lit kurntir leaves fur new york the end of this week tu see hun dlgby ami mis wlltsoti off fur syria where the furntsr has tean apiiotnlod tu the amorluuu ouusular service mr an i mis c b htnltn ajid mr aithur li mcloiialtl of detroit motored vej the first of the week and an nlmjnoiiik u few daj s at tho home uf t u to nut fftoei meuoqald mr an i mrs david molcnery an douiue the engagement of their yuuugoat daughter clura annie to mr wm icvans uf ai lop the marriage to luko pu u the latus iart of sep itev uud mrs i m moyer j c mutthews mr and mrs a t brown mr und mrs 11 p moore aiidvmlaaei jvrii brown and bertie selght at ten leit the national campaign con ventluu of guelph dlatrtct uf the methodist church at oualph on shlday neighborhood news- town and country crewgon8 corners p the rain has improved tho ground cor plowing t turnliw am very mhr crop around here this year master bobble kingsbury won first prlxe on his chickens at naaaagaweya school ralr lust week mioses besalu kingsbury kathleen and jean millar wore uliio prlxo win nars from hero a itnir uttte dauglitir lina tomo to delight th homo uf mr and mrs orrlo iunb ballinafad mr sumuel mc lure s flno new steel barn is nearing oumpletlpn it la the oral in this nee tlon and adds much to the appearance of the farm mr and mrs robert cole have moved into their now home hern itallloafad is getting quite a colony in georgetown messrs campbell and sevres have bought residences there on the same street as mr ira van- natter what would tho fall fairs do with out balllnaxad men to run them mr h h lindsay is president of acton fall pulr and mr george c campbell of georgetown pair dublin tho farm- tha recent sliowoi ere a smiting face threshing and fall wheat seeding will soon be a work of the past for the oeuaon uf 1910 mr kred mo hug i or trafalgar la engaged as foreman for mr john f robertson on tho wm thompson farm first line some of our noted ntockmen of thla district attended onkvmlo and bramp ton fairs last week the farmers or this locality aro busy fall ploughing these doya mr wm prank of the flrat line pur chased a new ford car wo wlah him successful and pleasant outings- mr john it waldle u til tending guelph collegiate we wlah him suc- qeoroetown mrs r l creelman who undoi int an operation at guolth hospital last woek is progressing favorably mr and mrs 1 c slmklns and family have left town on a visit to friends in vn gland a rink of georgetown liowlers re captured the smith trophy at milton last week a social evening was held by the members of orion odgo no 109 i o o p on omntlay vnnlnt tr and mrs ilowpcer of hi clair mich and dr j ii kennedy of ie- trolt were guests at th home of dr mcandrew last week georgetown growth demands a fur ther wsjer supply und our council are seriously contl it ring ways and meuua to nvrtxmu the deficiency mr and mrs k 11 mctjibbon little daughter jcun wus i im rated on for uppondicllla at guulph iluepllal last mr and mrs t muckuy lafl hut weefc on a trip to albany n y mr w n mckay or slmcoe form erly uf georgetown tin man uppointed manager of the now brunch of the bank of hamilton ut goderlch her aid erin the fall fulr iiriso lists are out and are in big demun i tile dominion ihiy celobmilon re celpts totalled 074 l0 und the ex pendltures 1762 7t the surplus of 1311 76 will be used for memorial pur- mr robert mrhm ry has purchased mr j j carroll s restdeucn on main street mrs j u smith is v lei ting her laughter mrs house at ueamsvlllo mr v trunk has hie foundation under way for a new cement block residence he is erecting this fall un the lot he purchased some time ago mr alex hunter and eon il of toronto who liave been taking an auto trip through the country visited here last week the old gentleman attend ed school hero 66 ytiurm ago and could call up tho names of many old icrltiltes lung slnee moved uway or curried to tho comolcry advocate ontario elections on october 20th legislature dislvd general elections on same day as vote on the referendum three weeks campaign sir william 1 learnt tunsiluy liight uiiiiounoed the dlsm luti u of hie ou- lario legislature and thu issuing of writs for a geilerul elm tlon ou octo ber 20 with nominations no week thorn will lw mi that the geimral eh un the same day i tsgret however ins uni to come the ltafoietldum september in algonquin park september is n uf lha most delight ful months or the year iii 111 high binds of ontario aud algonquin park offers attru ti ms that uiii not found in ulher dutritlu it lu sltuutod ut an altiludo or 3 000 f t uive the lvel r the uiuiurliig vlnltors of pura bracing air that 11 juvunulus botly and mtn rltoiy i- icss via thu tlruii i trunk 300 uilles north of ionnto an i 17u miles west of ottawa thu illghlum inn a harming hotel uffords umirortablo uocomnuhtatmii ut reasoivulba ratoa the inn la heattxt by steam the cuisine is all thul tan l doalre the ulghlsliil inn is iiperutel by the grand trunk itullwuy make your re aervutloilat curly illurtiated tlescrlp live lltoruturj lulling you all about it from uiiy llrund trunl agent or wilta mr n t clarke muliugui htghlsnd ian atginquln lark ont militahv news miss mabel j mirfal writes tho kaaa liutas from hi i uul minn thai her brother ioargr who in now in business in lxkp rt n v bus just received a lino brt nsi mlal f t hu work in the eervlta tf ilmlu ham in the itylng tups overseas this modal was given by the university ut mluuesutu pte w huyduii rilllm tour and u half youfi i verneas lu the imperial army retili 1 last monday 1mb lust uul lit uml his wife and daughtei ne hien ilnj u few days with 4rs istuaa v

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