Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 13, 1919, p. 4

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sty artmt jfr prwkn tiiuhhdav no vkmiiiii 13 iois tin aitow liuot llixnu la published ovary thuraday morning hi 1khui bullillnjr mill titreet acton ontario thn uuhvcrlptloii price la flco per year in ilvaniii roniukd in rtiargod additional to o alcoa in tho unltiml htntlii t1m da to to which euuecrlptlone ore paid fa indlcutod on tho adtlroaa label auviutih1no iiat1ih trminlont nlvertlmmonu 10 coiidi ikii linn ujruto measurement for nrot inaertloii ami 6 iitii pir lino for niirh nuluwmjunnt jjnaortlon con true t iluiptuy mtvii jin miiulu fur 100 iriuicu or mora por am 1c runtii mr lflili oarli in nporjiui illrni of curdlucly advrtrtluomcnui wltliout will imj luikirtod till turlild nnil chaised ii i uook1z lditur and iubllshor some advanced suggestions have been laid beforo the special committee of the international labor conference which now has unemployment under con sideration one calls for an international agreement for the abolition of private ownership of land and property another claiming thax unemployment i due to inequitable distribution of raw materials anks for international action to secure a more equitable distribution of such row materials tiljiionk- imiiirlul wild ii ltuildcjtiu hint iia oflloa editorial prohibition ih evidently spreading over a wide area itcv dr j h jowctt a the ffith avenue presbyterian church new york predicts that scot land will be dry next year that is indeed good news which will he gladly welcomed by the sons and daughters of old scotia in canada many of whom have been most agrcssivc in working for prohibition here the people of towns of actons class who have enjoyed the privileges of waterworks during the years of the post have a full appreciation of their benefits the oakvillc star said lost week the ratepayers of haltons northern town acton on fri day last carried a waterworks bylaw by the sweep ing vote of 203 to 56 there naturally is much re joiaing that the system is now assured and certainly there will never be regrets congratulations should be extended acton haft another chance for distinction the aero club pfoanada has written the free press saying that acton is on one of the aerial routes through ontario and requesting information as to the probability of establishing a municipal aero drome to be operated cither under tho councils direction or to be leased to responsible parties per haps wed better defer entering upon this lofty crttci prise until the waterworks system has been sat id fnctorily insfajledr dorn on the 13th tho iinlgi icy tommy in huuelu wiin tiiuiin hl trotihlcu to ii iiynipnthotln friend no initvio no lollorn no blinking tillnlity no luck nt oil r 1 never mind youll uoon im dfful vm naid tin unlucky mm and if i vrua ileuil now uml on my troy to lluwiiii ill lt id im hrouklit do li nil i ft not hio name tim truii win pulllm into i in et- hon uml tlto kiuttfri rmwdnd to irrt i it ihn imirlman walked ui and dowrn cjllhik kins loorit nlrt klin flronir comime up i an old ifontlcitmii from tin country io ald whl 1o ntoonlni for tho mun a w klnir irrn lr no ulr rcpllrd urn old man you urn mlnlukau im juat plain a lira 1mm mrturthy thc little virtues count lio not if linublcd titiniiiin you linvo not ntt vlrtlliii lad mudo a mil lion iijuiirh if criini wlirre ho made olio lr- thi earth in frlniccil anil iirpcd not with fort in hut with itfuiutea only huvo eunuch llltlo vlr- tum nil rominon iliifllllw and you lined not mourn itcraunc you nrc netth nr a hero noi hulnt floury warl ijeeclu r chinese wisdom i in i in t ijirl duiiko of 1 onion who hud lived moiiik yruoi in chlim mi ill in un uftrriioifn nikhch auyltody who double he wlnulom of tho hliho whould fwl their provrrlm hiivjamt- book of 10000 and the hlivpitrjv ln tl4yrw h lino hi tlni win whh h imyn it in tuttrr thim to nil u uml iruy bulr r mwlftjejfics pr the humble hen is to be given a most important place in the matter of increased revenues for can ada one hundred real egg layers on each of the 750000 farms in canada is the slogan adopted by a poultry club just formed at winnipeg allowing a net profit of a dollar per hen this would mean an annual revenue of 75000000 an elaborate cam paign to forward this project will be waged during the past year it is reported that poultry men who have given special attention to the propagation of utility eggpioducing hens only have made a profit of 200 ro 500 per hen proposal that silent homage be paid to the memory of the glorious dead on the first anniversary of tho armistice was welcomed by the nation the unanimity of tho response was nation wide at ii oclock on tuesday morning the nation ceased for two minutes all work the housewife and the servant in the kitchen the business man in his office the laborer in the field the shopman behind his counter the busman and the cab driver and the men and women walking along the street even the ships on the ocean highways slowed down sod the crews came to attention for a twominutes silence it was an eloquent tribute by a grateful nation parkers will do it iiy cleaning or dyeing restore any articles to their former appearances and return them to you good as new send anytt ing from household draper ies down to iit finest of delicate fabrics we pay postage or express charges one way when you think of cleaning or dyeing think of parkers tho bill to amend tho canada temperance act passed bytiie commons after midnight on saturday leaves to provinces which have prohibited the sale of liquor for beverage purposes the right to determine for themselves whether or not importation of liquor for domestic consumption shall also be forbidden to make the new federal legislation operative to prevent such importations it is necessary first for the provincial legislature to pass a resolution asking the dominion government to hold a plebiscite on the question and second for the dominion govern ment to take the vote and proclaim its result with such a vote as was given on the recent referendum there is little doubt that the people of ontario will vote by an overwhelming majority for a bonedry province when the plebiscite is placed before them the official returns of the election for member of the provincial legislature in this county show that mr j f ford the candidate of the united farmers of ontario received a majority of iq4 this is the largest majority ever given a legislative candidate in haltons history mr ford is surely to be con gratulated upon his exceptionally large majority especially as he had for his opponents two of the strongest men in the county dr nixon and e h cleaver barrister mr ford has much to live up to with such a majority as he secured he is in good company however and the legislation of the new government will not likely be harmful to halton in any respect- very few war bond holders will be liable for in come tax there is an impression abroad that the t4al amount of money invested by any one sub- scriper in the victory loan 1919 will be subject to taxation this impression is erroneous it will be the interest from the investment that will be taxed not the principal invested as a matter of fact very f ow investors in the newjoan will be brought within the scope of the incomewar act by reason of invest ments in victory bonds with small estates and investors the law docs not become effective under 2000 in the case of married persons or persons with dependents and 1000 in the case of unmarried per sons without dependents municipalities and fra ternal societies will not be subject to taxation on their investments in the loan at all the interest from the bonds will not be more taxable than ordin- any income subject to the general law of the land canadas shipbuilding activities have so far proven both advantageous and profitable some interest ing statements as to the governments shipbuilding programme were made by hon c c jiallantync minister of marine last week the business done by the ships built owned and operated by tho gov ernment has been so remunerative that the net profit from their operation during their first year will re pay their cost price if tho government desired to dispose of the vessels mr ballantyne said it could do so now at a profit if the dominion had not possessed a certain number of ships to carry products to foreign countries trade would have been seriously hampered during the present year all tho ships built on the great lakes and placed in ocean service are booked for full cargoes until june next the shipbuilding programme so lor undertaken called for the construction of fiftythree vessels a substan tial number of which have been delivered or will be delivered this year indications arc that this lost week will be farmers week in the volume of victory loan subscriptions this was the experience last year for during the last few days of the drive fanners subscriptions came in very rapidly at tho meeting in the town hall on saturday evening j f ford m 1 i of the united farmers of ontario in his address on the victory loan said i givo it as my sincere convic tion that the purchase of victory borrds is one of the very best things we can do for our nation and for ourselves anyone would be loath to believe that the farmers who of all classes of the community arc most directly interested in a heavy oversubscrip tion to the present loan arc apathetic more than one third of the proceeds of the last loan was spent directly in tho purchase of canadian wheat and other foodstuffs and rcsold to great britain and allied countries on credit that is to say 207750000 of the money subscribed a year ago went into the poc kets of tho farmer and without these heavy pur chases the farmer would have been obliged to dispose of his surplus product at a probable loss the amount that will bo spent during tho coming year in financing credits to overseas purchasers of can adas agricultural products is wholly contingent on tho extent of the oversubscription to this years loannthcrefore if miy farmer is desirous of seeing the present oversea market for hi products main- tafned he will help pile up the total of bond-sub- scrip liana canada may be able to export 113000000 busnels of wheat in 191920 this is the encouraging pros pect based upon figures from official sources can ada requires for home consumption purposes ap proximately 40000000 bushels of wheat and for seeding purposes about 35000000 according to au thorities on this subject the governments estimate that the dominions yield will run about 130000000 bushels makes it appear possible for canada to ex port about 113000000 bushels in 101020 or about 10000000 bushels more than last year and keep a few million bushels for carryover stock on august 1 1920 of course canadas export trade depends largely upon the success of the victory loan sir thomas white exfinance minister for the domin ion drew attention to the importance of this fact when he said that in addition to other credits 170 oq0000 had been loaned to great britain in connec tion with the single commodity of wheat last year this would have been impossible if the victory loan of 1918 had not beerra great success the circula tion of this big sunr meant prosperity to vast num bers of canadians and if good times are to be con tinued canadians must lend of their profits and their savings with equal enthusiasm for the victory loan of this year parcclb may be sent post or fxprc wc pay carriage oneway on all orders advice upon cleaning or dyeing any ar ticle will be promptly givfcn upon request parkers dye works ltd cleaners and dyers 791 yonee st toronto teach the children to save habitn aro acquired early in tifo children who aro taught the valuo of money and tho habit of bavinpr grow up into good business men andcapablo women thocasicst way to teach children to save is to start a savings account for each child 100 each iu budlciont after a child has saved another dollar to mako an additional deposit ho or she will have a better appre ciation of just what a dollar stands for and howmuch wprkandsolfdonialitropresonta th mcrchants bank hudoidcomonlrul of canada esubllhud 1 004 acton branch georgetown branch l b shorey manager h r mimms manager good things to eat mcenery evans have trrything appetizing in meats lambvorsaturday lard now down to 40c a pine new unevot conned goods still getting in tomatoes watch out window for bargains on saturday night prices are alwats right and your child will be oa raithfully served as if you camyoursclf mcenery evans acton meat market main street tomorrow the new premier of ontario mr e c- drury is to announce his cabinet for the new legis lature it is gratifying that there are found avail able ample worthy and able men among tho united farmers and independent labor party who will com pose the new government to form a cabinet well qualified to supervise the business of the province notwithstanding its strong political predilections the toronto world paid this high compliment to the members of the legislature who will compose the provincial government the other day anyone who watched the group of farmers and labor men emerg ing from thetrafternoon caucus must have been im- pressed with their solid intelligent and gentlemanly appearance they gave the impression of being superior to the average legislative membership there is no reason why they should not be they are the- picked men of rural ontario thcikico of the choicest and probably have a higher average of cuclph o a c graduates among them than any similar number of legislative members in other facul ties these men aro independent and successful farmers and that requires resource and initiative these are not arts like reading and writing for special purposes but qualities of character capablo of application in any situation to politics as well as to plowing i at ho present time canadas rating on the now york money market stands higher than that of any foreign nation and it is possible for her to obtain funds on that market on more favorable- terms than any other country the reason for this as any finan cier will vouch is canadas increased production and the prosperity sho has enjoyed by the sale of her surplus products at favorable prices in great britain and europe this vast system of marketing was effected through credits for which victory lor subscriptions provide tho working capital if for instance the public should turn an indifferent car to the victory bond salesmen now at work our pros perity and credit would be impaired our production dwindle and everyone would feel the menace of pov erty there is good reason to hopo that canadians are awake to their responsibility and opportunity tho allusion to canadas high rating pn wall street brings up another phase of tho loan question while canada can borrow abroad on more favorable terms than any other nation it is not desirable that she should do so for that would take large sums out of the country in anriual interest payments u would help build upthe prosperity of tho united stat at our expense it is much more expedient that canadians should themselves bo tho lenders and that tho interest should stay in the pockets of her own people if it is profitable for wall street to loan money to canada it is equally profitable for canadians to loan money to their country children cry for fletchers castor i a flotchere castoria is strictly a remedy for infants and children foods ore specially prepared for babies a babys medicine is even more essential for baby remedies primarily prepared for grownups axe not interchangeable it was the need of a remedy for the common ailments of infanta and children that brought castoria before the public after years of research and no claim hasi been made for it that its use for over 30 years has not proven what is castoria cfiatqiia is n tq substitute for cactorghy paregoric- drops and soothing syrups it is pleasant- it contains neither opium morphine nor other narcotic substance its age is its guarantee for more than thirty years it has been in constant use for tho relief of constipation flatulency wind colic and diarrhoea allaying feveiishness arising- therefrom and by regulating the stomach and bowels aids the assimilation of food giving healthy and natural sleep the childrens comfort the mothers friend genuine castoria always in use for over 30 years thi cimtaui compamv m autumn here is a nip in the air these mornings that must be rather sharp to the man who scrapes his chin when shaving himself if he used a gillette safety razor he would positively enjoy shaving every noming he would look his best at all times and there woui bo no cutting or chafing of the skin furthermore in the time ho now takes to get his old razor edge as near right as ho con ho could finish shaving with the gillette stropping and honing would be a thintf of the past for him that ajono is worth 5 tho price of a gillette safety razor any dealer who ia anxious to supply mens needs will gladly show you a variety of gillette seta see him today if possible wade in canada -gille-tt- known thit world over f estabu5hed 1672 reat britain and her v allies stand eager to buy heavly of canadian wheat foodstuffs timber and manu factures if canada will but give them credit and if canada docs not other nations will be generous subscribe free ly to the 1919 victory loan thi spio donated by thm omrtit if hamilton bank of hamilton georgetown branch g c mackay manager ubt im model 90 easy to handle economical light weight you do not have to sacrifice roominess comfort and beauty in order to save money look into the wide deep scats of this model ninety look at its ample legroom look at its spacious tonncau note how inviting and beautiful every thing is nothing skimped nothing cramped i it has big car performance combined with small car handincss and economy just the qualities you most desire everything for its control is within easy reach and it has complete equipment every thing necessary for maximum service and convenience a the motor is 32horscpower the wheel- base 106 inches and there arc easy riding rear cantilever springs and large tires non- skid rear there is the famous autolite system for electric starting and lighting and the vacuum system fuel feed of finest type come in and sec this model 90 let us demonstrate its many advantages t j speight agent georgetown ontario wlllyaovcrund limited wuvm lud of flc mad work wt toronto ontario touring car modal 90 136000 touring car model 85 j 149500 t partlculara apply to t j speight geor getovvn jas symon acton buy mcre victory bonds business directory tho0 qhav m d- c m- mcjqill i 1l c v lllnbtirnli i- it- i i ltii- hrlunh mnth- ootco krlirl k hruot ailon ntr or j- a moniven phyioun ond ourtjfon wrico und ojjiioiho- corner howe avoriuo mid iicln rurtet tlio rld- enco ftirniorly uoiuuli by i u hon- lcrtii acton out veterinary john lawson veterinary ourqeon aoton ont grail ii a to of ontario vutoilnary cat lo 1880 ofluo arthur ifliok llflnldonoe mill htret oallti i or nfiflil prompt ly attended to harold nash farmer ma- darrittar oolicitor notary public convanyancar etc perrvman block acton ont moniv to ijan v dr j m oell d d 6 l o fl dntiat honor onuluata of toronto un-vor- uy th utaui netiietlo umx if desired olllca ai reidnc comw 1uh jid vroderlck iftrnti miscellaneous marrjaqe licenses h p mpprm luur marwag lie prjrl ofllc no wltncwai r luirad uauod at rotuenef evanlnr vwm pxacmm offle acton oot francis nunan pooktundar account book of ajj kliula mam to order ivrlodkmlb of every descrip tion carefully bound ilullne nsuly nd promptly don wyrmlbam ktrvet oumlfk oot ovr wluian storvt n j kerr lkard flirrf ion r fbr tii countic o flalton wtoc- loa pj md dtifferin ati f city f cujij acton ontario ir jij i th kr4- pre 03r afj wllb w j gordcmc jlrij uakv llufezaarc skjc dtam3 u k j kmt rw- ff gtvas rea trf izn to l at 2m ubc yws- iw wth bw it cajj s t jecheevebs book bin per qube st ea ctiwjply o xmmem lettered in ld oa iuum lljrrau hook and olkv fr all wxrk promauy hi hichmotto 5r wot trmonao canat d alexrniven ontario land surveyor and cvl engjneer survey hutxtlvuicn 1laoa it- portji description tltiiprinta ate ccrtl flea tea fur turliuaerm ul tnortsasoca i survey for archltecta builder and municipal co unci la drliuur hejxjrt hat imateei etc m clean building dougl queuph 1 phono lotti n1 roy hindley auctioneer uvlfi htock itkal- khtat13 anlj ilkjtchandisk illdud phom erin 4t 11 r r 3 acton grand trunk vtiwsl the double track route uktwken montreal toronto detroit chicago illeviiuui rrt on nltfht truhim i ltirlir cum on rluilnl duy tiulii lull information tnin any ormid trunk tl kul im i or o k hominy lutritt idiittenfcor atjut toronto il a holmes affent acton ont phone 13 tho old and reliable granite and marble dealers wo aro munufuctuiorn iiml tllrc importer uf all kind of monumental and lloatfatona vrurk vt eoll ill root to our ouatomure at wholuaulo prloo ttiua uavlnir our cutomure 40 par cent wo have the btut tinnllutioa and tho siily tnoouanlca iti the dominion who c4u1 op a to ptmonmtlo tools properly wo cun elvo reforwnoh from tiundrada of our uilumera in toronto und other plucoa vrlioro uthern tuivo to have law null in uhkt to tollm- w huvo the lurauat attd hunt auxk of ortnlto lit the dominion or inoro thun any throe dealt in tl wmi wr mo logitl- nmto lvuun uml uinpluy no iltfunia and on int unnoy oi lv emu to mora liy nointliitf out unurniit ttitmli aittlolt- luk onliiwu mnploy only lnocruitilcar and doty ooolputluuii hamilton sons cur notwlcb woulwiut hu uuelnfc

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