Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 25, 1919, p. 6

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v ntrjuui liattiagw and deaths or now charged for at tho following rales illrtha 60c marriages 60c deaths coj memorial cards 60 10o per una extra for poems married jiltciiknih-10viy- at the home of l lia hrliloa uirmil luplph on tuesday mcplemlier 1c 1010 liy itav i a wnlknr ii a alvln v mk- ohcirfr t winnipeg to myrin mor- kunruc luiikhlrr f mr und mra joseph dowdy ilhownkn at tlm methodist iuntonwgu a on on thursday september 1 101b by llav i m mnyxtr norman earlo drawn mn of mr und mr 1 11 ilrown ahon to hcsalo alioim you men t daughter of mr and mm im1b1i coon of ouelpn ijltookkmtiiomionat tho homo of tho brides mother olenwlllta in saturday september 20 118 by kov wruy i- davidson ooorge- lown aaslstod liy itev lieut henry cotton aicnwihiume ada wancho thornwon to iradford e- x ilrooke toronto died wiiih in arton on tuesday sep tmobor 23 1019 william wile in hi 66th year camichon at hockwood on sunday soptomber si hub colin cameron id his 72nd your ilhandon in wilton on thursday september ib 1d1 batnutl wwunl hratidun in hla 47lh year in memoriam a n iiiu10n in loving memory tf ite a u anderson llflth ilattallloi formerly f l4lh hattallon killed in ctlim at cambria franc on october 1 1018 h did not tblnk when leaving home lie nover would return now ho ilea in a lonely crave and wd urn loft to mourn hlh cheery ways hi smiling face are a pleasure to rtkoll tltefi u not hint left to 111iwor llui hu picture that in kamil v iptjsmfij citg 1110 brief local items yvoie no with four croasesxxxx oooctober 30 turn your clocks back an hour on hunday niche daylight saving time will end in acton at mdnujht on sunday tho brick work at mr allans house on luke avenue la about com plated- owing to the atorm last friday nlcht mr ford moo ting was with drawn ontario agricultural collie uuelph opened with 2lfl freshmen students laat week georgetown fall fair next wod nesdoy and thursday offers many attractions georgetown olenwlluams c operative society umlted lias ob tained a charter mrs n f lundsay- was one or hi judges a the school fair at aah- grove lost thursday frod blow has added a gaaolli service- pomp and free air to bis gorago equipment on main street rockwood fall fair directors are making great preparations for a bljr show on october z and 3 oood mom ids friend 1 you read uie kan iasa of course haw you renewed your subscription t a ani of builders is hustling forward the new beardmoro houses several have already been erected judging from the sale of tickets tbo fancy bauutr of bl josephs church on october 2136 will have a large attendance an extension of time for tiling ap peals to add names to the provincial voters ljst bos been made appeals may still be put in and until thurs day october z mr p o kelly stratford a form er acton boy has been elevated by his fallow- merchants to the honored position of iresldont of lb retail uarchants asoclatlon of that city it is practically assured that ouelph will have a modern ska tin rttak erected this fall on tbo property on cambridge street at a cost of ssoooo actons bis link will not be completed so soon as that tho electric lighting current was rather unreliable on sunday evening power was off until a faw minutes of the hour for evonlng service in tho churches and went off again just as tho services were concludln the liquor trajtlo wants you to voto yes to all four questions on the referendum ballot dont you do it- vote with a cross in the no column rlaht down the ballot paper you dont wish any one to think you are a nym palhlaer with the liquor traffic and an opponent of prohibition the itowmanvllle stateaman al ways a histi class local newapaper and worthy representative of its c stltuency has placed itself in a hi her class by adopt in tbs sjihomeprtnt plan kvry one of its elbt sev column paoes is crowded with matter of keen hrteresf to its many reader in memoriam wiixiau wiles with heart rend in suddenness death came to william wiles ctiuroh street on tuesday forenoon durln the pre vious nlht and in the mornlns mrs wiles hud boeit feellp- unwell and as ulss laura was in toroit mr wiles came home to see how aha was eltlnr on iio went over to dr qraya to call hi in and whefibs resumed was not faellu well and v lay down u few mlnutos on the couch dr uruy cam a few minutes later and when he knocked there was no resikinae he walked in and found mrs wiles in bed and mr wiles lifeless body on tbo couch mr- wiles bad been a kreat sufferer from rheumatism for years and this affected bis heart and finally with fulu1 rusulfs deceased was born in toronto sixtysix years aso thirty- one yours ako next february he was joined in holy wedlock with rluncy uarber also u toronto citlsen who survives hltn their son and dauher jlarold ami laura also survive fo thirtytwo years mr wiles was i faithful employee of messrs heard more a co twejitytliroe years of this time be in spent in alon for many years he was foroiuun f the ehlpplnjr depurtment ut the warehouses lie was a quiet tbouhtful man and en joyed universal esteem the runoral will be held on friday afternoon service will be held in st a loans church at three oclock after which interment will be made at wlrvlow cemetery the sincere byntpathy of all our cltuons is felt for mrs wiles and lanira and harold in their sore sudden be reave men farewell to lady mis sionary mibo ruth nuon left on monday for port qlmpaen sc mission field ati interrslln incident ocrurrcil a tlm rutntr ut the sermon in the methodiat cliun h lut uumlay eyenln miss ituth nuon dauliter of mrs jolin c nelson main street had offered her self fuf missionary work had been arreptoil by tho hoard of the womens missionary horlty had completed her courso of preparation and received hr uiipolntimiit to the crosby indian kris honio at port simpson ii c anii was to leave for her field next day itev mr mnycr spoke kindly worda of appreciation and encouragement and then called miss nelson to the front mrs muyer and mrs a t drown re presentatives of the womens mission ary society then stepped forward mrs moyer addressed ulss nelsoa in appreciative terms and expressed sincere and cordial wishes for her success on behalf of the society mrs a t drown tho president pre sented miss kelson with a life mem bership in the w m s and also added appropriate worda of sood wishes for mlaa nelson made a foellntf reply t hunk in the church and tho womene missionary society for tbo kind words spoken and the cherished llfo certifi cate presented she said she had offered herself for missionary work in china but the authorities had seen fit to semi her into indian work in ijrltlh columbia instead sue had naturally been disappointed but like others she had learned prayerfully to say ill hto where you want me to sro and to interpret disappointment as meaning gods appointment miss nolson left for her far away mission station which is 00 miles up the coast from vancouver on monday afternoon while the ctin methodist church lias sit iil mimtmrs of young pooplo to the ministry and as deaconesses and chrutljn tearhes and workers mlaa nelson is the first lady to devote her life to missionary work c p r cleaning pressing isspalrlng your clothes thoroughly- cleaned in sanitary workshop pressed and repaired by expert workmen wo can make that old suit look like now try us geo wallace gublph ontario the ontario election act 1bib the temperance referendum act 1919 public notice iurauant to tho provisions of th ontario election am ism the hoard of ug 1st ration for tho county of llol- ton have extended the time for put ting to complaints or appeals in refer ence to the voters lists until thirs- doy the jnd of october 1d1i same to be put in to die respective clerks of the different municipalities in the county and served in tho aarntf manner as provided in the first instance th itovislng officers where nece sary will bold sitting to hear any such oompbunu and appeals the same revising officer taking the sittings at the soma place as in the former in stance such sittings to bo hold on saturday the 4ui day of october 191ft am follows burlington 10 am ook- vllle 2 pra nelson 30 aan acton 4 vm trafalgar 10 ojo naosoga- weya 10 am milton s pan eaques- lng 10 am and qeorgtstown t pan i dated at milton sousepl 119 j w eijjott chairman voters regitratln 131 hoard county of 1 la ton parkers the clothes you were so proud of when- new can be made to appear new again fabrics that arc dirty shabby or spotted will be restored to their former beauty by sending them to parkers cleaning and dyeing is properly done at parkers parcels may be sent post or exnress we pay carriage one way on all orders advice upon cleaning or dyeing any article will be promptly given upon request parkers dye works ltd cleaners and dyets 791 yonge street toronto 1919 rock wood fall fair thursday and friday october 2nd and 3rd splendid prize list in all departments cuelpb mimical society bant engaged parade of school children at 1 jo on friday twenty minute performance by the schools grand parade of all horses and cattle beaded by the band to parade twice around the ring grand concert in town hall fridayevening a f auld president john gibbons secretary phone 42 rockwood fire prevention day october th prevent fires in your home liy tumuvlng ull itubouli mul litter iuvu yum rurnar mid stove pipes in prop- condition lroj installed lightning itods are niorti than 10 eflulcnl in your factory and shop liy removing oily wuato and other nre anioklukmui the promises prohibit cluunllneas order and forethought are important factors in rotluclng fire waste provide better uinl more systematic itiapei tbii anil watchman servha and also more slflclent hretlghtlng equipment in your office iki not leuvo ihled r cigarettes wber limy limyurt u flrv ro hot throw a ughteil nmtch into the wuslaputkir in your school liy teaching ilia children the ilier of wire seforo loaving each nlht see that there curt lib no overheated loves or furnace teach the children not to play with mutches t in your church have chimneys properly cleaned out lnfono starting your fur nace never put on an extra lira akcept when someone is on hand to attend to it ontario fire preventionleagub inc attorneygeneral parliament buildings toronto atfiustsd with ontario fire msrshals office department utsouujc v wflwih hec trvas w fmooney of guelph has opened a store op main u tree t acton wlutre he will conduct a tin smith and aheet metal business orders for hot air urnanos and plumbing will receive special atten tion auction sale of wood w h mccullouqh to sell by public aurtlun on lot 57 con 6 ksquealng 3 miles east of acton on acton crossroad on saturday octobcn 4js1i nt two oclock pm eiqht acres of lying wood hardwood top st will se in halfacre lots one ytnr allowvid to take wood on the promises teitmb hlx months credit on ap proved joint notes klvo per cent on for cosh oenj retch auctioneer notice to creditors in the surrogate court of the county of hajton in the matter of the estate of george simpson lau of the township of nassau awoya in the county ef hotter famtsr deoeaeed notice is hereby given pursuant u the revised btatutes of ontarlp chap ter 181 section g6 that all persons having claims against the estate of the said george simpson who died on or about twentyfifth day of jum 1911 at the said township of nassa- gawey are required to send by post or to deliver to tho undersigned holi- cllor for the executors of the instate of tbo sold george simpson on or oe- fore the eighth day of october 1b19 their names addresses full particu lars of thelr claims and the nature of the security if any held by them all duly verified by statutory declaration after the said date the executors will proceed to distribute tho assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims ot which they shall then have notice and they shall not be liable for the assets or any part of them to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received by thcra at the time of such distribution dated at ull ton this 10th day of september 1911 w i dick milton on 121 solicitor for the kxecutors everybody will be at aetoivs great fair we know you arc all coming make this slo re your headquarters arrange to meet your fricndh here and nt the same time ixok over tho bargains we are oftorino the two daya of the fair two bhr bargains in black silks black pailctie silk this silk is noted for its flood wearing qualifies is 30 inches wide heavy weight alt pure silk rici shade of black with green edge regular price 205 special for fflirdnys 165 1 black mehhaline silk this is one of the best bargains in silk wc have ever had 3 inches wide all pure silk heavy weight the regular price is 205 and good value at that money special for fair day at 270 per yard serge dress goods in all ihc new shades also black 38 inches wide kcgular price 150 on sale fair day at 135 ilaid goods in all shades greens jlucs and red mixtures very suitable for chil- drens dresses and odd waists regular price 150 fair day special at 135 kavber shi gloves in black white grays and natural special for fair day one star at 100 two stars at 125 mens biuj chambry work shirts for 150 just a dozen in this lot of work shirts in sizes 14 to 17 regular price 200 special fair days 150 each 150 each menu block sateen shirts for 150 do not tnis this as this shirt is good value nt 200 made of a heavy quality with rich soft finish sateen in sires 14 to 17 20 fair day special 150 gray scotch fingering yarn at 55c for j lb this yarn is a pure wool scotch fingering and comes in nice shades gray 4 ply and very suitable for mens socks the regular price is 75c for tb on sale fair days at 55c mens black worsted socks for 50e pair just 5 doien in this lot sires 10 10j and 11 a pure wool sock full weight good value at 75c on sale fair day at 50c pair mens fleeced combination underwear penmans make j natural shado only sires 34 to 42 regular price 350 fair duy special 295 suit- grocery specials i quart no 1 olives jar 3 cafces goblin soap 200 i lb tins salmon tin 35c pure lard tb 39c 20a 1 1 oz plcg seeded raisins pkg lee 20c 2 pkgs corn flakes 25c wrdeuveu goods compare our prices mclean mills mill stkjeet we sell for cash we sell for less acton x wanted fifty operators on ladies waists and dresses dressmakers and oimmtor- on powor machines havo no dim- culty in making from 1600 to 2500 per wook ilocinncrs are iald salary from commencement transportation paid to uuelpli and boarding houses secured working conditions unexonllod in canada apply colonial whitewear co limited quelph ontario down goes high cost of living meenery evans are anxious to help mduco tho cost of llvlnif and yuuto tho following low prices with that end in view for saturday legs of lamb tt 40o front quarters yf lamb 30o lamb chops 40a loin pork chops 40o hboulder pork chops 35a cbaioa belling beef 15o hboulder itoast 22o thick lub iloast 23o choice lub itoast m zfto hump itoast beef 2o jtound steak 32a tjlrlula and porterhouse htoak 30a home cured bide itaotm 50o homemade ha usage 20o potatoes cucumbers tomatoes plums pears and peaches choice mcenery main street evans acton ontario attend esquesing fall fair at georgetown wednesday and thursday october 1st and 2nd 1919 attractive prize list revised enlarged long list of splendid specials 375forrjiallolspeed 2500 for motorcycle races grand concert in town ifall second evening come and enjoy this annual event 1 c c campbeu itcbidenl j a tracy serreury cii at free press office acton for prixe lial ladies fall winter coats for those ladies who arc contemplating the purchase of a new coat wc hereby extend a cordial invitation to inspect our stock we have just received u large shipment of coats in al the newest fabrics and colors tho styles are so varied that there are no more than two coats exactly alike and many mart come just one of a kind the following will give you a rough idea if what we have to offer but it will pay you to come in and see for yourself- in silvertones wc have a number of pretty styles in two shades of brown burgundy and navy in velours we have brown taupe gopen burgundy green black ami navy these arc of best all wool material also other cloths in as sorted colors the styles being so varied we can only give a brief general description of them there arc flaring backs and belted fronts some have allround belts and buckles the collars are mostly convertible and made of self material plush or fut j pockets and cuffs come in many pretty sylcs- prices range from 1250 to 4500 note our balo in boots is still going on brill co corner mill 4v main sta phone 167 georgetown farms for sale 200 acres on the county stone road eiun village y mile lu lualail uu nil pasture small urchurd soil luy loutn spring u and j uollu lruini bouse 8 hiunu new bank uurn 7sxm with nrt i utubllng t tinentotl floors driving shed good imn hoiiho wulcf in tuhlom krln rhihl m mile krln churches 1 miles llurul mull uiul luluplxiim irit e f 1 1jboo trma arnnuwl 200 aciuk y mile ruom glenwilliams ih m run orkublx 1 tluix iu 1 and itur 3 ucrtis urctmril sandy huni tu i ly lua iii llul 7 rtkj us fiimio lank lui mkioo lrlv lug hoilsu utio lijg pull liiill hullav water in stables vlll itulll tulia u mil i uxli 4 i 11 1uumu arranged to suit purchaser price f 18000 100 acres on the county stone road lyi miles from eramosa kli r1 wu knbl baji lllhll 1 vi acres or hu rl luy m4m soil lv vf falling rliig vu puiup1 y windmill to buuaa and barn kru nt uu 11 ooinu u 1 ollil ui 111 housx llank barn 8ox with k turnout itooiw tix ip lli hu 4 pig pens tn ulusetl hl fits 4q o living urn wulll li htli ki and ihunh vi mil klkal lilal ulftl tflltipl l bfuhjun ultutign 1 price 00500 50 acres on cood stone road mtookvlllk iv miles- acton 7 miijc- milton miles 41 uukm wt rlull i uu wh1 util pumtina 1 bcrvs orchard 7 i u 1 full wiuihl utrf r ii il0h 1 oll luy uu ii to sandy loam 3 w ulbi kraint i like no 1 s iuoiiii4 tl ut tiod lolu- kranie house no ll hs j ik mtulls hi ivio 3oa loo acres ejtln township acton ty miles lil u wtukuhlu ll mt uwdiup uh1 bush 1 ucre hard foil bavy y l pjl ut waty hrmne house tt ntoins kotxl ciiji iliinu li iuhh vsuli i all lihiw fcloitl wall tntdnr all w1- iii ii hlith1 1 loll- illlllll m 1ii4 liuial null uiu pltollu ill- ultwllgl iu- fluou tfulm urntugihl 150 acres on the main road uading into acton sjjtlst outside coltpoitation umits ui ui woruitbl ihj lmtu lund 1 uiri on bald mll rbh duy lon to tuiiiy ljjn lvl lnl f wutr 1 wvll u 3 springs mtontr- tioiiw u ioiils uooditillui dilvlug shnl sutu lunk tun -2uij4jwiut-j- ijoh nstoiii wull tl up 14 liouit nf utile hotsa wut iii hoi tlu hi- ii hout pig ihii windlnlli hhimil mil rhmhu i 1iu- roiul nmll i vnwiu uiy lm l 1000 lu lullug cop t nt wituikd 100 aches on main stone road between fergus and orangeville fergus 3 mjles 3 u ivu piihluiv lltl o woikublu li ucres imi plunty f wuii hui- t nmnm hunk ham 7lx3 i utublos windmill hchinh 114 0300 tcnils arrttiigo1 llllu ulk all irlc 100 acres erin township 2 miles from erin i6 ucuo wnrkulilv ialaiit 1 hurdwihid and swamp oruliard 1 vs ii- noil w loutn plmity of wulsr 1 well and a creek oemcrtt iilvitik intuitu zixiu hen house lbxh silo nllu thu ih 2 initus rum i mull and telephone lrlo feboo willoughby farm agency georgetown ontario new acverlisenients ontlinioil from tc oiu heatkjuartpia for wedding and birthday presents itgru 1m47 mllvurwum knlvci loiku and hpoo wancy cut ulnus- i amy china wo carry th inoul complete hloo in town marriage liccnqco mauco geohvnds acton ontahio in the surrogate court of the county of wellington notice to creditors notice is hirhy given that tbo credltorn uf aniklia murray lut of the townuhlii of urln in the county olwollidktnn married woman dircas- lid who und on or iiltout hip s8th day of ieccrnlmr a o 19111 at tlm said township of irln und all other pnr- uonu having clalmn agalnnt her nstato art required t winl on r txiforo tbo nth day of ocloler a j 1010 by post prepaid or otherwise deliver to hurt id n knmnr f thn viuf of acton hnllcltor for tin izxrt utor of tho iid amelia murray deccancd llielr thrl- tlun ami ntlniumi mldrwaes and drs- crlptluns tho full jartlculoru of their claim and the nuturu nf the securi ties if any hold by them for the and notice in hereby further given that immediately uttr thn nil id nth day of octotxir a li 1319 thu said kxocutor wll proceed to din tribute tho asnatn of tbo sam tlncoused among the iwitlph onlltll thcruto und ha will not be rcnjhinuiliki for uiiy rlalms of which bo shall not imva received notice as afomsiild ut tho time nxod fur such distribution dated at acton this 11th day of koptombcr a i 1010 iiiliahd muitltay i td ir- tit or liy harold n 1armor bin solicitor acton ontario 113 clearing auction sale in khin township farm farm stock and imp laments iio undersigned lioa boon instructed by victor watson so sell by public auction at lot 1 second lino krln ono mile west of tuesday september 30 at one oclock tho following houses lilac k homo c years old iorcheron lluy ilorsa 5 years old clyde gut by ulossford inlrd llbick filly i year od cot by klmoro cattli3 hod cow duo november 3 itoan heifer due november 1d- lied cow due in march milking welt jersey caw duo in april ited co supposed to ihi in calf milking well ited cow milking welt drlndle cow milking welt hod heifer rising 2 years hull calf c months old time of ale fl calves hoos 0 ilgu 4 monllis old 1 yorkshire sow duo september 19 i colllo do implj3uicntk 1 deerlng binder ft cut good as now 1 decring mower ft in good shape 1 ietcr hamilton heed drill 13 hoc kood as new 1 iotur hamilton cultivator 1 hissed steel holler thrco drums i hrumt wood sulky ilakn now 1 international sloop blnljrhs nearly new 1 potroliu wugou with box and eprlng seat u rood one 1 deniocrat 1 hay ilako 1 kloury llw no 31 neurly now 1 scunior nearly new 1 set of iron harrows 3 uwtfonu 1 stonoboal now 1 orlndntoiio i sugar kettle l crosscut saw 1 wheelbar row 1 chutluun kiiiiulug mill with bugger 20 jiui llrcnrmiek hinder twine u50 ft to it 10 itiu salt 20 rods ilue wire jencovo 01 g bunch es ii ct stilugleu home 1iltch dum ber and 2x4 hcuntlluu i ri doxon grain hags chulns forko shovubt double trees nnckynko and uuraaroua other articles haicnksh- t nvt tun hurilsss 1 set ijow iluriuuii 3 collars 1 flrand ideu ituuge 1 wood heater 1 extension table 1 hrdstcad 1 set scales 240 itm capacity standard cream searutor no 4 kood as new ohain and hay 100 bush old oats 1c bush old muod qruin a ouantlty of now outs quantity of icas about 14 tons df mixed hay 1u acres of qryou corn acre of tur nips thu 1allm will also ho o to red at tbo sumo time subject to a reserve bid tim farm contains 100 ucrea and is in a good state of cultivation 0 acres of full wheat iiuvo boon mown krama house lu room ham 30x64 ft shed with stubllng 34x00 ft drlvlim shed 34x40 ivoui of water at barn and house terms for fnrpt 10i on day of sale tbt bulwnoo 111 thirty days when posmctutlou will be rivoii to the purcliaser by iiaylng 1000 down the rcmalndr may lay for u term of years at 1 pr annum tkhms koit stock etc- 110 00 and under cash over that amount 13 months credit oi approved joint notes j ruin hay itimu corn kurnkure cash klvo jksr cent discount tor cash no reserve sa tlyr proprietor- is re- tlrino owinfl to iii health w k grhm r j kerr clerk auctioneer i bone 3d acton real estate if you have a house or salo if you waitt to buy a house in aaiun oak r j kerr auctioneer and ral estats osslar ihoni 30 younq street acton ont tooth paste th winirul looi ckan feeling klmiso hi toutt mouth l like a iiuunliig loni csan rhlldrtli bfush thlr tl r gulurly when you glvu tlim klemo exclusive quelph aqunt0 mckees the rssall druq stor quelph ont ekxl

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