Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 16, 1919, p. 6

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y births marriages and deaths are now charged for at tho following rata i nirths loc uarrtom 6o deaths cocl memorial card co- 10c per lino mtra or posm born khan in artm on wcinnluy of to ber 1g 1910 to mr und mm alex keen duualitor maflftled hllsid mino al tin ilunw george town on wnliicmlny hoptcnrber 4 j910 by kev ii i cameron ixilay rtrucu youiiront iliiuglilnr of o w mint tu mr arthur hpoed of toronto uaia ciliritcijiial at hi allnum church arton on ctuntay october la iii by iujv 1 v mounill ua itgtnall hunlny jlall of ht alli erlnon to ada 1 1 inn cite churchill or llowmanvllle iku former residents of acton mcniciiol arnold at grand vlflw goorirelowrn on wolnclay october 1 1019 by krv wm hurt hylvln glnixlolyn nrcua1 oauchler of mr ii t arn1 1 to mr gilbart faruham mcnlrhiil youngest aon or mr mul mm j 1- mcnlchol f toronto died oftahfat 08c icrraru hlrrwol ijtot toronlu on tutwlay october 14 1010 mm jutlo oram in her 63rd ywr hfi iihi k on turn lay october 7 1019 at dm wculi r himiiilul tor onto joseph j- iloluio formerly georgetown in hu 70 u year in memoriam dfnny in over loving memory john dnny who departed thla ufa octobor ix 1016 out ot tbe shadows into tho day he has passed on before just a uttlo way hwdly mlnacd by wlbe and family chjr arton mm tbb tiiimflday october 1 101 brief local items no x x x x few x x x x in no column next monday prohibition voto early oct in you on mbnday pray for prohibition then go to the poll and voto for it tho wanton horticultural society now baa a mombomblp of 700 tho foundations for dr coxe a near garage are being put in let no one refuae to vote would it not be rather cowardly not to do so milton fair hut week waa ono of the beat in the history or the society the first prise for vaao bouquet waa won at acton fair by alias m cook a cjuelph itauan waa qned x400 00 on tuesday for ope ratify- a whiskey still in his bouse mr j w bengongh delivered a stirring addreaa on prohibition in knooc church but sunday morning watch for roorbaclut and cunou- flage on monday poll your vote for prohibition irrespective of all efforts to aldetrack you the canadian national express la now doing- business over the toronto suburban parcels are ahlpped to any point in canada the ontario sunday school aaao elation la holding ita 54th annual con vention in messey hall toronto from tuesday to friday october 11 to 24 every elector has a stem duty at the polls next monday mother wouldnt you feel bad if because you called to vote the barrooms were brocurht back to acton cut out the fa pans ballot and practice marking your croaaea in tho no column before you so to the poll dont let any one have it to aay to you tou spoiled your ballot the cattle astray advertised in the fags paxes last week were recovered next day the calf offered for sale was promptly purchased the fax panaris a profitable- medium through which to advertise mr cleavers meeting ftve interesting addresses at the acton meeting monday evening tho mooting- in the intercut or mr i ii cleaver tho liberal candidate for malum hel i hero on monday e lug hud five speakers with a imlrable roni 111 o ration for each other und for tho audience each speaker made brief but vrty lutcreutlng address mr 1 ii cleaver the liberal can didate wan the orat to addreua tho audience he presented tho platform or the ldbeml party which waa adopt ed ut the recent i literal convonilon und emphasised the value of tho lib eral policy to tho province and ltd pcoplo ho was always a temperance mun and for oiuny yearn a prohibition 1st ho waa the son ht a ilalton arm or nnd seventy five iter cent of his legal practice waa with tho farmers their interests are naturally hla in leroesta ho believed tho farmer and every other man should have u square dcul if elected to the lrslsutur ho would reel it u bo lilu duty to ltk after the intereata or tho plain people of the county and or tho oo idler boys and to oppose tho inroads of the pro- ntoeru major latimer of toronto defined very learly lho soldier position cleaver ho uald had proven to be a friend of tho soldiers we want pro kt uaivo democratic government and cleaver won a man well qualified to do hla part in securing that mrs carpenter of hamilton cjc president of the women ft canadian club of that city made a splondld toll ileal speech she spoke as a woman for women it was a new ex pcriencq for women to ba found on the political platform uut she said wo ore hero to slay she repressed gratl tude to god that we again have a thjxnkaglvlng day with peace prevail injr she hoped the women- of the province would be aroused from their apathy regarding public affairs tho rranchlse is a sacred trust women showed durirm tho war that they were able to do great thlnga we do not wish to usurp all power but to co operate with the mon in the great 4sauea before tiii country women however should think for themselves there are so many thtngs that women are interested in j our homes our chil dren sanitation nibrala and naturally in making good laws for women and children tho present progress wo platform of the liberal party was to considerable extent formulated by the women of the party we hope every woman will come out next monday and vote four noes for the jteferendum and i hope you will all vote for mr cleaver for bo is a strong- temperance in mcmoriam mhh jokil oltam tho call to come up higher cumo to mrs joule oram at her home 380 gemini htrcet kost toronto on turn day mrs oram hnd been an invulld for the pant year or no olio wnti a wiimnn of vmry superior character left alono with a family of small chll tlren in minnesota when a romimm lively young woman she came to canada and settled at nurval with indomitable perpeveranco itio kcutjier family tokothor did her besl to ensure them a rood educution uti 1 by ntorn self denial auccoodad in ntllnit them for llfo s duties after a short resid ence in norval the family aimo to acton this was their horao for twelve or fifteen years when they removed to toronto mrs oram was not only a godly woman tut an active christian worker in tho church and huntttly muiooi here she was always ready for service hjio una superintendent of the junior lcojtu for a number or years und many ufeoy und girl rcn ed from her teaching und example nplrotlom wtllcli materlully aided t in forming- helpful christian lives her throe sona and two daughters hid toy howard and george hat tie and annie all reside in toronto miss annlo is a nursing sister was in kngland hnl- onlca and lately has boon on tlie htaff or the uoldlem hospital at hurl infirm tho runoral service will be held this afternoon at two o clock in hlm ion avenue methodist church ballinafad ilnlllnufad is loiilng some of ita beat rltlxenn hese days a week ajro a fnrowell gatherlnc whs held and pre etinutloiim wrm made to mr and mm o campbell nnd to mr and mrs o ij suyrrn ut the home of mrs ira hilts an address was read by miss ilioebo huln slgncd on tehair of the moth odlat church by messrs it b hender son w hwlndlehurst and k w bhor til mr and mrs campbell were priaunted with a nlver casserole and mr and mrs bay res with a silver pie plula and the girta each with a piece of ruins music wnsxenderod by m m i tennny un by itev and mrs jowltt short addresses- followeu b the pastor itev j a jewltu messrs it h henderson j ale lean j und suv und j miller all expressing regret ut tho departure or these families from tho community lunrh was served urjrt tho proceedings of a very pleasant ovenlns brought to a close both families are removing to georgetown crew60n8 corners a mooetinx of the directors of acton fail fair was held in the coun cil chamber on tuesday evening- the report of the annual fair held last month was moat oncouraslna- the o w v a sent out invita tions this week for a euchre party in their rooms over the hour and feed tore so many invitations have been accepted that the rooms will be inade quatov the party will therefore bo held in the town hail councillor j w l hampshire said sonad may be surprised to see a mem ber of the u f o on the platform in support of mr cleaver i refuse to support tho policy of any party which does not appeal to me i admire the organ htat ion of the farmers they have reat questions to face they should organise i do object however to th tactics of those working for the farmer candidate i was told the other day that if i opposed the farmer can didate my municipal career would be cut short my municipal record is be fore the people i am prepared to stand or fall by it i do not believe the majority of the members of the ufo will agree with such throats why should liberal farmers forswear their alleaiance to their party the liberal party has done and is prepared to look well after tho agricultural in tereata of ontario i further give my support to mr cleaver because hr has always stood four square on the tem perance question mr barker of brockvllle protested against sending our returned soldiers to the wilderness of the north country where hardshlpa of tho direst character will be theirb ub acored the profit eera and strongly presented the liberal idea of the greatest good for the greatest number mr ex beswick was the chairman the meeting closed with the national anthem and cheers for mr cleaver prohibition necessary for production editor fan pmcss dear sir knowing that the fftsa pans ta an ardent advocate of pro hlbluon i ira sending four reasons why i think no changes should be made in the ontario temperance acl l it is best to leave well enough alone the intended object of greater production waa attained we have leas drunkenness fewer accidents at tiibutabls to drink and more happy x the need for greater production is more now than before the war this 1 because the producing power of the world has- been vary much ro- duoed six millions of the most active fc and vigorous men were killed pro- sf bably not leas than two million of the six million who died from influansa were men it is safe to assume that one million of the six million who died from famine were men wo may fairly estimate that the other nine millions who died from influenza and atarva- tlon were equal to three million man power thus we find that the world a productiveness was reduced by twelve million man power- there is npw a much greater scarcity of the neoeaal ties than was the case in prewar times renee the high cost of living the cause of this in part is that on ac count of so many men being killed the ratio of producing energy to man producing consumption and require ments is much smaller and also be cause of the food and property lost at sea and on the battlefields s the inevitable increased cost or living that would accompany lessened production caused by increased facill ties to obtain intoxicating drink would ba an unwose burden for all in these times when it is almost impossible to do justice to the returned soldiers uesldm this it would be unjust to tho coming generation who have now no franchise it would also be unjust to disabled soldiers and aged people whose means of livelihood would not be in 4 if a change is made we shall bad that it will be the 3ft per cent alcohol that peopts will crave for and whan ones the appetite la whetted no gov ernment will be able to stem the de jaand for bevsrages of greater alcoholic strength thanking you for valuable space i mb yours ruly j ijuttunqilam a n no nockwood october s 111 patriotic spirit is behind drive a strong appeal to the patriotic spirit dominates the nelson iay campaign to raise half a million dollars to be spent in the dominion under the aus pices of the navy league of canada much of the proceeds of the drive which takes place october zl 32 23 will be devoted to the work of train ing canadian lads for service on the seaa the navy league had already es tablished boys naval brigades in the principal cities of the dominion and roost encouraging results are being accomplished training la provided free to the boys who uro being made into akllled seamen for the merchant marine this will ultimately prove of inestimable benefit to tho nation in addition to the needs of the naval brigades the navy league has es tablished sailors homes and institutes at canadian ports and money is re quired to maintain and extend thla estimable work all canadians are called upon to make the nelson day campaign a success similar to that which crowned the sailors- week cam palgn uut year mr henry damper who was so badly injured in an automobllq accident in acton a week ago saturday 1 improv ing he was able to alt up for a short time on sunday mr hilton who has been very tit was removed tq an hospital in ouelph on sunday a number from here attended the meeting in the town hall at acton on monday evening in the interests of mr cleaver democratic liberal can didate and temperance candidate for hal ton the referendum will eorry with a big majority here in fact with the exception of three or four it will be unanimous it is the duty of every man and woman who can vote to use it next monday and voto no four times and then follow up tho good work by voting for the tempo ran co candidate for if we want temperance legislation we need to elect tcmnerance legiola tors tho cry of tho anti prohibition lsts tliat the returned o idlers are going to vote against prohibition is resented by returned men there ore doubtless some who will vote that way but a big majority of returned soldiers are temperance advocates there are too many of canadas best and bravest men among the returned soldiers to be slandered as boose rs mr it dron and mr j blltdn acton spent sunday at mr j bennetts mr wilkinson and family motored from toronto saturday and spent the weekend at their farm here mr and mrs f crnvmon acton visited friends here on sunday ura w a murray and mrs oeorgc nellls visited friends in norval last week mlaa b cooper acton visited friends hero on sunday mr and mm v williamson toronto visited at mr w a murray a lost week mr and mrs alger crippa moffott spent sunday with friends here learn wireless ohirutlnk and win a good salary shawa school 390 yonoe 8u tor onto has the finest set of modern apparatus and gives beat instruc tion at small cost write fqr facts 0 w citkwhon sec yonge el charles st toronto enjoys an excellent reputation for high grade business training and for placing graduates in gpodposltione enter any time write for oat logus w j elliott prlnelpal fall specials at big store provishial elections town hall acton saturday evg oct 18 at eight oclock dr a w nixon liberal conservative oandldsu dr rk anderson hp- and others will address the electors a special invjtatjon is ex tfnded to the ladies god save the kino latest type of tourist cars one of the features in canadian national railways daily service t toronto- winniiwjr vancouver the canadian national dally trans continental train toronto winnipeg vancouver made ita initial trip from toronto with one of the very latest type of steel tourist cars as part of its equipment the first of an order of twenty such cars in whose construction every point has been considered for tho safety and comfort of passengers this modern type of tourist car with anfl telescopic device is of similar doslgn to the standard sleeping coach the exception being they are upholster ed in laathec instead of ptush- klectrtcally lighted throughout all bertha upper and lower provided with berth tamps a new feature for this class of car is that lamps have been installed under tlie seats in the aisles of the car so that whan the ceiling lamps are turned out for the night light may be provided under berth curtains a great convenience fur paasaiurera when going through the car phosphorous push buttons can be readily seen in the lark atiould the passenger require to switch on the light or ting the bell when the berth is in darkness a safety feature introduced device for holding down the upper berth which precludes any possibility of the upper berth closing wnen in usn separate berth curtains are provided so tfuit ltussangers in the upper berths wilt uot disturb imusenger in the tower the kitchen has the latest steel range facilities for washing dishes and lock ers enable passengers to store their food lavatories hare received special sttentlon and provide greater venfenoes than the older type eleotrla thermostatic heating control can be so a dj us tod as to regulate the temperature or the car thus prevent ing overheating thus with the introduction of the dally service of the canadian national unas between torontowinnipeg van oouver bt the added convenience of the very latest type of tourist oars for eeoondclsjm passengers who can enjoy transcontinental trip in every com fort at minimum expense ladies fall winter coats for those ladies who are contemplating the purchase of a new coat ve hereby extend a cordial invitation to inspect our stock we have just received a large shipment of coats in all the newest fabrics and colors the styles are so varied that there are no more than two coats exactly alike and many more come just one of a kind the following will give you a rough idea if what we have to offer but it will pay you to come in and see for yourself in silvertones we have a number of pretty styles in two shades of brown burgundy and navy in velours we have brown taupe co pen burgundy green black and navy these are of best all wool material also other cloths in as sorted colors tho styles being so varied we can only give a brief general description of them there are flaring backs and belted fronts some have allround belts and buckles the collars are mostly convertible and made of self material plush or fur pockets and cuffs come in many pretty syles prices range from 12 50 to 45 00 note our sale in boots is still going on brill co corner mill main fits- phone 167 georgetown v farmsfor sale 150 acres ehin townshitacton 4 miles ospeinge 3 miles 70 ntrvm wurkablt bulsncd nmpls hunti ud swump lands 1 acre oroltard 29 ucrcu full ploughed cluy loam soil plenty of water qood stone house b rooms cistern und summer kitchen oood bank barn 44x64 tie up ib head of cuttle 6 homes box stall and root cellar alone hog pen all cement floors guruge hen ien alio school l mile obgrsb x ml lea rural mall possession march l 19z0 price s10jdoq terms arranged 160 acres erin township 5 miles from acton lift acres workable bulatioe pasture und wood 1 acre orchard cloy loam soli 2 creeks house pf b rooms woodshed good cellar dank bom aoxflo pig mn 4bx30 water in shed wlndmlll itural mail and telephone losoeaalon arranged price aio00- terras arrangsd 300 acres eramosa township bockwood i miles guelpii 6 miles jig acres workable halunce bush 3 acres orchard 70 acres fau ploughed soil clay loam to sandy loam plenty of wulor springs and windmill solid brick itouse 13 rooius good cellar water in house now bank barti looxdo another burn 64x30 barn m pasture farm odxbo water in atuhles school u utile iliurch on tho place four cor iters 1 mile possession arranged price 2200 terms arranged 100 acres ksqdfcslng township acton 3 milks st aire wurkubli balunoa awuw1 und pasture 1 acre orchard 40 acres tall ploughed olity luoni vol i 1 wull urlut house 4 rooms good cutler und kllchon fruit to bum buxs driving shod hchool mile actpn churchns s miles rural mail possession arranged price foyooo terms arranged 100 acres on stone road 1 mile from milton bo acres workable balance pasture 3 acres orchard clay loam soil 3 wells and a spring frame house h room summer kitchen cistern at door bank bam 73x63 tie up 17 head of cattle 6 horses box stall horse stable b0x4s driving shed good new pig pen hen house silo 38x13 hchool and uiuruh 1 mile rural mall and telephone pus session arranged price t000 terms arranged willoiighby farm agency georgetown ontario penmanfj fleece- lined combination suits special at 2i5 mciih elastic rib bed underwear all wool special at 25 each- ladles 11 weight short sleeve v neck turnbulls make a special at 75c tach turnbtutfl combin ations for men win ter weight sizes 34 to 42 a special at 500 suit 1 yds wide lino leum at a reduced price now is the timo to get that floor coyering for your kitchen or living room remember prices are going to be higher this coming season tho regular price of this 4 yards wido english lino leum is 5 oo per run ning yard for ono week only per run ning yard 3z- stanfields underwear stands strenuous wear i 0 ifjgrocery specials soap all kinds bar 9c kelroggs corn flakes 2 pkgs for 25c 8 lbs granulated sugar 100 butter paper tb choice rice 2 ibb corn syrup in bulk and pails 60c 25c mclean mill mill street new advertisements co it ii n utd front i io one headquarters for wedding and kiimiday presents ilogcrn inn llvitar- knlviui 1 orks and hx n kancy ut laat lnnry t bins wo carry tho in oat omulf to ium- in town marriage ctccnoxs losucn vgeo actorft hynds w pbilp teacher of piano violin and othar string intlt- itnt aij0 i ii i ouuan will vlalt alton on wednesday of ruth wuvk until furtlmr uotlo pupils prepared for oonm rvalnri cxamlnatloni mi uuin luft u actum ittcs pukuh oirir will rev prompt attention choice groceries and provisions have you tried mcdousallu for fresh groceries and fresh fruits and night prices mrs jennie mcdougall hill street acton ont let ontarios golden era continue progress performance promise tp we have gives worthy servloe during- tbe trvlaf tlnte of war pay we pot pe njued a pea to serve the est loo falthfally and well in hatteniag- the time of atll freatsr prosperity fo hsppineasr at e have began ao we will ooatlnue fesrlesa la the dlacbarge of duy and ever alert la the servioe to tb peopls coascioaa of oor hortcomjoga sod gratef al for tbe opportunities we us ye pad to serve oar frovlaee ws submit our record wilhconndeace to tbe clealora for their oontlderslloo sad approval ed ask from a united people a mandate to carry oo tbe government of tbu provlaoe turnips wanted fairies mullin wholesale commission merchants arc again purchasing tnr nips for shipment at actoo rockwood and other points we arc paying highest prices for choice stock farries mullin acton kockwood war worjc ontario tare en men z12jk9j n cmtiui lion ij4su i m to kory lous iuo 4j iso ua- taile ptoviilcd so pr cent of jiudi w sort the ootarla cqnmrarnt nt n wr rark ofr 10 000 00 maintained i fagurul tlu nom cfl tiro i tttupind in ti ubrd elub mldtcia in luatwi and fala maj k uf food and una to la ttlolbcr country i laje laria rana to itv- hi it lib ud ctoa ualttuw scrlu illct ami other wurthy patriotic olijrcla on tailu a war effort ha nada lbs mom of oo r e waw education onlarlaa educational ayatem la doixoed to provide ibe taot r0ltnt tralalaat poaiible tar bo boya a m1 ajlila wbo u la ikojch iih futuir cill- w d tlw itatr uojer tbs utlruiip of tbe ulnlatrr uf duration iu eapcnr nkd tiutpo blc i vixaiioiii turtle j i re kaa bc t 1u h tbia granla r rua or ajtl ucb ical and train lri r au tlu jlltr i ntu tvacbeia aalaiw bar bca ralac 1 ati 1 a auper- annuatlqn achen lnau- uialr i thla year ncatlr 04 000 000 1i b rtn em education in ontario hydkoe1hctric llyjro today ibe reirrk o i itu mill slnca lla ucrjtiun hyjio klrcttle baa aared lu tba illy tnllli n al uoltan llyilru itianucxa uniuur 3 0oo0oo h of coal htjo tk lor ant if jouoo bath pnwrr to over 3m ouin- 17s000 io- 6 0o0 jmtarcr tbe 0 lecnalon t blpnnwa u ilcilakji k cal drvrl n t u 00 primpertlvt ill mate do vclofmnriii lu the h le pro lot orcr ijooofioo barae pow acuicuturb tke acrlcnharal uds- duitry in ontario la in a i i iiierou and thriving tt afjxopriatlon in 1904 aaaonaleci tn klijooq in 1919 17s a ltt year tbe ralua di ifae farm protltacti at onlaru ai 1sojxxjjoo im lbs valua tkm aoaa- bi ltd farm aaacta mas o and a half btluoa dpiuia within to lail ibcc jeara ten thou und aim tnoiiaagra bivi ureti ild off encatii atrcorut baa bees extend ed lo rcrr branch nf iba in dun it education baa beco fotmt and tor al condition have bero ira proved agrjcul- tnro baa ircrire tha ar- wm and unrrmlirlnat aj- lenlion of tha govarn- rlnancb la 1m4 ihe ineoruc of ooueio a th 444 000 in 191j it waa 111 iu 30 j i in 1011 it u i9 270131 tbu baa ixcn sccompliabed itbuut re fuitlns to direct lasaliut spaif from iba war ta hiss baa been repeal l out of thla ray eou tha 4trament ha relunicd to tas poplo in laracr rata u0 0d0 for kdncallon 1 a76 2jl fn afrlcullurt tha pablla acrtuxa ban bartt n uircd and aanpla graata haw enabled i m mm t ant put lie dutlea id ba under- tabca hkhwavs goad roada aiu waallfa and com foil n raial lie the hit b way itapcevav mrul pruaaturus of tha ontario fvcr meat la aplillfii t b lb i iban and tual diluu a coiu- puta ayauui of luaila la- cluuliia- provincial ruada pro tclal tuunty roada county roada sad tow- 1 ahlp load with a taiuagf of 13jia0 mllca baa has worked out nnd wuj b conatructcd the eetlrs nvdoi ucatua ravenna wllb a ian amount add- d w1 ba tnent annaalty auou ontario ah uh l arli uln ca ada bubttn malntainedby biad and ilrclua lab r awa un uf iba wutuni coin ixuullon act alooooooa baa been paid out n raid tjknal ao kuaida have bcrn vtnjd- d fur female aiul child labor a minimum wtf in ontario it aocd aid a ill net rrjhcwntali of labor will i u iba cab inet jrea t mpluynjaoi asebdea lave tccq ca- ublubcd and technical education baa been e- hkaltlf on i at in a public health aervlec la not aacalbd u thai continent luhlie health educalloa child oellare military enjin- nia aeririce and tha fire uimiibulion oi ejill- lualia and aartima ha cuitacrvcd ufa and pr- v n i a d epidemic a acheom uf peaalona fa riolbera ii u ba aalab- i abed tba irohncuj hoard of health aupplwj all ihw tynhoid vaccine uad by 10w canallaa hoop u ihe war tbu featnr of tba j ha brought about a aatring f pr iiotuwg rt7 to iba paopla pf b jrp- c p r cleaning irctuilng itopalrliirf your clothes thoroughly cleaned in sanitary workshop pressed and repaired by expert workmen we can make that old suit look like new try us geo wallace ruelph ontario r- rf real estate if you imvo a liuuso roe sl- if you want to buy u liumn in acton eak r- j kerr auctioneer and raal atata oaalai- lhoni as vounq 8trect acton omv wn rstall sale of llqeor tbe protelae waa gives that s bsraotsr of tbe liquor lellstloa of ontario would will of tbe people would prevail tut rsas is ssas so paaaed auapendla for tbe di aooa a lbs mar waa ovec tlie t be aebmittfd to tbe people by kimt fmtjuud lurstloa of tba war lbs hols q as alios of tbe heeieajasa aa last promise greatest poaalbls aaaletsaoe to asrleulture fsltbxal eefoaeeoasnt of tls kerorseduia support of hydro bleetrlei ebesp light snd power for iba fa rsaer convert railway braneb unas iao hydro radiata cood roada la every pari of ontario state psaajon fund for ssqtber direct reprcacatalloa of labor la tbe cabinet a aslai sanaa wa houaiai aeeosimodalioo leglautloa iatplsraeatim tbe aaqiniu of tbe national i ad trial cpsfareaoe coaaldsratloa to rvturaerl aoldisrs wllb cabinet reirete elation hduoalioasl preireaa llcbalasl ad agrioultural instruction improved tranaportalloa le nortltern ontario tisabsr ooaharratfloa bnsour- sateamal a s in s dsvaiapassat ilalarienteal of oaiarlos free publio bealtb aery icy heab3t wfgjmfs ii toothpaste til lvhdt ml t 111 j kltnao i i ht mimb i illu imimlns iu1 ev ciiiij brush iholr otth rululy wt in you glv tnom kivutu exclusive guelph aocnt0 mckees the rtxsll druo btora ouelph ont

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